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•vfra-tifed. »»/ ANTED KNOWN—Tna't tile How * t Zealand Timber Cpmpany are Belling all kinds of TJmbor and Building Material, at the very lowest rates,, Voiy superior Wttlte Kauri, from our new bush, just opened. ANTED KNQVV N-WKAND FESTIVAL MARCH Mid FLIKTA^ TION WALTZ, only Ib<M, at D&mDioißßranch store In the Market. Bo in time. ■ \\r ANTED,, .buyers for Horrock'a A T T Calico. 33d; CroTrdoon'a ,No. 2, 4}d; Towels, 4Jd; Bath Towels, 9d ; 11-4 Honeycomb Quilts, 7a lid; smaller size, fa Cd; Long Lace Curtains, 2s lid pair.-W. H. Bmlth's Cheap Dratf'irt WdrohOuao. . - ANTED"i_HOWW, Mint ,yon can Dreaa well for a small wonK? fayr^ont by goinßWo Munro and Milligan. hoc advertise mont on front page. \VT ANTED KNOWN-That tne TT. Ajj^kJa^a $lmbßr, Company (Limited) aro MannfaoHirors of all description, o( Goods, with superior Machinery ilnd despatoai—Worka: Custom-house-Btroet West . ANTED KNOWN —Towels, 4s&; Turkish do, Od; Turkish' do (our best), 13-yd long. Is 6d; Men'B Summer Coats, 3a and ii fjd (for Chrlßtmas); at Danipior's. WANTED KNOWN-J Cosßravemd Co. arb Soiling Men's Suits of tho Best Bluo Sprite at 25a ed; fashionable make, WANTED, Ladies requiring Cheap Fashionablo Millinery to visit Wm. H. Smith's Cheap Drapery Warehouse. Untrlmmod Straws from 9d j sea our Satin Trimmpd Hats, turned up ono side, with long o'strlcti feather, at 10s Cd. A~N TE D KNOW N, that T. B ARNKTT is Soiling his Homocured Hams for Christmas at from lOd to Is por pound, cash. Com'o early and secure a Bargain, AN"TED7Purchasers for New" Potatoes; Fresh Supply evbry day from our own Farm, Panmuro, in large or small quantltios, at lowest market rates.—Fisher & Co. 11th November, 1881. ANTED KNQWN-That William West, corner of Wyndnam and Albertstreet, Is prepared to Supply the Trade in its dliforont branohos of good Cano Seat and Windsor Chairs. A good Stook of Booch Windsor In store Orders punctually attondod to WANTED, the Litdies to sec the Spodu Bußfc Corsets, 2s and 3s; White Kid Boots, Is Gd tho pair (for Christmas); at JJauipiorl^ WAKTKI), Ladies td see Ottr WashiDg Japanoao Silk in drab, grqy, fiiwn; cardinal, cream, blub, &q., at tho wonderfully low prieo of Is Od per yard,—W, 11. Smith's Choap Drapery WaroHonso, a low doors p»Bt KuabrooK and Brldnmun's. WANTED KNOWN, J. Hnlllriay, t V Hoot and Shoo Maker, is proparod to exoouto all ordors In tho trado; repairs neatly and promptly dono, patchos put on with solution.—Plooso note tho addross, Aborcromblostrcot, fourth shoo from Symonds-stroot. "aInT'TeD KNOWN — uhristraas Bnrfrnins!—Crotonos, ijd; Gronadino Dross Stuir. 3d; Ladles' Whito ICId Gloves, is and lsfld; Black Laco Mittens, la (id; at Dampior'B. ANTED KJNOVVIS, tnat tmTuentrai Freehold Land and Investment Agency has Unmoved to Corner (Juoen-strcot and Vulcan Lane, whero tho Land Bualness in all its branohoa is now oarricd on under the Bpoolai superintondonoe ot Mr G. Frnsor. Valuations mado, surveys for land transfers effected, and titles perfooted ot minimum coat. No ohargo made for roprlßtorlng propprtles for Bale. __ WANTKU, two or tnrco urocurs in Auckland and District to tako tho Agoncy for Nelson,Moate, & Co.'s Pure Blended Toas. Thoso Teas »ro acknowledged by tho Press and Publio to be tho Finont ovor sold in tho Southern llomispliorO) and nro guaranteed free from all scontod toa.—For particulars apply to Nolson, Moato, & Co., toa Blondors and Importors, High-etroot, (Jhriatohnroh. WANTED KNOWN — That \V, N. Hondoraon, Draper and Hosier, lato of Queon-Btrcot, has now opened now premises at Kdon Terrace, noxt Kdon Hall, whore h« will dlxposo of his recent well-assorted Btock of Drapory, Mlllihory, and Fanoy Goods at Buoh prices as will dofy oompotition. 'I'ho Habordaßhory Department is well worthy of notice Christinas Presents and Cards in groat variety, oheap. WANTED KNOWN, that a Largo Asaortmont of Cheap and Good Cutlery is just opened and on Salo at Low Prices. Hollo warn an>l Gonorat Ironmongery; Perforated and Sheet Kino, very low ; Wire Nails, from 2Jd por lb; and a largo assortment of goods at roiuccd pricos to suit tho season.—At C. Witheford's, Parnoll. WANTED, the Public to buy our Mon's, Women's, and Children's Hosiery from id per pair; Flax Shirting from fld; Qalataa Strlyea. tjd; Wliito Striped Muslins, Id ; Washing Prints from 43d; sco our double ■width Black Cashmere at Is 6d; Klch Hevoralbld Lustre at lljd, at Wm. H. Smith's Cheap Drapery Warehouse. . ANTED Known —Knitting Cotton for Christmas, all numbers, Is Gd tho lb; Ladles' Leather Bhhs.iSs Cd; Small Fancy Bntra, Is 3d at Damplor's. WANTED KNOWN—That Professor Gussoott IB the only Original and Practical American Herbalist in the Colony, and alco tho most expensive man to do business with. He requires no information t ho can deolde at a filanco the diagnosis of tho case, thoreby relioviig the nation! of a great deal of nervonsnoßS and hesitation. Try and disprove this if you can. ANTED KNOWN-Tnat J. K. Lambert & Co. have opened an Anction Mart In Wyndham-stroot, ODpaslto tho stah ofllco, for tho Halo of all kinds of Storos and Settlers Produce Consignees acquainting tho above of goods coming either by boat or rail, will ilnd every attention and caro taken, no matter how largo or small the consignment may be. For days of sale. Bee further notice, WAN TKD KNUWn, tnai D. Cinlfllo Is prepared to sell all kinds of Building snd other Timber, Including Hardwood, Spokos Felloes, Iron-Bark and Blue-Gum Shafts, Blocks, Palings and Shingles, at his Yards, Lower Albormtreot, near the Dock, at lowest cash prices. Tho Umber, being nnder hotter than that purohaeed elsewhere "ANTEJU KNOWN, that Mr A. \V. Gardner, M.P.B. Kng., Chemist of upwards of 15 years' exporlonce, and from July, 1880, till September last with Messrs Sharland and Co., has Opened a Pharmacy at 181, Queenstreet (next New Zealand House), for Dispensing Proscriptions, Compounding Family Medicines, and tho supply of Puro Drugs, Pharmaceutical Preparations, and General Domestic Koquialtos. ANTED, Buyers to know they will be well servod at BRIGHTON HOUHR, top ot Grey-strkkt.—Drefs Hoigos, 7Jd ; Alpacas, BJd; Ualatcas, JJrt; 70 inoa Heavy Twill Shootings, Is and 1b 3d; 80 inch ditto. Is Cd; Xjaco Curtains: sew Fringed Imitation Crochet Quilts, 10s 6d, 12s Cd lis Od; Hollands. Calicos at lowest prloes; a large assortment of Undorolotbing, Baby Llnon, Sec. Good Stylos in Millinery. J. Kondell, having no heavy expenses In ront or management to mest, and being satisfied with small profits, can olfor goods at mnoh less than unual town prices. ANTEDTthe Men to sco the Christ"mas lot of Grand Blaok Silk Hoarves for Is, worth double the monoy; Fashionablo Collars, ih& tho box; 7s Blaok Felt Hats, 3s Gd; at Dainplor'B. WAKTED KNOWN — Uunne, Hajl snd Co. beg to Intimate to their customers that they have Removd to the premises lately'oocnpied by Madame Bottenelli, opposite Mo Arthur and Co.'s Warehouse. Having received large addition to their woll- selected Stock, eaon department will be found replete with tho Latost Novelties—Drapery, Millinery, Hosiery, Kid Gloves; a large assortment of Laces, real and Imitation. Ladies wonld do vt oil to trfvo us an early call. No trouble to show goods. Special attention is called to a lot of Spring Jackets, in light colours, selling at a great saoriflco.—Dunno, Hall and Co. ANTED, tho Public to inspect H. Walte'B stoak ot Baths, Toilet Cans Slop Palls, Show Canisters, Dairy Goods, and every description of Tinware (japanuod, pain tod, figured, and plain); also, Vruit, Jam. Meat, Baking Powdor, Insect Powder, Coffee, and Pepper Tins, &c, &0. H. Waite having fitted up his Factory, and imported the latest machinery, is now able to keep a large stook of the above on hand, and as everything 1b conunanced and finished on the premises, he can sell lower than any other manufacturer in tho colony. H.W. asks a fair field and no favour.—H. Waite, Wholesale and Retail Tinsmith, Iron and Zino-worker, next old Polloe Station, HlghBtreet. vy/" ANTED KNOWN. CHRISTMAS and NEW YKAR CARDS In great variety at the following pricos: Id, i for 3d; 2d, i for 8d; 3d, 5 for Is: dd,4 for 1b ; 6d,4 for Is Cd, and so on; extra good value; aioo assortment. Also, Birthday Cards, Perfumed Sachots, Silk Wo veil Bookmarks and Tranfers, equally cheap. Liberal reductions to shopkeepers. C. MAOK AY. Bookßeller (late Maokay Bros.), Junction of | Queen and Grey-streets, and at Branoh Shop, Corley's Buildings, Hobeon-street, near Wel-lßßley-Btroet, WANTED KNOWN.-CHKIBTMAS PRESENTS AND NEW YEAR'S GIFTS,—To meet the Increasing demands of the Beason, an immense arrival o£ New and Most Attractive Goods have been received at the London Aroade. An unprecedented display ot tho Greatest Novelties ever eeen in Auckland are now arranged on the attractive stalls, classified and marked in plain figures at prices within the reach of all. The Arcade is opened dally at 9 and oloscd at 9 (except on Thursdays at 6 and Saturdays at 10.30). Inspection Invited. In this establishment the useful and ornamental aro combined, forming the most attractive and unique display in the colony, unequalled either In the low prices charged, the magnitude or class of goods offered. 13.000 Christmas and Now Year Cardo, ranging in prioe from Id to £1. Sco the live windows, filled with now goods, weekly roplaced. Regular shipments por Orient and P.O. steamers.—London Olhca, 58, St. Mary Axe,—Sou Goodbon'h .London Arcade. ______ A*/ ANTED K. JN O W JV, I HAMS AND BACON FROM TUB BEST CUKEBS, AT LOWEST MARKET PRICES. T> E W'S, Victoria-atreet. UriICAL BOXES, with all the Latest Improvements.—Angelo Forrest, Auckland Masio Warohouso. /GOVERNESS.-Wanted, after Cllrkt \JT mas, a young Lady to take charge of and teach three children, ages from 6j to 9 years; must be willing to make herself useful.—Apply, in first instance, by letter, statins: acquirements and salary required, to Mrs Tebbs, St. Matthew's Pareonage. TTJOBSON COUNTY COUNCIL. Wanted, a Clerk or Secretary to undertako tho duties in connection with the business of the Council. Meetings held alternately at Matakohe and Toka Toku; seven meetings at least a year. Applications, stating salary required, to be sent in not later than 3!st December to the County Council Office, Te Kopuru, Northorn Walroa, V. W. MATTHEWS. Chairman!

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Auckland Star, Volume XII, Issue 3546, 17 December 1881, Page 3

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Page 3 Advertisements Column 3 Auckland Star, Volume XII, Issue 3546, 17 December 1881, Page 3

Page 3 Advertisements Column 3 Auckland Star, Volume XII, Issue 3546, 17 December 1881, Page 3


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