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I Waafed.Trtr Allil: tf B N 0 W & At Datnpior'a NKW SHOP, Hob'son-Bitr'eot, 6ext bis old oorner,' yictorfa-Btreot, ho has the following FriiSH New Gor'Sb In Christmas Presents:— ; . i u< Toys—A groat vatfoty of Moveabla Figures ft MJ)n,Ai s lraals,&o.,2d;M»ntolpiepoOrnam6pt9.2d (no higher prleol i Bresa Polls 3d,;. Rattles, 2d; Dresaed, Figures. Cd; forgo Jmi&Uoji Stuffed Birds, fid; large Parrots, Cd; TrurcpotfU<L and Bd;,nearly ,80 doz good-sized Pretty Vv\,oSen Double Mpney Boxes, with, look and key, Cd ; largo Berate, Mi Gymnastic Toy», Cd; nice lot Boys'Topa,2d; Musical Tons, fid; Wax Dolls with hair. Cd: Balls, 3d to ST; Oah% 04, to la 6d; Toa Sets, Od to 2a6d; large Horseu, HW-W 1 3d: Maglo Lanterns, Is: Birds on whepls, Is and 2a 3S; Draos Soales and Weights, lod; Far,m yards, Is; Dolls: Huts, JOf; Skipping, Ropes,Cd; Cards of Tools, 6d; Fop Gilno, id to fld; &0., fro. Fancy Goods.—Commencing wfih Mienevwlnvented Organn, from £2 5s to dl earth. They play, at present, G tnnes each, but anyone can eoleot other tunes to be added to. thorn for Is 3d ouoh extra. They are boactiful munio and a great novelty. Filled VVprkbof.eß, la to 3s | Writing Desks, Is 3d; aorao AlDums, JOdond Is.; Photo Frames, 3d: vory large Handsome Car7,ed Mirroro, Is Od and 2i 3d; handsomo Cigar and M^toh stands, Is; Pipe Hacks, 9d: Oarved Braokets, Is,; Match-Btrikers, 4d; Ladies' Bags, Is 3d and 3a 6d; Handsome Tobacco Jars, Is; good Clothes Brushes, Is; Soont, Id to Od; Barry's Tricopborous, la 3d tho bottle; Hair Brushes, lOd, Is fid, 3s Od; Nail do, 6d; Albums, Is to 3s 3d; Pin Trays, 2d to tfd; Hair Combs. 3d and Gd; Toilet Sets; dafid; Gonta'Stud Suiteu, Cd; Brown Windsor Soap, 12 oakoa for Is; J-10 Barn of do, 3Jd; J-lb Bars of Glycerine Soap, 4jd; Honey Soap, 10 oukca for Is; Purses, 4d and Cd ; Ink, Id the bottle! good Npto Paper, 5 quires, lOd; Envelopes, 2afor2d; Turkoy Sponge, Is; good-sized Framed Pictures, 2d; Scrlpturo Ornaments, 2 for Id; Silk Masks, Is; Steel Watoh Guards, Id and Gd; Note Books, Id to id; Pocket Lodgers, Is; Handsome Shell Boxoa, la; Glass Croam and Sugar Basins, la tho pair j Water Bottlo and Tumblor, Is tho pair; Handsomo Vrbos, 3d and la; Bracket Book Shoivos, U; Umbrella Stands, 3a Gd and 5b ; Glove Boxes, Is; Painted W»Bflstiindß, Soroons, &c,. &o, Boqks.-I oan aßSuro my friends that those who arc competent to judgo will agree tl'at they are handsomely bound Good Now Books, and Wonderful Bargains, and nearly all published by Mosars Blaukwooa and Co. Charades, 2d; lurtfe do, Is Od; Cooper's Novels, all Gd, including Tho Path Finder, The Laat of tho Mohicans, Tho Prairie, Tho Wator Witch, Homeward Bound and Kvo Kfringham, &o. Pearl Library, allOd, including Kitty Lamoro, Living for, Appotranco.', Woddlng GlovOß.TheTwo Brothers, Fair and False, I low Trainod, Mrs Cruiser, Tho Captain's Daughter, Wodding Gloyos, &o. A larpo lot of Zs Gd Novels for Is Gd, including The MMtor of Klvorswood, Undpr Currents, Tho Man about ToWn< Homoward Bound, Tho Vicar ot Wakofioid, WctUinß Kings, The Honoymoon, Tho Life of d Beauty; The Captain's Danghtor, Hoaamond Ur^y, A Woman Scorned. Disgraco of the Family, Tho Country ot th 6 Dwarf*. Tho Three Cousins, A Winglosb Angol, ConfoßSionß of a Horsodcaler, SkoicheO Of London Ltfo and Character, BackWard Uanges, Tito Jesuit, Tho Broach of Promlso, Balloon Travols,Ghoico Tnles, Lives ef Brltieh Admirals, True storios o( KlcharS. 11., A Briton Abroad, Tho Brido Kleot, Tho Kirtg Of tho Conquerors, Tales from Operaß, Willis tho Pilot, Tho seven Champions of Christendom, Miss Brown, Tho Swiss Family Robinson, Voyages and Adventures, My Pretty Cousins, The Vampire, Tho Marrying Man, Poriia by sea and Land, 'I ho Kn&hnnted Houso. Feathers and Pans,Tho HlU.Hluchbrldgo.Hauntod, Lady Neville; Kyangellno, Tho Ticket of Leave Man, Ldrrio Uttlewood, The Widow Married, Wild Oats. Amy Moss, Lord Colllngwpo'd, also tho following largo elegant books : Willies Lessons, 9d; Two Wishes, 91; Lost Day. fld; Falsa Gii ides, 9d; Infant Magazine Is Gd; Book, of bporta, Is fid; Vessels and Voyages, Is Gd; Humorous Papers, Is 3d; May Ogilrio, Is 9dj Wandering Willies Tales, Is 9d: Legend of a Lar«o Mouth, Is Hd : C'ruiokshank at Homo, Is 9d ; London Tales, la Gd; Bluo Byes or Brown, Is6d ; Modern Astronomy, Tho Ornaments Discovqrodj Tho Helping Hand, 2b : That Hnßbitnd of Mino, Is 9d : Cfelobs in search of a Wife, 2s; Old Tostamont History, Is 6d; Tho Front King, ls'9d ; Tho Gift ot Frlondshipjls Gd ; Tho Golden Treasury, Is fld; The Life and Exploits of Lord Dundonaldi Anocdoten ,of Birds, Fishes and luaects, 2a; Famous Kegimonts Of Britinh Times, 2s; Heroes of Missionary Enterprise. 2s; Emorson's Orations, la Gd : Making Haoto to be Hich. 2a; Rising in tho World, 2s; Men who ila*e Mndo Thonißolvcs, 2s ; Choioo Tales by Arthur,2s; Uoblneon Orusoo, 2s; Ton Nights in a Bar-room, 2s; The Laird.o Hotura, Is fld : Days at Muriahd, 2s : Threo Years in a Man Trap, Is Od ; Tho Haudof God in Hlßtory, Is Cd ; Wanderingp of a Pilgrim, lo Cd: Mamma's Bible Stories. Is Grt; a Wlngioss Angol, 2a; Debtor and Creditor, 2a; Stories about Animals. 2s; Parley's Travels and Voyaxos, la Gd; Pearla of Shakespeare, la 'Id; Myatorlons Parchmentß, 2a; Tho Mythology of all Nations. Is 9d; Biches have Wings. 2a; Retiring from Business, Keeping up Appearances. 2s j tho Young Stndom's History Book, 2s; Lito and Travels of Humboldt, Prlnco Charlid 2s; tho Missionary in Many Lands, 2a; Stories of the I'oninsula war, 2a; Hndibras, la 9d;tho Karth, 2s; Charactoristicaof Animals, 2s; Komarkablo Scones of tho Bible, Curiosities of Physical Geography, 2s; Popular Boot on Botany, 'is | Half-hours with our Famed Poete, 2a; Booohoru Lectures to Young Men, 2a; Wonders of tho Deep, 2s; tho Yonng Christian, 2a; tho Swiss Family Koblnson, 2s; Morcantllo Morals, 2a; Illustrious Women, 2a; Poetio Wit, 2s; Dogs and their Sagapity, 2a; Memorable Women, 2a; Our Examples, 2s; tho Arabian Nights. 2s; Kvidoncos of Christianity. 2a; Scripture History. 2s; Lcavos from tho Book of Nature. 2s; Natural History of Animals, 2s; tho Hani of God in History, 2«; Kacta and Hints for Kveryday Llfo, Is fld; Things You Ought to Know, In Od; Robinson Crusoe, fia | Pootloal Works of Gray, Boattio.Blalr, Collins,Thomaon.and Kirko Whlto (all In one). 5a Gd ; Lifo ot tho Dnko of Wellington, 5a 3d j Tho Completo Works of Oliver Goldsmith, Sa 3d ; Mantcrplecea of Foreign Litoraturo, 6s; Remarkable Voyagca and Travels, Sa 3d; Masterpieces of Fiction, da; The Conipleto Concordance of Holy Borlpture, is Gd; The Arabian Nights, 5a 3d; Poetio il Works of Chaucor and Crabbo, sa; Discourses upon the oxlateheo and attributes of God, 4s 9d; All tho Year Hound, is ; Tho Day of Host, 6s ; Sunday at Home, in calf, 6»; People's Maga-zine,-Is; Once a Week, 3a: Family Treasury, 63; Good Worda, la Gd; Golden Hours, 5b Gd; Sunday Magazine, la Gd; London Society. 5a Gd; Chattor Box, 4s: Sunday Readings. 3h Gd; &c, &c. Largo lot of Sheet Piano Mutic, 3d and Gd. also Masses, Gd to 1" Gd, and Violin strings, 4d i Silver, do, Gl. Also 3 cases more of New Hooks and Music, juet arrived per Looh Urr. N.B.— Many ot the above goods may also bo obtained at my Branch Store City Market. Ironmongkry.—Tho usual sized Tomahawk, Od; Scissors, 4d ; Corkxorews, Id; P«dlooke, Id; Gimblots, Id; Sheath Knives, 8d; Large Caßhboxes, ss; Steel Watoh Guards, 4d and Gd; Lamps, 4d; Pen Knives, id to Is 3d; Candlesticks, Gd; Washbowls, Is; Block Tin Teapots, 2s; Tin Trays, Is Gd: Tea Canisters, Is; Coffee Pots. Is 3d; Tea Bottles. Gd; Kettles, Is Gd to 2s Gd; Tin Money Boxos, 2d; Slop Palls, 2s 6d; and a largo lot moro of Ironmongery and other Goods, W. H. DAMPIER. ULASSWojhKS, Freeman's Bay.— Wanted Known, that wo are Soiling Confectionors' Jars at Is por lb. Wo have in Stook : Cake Shades, Fißh Globes, Chimnoys, &c Tho highest prico given for Broken Glasa.-M. Cook And Sons. rpO PAINTERB.— Wanted, at once, I some good Brush Hands—Apply on the job, throo doors baiow Preßbytorlau Church, Ponsonby, to Goo. Sinaett. rpo PALNTEKS.--Watitcd, four good 1 H«nds at 8 a.m. on Monday morning,— Thomas Webb^Kden Terrace. ___^___ KGANIST.- Wanted, an Organißt for tho Kpiphany Churoh, Newton.—Apply to tho Ilov J. Uauelacn, Mount Albort. Bankruptcy JNonces. IN THE SUPREME COHHT OF NEW ZKALAND, NORTHERN DISTRICT. IN BANKRUPTCY. In tho matter of " Tho Dobtors and Creditors Act, 1876," and the various amendments thereto, and of tho Bankruptcy of Siwibi, Sr,A.TKK, late of lanioil, but now of tho City of Auckland, Boardinghouse Keeper, a Debtor. It is horeby notified that at tho First Mooting ot the Creditors of the said Samuel Slater, held this day, at the hour of 11 o'olook in tho forenoon, In the BulldiDg of tho Supreme Courthouse. Auckland, Thomas Macifarlano, of Auckladd, Certificated Aocountant In Bankruptcy, was duly elected Creditors' Trustee of the property of the said Samuel islatcr; and that the said Thomas Macifarlano has intimated to the Registrar, in writing, his acceptance of the said ofnoe. Dated at Auokland, this 16th day of December, 1881 ' G. W. BASLBY, Deputy Registrar. Samukl, SliAtku, Debtor in Person. Drapery. T^T O T I G E. At tbo .Edinburgh House, Newton, O. COUITS has commenced a Cheap Sale of Men's Clothing, Tweeds, Shirts, Tios, Hats: Ladies Dross Stuffis, Skirts, Laces, Ribbons, Hosiery, &c, Salo to conclude 14th January, 1882, Terms Cash ijURE IN UPPER SYMONDS-STKEJtT. GREAT CLEAEAHCE SALK OF DRAPERY. J. GILMOUK Wishoß to inform his Castomors and tho PnbUo that ho will sell off the Salvage Stook at his Temporary Premises, on the sito of tho late fire. The Sale will commence on Saturday, the 17th instant, and continue until the stook be sold. The Goods are new, and onl> slightly damaged, and consist principally of tho following lines :— Black Alpacas and Lustres, Coloured ditto, Coloured, Plain, and Figured Velveteens, lfrenoh Merinoe, Beiges, eerges, and DroBS Goods of various kindß, Prints, Shirtings, Tweeds. Umbrellas, Gloves, Hibbons, Embroidery Men's White and Coloured Dross Shirts, Working ditto, Hatr, Ties, and Clothing. The prices will bo far below what tho Bame goods oan bo bought for in Qaeon-street, and it will bo well worth purchasers' while to boo for themselves. Goods marked lowest prico in plain figure c. J. GILMO UR. i^KOUNu LIMB, "* GROUND LIME. FOB SALE SOUTHGATE'S Mahukangi Hydraulic Ground Koohe Lime, in any quantity, for Concrete, Pathß, Floors, Cellars, etc. (next to Btone flagging, is unrivalled for durability and hard-Betting qualities). For tanks and other wet work it is a first-cliujß muter B, KEAME, SOLE AGENT, ' CUSTOMHOUSK-STREET,

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Auckland Star, Volume XII, Issue 3546, 17 December 1881, Page 3

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Page 3 Advertisements Column 4 Auckland Star, Volume XII, Issue 3546, 17 December 1881, Page 3

Page 3 Advertisements Column 4 Auckland Star, Volume XII, Issue 3546, 17 December 1881, Page 3