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W&nte'a. WANTED KNOWN-i)ampier; s New I Shop, Hobaon-sireDt; next liia old corner of Viotorla-Btroot, Is ndw open. Particulars in the Largest "Wanted" that ever appeared 111 thb Stab, AW TED, a rcsjlecfftblo liirl to assist id hou&owork • Bdiall family.—Dr. Kvaris, Pltt-Btreet. ANTED, st respectable Ntirfleplri', to Sloop at home,—Apply to Mrs Drake; Royal Mall Hotel; Victoria^street WANTED, a good StOnetlresser; also, two Plok and Shove! M*n.—Works; Fo:t-streot. WANTED, a General Servant.—Apply to W. C: Dentteu; MacHlno DouOt, Qaecn-Btreoti I \\fANTJSP, immediately, A Youilg Gifl T T 16 or 17,t0 assist in a shop; dutioa Ugflt. -Apply G. 3: Skinner, Newmarket. W" ANTED, a steady Farm Hand, two Handy Men, and two Strong Bojb.-H. Vdy, Mount Kden; Y\7ANTED> a respectable person to VT A dopt a Baby Girl, iii good ho-.lth, four months old. KntlMly given upi—For addroas apply btah oQloo. WANTED Known—Muslin Window Curtains, JJd the yard; Crochet Antimacoasors, la; very largo do, la Cd ((or Christinas ; at Dumplor's; ANTED, a Man and Wife to rq partners In a Dairy Farm; no oapltal required; also General Servants'.—Apply Mrs Ken wick's Registry. ANiEDT a Strong Boy;- W, S Jonos, Saddler, Queen street ANTED, Mowers.-Apply at this olllco. \\l ANTED, a competent Farhi Servant. T T Must bo ablo to plough, &o, • Married man prnforrod.—Apply to F., olllco ot thla papor. WANTED, Assistants as Improvers and Apprentices to thoDressmaklng.-r-Apply at onco to Mios Deloney, No. a, Hoffman's Buildings. ' VVr ANTED, a good General Servant.— » » Apply at llondorßoii'B, Kdon Terraco. VV ANTED, a Rood Barmaid for the T T Miißotim Bar, Ocoidontal Hotel.—Apply shnrp. WANTED, a competent Dressmaker for thp suburbs.—Apply to Wru. MoArtllur and Co. WANTED, immediately, a good Goncrai Servant, where, another la kept; Rood Wages.—Apply Mrs a. Jackson. Hoinuorn. WANTIjU, a Youth for thb Smith's Shop.-Cousins and Atkin, Klllottst. Y\7ANTBD, two Tailors lor Napier.— *' Wm. Mo Arthur & Co. WANTED, Two Labourer.-, for Survey Party. — Apply at onco. Wynyard Houset Hnen crosont WANTED, two good Carpentors.— Apply on wdrka next Burcholl Ilros,, Ponaonby Uoad. WANTED, a respectable Boy, for tho country ; who Cun milk.—Apply this oftlco, 10 o'olook Monday morning. AiMTJKD, a good General Servant; ono who can cook and wash.—Mrs Datger, Mount Kden. \», r ANTED by a trustworthy Man, EmT T ploymont in a Htoro or place ot trust; constant work more on obloot than wages.— Apply star oHloe. WANTED, at once Smart Uoachruan, town : must bo sober and steady.—Mrs Klamore'a Regletry. ghortland-Bti eet WANTED, a Man, younc or middleaged, ablo to milk,—Apply Melbourno Storo, cornor ot PUt'Stroot, Newton, at I) in tho morning. ANTED, a Kcspeclablo Girl to assut in housework.—Apply at Mrs Herbert 11. Smith's. Alma Villa. Chapel-streot. WANTKD, two Kespectnblc Boys about U.—Herbort H.Bmith's, Wrought Iron Oven and Rango Mauufaotory, Auckland iron Work,. ' WANTED. aßoodTook, aiaoTHouscmaid, for a private family near town.— For address apply this ofllce. \\J ANTED, Improvers and Apprentices T T for tho Dressmaking.—Apply at Henderson s, Kdon Terrace. ANTED, a smart intelligent Boy at Dunns, Hall and Co.'s, Queen-Blreot; roferenceß required. WANTED KHOWN—The usual price for 2-oz Reels of Black Throafl is, I bolioyo, about Is 2d; the Christmas price la Cd tho Heel; 50 yard reels bilk. Id; at Damplot's. Wf ANTED, a Bedroom (furnished), V T with uso of kitchen, by a lody,—Addieaa W., this olHoe. WANTED to Let, a Furnished Bedroom, with washing and oooklng, 5j per week, near the Hallway Station.—Apply Stab olllce. \\T ANTED, Situation as useful man, to T T work in garden, or1 any goncrai employmont—Addreep, W.G., this ofllce. WANTED, the Public to call and see the liivo Sea Serpent, frum FIJI, at tho Occidental Hotol. WANTED, a General Servant.—Apply Glasgow Bakery, Wellington-street. ANTED, Music Pupils by an Experioncod Tcaoher. Terms: £1 la. po, quarter.—Addroas." Mrs PattoraOD, Mona Vlow Karangahapa Road." WAN TED KNOWN, that a Handsome Prizo will bo given to the highest scorer In 6 shot? fired dnricg ths prcsout week at Hazard's Shooting Gallery, 163 Queen-stroot, \\f ANTED KNOWN-Black Silk, Is TT lid; and Black Batln. 2s 6d and 3a M, this Christmas; Black Kid Gloves, la id and Is 6d: Ladies' Lisle Gloves, id; at JJampler'a. T\7"ANTED, hy Married Couple, Situ- ¥ T ation; man, first class cook, wife, kltohen mold; country prefered. 12 month reference frfllfi last situation.—Address "H.S.W," olllco of this papor. WANTUD, early in January, an oxporionced Servant; mußt be a good plain cook and laundress* Wagoß,l2s per neck. —For address apply this office. WANTED, a first-class Saddle Horse; well broken and qulot; about 15.2; bay, with black points preferred.—T. Belcher, Upper Queen-Btreet. WANTtD, a Working Partner in an established manufacturing business in Auokland, with a capital of £250; no previous knowledge of the buslnoss required, but must bo a steady man. Mono hnt principals need apply. —Address A.Z., Post-office. Auokland. \\7 ANTED KNOWN—There are 500 V T pairs of good Tweed Trousers to be sold at J. Cosgrave and Co.'a, for 6a lOd per pair. ANTEITTKNOWN^The evenings are often oold at Christmas, so Ladles will do well to wear one of the Grand Faßhlonable Ulsters for 5s 6d, at Dampler's. . WAN'l'£.u, orders lor onr famous Troogers to measure, at 13a 6d: also, the wondrout* Ssa eaitß. Orercoata from 40s. Marvellous value at J. D. Phillips', Cheap Tailor, 170. Queen-street. WANTED KNOWN-The Cheapest and Most Durable Dress in Auokland ianow selling at J. Coetrravo and Co.'s for 3a Gd, 10,000 yarda dresa ataff, 7jd. WANTED, Everyone to see tho Splondid Show Windows of Coßtnmoa. Millinery, Fancy Goods, Men's Clothing and Hats at William Rattray's, Contral Drapery (Varehouse, 178,180, and 182. Qucun-gtreot. ANTED KNOWN, that E. Mitchelson & Co., No, 19. Qneen-stioet Wharf, aro selling Maize, Oats, Bran, Sharps, Flour, Oatmoal, &c. &c, at lowest market rateß. ANTED, Country Storekeepers to order Goodwin's Baking Powder from their Merchant. One trial will satlafy the most fastidious of Its purity. Sold everywhere, in half-pound tins, at Is 3d. Weight and quality guaranteed. WANTED, persons wishing to dispose Of Properties to furnish me with particulars. No sale, no charge. Cheap Building Allotments and Small Cottages find a ready sale.—D.F. Kv»ne,Kstato Agent,next "Herald,' Queen-Btrot t. ANTED—Come and see the Christmas Bargains, including Calico, 2Jd and ii the yard; Pompadour Prints, sd; Ladles' Hoso, 3jd; Men'a Hooka, 3d; at Dampler'g. AM£D KNOWN.—City Loan Office, 286, Upper Queen-street will advance money In sums of from la to £50. on Watches, Jowoilory, Plate, Clothing, So., &c. N.B.—Side entrance from Wakefield-stroet. —8 A.ABIIKK. ANTED KNITwN-J. Cosgrave and Co. are large importers of Manchester Goods,' which are now dnty free, comprising Sheetings In all widths, all the Newest Makes In Calicoes, Shirtings, Prints, etc. ANTED KNOWN—Sterling Silver Jowoilory for Christmas presents—A very choice assortment ot newest designs juet unpacked by Charles Kelsey and Co.; also, Bound and Sons' Reliable Kloctro-platod Ware. —Two doors below T. and S. Morrln's, Ironmongers^ WANTED- Como and see the Christmas Holiday Bargains 1 including Klbbons, Flowors, Soarves, Hats, Perfumery, Brooches, &c, &0,, at Dampler's. mANTED, Town and Country UusTT tomera desiring to save money in the purchase of Drapery Goods to visit Wm. H. Smith's Cheap Drapery Warehouse, 300 & 302, Upper Queon-Btreet. cornor of Alexandra-st. ANTED—Everyone to know 1 havo Ladles' First Quality Hunting Genevas, warranted five years, £3 each.—F. H. Lewisson, opposite Union Bank. Auckland. WANTED, from 3 to 6 Acres of Grass Land, with dwelling-bouse, etc, on ItApply, Btating terms, to Lambert; and Co., Wyndham-street YTTANTED KNOWN that the Victorian TT Loan and Discount Agency's Advertisement appears on Ith Dane, Bth column. ANTED KNOWN—That J. Co?----gravo and Co. have the Largest Stock of Hats In New Zealand to choose from, and are , now Selling at Half-price. ' WANTED Known-Christmas Boots I , —Ladies' Bewn Prunella Boots, 6s 6d; real hand sewn do, Ss: Kid Boots, in 6d and Ss ' 6d; Infant's Bhoes, Is 6d, at Dampler'a. j T\7"ANTKD, the Public to JKead my i T T Advertisement on Front Page of Stab, 1 JO H N LO W American Portrait Rooms, 13 Grey-Btreet. WANTED, Ladieß to know that T. i t McMa&ter is Reducing a Fresh lot ot ( Dress Materials to 4Jd yard. , 1 WANTED to Bell, Mixed Paints in ° gallon tins; Kauri Oil, 2/9 per gallon ; ( Priming Paint 5/Bp_er gallon.—Atkinson & Co., -\ Freeman's Bay; Wholesale Agents, Messrs S, , Porter & Co.

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Auckland Star, Volume XII, Issue 3546, 17 December 1881, Page 3

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Page 3 Advertisements Column 2 Auckland Star, Volume XII, Issue 3546, 17 December 1881, Page 3

Page 3 Advertisements Column 2 Auckland Star, Volume XII, Issue 3546, 17 December 1881, Page 3