N.Z. FARMERS' CO-OP. ASSOCIATION. t *•*-"""■ ■'"■ " ' . || - j NEW SEASON'S JAMS, PICKLES, SUITES,- | l ■ i and many other grocery lines I I L from Now Zealand's most rep ut- f§ g ■ & jjr able makers. These goods con- if I ' r.onn to the usual high standard g a I . of Dominion-made commodities- $ I ;uul are cheaper, .fresher, than It B 1 - the imported article. | € 1 Tn tliis and every other'depart- | _ I ment of our establishment || : t . ■ slocks arc being so quickly § ■3 ■ *5k a ■ I timed over that you will exper- •■ ' ; I U ieiice the greatest pleasure and |j a J; ad vantage in dealing exclusively $ ' ' with us. n I r • I' I The Best Grocery Service obtain- || s C able—at I ,I I v : I M®w Zealand ■■ ' | £ l ; | ' .Akae'oa* J
PUBLIC NOTICES. . " " PUBLIC NOTICE. j : -v-OTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, lhat . j> a ny person tourd Wilfully , ;. VHma"inL' the Swans on the Akaroa ■ JuuW WII.LBE PROSECUTED with the full rigour i>£ the Law: ■ f F. DAVIS. ! ~""banks peninsula rabbit i BOARD. j I? INAI. NOTICE -U hereby given I' "that ALL RABBIT RATES! UNPAID on JULY 21st will be SUED j ' for without rurthet application. JOSEPH WALLACE. Secretary, j m Cashcl Street, Christchurch. ! . - - i DISSOUTNG OF PARTNERSHIP.: ''" \A r F- U. Public Notice wo have DISSOLVED Ihm nil n-counts owinp to the ii-m of Smiih anil Truman, En-ine;:n.. Akaroa.. In; ■.settled by' SATURDAY. July 17th, 1920. (Signed) DIGUY SMITH. ,[. ,S. TRUMAN. BLOUSES. BLOUSES. BLOUSES. '\,\\\ DUNN will arrive in Akana JS'L on j u ly l',)thv,ilh a Sine selection I)!" crepe do cher.o. ;-.i-.d silk blouses. '■' MSlfiMii MliSi! Established lO' 1 -^ ■;■' LARGEST MUTUAL LIFE OFFICE IN TH.E BRITISH EMPIRE. Best Bonus Paying Office in the : ■ , V/orlc! ! Funds t41.ii7..15!8. . Reversionary Bo'".r,s.s li)U) .^.OTO.OtO, DISTRICT AGENT (Ord. Dcpt.) j ffi a Hα Mewtoiß? i 'Phone IoD, AKAROA. ! Po.lal—l2 Sv'lwyn St.. S|iv.-\ u-n. : Chi'isU'hurch. mi«E AND WAGES BOOKS. Wo are just preparing ?. new stock of Time and Wages Books, required ender the "Factories Act 1903," and can supply same at lowest current rates. We shall be pleased to receive orders for same'at onco. E. M. JACOBSON, Manager, "Akaroa Mall,"
t ". BANKS PENINSULA POWER BOARD. LAKE COLERIDGE ELF.CI'iUC , POWER SCHEME. A Meeting of Ratepayers will be held on TUESDAY, July 13th ai the Akarnn Oddfellows'' Hail at. 7.KG p.m. when Mr J. 11. Templin. engineer for the Peninsula ElectricPower Board, members of the Power Board will address the ratepayers on the Electric Power Scheme. ARTHUR GOQDWIN. Chairman. Bank? Peninsula Electric Power Board. THE BANKS PENINSULA : ELECTRIC-POWER BOARD. TN THE MATTER o!' "The ElectricPower Hoards. Act 19LS" and of 1 "The Local l>r.«iicri Loans Act i H)i:'"' ;ind Hi: , Ads amending the samp ;■ expect ively li]iUßLK.' NOTICE is hereby given * that a Poll of tha Ratepayers ; milled to vote in the Banks Penin-L-uia Electric-power District will be taken >>n Thursday the twenty-second day i>P July. 1!.'20 on the proposals of the said Board as already advertised in the "Akaroa Mail" newspaper to . i-ivsc a special Iran of UOO.OOO. for Hie purpose of Ihe purchase and corsl riii-tion •of electric works within tiv !)isti'icL Yiv •■■All Pol' will (.•iiininence at U o\-|iu:k i:i i Iμ- forenoon of the day ajifioinlrd for the same and will (•lose at I' o'clock in Ihe afternoon of Ihe same day aY tiie uiulennen-[i.n-il , Polling Places. Ciur.lv (.'nuncil Chamb'.'rs, Dv vai.K'hell". ?. : i;';'.; y. V'.'ainui. !,:■!■'! 'ary. I'iivcon Bay. l,ih!-:.ry. LiUlf Ak'-ilon. Libi-a-y, OUuiirs Bay. I load Bortid Od'ic?, Le Don's Bay. Akaron Borou:>-li Council Chambers-, Akaroa. Wai re w<l County Council Chambers Little River. Public School, Puaha. Glynan's Woolshed, Kinloch Public School, Kaituna. α-übiic School. Gebbie's Valley. Public School, Governor's Bay. Old Road Board Office, Tcddington MoiMil. Herbert County Council Chambers, Purau. l'ubiic School. Port Levy. Dated this sth day of July. 1920 ARTHUR GOODWIN, Chairman, Banks Peninsula Electric-powei Board. GEORGE HARPER, PASCOE and BUCHANAN. Solicitors, I Chi'istchurch. Avoid wihter chills and ills by tak ing "NAZOL." Order by name. R<j fuse imitations. 00 dose.-: 1 U
Page 3 Advertisements Column 1
Akaroa Mail and Banks Peninsula Advertiser, Volume LXXXV, Issue 3957, 13 July 1920, Page 3
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