AMUSEMENTS. i I WEEKLY PICIUHES ODDFELLOWS' HALL. Thursday Next JULY lath. A '•GOLDWYN' , and an EVENT THE FLOOR BELOW THE FLOOR BELOW THE FLOOR BELOW FEATURING— [YIABEL IVORMAMD A Story of Mystery. Thrill?. Laughter. .Suspense, Happiness and Love. A LITTLE GIRL ON A BIG JOB! Pathe Gazette topical Pa the Gazette topical These films are subject to alteration without further notice. ADMISSION : Body ot Hall 1/1 Children 6cl. Gallery 1/7 Children 10ri. Rcscrvcil Seals '3d. Extra, PUBLIC NOTICES. PHONE 84. For mute!* if ear SMART COSTUMES . in effective styles and shades. WOOLLEN JERSEYS & JUMPERS in wide range of colourings. TRENCH WATERPROOF COATS and OVERCOATS. BLOUSES in latest styles and materials •for all smart occasions also LINGERIE, HOSIERY, HANDKERCHIEFS, Etc. Ladies' Outfitier, BEACH ROAD - - ASiAfSOA. Akaroa-- | LOT I.—Homestead Block containing 77 Acres of First-class Dairying Land. Divided into 5 Paddocks, well fenced and watered by never | failing springs. Buildings—House 7 Rooms, good Dairy and Engine Room, Large Iron' and Concrete Cow Shed capable of holding 20 Cows, Hay Shed, etc. LOT 2,-165 Acres very heavy grazing and Cocksfoot land, original \y bushed with Black Pine and Totara, sub-divided into 4 Paddocks well fenced and watered. PRICE £30 per Acre. ' TERMS : 20 per cent CASH BALANCE 5 YEARS at SVJ per cent. I Open for sale for 1 month only. For Sale ' •'ZEALANDIA 3-Cow Milking Plant -j with Releascr and Mogul Engine 'PRICE £140 Cash or Terms can be i ! arranged. Chaff ! Landinp- immediately Good Heavy [I O.S. Chaff PRICE EX. WHARF: £13 per Ton. Sacks in. /£karoa> First-class Up-to-date Residence of C Rooms. Bathroom, H. and C. Water, and all Conveniences, 1.; Acre Land., attractively iaid out in Fruit and Flower v- j Gardens. PRICE C2OOO.
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Akaroa Mail and Banks Peninsula Advertiser, Volume LXXXV, Issue 3957, 13 July 1920, Page 3
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Page 3 Advertisements Column 2
Akaroa Mail and Banks Peninsula Advertiser, Volume LXXXV, Issue 3957, 13 July 1920, Page 3
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