*.. . * ■ r Via l€Wtll€l'| MllliffS Old Jewellery remade into latest designs. lost your repairs to us. We specialize in. repairing and making up Jewellery. MODERATE QHARQes ALWAYS SATISFACTION , at ti@i@s & Sons,The Manufacturing Jewellers, ' 278 HIGH ST.; CHPJSTCHURCH. auction _ sale: " ■• " mHE N.Z. FARMERS CO-OP. -"-- ASSN., has received instructions from MR. SAMUEL LELIEVRE, of TAKAMATUA to hold a CLEARING SALE on '' ■ • THURSDAY, JULY 22nd at 12.30 1 on the premises. 15 Cows (spring calvers) ; 1 Purebred ■Shorthorn Bull 1 1 Hack Koko mare- to Fabrikoff 1 Grey Marc in foal to Fabrikoff- ;• 1 Yearling Filly (Fabr.ikoff) i 1 Draught , Mare (all work) j 1 Milk Waggon l 1 Rubbar-tyred'Gig. '■■■/. I 1 Iron-tyred Gig Engine and Saw Bench ; .Harness and Milk Cans. j N.Z. FARMERS' CO-OP ASSN., ) Auctioneers. ! PUBLIC NOTICES. ' THE BANKS PENINSULA ELECTRIC POWER BOARD. ' TN THE MATTER of "The Electric Power Boards Act 1918" and of "The Local Bodies Loans Act 1913" and the Acts amending the same respectively r !p HE Banks Peninsula Electric -*- Power Board in exercise of ths powers conferred on it by "The Electric Power Boards Act 19,18" and of. •'The Local Bodies Loans Act 1913" and the amendments thereof respectively and of all other powers in any. wise enabling" it in that behalf HEREBY GIVES PUBLIC NOTICE that it proposes v to raise by way'of Special Loan a sum of £100,000 (One hundred thousand pounds) by the iisue of Debentures bearing interest at a rate not exceeding s** per centum per annum with a Sinking Fund of one per centum par annum and having a currency of 30 years and one haft. (a) The particular, purpose or purposes for which the loan is required are : 1. To purchase or acquire electric works within the Banks Penincula Electric Power District. 2. To construct electric works , within the said District (b) Ths sums proposed to be borrowed, for each such purpose are _ > . (a) For llk* purchase or acquiring, 'of electric . works within the •':aiil District the .. sum ■of j X 10,000 (i>) For the purpose'of .constructing electric works within the ■said District the balance of Ui2 said loan and also, any unexpended balance under subclause (a). (c) The proposed security and the p:ov!sion for repayment of the loan i.s a special rate of Seven-Seventeenths of a penny . in , the £ upon - the rateable value of nil rateable property within the Banks Peninsula Eiectiic Power District constituted under the said .Electric Power Boards , Act 1818" ' the said special rate to be an annual recurring rate .to. be levied for a period of 36 years anci one half or until the said loan shall be fully repaid. It is proposed to pay out of the loan the cost of raising the loan and the' interest and sinking fund for'the first,year. Dated this twenty-first. day of June, 1920. A. GOODWIN, .;-. Chairman of the ' :. Banks Peninsula Electric Power Board. G. H. O'CALLAGHAN, Clerk. GEORGE HARPER, PASCOE and BUCHANAN,- . Solicitors, ChristchurcFi, • "Why use inferior so-called "Swedish" Separators when you can . now get the original genuine Belgian . "Melotte." • Milk and cream pass through white Porcelain Bowl Cover—do', not touch any metal after' .separation. This feature only used in the "Melotte." Spare parts sold for • "Melotte" Separators during- lust seven years amount to less than us many pounds , for hundreds machines in Canterbury.;^".
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Akaroa Mail and Banks Peninsula Advertiser, Volume LXXXV, Issue 3957, 13 July 1920, Page 2
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Page 2 Advertisements Column 7
Akaroa Mail and Banks Peninsula Advertiser, Volume LXXXV, Issue 3957, 13 July 1920, Page 2
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