INTERESTS&JS TO DEAF PEOPLE I Sufferers from Deafness, Heac Noises, and all the usual train ol alarming£,and distressing symptoms I which accompany loss of hearing neec no longer despair of recovering theii hearing. The advantages, of so'doing are second only to recovering one's J sight. "Mackay's Auraline" may be truly described as a Triumph oi .Medical Science since it has restored ■ the hearing of some well-nigh hopeI loss cases after all available meant .had failed. Sceptical people hays compelled to acknowledge it tc be one of the few remedies that car be depended upon. Sent post free or I receipt of P.O. 3s Cd. The Mackay Laboratories, 106 Liverpool Road, Islington, London, England. Sold by jmost chemists at 3s. bottle. Reject j Imitations. 549
AUCTIONS. i ■_ CLEARING SALE AT WAIN VI FURNITURE AND EFFECTS. IT MATSON and CO., have receiI XX* vecl instructions from Mr A. iMcCLURG to hold a CLEARING SALE of his FURNITURE and EFFECTS on FRIDAY, JULY 16, 1920. 1 Chestnut Pony (s. and h.) ■ 1 Rubber-tyred Gig and Harness 1 Saddle and Bridle. SUNDRIES. Chaf, Kerosene,. Flour, Potatoes, and Preserves. FURNITURE. Oak Dining- Room Suite, 1 oval exI tension table. 1 sideboard, 4 higbback chairs, 1 Morris chair. I Oak Bedstead Suite, 1 double bedstead (wire and kapoc mattress), wardrobe, 1 duchess, 1 washstand (Doulton toilet set). 1 chintz covered ottoman, chintz covered dining chairs, 1 iron bedstead double (wire and kapoc mattress), 8 pillows, 1 duchess, 1 bedside cabinet, 2 easy chairs, 4 hearth rugs, 3 seagrass squares, 1 roll linoleum, 1 palm stand 1 kerb and guard iron, 3 lamps. 1 kitchen table, 4 kitchen chairs, 1 collapsible safe, ,1 tinned bins, china and glass, kitchen utensils, 1 JVlethven boiler, 1 wringer, 2 galvanized iron baths. Sale Commence 12.00 p.m. H. MATSON & CO. Audi oncers. IMPORTANT CLEARING SALE. IMPORTANT CLEARING SALE. DUVAUCHELLE SALEYARDS j DUVAUCHELLE SALEYARDS | " j ! MONDAY, AUGUST 2nd J MONDAY, AUGUST 2nd j MONDAY, AUGUST 2nd j at 12 O'CLOCK. ' . at 12 O'CLOCK. at 12 O'CLOCK. 'J!" MA'TSON and CO. : have been " *- c instructed by MR. E.. HAINES of OKAIN'S BAY to submit to Public Auction on the above date his first class Herd comprising-:-— r>2 DAIRY COWS 52 DAIRY COWS 52 DAIRY COWS practically all 3rd and -Jth ealver,-;, due August and September. Mr Haines' herd has been heavily culled :ach year and is both well and favour ibly known throughout Banks Peninsula. The discriminating buyer ilioukl not fail -to attend this saX H. MATSON & C(h Auctioneers. ' I 'or Bronchial Coughs, take Woods'.' Jreat Peppermint Cure, 1/9. 2/n
Page 2 Advertisements Column 6
Akaroa Mail and Banks Peninsula Advertiser, Volume LXXXV, Issue 3957, 13 July 1920, Page 2
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