, The Old' Timers- entertained the ; present . players to a dinner and 1 ' smoke concert in the evening at the > Oddfellows Hall when there were' about sixty present, His Worship the j Mayor presiding 1 . Mr F. Davis did' the catering for the dinner wlucly was we LI served. During- the evening' Hie following- toast list was gone i through:—"The Kins" the Chair-,! roan. "The Present Team" proposed' by Mr C. Hall, club captain, reply j Mr H. Collins, field captain, "Old! Timers' 1 proposed by Mr T. McGuire, ■ replies Messrs W. Moore and W. ■ Jacobson, "The Referee" proposed by Mr K. Bruce, reply Mr Lynsky. "Last i season's Held captain Mr A. Moore" proposed by Mr Hall reply Mr Moore. "Kindred Sports ,, proposed by Mr T. Maseliekl reply Mr (J. Goodwin, "Other Peninsula competing teams" proposed by Mr B. Mora replies Mr Shuttlvvorth. Little Akaloa, Mr L. j Shadbolt, Le Bon's, "The Ladies" proposed by Mr R. Young-man, reply Mr L. J. Vangioni, "The Chairman" proposed by Mr Vangioni reply Mr Armstrong. . During the evening musical items were given by the tot lowing : Messrs J. E. Armstrong, D • Curry. R. Youngman, A. Faithful! J. E. Armstrong, and T. E. MeKenzie (duet), 1). Langrope, H. Hartley Mr Vangioni acted as pianist, Tin dinner and smoke concert were yen successful functions and during the evening it was stated that about n? had been collected to have a footballers sports at the end of the season. UNITED BAYS CLUB FORMED A meeting of those interested in forming a football club was held at Duvauchelle on Friday, July oth There were 17 present, Mr ~T W Wilkins presiding. Mr C. Cossar was appointed hon. sec. to the new club. Mr L. Barwick proposed and Mr A btewart seconded that a club be formed called the United Bays and saving its headquarters at Duvau:helle. Carried. The subscription was lixed at 5s aer annum.. , The following officers were elected atron, Jas. Pettigrew Esq.; Presi-' lent, Mr R. A. Pettigrew; Vice-Pre-ldents, Messrs G. Hayward, E. Samuels, and R. Mould; Committee,
Uessrs A. Stewart, T. Mould, T. W. Wilkins, L. Barwiek, H. Giiswoll and 3>. S. Wakelin. ' J The Secretary was instructed to ipply for affiliation to the Peninsula Sub-union. It was decided that the op*niiv day be July 22nd at the Duvauchello Recreation Ground, a scratch match to be started at 2.30 p.m. It was also resolved to hold a general meeting- at 7.30 in the Duvauchelle Hall on the opening d ay . The revival of this club which wail strong one some years ago show? that the interest in football, is growing on the Peninsula and it is a"-oo( thing to see these clubs startinf again as it means that fifteen mor< boys a'-'e given an opportunity ti play the game. The team intends I practise this year with the idea of getting itself into trim for entry into the Peninsula Sub-Union's contests next year. The new club hopes to be able to arrange friendly matches with the existing teams this season. There is no doubt the entry of the Pigeon Bay and United Bays teams will be welcomed as it increases the interest in football on the Peninsula. It is during the winter that the farmers are most free so that football should always have a good following on the Peninsula. PIGEON BAY (18) v PORT LEVY (nil. I On Saturday last the Pigeon Bay and Port Levy teams played a friendly match at Pigeon Bay when Pigeor Bay won by 18 to nil. Port Levy played one man short. Tries were scored by C. Blomquist (2), F. Griei (2). H. Blomquist (1), and Glassor (1).
Akaroa Mail and Banks Peninsula Advertiser, Volume LXXXV, Issue 3957, 13 July 1920, Page 2
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