g j7} specially reduced S«te prices W Icorx Jap Silk Blouses ' £* Tussore Si!lt Blouses H /■ \ ' jD* SCO J--' iV '"NLfi rx tv tz, •■ V^ 5 POSTAGE AS USUAL. AA ■ ' $,# H:jfl/&ffi itft £ £fr *JV ?:] ■ ISC##6WH iMIi I* A & -S CHRISrCHURCH jfe
millTF PiUF &YRIIP FOR RECENT AND CHRONIC COUGHS AND COLDS, LOSS OF ,■ ' ■ VOICE, HORASENESS, ETC. Largest Bottle-for the Price on the Market. PRICE 1/6 BOTTLE. Formalin, Throat Lozenges 1/6 Nupincs .. ■• !/■ line Tree Lo/.enges .. 1/6 Bronchial Tablets .. iM Nyal Hiiskeys -'.. •■• 1/6 Glycerine Pastilles . •■ 1/6 Pino Throat Pastilles .. 1/6 Black Currant Pastilles .. 1/6 MEW HOT WATER BOTTLES Sizes S x 10, S x 12, 0 x 12, 10 x 12 . At less than CluisLchurch Prices. QjSiiSr n fl GWSraeSS' MSKW* *^BHB*^ CHEMIST - - AKAROA. I : ■■ Bay § Pour?roomed House, in good order, with half* I acre land, overlooking Harbour I i IRIiNEDiATE POSSESSION. f I ~ j . . ■ ' F. J. HILL & Co,, I AUCTIONEERS, LAND & ESTATE AGENTS, , I ~ LAVAUD STREET, AKAROA. V fcvJ A SEPARATORS g, v aß ■' • *• have NO superiors, and but t , -'aße c ' ( ' very few equals! ■ IJ'Mm 1 ' i JJln■ traticm is of model pro- ) vious to present one, which Illlllf - pl\ liils rounded-bottom milk vai - r ! ».™p^e W ith <h ~~ I every known imj>rovement ! j It i.s self-lubricating, all &iP ik, JV iven"s enclosed in dirt-proof j?^ iip.il L'li-pioot casing, and is I, ' , ' KASIEST RUNNING mm% iriai in nm®m Puinj piul let it i> i\c lo it ill \\) abov-j claims! .Inst di"(i[) v- i iii i how mmv.cows you want to separate from, and we will i-ei \ v of suitah!-.' si/.e, which has already been tested fwithiniik) i ( i c i ■•:-h Tostin»- Station, and your complete satisffeiinn i.~ dii t' Li-\ ■ '.Vritu now, and please mention "Akaroa Miiii" when (In' B©©l E£i ALD &, ©O.» LTD. CHRISTCHURCH. Branches at AsickEand, Hnmitton. Gisisoriip, Hnstinys, New PiymouUi, PalmcrstoH ?<\., TilaaUrton, Asliiiurion, Tiiiiiirn anil Duticdiii.
NOTICE TO ADVERTISERS. ALL alterations to standing advcr-i li.somonts for insertion in P.rat fol.lov.'--injr issue (blocks excluded) mast reach the office of this paper by -3 oa.m. on Saturday for insertion on' Tuesday, r.p.d by 10 a.m. on Wednes-i day'a for in.~e: t ion in Friday's issuc-j; Economical and cil'icacious, every drop of "NAZOL"' sooLhcs and i'clicves coughs. Ci-ld- and sore throats. (50 J 0 at clie)ni:it or strive.
NOTICE TO SUBSCRIBERS. Y\7 ILL any Subscriber not rci '■' ceiving- the "Akaroa Mail" jivtuilaily communicate at once witli iihe Manager. No bad iil'ter-ofFects with WADE'S WORM FIGS. Pleasant,' faiire and certain. [•"or qhlklreivs Hacking Cough, Woods Great Pejinennmt Cure, .1/9, 2/9.
Page 2 Advertisements Column 1
Akaroa Mail and Banks Peninsula Advertiser, Volume LXXXV, Issue 3957, 13 July 1920, Page 2
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