DEPUTATIONS ARRANGED. At Wednesday's meeting of the Akaroa Borough Council the Mayor read a -letter from Mr J. McCombs, M.P. to effect that the Minister of [Justice and the Minister of Education had promised to come to Lyttelton shortly and that if the Peninsula people would like to see the [Ministers about any matters of local interest he coulcl possibly arrange a visit. The Mayor said he had written to Mr McCombs - saying that thej , would be pleased to have a visit from the Ministers.
j' Cr Munro suggested that the i Minister for Education should be asked to give permission to have the hostel built the section above the school and also to have another room built on to the present building for the secondary department. He. moved that these matters be brought before the Minister. j Seconded by Cr Parris and carried. Cr Parris said that they wanted to move in the matter as when he was down Mr Opie had said the Board was thinking- of soiling the section above the school. j The Mayor said he endorsed Cr, Parris' remarks about the , section above the school. That " was the ideal site for a hostel. Personally! he was opposed to the present site of the hostel ! Some discussion ensued re matters ;lo come before the Ministers at : Akaroa, i Cr Leete spoke in favour of I ing for more support from the Gov-j j eminent to Almroa as a tourist rc[sort. ■He moved that Die GovernI merit be asked to erect a hostel with ! hot salt water baths, and assist the ■ fishing industry, the Mayor, Coun-, cillors Lccte. Barnham and Munro to be the deputation. I Seconded by Cr Muni'o and carried.
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Akaroa Mail and Banks Peninsula Advertiser, Volume LXXXV, Issue 3956, 9 July 1920, Page 1
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Akaroa Mail and Banks Peninsula Advertiser, Volume LXXXV, Issue 3956, 9 July 1920, Page 1
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