j A meeting of the Pigeon Bay Road ; Board was held Saturday, July 3rd. Present Messrs J. Pitcaithly (chairman) E. Hay, G. McKay, J. C. Reynish and A. Goodwin. j Mr Rcynish movedjthat the motion i I'Ti'cd at the annual meeting of ratepayers viz. : '"fihat this meeting of ratepayers give the committee of the War Memorial the necessary permission to erect the memorial on the spot exactly opposite the old store site on the seaward side and allow them to put it there for all time be ratified.----j Seconded by Mr McKay and carried j After a short discussion Mr Pitcaithly moved that this' Board fait in with other Peninsula bodies and grant the 12Vj per cent, increase ■in] wages for 12 months as from June j ' Ist. 1920. , I Seconded by JMr Key-nish andj carried. \ ! Mr Goodwin moved the notice of j .motion standing in his name that I [the Board strike a ■' ; s of a penny in' ; .thc Kon all rateable property, etc.! Seconded by Mr Hay and carried,; Plans of the deviation through the property of Mr Blomquist on the jilohnes' Kiwi Road were received) j from Messrs C. Hastings Bridge. The Clerk was instructed to forward these plans to the Mt. Herbert County Council for signature as the deviation affected the property of Mr Mould in that county. The Chairman reported that J Messrs McSweeney and McKay had! asked for the use of the crusher to I break metal near Paton's old quarry.! Mr McSweeney also wanted to know whether the piece of road i from his gate to the junction of W. j B. McKay's road was private pro- ■ perty. i Mr Reynish said that he was posi- 1 live that Ihe road in question was j a private one. ■■ It was decided to get Mr Blom- j quist to blast rocks in water channel I on Holmes' Run „road. j Mr Hay reported 'on ' prree-' ; xrf j jarrah timber as follows :-—12x12 '70s; per 100, 10x10 65s per 100, 6x3 60s j per 100, Decking Bx4 65s per 100. Mr Goodwin moved that the Aka- j roa County Council be charged 60s j per hundred for the iron-bark timjbi?r they desire to buy from the i Board. . j .Seconded by Mr Hay and ,, carried. The Chairman said that Mr V. Craw wanted the corners at the junction of the Port Levy and Holmes' Run road attended to as it was difficult to negotiate with a car. I It was resolved to leave this corner for the present. | Mr J. C. Hay applied for permis-j sion to erect a boat shed on the beach near the wharf. | Mr Hay said that the shed was to be built of asbestos chiefly. Mr Goodwin said that he was, sure Mr Hay would build a present--1 üblc shed. He was of the opinion I that in cases where people desired Ito build on the beach or 'road sides, plans should be submitted to the Board for their approval. Mr Goodwin thought that people! adjourning the Main road should be considerate enough to close their gates on Sale mornings. He often experienced great trouble , when driving cattle through gates being left open. He was well aware that the Board had no control over these gates. He just brought the matter up lo bring it: under the notice of the Main roadites. On the motion of Mr Reynish, seconded by Mr McKay, accounts amounting lo £2'JO 12s 2d were passed for payment.
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Akaroa Mail and Banks Peninsula Advertiser, Volume LXXXV, Issue 3956, 9 July 1920, Page 1
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Akaroa Mail and Banks Peninsula Advertiser, Volume LXXXV, Issue 3956, 9 July 1920, Page 1
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