.'■■■'ibo': .quarterly .meeting was.'. held v . on Saturday, July 3rd, there beingpresent Messrs K. T. Chapman, chair j man, V. R. H. Gardiner. 11. Gebbio, ' J. C. C. Gebbie and also Mi , H. T.Turner of the Agricultural Dr-part-monl. ■- j Apologies were made for Messrs C. H. Field and John Parkinson. Coircspondenco was read— From Auditor-General re expenses ?,f delegates to Wellington, and requesting- refund of same. From Messrs .Wynn-Williams. Brown and Gresson, giving , - legal opinion with reference to delegates' • expenses. Correspondence was read lo the Audit Inspector and Auditor-General j with reference to the charge of delegates fees. It was decided to refund the luiuiunt . I :J2 -Is Sd in question. Rates and other charges amounting to £44 13s 9d had been collected during the quarter, and the secretary reported that >:98 13s 8d of- last year's rates were still outstanding.' The monthly reports of Inspectors ;Kadford and Milligan were read and ! discussed. j It was decided lo advertise that all rales not paid by July 21st would be sued for. The gatekeepers' salaries were inj creased on the motion of Messrs i Chapman ami Gebbie, i The fence on Mr Whilhanrs property was reported in bad condition, and it was arranged that Mr J. C. C. Gebbie and Inspector Radford attend to the matter. On the motion of Messrs Gardiner j and R. Gebbie il was agreed to pay i all. salaries monthly in future. Inspector Radford was instructed lo arrange for the painting of all rabbit gates and notices. Mr J. C. C. Gebbie gave move ;il the next meeting for the striking of the rate for 1920-1921. Accounts amounting to C.LSS 8s 9d were passed for payment. I
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Akaroa Mail and Banks Peninsula Advertiser, Volume LXXXV, Issue 3956, 9 July 1920, Page 1
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Akaroa Mail and Banks Peninsula Advertiser, Volume LXXXV, Issue 3956, 9 July 1920, Page 1
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