M j<7l specially reduced S«le Prices* f$ /fo/'.V /"Z , Blouses Ti i&» Ew-Llama Union W& $S Flannel Blouses in « t'jr Xα Carktv ofcoloured stripes and ' ■'■ \ V?f , check's. Regular price, 21 j9; 0/ V-.* | v\ *f Tussore Silk Blouses $2 BIoUSCS. Regular price, A *J.J I, / ft I || Georgette Blouses, WfJj, J! . iJI)J\\ »\ DISCOUNT AND FREE A ' «' . #5 pj POSTAGE /S USUAL. * . . " . . «A ■ CHRISTCHURCH U
- Winter's Needs ' w'frltiTß? PiliF SYRUP FOR RECENT AND CHRONIC COUGHS AND COLDS, LOSS OF VOICE, HORASENESS, ETC. Largest Bottle for the Price on the Market. PRICE 1/6 BOTTLE. Formalin Throat Lozenges 1/G Nupincs • .. ... 1/Pine Tree Lozenges .. I/6 Bronchial Tablets .. 9cl Nyal Huskeys .. .. 1/6 Glycerine Pastilles .. 1/0 Pine Throat Pastilles ..1/6 Black Currant Pastilles .. 1/6 NEW HOT WATER BOTTLES hues 8 x 10, 8 x 12, 1) x'l2, 10 x 12 At less than Christchurch Prices. CHEMIST - - AKAROA.
► H'X&heap. Property Diiwaii©ii®S!@ Bay -jfrmm^ Ho«se, in good order, with half* I acre land, overlooking Harbour I IMfriEBSATE POSSESSION. H F. J. MILL &.@o,, I AUCTIONEERS,, LAND & ESTATE AGENTS, I LAVAUD STREET, AKAROA. |
V t V-J A SEPARATORS ''^■V l ' '-■**' I UIVC NO superiors, ami but , ■ ll!ii>trntion is of model pre,l I . vious. to present one, which i IlKf -jf J - ' ■ lia « i-oundccl-bottom milk ' vat » «"d 'is replete with ■ every known improvement! t ij ' It is self-lubricating, all BeL -j- μ-eais enclcsed in dirt-proof ===5 oil-proof casing - , and is Vtrw*rLßd&s& ' • i-AblJiiSl KUiNINING iosifli's Triol in Your o.wi Bflirg and let it prove for-itself, all above claims! Just drop us a lino stating how many'cows you want to separate from, and we will send you a machine of suitable size, which has already been tested (withmilk) at our Christchurch Testing; Station, and your complete satisfaction is assured in advance ! Write now, and please mention "Akaroa Mail" when so doing-! booth* & go., ltd. CHRISTCHURCH. Branches at Auckland, Hamilton, Gisliosnc, Hastings, New Plymouth, Palincrstoii IV., ftlasterion, Asliinirton, Tiniaru ami Diinedin.
NOTICE TO ADVERTISERS. NOTICE TO SUBSCRIBERS. ALL alterations to standing advertisements for insertion in .first following issue (blocks excluded) must reach the office of this paper, by 10 \\ rILL a ">' Subscriber noLrea.m. on Saturday for insertion on cewinjr the "Akaroa Mail" Tuesday, and by 10 a.m. on Wednes- rc«ularly commumcate at once with day'o for insertion in Friday's f SS u*; Uie Manager. No bad after-effects with WADE'S - WORM FIGS. Pleasant, sure and Economical and efficacious, every certain. drop of "NAZQL" soothes and re- -. : — : lieves cou.uh.-. cokK and sore throats. For Children's Hacking Cougn, Woods GO 1,0 at chemist ov store. Great Peppermint Cure, 1/i), 2/9.
NOTICE TO SUBSCRIBERS. \IT ILL any Subscriber not re- '' ' ceiving the "Akaroa Mail" regularly communicate at once with 1 the Manager. i _____ ' No bad after-effects with WADE'S WORM FIGS. Pleasant, sure and certain. For Children's Hacking Cougn, Woods Great Peppermint Cure, 1/9, 2/9.
Page 2 Advertisements Column 1
Akaroa Mail and Banks Peninsula Advertiser, Volume LXXXV, Issue 3956, 9 July 1920, Page 2
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