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Correspondence was received— From Minister of Internal Affairs inclosing proposed new Act araenclng the Municipal Association's Act. Received. From Hamilton Borough Council asking the Council to support the proposal to abate the import duty on cement to relieve the present' shortage, which was delaying building operations. Some discussion ensued re the question whether the raising of the duty would relieve the situation, and it was decided to support the Hamilton Borough Council's remit. The Manawatu County Council wrote re accidents caused by motor vehicles suggesting that magistrates should be given fuller powers to inflict fines for excessive speed, etc., and to watch the issue of drivers' licenses. It was decided to support the remit. I The secretary to the Board of (Trade wrote "'forwarding permits for , building to be issued' to the Akaroa I Borough Council, and the Council decided to issue same. The Canterbury Progress L?ague | wrote re Christchurch Port question Jto effect, that a second meeting will ,be held on July 14th, and that this meeting would be held under the Progress League. The first meeting ( had been called at the request ol the Lyttelton Harbour Board. The letter was handed over to the , Mayor, who was attending the meetjihg. j. Dr. Telford, District Health Officer, wrote asking that as the sewerage pipe passed close to Mr Weeks' property the Council would allow him to connect with the Borough sewer. The Mayor, Crs Leetc and Parnluun spoke against connecting people outside the Borough. 1C they wantec the Borough advantages let thencome into the Borough. Cr Munro spoke in favour ol granting the application. There hiu been no opposition to the proposal to grant the new hospital this privilege. The Mayor said that the hospital was a public institution, and on a different footiong altogether. The request was not complied with. Messrs T. E. Taylor and Co., Ltd. wrote to effect that they were quite agreeable to the straight line ir Church street providing the existing building was not interfered with. The letter was received. Messrs Andrews, and Baty wrote re new Motorists Guide asking- the Council if they would advertise Vii their next issue. The letter was referred to tin Akaroa Advancement Association. Notice of sale of. property ir Lavaud street by Mr G. W. Dale tc Mr F. J. Hill and asking the valuation roll to be amended. Notice of transfer on the valuation roll from trustees R. Bayley to T. Wilson was also received, and both transfers were approved. Notice of discontinuance of ejectric energy were sent in by Messrs E. G. McNabb and M. Wright. The Akaroa Fire Brigade wrote to effect that several plugs required raising, and several others wanted new rings. If this were done the plugs would all be in order. From same asking the Council to attend a enchre party. . ,Cr Parnham said that the fire plugs had all been raised. He said that rings were being done away with in other places. The letter was referred to the Fire Brigade Committee with power to act. It was decided to inform the Brigade that the Council could not accept the kind invitation to the euchre tournament, as a- ratepayers' meeting re electric light poll was being- held that night. The Domain Tennis Club wrote asking the Council to flood the Club's courts. Cr Parnham said the Akaroa Lawn Tennins courts also wanted flooding. - It was decided to flood both clubs' courts as soon as practicable. Applications for electric energy jwere received from C. Walker, M. Kearney, E, G. McNabb, Bank of New Zealand, Akaroa, P. Cunningbam, and all were granted and signed by Crs. Davis and Munro. •The secrearty Peninsula Technical[ School wrote re Board of Managers. I jto effect that two representatives the Borough be appointed, and .asking- for the usual grant, j Dr. Cantrell and Mr A. R. Munro were appointed and the usual contribution of £10 was granted. j M , " H. J. Bell wrote asking for a suniph on his premises, and the application was granted. RESERVES COMMITTEE. Cr Parris, chairman of the Reserves Committee, presented the fol : lowing report from the Borough gardener .•--'•Since last meeting my time has been divided between the domain and the nursery at the Pound, reserve. I have received ffom Messrs Gibbons and Co. 5000 plants! pihus insignis, 1000 plants pinus ponclerosa and also 50 climbing roses , for fences, etc. AIL are "in good! order and a number of the pinus in-i signis have been sold." He moved i the adoption of the report. Seconded by Cr Wilson and carried, i Cr Munro spoke in favour of a belt of trees round the reserves LIGHTING COMMITTEE. : Cr Davis, chairman of the Lightng Committee, said he had been unible to go up to Christchurch and
had therefore not seen Messrs J. J. Niyen and Co. re sale- of the.suction gas plant. ; FINANCE REPORT. Amount received since last meeting :-- Rent 153 G 11 Electric current 41 14 1 Electric connections 11 8 G Licenses, fees and lines 17 0 0 • Water supply . ,8 18 9 ; Firewood, etc 5 5 0 Drainage , ,4»10' 0 £242 3 3 BANK ACCOUNT. B.P. Pat. Society Dr 1500 0 0'; Bank of N.Z. Cr 75 1 6 £1424 18 G ':■' Electric Light Ac Dr 1520' 3 0 . General Account Dr 340 0 4'! 1860 3 4 Wharves Account Cr 435 4 10 £1424 18 G Accounts amounting to £373 2s 7d were passed' for payment. The Mayor brought up "the question of a type writer. He moved, the Council procure a type writer. Seconded by Cr Barnham and i carried. ' Cr Leete moved that the matter of procuring better office furniture be referred to the Finance Committee tp" report later.. Seconded by Cr Williams and carried. The Mayor said that the Hospital site had been left in abeyance a long time. He moved'the collectors get on with, the collection and put in a report to next meeting. Seconded by Cr Williams and carried. Cr Pafnham, Chairman of the Wor,ks Committee, said that * the" foreman had informed him that he did not wish to buy Mrs Magee's house for himself. The Mayor moved that the Government be written to' re purchase of Mrs Magee's house and. that Mr McCombs be written to also. Seconded by Cr Davis and carried." Cr Barnham asked whether the Council had to have a legal poll re the sale of the Borough's 'electric light plant. This question was being discussed a good deal and they should know their position. Cr Munro moved that legal opinion be .obtained from the Municipal Association's lawyer as to whether the Council could sell the plant without recourse to the ratepayers;-';' Seconded by Cr Barnham and carried. ■ The Mayor moved the Akaroa Fire •• Brigade be thanked for the work V done by them at the lire last Saturday. Seconded by Cr Leete,'who spoke: in high terms of the work' done by the Brigade. ' ' - Carried. '
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Akaroa Mail and Banks Peninsula Advertiser, Volume LXXXV, Issue 3956, 9 July 1920, Page 2
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1,155CORRESPONDENCE. Akaroa Mail and Banks Peninsula Advertiser, Volume LXXXV, Issue 3956, 9 July 1920, Page 2
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CORRESPONDENCE. Akaroa Mail and Banks Peninsula Advertiser, Volume LXXXV, Issue 3956, 9 July 1920, Page 2
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Akaroa Mail Co is the copyright owner for the Akaroa Mail and Banks Peninsula Advertiser. You can reproduce in-copyright material from this newspaper for non-commercial use under a Creative Commons New Zealand BY-NC-SA licence . This newspaper is not available for commercial use without the consent of Akaroa Mail Co. For advice on reproduction of out-of-copyright material from this newspaper, please refer to the Copyright guide.