! I Quality Jewellers I 7*44 CoSoiiiiio Street and at 27© H3g§a Street" | Phone A4SB9 ■ Pftene A 42SS | We Solicit J YOUR MAIL ORDERS j 1 which will be promptly and | faithfully attended to. | 6. Goates &.Co., Limited, i ■■■■.■ , ■ .1851 '~ \
THE . Canterbury (MX) Seed Company 7 LIMITED. 20G & 208 CASHEL STREET, CHRISTCHURCH. We can supply— NEW SACKS AND TWINE AT CURRENT RATES. C. H. HEWLETT, Manager. fSffligis fiosfl Medal Ball Beorifii SEWING MACHINES OUR WHOLESALE PRICE TO FARMERS £9 15s. OUR 30-DAY FREE TRIAL AGREEMENT This is to Certify that this Sewing , Machine is sold by us with the understanding and agreement that if for any reason it does not prove entirely satisfactory in every respect to the purchaser, it may be returned, at our expense, at any time within one month from date received, and we will immediately refund purchase price, together with freight charges paid by the purchaser. GUARANTEED FOR TEN YEARS. With full set of attachments for Fancy Work. FLEMING & SONS 48 MANCHESTER ST BOX 73? CHRISTCHURCH P.O. Box 737. Thonc 3059.
i 'FIRE! FIRE r?rc»tec7 your projperty with an "•UNDERWRITERS' , j Chemical Extinguisher. Recognised by Fire Authorities as without ( equal. For warehouse, factory, garbage, hospital, school, theatre. Manining Co., 5 Bedford Row, Ch-ch. DAIRYMEN ! INCREASE YOUR PROFITS use a -'CERES" latest ; Swedish Ssparator. Cleanest Skim-. nier, Self-balancing, self oiling, easy J running, lb" to 144 gallons. Catalogue free. Prices Moderate. Manning Co., 5 Bedford Row, Ch-cii.
Page 2 Advertisements Column 2
Akaroa Mail and Banks Peninsula Advertiser, Volume LXXXV, Issue 3956, 9 July 1920, Page 2
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