| o ; ANNUAL MEETING. The annual meeting ol.' the Little River Advancement Association was hdd in the Library -on Thursday afternoon, Mr T. Thompson presided. I . The annual report for the past year- was read. , Those present all expressed pleasuie at the good work accomplished during- the year. Before the election oT officers for I the ensuing- year a good deal of discussion took place.. Messrs D, McLean and W. Whatman strongly advocated the bringing in of new blood to the committee. Both declined being- nominated in favour of other younger men. | The following- officers and committee were elected :—President. Mr Thos Thompson; Vice-President,. Mill. T. Chapman ; Secretary and Treasurer, Mr Dudley Richards : Committee, Messrs J. C. Gibb, W. O. Richards, S. Birdling, H. L.nvthwaite, W. P. Thompson, W. Aitken, H. f. Karetai". It was decided to hold general meetings-on days bo be arranged at general meetings. A general meeting- followed the annual meeting. The chairman drew attention to the need of asphalting the footpath along the main road from Mr Paul's house to Harris' corner; also the toad way in front of Mr Elliott's bcauling house. In wet weather the footpath was very muddy .indeed, and he thought that if the Wairewa County Council would do the work it would be very much appreciated by pedestrians who use the path.. it was decided to write to the. Wairewa County Council and ask them to asphalt the footpath and .roadway. The chairman said he thought that the Association should take up the matter of arrangir.g popular lectures by some well-known speakers. He thought that such lectures would be a distinct advantage and education. Ha suggested that Mr S. E. McCarthy be asked to give an address on citizenship at Little River. The secretary • was instructed to write to Mr McCarthy inviting him to give an address. ■' ', The secretary was instructed to write to the District Engineer draw-' ing his attention again to the need for new trucking, yards at Littl. 1 River. It was decided to hold the next meeting on the first Thursday in August at half-past seven in the evening. I
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Akaroa Mail and Banks Peninsula Advertiser, Volume LXXXV, Issue 3955, 6 July 1920, Page 2
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Akaroa Mail and Banks Peninsula Advertiser, Volume LXXXV, Issue 3955, 6 July 1920, Page 2
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