; Sufferers from Deafness, Head i'Noises, and all the usual train of alarming and distressing symptoms which accompany loss of hearing need no longer despair of recovering their hearing. The advantages of so doing arc second only to recovering one's sight. "Maekay's Auraline" may be truly described as a Triumph of Medical since it has restored the hearing of some well-nigh hopeless cases after all available means had failed. Sceptical people have been compelled to acknowledge it to be one of the few remedies that can be depended upon. Sent post free on receipt of P.O. 3s Gd. The Mackay Laboratories, 100 Liverpool Road, Islington, London, England. Sold by most chemists at 3s. bottle. Reject Imitations. 5i ( J
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Akaroa Mail and Banks Peninsula Advertiser, Volume LXXXV, Issue 3926, 16 March 1920, Page 4
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Akaroa Mail and Banks Peninsula Advertiser, Volume LXXXV, Issue 3926, 16 March 1920, Page 4
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