The annual meeting of deputies of {Lodges in the Lyttelton District was : held at the Duvauchelle Hall on J Thursday, T. E. McKenzie, Deputy i P.G.M. presided, ably assisted by Deputy P.G.M. J. Taylor and J. L. carrcJl', P.C.S. Deputies were present from City of Norwich Lodge (Lyttelton) P.P. G.M. V. Tooinoy, P.P.G.M, W. Foster P. G. Scott and P. G. Torrons; Good Intent (Akaroa) P.Gs. 11. lirucc and A. J. Parris Perseverance Lodge (Barry's Bay) P.P.G.M. T. LcC'omtc ; Hand'and Heart (Pi-« ? un Buy) P.l'. G.M. J. Pettigrew ; Hand of. Friendship (Okain's) P.G. C. R. Moore ; Wairewa (Little River) P.G. F. Wright, -District Warden, P.G. T, Wakelin. There" was a fair attendance o[ Brethren. The meeting , opened at :! p.m. when the P.G.M. T. E. MeKcnzie gave a resume of the business transacted dvi injr the past year. The membership in the district had increased by ;>l members and it was pleasing to slate tlu , deaths were ;iess than last year. The death oC : P.P.G.M. J, T. JJrycc. had removed an ; okl and esteemed district officer. Mr 'Libcau had also passed away during the year. He had been the oldest member in the district and was a pioneer member of Ah'aroa Lodge, : Mention was also made of !>ro S. .If. Sail, of Pigeon Uay, many years -secretary of the Hand and Heart I Lodge. LSro. W. J. Harris, Hand of Friendship, one of that lodges oldest members had passed away during the season. The good work done by these deceased brethren was feelingly referred to by the Grandmaster. Referring to district finance, all funds showed a substantial increase. The G.M. received a hearty vote of thanks for his address. There only being one nomination for Pro. G. Master, D.P.G.M. J. Taylor was unanimously elected Prov. Grandmaster. Out of seven nominations for D.P.G.M. Bro R. Bruce, Good Intent Lodge, Akaroa, was elected. ( After discussion the new ritual as compiled by Br.o. Stephens, New', South Wales, was adopted for use" ( I by the meeting. I A remit from City of Norwich , Lodge that the- District become an*, approved Society under the Finnace j Act (Maternity bonus) was also' adopted. | The place decided upon for the J next annual conference in 1921 was: Akaroa. A telegram conveying fra-'i tenia) greetings was received from s the North Canterbury District. |.i
At 5.30 p.m. an adjournment was made to the Somerset Hotel where a sumptuous supper was partaken of. At 7 o'clock business was resumed when the newly elected officers were duly installed by P.P.G.Ms J. Pettigrew and W. T. Foster The retiring P.G.M. Bro. T. E. McKenzic then received the handsome jewel of Past Provincial Grand Master, presented by the district. The presentation was made by P.G.M. J. Taylor in a happy speech of con-, giatulalion. P.P.G.M. Bro McKenzie suitably replied. After the district meeting was dosed a lodge of P.C.s Avas formed and three brothers received the purple degree. The evening was brought to a successful conclusion by 'a smoke concert, presided over by 'Bro. Allan Pettigvew, N.G. of Perseverance Lodge. Tlio district officers' deputies were entertained by the four smaller lodges in the district amalgamating.
Akaroa Mail and Banks Peninsula Advertiser, Volume LXXXV, Issue 3926, 16 March 1920, Page 4
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