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BH * '- * Sl __ r jpr _iP3 ■_ Hβ ■ B * ■ -■» Bfl » ' **w> w ____ 1 IS I" _F __■_ _X __MB - ' fl —_—— . .— —— • —■ — ■ #% « 9 lIIh ■ ■"■■■■ '■'■ ■ —: —-— ; —-—■——— I Men '^ Wear Great EeoNOMYWEEiy MEN'S UNION SHIRTS C.A. • ■ w^mK^^^fmmK ,^ mmm^mmaM , . - H Economy Price 8/6 H . - . .. ' WIDE END TIES S MBN'.S STRIPED CREPE SHIRTS . Navy and White Spot B ■ ■ ■_,*„*,*«-,,*../. Men's and Boys' Special Lines Ready-to-wear Purc E Si ' k ' I ma - - :•''■' Economy Price 4/6 Hi I raw IUBVABD suikts oa. FootweaT for Ladies Clothing I ■ . Enmmr frii<(/i WIDE END STEIPEU and FIGURED ■ BB —, ~ ~—~ • t>11. , !? Hi MB - ■ 1.1ti.0 ■■ B MEN'S DARK COTTON WORKING ALL SUMMER BULUNERY " Economy Price 4/8 ■ B I ' Shirts the boot. ■ below cost . - B 1 ... ;., All S«e« (Black and Tan) " ' MEN'S SPORTS SUITS STUD KNOT TIES . B B v MEN'S NEGLIGE SHIRTS (Banda) Economy Price 30/9 , Economy Price 1/3 B m l . CHILDREN'S HATS Economy Price £3 17s 6d T . " ' fl B y Economy Price 7/3 Economy Price from 1/11 B B ' ' ' MEN'S NAILED SHOOTEi-.b ...„,..„ „..„ MEN'S FELT HATS B H . LADIES UMTRIMMED HATS ■ MEN S BOX SUIIS B m . BOYS' COTTON SHIRTS (Bands) Economy Price 25/- .■ Economy Pricea from 2/3 . - Economy ' Price 70/- (All Shades) ■ H '-• Economy Price 3/11 Economy Price 25/- H ffl ' , LADIES TWEED COATS ' fl fl BOYS- STRONG SCHOOL BOOTS Economy Price £5 5 S 9i! BOYS' TWEED SUITS ". - I fl BOYS' COTTON SHIRTS C.A. E.onomy Price »(I c „• , M /r ' MEN'S -WOOL HATS • fl B y.---c... LADIES J JURSEYS Economy Pnccs from 32/6 ■ fl Economy Price 1/3 . Economy Price 39/6 ' EcOßOmy Prlco 77/G ■ fl ' BOYS' NAILED-BOOTS ■ MEN'S TWEED TROUSERS • I « . MENS- ■ TUSSOKE SILK SHFUTS • Economy Prioo 13 6"' ' Economy Price 13/6 MEN'S'TWEED HATS W '■ I . (Band,) Economy Price IV6 SPECIAL VALUE IN IUSH RUGS V - Economy Pr ice 11/- ■ fl MEN'S WHITE CANVAS SHOES Size 70 x9O BOYS' TWEED KNICKERS '. , fl fl ' ■ ' ' Economy Price 8 9 Economy Price 34/6 ' Economy Price 8/11 —— , K|j ■B ' TBL V BR * ' IB ' 1 Kuy Now I 44 akaroa I Ooii,t Be I I These Goods are I 1 IIW I €11.'llIWl O «^" llun | I I \\r firth flmihip I ; ■ :.. . " •.:.■.:-■: ■■■ ,; : --; -i MM 4 - r/ *^ Ei «- I Hβ. «Jf J[ i^LJI A. u JF m& wUf BB_B__fl____B__B__fiPß_B!?__Hß ' ■ ' ■■ ■■ i , ' ■ ■"'■ ;! ■'' " __B _ ■ _ ' ■ ■ .:: *■■**■_■ . |B
ESSEI\nriA«.Lr THE CAR FOR THE FAMILY— OVERLAND LIGHT FOUR Its remarkably sweefc running qual- ■ ities make this superb car a favourite everywhere. Each Overland Light Four is built to a rigid standard of appearance, performance and cost. And it is in performance—in actual road "work—-that Overland Light Four pleases just as much as it docs in appearance. The steepest hills, the roughest roads, are taken with ease and certainty. Overland Light Four is essentially a comfort-car. The whcelbatso allows ■generous room for seating capacity, the large tyres roll most smoothly •over ruts and bumps. The long canti lever rear springs absorb all shock, ,and the deep, soft upholstery is the ilast word in seating comfort. All these fatueres help, with the ibeautiful lines on which it is designed, to make Overland Light Four 'the car that you will be proud to <o\vn. IF YOU CONTEMPLATE CAR BUYING "it will pay you well- to investigate the merits of Overland Light Four. We will be pleased to demonstrate this superb car, or send you full par'.Liculara of Overland Light Four. HI. Farmers' Co-op. Assn, Limited, CHRISTCHURCH.
|| N.Z. I Farmers' Co-op. ! Association ot canterbury, n<3 \ t AUCTIONEERS*, WOOL BROKERS, FAT AND STORE STOCK SALESMEN LAND AND ESTATE AGENTS. Local Branch—lAVAUD sl, akaroa, Head Office x— CASHEL STREET, CHRiSTGHURCH, SALES OF ALL CLASSES OF FAT AND STORE STOCK NEGOTIATED EITHER BY PUBLIC AUCTION OR PRIVATELY. ■— —' Our Stock Agent at Akaroa • ■ t MR. CHARLES INNES, Telephone No. 85. 4 will be pleased to call upon you at any time. Appointments may be made at our Akaroa Branch, Telephone No. 3. If you want the highest prices for your Stock let THE FARMERS sell for you. . Consign all Stock to . FAEMEES , CO-OP.
1 ♦ I i H. MATSON & CO. J ) I H. MATSON & CO. J H. MATSON & CO. { i♦■ ■ . t , J CHRISTCHURCH TELEPHONES—Nds. 3, 944, 1147, <' i J AKAROA TELEPHONE—No. 21. < : , J LITTLE RIVER TELEPHONE—No. 2. f ♦ AUCTIONEERS, WOOL BROKERS, SKIN & HIDE SALES- t J MEN, LAND SALESMEN, GRAIN SEED MERCHANTS. 1 '*- ' I I TO THE PENINSULA FARMERS ! i J TO THE PENINSULA FARMERS ! i I TO THE PENINSULA FARMERS ! I I WE OFFER OUR SERVICES IN THE CAPACITIES ;►' J MENTIONED. I <| In whatever branch of farming you are engaged you i> I > require a selling Agent— \\ J WHO IS KEENLY ZEALOUS IN YOUR INTERESTS. i '• J WHO WILL REGARD YOUR INTERESTS AS HIS OWN. 1 \ J WHO WILL APPLY EXPERT KNOWLEDGE & DILIGENCE I' { . TO EVERY LOT ENTRUSTED. TO HIM. -> i ' • ■ i , V It is noAV more than ever essential that all the above should ;; < « be at your service in your selling Agent. I " o WAR TAXATION, HIGH FREIGHTS and RAILAGES, EX- ! > J PENSIVE FARMING REQUISITES, HIGH AND STILL MS- f 0 ING COST OF WAGES, INCREASING COST OF LIVING, !► 1 ALL CONDUCE TO INCREASE OF EXPENSE UN- f I DREAMED OF IN PRE-WAR DAYS. »* t THIS INCREASE CANNOT BE AVOIDED. " -J . '■■ . ' ■!!■ < > All you can do to maintain your j'evenue is to see that every <. * \ lot which you have to offer is sold under the most favourable ' i > conditions. To achieve this desideratum you cannot do '<' *X better than sell through ■ • i 0 . H. MATSON & CO. >' 1 SUPPLIES : 11 a We carry full stocks of " [ | J WOOL PACKS, CORN SACKS, BRANDING OIL & i ! ALL STATION REQUISITES. I' . a at current prices. ' ♦ IT WILL PAY YOU \[ J IT WILL PAY YOU ♦ IT WILL PAY YOU ! t ■i ►. TO TRADE THROUGH , j'. |H. Matson &Co.j {: CHRISTCHURCH. ;;
When Influenza is raging - , take "NAZOL." Best safeguard against attack. Swiftest reliever to sufferers from colds, catarrh, and throat. Taken on .sugar, inhaled or rubbed on the chest, "NAZOL" never fails ,to relieve coughs, colds, sore throats and chest tightness. 1/6 buys CO doses. I Your cough troubles you most at night, just when retiring, and you have difficulty in ' getting off to deep. Try "NAZOL"—it acts like a 'charm. all chemists. i [ Bad colds and "N'AZOL -, cannot exist together. Test this comnionsense and certain treatment. 'Children like it. ■ .
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Bibliographic details
Akaroa Mail and Banks Peninsula Advertiser, Volume LXXXV, Issue 3926, 16 March 1920, Page 4
Word Count
1,026Page 4 Advertisements Column 1 Akaroa Mail and Banks Peninsula Advertiser, Volume LXXXV, Issue 3926, 16 March 1920, Page 4
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Akaroa Mail Co is the copyright owner for the Akaroa Mail and Banks Peninsula Advertiser. You can reproduce in-copyright material from this newspaper for non-commercial use under a Creative Commons New Zealand BY-NC-SA licence . This newspaper is not available for commercial use without the consent of Akaroa Mail Co. For advice on reproduction of out-of-copyright material from this newspaper, please refer to the Copyright guide.
Page 4 Advertisements Column 1 Akaroa Mail and Banks Peninsula Advertiser, Volume LXXXV, Issue 3926, 16 March 1920, Page 4
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Akaroa Mail Co is the copyright owner for the Akaroa Mail and Banks Peninsula Advertiser. You can reproduce in-copyright material from this newspaper for non-commercial use under a Creative Commons New Zealand BY-NC-SA licence . This newspaper is not available for commercial use without the consent of Akaroa Mail Co. For advice on reproduction of out-of-copyright material from this newspaper, please refer to the Copyright guide.