N:Z. FARMERS' CO-OP. ASSOCIATION. , THE LEADSNG STORE. . \~^^\ MAKING "THE FARMERS' , . X/sjf /^aSI I AIT has established its business \ * nlfji Vm V SEND YOUR ORDER T® 6S TOE FARMERS ", "THE FARMERS" Buying Suggestions for Lent .*— SALMON in lib and %lb tins. KIPPERED HERRINGS. HERRINGS in TOMATO SAUCE ..'■■ KIPPERED SALMON in ilb tins v FRESH HERRINGS, MULLET, NORWEGIAN SARDINES. EHew .Zealand". .-Farmers , Co-op.Assn. , Ltd. Ji& US' €31 *SS
LITTLE RIVER EWE FAIR. ■ LITTLE RIVER EWE FAIR. ; LITTLE RIVER EWE FAIR. , TUESDAY, MARCH 23rd. TUESDAY, MARCH 23rd. MESSRS H. MATSON and CO, j will be glad to RECEIVE' PARTICULARS of intended EN-j TRIES on as early a date as possible. .■ to -enable judicious advertising for j this important ■fixture. • j < SPECIAL ENTRIES. J On account of Mr JOHN F. BUCK- . AN AN, Kinloch: j His Draft of Two-tooth Ewes j On account of MR BASIL WARE,; Port Levy : ! : 100 Two-tooth Thi-ee-quarterbrcd | Ewes 100 Four-tooth Three-.quarterbred. Ewes , '' ■ ! ■On account of MR F. .1. EDWARDS:! 100 Five-yea'-'-old Breeding Ewes, j On'account oE MR JOHN E. FLEW-; ' ING, Port Levy: : A Consignment of Sheep and Lambs On account of WHOM. IT MAY : : CONCERN: I 5 Big-woclled Sheep ; ■' 'If not claimed prior to the .ealc . the proceeds will be given to the St. ; Saviour's Orphanage. These are b> ; ing sent in by KINLOCH ESTATE, j On account of PER.AKI ESTATE: | 400 Three-quar-ter-bved B-eeding Ewes, being the annual' draft On account of MR W. MENZIES, , Menzies Bay : 30 Two-tooth Ewes 30 Full-mouth Ewes On account of MR J. V. CHAPMAN, Puaha: 250 Four, Six, and Eight-tooth Crossbred Ewes On account TRUSTEES late H. W. PIPER : 500 Sound-mouth Crossbred Ewes On account of MR A. R. FLEMING, Guildford, Port Levy : 400 Two-tooth. Ewed On account of MR J. F. BUCHANAN Kinloch : 750 Two-tooth Tiuc-e-quarter-breii Ewes 350 Four and Five-year-old Three-quarter-bred Ewes ' On account MR R. CRAW, Chorlton 100 Good Twc-tooth ■ Crossbrci Ewes IMPORTANT fJOTICK. In anticipation of a big entry a this sale it has been mutually agreec amongst the various salesmen that i will be entirely a SHEEP FAIR. Tb Cattle Fair will hs on the 9th Marcl All Vendors kindly take'notice not t. bring cattle forward for the 23r< Marcii. ' " H. MATSON and CO.
Page 3 Advertisements Column 1
Akaroa Mail and Banks Peninsula Advertiser, Volume LXXXV, Issue 3925, 12 March 1920, Page 3
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