PUB LI C AUC TlO N, d MARCH 27th, 1920. DAIRYING AND COCKSFOOT LAND. ! PORT LEVY. ■ -ii.. in 1. lOn account MR. R. J. FLEMING. c I r Q i i nno ACRES ' ■1N FOUR E \IAJ\J\J SECTIONS. J MESSRS PYNE, GOULD, GUINN'ESS, LTD., in conjunction with i ! MESSRS W. D. WoILKINS & SONS, i jLTD., hava received instructions from MR R. J. FLEMING to sell by £ iPUBLIO AUCTION, his WELL- ', KNOWN DAIRYING.. COCKSFOOT J j Property, in their SALE ROOMS, ] OASHEL STREET. CHRISTCHURCH i 'on the above date, at 11.30 a.m. t _ J. . ■ < j LOT 1. - Homestead Block, containI 260 Acres, suitably subdivided 1 I into five main paddocks and inun- i ci'cus small ones around the i ■I Homestead. Buildings consist of ; an up-to-date Gentleman's Resi- ; (lancii of 15 rooms, in thorough ; repair, beautifully laid out ■ i -rounds, flower garden, lawns, ■ etc., full bearing orchard of , ; about'2so Stunner apple trees, i cherry trees, plums, etc. Out- ; buildings consist of a large grass ' seed shed and three loose-boxes, ' implement shed and five-bailed cow-byre. ' LOT 2i—260 Acres, subdivided into . 4 paddocks, with House of 3', > rooms, cow-byre and concrete . : yards. . i LOT 3.—232 Acres, subdivided into 3 paddocks. , LOT 4.—187 Acres, one block, ring- \ 1 fenced. h j The above property has been occu- \ '. pied'by the present Owner's family for 70 years, and is some of the fin- j ; est grazing land on the Peninsula, j < Xy each block is splendidly and perman-j entry watered, carrying a heavy sole ; of cocksfoot all over, and is practic-, T ally all cleared bush country. Fences and buildings arc in perfect order ,j and repair. ■. We can with confidence recommend e _ Buyers of this class of property to inspect. ]' d TERMS. 5 per cent on fall of the hammer : ;10 per cent, on possession: balance I for five years at oVa per cent. j Possession 15th April, Thursday. a i For further particulars, plans, etc. 2d apply to the Agents. j 1 PYNE, GOULD, GUINNESS, LTD., eh | W. D. WILKINS & SONS, LTl>. . j Auctioneers. rd : ' ~~~ ! Children like WADE'S WORM FlGS—sure and certain,
Page 3 Advertisements Column 2
Akaroa Mail and Banks Peninsula Advertiser, Volume LXXXV, Issue 3925, 12 March 1920, Page 3
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