kvotclr Repairs Jewellery Repairs Old Jewellery remade into latest designs. ;-. Post your repairs to us. We specialize in repairing and •making up Jewellery. RELIABLE WORK MODERATE CHARGES ALWAYS SATISFACTION at ' ■ ' Jones & Sons. The Manufacturing Jewellers. 278 HIGH ST., OHRISTCHURCH. g HEEP AND CATTLE FAIR To be held at KAITUNA. By kind permission of MR JAMES COOP, who has lent his Yards at KAITUNA, we propose holding a Sale of SHEEP AND CATTLE On =. MONDAY, MARCH 22nd. PRESENT ENTRIES. Account R. M. Morten, "Ahuriri"— 600 to 700 S.M. Ewes, "Annual - Draft" Also Draft of Fat Sheep S. P. Aslrin, "The Gums," Tai Tapu— 230 Two-tooth Half ■ and Thrccquartcr bred Ewes, good line. Wm Thompson, Gebbie's Valley— 100 Three-quarter-bred Ewes ICO Fat Lambs H. A. Nutt, Gebbie's Valley— 100 Three-quarter-bred Two-tooth Ewes 300 Three-quarter-bred Lambs Ivor Gray, Ataahua— : 250 Three-quarter-bred Ewes, S.M. Wm. Gray, Ataahua— 100 Three-quarter-bred S.M. Ewes 100 Rape Lambs. F. Field, Ataahua— 300 Two-tooth Three-quarter-bred Ewes H. G. ■ Blyth, Ataahua— 200 S.M. Three-quarter-bred Ewes 100 Rape Lambs Lcnnard Coop, Ataahua— 500 Two, Four, Six and Eight-tooth Three-quarter-bred Ewes W. F. Parkinson, Ataahua— 1200 Two, Four, Six and Eighttooth Three-quarter-bred Ewes 100 Fat Wethers 250 Two-tooth Wethers 200 Fat Ewes • Sam Nutt, Ataahua— . 200 Rape Lambs Frank Coop, Price's Valley— 200 Fat Ewes 100 Breeding Ewes Goo. Humplireys, "Willesdeii— 200 Thrce-quai terlbrcd S.M. Breed-. ing Ewes k. E. Birdling— 200 Four-year-old Three-quarter-bred Ewes Gordon Holmes, Pigeon Bay— 300 to '■ 400 Three-quarter-bred Ewes [van Gebbie, Gebbie's Valley— 100 Three-quarter-bred Ewes \. Streeter, Gebbie's Valley— 100 Two-tooth Three-.quarter-brcd Ewes 500 Four, Six and Eight-tooth Ewes (This line has been very heavily . culled.) Mr C. J. Farra, Ataahua— 100 Rape Lambs 100 Three-quarter-bred Fou?-toothi Ewes. Jas Coop, Ataahua— 500 Ewes and Lambs CATTLE W. F. Parkinson, Kaituna— 20 Shorthorn Heifers, spring calvers And Draft Forward Steers 1 11. G. Blyth, Ataahua— Draft of Springing Heifers •"" R. Liddle, Ataahua—- ■ 12 Good Calves • 1 Fat Steer 1 Fat Cow R. J. Newton, Ataahua— 20 Good Calves \ Sam' Nutt, Ataahua — 12 Springers, due to 2nd calf AprilMay Account A. G. Streeter, Gebbie's Valley— 25 M.S. Yearlings Account G. J. Farra, Ataahua •10 Two-and-a-half-year-old Steers ' - , SALE STARTS AT 11 O'CLOCK. Luncheon Provided. PYNE, GOULD, GUINNESS, LTD.. . ■. Auctioneers. y
Page 2 Advertisements Column 4
Akaroa Mail and Banks Peninsula Advertiser, Volume LXXXV, Issue 3925, 12 March 1920, Page 2
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