MEETING OF CARNIVAL COMMITTEE. A meeting of the committee appointed to arrange for the Easter Carnival to raise funds for the.Peninsula war memorial was held at the Borough Council Chambers on Friday evening, when there were present: His Woiship the Mayor in the chair, Messrs F. Davis, J. E. Armstrong, G. M. Kearney, A. Rhodes, R. W. Shepherd, F. Armstrong, W. W. Williams, W. Jacobson, F. Kearney, C. Hall, H. J. Barnham, Mesdames G. Armstrong, T.E.Taylor and A. Rhodes and Messrs L. J. Vangioni and G. W. Thomas hon. secretaries. An apology was received from Mr F. W. Williams. i Correspondencsc was read— From Mr A. Waghorn arranging for school for meeting at Little Akaloa, and from Mr A. T. Mason, Okain's Bay, acknowledging receipt of a subscription list, saying he would do all he could for the fund. The Scottish Pipe Band wrote that they would probably need two cars to bring them down from Christchurch. It was decided to arrange the matter. Mrs I'arkcs, Dunedin, wrote acknowledging the committee's letter, .and offering to come to Akaroa and give an address, fthc would make no charge. The Chairman ;.-aid Mrs Pavkcs would give an interesting address, It was decided the oiler be accepted and the lecture be arranged for the Wednesday before Easier. The Chairman reported the committee had removed a great deal of misunderstanding by visiting the Bays anil they were very -pleased with the interest being taken. He was quite sure there would be handsome response all over the Peninsula. In reference to the concerts during , the Carnival, he would suggest one ,on Easter Saturday and another on -Easter Monday. I Messrs F. Armstrong, P. Riches, G. iW. Thomas, H. *W. Wilkins and Miss Jenkins were appointed to arrange j for the concerts. j It was decided the following committee arrange for the sports :— Messrs W. Jacobson, J. E. Armstrong, T. Masefield, F. Kearney, D. McKay, and R. A. Pettigrew. Mr Vangioni moved the following events be run:—loo yds, 220 yds, 440 yards, SBO yards and mile, and 220 yards, 440 yards and 880 yards for boys under 16 years. Seconded by Mr Hall and carried. Mr F. Armstrong brought up the question of a stock drive, and it was left in the handse of the stock comto speak about the matter at the different Bays. Mr F. Davis, on behalf of the Oddfellows' Lodge, said the Oddfellows would allow the committee to use the hall for all entertainments and dances at SI per night. ; The offer was accepted with thanks Mr F. Armstrong proposed the raffle and stock committee be merged with power to add "to their number. Seconded by Mr Barnham and carried. • The ladies reported h-eyt had the arrangements for refreshments well in hand. i
Akaroa Mail and Banks Peninsula Advertiser, Volume LXXXV, Issue 3924, 9 March 1920, Page 4
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