PEACE CELEBRATIONS. A meeting of the committee set up tr> cany out the Peace celebration festivities was held in the Library on Thursday evening" last. Mr J. Pettigrew was in the chair. It was decided to hold the function on the Monday set apart for the purpose or .should that day prove unfavourable on the following , clay. Th-3 programme was arranged as follows : —Launch trips for the children frcni 11 a.m. till 12.30 p.m. Lunch 12.30 till I MO. 1.30 till 2 p.m. appropriate speeches and children salute the fiat-;. From 2 till evening children .sports. 5 p.m. tea in the Schoolroom. ACI3I: dork Fireworks display. 8 p.m. Social and Dance. Committees wove set up as follows: Water Trips-Mc-srs J. C. Hay, G. McKay and R. Keily ; Refreshments — F. Corrigall, A, Goodwin, G. Kcynij.li; limit of cost *:10. Fireworks Messrs J. C. Hay, E. Hay, D. Hunt, and. J. Duxbury ; limit of cost .OX Social- Messrs A. McKay. F. x and It. Pettigrew; the ; total cost would be approximately ' >:■!(). i Mr E, Hay ofl'cvecl to ]>ay the cost i of a Highland Piper to enliven the i, proceedings if one can be procured. Mr Hay was thanked for his offer ; and the matter was left to the Sports committee to arrange. A .--.uggEKtion was brought forward . thai ouch child in the Bay should be i presented witli a. medal, .silver or bronze, commemorative of the day. Thi.-i was also left to the tport's com- ■ mitlee to deal with. Awaiting a reply from the Revs, fiaywa'-d and iUaelaverty the Sunday an-,in r ;emjnts were held over. SOLDIERS' MEMORIAL. A meeting of the soldiers' memo-
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Akaroa Mail and Banks Peninsula Advertiser, Volume LXXXIV, Issue 3845, 23 April 1919, Page 2
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Akaroa Mail and Banks Peninsula Advertiser, Volume LXXXIV, Issue 3845, 23 April 1919, Page 2
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