Sander & Sons' Eucalypti Extract.
I ! The unequalled remedy for colds, chest complaints, neuralgia, indigestion, and rheumatism. SANDER'S EXTRACT, the sure protection from all infections, fever, diphtheria, mcni.ij.ilis. SANDER'S EXTRACT, ; the trroat hosier of wounds, burns, ulcers, sprains-, and skin diseases. SAN DIOR'S EXTRACT, proved at the Supreme Court of Victoria to con- ' lain antiseptic and healing substances not present in other .cucalptus preparations, lienec ils superior and unique curative power. SANDER'S EXTRACT, the wily eucalptus pro- * duct prepared exclusively from the leaves and refined by special process. i.s free from the irritating and depressing eii'eet of the common eucaly- ( plus oils :uu! the so-called "extracts" and is safe for internal as well as for „ external use. Insist on the Genuine SANDER EXTRACT, and derive the benefit of purity, reliability and effectiveness. There is no "Just as c Good." "
rial committee was held in the Library, Pigeon Bay, on Thursday' svening, April 17th, Mr. J. Pettigrew being in the chair. The members i e present were: Messrs G. Roynish, D. j. Hunt, E. Hay, J. Pr-ttigrew, A. Good- s win, J, C. Hay, and R. S. Hay. It was decided to add the'name of ! t Mr Pitcaithly to the committee, and i ask him to act as secretary. Mr. G. Reynish, for obvious reasons, . asked that his name be taken off the! C committee, and this was agreed to. t It was resolved that circulars be |C sent to residents asking for suggestions as to the form the memorial, should take, the site it should occupy, \} and the amount it should cost, &c.,! J the committee to meet again when! replies had been received.
Sander & Sons' Eucalypti Extract.
Akaroa Mail and Banks Peninsula Advertiser, Volume LXXXIV, Issue 3845, 23 April 1919, Page 2
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