Akr.roa (<!), L-Htlo River (3) I A match whs played between the \ f^tile River and Akarca teams on the Retention Ground on Faster I Monday afternoon when the Akaroa ■, team won by 0 points to 3 points. The game was mestly confined to the ; forward , i l . , id was fairly even through- < out. The Akaroa players had a slight advantage in L' lC scrum and secured < the ball on most occasions white the Little River backs gave a fair exhibi- , tion and throw the ball about a good ; <ba!. The fast tlribbiinjv rushes of the Akaroa foiwards gave them a number <.. r good opportunities, the forwards keeping well up with the. game. I.he game- fast and inter- , esting a fair exhibition of football. The Akaioa team played one man short throughout the same. A Moore scored a tiy ar.d H. Collins kicked a penalty goal for Akaroa, whi'e E. Fahoy scared a try for Little River. : The vain that sot in during the match m.-.uc it almost impossible to lir,n(l!o tii- bull successfully- Mr C. Hall acted as referee. The visiting players were entertained at afternoon tea by the lady fner.cU of the Aka' oa club. EASTER MONDAY SPORTS. Tlvo sports gathering arranged by (he CV.C. T?:-ir.d was fairly wd! attended and a number of competi- : - to:* took part in the different events. \ The officials were Messrs C. Hall, starter; A. •'. Fa; ri.s and S. W. Hay--1 wan!, judge- ; "vV. Large, h.on. sec. The principal prize winners weve 1 as follows :-- ---5 Mile Handicap H. Pan i.s 1, J. G. Hammond 2. ' 22(Jvds Handicap -H. Parris 1, S. ? Gardiner 2. J:()yd,j Handicap ~D. McLcnajrJmn ' J, Chris Mora 2. ! > IHfrh JumpK. Kingston J, T. : ' Mora 2, -* Oi.'ftricle' Race- -J. -Ar.r.sLron;,' 1. Chris Mora, ','. - Tiurdlo Kace-T. Mora i, J. G. JJammorid ". Sleppin.t;" Com))C'tition ■— Chas Harrett. d Laciic-i Race-Miss N. Cun- - nii"f;"ha'.i\ 1, Miss A, Hemingway 2. 0 S-ovh under 12 -Teddy Armstrong ■'- ], 0. Baywarcl 2. Boys over.]2-Leslie Barrett .1, L Brcenoiic 2. 0 Giils lir-dev 12-- Lav/i'enc: '" .1, Emily IJrcitPieypr- 2. y Girl 1 : over 12--Myrt!e Hemingway J ;1 Alice Hall 2. S Little Girls—Myrtle Manson 1, Eve ; " Hand Bey.i Race—Yewon Wheich 1 1,1 .BioitrncyeL- 2. The Mayor, Mr G. Armstrong, presented the prizes to the winners after Ui2 football match.
Akaroa Mail and Banks Peninsula Advertiser, Volume LXXXIV, Issue 3845, 23 April 1919, Page 2
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