Extraordinary Announcement Business as Usual MTt T. M. CLARK desires to Thank his numerous patrons for the splendid s J I PP° him for the past 17 years, and wishes to announce that he has decided to continue the business, which will be run under the old: and well-known name of Manchester Bros., Ltd. asgssgs | i ggggggggggggggggggggaagggagaggagggaaagggE b B e - b e X — BSffIFS9X\ Electrical Appliances § Bs X b n Save Time, labour, § Expense. ONCE you have used electricity in your home you’ll never -go back to other antiquated methods ■' of lighting, heating, and working. RULE AND CO. will be pleased to demonstrate to you the many advantages of electricity in the home. 8 They are the Sole Agents in the Ashburton District 1 for the National Electrical and Engineering Company, and for General Electric Motors, and will be pleased to give you quotations for all classes of electrical work, including wiring and electrical installations generally. - • Only the Best of Materials are nsed by RULE’S, and their Charges are Most Reasonable. E B B B B B B B B E B E E James E. Role Ltd. MOTOR AND ELECTRICAL ENGINEERS, TANCRED STREET. ASHBURTON. Sole FORD DEALERS for Ashburton County. aaaaaaaasaaaaaaaaaasaaaaaaaaaaaaaai Fa!! NEW ZEALAND! Imillli S NEW ZEALAND id r I CLOTHING FACTORY! axmiiNe fAcrom -Mi I i.-'immll ► Last Week ©f “ H-B’s ” SALE Save while the saving is good! BOYS’ AMD MEM’S CLOTHING. BOYS’ STRONG TWEED SPORT SUITS— Usual Pi-ice — 32 s 6d, 355. Sale Price 255, 27s 6d. BOYS’ COLONIAL SADDLE TWEED KNICKERS— Usual Price — l4s 6d. Sale Price —tOs Bd. MEN’S DENEM OVEIIALLS-Usual Price 9s 6d. Sale Price 6s lid MEN’S STRONG TWEED TROUSERS— Usual Price—2ls. Sale Price — lss 6d. MEN’S ALL-WOOL TWEED SAC SUITS— Usual Price — 90s. Sale Price—69s 6d. MERCERY. BOYS’ SELF-COLOURED POPLIN TIES— Usual Price—ls 3d. Sale Price — 9d. . MEN’S WHITE LAWN HANDKERCHIEFS— Usual Price Is. Sale Price—4s per 4-dozen. Men’s Summer-Weight SINGLETS— Usual Prices—4s lid 6s 6d. Sale Prices — 3S 6d, 4S 6d. ODDMENTS in MEN’S SHIRTS— Sale Prices—3s Hd, 4s lid, 5s lid. MEN’S “WOLSELEY” RIBBED SOCKS Usual Price—7s. Sale Price — 3s 3d. HATS AND CAPS. Men’s TWEED CAPS— Usually 4s 6d, Bs. Sale Prices—2s 11d, 4s 11d Men’s CRASH HATS—Usually 3s 6d. Sale Price Is 9d. MEN’S LOUNGE HATS— Usual Prices — los 6d, 15s 6d. Sale Prices—Bs 6d, 10s 6d MEN’S G.B. BORSALINO LOUNGE HATS— Usual Price—32s 6d. Sale Price — 2ss 6d, FOOTWEAR. LADIES’ GLACE KID OXFORD SHOES, plain toes— Usual Price—27s 6d. Sale Price — l9s. LADIES’ GLACE KID DERBY SHOES, patent caps— Usual Price—27s 6d. Sale Price — 2ls. LADIES’ PATENT DERBY SHOES— Usual Price — 39s 6d. Sale Price—29s 6d. LADIES’ TAN WILLOW DERBY SHOES— Usual Price—36s 6d. Sale Price—2sS. LADIES’ PATENT OXFORD BOOTS Kid Legs— Usual Price—43s 6d. Sale Price—22s 6d. BOYS’ STRONG SCHOOL BOOTS— Usual Price—l9s 6d. Sale Price—lsS 6d. Big Bargains. Final Days.,*©NEW ZEALAN D* CLOTHING FACTORYe No Saving Less Than ,10 Per Cent« r
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Ashburton Guardian, Volume XLIII, Issue 9799, 16 February 1923, Page 2
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Page 2 Advertisements Column 2
Ashburton Guardian, Volume XLIII, Issue 9799, 16 February 1923, Page 2
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