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aaßMEaggSßaaiEg «» agßaaa&aajra^ STRANGE’S DIAMOND JUBILEE SALE. What You Can Save To-day THE season has brought no finer Bargains than these. Every line shows a substantial price reduction, and every purchase is a wise investment. Pay an early visit and secure some of the following offerings. FOR LADIES:, 1 Only Black and White SKIRT, smart cut. Usually 81s 6d. Sale Price—l4s lid. 1 Only Velour SPONGE CLOTH SKIRT, coloured check.—Usually 49s 6d. Sale Price—27s 6d. 1 Only SPONGE CLOTH DRESS, Pink and White with Black Stripe.—Usually 49s 6d. Sale Price — 29s 6d. ROSLYN TWEED COSTUME, sac coat with belt.—Usually £5 15s. Sale Price—49s 6d. 1 NAVY SUITING COSTUME, trimmed Black Braid, belted. —Usually £7 7s. Sale Price—£6 6s. 1 Only Ladies’ Black Silk POPLIN COAT, Plain style.—Usually £4 19s 6d. Sale Prfce—s9s 6d. 1 Only Heavy BLANKET CLOTH COAT, for Motoring.—Usually £l2 12s. Sale Price —£6 6s. MORNING DRESSES, in plain shades, unfadai ble Sundour. —Usually 19s 6d. Sale Price —14s Hd. 1 Doz. only Plain WHITE VOILE BLOUSES. Usually 8s lid. Sale Price—ss 11d. Girls’ White EMBROIDERY DRESSES, 33 and 36in.— Usually 25s 6d, 27s 6d. Sale Price 17s 6d. Children’s White WASHING HATS . small sizes— Usually Is 6d, 2s 3d. Sale Price Sd. Ladies’ White UNDERSKIRTS, trimmed lace and embroidery—Usually 15s 6d, 19s 6d, 23s 6d. Sale Prices 10s 6d, 13s 6d, 17s 6d. 2 Onlv Ladies’ Natural MERINO VESTS— Usually 10s 6d, 12s 6d. Sale Prices—6s ltd, 7s 6d. Ladies’ White COTTON VESTS, lace tops— Usually 5s lid. Sale Price—3s 11 d. Holeproof LISLE HOSE, a special Purchase in Champagne, Grey, Fawn, Mole, and Black. v Sale Price—3S 6d. FOR MEN. NEGLIGE WINCEYETTE SHIRTS, plain istripes—Usually 10s 6d.' Sale Price 6s 11d. Tussore SILK COLLARS, to 17*Usually Is 6d. Now Is. WHITE TENNIS SHIRTS, all sizes— Usually 13s 6d, 14s 6d. Sale Prices—9s 6d, 10s 6d. Heavy ALL-WOOL SOCKS— J Sale Price—ls 9d pair. Men’s Natural UNDERPANTS and SHIRTS— Usually 8s 6d. Sale Price 6s Hd.Roslyn UNDERFLANNELS—i Special Sale Price, Os 11d. Boys’ Plain Grey ’VARSITY SHIRTS, with collars and pockets, all sizes— Sale Prices es 3d to 7s 6d. Boys’ PINWIRE SHIRTS, extra strong for school wear, 13 to 14* —Usually 10s 6d. Sale Price—6s 11d Boys’ and Youths’ NEGLIGE SHIRTS, plain ”* white, sizes 11* to 14* —Usually 7s lid, 8s 6d. ’sale Prices—4s 11d, 5s 6d. Men’s GABERDINE TROUSERS, sizes 3 and 4 Usually 29s 6d, 32s 6d. Sale Price, 21s. Men’s Strong TWEED TROUSERS— Usually 19s 6d, 22s 6d. Sale Price 16s 6d. Men’s FAWN RAINCOATS—UsuaIIy 45s 555. Sale Price—29s 6d„ Youths’ Cream FLANNEL TROUSERS— Usually 21s, 255. Sale Prices 7s lid, 10s 6d Youths’ SHORTS, sizes 11 to 13— Usually 12s 6d. Sale Price 6s 11d. A Special Line of Men’s Heavy BLUE DENIMS—SaIe Price 7s 6d. SPECIAL OFFER. MEN’S SUITS-TG-MEASURE. In English Tweeds, Light Greys and Fawns. Sale Prices—£4 10s, £5 10s. SUITS TO MEASURE, in Grey, Brown, and Navy Worsted —From £6 IGS. Men’s and Boys’ ORIENT BRAND CLOTHING at Sale Prices. HOUSEHOLD BARGAINS. Special Purchase —Coloured TURKISH TOWELS, in plain and fancy . stripes, useful sizes—Usually 5s lOd, os 6d, 7s 6d, 8s 6d, 9s Gd pair. Sale Prices—4s 6d, ss, 5s 10«, 7s, ?s tOd pair. Extra Large Heavy BATH TOWELS, cream around with pale helio stripe—Usually 21s. ° Sale Price—lss pair. WHITE TOWELS—Usually 2s lid, 3s lid, 4s 6d, 5s lid each. Sale Prices —Is 9d, 2s lid, 3s 3d, 3s Hdeacn DAMASK CLOTHS— . „ . 66 x 84.— Special Sale Price 16s 6d. 66 x 102— Special Sale Price 19s 6d. -■& 70 x 85— Special Sale Price 19s 6d, 23s 6d 70 x 106— Special Sale Price 265. DISCOUNT AS USUAL. W. STRANGE & Co., Ltd., CHRISTCHURCH AND ASHBURTON.
uiimHismniiuniitiHiiSi k-Sp a "N 7 :^r. <£b l!lll!irm»lHUlII19!2SIB371^ SUITS Tailored-to Measure Cut by master cutters from best of materials, in very latest styles. Smart looking, dressy, and dignified, and with absolutely the best of workmanship. Suits you’ll be proud to wear— I 1 f™ I Or with an EXTRA PAIR OP On ly &\3l I O/- TROUSERS, £sl' Send for range of samples and self-measurement indicator —they’re free 69 LICHFIELD ST. i CHRISTCHURCH | aiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiMiiiiiiiiiuii uumiimmlihiim luiiiiiimi hiiii ic LOW’S LTD. Do You Want to Build ? AMD SAVE YOURSELF POUNDS? | r% _ w Diillrl 1 ? B ffl s m m a m ffl m m m m m m THEN inv stigate the PAYNTER and HAMILTON way—lt will save you many pounds. Just sign the Coupon below and post it—it puts you under no obligation whatever. P&YPJYEiI <& Ltd., THE MODERN. HOME BUILDERS, TUAM AND DURHAM STREETS, CHRISTCHURCH. CUT OUT AND POST THIS COUPON. | MESSBS PA ™ and E SB& gg Please post me free copy of your Booklet “Modem Homes. m m .m Name. Address. m a a m a a a a
business notices. THE DOMINION TRUST CO. OF N.Z., LTD. TRUSTEES under wills, and for Marriage Settlements, Absentees, Debenture Holders, Residuary Legatees, etc. Directors: G. T. Booth, Walter Hill, J. O. Jameson, Thomas Stone. E. b • Stead, Christchurch; W. K. Me Alpine, Oaigieburn i James Cow, Ashburton; R. B. Macdonald, Geraldine. Offices: 163 Hereford Street, Christthurch, op. O.S.S. Co. of N.Z., Ltd. Local Solicitor —G. H. BUCHANAN. NEW ZEALAND INSURANCE COMPANY, LTD. LIVE STOCK INSURANCE, including Foaling Risks, etc. Capital £1,500,000. PREMIER AND WEALTHIEST COLONIAL COMPANY. Fire and Marine Risks, and Risks of Growing Crops and Wool. Threshing Machines, Etc. Accepted at Lowest Current Rates. NICOLL BROS., AgentsF* OR Cuts, Cracked Hands, Chilblains, etc., try C.C.Q. Ointment. Is 6d a bottle at Bonnington s Pharmacy, East Street-. “OTOPSKAL” prices further reduoO ed. Eliminate Scale from your boilers and save fuel. New Zealand Agents: R- P- M. Manning Co., o Bedford Row. Christchurch. NEW Season’s Pine Tree Salmon a real good quality Salmon, m lib tins, at Is 2d; Herrings in Sauce, 8d; Sardines, 3 tins for Is ; Fresh Herrings in tall tin 8d; all whoh.-some and inexpensive. 5 per cent. Coupons with Every Cash Purchase. —John Oir and Co., Tea. Grocery, and Provision Merchants. East Sb.
AWAY with the Soldering Iron. Repair Leaky Radiators with “Radorene.” ‘Permanent Repairs assured while car is working.—R. P. M. Manning Co., 5 Bedford Row, Christchurch.
WIRE GAUZE for Meat Safes, Door and Window Screens, 2ft. and 3ft. widths; any length cut; rustless and strong and quite reasonable in price.— John Orr and Co., Hardware Importers, East Street.
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Ashburton Guardian, Volume XLIII, Issue 9799, 16 February 1923, Page 2
Word Count
1,058Page 2 Advertisements Column 1 Ashburton Guardian, Volume XLIII, Issue 9799, 16 February 1923, Page 2
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Page 2 Advertisements Column 1 Ashburton Guardian, Volume XLIII, Issue 9799, 16 February 1923, Page 2
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