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TJio wiiilhiy meeting of clio Ashburlion County Council was hold to-day. Prose in—.?, lews C. J. Harper (chairman), J. Calms, 3\ J)]-umond. H. J. Harrison. \V. rJ I. Lill, T. Dohcrty, W. .VJor-an C. 11.-id and G. Murdock. i Tlio rh.iinnuu reported that the rates ! outstanding :imounted to £83 19s od. Tho miniher of dogs registered to date total led I7«f). Tho levy of tho Hospital Board api'nmt-d to £190 .'ss (3d, as ai-gam^i .Cl9l 8s lOd last your. Engineer's Report. Tho County Engineer (Mr Charles ; iMomsoiO loportod as follows:— -isuliiirujn-ifakiiia Water .Supply.— During \.no pp.sL month the-supply horn Pudding '.lift dam and the auxiliary channel has been regular and sufficient ior ail l'ic distributing races connected. Within. lJio past ii,\v days there ha 6 boon a considerable quantity oi' lloodwator in thy rivers, bat npc 'to i the ex tenl which mi&ht bo expected' to damage ilv headworks. As is usual under the circjnn.sram.'os, a. quantity of shingle will iiavo to be removed lrom the intake. vJieu the river subsides,, and prob:.bly tliis has been done, by this fcimo. JL/urin<r, the recent storm all water was shut; ojf from tho beadworks, ho as lo i>:vvi ii)tf overflow from the channels and otherwise. In the lower district.-* the upper mid lower main races from the Rakaia' River near Acton, winch tiro maintained by contract, are iv a fair state of repair, and arc providing ;i good supply for all race-, dfpi-ndi»Tii, on thcv>o sources for their supply. Tho flow of water in the Mill Civok lias been reduced, as the Canterbury. .Mill owners do not require the water IVr power purposes. The supply in \\\t race leading to the Fairfield Vrov/.'m'j. Works has also boen reduced, as a full supply is not now necessary. Ashbirrtiin-Uiincjitatii Water Supply. —Thxl main raco leading from the south' branch of the Ashburton River is in fair working order, and the supply sufficient i'or all tho distributing races "onnwied iSevoral sections' of this main race b;p, << I'een cleaned, so as to facilitate c!im work previous to the yearly overhaul in August. Supplies irom rln v I'i'uKs Gcrg? and Limestone Creek arc now abundant. In the lower district then* is a good flow of water to the «»:<tremn end of the system. Several ihmvs which wore tampered wiLh durimj; the summer will require to be* lifted and placed on concrete at the ends, where the soil has been washed uuay by continual {jiiniporinaIn tho Korks district tho supply is sufficient thi-Diighout. The contractor lor tlio I'p]>or Winchmoro main race Lars comm<-jn-od work, and is making fair projuv-s. Twentyman'.s Crossing .Bridge.— : Good progross^ Ims been made with the oreetion of this bridge and approaches, and J expect that by the end of June thewoik will be completed. Tho ro-building of the bridge on Mount iSomers trannvav has been corn-

piptpcj and traffic restored. to a letter from Messrs , HifharcL and Harrison, which is laid on the table, requesting to be relieved of the maintenance of a race leading through their properties at Doric,' rural sections 2a:jt).y, 24242, 19240, a total length 01 about 128 chains, I'have met Ukl owners on tho ground and inspected tho position throughout. In rural section .J9240 Ui^ r.-icis. leads along the.edge of a terrace for a distanco of about 28' chains, which is very much overgrown with vegetable matter .and gorse. I am of the opinion that it would he less costly and more serviceable- to form a new race over this length than to clean the present one. By commencing tho deviation in rural section 24242, Mr Harrison's land, a few chains up from %he roadliue, a better course can b« obtained and tho fall'equalised throughout. By carrying out this proposal a bridge wo::td bo required on tho roadline, in lieu of the open crossing. The estimated cost of tho deviation and bridge is .C4L hi Mr _ Harrison's land the race i«? in very fair order, and it is very dm.'bti'ul, without taking levels over this, iongth. whether any improvement can In- made s>o as to increase the fall, thereby improving tho race, and connect v itli the cxiHipi: race at the lower end of Mr Harrison's property. The m^st important point raised is relief from maintenance. This opens up n ', cry large question, which is worthy of tho council's serious 'consideration. Thn eh:; inn an reported that Mr Shooror v:is (.lit* only person who had so far objeciod to tho construction of the Upper "Wiijehmoro main race.—The report was adopted. \ Reserve inspector's Report. Tho Inspector of Reserves (Mr B Stuart) reported as follows:— Planting has beon comploted on the Three Chain and South ltoad reserves', also at reserve 2816, Lagmhor-Winslow Road, reserve, 2075, Anam'a, reserve 29536, Alford Forest, part 326-53 ;md part 34144, Lainb\s and Sharplin's, the Dromore plantation, part 3770. and part at F.-uriiold will bo completed during the next week. The gorse along the roadside, Mount Somers Tramways reserve, and through tho Mount Somers township is nowgrubbed, and tho work done is satisfactory. 1 have had rabbit poison laid in small plantations in 'Wostoriiold .and "VViuslow districts. and tho result has boon very good. The rabbits are noticeably loss numerous, and a great number hayo been killed. 7f the poisoningis continued ;<t the end of Juno and in July tho j)est should bo • greatly reel need. A now fence is being erected along the boundary of reserve 1772 at Chcvtsoy, whore the fence was destroyed by fiv-\ posts arid stakes being used .from tho plantation ou the ro&oiTC, and th * 'ouncil providing Ihe wire. The work ■ s being done by the occupier. Tho stiip'of laud along the. Main' "South' Road has beon cut up-in.lows, •onespondir.g with frontages of ar];r>inng owners, and the leases v.-iil r>o iffered by auction on Saturday. June >4, 1916. Tho chairman reported that a resiloni. had informed him that where a. ilans.ation had been de^troyod by fire it Vresterfield, a large number of "oung trees hivl pown from seed, so hat thn plantation would renew itself, r/ho vouiux iroo'-; had made remarkable n-n«ref-p Lhroughout tho. dry Feason.— t wa& decided to ''onlinuo laying poi on for '-abbif.-: in tho council"? plantaions.— Tho i-eport was then adopted.

Tho inspector reported that traction engine drivers had complied with the by-laws. Most of tho machines engaged in hauling grain, etc., had now pulled up for tho winter. Tho Ashburton traffic bridge by-laws had been fairly well observed during the month.— Tho chairman suggested that the Mo-

tor Act should be a-mcnded\so as to en- * able a local body to prosecute on the number of a car instead of having to find out the name of tho driver. —It was decided to bring tho matter under • the notice of the member for the district and Mr W. J. Dickie, M.P. Correspondence. A kiter was received from Messrs Thomaa ■ iiiphards and W. . Harrison, Doric, asking to be relieved of having to clean tho main water-race flowing through their properties, and stating that they were still prepared to pay the usual water charges.; —Cr. Harrison said the race referred to was a main race, and required a. of cleaning owing to the silt. The race., could be improved by carrying out the suggestion in the. Engineer's report.—lt was decided to ask the owners to alter the course of the race, and the council would provide the- bridge over the road; tho occupiers would be asked, to maintain the race in future.

A letter was received from the Selwyn County Council stating that the Government had not yet made any grant for repairs to Lake ColeridgeCoalgate Road. The annual cost of repairs, taken over a, series of years previous to the Government using the rtoad for tho Lake traffic, averaged £360 per annum. Tho council considered that the Doable Hill runs in the Ashburton County shoiJd bear 20 per cent, of the average cosh The Mount Hutt Road Board had -ejreed to pay £50 per annum. The Ashb-.;Hxra County Council was asked to pay £22 per annum. —It was decided to hold the matter over till next meeting.

Mrs M. Christian wrote, on behalf of the Ashburton branch of the Plunket Nurses' Society, asking for a donation towards carrying on the work of the nocietiy. The writer stated that owing to the war the society had not been able to supplement the subscriptions by the usual street collections, and the membership had also suffered a considerable decrease.—The chairman stated that the Plunket Nurses had done excellent work in this district by giving .advice to mothers in regard to their children. He considered that a great many mothers did not know how to bring up their babies, and this was where the nurse's services were invaluable.—Cr. Doherty said the nurse visited his locality once every week and gave advice to mothers, and her services Had been greatly appreciated.—lt ,was decided .to give a donation of £20 ' to- the'society's funds. .

Mr G.iCollard, Rakaia, wrote asking for, an ■ iricrease'in his contract price for making a. watcr-raee at the. lower end of tho irrigation channel.—Cr. Harrison and the eha-ii man were instructed to make investigations and report.

A petition wn.s received' from 37 residents in Mount Somers and surrounding districts, bringing under the notice of tho council the necessity for the'erection of a traffic bridge ov-er Bowyer's Stream, nenr Bnccleuch. The. ix>titioners stated that the road was daily becoming more important as a direct route between Mount Somers and Ashbiirton.—The chairman said this was not the erect a new bridge, owing to the increased cost of material.. Travellers could go round by another route, and it would oniy make about two miles extra travelling.—Cr. Murdoch' said the bridge was wanted, ■ and; would-be, a great advantage. He moved that the council undertake the work and apply to the Government for a £ for £ subsidy.—Cr. Morgan seconded the motion, and agreed that the bridge was required.—Cr. Reid said that the matter should not be turned down; a committee should be sot up to report, and he moved this as an amendment. —The chairman explained that it had been intended to erect a bridge there, but the mutter had been held over owing to the war.—Cr. Murdoch withdrew his motion, and it was eventually decided to hold the matter over •until the end of the war.

Mr R. Guinness. Ealing, wrote stating that he would allow the council to cut two water-races -through his property. He would undertake the work at-2s per chain, and in. consideration of the. saving to the council and for the use of his land he asked for five years' free iise of ' the water.—The offer was accepted.

The South Rakaia Road Board wrote forwarding resolution—" That the board declines to maintain any race crossings for a less sum than 4s each, whether piped or otherwise."—The chairman stated that he had consulted the Engineer, and the latter had i.n-

formed him that before the. .Rakaia Board took the races' in hand the

council had pur, them in perfect order. If the Rakaia Board would now undertake to put the races in the same order, the council could take them ever again. He thon-njovrd—''That the board be risked to put the crossings in order to the satisfaction of the Engineer, and the council would maintain them in

.future."-—Cr. Rv'ul snid that- 20 fevt of pipes .was a hip: consideration, and the boards ..should do something in return .—-C>. Drummond said as far as he, could recollect the council had only supplied five lengths of 20 feet pipe's to th-; ; Riikiiia Hoard. In the majority of ..instances the board had paid half the "cost; and tho council should not

expect the board, under those -circuni-

1 stances, .to maintain races. TJio council should Help the board as much as pos- '• fiibTo to make suitable crossings! He 'did .not sec, why boards content with 10 feet bridges should receive more con-' Hideration-than a board that had helped :fe inako a dncciit 20 foot crossing.2—C'r. : Reid considered that, where'the council had supplied 20 foot of pipes 'the council's resolution should stand. Tie would . bo agreeable to make allowances whore trie iiakaia Board had paid for half • the cost of 20 I'eet pipes. Ho thought . the. matter could bo easily arranifd. lie '.hoped that the board:-: would co-no to an imdorstandins, psj)ecia]ly now that it hud boon mentioned that some boards had naid for a prw'tioij of soiii."—Tlie chairman said that where the council had triven 20 feet of pipes it was only fair.that the boards «lion'id see tliat the pipes did not o-et blockod uj). Tie considered the i-'akaia Board's' resolution was rather too drastic to refuse to clean races whether piped or otherwise. He considered fcFmfc iviicre 20 foot pipes had been pi-t in they should be fenced of!' and !/!v fetLCes painted v.-hiti>, so as to avoid a.ce.ident«. ."Ho considered thai. JO focibridges at thy. sides were preferable.— 0r: Dr'nijiniond s:iid i\\vi l:;s !i;;i:'i: V.'filiU' HfiODri 1 auppiv ?!:;! \i: !Vi-l ;s''! pipC'H have i.o do i:r..:- ih :•.:• ii• *i t/i'j

crossings for all time.—Cr. Harrison snid it would be fair to allow the board Js for cleaning at each side of the 20 feet of pipes.-—"Cr. Morgan said lie was surprised tit the attitude of the Rakaia itoiid Board, and he favoured the council adhering fo tho original resolution.—Cr. Murdoch said that it' a,concession was made to Rakaia. tho other boards -having agreed to maintain fords where '20 feet pipes had been supplied' would want tho same concession.—Cr. Lill aaid the matter was not worth/ wasting time discussing. The pipes were a great benefit to boards. Hu was afraid, however, that they might load to accidents through the people driving over the- end of the pipes, and then probably the board responsible would be saddled with an action for daxnages. tn his opinion, the pipes should be 30 feet, and even then they would be- more liable to blockage.—The chairman said the Rakaia Board was tho only objector.—Cr. Drummond replied that Wakamii hud also objected. —Cr. Cairns said the Wakanui Board was willing to shingle the crossings, but not to clean at tho end of the pipes. It was not worth 4s to clean the ends of the pipes. Ho did not think tho Rakaia Board was acting fairly in the j matter. There was not a board in the . County that:had asked for so much and deceived so many concessions as the] Rakaia ' Board.—The chairman then withdrew his resolution. —Cr. Murdoch then moved that the council adheres to its original resolution, and the Rakain, Board bo advised to that effect. —The resolution was carried. j General, It was resolved on tho motion, of tho chairman that tho resolution tho council ou April 30, 1908, relating to grants to cemetery and domain boards bo rescinded, and tho following substituted:—That tho council grant £1 for £1 for yearly expenditure of a cemetery under control of road boards or domain boards up to £15, and half the amount exceeding £15 to £30,, tho latter being tho maximum grant- in any one year; the Ashburton Domain Board excepted. v ' | On the motion of Cr. Drummond, Cre. Cairns, Lill, and tho Chairman and the mover were appointed ft, committee! to consider by what means, the council could assist those willing to trap small birds and procure the traps. Accounts amounting to £1886 17s 2d were passed for payment. Cr. J. Grigg was granted a further thre-e months' leave of absence. Cr. Drummond asked when tho council intended to remove tho old portion of the traffic bridge ? —The chairman replied that the engineer was watching tho bridge, and so long as it was safe for traffic, it would bo allowed to stand. —Cr. Drummond said it was in the interests of traction engine owners that he had asked tho question.

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Bibliographic details

Ashburton Guardian, Volume XXXVI, Issue 8465, 2 June 1916, Page 4

Word Count

COUNTY COUNCIL. Ashburton Guardian, Volume XXXVI, Issue 8465, 2 June 1916, Page 4

COUNTY COUNCIL. Ashburton Guardian, Volume XXXVI, Issue 8465, 2 June 1916, Page 4


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