A very pleasant gathering was held on Tuesday last at 39 Wood St.. Ponsonby, Auckland, where many of the old friends and relatives of Mr and Mrs James P urn ell met to celebrate and honour the golden anniversary of their wedding. In proposing the toast oi: the "Host and Hostess," Mr A. K. McGregor, in very appropriate remarks referred to the long and honourable career possessed by Mr James Purnell. dating from the period he served in the Maori War around New Plymouth with the Bush Rangers under Sir Harry (then Major) Atkinson, up to the present, touching briefly on his career as a rifle-shot. He had l;-eeu one of the best rifle-shots New Zealand has ever produced, having been champion one year, and runner-up on at least four other occasions, and the holder of the New Zealand War Medal, long service, and officer's decoration, V.D. Reference was also made to his long service to the town of Wanganui, where he was associated with so many matters of public interest, including his service as town clerk for over 26 years, to that thriving, and prosperous to wu. ' ■ Mr Purnell has been in ill-health for the past ten months, and best wishes for a speedy return to good health were heartily expressed by all. Kindly references were made to Mrs Purnell, one of Nature's gentlewomen, who by her many adts of graced iand kindness had endeared her&ei): to "all her numerous friends. Mr. McGregor was ably supported by many of the guests. Special reference might be made to one, Mr John Nodder, a hale and hearty veteran of over 80 summers, who was present at the ceremony 50 years ago, and who had fought side by side with his friend "Jim" in Major Atkinson's Bushmen: Mr and Mrs Purnell's second son, Corporal A. Purnell, leaves for the front with the 15th Reinforcements.
Mr and Mrs Purnell were the recipients of several beautiful presents, and a very large number of telegrams and letters of congratulation from all parts of the Dominion, and Australia.
Wanganui Chronicle, Volume LXI, Issue 16690, 21 July 1916, Page 4