Mr. C. Berry, of Runterville, has been trasnferred to the Wanganui Post Office mail room staff.
A Wellington press telegram say 6 that Mr E. J. L. Whiting, telegraphist, of Wanganui, has been elected unopposed to represent the Post and Telegraph Department on the Public Service Superannuation Board. Mr Kelly, of the General Post Office, Wellington, has been appointed relieving chief post-master at Wanganui, dur'ng Mr Sampson's absence on sick leave. Mr Inder, who has been acting-postmaster far the past two months, leaves Wanganui this morning.
The many friends of Mr. W. H. Woon ,of Wellington, will regret to learn of his death. He was probably one of the best all-round athletes the Wanganui Collegiate School has ever known. After leaving school he joined the Government Life Insurance Department, and had completed 28 years of service. His illness was on\y of some six weeks' duratflon. He was 49 years of ago.
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Bibliographic details
Wanganui Chronicle, Volume LXI, Issue 16690, 21 July 1916, Page 4
Word Count
Wanganui Chronicle, Volume LXI, Issue 16690, 21 July 1916, Page 4