St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church, Crlasgow Street, was tastefully decorat. cci on Wednesday afternoon on the occasion of the marriage of Mr Francis W. M. Weir, youngest son of Mr and Mrs Robert Weir, of 36 Ball St., late of Otago, to v Miss Margaret C. ("Maggie") Brodie, second daughter of Mr John C. Brodie, late of London St. Extension, Wanganui. The Rev. D. Calder, 8.A., was the officiating clergyman, and the bride was given away by her father. The bride wore a becoming costume of cream Russell corded silk, nicely set off with deep flowing veil and sprays of orange blossom, and carried a pretty bouquet of freesias, narcissi and maidenhair fern. She was attended by Miss Mona Freeman, who wore a pretty frock of cream radianta, with band of saxe-bhle, and a charming cream tulle hat with wreath of saxe-blue. The best man was Mr. Robert Brennan. The gift of the bridegroom to the bride was a gold wristletwatch, and to the bridesmaid a gold brooch. Miss L. Burnet presided at the "organ. After the ceremony a reception was held. Later Mr and Mrs. Weir left by th eevening train en route for Wellington, where the honeymoon will be spent. The bride's going-away suit was of navy blue serge, with a dainty little black hat, trimmed with white. The newly-married couple were the recipients of many good and serviceable presents, several cheques being included.
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Wanganui Chronicle, Volume LXI, Issue 16690, 21 July 1916, Page 4
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Wanganui Chronicle, Volume LXI, Issue 16690, 21 July 1916, Page 4