(iv) By encouraging the production in single-crop areas of a greater diversity of foods for home use, since these areas are, in general, distant from the sources of perishable products and are particularly in need of improved diets ; (v) By likewise encouraging more diversified and adequate home food production in all farming areas, so that rural people may have more and better food, while eliminating the margin between producer and consumer ; 3. That, to implement these aims, having regard to its individual circumstances, each country should adopt the following measures — (a) The framing of policies designed to encourage production within the country of commodities that need to be produced there in greater amounts and limit production of those that should not be produced within the country or should bo produced in smaller amounts ; (b) The supplying of low-cost credit or other aids that would help producers to acquire necessary materials, equipment, and machinery for more efficient production and better use of the land ; (c) The furnishing of technical assistance to producers where this is needed ; (d) The development of a programme of education to help producers understand better farming methods and put them into practice ; (e) The development of a programme of research designed to meet the continuing problems of agriculture within the country ; 4. (a) That each nation consider the possibility — (i) Of drawing up periodic reports on steps taken to implement the recommendations set out above, with particular reference to production, exports, imports, and consumption of food and other agricultural and marine products. These reports should, where practicable, be on a statistical basis ; (ii) Of submitting these reports to the permanent organization recommended in Resolution II; (b) That, with a view to balancing production and consumption, the permanent organization consider to what extent and by what means such reports might contribute to international collaboration both on a regional and on a world basis in the field of agricultural production. XVI. AGRICULTURAL CREDIT Whereas : 1. Capital development and adequate credit facilities are necessary if agricultural production is to be restored, increased, and intensified ; 2. Agricultural credit in some countries has frequently been obtainable only at rates which the farmer could not afford to pay; 3. The agricultural communities in many countries have been unable to obtain information on the organization and development of agricultural credit systems in other countries ; 4. In some countries full agricultural development has been or may be obstructed by difficulties in providing adequate capital; The United Nations Conference on Food and Agriculture Recommends — 1. That every endeavour be made to ensure an adequate supply of credit to agriculture ; 2. That to this end full use be made of all types of suitable private, co-operative, and public credit institutions ; 3. That the rate of interest be as low as possible and the conditions regarding initial cost, redemption, &c., be as favourable as possible for the borrowers, particularly with a view to helping the small farmer ; 4. That, in view of the importance of agricultural credit, its requirements be duly recognized by international action taken as a result of this Conference. XVII. CO-OPERATIVE MOVEMENTS Whereas : 1. The Co-operative movement has been of very great importance in many countries, both to urban and rural populations, especially in agricultural districts where farming is based on small units and in urban areas of low-income families ; 2. The proper functioning of co-operative societies may facilitate adjustments of agricultural production and distribution, as members have confidence in the recommendations and guidance of their own co-operative organizations, which they know operate in the interest of their members and of society in general; 3. The democratic control and educational programme, which are features of the co-operative movement, can play a vital part in the training of good democratic citizens, and assist in inducing a sound conception of economic matters ; The United Nations Conference on Food and Agriculture Recommends — 1. That, in order to make it possible for people to help themselves in lowering costs of production and costs of distribution and marketing : (a) All countries study the possibilities of the further establishment of producer and consumer co-operative societies in order to render necessary production, marketing, purchasing, finance, and other services ; (.b) Each nation examine its laws, regulations, and institutions to determine if legal or institutional obstacles to co-operative development exist, in order to make desirable adjustments; (c) Full information as to the present development of co-operatives in different countries be made available through the permanent organization recommended in Resolution 11.
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