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Table O5.—Probable Destination of Pupils leaving Post-primary Schools during or at the End of the Year 1938.


Technical High and Secondary Departments of t«+«i= Secondary Schools. Combined Schools. Day g chools District High Schools. lotals. Occupation. Boys. Girls. Boys. Girls. Boys. Girls. Boys. Girls. Boys. Girls. Num- i Per Num- I Per Norn- Per j Num- Per Nam- Per Num- ; Per Num- | Per Nam- Per Num- Per Nnm- ; Per ber. Cent. ber. Cent. ber. Cent, i ber. Cent. ber. Cent. ber. | Cent. ber. Cent. ber. Cent. ber. Cent. ber. Cent. I II i ! i _J ! ! University College .. .. 183 6-9 96 3-9 26 4-0 15 3-7 26 1-1 5 0-3 6 0-6 8 0-8 241 3-5 124 2-2 Teaching or training college .. 123 4-6 193 7-8 11 1-7 26 6-3 27 11 18 0-9 31 3-1 67 7-0 192 2-8 304 5-3 Clerical — Government or local body .. 334 12-5 54 2-2 53 8-2 11 2-7 85 3-4 35 1-9 136 13-5 8 0-8 608 9-0 108 1-9 Banking, insurance .. 123 4-6 25 1-0 11 1-7 3 0-7 13 0-5 10 0-5 7 0-7 .. .. 154 2-3 38 0-7 Legal .. .. .. 31 1-1 17 0-7 8 1-2 4 1-0 2 0-1 13 0-7 1 0-1 12 1-3 42 0-6 46 0-8 Commercial .. .. 460 17-3 448 18-2 103 15-9 79 19-2 207 8-4 550 29-3 38 3-7 125 13-0 808 11-9 1,202 21-0 Engineering, surveying, and 53 2-0 1 * 53 8-2 .. 283 11-4 .. .. 28 2-8 .. 417 6-2 1 * architecture Various trades and industries .. 397 14-9 106 4-3 66 10-2 10 2-4 761 30-7 280 14-9 170 16-8 32 3-3 1,394 20-5 428 7-5 Shops and warehouses .. 352 13-2 282 11-5 71 11-0 58 14-1 363 14-7 266 14-2 143 14-1 132 13-8 929 13-7 738 12-9 Farming .. .. .. 340 12-8 .. .. 135 20-9 .. .. 367 14-8 3 0-2 I 336 33-3 2 0-2 1,178 17-3 5 0-1 Home 74 2-8 639 26-0 14 2-2 121 29-5 58 2-3 522 27-8 37 3-7 495 51-6 183 2-7 1,777 31-1 Other occupations .. .. 50 1-9 431 17-5 26 4-0 47 11-4 141 5-7 88 4-7 30 3-0 42 4-4 247 3-6 608 10-7 Not known .. .. 143 5-4 169 6-9 70 10-8 37 9-0 143 5-8 87 4-6 47 4-6 36 3-8 403 5-9 329 5-8 Totals, 1938 .. 2,663 100-0 2,461 100-0 647 100-0 411 100-0 2,476 100-0 1,877 100-0 1,010 100-0 959 100-0 6,796 100-0 5,708 100-0 Totals, 1937 .. 2,407 .. 2,293 .. 471 .. 301 .. 2,261 .. 1,749 .. 834 .. 811 .. 5,973 .. 5,154 DiSerence .. +256 .. +168 .. +176 .. +110 .. +215 .. +128 .. +176 .. +148 .. +823 .. +554 ... * Insignificant percentage.