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Table O6.— Percentages of Boys leaving Post-primary Schools in 1935-38 who proceeded to the University or to Employment in the Three Main Occupational Groups.

It will be observed from Table 0 2 that there continues to be an increase in the percentage of pupils leaving public primary schools and intermediate schools and departments and proceeding to further post-primary education. In connection with boys leaving post-primary schools the most noticeable features are the increases in the percentage proceeding to whole-time study at a University college, to farming pursuits, and to positions in trade and industry, with a distinct drop in the percentage who proposed to enter the occupational group " Clerical, professional, shop, and warehouse." 16. VOCATIONAL GUIDANCE AND PLACEMENT. The table below gives a summary of the percentages of pupils in the various types of schools who are known to have proceeded to further full-time education of a higher grade or who intend to engage in some definite occupation. It will be observed that a comparatively high percentage of pupils leaving school is accounted for in the various types of schools. The work of the special vocational guidance officers and careers teachers, wherever their services are available, has been of the greatest value to pupils and parents alike. Co-operation with the Youth Centres enables the work of placement to proceed with very satisfactory results.

Table P.—Percentages of Pupils leaving Primary, Intermediate, and Post-primary Schools in 1935-38 who are known to have proceeded to further full-time education of a Higher Grade or to some Definite Occupation (Home excluded).


University. 8 ™ nd P *™** Trades and Induces. Class of School. 1938. 1986.1987. 1938. 1935.1986 1937. 1938. 1985.1936. 1937. 1938. 1935. 1936. 1937.1938. i I j Secondary .. .. .. g 4 5 7 55 60 59 55 13 12 14 13 16 16 12 15 Combined .. .. .. 7 4 4 4 48 59 51 48 17 16 16 21 17 10 12 10 Technical .. .. .. * * 1 1 39 44 44 40 15 14 14 15 29 28 29 31 District high .. .. .. 2 1 1 1 37 43 43 38 31 29 31 33 16 16 16 17 All schools .. .. .. 3 2 3 4 46 52 51 47 17 15 16 17 20 20 19 21

Boys. Girls. Class of School. — 1935. 1936. 1937. 1938. 1935. 1936. 1937. 1938. Primary .. 92 94 94-94 68 72 76 78 Intermediate .. 93 94 94 97 79 82 84 88 Secondary .. ..91 93 91 92 57 66 69 67 Combined .. ..94 93 88 87 58 59 55 62 Technical- .. ■ ...90 90 92 92 58 66 71 68 District High .. 89 92 92 92 35 44 45 45 All post-primary schools 90 92 91 91 53 62 65 . 63