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(c.) In payment of the salaries and wages of the secretary, be obligatory for members selling stud rams to make out editor or editors, and other officers, clerks, and a single entry of same in their own names, servants for the time being of the association. 47. No new flock will be admitted for registration by the (c.) In paying the, purchase-money or rent of any house, council unless it consists of ten flock-book ewes as the minilands, goods, chattels, or effects purchased or hired mum number for the foundation of the flock (single pedigree by the association, or any repairs or other outgoings ewes excepted). in respect to such premises, and to paying for any 48. No single entries will be made of stud rams unless the other property required by the association. name or number of the registered sire be given. (/.) In payment of the interest and repayment of the 49. No single ewe entry will be accepted showing only principal of any moneys borrowed by the assoeia- one sire. tion, or in constituting a reserve fund to meet future 50. For the purposes of this flock-book, lambs shall be contingencies, or in reducing the price charged for considered to be bred by the owner of the ewes at the time any publication of the association, or generally when the lambs are dropped, upon or for any object or purpose expressed or implied by the rules ; but the council shall have INSPECTORS. power (subject always to the provisions of Rule 34 51. The said council may appoint one or more competent and to subsisting engagements) from time to time men in such districts as they may consider necessary, who to vary the applications of the funds of the assoeia- shall inspect and count flocks whenever instructed by the tion in such a manner as they shall think fit. council. Should these inspectors consider any such flock 37. True accounts shall be kept of the sums of money not fairly representative of its kind, the council may expunge received and expended by the association, and the matters the said flock from the flock-book. in respect of which such receipts and expenditure takes place, and of the assets, credits, and liabilities of the association, Flock Returns. in books of accounts, which shall be kept at the registered r , : > Al] registered flockowners slull make their annual office of the association, or at such other place or places returns in each year, before some date to be fixed by the as the association thinks fit. At the first, general meeting, counc il, an ,i upon the association's printed form. Any such and subsequently at the annual general meeting m every owner not complying with this rule or in arrears with his year, two auditors shall be appointed by resolution, who subscription or fees shall be omitted from the flock-book, shall hold office till next annual general meeting, but shall and sha u pease to be a member of the association, and shall be eligible for re-election. The auditors shall audit the not be readmitted until such returns are supplied, together accounts of the association previously to the annual general wit i, double subscriptions and fees. meeting, and a statement showing the financial position of 53 , There sha |, be compiled and published annually by the association, and examined and certified by the auditors, tno association the breeding returns of all registered flocks, shall be sent to each member, and laid before every annual orn jtting therefrom those flocks which have been dispersed, general meeting. or w hose owners have omitted to make their annual returns, 38. The secretary shall keep the books of the association or wno j,ave not paid their fees and annual subscriptions, and conduct the correspondence, attend all meetings, and 54, gm ,|, publications shall be made as soon after the date receive members subscriptions, and enter up the minutes referred to in Rule 52 in each year as practicable, and under of all meetings, and shall pay all moneys received for or on thP direction of the executive 'committee of the council, and account of the association to the treasurer within seven days sJla u givp the num ber of ewes tupped, and the number of from the receipt of same. tn eir lambs marked during the past year. 39. the treasurer shall receive all moneys from the secretary, and bank the same to the credit of the association, and Common Seal. shall sign all accounts of the association. rr ti - . - 1 n 1 11 ±1 Ar , S . .■ ,r ... 1,1 So. the association shall have a common scat bearing the 40. livery member of the association undertakes to con- , ~, , , „,- „ , . n , , ,3 ~,,,•', , . ~ ... ~ ~ ~ words , which scat shall be fixed to all deeds and docutribute. to the assets of the association 111 the event of the „ ~ „ '. ~„ , ~ ■, ,„ .„ .. , . , . , . . ~ ~ . , . ■ ments required to be sealed, and to all notices required to same being wound up (luring the time that he is a member. , ~ %. . , c, , , , . ~ , u „ , . .... 6 ,' ,= . ~ ~ , . . , be authenticated. Such seal when required to be fixed to or within one year afterwards, tor payments o! the debts and jj j „ 4 1. 11 v a 1 ±1. a v t. .. , ~.,. j, .•! ' J . , , , .. ~ . any deed or document shall be fixed thereto by two members liabilities of the association contracted before the time at ..,, ~ (~ • ~ ■ ~ ' ... ~ , , , , , , ot the council o! the association 111 the presence ol flic secrcwluch he ceases to be a member, and the costs, (marges, . , , , , ~ , , , , .■£ . , , ~, . , ~ ~ it. j 1 3 j. e 7 tary, and such seal shall be kept at the registered office of and expenses of winding up the same, and tor the adiust- ~ J ' „. ~ • ~ , , /,, c r . ~ ... ~{ ' , ~ , .' J . the association in the custody ot the secretary, ments ot the rights ot the contnbutones among themselves, J such amount as may be required, not exceeding £2. Publication Sales 56. The council, when it thinks fit, may publish particulars Sheep qualified to Enter, 0 f sale. 41. All breeders of sheep having their flocks entered in Export. Volume of the New Zealand shall be invited to S7 _ A registered flockowner, on production of a written join and transfer their flocks to .provided . document that he is exporting a portion of his registered 42. Sheep shall be eligible for entry in the - when Hock for may demand an ex -port certificate from the transferred from a flock registered therein, or imported sheep coun cil, which shall be signed by the owner and endorsed hyphen accompanied by a certificate from its recognized Flock- the pre sident and the secretary of the association. In the book Society. case of stud rams, they shall be entered singly in the associa--43. Imported sheep will be admitted to the New Zealand tion > g mxt vo i unu . if not a i ready entered, and that all sheep (mly on production of the certificate issued by its Flock- for rt must be i nspected and ])assed b y an inspector book Society, where such has been permanently established, appointed by the association ami bear the association's mark. ~?? S ', IC , SOCI , et y i s ! cert -i ficat ? f forthcoming its admission The inspector may refuse to pass or mark any sheep which will bo left to the discretion of the council. he oonside rs not t y] ,ical of the breed or unfit tor export, 44. Both rams and ewes purchased from a registered flock Fees fo] . grantii ; K t)u , foregoing export certificates shall be must be transferred by the vendor, re-entered, and fees paid as fo ll OWS; payable by the vendor? : For every ram or ran. by the purchaser before the expiration of six months from lamb> 2s . (id. each ; for every ewe or ewe lamb. Is. each, the date ot purchase. If application be made after the expiration of six months, double fees shall be charged. After Expui SION the expiration of twelve months from date of purchase the _„ r , . , ~ , , . application shall not be entertained. If t an y lnaocu ™cy be discovered relating to any entry, 45. All registered ewes sold, except those already officially such « ntr y ma y } l : cancelled by the council, and the flock marked -, by inspectors appointed by the council must btl °^ m Sf from the association's flock-book. Should be inspected, marked, reported upon, and approved by the l 1 »t MiyJam* be proved that any entry is based upon any council before transfers are recorded in the flock-book', and '""dulent statement or history, such entry may be cancelled the cost of such inspection be borne by the vendor. It shall m llke man ""', and the flock expunged from the flock-book. be optional for any breeder to have his shearling ewes or his whole flock (other than lambs under twelve months) inspected -' BAN S™K. ETt '-> i( hes. and marked when desired, the cost of such inspection and j 59. The following fees shall be paid by members of this marking to be borne by the owner. association when entering their flocks : Transfer of sheep 40. No rams may be used in the registered flock of any already registered, per 100 ewes or part thereof, £1 ; regismember of this association except from a flock also registered tration of single sheep, Is. each. Flocks on separate prom this association's flock-book, or imported rams, perties must make separate entries. The council may, if subject to Rule 43. Any infraction of this rule will entail it find it necessary, alter the membership, annual subseripexelusion of the progeny. All rams so used must be entered tion, entrance, and other fees to such a sum as may be singly, and must be identified by label or tattoo. It shall required to meet expenses.

Approximate Cost of Paper. —Preparation, not given ; printing (1,000 copies), £14.

By Authority : Marcus F. Marks, Government Printer, Wellington.—l9l9.

Price 6V.

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