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association to the position of vice-president for the ensuing (k.) They may borrow money for the purpose of the assoyear—one from the North Island and one from the South ciation at any rate of interest not exceeding 7 per Island—to hold office for one year only. The council shall also cent, per annum, and may give security for any such at the same time appoint a treasurer to hold office for one year. moneys upon an}' property of the association, and 18. Any vacancies which may occur in the office of president, for this purpose may execute on behalf of the associa-vioe-president, or in the council, between the annual general tion any deed of mortgage or other instrument of meetings, may be, filled up by the council. But any person security. 80 elected by the council shall retain his office, so long only (/.) They may place any moneys of the association not as the member in whose place, he is appointed would have required for immediate use upon deposit at interest retained it if no vacancy had occurred. at some bank, and they may invest any such moneys 19. In all meetings of the council one-third shall be a quorum. and generally deal with the property of the assooia- ; : 20. The council shall exercise all the powers and perform tion in such manner as they may think fit, and may ail the duties for which the association has been established, for the time being be empowered to do under these and shall have full power to do all such things as may be rules. incidental or conducive to the attainment of the objects of Honorary Members the association mentioned in these rules. ~ ™ . ~ .. •". . . {121. In particular, but without prejudice to the last preced- 22 \ lhe association may at any time elect as an honorary ing article, and subject to the provisions of the rules, the memb ° r a "- v P""?" wh ? m tbey consider to have advanced, council shall have and may exercise and perform the following ° r to be «H»t«d to advance, the objects of the association. .„_,, _, j j, I+ j„ oi . Honorary members shall have all the rights and privileges powers etiiu uuries , —- '1 (a.) They may from time to time convene and hold general ot annual members. meetings of the association. Meetings. (b.) They may from time to time make, alter, and rescind 23. The council shall convene and hold a general meeting rules, regulations, and by-laws for registering the of the association within six months after the incorporation names and addresses of members, for conducting the of the association, and at such place as they shall appoint, business and carrying out the objects of the assoeia- They shall convene and hold annual general meetings of the tion, and for conducting the business of the council; association in such month and on such day and at such place and they may impose fines for breach of any such as they shall from time to time appoint. rules, regulations, and by-laws : Provided, never- 24. The council may whenever they think fit, and they thclcss, that no resolution of the council shall be shall upon a requisition made in writing by not less than onevaried or rescinded unless the resolution varying or tenth in number of the members of the association, convene rescinding the same shall be passed at one meeting a special general meeting. of the council and confirmed at a subsequent meeting. 25. Any requisition made by members shall express the (c.) They may delegate any of their powers or duties (except object of the meeting proposed'to be called, and shall be left the appointment and removal of members of their at the registered office of the, association. body, and of the association) to committees of any 2b. Upon receipt of such requisition the, council shall number (not less than three) of members of their forthwith proceed to convene a special general meeting. If body, and from time to time make, alter, and rescind they do not proceed to convene the same within twenty days regulations and by-laws for conducting the business from the. date of the requisition the requisitionists may themdelegated to such, committees. selves convene a special general meeting. ((?.} They may acquire for the association any pedigrees or 27. Any meeting may be adjourned as the members present publications, with the copyright therein respectively thereat shall resolvo. (if any), the possession of which they may deem 28. The president of the association, or in his absence the likely to be in any way advantageous to the assoeia- vice-president, or in their absence any member then elected tion ; and may establish any new publications de- for the purpose by the members present, shall take the chair voted to or bearing on any subject of the association, at all general meetings. The copyright of every publication acquired or 29. All questions and matters brought before general established by or on behalf of the association shall meetings, except the election of members of council, which be vested in the association. shall be decided as hereinbefore provided, shall be decided <c.) They may continue any contract with the printers or by a majority of votes of the members present, each member publishers of any publication acquired by the asso- having one vote, and in the case of an equality of votes the ciation that may be subsisting at the date of such chairman of the meeting shall have a second or casting vote acquisition, and may onter into and make any new in addition to his vote as a member. or altered contracts, or arrangements with the same, 30. The minute-books of the association shall be open to or any other printers and publishers, for the printing, the inspection of members at all reasonable times, publication, distribution, sale, or management of 31. A notice may be served by or on behalf of the associasuch acquired publication, or of any publication tion upon a member personally, or by sending through the whatsoever of the association. post in a prepaid letter addressed to the member at his </.) They may from time to time regulate the nature, form, registered place of abode. and contents of, and also the terms and conditions 32. At a general meeting of the association a quorum shall as to entries in, and also the time, mode, and terms be 7 per cent, of the membership up to 100, and 5 per cent. of issue of, any publication of the association, and of the membership in excess of 100. all arrangements and details connected therewith, 33. Fourteen days' notice shall be given of all meetings, and in particular they shall have power, so far as they may not be fettered by any subsisting contract Finance and Accounts. or engagement, from time to time to fix and alter 34. The income and property of the association, from whatthe price of any publication of the association and ever source derived, shall be. applied solely towards the prothe charges to be levied for the insertion therein of motion of the objects of the association as set forth in these entries relating to sheep and other matters. ' rules, and no part thereof shall be paid or transferred directly ((;/.) They may accept annual or other subscriptions of money or indirectly by way of dividend, bonus, or otherwise howsoi'rom members of the association, or any other person ever, by way of profit to the members of the association or or persons in payment for any publication of the any of them : Provided that nothing herein contained shall association, and they may make arrangements for prevent the payment in good faith of remuneration to any supplying any such publication to any member or salaried officer, nor the award of any prize given by the other person during his life, or for any other period, association to any member, or prevent the bona fide borrowing on the terms of receiving a lump sum. of money in of money by the association from any member thereof at advance or on such other terms as they may think any rate of interest not exceeding 7 per centum per annum. lit, They may from time to time levy from members No member shall derive any pecuniary gain, except as a for the purposes or any purpose of the association, salaried officer, from any of the property or operations of and in addition to the subscriptions mentioned in the society. Rule 5, such money contributions not exceeding in 35. If upon the dissolution of this association there remains, the whole from each member in any one year, after the satisfaction of all its debts and liabilities, any as they may think fit, subject to the approval of property whatsoever, the same shall not bo paid to or disthe annual general meeting. tributed among the members of the association, but shall (//,) They may purchase, hire, or take on lease for the be given or transferred to some other institution or institupurpose of the association any lands, tenements, tions having objects similar to the objects of the association, houses or parts of houses and chattels, and they to be determined by the members of the association, at or bemay sell, let, and dispose of the same when and as fore the time of dissolution, or in default thereof by such Judge they may think fit. of the Supreme Court as may have or acquire jurisdiction (i.) They may from time to time appoint, employ, and in the matter. remove a secretary of the association, an editor or 30. The funds of the association shall be applied as follows, editors of any publications of the association, a namely:— treasurer of the association, or any other officers, (a.) In payment of the legal and other preliminary expenses clerks, and servants, at such salaries and wages incurred in the formation of the association. respectively, and with such respective duties and (6.) Tn payment of the current expenses and other disspheres of employment, and generally upon such bursements of the council in the conduct of the terms, as they may think fit. business of the association, or in relation thereto.

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