Return of Steamers to which Certificates of Survey were issued, &c. — continued.
Name of Vessel. i o M PiO m g cc III! ■Up |3 B Nature of Engines. Nature o( Propeller. Class of Certificate. Bcmarks. g Invercargill Iona "Irene "Ithaca Jane Douglas .. Janet Nicoll .. "J.D.O. John Anderson Kahu Kaituna Kanieri Kapanui Kate .. Katikati Kauri Kawatiri Kawau Kennedy •Kia Ora Kilmorey *Kini Kiripaka Kopu Koputai Kotiti •Kotuku Lady Barkly .. Lena Lily ♦Little George .. Louie Lyttelton Mahinapua Mana (Wellington) Mana (Westport) Manaroa Manukau 'Manuwai * Maori (Auckland) Maori (Dunedin) Mapourika Mararoa *Matuku May Medora Midge Minnie Casey .. Moa Mokoia Mona Moss Rose *Moturoa Mountaineer .. Muritai Napier ♦Nautilus Nell .. Nellie Brown .. Ngaru Ngunguru Nile .. *Noko No. 121 No. 222 Oban .. .. Ohau Ohinemuri Ohuru Omapere Onslow *Opawa Opuatia Oreti Orewa "Osprey Ovalau Paeroa 123 159 7 75 496 87 36 99 115 75 27 285 37 125 150 702 72 5 40 41 39 20 4 9 39 239 43 51 78 45 75 17 118 718 1,380 3 50 Compound 60 2J Non-condensing .. 9 Compound 22 90 28 25 40 4 20 ;, 32 5 Non-condensing .. 8 Condensing 1J Non-condensing .. 70 Compound 14 43 65 1J Non-condensing .. 130 Triple expansion .. 24 Compound 13 Non-condensing .. 120 Compound 14 26 Non-condensing .. 20 Compound 5 Non-condensing .. 12 Compound 4 Non-condensing .. 7 80 Compound 80 25 90 24 20 25 Non-condensing .. 8 60 Compound 130 Triple expansion .. 530 3 Non-condensing .. 3 20 Oil-engines 2 20 Compound 33 4 Non-condensing .. 3 Oil-engines 6 Condensing 10 Non-condensing .. 50 Compound 45 30 18 2 Oil-engines 3 1J Non-condensing .. 17 Condensing 20 Non-condensing .. 9 100 Compound 120 16 Oil-engines 92 Compound 26 60 Condensing 80 Compound 14 18 5 Non-condensing .. . 50 Compound 17 70 75 Quadruple expans'n 15 Compound Screw Twin-screw .. Screw Paddle Screw Three screws Screw Twin-screw .. Screw Paddle Twin-screw .. Screw Paddle Screw Sternwheel .. Screw Home trade. River. Extended river.. Home trade. Extended river.. Extreme limits. Foreign trade. River Home trade. Extended river.. River. Extended river. River Home trade. Extended river. Home trade. Foreign trade .. River Foreign trade .. Home trade. Extended river. Home trade. Extended river.. River. Home trade. Extended river. River. Extended river.. Foreign trade .. Home trade. Extended river. River. Extended river. Foreign trade. Home trade Foreign trade. River Fishing-vessel. Tug. Launch. First survey. New launch. Left the colony. Launch. First N.Z. survey. First survey. First survey. Tug. Left the colony. Tug. First survey. Launch. 67 Home trade. ■River New launch. 48 109 Home trade. River Launch. New launch. Fishing-vessel. Launch. 66 133 48 32 Paddle Screw Home trade First N.Z. survey. River Launch. New launch. 54 21 15 394 502 27 411 73 20 352 16 64 Paddle Screw Twin-screw.. Screw Home trade. Extended river. Home trade River. Home trade. Dredge. 138 37 138 767 45 Twin-screw.. Screw Twin-screw.. Screw River. Home trade. River. Home trade. River .. Home trade. Extended river.. River. Foreign trade. Home trade. New launch. Paddle Screw : .. First survey. * Survo; r ed twice, and in some cases three times.