Return of Steamers to which Certificates of Survey were issued in New Zealand during the Year ended 31st March, 1899.
Nam* of Vessel. u to a o Pi HIS w oo<j) dS H 3 ■ss.s2 S£g° Nature of Engines. Nature of Propeller. Class of Certificate. Remarks. Ahuriri Airini.. Akaroa Albany Alert.. •Alexandra •Alice Antrim Aotea Awarua (Blenheim) •Awarua (Bluff) •Beatrice Beautiful Star Bee Bella Ben Lomond .. Beryl 'Birkenhead •Blanche Britannia Brunner Canterbury Charles Edward Chelmsford Clansman Clara •Clematis * Comet Corinna Coromandel Daphne •Delta Despatch (Bluff) Dingadee Dispatch Dolphin Doto 31 43 8 73 3 36 89 100 8 146 12 33 55 18 108 333 17 5 28 8 16 30 4 30 15 3 32 10 30 2 12 15 5 16 9 40 95 24 48 24 90 H 8 2J 141 25 1 24 20 80 6 8 16 Compound Oil-engines Compound Non-condensing .. Oil-engines Non-condensing .. Oil-engines Non-condensing .. Condensing Non-condensing .. Compound Oilengines Non-condensing .. Compound Oil-engines Non-condensing .. Screw Paddle ! '. Screw Paddle Screw Paddle Screw Paddle Screw Paddle Screw Twin-screw.. Extended river. River Extended river. River Home trade. River Home trade River. Home trade. River Extended river. River. Extended river. River. Home trade. Extended river Home trade. New yaoht. Launch. New launch. New launch. Tug. New launch. Launch. 123 70 336 Triple expansion .. Non-condensing .. Compound Launch. Screw Condensing River Launoh. 5 Sternwheel .. Screw Extended river Foreign trade. Extended river. River Launch. 820 67 Compound Non-condensing .. Sternwheel .. Screw Twin-screw .. Screw New yaeht. 24 393 Compound Extended limit Home trade. River. Fishing-vessel. 16 20 Non-condensing .. Oil-engines Compound Extended river First survey. First N.Z. survey; fishing-vessel. •Douglas Duchess Durham •Eagle Echo •Edina •Effort •Eliza •Elsie Endon •Erin Ethel J. Express 55 62 53 138 5 13 13 81 24 70 3 6 12 3 8 5 4 16 25 Non-condensing .. Compound Non-condensing .. Paddle 1 '. Screw Paddle ! '. Screw Home trade. River First N.Z. survey. Launoh. ft 15 Launoh. 20 36 Condensing Non-condensing .. Compound Extended river River. Fishing-vessel. Extended river FirstN.Z. survey; fishing-vessel. •Fairy Falcon Fanny Fingal Flora Florence Flower of Kent Gannet Gairloch Gertie Glenelg Goldfinch Haupiri 32 55 22 838 15 211 100 156 15 5J 30 9 180 8* 3* 6 85 59 75 12 88 Non-condensing .. Compound Non-condensing .. Compound Condensing Compound Condensing Compound Non-condensing .. Compound Home trade. Foreign trade. River Home trade Launch. New launch. Launch. Yacht. Twin-screw .. Screw First N.Z. survey. 475 River. Home trade Formerly " .Richmond." Hawea Heathcote •Hebe Herald Hercules Heaketh Hinemoa Horeke Huia (Wellington) •Ida 1,114 94 370 51 393 104 35 2 85 36 80 6i 4 23 10 Triple expansion .. Compound Oil-engines Compound Oil-engines Compound. Non-condensing .. Twin-screw.. Screw Foreign trade. River. Home trade. New yaoht. River New launch. Launch. 90 12 Compound Non-condensing .. Home trade. River. ♦ Surve , red twice, and in some cases three times.