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No. 20. The Canterbury Ratepayers Rolls Revision Act provides a method of revising rates levied under Provincial Ordinances by Revising Commissioners to bo appointed by the Governor. The powers and duties of the Commissioners are defined by the Act. No. 21. The Railways Act amends the Act passed in IS7I, and authority is given for appropriating additional sums of money to the railways mentioned in the Second Schedule to the Act. The Act contains provisions amending previous Acts and giving effect to the terms thereof. No. 22. The Tramways Act has been passed to facilitate the construction of tramways throughout the Colony. Full provision is made for this purpose, and to regulate the working of the tramways throughout the Colony. The Act is in fact founded on the Imperial Tramways Act of 1870. No. 23. The Immigration and Public Works Act amends the previous Acts passed in 1870 and 1871, and provides for surveys of land required for railways, &c., and the acquisition of lands for railways. Amends mode of assessing compensation for lands taken, and provides as to conveyance thereof. Appropriates certain funds for roads in AVestlaud and Nelson Gold Fields, and provides for aiding waterworks on gold fields, and makes provision for the appointment of a Minister of Immigration. No. 24. The Payment to Provinces Act provides for annual payments to the Provinces, by way of special allowances, in a similar manner to that provided in an Act passed in IS7I with a like title. The Act is to be deemed to have come into force on Ist July last. No. 25. The Public Revenues Act amends the existing Revenue Acts. Provision is made for the appointment of Commissioners of Audit, consisting of the Comptroller of the Public Account and the Auditor-General. Money is not to be issued without Governor's warrant certified to by tho Commissioners. Certain parts of existing Acts are repealed, and provisions are made regulating tho keeping of a public banking account out of the Colony. The Act is to be deemed part of " The Public Revenues Act, 1867." No. 26. The Public Trust Office Act provides for the custody and management of certain property held in trust within the Colony. Provision is made for the appointment of a Public Trustee by the Governor, and the Act defines his duties and powers. A Board consisting of the Colonial Treasurer, the Government Annuities Commissioner, the Attorney-General, the Commissioners of Audit, and the Public Trustee, are invested with certain controlling powers in tho working of the Act. No. 27. The Resident Magistrates Act Amendment Act amends the existing Acts relating to Resident Magistrates' Courts. The costs of appeal to the Supreme Court are fixed, and enactments are made remedying defects in the present practice on Appeals. Other technical defects are remedied. No. 28. The Criminal Law Amendment Act contains provisions with respect to the statement of venue in indictments. What shall be deemed a sufficient statement of venue is defined. No. 29. The Trustees Powers Delegation Act 1869 Amendment Act has been passed to amend an Act passed in 1869. Trustees in the Colony, but about to leave same, may delegate their powers. The execution of certain powers of attorney prior to the Act of 1869 is declared valid. No. 30. The Commissioners Powers Act 1867 Amendment Act amends an Act passed in 1867 enabling Commissioners appointed by tho Governor in Council to take evidence on oath. It is provided that a witness shall not be liable to any penalty unless payment of expenses tendered. Tho distances witnesses are to bo required to travel when summoned, and provisions respecting the payment of their expenses, are declared by the Act. No. 81. Wardens Courts Proceedings Validation Act is an Act passed to validate the proceedings of Wardens' Courts held under the Guld Fields Acts in certain cases, and to indemnify the AVardens and Officers of such Courts from proceedings in respect of any illegality in the holding of such Courts. The causes which have rendered this Act necessary are fully explained in the preamble, and the particular defects there referred to are b} r this Act avoided for the future. No. 32. The Gold Fields Act Amendment Act more clearly defines the respective functions of the Wardens and Assessors in cases occurring under "The Gold Fields Act, 1866." Provision is made giving power to AVardens to restrain working of claims on appeals to higher Courts, and giving power to stay proceedings in certain cases. No. 33. The Mining Companies Act is an Act regulating the incorporation and management of Mining Companies, and all previous legislation on the subject is repealed, with a saving clause. No. 34. Tlie Limited Liability Joint Stock Companies Dissolution Act has been passed to provide a more speedy mode of dissolving Joint Stock Companies. Tho Registrar of the Supreme Court is empowered to declare a company dissolved in certain cases. No. 35. The Quartz Crushing Machines Regulation and Inspection Act empowers the Governor to make rules for licensing crushing machines, and compelling tho owners to keep true records of ore and mineral substances containing gold delivered to or purchased by such owners, or melted or retorted, &c. Also for compelling the persons delivering or selling such ore or mineral containing gold to any machine owner to furnish certain particulars respecting it; and also for requiring owners of machines and others to furnish accurate returns of work done by machines, for the inspection of machinery, and generally for giving effect to Act Penalties are inflicted for a breach of'the rules. No. 36. The Miners' Rights Extension Act authorizes tho holders of miners' rights issued in the Province of Nelson or the County of Westland to exercise the same within the gold fields proclaimed in either of these divisions of the Colony. No. 37. The Lands Clauses Consolidation Act Amendment Act amends a clerical error in " The Lands Clauses Consolidation Act Amendment Act, 1866," and provides that the costs of arbitrations under the original Act may be taxed. No. 38. The Highway Boards Act amends an Act of tho like title passed in 1871. Proviso to section 6 of that Act is amended, and all rates are to be levied upon the annual value of land and buildings, or upon their value for sale. 2—A. 1.