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No. 39. The Otago Waste Lands Act consolidates and amends the law relating to the sale, letting, and occupation of Waste Lands of the Crown in the Province of Otago. No. 40. The Nelson Waste Lands Act 1863 Amendment Act amends an Act relating to waste lands, passed in 1863. Provision is made by the amending Act for granting lands to persons constructing public works; and also contains special provisions respecting certain public works on the gold fields of the Province of Nelson. No. 41. The Nelson Crown Lands Leasing Act Amendment Act repeals a part of clause 4 of " The Nelson Crown Lands Leasing Act Amendment Act, 1871." No. 42. The Nelson Special Settlement Act provides for the setting apart of land in the Province of Nelson for the purpose of special settlement, and also provides for the sale of such land. No. 43. The Hawke's Bay Special Settlement Act provides for the sale of land in the Province of Hawke's Bay, on deferred payments, according to the mode and on the terms specified, aud for setting apart of land for special settlement therein. No. 44. The Hawke's Bay Native Lands Alienation Commission Act has been passed for the purpose of constituting a Commission to inquire into and report upon complaints relative to the alienation of Native lands in the Province of, Hawke's Bay. The Commissioners who are intrusted with this duty are named in the Act, and their powers and duties are defined therein. No. 45. The Gisborne Land Act Amendment Act provides that remission certificates granted to Volunteers under "The Volunteer Land Act, 1865," shall not be exercisable with respect to the lands mentioned in the Second Schedule to " The Gisborne Land Act, 1870." No. 46. The Southland Waste Lands Act Amendment Act amends an Act of the like title passed in 1565. The 20th section of that Act is repealed, and new provision made in lieu thereof, with respect to the sale of town lands. No. 47. The Taranaki Education Reserves Act 1871 Amendment Act amends the original' Act passed in 1871. It is declared that a certain parcel of land may be granted to the Superintendent by the Governor, to be dealt with as other waste lands of the Province of Taranaki, subject to a proviso as to the reservation often acres for a blockhouse. No. 48. The Taranaki New Zealand Company's Land Claims Act has been passed for the purpose of settling certain outstanding claims to grants of land under land orders issued by the New Zealand Company. The Governor is empowered to issue land orders to claimants for purchase of Crown lands, to the amounts to be fixed by arbitration, in certain districts of the Province of Taranaki. No. 49. The Forest Trees Planting Encouragement Act Amendment Act amends an Act passed in 1871, for the purpose of encouraging the planting of forest trees, by giving free grants of rural land in certain cases. The present Act provides that, instead of getting a grant of land, persons complying with tho provisions of these Acts shall receive land orders entitling the holders to select any rural land open for sale within the Province where the trees have been planted without payment, &c. No. 50. The Church of England Lands Buildings Leases Act amends certain Acts passed in 1858 and 1868 as to trust property vested in the Bishop of New Zealand, and also an Act passed in 1865, amending the then existing law as to Religious, Educational, and Charitable Trusts. The present Act repeals " The Church Lands Building Leases Act, 1871," and gives power to trustees of Church lands to lease the same for building purposes for any term not exceeding sixty years. No. 51. The Newmarket Reserve Disposal Act revokes a grant of land originally made to the W.irdens of the Hundred of Auckland for certain purposes, and makes provision for the disposal of such land for various public purposes. No. 52. The Hawke's Bay and Marlborough Rivers Acts Amendment Act amends certain Acts with like titles passed in 1868 and 1870. The present Act authorizes rates to be levied in a different manner from that provided by the former Acts, and amends the Acts referred to, in several particulars. No. 53. The Municipal Corporations Act Amendment Act has been passed to authorize Municipal Corporations to make their debentures payable in any of the Australian Colonies. Other amendments are made in the existing law as to the summary recovery of rates due where persons are about to quit their premises. No. 54. The Municipal Corporations Waterworks Act authorizes Municipal Corporations to construct waterworks for the supply of water, and to raise the money necessary for the works. No. 55. The Dunedin Gas and Waterworks Loan Act amends " The City of Dunedin Borrowing Act, 1871," and gives authority to the Municipal Corporation of the City of Dunedin to borrow money for the purpose of constructing gasworks and waterworks for the supply of the city. No. 56. The North Otago District Public Works Loan Act authorizes the Colonial Treasurer to raise a sum of £70,000 by the issue of debentures for the purpose of constructing certain works of public utility in the northern portion of the Province of Otago. The moneys borrowed, with the interest and charges, &c, are to be charged against the revenues of the Province of Otago. No. 57. The Otago Dock Trust Debt Act empowers the Otago Dock Board to raise an additional sum, not exceeding £10,000, for the purpose of completing the Dock at Port Chalmers. The money is to be secured on the rates, dues, and real estate of the Dock Board, subject to the provisions of the Act. No. 58. The Auckland Waterworks Act authorizes the Municipal Council of the City of Auckland to raise money for the purpose of constructing waterworks for the supply of the city with water. JTo. 59. The Auckland Improvement (Albert Barracks Reserves) Act provides for the improvement of the City of Auckland by laying out the Albert Barrack Military Reserves in Auckland in streets and places of recreation. "The Auckland Military Reserves Act, 1871," so far as it relates to the land described in the First Schedule to this Act, is repealed. The improvements provided for are to be carried out by Commissioners, whose powers and duties are defined, and they are authorized to raise money on mortgage for the purposes of the Act. The moneys raised are to be charged on the lands mentioned in the First Schedule to the Act.