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Cobden, the Government will take steps under the Public Works and Immigration Act, 1870, to have such surveys of those lines made, if the existing surveys are not sufficient, as will enable the question of their construction to bo determined in the next session of the General Assembly. I have, &c, His Honor the Superintendent of Nelson. W. Gisboene.

No. 5. Mr. Knowles to Mr. Blackett. Public Works Office, Sib,— Wellington, 22nd April, 1871. # * * # You are also requested to take steps to have a Parliamentary survey made of the best line of railway from Nelson to Foxhill. # * * * I have, &c, John Knowles, John Blackett, Esq., Engineer in Chief, Dunedin. Under Secretary.

No. 6. His Honor Oswald Cueiis to the Hon. W. Gisboene. Superintendent's Office, Sib,— _ _ Nelson, 7th July, 1871. I havo the honor to transmit herewith copie3 of three resolutions passed by the Provincial Council of Nelson, recommending that the following works should be executed under the provisions of the Immigration and Public Works Act, 1870. A railway from Nelson to Foxhill. A railway from Cobden to the Brunner coal mine. A railway from Westport to the Mount Eochfort coalfield. In my letter to you of the 13th April last, I have already expressed my concurrence with the Provincial Council, as regards the two first named undertakings, and as the necessary surveys are now in course of execution, by order of the Hon. Minister for Public Works, it would be superfluous to add to what I have already written on the subject. # * * * I have, &c, Oswald Citetis.

Enclosure 1 in No. 6. Eesolutions passed by the Provincial Council of Nelson on Tuesday, 2nd May, 1871. 1. That in the opinion of this Council, it is highly desirable that the line of railway from Cobden to the Brunner coal mine should be constructed without delay. 2. That in the opinion of this Council it is highly desirable that the line of railway from Nelson to Foxhill should be constructed without delay.

Enclosure 2 in No. 6. Resolution passed by the Provincial Council of Nelson, on Friday, SGth May, 1871. That in the opinion of this Council, it is highly desirable that a line of railway from Westport to the Mount Eochfort coal field, should be constructed under the authority of, and in the manner provided by the Public Works and Immigration Act.

No. 7. The Hon. \V. Gisboeue to Hia Honor Oswald Ctjbtis. Colonial Secretary's Office, Sib,— Wellington, 29th July, 1871. I have the honor to accept the receipt of your letter of the 7th instant, in which you transmit copies of three resolutions passed by the Provincial Council of the Province of Nelson, recommending certain railway works to bo executed under the provisions of the Immigration and Public Works Act. A survey is now being made of a line of railway from Nelson to Foxhill. • • • • # I have, &c, Hia Honor the Superintendent of Nelson. W. Gisbobne.