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D.—No. 6b,

NELSON. I. NELSON TO FOXHILL. NO. 1. His Honor Oswald Cuetis to the Hon. W. GiSßonifE. Sib,— Wellington, 6th September, 1870. I have the honor to state, for the information of the Government, that a preliminary survey of the proposed line of railway from Nelson to Westport and Cobden, 220 miles in length, was executed by Mr. Henry Wrigg, C.E., in the years 1867-8 i and that plans of the whole line upon a large scale, were at the same time prepared by that gentleman, together with a full report upon the general character of the line, and of the country through which it passes, which was published in the Nelson Provincial Gazette, No. 20, of the 23rd April, 1868. The lino from the town of Nelson to the Wairoa River forming the first twelve miles of the through line to Cobden, had been surveyed a year or two previously by Mr FitzGibbon, C.E., whose plane I have with me in Wellington. I have, Ac., The Hon. the Colonial Secretary, Wellington. Oswald Cubtis.

No. 2. The Hon. W. Gisboeke to His Honor Oswald Cuetis. Colonial Secretary's Office, Sib,— Wellington, 21st September, 1870. I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of your letter of the 6th instant, with reference to the proposed line of railway from Nelson to Westport and Cobden, and to thank your Honor for the information on the subject contained therein. I have, <&c, His Honor the Superintendent, Nelson. W. Gisbobne.

No. 3. His Honor Oswald Ctjetis to the Hon. W. Gisboene. Sib,— Wellington, 13th April, 1871. # # # # I forward herewith a plan showing the line lately surveyed, from the Brumner coal mm» to Cobden by the Provincial District Engineer, and on my return to Nelson I will furnish the Government with reports and plans of such surveys as have been made of that from Nelson to Foxhill, and of the intervening portion between Nelson, Westport, and Cobden. Should it appear to you that the surveys already made of the lines from Nelson to Foxhill, and from, the Brunner mine to Cobden, are insufficient for the information of the General Assembly, I woufd request that the deficiency may be at once supplied by the Colonial Government, so that no delay may occur from the want of the necessary details being laid before Parliament when it next assembles. * # # * I have, &c, The Hon. the Colonial Secretary, Wellington. Oswald Cubtis.

No. 4. . The Hon. W. Gisbobne to his Honor Oswald Cuetis. Colonial Secretary's Office, Sib,— Wellington, 14th April, 1871. # # # # Anticipating that the Provincial Council will concur with your Honor in recommending that the lines from the Brunner to Cobden, and from Nelson to Foxhill, respectively, should be authorised by the General Assembly to be constructed independently of the remainder of the line from Nelson to