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Presented by Leave of the House.

Sib, — 19th August, 1946. I have the honour to submit a report covering the activities of the Commission for the year ending 31st March, 1946. A. E. Bockett, Secretary. The Hon. the Minister of Labour.


PAGE 1. Introduction .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..3 2. Measures taken to expedite Despatch op Shipping—(a) Centralization of Shipping .. .. .. .. .. .. 3 (b) Working " Round the Clock " and Sundays and Holidays .. .. .. 3 (c) Co-operative Contracting—(i) Rates of Work .. .. .. .. .. .. ..4 (ii) Costs of Cargo Handling .. .. .. .. .. 4 (iii) Profit Distribution .. .. .. .. .. .. 5 3. Disputes and Stoppages of Work .. .. .. .. .. 5 4. Rates op PAY .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 5 5. Average WAGE .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 6 6. Average Hours or Work .. .. .. .. .. .. 6 7. Guaranteed Wage .. .. .. .. .. .. .. f> 8. Waiting-room Accommodation and Facilities .. .. .. .. 7 "9. Annual Holidays : VE and YJ Days .. .. .. .. .. 7 10. Cargo Control Committees .. .. .. .. .. .. 7 11. Annual Accounts—(l) General .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..8 (2) Annual Holidays Act Fund .. .. .. .. .. .. 8 (3) Buildings Fund .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 9 (4) Consolidated (Vote, " Labour ") Fund .. .. .. .. .. 9 (5) Co-operative Contracting Fund .. .. .. .. .. 10 (6) General (Administration) Fund .. .. .. .. .. 10 (7) Industrial Rest Period Fund .. .. .. .. .. ..11 (8) National Pay Office Fund .. .. .. .. .. .. ..11 (9) Supervision Fund .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 12 12. Conclusion—" Over-all " Contracting—Reconstruction of Commission .. .. 12


CONTENTS —continued 13. Appendix— page Members of Commission and Executive Staff .. .. .. .. 13 Summary of Commission Staff and Union Membership as at 31st March, 1946 .. 14 Summary of Results of Co-operative Contract Stevedoring for years 1940-45 (inclusive) and 1945-46, showing (I) Quantities of Cargo Handled ; (II) Rates of Work — Key to Abbreviations and Tonnage Conversions .. .. .. 15 Summary of Total Tonnages (all Classes of Cargo) handled .. .. 16 Summary of Quantities of Cargo handled—All Ports/All Vessels .. .. 18 Summary of Results, &c.— All Ports .. .. .. - - .. .. .. .. 20 Port of Auckland .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 22 Port of Wellington .. .. .. .. .. .. 24 Port of Lyttelton .. .. .. .. .. .. 26 Port of Dunedin .. .. .. ~ .. .. 28 Port of Port Chalmers .. .. .. .. .. ' 30 Port of Gisborne .. .. .. .. .. .. 31 Port of Napier .. .. .. .. .. .. 32 Port of Port Waikato .. .. .. .. ~ .. 33 Port of New Plymouth .. .. .. .. .. 34 Port of Wanganui .. .. .. .. .. .. 35 Port of Nelson .. .. .. .. .. .. 36 Port of Picton .. .. .. .. ' .. .. ,37 Port of Timaru .. .. ..... .. .. .. 38 Port of Bluff .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 39 Port of Westport .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 40 Port of Greymouth .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 41 Summary showing Profit distributed by Commission, &c. .. .. .. .. 42 Summary of Wages, &c., paid through Waterfront Control Commission Central Pay Offices for Period 1940-46 .. .. .. .. .. 52 Summary of Wages, &c., paid through Waterfront Control Commission Central Pay Offices for Year ended 31st March, 1946, showing Total for each Shipping Company 54 Table showing Number of Unionists Man-weeks, Total Hours, and Average Hours per Week (Ordinary and Overtime) covering Period of Fifty-two Weeks ended 26th March, 1946 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 55 Average Earnings— Return A : Number of Unionists employed, Wages, &c., paid and Average Wage per Man-week worked, Years ended 1940-46 .. .. .. 56 Return B : Earnings of Union Waterside Workers for Year ended 31st March, 1946, analysed under Income Groups .. .. .. .. .. .. 57 Return C : Average Total Earnings, &c., Hours, Weeks, and Holidays worked by Unionists with Highest Earnings for Year ended 31st March, 1946 .. 59 Table showing the Reduction effected in the Time spent in New Zealand by Overseas Vessels .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 60 Comparison of Man-hours lost through Stoppages of Work on the Waterfront covering Period of Four Years prior to, and Six Years during, Commission Control .. 61 Analysis of National Disputes referred to Commission for Decision .. .. 62 Classification of Orders issued by the Commission under Waterfront Control Commission Emergency Regulations 1940 .. .. .. .. .. .. 62 Accounts — (i) Revenue, Appropriation, and Accumulated Funds Accounts for the Year ended 31st March, 1946, and Balance-sheets as at 31st March, 1946 .. 78 Annual Holidays Act Fund .. .. .. .. .. 63 Buildings Fund .. .. .. .. .. .. 65 Co-operative Contracts Fund .. .. .. .. .. 67 General (Administration) Fund .. .. .. .. 69 Industrial Rest Period Fund .. .. .. .. .. 71 National Pay Office Fund .. .. .. .. .. .. 72 Supervision Fund .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 75 (ii) Summary of Administrative Expenditure from Consolidated Fund, Vote, " Labour," for Period 1940-46, and estimated for 1946-47 .. 77 (iii) Summary, all Funds, 1940-46, showing Percentages of Income, Expenditure, &c., for each Fund .. .. .. .. .. .. 78 Analysis of Temporary Transfers of Unionists, between Ports to meet Labour Shortages: Period, June, 1941, to March, 1946 .. .. .. .. .. .. 80 Summary of Activities of Cargo Control Commission from Commencement of Operations to 31st March, 1946 .. .. .. .. .. .. 81



1. INTRODUCTION Last year the Commission published a report covering its activities from date of first report —viz., 31st March, 1941—until 31st March, 1945, and comprehensive tables covering full particulars of its operations during the five-year period 1940-45 were also included in the report. The tables published this year will show the cumulative position for the five-year period for each class, of contract and details of operations during the year ending 31st March, 1946. The Commission intended publishing in its report this year full particulars showing costs of handling cargo during the past three years, but, due to restriction in size of report, this is not possible. The information will be printed later as an Appendix to the report. 2. MEASURES TAKEN TO EXPEDITE DESPATCH OF SHIPPING Published in the Appendix (page 60) is a table showing the reduction effected in the time spent on the New Zealand coast by overseas vessels. From a perusal of this table it will be seen that overseas vessels were turned round during the year ended 31st March, 1946, on an average of approximately 20 days, as against an average of 17| days during the year ended 31st March, 1945, and as against the pre-war average of 35f days. The additional 2£ days taken last year was due to the cancellation of shift-work and extended hours (Sundays and holidays) in September, 1945. Notwithstanding this reduction in hours, overseas vessels were turned round in approximately 15f days quicker than pre-war, and it is estimated that the saving can be attibuted as follows : (a) Centralization of shipping at main ports .. .. .. 7 days (b) Speedier work under contract system .. .. .. .. 5 days (e) Working shifts, Sundays and holidays (half of year only) .. .. 3f days Total 15f days (a) CENTRALIZATION OF SHIPPING The policy of the British Ministry of War Transport for the centralization of cargo handling operations at the main ports was continued during the year, and as a result overseas vessels visited an average of only 2-14 ports, as against the pre-war average of 6-13 ports, and previous year's average of 2-5 ports. The number of vessels which arrived in ballast for loading only was much greater than normal and had the effect of reducing the average number of ports visited per vessel. (Ib) WORKING " ROUND THE CLOCK " AND SUNDAYS AND HOLIDAYS Following repeated requests from the New Zealand Waterside Workers' Union for a reduction of hours of work on the waterfront, a conference of all interested parties (including representatives of British Ministry of War Transport) was held in July, 1945, and the Commission decided at the four main ports to restrict shift and extended hours (Sundays and holidays) work to overseas food vessels, overseas vessels carrying military supplies, vessels discharging coal, and feeder vessels. A further conference was held in September, 1945, when, by agreement with the British Ministry of War Transport, the working of shifts and extended hours was cancelled at the four main ports, and this decision was extended to other ports in November, 1945. The following vessels are, however, still required to work on Sundays and holidays : (1) All vessels discharging and loading at ports of Westport and Grey mouth. (2) Vessels discharging coal at all ports.



While both companies and the union are anxious to cancel Sunday and holiday work, the Commission is of the opinion that during the present urgent need for coal and timber vessels carrying these commodities should continue to work extended hours. (c) CO-OPERATIVE CONTRACTING Summarized below is a statement showing value and tonnages handled under contract during the last two years, and total to 31st March, 1946 :

It will be seen that the total value and tonnage of contracts have increased during the year, and the total value of contracts handled to 31st March, 1946, was nearly £9,000,000, comprising over 22,000,000 tons of cargo. (i) Rates of Work Overseas Vessels.—The overall rate of loading overseas vessels increased slightly during the year and is also above the cumulative average for years 1940-45. The rate of handling wool increased from 78 bales for the five-year period to 82 bales this year. Butter increased from 659 boxes to-673 boxes, and cheese from 245 crates to 253 crates. Mutton and lamb decreased from 767 carcasses to 758 carcasses, but was higher than last year's average of 749 carcasses. The rate of discharging overseas cargo was 12-79 tons per hour, as against 12-39 tons for five year period 1940-45 and 12-98 last year. Vessels of Union Steam Ship Go. (of New Zealand), Ltd. —The rate of handling general cargo shows a slight drop from 13-96 tons , per hour for the five-year period 1940-45 to 13-76 tons this year. The rate last year was 14-37 tons, so the rate this year shows a drop of over ton per hour, which is mainly due to a reduction in the rate of work at Auckland, which fell from 12-45 tons per hour to 11-29 tons per hour. Small Coastal Vessels.—The general cargo rate has shown a reduction to 16-71 tons per hour compared with the average of 16-83 for five-year period 1940-45 and 17-29 for year ended 31st March, 1945. (ii) Costs op Cargo handling Full details of the cost of handling cargo under the co-operative contracting system have been recorded since Ist April, 1943. Due to increase in wages by per hour as from Ist April, 1945, and increase in contract rates by 10| per cent, (except loading coal at Westport and Greymouth —8J per cent.) it has been necessary to increase the cost figures for years 1943-45 by the addition of 10£ per cent. (8£ per cent, loading coal at Westport and Greymouth) where such increase is applicable. Tables have been prepared summarizing the stevedoring costs for the various cargoes for each class of contract covering the year ended 31st March, 1946, with comparative figures for years ended 31st March, 1944 and 1945 (corrected by addition of 10J per cent, or 8|- per cent, where applicable), and showing the average corrected cost for the three-year period.


Year. Number of Contracts. Value. Tonnage. 1944-45 1945-46 1940-46 3,658 3,738 17,956 £ 1,794,446 1,801,713 8,953,180 4,632,131 4,638,912 22,643,279


Due to restriction in size of report, it lias not been possible to publish the tables, which will be printed later as an Appendix. Costs will be supplied under the following headings:— Contract " Extras {a) Hatches, Standby Time, &c. (b) Extra Labour. (c) Cost-of-living B'onus. (d) Special Cargo Rates, &c. Total " Extras " (excluding Overtime). Contract " Rates " (a) Cargo—Ship. (b) Cargo —Shippers (if any). (c) " Top " Hatches (if any). OvertimeOrdinary. Special. Total " Co-operative Contract Price." Supervision Fund. Annual Holidays Fund. National Pay Office Fund. Total Contract Account. (iii) Profit Distribution Included in Appendix (page 42) is a table summarizing the profit distributed under the co-operative contracting system for each class of contract at each port for the fiveyear period 1940-45 for the year ended 31st March, 1946, and totals to that date. It will be seen that £187,594 was distributed during the year at a " winch " time rate of 10*48 d. per hour, as against £172,667 distributed for year ended 31st March, 1945, at rate of 9-93 d. per hour, an increase 'of £14,927 and an increased rate of over |d. per hour. The amount of profit distributed from commencement of contracting until 31st March, 1946, was £855,905 at a " winch " time rate of 9-ld. per hour. 3. DISPUTES AND STOPPAGES OF WORK Published in the Appendix (page 61) is a table summarizing the man-hours lost through stoppages of work on the waterfront during the period of Commission control and for the four-year period 1937-40 prior to Commission control. During the year ended 31st March, 1946, the percentage of man-hours lost through strikes and stoppages of work was 0*93, as against an average of 0-41 for the previous five years. The increase this year was due to two major disputes, one at Auckland and one at Lyttelton. The Auckland dispute, which involved a loss of 73,680 man-hours, was brought about by a stoppage of work on one ship following a demand by the union for reinstatement of a worker dismissed by the foreman for alleged abusive language. The dispute spread throughout the port by the union introducing a " go-slow " policy. During the go-slow the men were paid the amount earned under contract, and payments averaged only approximately ss. per day. The dispute at Lyttelton arose in connection with a claim for payment of dirt-money for handling lamp-black, the union claiming a higher rate than was determined by the Waterfront Controller. 4. RATES OF PAY On the 17th March, 1945, the Court of Arbitration issued a pronouncement which increased the standard minimum hourly rates of wages by 3|d. per hour, effective as from Ist April, 1945.



The Commission met representatives of employers and workers on 26th April, 1945, when submissions were made by the union for an increase of 4d. per hour in wages, together with several other claims, and counter-proposals were also made by the employers. In order to maintain the relative position which waterside workers had held with other workers for over twenty-two years, the Commission granted an increase of 3Jd. per hour in the basic ordinary time rate of pay with pro rata increase in overtime hours. Payment was approved as from Ist April, 1945, the new rate being 3s. l|d. per hour, plus 4d. per hour to cover the two cost-of-living bonuses. The 4d. per hour is a flat rate and does not increase in overtime hours. 5. AVERAGE WAGE Tables are published in the Appendix showing : (a) Return showing the average wage of unionists per man-week worked for years 1940-45, 1945-46, and 1940-46. (Note. —This return has been based on the man-weeks worked and does not show the true average weekly wage over the whole year, as all men are not employed for fifty-two weeks —see return of earnings according to income groups.) (Appendix, page 56.) (b) Return showing earnings of unionists for year ending 31st March, 1946, analysed according to income groups. (Appendix, page 57.) (c) Return showing average total earnings, profit distributions, ordinary and overtime hours, weeks and holidays worked by unionists with highest earnings for year ending 31st March, 1946. (Appendix, page 59.) Notwithstanding the increase in wages by 3£d. per hour, the average wage per manweek has dropped from £lO 13s. 7d. during year ended 31st March, 1945, to £lO 6s. 7d. this year, and the annual income has shown a substantial drop, particularly at the port of Auckland. During the year ending 31st March, 1945, at the port of Auckland 588 men earned over £6OO, while this year only 123 men earned over that figure. The reverse position applied at the port of Wellington, where the average wage and income increased. The over-all port average, however, shows a fairly substantial drop. 6. AVERAGE HOURS OF WORK The cancellation of shifts and extended hours of work (except coal vessels) has resulted in a reduction in the average overtime hours of work, which has been more than offset by an increase in the average ordinary time hours. The average hours per week for main and secondary ports was 41f (28| ordinary time, 13£ overtime) for year ended 31st March, 1946, as against 41J (22f ordinary time, 18| overtime) for the previous year. As the reduction in overtime hours of work took effect about halfway through the year, next year's figures should show a further drop in average of overtime hours worked. Table is published in Appendix, page 55. 7. GUARANTEED WAGE Payments made during the year were as follows £ Auckland .. .. .. 3 Wellington .. .. .. 9 Lyttelton .. .. .. .. 410 Dunedin .. .. .. .. Nil Total 422 The guaranteed wage of £3 6s. per week which previously applied to "A" grade workers at ports of Auckland, Wellington, and Lyttelton was extended to the port of Dunedin from 20th March, 1946. As stated in last year's report, the guarantee on the present basis does not convey any material benefit to the great majority'of waterside \



workers. The Commission appreciates the need for providing some security to waterside workers at all main and secondary ports where the men rely upon the waterfront for a livelihood, and in July, 1945, requested the New Zealand Waterside Workers' Union and the New Zealand Watersider Employers' Association to submit detailed proposals for its consideration. 8. WAITING-ROOM ACCOMMODATION AND FACILITIES Further progress has been made during the year in providing more modern and suitable waiting-room accommodation and facilities throughout New Zealand. The new waiting-room and administrative offices at Westport was opened by Mr. James Roberts on 16th March, 1946. The Greymouth building is nearing completion, and it is expected to be ready for occupation early in October. A small building has been erected on the waterfront at Timaru as a central pay office, and it is a decided improvement in the port facilities. The Auckland Harbour Board is carrying out urgent improvements to accommodation, and the Lyttelton Harbour Board has approved of plans being prepared for erection of modern waiting-room and accommodation facilities at that port. Negotiations are still taking place between the Commission and Bluff Harbour Board regarding the provision of a new waiting-room. Plans and specifications have been prepared for a new building at Nelson, and a start will be made as soon as permit is available and contract let. 9. ANNUAL HOLIDAYS : VE AND VJ DAYS It is pleasing to record that the granting of annual holidays to waterside workers has operated very satisfactorily during the past year. By allowing workers to take holidays in advance it has been possible to spread the leave over the year, and this has been to the benefit of both workers and employers, as the greater number of men are able to get their holidays during the summer months, and delays to shipping are avoided through a limited number of workers being absent at the one time. Concessions have been granted to men absent genuinely sick by treating sick-leave not exceeding 72 days in the year as qualifying period for crediting of annual holidays provided that the worker is absent not less than six working-days and produces a medical certificate. Following pronouncements by the Government regarding the granting of holidays to workers to celebrate victory in Europe and against Japan, agreement was reached for the payment to regular waterside workers of 2 days' pay for VE Day and 1| days' pay for VJ Day, payment being financed from the Annual Holidays Fund. The cost was £13,272 for YE Day and £10,518 for VJ Day. 10. CARGO CONTROL COMMITTEES Published in the Appendix (page 81) is a table summarizing the revenue and expenditure and tonnages handled by the Cargo Control Committees at Ports of Auckland and Wellington. These committees continued to perform a very useful service, but with the cessation of hostilities more wharf-shed space became available, and it was possible to revoke the committee for Wellington on 31st October, 1945. The committee for Lyttelton (including City of Christchurch) was revoked on 15th October, 1945. A large amount of cargo continued to be handled by the Auckland committee, but arrangements were made to expedite release of dock-site store from War Assets Realization Board to the Auckland Harbour Board. At that time the Auckland Harbour Board accepted responsibility for the clearance of wharf sheds, and the Auckland committee and Cargo Control Emergency Regulations were revoked at 31st July, 1946.



The Commission desires to place on record the valuable services rendered in the war effort by members of Cargo Control Committees, particularly at the Port of Auckland where the Chairman and members devoted a large amount of time, without remuneration, in preventing congestion of wharf sheds, and thus expediting the despatch of shipping. No. 3 store at Auckland is being retained by the Government for the storage of Government goods under the jurisdiction of the Commission. 11. ACCOUNTS (1) General During the year ended 31st March, 1946, the funds operated by the Commission have remained the same as listed in last year's report. As was anticipated, it has been found possible to finalize the accounts of the Industrial Rest Period Fund (see Section 6), and the unexpended balance of this fund has been transferred to the credit of the Annual Holidays Act Fund (see Section 2). Detailed statements of account for each fund are included in the Appendix. A table is also given (Appendix, page 78) showing in summarized form the fund totals of income and expenditure, as well as totals for Appropriation Account headings and Accumulated Funds Accounts for the period 1940-45, the year 1945-46, and the full period of the Commission's activities, 1940-46. Percentages are shown in each case to indicate the relation of each fund to the total operations of the Commission. The following points emerge from a comparison with the similar tables included in last year's report (H.-45, 26th November, 1945, Appendix, pages 86 and 87) - (i) Total income for 1945-46 has fallen by £201,551 as compared with 1944-45, and now aggregates £13,029,74-7 for the period 1940-46. (ii) Total expenditure for 1945-46 has fallen by £196,009 as compared with 1944-45, and now amounts to £12,055,416 for the period 1940-46. (iii) Total profit distributions for 1945-46 were £188,651, an increase of £14,009 on 1944-45, and now total £811,134 for the period 1940-46. (iv) Administrative costs under all headings were equivalent to 4*22 per cent. of " total income " and 4*Bl per cent, of " total expenditure " for 1945-46, as compared with 3*93 per cent, and 4-00 per cent, respectively for 1944-45. Details are as follows :

(v) In order to meet the appropriations for 1945-46 it was necessary to make a net transfer back from Accumulated Funds Accounts of £4,634. This compares with a net surplus of £15,597 after appropriations in 1944-45. The reasons for this adverse position in regard to accumulated funds, as well as for the other variations in income, expenditure, &c., listed above are set out hereunder in dealing with the individual fund operations. (2) Annual Holidays Act Fund (See Appendix, page 63) It is not possible to make comparisons .with the 1944-45 accounts for this fund as they only covered an initial period of eight months' operation of the provisions of the Annual Holidays Act, 1944. Furthermore, no information was available as to the


Fund. Percentage of Total Income. Percentage of Total Expenditure. 1944-45. 1945-46. 1944-45. 1945-46. General (administration) National p&y office Consolidated (rote, " Labour ") 1-27 2-26 0-40 1-43 2-33 0-46 1-33 2-24 0-43 1-62 2-69 0-50 3-93 4-22 4-00 4-81


accrued holiday pay due to union waterside workers as at 31st March, 1945, the amount of £16,000 so included in the accounts for that period being an estimate only. As explained)in last year's report, the fact that the holiday year ends on 31st July entails certain problems in preparing annual accounts as at 31st March. The 1945-46 accounts however, do include a full year's income and expenditure, as detailed arrangements were put into effect to determine the accrued holiday pay as at 31st March, 1946. By taking the results for 1944-45 and 1945-46 together it is possible to get a true picture of the operation of annual holidays provisions on the waterfront for the period Ist August, 1944, to 31st March, 1946. During this period holiday pay to unionists has amounted to £113,391 and to non-unionists, £17,423. Payments for YE and YJ Day celebrations were £23,790, and were also charged to this fund. Total income frcfen levies (2d. per " paid " labour hour Ist August, 1944, to 31st March, 1945, increased to 2jd. per " paid" labour hour from Ist April, 1945) amounted to £158,367. Although 1945-46 accounts show an adverse balance of £8,312, by taking in the surplus for of £8,908 the net credit balance in the fund as at 31st March, 1946, is £596. To this has been added the final balance of £5,840 from Industrial Rest Period Fund (see Section 6). (3) Buildings Fund (See Appendix, page 65) For the year ended 31st March, 1946, the Commission has again set aside a further £lO,OOO in equal proportions from the National Pay Office and Co-operative Contracts Funds. As at 31st March, 1946, therefore, the Buildings Reserve Account stands at £40,000, being the estimated amount required to meet present building commitments. Certain delays were experienced during the year which prevented the anticipated completion of the Greymouth building, which was in course of construction at the date of last year's report. It is expected that some months will still lapse before it will be possible to occupy this building. The Westport building was officially opened on 16th March, 1946. It was not, however, possible to complete the accounts before the end of the 1945-46 financial year. This accounts for the large amount of £14,789 as " Works in Progress." This item also includes an amount for initial expenditure on a small central pay office building which was still in course of erection at Timaru as at 31st March, 1946. The total book value of buildings erected (less depreciation) or in progress as at 31st March, 1946, was £24,096, as compared with £9,981 the previous year. In addition to the buildings already mentioned, the Commission expects, during the coming financial year, to commence construction of a watersiders' assembly hall and Commission's administrative offices building at the port of Nelson. Levies for 1945-46 for maintenance of completed buildings amounted to £486, and, after provisions for depreciation (£340) and administration, the net balance transferred to Accumulated funds was £134, making a total of £227 in this account as at 31st March, 1946, to meet future major repairs and maintenance charges. (4) Consolidated (Vote, " Labour ") Fund (See Appendix, page 77) For the year ended 31st March, 1946, the parliamentary appropriation from* Consolidated Fund (vote, " Labour ") for this section of the Commission's administrative expenditure was £12,670, as against £11,870 for 1944-45. The increase of £BOO was occasioned by increases in salaries of Commissioners and other executive officers as approved by Cabinet. Over the full period 1940-46 the net expenditure met by way of charges or grants from Consolidated Fund (vote, " Labour ") has been £67,394, or an average of £11,232 per year. In view of the projected change in constitution of the Commission it is estimated that the parliamentary appropriation for this fund for 1946-47 can be reduced by £420 to £12,250.



(5) Co-operative Contracts Fund (Bee Appendix, page 67) Although the total income for this fund for 1945-46 at £2,471,702 is £236,776 less than in 1944-45, the profit-earning portion (co-operative contracts and equivalent contracts) at £1,833,713 is £9,826 greater than the previous year. Net profit, which for 1945-46 is £211,668, also shows a substantial increase of £27,746 and is equivalent to a return of per cent, as against a profit of 10 per cent, earned in 1944-45. Profit distributions and grants absorb £189,853 (89-70 per cent, of net profit), reserves £5,000 (2-36 per cent.), and the balance carried forward is £16,815, or 7-94 per cent. The figure for profit distributions and grants represents an increase of £14,818 on 1944-45. The reduction in " Total income " is chiefly due to the reduction and eventual cessation of services performed on behalf of American authorities at Auckland. Whereas the wages paid under this heading amounted to £542,300 in 1944-45, in 1945-46 they amounted to only £257,236. A further important factor is the substantial reduction in special overtime work which resulted following the virtual cessation of night-shifts, Sundays, and holidays work as from September, 1945. In the case of co-operative contracts during 1945-46 this loss in value has been largely offset by increased contract earnings. As the Supervision, National Pay Office, and General (Administration) Fund incomes are mainly derived from percentage charges on Co-operative Contracts Fund income it will readily be appreciated that any substantial drop in value of contracts, &c., has a widespread effect on these other funds of the Commission. The position referred to has only developed during the last six months of the year ended 31st March, 1946, but already it has had the effect of producing adverse balances for 1945-46 in the revenue accounts of all three funds mentioned. These losses will be intensified in 1946-47, when the full effects of the cessation of war activities will be more apparent. (6) General Fund (Administration) (See Appendix, page 69) The income of the General Fund (Administration) is derived from two main sources : (a) Assessments on other Commission funds : (b) Parliamentary appropriations. Out of a total income for 1945-46 of £39,274, 67-55 per cent., or £26,533, was derived from source (a), and £12,670, or 32-47 per cent., from source (6). Parliamentary appropriations have increased by £BOO, as compared with 1944-45 (see Section 4). Assessments have been made on the same basis as in 1944-45—that is, 1 per cent, on Co-operative Contracts Fund income (excluding American non-contracts at Auckland of £257,236) and 2 per cent, on income of other funds. The 1945-46 income from this source is £1,134 greater than in 1944-45, chiefly through increased co-operative contracts and Annual Holidays Act income. Total working expenses for 1945-46 at £41,143 have increased by £4,748, as compared with 1944-45. The increase is mainly due to award salary adjustments effective from Ist April, 1945, the item for salaries being £2,926 greater than in 1944-45. The effect of salary increases is also reflected in the item " Re-imbursement to National Pay Office Fund," which is £1,426 higher than for 1944-45. These two items between them account for 85-75 per cent, of total working expenses for 1945-46. As mentioned in Section 5, Co-operative Contracts Fund, the drop in over-all income of that fund due to reduction or cessation of wartime activities has a direct bearing on funds such as General (Administration), which derive their income as percentage levies on the basis of Co-operative Contracts Fund income. For 1945-46 the Revenue Account for General (Administration) Fund shows an adverse balance of £1,869, as compared with a surplus of £9ll in 1944-45. This trend is likely to continue in 1946-47, and will no doubt involve a re-assessment of income levies in order to provide for expenditure on a normal peacetime basis.



Total accumulated funds as at 31st March, 1946, show a reduction from £10,016 (at 31st March, 1945) to £8,147, and are now represented by " investments " of £3,059; fixed assets, £3,241 ; and cash, £1,847. (7) Industrial Rest Period Fund (Appendix, page 71) These are the final accounts for this fund. The unexpended balance of £5,840 has now been transferred to the credit of Annual Holidays Act Fund (see Section 2). (8) National Pay Office Fund (Appendix, page 72) The effect of the reduction or cessation of wartime activities on the waterfront, which has been referred to in Sections (5) and (6), is- particularly noticeable in regard to the accounts of the National Pay Office Fund. Income from direct levies at the rate of 2 per cent, on co-operative contracts, non-contracts, supervision, and Annual Holidays Act income produced £49,811 during 1945-46, a reduction of £4,022 on the 1944-45 figure. This drop was partly offset by the increase of £1,425 in " Reimbursements from General Fund," which stand at £13,058 for 1945-46, as compared with £11,633 for 1944-45. Total income " at £63,933 is £2,543 less than for 1944-45. There are two factors mainly responsible for the increase of £6,975 in " Total Working Expenses " which amounted to £68,475 for 1945-46 : (а) Increased Work in connection with Retrospective Pay granted to Waterside Workers in Terms of Commission's Order No. 128 and finalizing of First Year's Annual Holiday Pay.—This work came together at the end of July, 1945, and coincided with a rush of shipping. In order to avoid delay in making retrospective and annual holiday payments it was necessary not only for considerable overtime to be worked by pay office staffs, but also to employ several casual pay clerks, especially at main ports. The cost of this extra work is reflected in the expenditure items of " Casual pay clerks " and " Overtime," which show increases of £912 and £2,225 respectively as compared with 1944-45. (б) Award Salary Adjustments as from Ist April, 1945. —The item " Salaries " shows an increase of £4,575 as compared with 1944-45. The cumulative effect of reduced income and increased expenditure is reflected in the adverse balance in Revenue Account for 1945-46 of £4,542, as against a surplus of £4,976 in 1944-45. To offset this loss, and in order to provide for the National Pay Office Fund contribution of £5,000 to Buildings Fund (see Section 3), it has been necessary to transfer back £9,692 from Accumulated Funds Account to Appropriation Account. The balance of Accumulated Funds Account as at 31st March, 1946, now stands at only £BB. As the trend towards reduced income from direct levies is likely to continue in 1946-47 it will be necessary to reconsider the structure of National Pay Office Fund finance in order to provide for normal peacetime services. The increase of £4,563 in " Unclaimed" liability as per balance-sheet as at 31st March, 1946, as compared with the previous year is chiefly due to the large volume of amounts due for restrospective pay, particularly to non-union workers, which have not yet been collected. As from 3rd September, 1945, the Commission assumed responsibility for the central pay office at Timaru previously operated by the Timaru Waterside Employers' Association. It was not possible to commence the projected central pay office at Greymouth owing to non-completion of the building being erected at the port for the Commission. It is expected, however, that this pay office will definitely be in operation before the end of 1946. As from Ist August, 1945, the Commission also established



its own central pay office at Nelson. This pay office was established by the Commission under the National Pay Office Fund as from Ist April, 1943, and between that date and 31st July, 1945, was operated on an agency basis on behalf of the Commission by the Anchor Shipping and Foundry Co., Ltd. (9) Supervision Fund (Appendix, page 75) The statements of account for this fund cover the costs of supervision of waterfront labour at the Ports of Auckland, Wellington, Nelson, Picton, Westport, and Greymouth. While " Total working-expenses " for 1945-46 at £56,699 show a small reduction of £302 as compared with 1944-45, income from " Levies " at £56,045 is less by £4,483. As the income of Supervision Fund is linked directly to the volume and value of waterfront activities the reduction in income is in line with the trend noted in connection with similar reduced income from levies in National Pay Office Fund (see Section 8) and is likely to lead to a further loss of income in 1946-47. For 1945-46 it has meant a net loss in Revenue Account of £654, as compared with a net profit of £3,527 in 1944-45. In order to cover this loss, as well as to provide for profit distributions (which in most cases are payable in relation to similar payments made from Co-operative Contracts Fund to waterfront workers) it has been necessary to transfer back £1,708 from Accumulated Funds Account to Appropriation Account. This leaves a balance of £13,416 in Accumulated Funds Account as at 31st March, 1946. 12. CONCLUSION—" OVER-ALL " CONTRACTING —RECONSTRUCTION OF COMMISSION The extension of the present contracting system to " over-all" contracting and the granting of further responsibilities to union members did not proceed during the year as quickly as was anticipated. Full details are now available of the cost of handling cargo under contract during the past three years, and this information, which is being published as'an Appendix to the report, will expedite the introduction of the " over-all " contracting system. It is expected that the system will be given a trial at Westport at an early date. The decision of the Government to reconstitute the Commission with two members of each workers and employers and an independent Chairman, was arrived at following an intimation by one member of the Commission that he wished to resign to take up other work and following requests by both employers and workers for representation. The new. set-up is in line with recommendations made by Judge Foster in Australia, who conducted an inquiry into the stevedoring industry in that country. The new body, known as the Waterfront Industry Commission, was appointed on the Ist July, 1946, and in thanking the members of the Waterfront Control Commission for their services, the Right Hon. the Prime Minister expressed the Government's appreciation for the devotion, determination, efficiency, and enterprise with which the Commissioners carried out their work, often in the face of almost insurmountable difficulties. The new Commission will function only with the good will and co-operation of both employers and workers and provided its decisions are observed by both parties. A. E. Bockett, Secretary.




WATERFRONT CONTROL COMMISSION MEMBERS OP COMMISSION Captain R. E. Price. Mr. Jambs Roberts. Captain T. H. Bowling. EXECUTIVE STAPP Head Office, Wellington A. E. Bockett, Accts. Prof. .. .. .. Secretary. A. G. Davidson, M.A., 8.C0m., A.R.A.N.Z., Dipl. Soe. Sci. Accountant. R. A. Marshall .. .. .. .. .. Contracts Accountant. Local Offices Auckland Wellington W. J. CtrTHBERT .. .. Port Controller .. .. Capt. C. C. Vanden Bergh. Assistant Controller .. .. J. O. Johnson. Superintendent Stevedore .. Capt. A. J. Lever-Naylor. Capt. J. P. Wilson .. .. 1 fR. Holroyd. T.H.Solomon .. .. ! w , , Q JW. Praser. W. H. McGutre .. .. f- Wharf Superintendents ■• M . Carlsson. Capt. C. D. Watt .. .. J - H. Bird. J. E. Scanlon .. .. Secretary-Accountant T. Duff .. .. Labour Bureau Manager .. G. Bennett. W. N. Smith .. .. Pay Office Accountant .. W. Greenwood, A.R.A.N.Z., A.A.I.S. A. B. Nolan .. .. Secretary, Cargo Control Committee Canterbury Otago Capt. H. A. Brockett .. Port Controller .. .. A. Matheson. W. B. Laing .. .. Wharf Superintendent .. D. Copland. f G. Langley (Dunedin). B. Reardon .. .. Labour Bureau Managers .. W. E. Carrington (Port Chalmers). P. L. Hickman .. .. Pay Office Accountant .. R. Scott. COMMISSION'S REPRESENTATIVES Napier .. A. P. Sheehan. I Wanganui .. .. F. W. Gould. New Plymouth .. .. Capt. A. G. Hardy, j Bluff .. .. W. K. Cameron. COMMISSION'S AGENTS AND/OR SUPERVISING FOREMEN Nelson .. .. J. H. Cortzen. /F.Johnson. Greymouth ( V . Negri. Picton .. .. W. J. C. Patterson. txt . . /E. Falconer. W estport .. .. .. < T m r \_L„ Tredinnick.



SUMMARY OF COMMISSION STAFF AND UNION MEMBERSHIP AS AT 31st MARCH, 1946 COMMISSION STAFF Head Office, Wellington Waterfront Commissioners .. .. .. .. .. .. -3 Secretary and administration .. .. .. .. .. .. ..16 Co-operative contracting .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 21 General accounts .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 8 Statistics .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 5 53

Local Offices

Total, Commission staff .. .. .. .. 254 UNION MEMBERSHIP Main Poets — Auckland .. .. .. 1,812 Dunedin .. .. .. 260 Wellington .. .. 1,743 Port Chalmers .. .. .. 219 Lyttelton .. .. .. 651 Total, main ports .. .. .. .. .. 4,685 Secondary Ports— Gisborne .. .. 95 Wanganui .. 73 Oamaru.. .. 50 Napier .. .. 189 Nelson .. .. 75 Bluff .. .. 200 Onehunga •. 32 Picton .. .. 43 Westport .. 81 New Plymouth .. 148 Timaru .. .. 107 Greymouth .. 139 Total, secondary ports .. .. .. .. .. 1,232 Minor Ports— Mangonui .. 5 Opotiki .. .. 11 Patea .. .. 13 Whangaroa .. 5 Tokomaru Bay .. 13 Motueka .. 11 Bay of Islands .. 5 Tolaga Bay .. 10 Takaka .. 8 Whangarei .. 12 Awanui .. .. 12 Hokitika .. 10 Paeroa .. .. 8 Hokianga .. .. 6 Golden Bay .. 90 Tauranga .. .. 10 Kaipara .. .. 13 Whakatane .. 10 Port Waikato .. 29 Total, minor ports .. .. .. .. .. 281 Total, union membership .. .. .. .. 6,198 6,452 Note. —Approximately one hundred union members act as casual check timekeepers to record details of co-operative contracts.


Port. Controllers and or Exec. Off. Foremen. Pay Office. Labour Bureau. Co-op. Contract. Cargo Control. Totals. Auckland Wellington Lyttelton Otago Napier New Plymouth Wanganui Nelson Picton Timaru Bluff Westport Greymouth 5 7 2 2 1 1 1 1* It i 2t 2t 40 40 15 12 5 5 2 1 1* 1 'h i i 9 7 3 2 1 1 i 7 7 2 1 8 84 73 12 10 4 3 2 2 1 2 3 3 2 Totals 26 80 46 24 17 8 201 201 * Also Bureau. t Also Foreman. J As from 3rd September, 1945.


SUMMARY OF RESULTS OF CO-OPERATIVE CONTRACT STEVEDORING FOR YEARS 1940-45 AND 1945-46 SHOWING— I. Quantities of Cargo handled 11. Rates of Work KEY TO ABBREVIATIONS AND TONNAGE CONVERSIONS Abbreviations Cargo Units S/ft = Superficial feet. Qrs = Quarters. Cts = Crates. F. c/c = Freight carcasses. R. c/c = Running carcasses. General Terms Anal. = Analysis. T/K = Timekeeper. Cont. = Contract. Disc. = Discharging. Comm. = Commission. Ldg. = Loading. Or. p= Other. D/L = Discharging and loading.


Note.—Weights of carcasses and quarters vary from year to year owing to seasonal differences and/or preponderance of mutton to lamb. For the year 1940-41 the contracting system was not in force from the beginning of the year, and the 1941-42 weights were accepted as a basis. FIGURES CONSTANT FOR ALL YEARS Cheese : 12J crates to ton. Wool: 1 bale = 350 lb. Butter : 64 lb. per box. Hardwoods : 333-| s/ft per ton. Frozen sundries: 60 lb. per freight Softwoods : 500 s/ft per ton. carcass. Fruit: 25 cases to ton.


— 1940-45. 1945-46. 1940-46. lb. lb. lb. Mutton and lamb: Average weight per 36-53 38-14 36-87 running c/c Beef: Average weight per quarter 147-08 141-33 146-81


Summary of Total Tonnages (all Classes of Cargo) handled under Co-operative Contract System at each Port for each Class of Vessel for the Period 1940-46, and Total Number of Contracts


Port. Year. Class of Vessel. Total. Number of Overseas. U.S.S. Co. Coastal. Contracts. Auckland 1940-45 1946 Tons. 2,274,431 531,481 Tons. 2,296,675 585,800 Tons. Tons. 4,571,106 1,117,281 1,463 365 2,805,912 2,882,475 5,688,387 1,828 Wellington 1940-45 1946 2,708,474 526,706 3,140,366 531,686 777,757 202,157 6,626,597 1,260,549 5,532 1,087 3,235,180 3,672,052 979,914 7,887,146 6,619 Lyttelton 1940-45 1946 535,406 140,966 986.107 146,463 260,528 115,112 1,782,041 402,541 1,418 310 676,372 1,132,570 375,640 2,184,582 1,728 Dunedin 1941-45 1946 98,421 48,442 697,395 154,296 182,309 51,506 978,125 254,244 749 179 146,863 851,691 233,815 1,232,369 928 Port Chalmers.. 1940-45 1946 163,669 48,332 245 163,914 48,332 80 19 212,001 245 212,246 99 Gisborne 1941-45 1946 3,245 112.141 29,108 14,481 32,155 129,867 61,263 193 124 3,245 141,249 46,636 191,130 317 Napier 1940-45 1946 278,223 96,210 200,363 51,849 68,989 36,118 547,575 184,177 464 151 374,433 252,212 105,107 731,752 615 Port Waikato 1941-45 1946 45,893 7,257 45,893 . 7,257 134 17 53,150 53,150 151 New Ely mouth 1940-45 1946 251,210 56,213 194,003 23,805 89,651 33,306 534,864 113,324 566 127 307,423 217,808 122,957 648,188 693 Wanganui .. 1941-45 1946 6,269 19,690 246,801 79,493 272,760 79,493 681 207 6,269 19,690 326,294 352,253 888


Summary of Total Tonnages, etc. —continued

Note. —Auckland : U.S.S. Co. vessels —from 1941-42 ; Lyttelton : Coastal vessels —from 1942-43 ; Port Chalmers : U.S.S. Co. vessels—from 1944-45; Gisborne: Coastal vessels —from 1944-45 ; Napier: U.S.S. Co. vessels —from 1941-42 ; Napier : Coastal vessels —from 1942-43; New Plymouth: Coastal vessels—from 1941-42; Nelson: Coastal vessels—from 1942-43; Picton : Coastal vessels —from 1942-43; Timaru: U.S.S. Co. vessels —from 1941-42; Timaru: Coastal vessels —from 1941-42 ; Bluff: U.S.S. Co. vessels —from 1941-42.


Port. Year. Class of Vessel. Total. Number of Contracts. Overseas. U.S.S. Co. Coastal. STelson 1940-45 1946 Tons. Tons. 39,997 14,640 Tons. 302,788 94,613 Tons. 342,785 109,253 957 334 54,637 397,401 452,038 1,291 Picton 1940-45 1946 972 891 88,385 24,493 76,062 23,865 165,419 49,249 405 136 1,863 112,878 99,927 214,668 541 Timaru 1940-45 1946 91,538 53,222 283,027 61,446 58,762 19,182 • 433,327 133,850 575 142 144,760 344,473 77,944 567,177 717 Bluff 1940-45 1946 251,955 70,777 246,406 49,737 2*462 498,361 122,976 306 59 322,732 296,143 2,462 621,337 365 Westport 1944-45 1946 155,500 323,892 29,851 72,670 185,351 396,562 116 297 479,392 102,521 581,913 413 Greymouth 1942-45 1946 573,314 249,105 153,068 49,456 726,382 298,561 579 184 822,419 202,524 1,024,943 763 All Ports 1940-45 1946 6,663,813 1,573,240 9,033,614 2,246,320 2,306,940 819,352 18,004,367 4,638,912 14,218 3,738 8,237,053 11,279,934 3,126,292 22,643,279 17,956


ALL PORTS —ALL CLASSES OF VESSELS Summary of Quantities of Cargo handled, Period 10th July, 1940, to 31st March, 1946


Classes of Cargo. Unit. Quantities of Cargo handled. 1940-45. 1945-46. Totals. General .. D/L Tons 9,739,053 2,278,608 12,017,661 Iron, steel, pig iron, pipes 99 • • 336,781 33,193 369,974 Lead .. • - Ldg. 99 • • 41,744 6,874 48,618 .. Disc. 99 • * 18,541 1,350 19,891 Raw sugar 99 173,807 14,653 188,460 Wheat and barley .. D/L 99 178,197 35,239 213,436 Cement 99 194,288 44,944 239,232 Hides 99 • • 48,699 10,842 59,541 Tallow, pelts, &c. • • 99 313,327 54,065 •367,392 Wool .. Disc. Bales 459,588 89,119 548,707 .. Ldg. 3,549,633 941,907 4,491,540 Dolomite .. Disc. Tons 10,002 2,780 12,782 Timber — Hardwoods — 26,733 Trucks .. Ldg. S/ft 26,733 .. Disc. 18,4i8,100 7,475,686 25,893,786 Wharf 23,346,711 6,880,469 30,227,180 Ldg. „ 545,182 545,182 Softwoods— 62,450,600 Trucks .. Disc. 53,736,044 8,714,556 .. Ldg. 80,616,041 19,780,349 100,396,390 Wharf .. Disc. 50,205,227 13,229,116 63,434,343 .. Ldg. 3,281,147 586,617 3,867,764 Barges .. Disc. 6,277,552 6,277,552 Sulphur Tons 5,794 5,794 CoalGrab — 2,748,612 12,570 New Zealand .. Disc. .. Ldg. 99 • • 99 • • 2,170,814 12,570 577,798 Newcastle .. Disc. >9 • • 116,004 116,004 Basket — 62,169 New' Zealand 99 99 59,442 2,727 Newcastle 99 99 • • 20,795 20,795 Bunker — 142,657 Hulks, &c. .. Ldg. 99 • • 128,660 13,997 Trucks 99 • • 41,193 33,661 74,854 Cargo, New Zealand „ 99 726,745 617,636 1,344,381 Fruit — Apples and pears Cases 164,035 62,582 226,617 D/L Tons 49,409 20,432 69,841 Butter Boxes .. 21,075,266 4,940,082 26,015,348 Cheese Cts 8,499,911 1,493,800 9,993,711 Mutton and Lamb R.c/c .. 56,210,241 15,107,874 71,318,115 Beef Qrs 463,767 21,042 484,809 Frozen sundries F. c/c 8,994,544 2,959,017 11,953,561 Total, all classes .. Tons 18,004,367 4,638,912 22,643,279 Number of contracts *14,218 3,.738 *17,956 * Does not include one contract (Opua) covering the loading of 3,421 carcasses mutton and lamb and 23,011 freight carcasses frozen sundries.




Percentage Increase under Contracting Rate under System. Class of Cargo. Unit. Wage System. 1940-45. 1945-46. 1940-46. General Tons 12 36-42 46-42 38-58 Lead 99 10 27-50 37-00 28-70 Hides 99 10 14-20 39-40 17-30 Tallow 99 12 14-50 14-83 14-50 Wool .. .. Bales 65 20-00 26-15 21-54 Cheese Cta 210 16-67 20-48 17-14 Butter Boxes .. 550 19-76 22-36 20-18 Mutton and lamb Carcasses 550 39-45 37-82 39-09 Beef .. Qrs 110 24-55 30-90 24-55 Frozen sundries F. c/c .. 320 29-90 28-44 29-38 Over-all increase 26-45 31-66 27-46


ALL PORTS Summary of Quantities of Cargo handled and Rates of Work per Net Gang-hour under Co-operative Contracts System, showing Totals to 31st March, 1945 (as per Previous Annual Report), and Figures for Year ended 31st March, 1946


Classes of Cargo. Cargo Units. OVERSEAS VESSELS. UNION STEAM SHIP CO. VESSELS. SMALL COASTAL VESSELS. Quantities of Cargo handled. Rates of Work per Net Gang-hour. Quantities of Cargo handled. Rates of Work per Net Gang-hour. Quantities of Cargo handled. Rates of Work per Net Gang-hour. 1940-45 1945-46 1940-45 1945-46 1940-45 1945-46 1940-45 1945-46 1940-45 1945-46 1940-45 1945-46 General .. . Disc. Tons 2,564,937 557,303 12-39 12-79 ■ Ldg. 99 713,758 219,195 16-37 17-57 . D/L ? J 5,086,250 1,032,893 13-96 13-76 1,374,108 469,217 16-83 16-71 Iron, steel, &c. 9 9 301,893 29,156 10-53 10-26 34,888 4,037 12-33 12-97 Lead Disc. ->> i8,541 i ,350 15-20 10-15 )) • • • • . Ldg. ? ? 41,744 6,874 12-75 13-70 Baw sugar . Disc. J * 173,807 14,653 26-15 26-35 Wheat and barley .. 99 78,850 31,433 13-06 15-05 . D/L » * 98,917 '3,806 15-42 16-43 " 430 2L23 Cement 91 50,060 191 16-43 16-98 144,228 44,753 17-62 18-28 Hides ?> 9 9 15,894 4,513 12-.61 13-28 3,571 1,356 15-94 16-95 99 • • • • ■ Ldg. 9 9 29,234 4,973 11-42 13-94 Tallow, pelts, &c. .. 9 9 272,973 51,097 13-74 13-78 • D 7 L 5 9 i9,922 797 13-06 12-45 20.432,171 16-06 18-42 Wool, sheep-skins, &c. . Disc. Bales i9,538 "75 216,169 33,288 80 93 223,881 55,831 110 98 . Ldg. 9f 3,046,854 837,336 78 '*82 314,214 37,634 72 71 188,565 66,937 100 86 Dolomite . Disc. Tons 10,002 2,780 12-63 14-40 Timber — HardwoodTrucks • Ldg. S/ft 26,733 3,377 t> * * . Disc. 99 27,242 850,844 2 j 747 4,492 14,506,878 4,870,916 2 j 950 2^735 3,883,980 1,753,926 2^968 3,514 Wharf 99 >> 355,416 807,183 3,401 2,710 19,138,202 5,603,564 2,407 2,339 3,853,093 469,722 3,384 3,118 99 • Ldg. 99 11,748 3,615 155,875 2,510 377,559 3,705 Softwood — Trucks . Disc. 99 677,686 5,357 51,311,624 7,969,605 2,684 3,045 2,424,420 67,265 2,523 4,294 » • Ldg. 99 7,422,542 3] 722 61,882,877 18,071,740 4,661 4,612 11,310,622 1,708,609 4,616 3,917 Wharf . Disc. 12,252,830 6,474,659 3,770 4^051 36,106,362 6,135,235 3,087 2,931 1,846,035 619,222 3,293 3,537 »> . Ldg. 99 2,258,197 87,567 3,726 3,274 750,992 456,785 3,452 3,020 271,958 42,265 3,760 2,712 Barges . Disc. 6,277,552 5,649 Sulphur „ Tons 5,794 20-18



Coal — GrabNew Zealand .. . Disc. • Ldg. Tons ? J 1,926,338 12,570 493,452 25-07 25-04 27-78 244,476 84,346 26-70 28-65 Newcastle . Disc. 99 116,004 18-03 Basket — New Zealand .. 99 99 37,351 1,296 11-46 10-63 22,091 1,431 14-90 15-58 Newcastle 99 i 20,795 13-99 Bunker — Hulks, &c. . Ldg. 99 112,187 8,202 10-50 12-85 16,473 5,795 17-47 19-18 Trucks 99 34,121 27,919 43-08 55-62 7,072 5,742 92-44 92-24 Cargo, New Zealand 99 579,972 507,875 87-75 88-22 146,773 109,761 114-11 101-46 Fruit — Apples and pears » Cases 164,035 62,582 503 464 . D/L Tons 9,011 i ,404 21-59 27-48 40,398 19,028 23-09 26-05 Butter Boxes 19,947,754 4,711,044 659 *673 886,867 48,970 550 521 240,645 180,068 631 624 Cheese Cts. 7,144,559 1,076,283 245 253 90,309 20,286 201 161 1,265,043 397,231 222 231 Mutton and lamb R. c/c Qrs 52,177,285 14,005,421 767 758 3,981,333 1., 068, 773 698 737 51,623 33,680 996 960 Beef 439,581 21,042 137 144 24,186 133 Frozen sundries F. e/o 7,855,570 2,727,213 415 411 1,138,974 204,665 383 368 27,139 *476 Total, all classes Tons 6,663,813 1,573,240 9,033,614 2,246,320 2,306,940 819,352 Number of contracts • •• 2,165 566 6,425 1,353 5,628 1,819


PORT OF AUCKLAND Summary of Quantities of Cargo handled and Rates of Work per Net Gang-hour under Co-operative Contracts System, showing Totals to 31st March, 1945 (as per Previous Annual Report), and Figures for Year ended 31st March, 1946


OVERSEAS VESSELS. UNION STEAM SHIP CO. VESSELS. SMALL COASTAL VESSELS. Classes of Cargo. gaxg° Quantities of Cargo ; Rat p^J ork Quantities of Cargo Quantities of Cargo M ® r °^° rk Units. handled. | Gang . hour _ handled. Gang-hour. handled. Gang-hour. 1940-45 1945-46 11940-45 1945-46 1941-45 1945-46 1941-45 1945-46 1940-45 1945-46 1940-45 1945-46 ill General .. .. .. Disc. Tons 884,778 221.334 10-77 10-91 .. Ldg. „ 188,224 78,201 15-56 16-61 D/L „ .. .. .. .. 1,502,316 338,363 11-78 11-29 Iron, steel, &c. .. . • „ „ .. .. .. .. 86,780 12,852 8-07 8-37 Raw sugar .. .. Disc. „ 173,807 14,653 20-15 26-35 Wheat and barley .. ,, „ 70,220 10,680 13-30 15-10 •• D/L „ .. .. .. .. 62,498 .. 14-84 .. Hides .. .. .. „ „ .. .. .. .. 5,488 1,823 11-14 12-55 • • Ldg. „ 17,601 3,269 11-40 13-78 Tallow, pelts, &c. .. .. „ „ 74,933 14,439 12-24 11-76 •• D/L „ .. .. .. .. 2,771 408 10-88 12-12 Wool, sheep-skins, &c. .. Disc. Bales .. .. .. .. 29,235 697 71 43 .. Ldg. „ 565,520 100,064 67 65 33,034. 1,798 63 41 Timber — Hardwood — Trucks .. .. Disc. S/ft .. .. .. .. 4,960,015 3,130,450 3,019 2,685 Wharf .. .. „ „ .. 508,257 .. 2,459 8,937,740 3,203,474 2,048 2,057 .. .. Ldg. „ 11,748 .. 3,615 .. Softwood — Trucks .. .. Disc. „ .. .. .. .. 13,492,203 1,624,568 2,651 2,766 .. Ldg. „ .. .. .. .. 947,735 1,388,172 2,690 2,093 Wharf .. .. Disc. „ 6,200,619 2,568,790 3,638 3,418 6,626,184 1,410,806 2,390 2,374 .. Ldg. „ .. .. .. .. 152,485 189,785 2,527 2,333 CoalGrab — New Zealand.. .. Disc. Tons .. .. .. .. 504,980 200,425 39-40 41-13 Newcastle .. „ „ .. .. .. .. 16,426 .. 22-47 ..



Butter .. .. .... Boxes 14,102,515 3,437,196 679 697 244,029 11,052 637 1,028 Cheese .. .. . . . Cts 1,877,539 262,125 217 235 9,155 .. 236 . . Mutton and lamb .. -. R. c/c 7,420,100 1,328.186 680 681 96,239 .. 550 .. Beef .. .. .... Qrs 180,698 7,385 132 128 7,508 .. 138 . . Frozen sundries .. .... F. c/c 2,885,594 925,458 408 410 436,138 111,792 402 359 Total, all classes .. Tons 2,274,431 531,481 .. .. 2,296,675 585,800 .. Number of contracts .. .. .. 618 153 .. .. 845 212


PORT OF WELLINGTON Summary of Quantities of Cargo handled and Rates of Work per Net Gang-hour under Co-operative Contracts System, showing Totals to 31st March, 1945 (as per Previous Annual Report), and Figures for Year ended 31st March, 1946


OVERSEAS VESSELS. UNION STEAM SHIP CO. VESSELS. SMALL COASTAL VESSELS. Classes of Cargo. Cargo Units. Quantities of Cargo handled. Rates of Work per Net Gang-hour. Quantities of Cargo handled. Rates of Work per Net Gang-hour. Quantities of Cargo handled. Rates of Work per Net Gang-hour. 1940-45 1945-46 1940-45 1945-46 1940-45 1945-46 1940-45 1945-46 1940-45 1945-46 1940-45 1945-46 General .. .. Disc. .. Ldg. Tons 1,509, 654 233,556 266,099 58,476 13-49 17-06 14-84 21-45 „ .. D/L ,, 1,3i3, 876 211,363 15-34 15-86 429,697 112,458 15-34 16-89 Iron, steel, &c. 99 99 103,173 7,191 11-64 14-14 16,800 1,612 11-17 12-42 Lead .. Disc. .. Ldg. » is, 541 41,744 i ,350 6,656 15 • 20 12-75 10-15 13-94 Wheat and barley .« Disc. ,, 8,630 8,660 11-36 13-99 19,188 3,806 15-83 16-43 Cement .. D/L 50,060 16-43 99,796 25,512 17-50 19-09 Hides .. 99 3,646 1,114 12-84 12-94 1,333 181 14-69 17-52 ,, .. Ldg. 99 8,757 896 11-15 13-75 Tallow, pelts, &c. . . ,, 76,959 12,377 13-02 13-62 D/L 7,676 129 13-24 12-00 9,695 802 17-05 22-33 Wool, sheep-skins, &c. .. Disc. Bales i9,538 ' 75 141,542 28,046 90 111 189,097 40,668 123 135 >> .. Ldg. 99 1,011,683 170,437 73 "77 66,199 3,825 57 58 12,386 3,500 60 63 Timber — Hardwood — Trucks .. Disc. S/ft 1,083,758 2,482 2,019,944 26,733 1,162,560 2,728 3.377 3,340 Wharf !! • • 355,416 187,564 3 j 401 4,215 8,683,578 1,711,818 2,870 3 j 002 3,283,457 469,722 3,269 3,118 „ .. Ldg. 99 140,817 2,414 377,559 3,705 Softwood — Trucks .. Disc. 35,228,510 5,815,495 2,656 3,073 1,769,976 2,251 Wharf 5,5^,455 3,352,283 3,938 4,584 27,120,781 4,286,420 3.281 3,198 1,538,455 385,979 3,065 3,552 99 • • .. Ldg. ,, 1,189,120 87,567 4,529 3,274 598,507 3,806 231,476 42,265 3,754 2,712 CoalGrab — New Zealand .. .. Disc. Tons 1,207,155 258,358 22-51 23-31 48,798 17,901 22-27 26-64 Newcastle • • » „ 73,121 18-25



Basket — New Zealand .. • • , j) 5,942 9-69 2,388 11-49 Newcastle „ 99 3,200 11-30 Bunker — Hulks, &c. .. Ldg. 112,061 8,117 10-49 12-81 Fruit — Apples and pears ,, Cases 29,556 728 Butter .. D/L Tons " 613' 15-04 i7,057 4,450 2i • 67 21-07 Boxes 4,003, 109 718,572 *628 648 386,184 13,433 574 558 105,013 90,963 595 559 Cheese Cts 2,845,694 472,943 251 260 41,408, 10,008 195 157 1,164,837 292,295 219 231 Mutton and lamb .. R. c/c 14,054,934 3,802,049 722 726 1,773,710 533,886 706 725 23,883 15,315 937 1,027 Beef Qrs 130,977 754 133 129 7,584 143 Frozen sundries F. c/c 2,015,968 506,826 408 418 328,628 29,044 382 456 li,127 462 Total, all classes Number of contracts , Tons 2,708,474 526,706 3,140,366 531,686 777,757 202,157 825 191 2,539 422 2,168 474 .. • ••


PORT OF LYTTELTON Summary of Quantities of Cargo handled and Rates of Work per Net Gang-hour under Co-operative Contracts System, showing Totals to 31st March, 1945 (as per Previous Annual Report), and Figures for Year ended 31st March, 1946


Classes of Cargo. Cargo Units. OVERSEAS VESSELS. UNION STEAM SHIP CO. VESSELS. SMALL COASTAL VESSELS. Quantities of Cargo handled. Bates of Work per Net Gang-hour. Quantities of Cargo handled. Rates of Work per Net Gang-hour. Quantities of Cargo handled. Rates of Work per Net Gang-hour. 1940-45 1945-46 1940-45 1945-46 1940-45 1945-46 1940-45 1945-46 1942-45 1945-46 1942-45 1945-46 General .. . Disc. Tons 109,369 38,546 12-96 13-62 99 • • • • . Ldg. 99 144,723 24,685 15-05 14-10 . D/L 893,238 136,560 14-00 15-02 245,174 iii ,831 14-72 14-46 Iron, steel, &c. • 99 99 29,879 1,902 11-40 11-41 5,273 . 593 12-18 11-24-Wheat and barley . Disc. *7,742 14-93 . D/L 4,551 17-74 Hides 99 99 2,756 " 489 12-88 18-51 658 " 403 17-51 17-78 „ • Ldg. 9> " 896 " 381 12-15 16-87 Tallow, pelts, &c. .. 41,157 6,936 15-33 15-21 ! D/L *2,812 100 li-73 10-62 , , Wool, sheep-skins, &c. . Disc. Bales 22,594 3,488 53 49 1.4,345 *8,798 *53 48 99 • Ldg. 99 479,424 146,695 88 *91 23,461 1,254 52 56 370 63 TimberHardwood — Trucks i. Disc. S/ft 27,242 60,911 2,747 3,548 4,347,226 605,993 2,734 2,387 1,043,938 35,644 2,786 3,656 Softwood — Trucks 99 ,, 677,686 5,357 1,070,776 3,350 513,232 42,265 3,852 4,877 „ ,. Ldg. ,, 7,422,542 3 j 722 4,880,966 1,692,652 3,468 3^441 89,943 358,963 3,184 2,765 Wharf „ 15,482 2,997 Coal — . Grab — New Zealand .. .. Disc. Tons 5,509 27-06 Newcastle 99 » 961 27-20 Basket — New Zealand . . , . ,, 11,551 11-34 Newcastle „ „ 199 13-49



Fruit: Apples and pears .. D/L „ .. .. .. .. 6841 .. 24-21 .. 2,754 .. 16-59 Butter .. .. Boxes 222,044 71,072 514 526 8,915 .. 392 .. Cheese .. .. .... Cts 104,241 9,852 219 247 2,996 5,994 177 189 Mutton and lamb .. .. .. R. c/c 7,948,232 2,033,187 799 776 Frozen sundries .. .... F. c/c 245,986 67,277 395 388 49,540 36,977 357, 343 Total, all classes .. .. Tons 535,406 140,966 .. .. 986,107 146,463 .. .. 260,528 115,112 .. Number of contracts .. .. .. 276 71 .. .. 782 81 .. .. 360 158


PORT OF DUNEDIN Summary of Quantities of Cargo handled and Rates of Work per Net Gang-hour under Co-operative Contracts System, showing Totals to 31st March, 1945 (as per Previous Annual Report), and Figures for Year ended 31st March, 1946


OVERSEAS VESSELS. UNION STEAM SHIP CO. VESSELS. SMALL COASTAL VESSELS. Classes of Cargo. Cargo Units. Quantities of Cargo handled. Hates of Work per Wet Gang-hour. Quantities of Cargo handled. Rates of Work per Net Gang-hour. Quantities of Cargo handled. Rates of Work per Net Gang-hour. 1941-45 1945-46 1941-45 1945-46 1941-45 1945-46 1941-45 1945-46 1941-45 1945-46 1941-45 1945-46 General .. . Disc. • Ldg. Tons 99 19,855 64,295 18,724 20,159 11-99 18-39 13-05 17-33 „ . D/L „ 583,467 143,375 15-43 13-84 161,585 48,008 16-89 15-26 Iron, steel, &e. ,, 77,128 6,649 12-81 11-27 10,707 1,339 14-18 13-43 Wheat and barley .. 2,875 15-81 Cement ?? ., ,. 4,624 19-15 Hides 99 ,, 2,310 498 14-93 12-28 478 7 132 15-02 14-67 >> . Ldg. 113 li-30 Tallow, pelts, &c. .. 99 2,782 810 15-19 14- 13 '. D/L i, 202 15-20 27 10-12 Wool, sheep-skins, &c. . Disc. Bales 8,207 73 5,680 459 74 55 99 . Ldg. 49,812 33,925 "79 "76 14,243 78 762 70 Timber — Hardwood — Trucks . Disc. S/ft 730,147 4,739 1,641,057 541,093 3,742 3,213 489,474 555,722 4,491 3,934 Wharf 99 40,195 2,539 1,394,048 538,998 2,732 2,636 385,857 3,578 ,, . Ldg. 15,058 4,015 (Softwood — Trucks . Disc. 56,463 3,475 Wharf ,, 553,586 4 j 796 364,830 4,271 302,205 144,006 5^271 4J64 99 • • • Ldg. 99 1,069,077 3, il2 267,000 3 j 819 Coal — Grab — New Zealand .. . Disc. Tons 701 14-97 Basket —• New Zealand .. >> 2,118 11-33 Newcastle • „ » 11,828 14-13



i'ruit: Appies and pears .. jD/L Butter .. .. .., .. Cheese .. .. .... Mutton and lamb Frozen sundries 99 Boxes Ots R. c/c P. c/c 7,047 52,915 2,894 374 194 759 328 166 762 3,791 11,508 17,747 15-90 523 286 423 652 16-90 Total, all classes Tons 98,421 48,442 697,395 154,296 182,309 51,506 Number of contracts .. •• 52 22 501 95 196 62


PORT OF PORT CHALMERS Summary of Quantities of Cargo handled and Rates of Work per Net Gang-hour under Co-operative Contracts System, showing Totals to 31st March, 1945 (as per Previous Annual Report), and Figures for Year ended 31st March, 1946


Classes of Cargo. Cargo Units. OVERSEAS VESSELS. UNION STEAM SHIP CO. VESSELS. SMALL COASTAL VESSELS., Quantities of Cargo handled. Rates of Work per Net Gang-hour. Quantities of Cargo handled. Rates of Work per Net Gang-hour. Quantities of Cargo handled. Rates of Work per Net Gang-hour. 1940-45 1945-46 1940-45 1945-46 1944-45 1945-46 1944-45 1945-46 1940-45 1945-46 1940-45 1945-46 General .. .. .. Disc. .. Ldg. .. D/L Lead .. .. .. Ldg. Hides .. .. „ Tallow, pelts, &c. .. ,, Wool, sheep-skins, &c. .. „ Butter .. .. .... Cheese .. .. .... Mutton and lamb .. Frozen sundries Total, all classes Number of contracts Tons 99 99 99 99 Bales Boxes Cts R. c/c F. c/c 20,132 12,754 195 9,286 226,629 7,624 64,401 4,757,788 131,664 3,864 1,504 218 37 1,624 106,816 319 4,273 1,314,328 82,528 11-82 19-93 li *30 14-88 93 548 226 903 439 11-25 8-90 13-88 14-13 80 425 174 788 415 19 8,434 12-67 395 Tons 163,669 48,332 245 78 19 2


PORT OF GISBORNE Summary of Quantities of Cargo handled and Rates of Work per Net Gang-hour under Co-operative Contracts System, showing Totals to 31st March, 1945 (as per Previous Annual Report), and Figures for Year ended 31st March, 1946


Classes of Cargo. Cargo Units. OVERSEAS VESSELS. UNION STEAM SHIP CO. VESSELS. SMALL COASTAL VESSELS. Quantities of Cargo handled. Rates of Work per Net Gang-hour. Quantities of Cargo handled. Rates of Work per Net Gang-hour. Quantities of Cargo handled. Rates of Work per Net Gang-hour. 1940-45 1945-46 1940-45 1945-46 1941-45 1945-46 1941-45 1945-46 1944-45 1945-46 1944-45 1945-46 General .. .. .. D/L Iron, steel, &c. .. „ Cement .. .. „ Hides .. .. „ Tallow, pelts, &c. .. .. Ldg. .. D/L Wool, sheep-skins, &c. .. Ldg. Timber — Hardwood — Wharf .. .. Disc. Softwoods — Trucks .. .. ,, Wharf .. .. „ Coal — Grab — New Zealand .. .. „ Newcastle .. „ Basket — New Zealand .. .. „ Newcastle .. .. „ Butter .. .. .... Cheese .. .. .... Mutton and lamb Beef .. .. .... Frozen sundries Total, all classes Number of contracts Tons 99 99 99 99 99 Bales S/ft Tons Boxes Cts R. c/c Qrs. F. c/c 145 7,007 70,479 3,770 21,863 15-40 '*68 630 129 358 25,118 142 59 389 27,048 97,226 101,860 1,994,567 44,164 5,032 1,741 1,810 170,389 3,166 1,061,127 163,719 6,612 *3,122 149,274 438,009 14,552 485 24,485 270 244,349 i5,637 14-98 9-96 15-06 13-11 74 2,274 3,234 3,468 17-09 13-09 9-66 15-76 445 157 608 343 14-01 "90 2,335 2,759 18-38 9-78 414 162 565 306 13,670 484 116 7,392 29,512 664 70 '7,820 89,237 15,062 969 14-78 16-27 13-78 *469 14-27 16-67 13-55 84 2^803 653 211 Tons 3,245 112,141 29,108 14,481 32,155 1 152 37 ..1 40 87 ..


PORT OF NAPIER Summary of Quantities of Cargo handled and Rates of Work per Net Gang-hour under Co-operative Contracts System, showing Totals to 31st March, 1945 (as per Previous Annual Report), and Figures for Year ended 31st March, 1946


OVERSEAS VESSELS. UNION STEAM SHIP CO. VESSELS. SMALL COASTAL VESSELS. Classes of Cargo. Cargo Units. Quantities of Cargo handled. Bates of Work per Net Gang-hour. Quantities of Cargo handled. Kates of Work per Net Gang-hour. Quantities of Cargo handled. Rates of Work per Net Gang-hour. 1940-45 1945-46 1940-45 1945-46 1941-45 1945-46 1941-45 1945-46 1942-45 1945-46 1942-45 1945-46 General .. . Disc. • Ldg. Tons 99 17,132 35,640 532 16,908 16-83 20-12 12-54 19-33 •• •• » . . • • . D/L 99 89,370 26,726 17-37 16-66 46,241 19,508 15-63 14-88 Iron, steel, &c. 99 337 54 10-40 15-81 200 114 10-96 12-32 Wheat and barley ,, 99 415 13-68 Cement 99 99 191 16-98 13,806 io, 214 17-63 17-56 Hides Ldg. 99 604 196 15-13 13-75 965 381 15-46 14-11 65 333 14-72 17-45 Tallow, pelts, &c. .. 99 27,719 5,569 17-82 18-12 .. . D/L 99 593 14-73 2,942 211 14-44 .15-73 Wool, sheep-skins, &c. . Disc. Bales 6,039 78 11,013 5,906 89 77 . Ldg. 99 300,167 96,211 ' *93 ' 89 41,453 19,531 75 "72 18,$32 27,591 80 74 Timber — Hardwood — Trucks .. Disc. S/ft . . , , 399,906 363,274 3,129 3,256 Wharf • • 99 71,167 2 j 309 25,610 3,703 • • . Softwood — Trucks V. Ldg. » 1,083,804 529,542 3,368 3,861 75,804 3 j 284 Wharf !! . Disc. .. Ldg. » 539,756 3^746 25,000 4 * 545 Coal—" GrabNew Zealand .. .. Disc. Tons 89,599 19,125 22-06 19-52 Newcastle ,, 5,245 15-03 Basket — New Zealand .. ,, 1,231 171 14-15 12-00 Newcastle j? ,, 271 11-91 .,

H 4:5

PORT OF PORT WAIKATO Summary of Quantities of Cargo handled and Rates of Work per Net Gang-hour under Co-operative Contracts System showing Totals to 31st March, 1945 (as per Previous Annual Report), and Figures for Year ended 31st March, 1946

2—H. 45


FruitApples and pears . Ldg. Cases 134,479 62,582 471 464 . D/L Tons "• 870 300 16-68 13-79 Butter Boxes 226,068 100,634 524 438 7,003 475 Cheese Cts 10,027 1,455 174 176 127 190 Mutton and lamb R. c/c Qrs 5,871,503 2,052,875 786 713 50,989 690 Beef 67,402 1,151 140 132 , , Frozen sundries F. c/c 1,243,274 642,719 453 388 15,528 302 7,627 •• 436 Total, all classes Number of contracts , Tons 278,223 96,210 200,363 51,849 68,989 36,118 110 39 154 35 200 77

Classes of Cargo. Cargo Units. OVERSEAS VESSELS. UNION STEAM SHIP CO. VESSELS. SMALL COASTAL VESSELS. Quantities of Cargo handled. Bates of Work per Net Gang-hour. Quantities of Cargo handled. Rates of Work per Net Gang-hour. Quantities of Cargo handled. Rates of Work per Net Gang-hour. 1940-45 1945-46 1940-45 1945-46 1940-45 1945-46 1940-45 1945-46 1941-45 1945-46 1941-45 1945-46 General .. .. .. D/L Dolomite.. .. .. Disc. Timber: Softwood — Barges .. „ Total, all classes Number of contracts Tons S/ft •• •• •• 23,335 10,002 6,277,552 4,477 2,780 17-25 12-63 5,649 15-08 14-40 Tons 45,893 7,257 134 17


PORT OF NEW PLYMOUTH Summary of Quantities of Cargo handled and Rates or Work per Net Gang-hour under Co-operative Contracts System, showing Totals to 31st March, 1945 (as per Previous Annual Report), and Figures for Year ended 31st March, 1946


Classes of Cargo. Cargo Units. OVERSEAS VESSELS. UNION STEAM SHIP CO. VESSELS. SMALL COASTAL VESSELS. Quantities of Cargo handled. Rates of Work per Net Gang>hour. Quantities of Cargo handled. Rates of Work per Net Gang-hour. Quantities of Cargo handled. Rates of Work per Net Gang-hour. 1940-45 1945-46 1940-45 1945-46 1940-45 1945-46 1940-4sj 1945-46 1941-45 1945-46 1941-45 1945-46 General .. .. .. Disc. > Ldg. .. D/L Iron, steel, &c. .. „ Wheat and barley .. D/L Cement .. .. „ Hides .. .. .. „ .. Ldg. Tallow, pelts, &c. .. ,, .. D/L Wool, sheep-skins, &c. .. Ldg. Timber — Hardwood — Trucks .. .. Disc. Softwood — Trucks .. .. „ CoalGrab — New Zealand .. .. „ Newcastle .. .. „ Basket — ■ New Zealand .. .. „ Fruit: Apples and pears .. D/L Butter .. .. .... Cheese .. .. .... Mutton and lamb Beef . . .. .... Frozen sundries Total, all classes Number of contracts Tons 99 99 99 99 99 99 5? 99 Bales S/ft Tons Boxes Cts R. c/c Qrs F. c/c 815 1,554 1,056 13,765 is, 317 1,353,797 1,510,515 2,575,295 53,508 960,322 1.086 650 145 3.087 9,969 369,003 229,953 730,474 1,987 275,427 13-01 12-94 1 i - 83 12-26 55 *618 281 704 160 403 12-73 16-56 12-34 11-90 "62 657 272 664 160 411 101,234 750 9,087 670 " 325 298,431 15,011 72,621 612 5,039 1,109 57,092 2i,805 160 208 992 6-10 14-98 10-33 17-95 13-89 8-86 2,339 2,953 21-33 21-04 11-68 21-22 536 15-33 15-74 14-34 29-18 11-02 44,407 477 10.4 280 '' 466 15,029 36,203 *7,684 i2,585 '*210 182 13,1-21 6,806 5,016 15-65 11-33 27-13 19-31 14-68 5,465 23-82 22-19 15-97 23-33 16-67 24-28 23-82 i49 Tons 251,210 56,213 194,003 23,805 89,651 33,306 77 14 198 21 291 92

H —4s

PORT OF WANGANUI Summary of Quantities of Cargo handled and Rates of Work per Net Gang-hour under Co-operative Contracts System, showing Totals to 31st March, 1945 (as per Previous Annual Report), and Figures for Year ended 31st March, 1946


Classes of Cargo. Cargo Units. OVERSEAS VESSELS. 1 UNION STEAM SHIP CO. VESSELS. SMALL COASTAL VESSELS. Quantities of Cargo handled. Rates of Work per Net Gang-hour. Quantities of Cargo handled. Rates of Work per Net Gang-hour. Quantities of Cargo handled. Rates of Work per Net Gang-hour. 1940-45 1945-46 1940-45 1945-46 1941-45 1945-46 1941-45 1945-46 1941-45 1945-46 1941-45 1945-46 General .. .. .. D/L Iron, steel, &c. .. „ Wheat and barley .. Disc. Cement .. .. .. D/L Hides .. .. „ Tallow, pelts, &c. .. .. D/L Wool, sheep-skins, &c. .. Disc. .. Ldg. Sulphur .. .. .. Disc. Timber — Hardwood — Trucks .. „ Softwood — Trucks .. .. „ Wharf .. .. „ CoalGrab — New Zealand .. .. „ Newcastle .. .. „ Bunker — Hulks, &c. .. .. Ldg. Butter .. .. .... Cheese .. . . .... Mutton and lamb Frozen sundries Total, all classes Number of contracts Tons 99 99 Bales Tons S/ft Tons Boxes Cts R. c/c F. c/c *5,794 28,501 •• 20-18 1^086 2,075 19,162 299,340 i3,662 61 18-39 ' *94 3,381 16-46 30-50 121,395 805 430 16,072 757 7,186 2,519 145,636 5,375 65,315 128,240 100,206 36,708 379 *5,148 55 1 f 158 23,604 25,000 22,187 74,043 98,951 *3,300 19-01 27-37 21-23 17-88 16-85 15-74 101 112 24-74 677 267 19-28 19-27 18-35 19-41 16-91 iio 3,571 24-64 721 237 591 Tons 6,269 19,690 246,801 79,493 •• 4 15 662 207


PORT OF NELSON Summary of Quantities of Cargo handled and Rates of Work per Net Gang-hour under Co-operative Contracts System, showing Totals to 31st March, 1945 (as per Previous Annual Report), and Figures for Year ended 31st March, 1946


Classes of Cargo. Cargo Units. UNION STEAM SHIP CO. VESSELS. ANCHOR SHIPPING CO. VESSELS. SMALL COASTAL VESSELS (Other than ANCHOR CO.) Quantities of Cargo handled. Rates of Work per Net Gang-hour. Quantities of Cargo handled. Rates of Work per Net Gang-hour. Quantities of Cargo handled. Rates of Work per Net Gang-hour. 1940-45 1945-40 1940-45 1945-46 1940-45 1945-46 1940-45 1945-46 1942-45 1945-46 1942-45 1945-46 General .. .. .. D/L Cement .. .. „ Wool, sheep-skins, &c. .. Disc. .. Ldg. Timber — Hardwood — Wharf ,. .. Disc. Softwood — Trucks .. .. „ CoalGrab— New Zealand .. .. „ Basket — New Zealand .. .. „ Bunker — Hulks, &c. .. .. Ldg. Fruit: Apples and pears .. D/L Mutton and lamb .Frozen sundries Total, all classes Number of contracts Tons 99 Bales 99 S/ft Tons r!'c/C F. c/c 27,325 4,359 1 1 . 65 5,729 278,955 61,923 11,450 85 1,404 87,763 6,500 21-13 114 19-02 23-85 1,137 568 23-90 20-00 27-48 1,520 709 181,926 1,042 158 1,392 21,547 16,900 61,263 17,651 16,428 6,414 56,788 i,027 21,012 1,097 5,795 7,472 28-09 24-23 126 126 9,945 6,993 42-15 16-35 17-46 32-20 28-95 ios 46-96 18-67 19-18 35-27 12,663 162,232 45 4,527 2,065 i, 296 '' 756 20-79 6,736 20-00 32-71 25-89 HO 412 Tons 39,997 14,640 285,066 92,325 17,722 2,288 68 26 860 297 29 11


PORT OF PICTON Summary of Quantities of Cargo handled and Rates of Work per Net Gang-hour under Co-operative Contracts System, showing Totals to 31st March, 1945 (as per Previous Annual Report), and Figures for Year ended 31st March, 1946


Classes of Cargo. Cargo Units. OVERSEAS VESSELS. UNION STEAM SHIP CO. VESSELS. SMALL COASTAL VESSELS. Quantities of Cargo handled. Rates of Work per Net Gang-hour. Quantities of Cargo handled. Rates of Work per Net Gang-hour. Quantities of Cargo handled. Rates of Work per Net Gang-hour. 1940-45 1 1945-46 1940-45 1945-46 1940-45 1945-46 1940-45 1945-46 1942-45 1945-46 1942-45 1945-46 General .. .. .. Ldg. .. D/L Iron, steel, &c. .. „ Cement .. .. „ Tallow, pelts, &c. .. .... „ Wool, sheep-skins, &c. .. Disc. „ .. Ldg. Timber — Hardwood : Trucks .. Disc. Softwoods: Trucks .. „ CoalGrab : New Zealand .. „ Basket: New Zealand .. „ Fruit: Apples and pears .. D/L Mutton and lamb Beef .. .. .... Frozen sundries Total, all classes Number of contracts Tons Bales S/ft Tons R. c/c Qrs F. c/c 139 5,333 5,700 17-38 98 *94 70,843 183 608 2,524 22,659 46,588 114 720,313 1,586 26,790 20,820 2,338 202,775 4,715 15-12 13-23 15-20 88 85 2,507 14-25 831 86 436 16-33 "96 909 358 32,080 555 5,175 7,586 330,624 109,283 32,897 2,052 440 27,740 ii,239 i, 475 '2,099 10,125 334 i8,365 *4,329 14-64 12-, 98 17-72 "72 3,909 3,001 24-32 10-52 20-31 1,053 15-71 16-94 ' *87 26-41 10-10 911 541 Tons 972 891 88,385 24,493 76,062 23,865 2 1 184 61 •• 219 74


PORT OF TIMARU Summary or Quantities of Cargo handled and Rates of Work per Net Gang-hour under Co-operative Contracts System, showing Totals to 31st March, 1945 (as per Previous Annual Report), and Figures for Year ended 31st March, 1946


Classes of Cargo. Cargo Units. OVERSEAS VESSELS. UNION STEAM SHIP CO. VESSELS. SMALL COASTAL VESSELS. Quantities of Cargo handled. Rates of Work per Net Gang-hour. Quantities of Cargo handled. Rates of Work per Net Gang-hour, Quantities of Cargo handled. Rates of Work per Net Gang-hour. 1940-45 1945-46 1940-45 1945-46 1941-45 1945-46 1941-45 1945-46 1941-45 1945-46 1941-45 1945-46 General .. .. .. Disc. Ldg. .. D/L Iron, steel, &c. .. „ Wheat and barley .. Disc. Hides .. .. .. Ldg. Tallow, pelts, &c. .. „ .. D/L Wool, sheep-skins, &c. .. Disc. " " " Ld £- Timber — Hardwood — Trucks .. .. Disc. Softwood — Trucks .. .. „ .. Ldg. CoalGrab — New Zealand .. .. Disc. Newcastle .. .. „ Basket — New Zealand .. .. Disc. Newcastle .. .. „ Butter .. .. .... Cheese .. .. .... Mutton and lamb Frozen sundries Total, all classes Number of contracts Tons 99 99 99 99 Bales S/ft Tons Boxes Cts R. c/c F. c/c 25,704 7), 825 H9,872 j.3,978 8,135 2,387,695 57,851 1,077 15,375 4,351 12 1,908 94,419 59,786 i,800 899,705 20,444 15-83 17-65 ioo 474 198 906 497 18-23 18-11 17-85 18-00 16-30 io7 3,290 527 931 477 259,028 1,562 1,277 4,837 45,954 327,188 262,997 254,970 1,609 945 5,166 3,487 59,444 217 110 1,057 5,766 96,085 4,014 18-08 13-03 18-66 75 109 2,351 3,653 5,698 15-06 13-80 15-58 16-31 18-58 16-69 19-13 62 83 3,768 " is8 58,345 i, 069 1,601 1(3,182 17-29 "75 82 18-30 Tons 91,538 53,222 283,027 61,446 58,762 19,182 41 31 368 66 166 45


PORT OF BLUFF Summary of Quantities of Cargo handled and Rates of Work per Net Gang-hour under Co-operative Contracts System showing Totals to 31st March, 1945 (as per Previous Annual Report), and Figures for Year ended 31st March, 1946


Classes of Cargo. Cargo Units. OVERSEAS VESSELS. UNION STEAM SHIP CO. VESSELS. SMALL COASTAL VESSELS. Quantities of Cargo handled. Rates of Work per Net Gang-hour. Quantities of Cargo handled. Rates of Work per Net Gang-hour. Quantities of Cargo handled. Rates of Work per Net Gang-hdur. 1940-45 1945-46 1940-45 1945-46 1941-45 1945-46 1941-45 1945-46 1940-45 1945-46 1940-45 1945-46 General .. .. .. Disc. „ Ldg. .. D/L Iron, steel, &c. .. ,, Wheat and barley .. „ Hides .. .. .. Ldg. Tallow, pelts, &c. .. „ Wool, sheep-skins, &e. .. Disc. • • Ldg. Timber —• Hardwood — Trucks .. .. Disc. Softwoods — Trucks .. .. Ldg Coal — Grab : New Zealand .. „ Basket: New Zealand .. Disc. Butter .. .. .... Cheese .. .. .... Mutton and lamb Beef .. .. .... Frozen sundries Total, all classes Number of contracts Tons 99 Bales 99 S/ft Tons Boxes Gts R. c/c Qrs. F. c/c 3,202 7,169 12 20,402 263,090 is, 619 716,960 7,009,843 3,226 290,154 6,041 3,237 37 4,347 73,100 i.2,448 95,308 1,844,617 9,765 206,534 12-00 13-16 14-40 15-42 "84 460 250 833 215 418 12-23 13-89 14-80 16-74 '*86 482 244 897 157 493 198,567 1,575 303 2,269 1,191 16,642 1,103,369 8,517,956 12,570 4,563 9,464 21,949 *7,508 30,527 45,254 131 50 134,021 1,949,783 14-07 11-67 17-65 14-42 76 91 3,589 3,858 25-04 11-10 421 182 i34 353 14-72 10-27 11-32 2,422 3,466 *2,462 •• 16-64 Tons 251,955 70,777 246,406 49,737 2,462 81 25 225 31 3


PORT OF WESTPORT Summary of Quantities of Cargo handled and Rates of Work per Net Gang-hour under Co-operative Contracts System showing Totals to 31st March, 1945 (as per Previous Annual Report), and Figures for Year ended 31st March, 1946


Classes of Cargo. Cargo Units. OVERSEAS VESSELS. UNION STEAM SHIP CO. VESSELS. SMALL COASTAL VESSELS. Quantities of Cargo handled. Rates of Work per Net Gang-hour. Quantities of Cargo handled. Rates of Work per Net Gang-hour. Quantities of Cargo handled. Rates of Work per Net Gang-hour. 1940-45 1945-46 1940-45 1945-46 1944-45 1945-46 1944-45 1945-46 1944-45 1945-46 1944-45 1945-46 General .. .. .. D/L Cement .. „ Timber: Softwoods — Trucks.. .. .. Ldg. Coal: Bunker — Trucks.. .. .. Ldg. Cargo, New Zealand .. „ Total, all classes Number of contracts Tons S/ft Tons ! 1,468 147,083 7,424 146,314 3,266 186,598 14,473 305,780 13-41 3,530 85-42 90-72 14-53 3,635 77-77 92-22 752 371 643,435 1,075 26,366 1,694 884 1,039,116 3,385 64,629 10-63 13-33 3,813 60-28 85-77 10-18 12-51 4,008 80-92 87-83 Tons 155,500 323,892 29,851 72,670 64 154 52 143


PORT OF GREYMOUTH Summary of Quantities of Cargo handled and Rates of Work per Net Gang-hour under Co-operative Contracts System showing Totals to 31st March, 1945 (as per Previous Annual Report), and Figures for Year ended 31st March, 1946


Classes of Cargo. Cargo Units. OVERSEAS VESSELS. UNION STEAM SHIP CO. VESSELS. SMALL COASTAL VESSELS. Quantities of Cargo handled. Kates of Work per Net Gang-hour. Quantities of Cargo handled. Rates of Work per Net Gang-hour. Quantities of Cargo handled. Rates of Work per Net Gang-hour. 1940-45 1945-46 1940-45 1945-46 1942-45 1945-46 1942-45 1945-46 1942-45 1945-46 1942-45 1945-46 General .. .. .. D/L Iron, steel, &c. .. „ Cement .. .. „ Timber : Softwood — Trucks.. .. .. Ldg. Coal: Bunker — Trucks.. .. Cargo, New Zealand .. „ Total, all classes • Number of contracts Tons S/ft Tons •• 18,306 384 47,134,167 26,697 433,658 7,855 12,854,535 13,446 202,095 13-67 14-22 11-76 .. 5,111 5,979 37-86 42-56 86-79 82-79 2,838 71 2,754 10,501,440 5,997 120,407 700 646 310,530 2,357 45,132 11-74 14-44 16-74 4,709 102-22 132-02 11-93 15-05 6,594 115-44 130-47 Tons 573,314 249,105 153,068 49,456 328 112 251 72


Summary of Profit Distributions under Co-operative Contract System, showing Totals to 31st March, 1945 (as per Previous Annual Report) Figures for Year ended 31st March, 1946, and Totals from Commencement to Date


Port. Class of Vessel. Period. Class of Contract. Total Contract Price. Amount of Profit distributed. Total " Winch " Hours (Comm.). Average Per Hour (Comm.). Total Cont., T.K.s, Wages. Disc. Mg. D/L. Total. Comm. N.Z.R., Harbour Boards, &c. Total. Auckland Wellington .. Overseas Union S.S. Co. All Overseas Union S.S. Co. Small coastal All 1940-45 1945-46 Totals 1941-45 1945-46 Totals 1940-45 1945-46 Totals 1940-45 1945-46 Totals 1940-45 1945-46 Totals 1940-45 1945-46 Totals 1940-45 1945-46 Totals 335 83 266 68 17 2 618 153 £ 1,422,401 344,460 £ 103,706 33,283 £ 408 1 £ 104,114 33,284 2,933,896 747,385 s. d. 0 8-48 0 10-69 £ 14,043 3,195 418 334 19 771 1,766,861 136,989 409 137,398 3,681,281 0 8-93 17,238 463 122 83 15 299 75 845 212 903,402 221,294 26,084 7,104 235 73 26,319 7,177 2,261,132 573,608 0 2-76 0 2-97 10,795 3,134 585 98 374 1,057 1,124,696 33,188 308 33,496 2,834,740 0 2-81 13,929 798 205 349 83 316 77 1,463 365 2,325,803 565,754 129,790 40,387 643 74 130,433 40,461 5,195,028 1,320,993 0 6-00 0 7-34 24,838 6,329 1,003 432 393 1,828 2,891,557 170,177 717 170,894 6,516,021 0 6-27 31,167 376 85 413 106 36 825 191 1,320,245 297,386 118,468 30,355 26,655 6,416 145,123 36,771 2,734,098 519,401 0 10-40 1 2-03 17,395 3,493 461 519 36 1,016 1,617,631 148,823 33,071 181,894 3,253,499 0 10-98 20,888 992 199 95 24 1,452 199 2,539 422 869,576 154,750 54,077 10,166 14,672 2,654 68,749 12,820 2,049,767 279,593 0 6-33 0 8-73 16,028 2,923 1,191 119 1,651 2,961 1,024,326 64,243 17,326 81,569 2,329,360 0 6-62 18,951 970 261 85 21 1,113 192 2,168 474 188,397 53,634 10,238 3,522 4,196 1,264 14,434 4,786 520,665 120,920 0 4-72 0 6-99 4,200 1,170 1,231 106 1,305 2,642 242,031 13,760 5,460 19,220 641,585 0 5-15 5,370 2,338 545 593 151 2,601 391 5,532 1,087 2,378,218 505,770 182,783 44,043 45,523 10,334 228,306 54,377 5,304,530 919,914 0 8-27 0 11-49 37,623 7,586 2,883 744 2,992 6,619 2,883,988 226,826 55,857 382,683 6,224,444 0 8-75 45,209 i



Lytteltoft Overseas 1940-45 101 174 1 276 509,106 58,423 10,685 49,i06 597,602 1 3-43 4,155 1945-46 24 47 71 80,779 10,570 3,297 13,867 156,313 1 4-23 911 Totals 125 221 1 347 389,885 48,993 13,980 62,973 753,915 1 3-60 5,064 Union S.S. Co. 1940-45 88 62 632 782 285,219 25,731 11,968 37,699 559,221 0 11-04 5,828 945-46 11 13 57 81 42,782 4,854 2,337 7,191 76,154 1 3-30 798 Totals 99 75 689 863 328,001 30,585 14,305 44,890 635,375 0 11-55 6,626 Small' coastal 1942-45 25 30 305 360 63,325 7,777 4,316 12,093 131,885 1 2-15 1,622 1945-46 14 9 135 158 26,795 3,193 1,704 4,897 55,250 1 1-87 671 Totals 39 39 440 518 90,120 10,970 6,020 16,990 187,135 1 2-07 2,293 All 1940-45 214 266 938 1,418 657,650 71,931 26,967 98,898 1,288,708 1 1-40 11,603 1945-46 49 69 192 310 150,356 18,617 7,338 25,955 287,717 1 3-53 2,380 Totals 263 335 1,130 1,728 808,006 90,548 34,305 124,853 1,576,425 1 1-79 13,983 Dunedin Overseas .. 1941-45 17 35 52 39,163 4,094 1,538 5,632 70,754 1 1-55 612 1945-46 11 11 22 16,992 2,040 1,097 3,137 37,177 1 1-17 267 Totals 28 46 74 56,155 6,134 2,635 8,769 107,931 1 1-64 879 Union S.S. Co. 1941-45 51 39 411 501 289,776 17,682 17,682 741,347 0 5-72 3,915 1945-46 5 5 85 95 68,986 1,273 1,273 174,597 0 1-75 864 Totals 56 44 496 596 358,762 18,955 18,955 915,944 0 4-97 4,779 Small coastal 1941-45 6 6 184 196 62,619 3,447 3,447 170,162 0 4-86 1,184 1945-46 7 5 50 62 18,555 356 356 52,274 0 1-63 375 Totals 13 11 234 258 81,174 3,803 3,803 222,436 0 4-10 1,559 All 1941-45 74 80 595 749 391,558 25,223 1,538 26,761 982,263 0 6-16 5,711 1945-46 23 21 135 179 104,533 3,669 1,097 4,766 264,048 0 3-33 1,506 Totals 97 101 730 928 496,091 28,892 2,635 31,527 1,246,311 0 5-56 7,217


Summary of Profit Distributions under Co-operative Contract System, etc.— continued


Class of Contract. . Total Contract Price. Amount, of Profit distributed. Total A TTO-pn (TO Total Port. Class of Vessel. Period. Disc. . Ldg. D/L. Total. Comm. N.Z.R., Harbour Boards, &c. . Total. " Winch " Hours (Comm.). XiVCldigC Per Hour (Comm.). Cont., T.K.s, < Wages. Port Chalmers Overseas 1940-45 1945-46 16 3 62 16 78 19 £ 128,765 41,942 £ 22,940 5,721 £ 3,844 1,383 £ 36,784 7,104 213,008 68,944s. d. 2 1-85 1 7-92 £ 1,354 406 Totals 19 78 97 170,707 28,661 5,227 33,888 281,952 2 0-40 1,760 Union' S.S. Co. 1944-45 1945-46 2 2 423 17 5 22 333 1 0-48 6 Totals 2 2 423 17 ■ 5 22 333 1 0-48 6 All 1940-45 1945-46 16 3 64. 16 80 19 129,188 41,942 22,957 5,721 3,849 1,383 26,806 7,104 213,341 68,944 2 1-83 1 7-92 1,360 406 Totals 19 80 99 171,130 28,678 5,232 33,910 282,285 2 0-38 1,766 Opua Overseas 1940-45 1945-46 1 1 573 91 91 1,214 1 5-93 2 Totals 1 1 573 91 91 ' 1,214 1 5-93 2 AH 1940-45" 1945-46 1 1 573 91 91 1,214 1 5-93 2 Totals 1 1 573 91 ' .. 91 1,214 1 5-93 '2



Gisborne Overseas <. 1941-45 1 1 4,749 280 280 7,913 00 0 63 1945-46 •Totals 1 1 4,749 280 280 7,913 0 8-51 63 Union S.S. Co. 1941-45 41 -42 69 152 47,605 1,449 1,449 110,194 0 3-16 1,034 1945-46 11 8 18 37 12,715 358 358 24,315 0 3-53 267 Totals 52 50 87 189 60,320 1,807 1,807 134,509 0 3-22 1,301 Small coastal 1944-45 3 2 35 40 4,693 104 104 12,329 0 2-03 93 1945-46 6 12 69 87 12,010 253 253 29,967 0 2-03 223 Totals 9 14 104 127 16,703 357 357 42,296 0 2-03 316 All 1941-45 44 45 104 193 57,047 1,833 1,833 130,436 0 3-37 1,190 1945-46 17 20 87 124 24,725 611 611 54,282 0 2-70 490 ■ Totals 61 65 191 317 81,772 2,444 2,444 184,718 0 3-18 l-,-680 Napier Overseas 1940-45 6 103 1 110 197,391 24,556 280 24,836 387,072 1 3-22 ' 2,748 1945-46 2 35 % 39 74,176 8,010 16 8,026 145,028 1 1-26 ' 877 . \ v ' V Totals 8 138 3 149 271,567 32,566 296 32,862 532,100 1 2-69 3,625 Union S.S. Co. 1941-45 69 13 72 154 58,631 5,222 1,070 6,292 108,663 0 11-53 1,047 1945-46 11 1 23 35 16,163 1,213 91 1,304 26,210 0 11-11 221 Totals 80 14 95 189 74,794 6,435 1,161 7,596 134,873 0 11-45 1,268 Small coastals 1942-45 48 8 144 200 20,561 861 318 1,179 36,904 0 5-60 385 1945-46 15 3 59 77 9,487 464 203 667 21,111 0 5-27 94 Totals 63 11 203 277 30,048 1,325 521 1,846 58,015 0 5-48 479 All 1940-45 123 124 217 464 276,583 30,639 1,668 32,307 532,639 1 1-81 4,180 1945-46 28 39 84 151 99,826 9,687 310 9,997 192,349 1 0-09 1,192 Totals 151 163 301 615 376,409 40,326 1,978 42,304 724,988 1 1-35 5,372


Summary of Profit Distributions under Co-operative Contract System, etc.— continued


Class of Contract. Total Contract Price. Amounts of Profit distributed. Total Average Per Hour (Comm.). Total Port. Class of Vessel. Period. Disc. Ldg. D/L. Total. Comm. N.Z.R., ! Harbour j Boards, &c. Total. " Winch " Hours (Comm.). Cont., T.K.s, Wages. Port Waikato Small coastal 1941-45 1945-46 100 17 34 134 17 £ 13,434 2,275 £ 1,868 154 £ £ 1,868 154 33,688 5,988 s. d. 1 1-31 0 6-17 £ 1,053 96 Totals 117 34 151 15,709 2,022 2,022 39,676 1 1-23 1,149 All 1941-45 1945-46 100 17 34 134 17 13,434 2,275 1,868 154 1,868 154 33,688 5,988 1 1-31 0 617 1,053 96 Totals 117 34 151 15,709 2,022 2,022 39,676 1 1-23 1,149 New Plymouth Overseas 1940-45 1945-46 7 1 69 13 1 77 14 166,274 39,056 15,686 3,276 2,726 514 18,412 3,790 292,186 59,645 1 0-89 1 1-18 1,519 361 Totals 8 82 1 91 205,330 18,962 3,240 22,202 351,831 1 0-93 1,880 Uhion S.S. Co. 1940-45 1945-46 114 8 4 80 13 198 21 43,120 6,005 2,592 480 1,121 215 3,713 695 88,964 10,973 0 6-99 0 10-50 873 112 Totals 122 4 93 219 49,125 3,072 1,336 4,408 99,937 0 7-38 985 Small coastal 1941-45 1945-46 131 52 6 2 154 38 291, 92 15,133 6,662 1,277 471 625 247 1,902 718 33,665 9,997 0 9-10 0 11-31 238 88 Totals 183 8 192 383 21,795 1,748 872 2,620 43,662 0 9-61 326 All 1940-45 1945-46 252 61 79 15 235 51 566 127 224,527 51,723 19,555 4,227 4,472 976 24,027 5,203 414,815 80,615 0 11-31 0 10-58 2,630 561 Totals 313 94 286 693 276,250 23,782 5,448 29,230 495,430 0 11-52 3,191 Wanganui .. Overseas 1940-45 1945-46 3 1 4 2,921 491 76 567 5,594 1 9-07 51 Totals 3 1 4 2,921 491 76 567 5,594 1 9-07 51



Union S.S. Co. 1941-45 1945-46 6 5 4 15 6,006 663 36 699 16,682 0 9-54 86 Totals 6 5 4 15 6,006 663 36 699 16 ,"682 0 9-54 86 Small coastal 1941-45 1945-46 190 48 109 68 363 91 662 207 53,895 18,337 7,948 2,733 3,865 1,562 11,813 4,295 119,334 37,821 1 1 3-98 5-34 1,183 344 Totals 238 177 454 869 72,232 10,681 5,427 16,108 157,155 1 4-31 1,527 All 1940-45 1945-46 199 48 115 68 367 91 681 207 62,822 18,337 9,102 2,733 3,977 1,562 13,079 4,295 141,610 37,821 1 1 3-43 5-34 1,520 344 Totals 247 183 458 888 81,159 11,835 5,539 17,374 179,431 1 3-83 1,664 Nelson Union S.S. Co. 1940-45 1945-46 2 3 24 5 42 18 68 26 11,333 3,817 1,477 694 743 323 2,220 1,017 19,536 6,194 1 2 6-14 2-89 43 Totals 5 29 60 94 15,150 2,171 1,066 3,237 25,730 1 8-25 43 Anchor Co. 1942-45 1945-46 246 79 47 22 567 196 860 297 41,065 15,503 7,842 2,813 3,109 1,012 10,951 3,915 97,304 29,852 1 1 7-34 10-62 Totals 325 69 763 1,157 56,568 10,655 4,211 14,866 127,156 1 8-11 Small coastal 1942-45 1945-46 2 5 6 2 21 4 29 11 3,473 495 458 87 85 44 543 131 7,646 884 1 1 2-38 11-62 Totals 7 8 25 40 3,968 545 129 674 8,530 1 3-33 Equivalent contracts 1943-45 1945-46 1,360 681 1,360 681 Totals 2,041 2,041 All 1940-45 1945-46 250 87 77 29 630 218 957 334 55,871 19,815 9,777 3,594 5,297 2,150 15,074 5,744 124,486 36,930 1 1 6 • 85 11-36 43 Totals 337 106 848 1,291 75,686 13,371 7,447 20,818 161,416 1 7-88 43


Summary of Profit Distributions under Co-operative Contract System, etc.— continued


Class of Contract. Total Contract Price. Amount of Profit distributed. Total Average Per Hour (Comm.). Total Port. Class of Vessel. Period. Disc. Ldg. D/L. Total. Comm. N.Z.R., Harbour Boards, &c. Total. ' Winch " Hours (Comm.). Cont., T.K.s, Wages. Picton Overseas 1940-45 1945-46 2 1 2 1 £ 911 592 £ 241 69 £ 27 10 £ 268 79 2,018 602 s. d. 2 4-63 2 3-51 £ 20 Totals 3 3 1,503 310 3-7 347 2,620 2 4-40 20 Union S.S. Co. 1940-45 1945-46 6 27 7 151 54 184 61 24,092 8,054 1,539 570 843 374 2,382 944 41,808 9,890 0 8-83 1 1-83 65 Totals 6 34 205 245 32,146 2,109 1,217 3,326 51,698 0 9-79 65 Small coastal 1942-45 1945-46 93 30 16 7 110 37 219 74 15,306 5,350 968 396 348 123 1,316 519 36,081 9,714 0 6-44 0 9-78 Totals 123 23 147 293 20,656 1,364 471 1,835 45,795 0 7-15 •• All 1940-45 1945-46 99 30 45 15 261 91 405 136 40,309 13,996 2,748 1,035 1,218 507 3,966 1,542 79,907 20,206 0 8-25 1 0-29 85 Totals 129 60 352 541 54,305 3,783 1,725 5,508 100,113 0 9-07 85 Timaru Overseas 1940-45 1945-46 3 4 38 27 41 31 60,184 35,453 5,545 3,934 1,168 963 6,713 4,897 64,065 34,043 1 8-77 2 3-73 486 480 Totals 7 65 72 95,637 9,479 2,131 11,610 98,108 1 11-19 966 ! Union S.S. Co. 1941-45 1945-46 17 8 23 4 328 54 368 66 75,809 20,510 7,366 1,982 2,897 805 10,263 2,787 115,813 20,110 1 3-26 1 11-65 1,136 163 Totals 25 27 382 434 96,319 9,348 3,702 13 050 135,923 1 4-51 1,299



« Small coastal 1941-45 1945-46 11 2 15 8 140 35 166 45 13,823 5,626 1,147 429 687 278 1,834 707 25,544 6,199 0 10-78 1 4-61 80 25 Totals 13 23 175 211 19,449 1,576 965 2,541 31,743 0 11-92 105 All 1940-45 1945-46 31 14 76 39 468 89 575 142 149,816 61,589 14,058 6,345 4,752 2,046 18,810 8,391 205,422 60,352 1 4-42 2 1-23 1,702 668 Totals 45 115 557 717 211,405 20,403 6,798 27,201 265,774 1 6-42 2,370 Bluff Overseas 1940-45 1945-46 8 5 73 20 81 25 173,685 51,620 17,255 6,446 5,635 1,817 22,890 8,263 196,630 61,897 1 9-06 2 0-99 2,473 929 Totals 13 93 106 225,305 23,701 7,452 31,153 258,527 1 10-00 3,402 Union S.S. Co. 1941-45 1945-46 23 3 14 188 28 225 31 89,671 19,522 4,923 1,163 2,038 552 6,961 1,715 151,812 25,862 0 7-78 0 10-79 1,617 340 Totals 26 14 216 256 109,193 6,086 2,590 8,676 177,674 0 8-22 1,957 Small coastal 1940-45 1945-46 ' 3 "3 ' 637 "61 34 "95 i *, 257 0 li- 65 "22 Totals 3 3 637 61 34 95 1,257 0 11-65 22 All 1940-45 1945-46 31 8 87 20 188 31 306 59 263,356 71,779 22,178 7,670 7,673 2,403 29,851 10,073 348,442 89,016 1 3-28 1 8-68 4,090 1,291 Totals 39 107 219 365 335,135 29,848 10,076 39,924 437,458 1 4-38 5,381


Summary of Profit Distributions under Co-operative Contract System, etc. —continued


Class of Contract. Total Contract Price. Amount of Profit distributed. Total Average Per Hour (Comm.). Total Port. Class of Vessel. Period. Disc. Ldg. D/L. Total. Comm. N.Z.R., Harbour Boards, &c. Total. " Winch " Hours (Comm.). Cont., T.K.s, Wages. Westport Union S.S. Co. 1944-45 1945-46 "l 5 24 59 129 64 154 £ 7,753 19,651 £ 911 2,098 £ 348 761 £ 1,259 2,859 20,288 37,495 s. d. 0 10-78 1 1-43 £ Totals 1 29 188 218 27,404 3,009 1,109 4,118 57,783 1 0-50 Small coastal 1944-45 1945-46 11 28 41 115 52 143 3,128 7,776 197 666 93 259 290 925 7,022 14,362 0 6-74 0 11-13 Totals 39 156 195 10,904 863 352 1,215 21,384 0 9-69 Equivalent contracts 1944-45 1945-46 43 58 43 58 Totals 101 101 All 1944-45 1945-46 "l 16 52 100 244 116 297 10,881 27,427 1,108 2,764 484 1,078 1,592 3,842 27,310 51,857 0 9-74 1 0-79 Totals 1 68 344 413 38,308 3,872 1,562 5,434 79,167 0 11-74 Greymouth.. Union S.S. Co. 1942-45 1945-46 116 10 212 102 328 112 90,778 37,025 10,108 3,578 1,134 520 11,242 4,098 204,946 71,144 0 11-84 1 0-07 1,787 838 Totals 126 314 440 127,803 13,686 1,654 15,340 276,090 0 11-90 2,625 Small coastal 1942-45 1945-46 29 8 84 8 138 56 251 72 23,626 4,841 2,965 859 402 122 3,367 981 43,525 4,567 1 4-35 3 9-14 590 144 Totals 37 92 194 323 28,467 3,824 524 4,348 48,092 1 7-08 734 All 1942-45 1945-46 29 8 200 18 350 158 579 184 114,404 41,866 13,073 4,437 1,536 642 14,609 5,079 248,471 75,711 1 0-63 1 2-07 2,377 98. Totals 37 218 508 763 156,270 17,510 2,178 19,688 324,182 1 0-96 3,35.



All ports Overseas 1940-45 1945-46 872 218 1,238 344 56 4 2,166 566 3,826,368 982,456 351,776 103,704 53,040 15,514 404,816 119,218 7,506,050 1,830,435 0 11-25 1 1-60 44,919 10,919 - Totals 1,090 1,582 60 2,732 4,808,824 455,480 68,554 524,034 9,336,485 0 11• 71 55,838 Union S.S. Co. 1940-45 1945-46 1,872 382 554 116 3,999 855 6,425 1,353 2,803,194 631,274 159,841 35,533 37,110 8,705 196,951 44,238 6,490,506 1,336,145 0 5-91 0 6-38 44,260 9,660 Totals 2,254 670 4,854 7,778 3,434,468 195,374 45,815 241,189 7,826,651 0 5-99 53,920 Small coastal 1940-45 1945-46 1,854 544 425 195 3,349 1,080 5,628 1,819 522,478 187,983 47,097 16,457 18,046 6,942 65,141 23,399 1,275,754 400,163 0 8-86 0 9-87 10,628 3,252 Totals 2,398 620 4,429 7,447 710,461 63,554 24,986 88,540 1,675,917 0 9-10 13,880 Equivalent contracts 1942-45 1945-46 1,403 739 1,403 739 •• Totals 2,142 2,142 All vessels .. 1940-45 1945-46 4,598 1,144 2,217 655 7,404 1,939 14,219 3,738 7,152,040 1,801,713 558,714 155,694 109,597 31,900 668,311 187,594 15,272,310 3,566,743 0 8-78 0 10-48 99,807 23,831 Totals 5,742 2,872 9,343 17,957 8,953,753 714,408 141,497 855,905 18,839,053 0 9-10 123,638



Summary of Wages, etc., paid through Waterfront Control Commission Central Pay Offices for Period 1940-46, showing Totals for each Port

Port. Date Commission commenced to operate Pay Office. 1940-45. 1945-46. Total. Auckland Wellington Lyttelton Otago Napier .. .. .. • New Plymouth .. .. .. Wanganui Nelson .. Picton Timaru Bluff Westport .. .. .. 31/7/40 10/7/40 • 30/10/40 28/8/40 1/4/44 2/10/40 2/5/41 1/4/44 1/4/44 3/9/45 11/12/40 10/10/44 £ 5,248,794* 2,770,648f 841,400 798,495 160,800 261,832 67,095 45,144 34,638 252,256 10,786 £ 974,013* 574,567 198,049 201,054 102,093 61,445 16,984 21,911 1*5,815 23,816... 68,671 28,058 £ 6,222,807 3,345,215 1,039,449 999,549 262,893 323,277 84,079 67,055 50,453 23,816 320,927 38,844 Total, all ports 10,491,888 2,286,476 12,778,364 * Includes amounts paid on behalf of the New Zealand and United States Armed Forces | Includes amounts paid on behalf of the New Zealand and United States Armed Forces £ 2,130,839 44,691 £ 257,236 £ 2,388,075 44,691 ... From week ended 3rd September, 1945 .. 2,175,530 257,236 2,432,766

Summary of Wages, etc., paid through Waterfront Control Commission Central Pay Offices for Year ended 31st March, 1946, showing Total for each Shipping Company



"d ,£3 • -f § § "S ii • Oow -' I I I i 4 l I I i- 1 -1 s >®. "P. -2 =8 ®S (5 2 .Ss ■ .2 3 £ o < £ Hi O £ PM j H M !?H £££££££££££££ Anderson, W. E. .. .. 11 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 11 Andresen, K. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 296 .. .. .. .. 296 Anchor Shipping and Foundry .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 13,045 1,694 .. .. 3,982 18,721 Auckland Stevedoring Co. .. 79,056 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 79,056 British Chemical Industries .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ' 58 58 British Phosphate Commissioners 14,297 .. 1,694 9,055 .. 7,894 .. .. .. .. .. .. 32,940 Blue Star Line, Ltd. .. .. .. 6,928 .. .'. .. .. . . .. .. .. .... 6,928 Bycrofts Ltd. .. .. 23 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .... 23 Burgess and Co. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 1,412 .. .. .. .. .. 1,412 Canterbury Steam Ship Co., Ltd. .. 15,687 8,053 4,114 .. .. 4,351 .. 181 1,275 .. 143 33,804 Cargo Control .. .. 13,376 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 13,376 Cock, J. H.; and Co. .. .. .. .. .. 2,104 3,517 .. .. .. .. .. 5,621 Colonial Sugar Refining Co. .. 5,979 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 5,979 CoHett and Co., Ltd. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 2,004 .. .. .. .. .. .. 2,004 Cranby, C. H., and Co. .. .. .. .. .. 313 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 313 Dalgety and Co., Ltd. .. .. .. 3,091 604 55 .. .. .. 51 .. .. .. .. 3,801 District Storekeeper, Otahuhu .. 236 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. I .. 236 Dominion Stevedoring Co. .. .. .. .. .. .. 28,571 .. .. .. .. .. .. 28.,571 Dunedin Wanganui Steam Ship Co. .. .. .. 7,349 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. Eckford, T., and Co. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..' .. .. 46 .. .. .. 46 Food Controller .. .. 2,074 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 2,074 Frankham, A. G., Ltd... .. 2,744 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 2,744 Fenwick, J., and Co. ... .. .. .. .. .. 11,385 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 11,385 Gannaway and Co. .. .. .. 23,612 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 1 .. 23,612 Golden Bay Shipping Co. .. .. 775 .. .. .. .. .. 299 .. .. .. .. 1,074 Greymouth Harbour Board .. .. 4 .. .. .. .. .. 7 .. .. .. 1 12' Holm and Co. .. .. .. 22,111 .. 7,443 .. .. 3,681 167 1,164 .. .. 554 35,120 Henderson and McFarlane, Ltd.--.-. 4,749 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 4,749 Herdman, H. L. .. .. .. .. 1,448 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 1,448 Hooker Bros. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 2,380 .. .. .. .. .. .. 2,380 Johnston and Co., Ltd. .. .. 18,099 .. .. .. .. 1,289 .. .. .. .. .. 19,388 Karamea Shipping Co. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 12 6 .. .. 51 69 Keith Ramsay, Ltd. .. .. .. .. .. 19 .... .. .. .. .. .. .. 19 Kinsey and Co., Ltd. .. .. .. .. 43,505 .. .. •• •• •• •• •• •* •• 43,505 Leonard and Dingley, Ltd. .. 50,509 .. .. .. .. .. .. ... .. .. .. .. 50,509 Leftwich, R. .. .. .. .. .. .. 1,284 .. .. .. ... .. ....... .. . 1,234 Levin and Co.' " .. 3,022 .". .. .. .. '.. 140 .. .. .. '.. 3,162

Summary of Wages, etc., paid through Waterfront Control Commission Central Pay Offices for Year ended 31st March, 1946, showing Total for each Shipping Company— continued



£2 o c 2 '3 p} Company. g w> § . j | g j . 3 § *i ill | I *s §r J ! 1 * f *1 £ £ O £ fc £ & S H 3 H £££££££££££££ Marine Department .. .. .. .. .. 2,963 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 2,9€3 Mill, J., and Co. .. .. .. .. .. 22,200 .. .. .. .. .. 1,028 10,801 .. 34,089 Ministry of Supply .. .. .. .. 313 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 313 Miller and Tunnage, Ltd. .. .. .. .. 57 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 57 Moss, P. W. .. .. .. .. .. .. 38 .. .. .. .. .. .. . . .. 38 Napier Harbour Board.. .. .. .. .. .. 4,418 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 4,418 Northern Steam Ship€0. .. 22,222 .. .. .. .. 700 .. 255 1,447 .. .. .. 24,624 New Zealand Refrigeration Co. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 1,830 .. .. .. 1,830 New Zealand Shipping Co. .. 97,625 121,713 6,933 254 459 8,229 .. .. .. 646 .. .. 235,859 Port Line, Ltd. .. .. .. 23,880 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 23,880 Pufflet and Smith, Ltd. .. .. .. .. .. 17,857 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 17,857 Puponga Shipping Co. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 551 .. .. .. .. 551 Richardson and Co. .. .. 6,095 .. .. .. 18,974 .. .. 9 11 .. .. 189 25,278 Shell Oil Co., Ltd. .. .... .. .. .. .. .. 9 43 189 43 .. 284 Shaw Savill and Albion Co. .. 55,549 68,458 37,597 16,958 .. .. ../ .. .. 4,056 8,739 .. 191,357 Scales, G. H., and Co., Ltd. .. .. 4,790 .. .. .. .. .. .. 478 .. .. .. 5,268 Somerville, H. J. R. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 831 .. .. 831 Southland Stevedoring Co. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 18,045 .. 18,045 South Taranaki Shipping Co. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 40 76 .. .. .. 116 South Westland Shipping Co. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 5 .. .. .. .. 5 Tapley, H. L., and Co. .. .. .. .. 26,006 .. .. .. .. .. .. 2,845 .. 28,851 Turnbull, A. H., and Co. .. .. 490 159 .. .. .. .. .. .. . . .. .. 649 Turnbull, D. C., and Co. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 1,201 .. .. 1,201 Union Steam Ship Co., Ltd. .. 317,061 202,317 77,378 92,163 38,339 5,443 .. 2,984 7,537 9,827 18,974 19,118 791,141 Water Division (U.S.A.) .. 257,236 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 257,236 War Assets Realization Board .. 482 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 482 Watchlin Shipping Line .. .. .. .. 871 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 871 Westport Coal Co. .. .. .. .. 2,643 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 53 2,696 Wilson's Cement Co. .. .. 4,921 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 4,921 Watson, J. E., and Co. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 2,242 .. 2,242 Young, T. and W., Ltd. .. .. 18,558 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 18,558 934,245 533,535 180,327 190,829 91,745 57,325 14,259 17,904 14,659 18,907 61,706 24,149 2,139,590 Profit distributions .. .. 39,768 41,032 17,722 10,225 10,348 4,120 2,725 4,007 1,156 4,909 6,965 3,909 146,886 Total .. .. 1974,013 1574,567 198,049 201,054 102,093 61,445 16,984 21,911 15,815 23,816 68,671 28,058 2,286,476



Table showing Number of Unionist Man-weeks, Total Hours, and Average Hours per Week (Ordinary and Overtime) covering Period of Fifty-two Weeks ended 26th March, 1946

Total Hours worked. Average Hours worked per week. Number of Port. Mail-weeks worked. Ordinary. Overtime. Total. Ordinary. Overtime. Total. Auckland .. .. .. .. .. 76,948 2,362,2954 996,802f 3,359,098* 30J 13 43f Wellington .. .. .. .. .. 51,133 1,379,037 787,880 2,166,917 27 154 42J Lyttelton .. .. .. .. .. 19,730 577,0434 199,237* 776,280f 29* 10 39* Dunedin .. .. .. .. .. 12,633 381,726-f 163,208f 544,9354 30* 13 43* Port Chalmers .. .. .. .. 7,895 236,609* 86,747f 323,357 30 11 41 Napier .. .. .. .. .. 8,552 176,840f 156,7634 333,604* 20f 18* 39 New Plymouth .. .. .. .. 5,651 145,186| 89,532* 235,719 25| 16 41| Wanganui .. .. .. .. .. 3,271 63,5794 30,146f 93,726* 194 9J 28| Nelson .. .. .. .. .. 3,602 120,9094 27,711* 148,621 334 7| 41* Picton .. .. .. .. .. 1,551 27,020| 22,7994 49,820 174 14| 32* Timaru .. .. .. .. .. 1,787 39,681* 24,295 63,976* 22* 134 35| Bluff.. .. .. .. .. .. 6,670 163, 696 J 85,913f 249,610 244 13 37| Westport .. .. .. .. .. 3,871 57,531 60,535 118,066 15 154 304 Totals .. .. .. .. 203,294 5,731,1574 2,731,573f 8,463,731* 28* 134 41}



Average Earnings: Return A.— Return of Number of Unionists employed, Wages, etc., paid, and Average Wage per Man-week worked for Years ended 31st March, 1941—46

• Port. 1940-45. 1945-46. 1940-46. Number of Man-weeks. Total Wages and Profits paid. Average Week wor per sed. Number of Man-weeks. Total Wages and Profits paid. Average per Week worked. Number of Man-weeks. Total Wages and Profits paid. Average per Week worked. Auckland £ £ s. d. £ £ s. d. £ £ s. d. 327,017 3,767,433 11 10 5 76,948 793,840 10 6 4 403,965 4,561,273 11 5 10 Wellington 241,249 2,567,686 10 12 10 51,133 564,499 11 0 9 292,382 3,132,185 10 14 3 Ly ttelton 81,690 748,953 9 3 4 19,730 189,673 9 12 3 101,420 938,626 9 5 1 Dunedin 61,009 550,457 9 0 5 12,633 125,804 9 19 2 73,642 676,261 9 3 8 Port Chalmers 32,426 268,269 8 5 6 7,895 76,448 9 13 8 40,321 344,717 8 11 0 Napier 23,184 220,958 9 10 7 8,552 92,571 10 16 6 31,736 313,529 9 17 7 New Plymouth 31,830 256,064 8 0 11 5,651 63,029* 11 3 1 37,481 319,093 8 10 3 Wanganui 8,757 52,158 5 19 1 3,271 25,003* 7 12 11 12,028 77,161 6 8 4 Nelson 6,220 58,320 9 7 6 3,602 36,214f 10 1 1 9,822 94,534 9 12 6 Picton 3,368 29,314 8 14 1 1,551 12,700 8 3 9 4,919 42,014 8 10 10 Timaru 1,787 17,186$ 9 12 4 1,787 17,186 9 12 4 Bluff 21 j173 176,094 8 6 4 6,670 66,034* 9 18 0 27,843 242,128 8 13 10 Westport 1,762 13,700 7 15 6 3,871 36,487* 9 8 6 5,633 50,187 8 18 2 All ports 839,685 8,709,406 10 7 5 203,294 2,099,488 10 6 7 1,042,979 10,808,894 10 7 4 * Includes New Zealand W /ages and Profit Distribution. f Includes Harbour Board \ Vag es. X For twenty-nine weeks.


Average Earnings: Return B.— Return showing Earnings of Union Waterside Workers for Year ended 31st March, 1946, analysed under Income Groups


Port. Under £100. £100 and under £200. £200 and under £300. £300 and under £400. £400 and under £500. £500 and under £600. Number of Men. Amount. Number of Men. Amount. Number of Men. Amount. Number of Men. Amount. Number of Men. Amount. Number of Men. Amount. Auckland Wellington Lyttelton Dunedin Port Chalmers Gisborne Napier Onehunga New Plymouth Patea Wanganui Nelson Picton Timaru Oamaru Bluff Westport Greymouth Totals 159 126 78 19 18 22 12 11 9 ' *2 4 4 28 12 33 9 5 £ 4,185 4,950 3,850 913 919 844 554 349 323 i54 144 - 214 1,609 489 1,691 442 204 99 85 44 11 14 13 3 1 16 2 1 8 4 5 11 30 2 13 £ 15,747 12,555 6,274 1,732 2,143 2,052 481 179 2,193 284 198 1,250 706 823 1,771 4,210 340 2,252 166 133 53 28 23 17 12 6 20 4 6 4 5 8 18 19 1 13 £ 41,672 33,290 13,142 7,334 6,087 4,334 3,124 1,589 4,898 1,014 1,676 1,011 1,251 1,997 4,421 4,546 217 2,451 252 216 80 27 26 40 25 16 23 9 17 5 6 5 6 23 3 47 £ 89,119 75,860 28,306 9,660 8,911 13,553 8,889 5,494 8,167 3,004 6,083 1,774 2,062 1,827 1,961 8,139 1,088 16,831 492 376 181 98 75 67 9 53 49 21 20 9 1 53 17 59 £ 222,852 170,437 82,114 45,280 34,154 30 j855 3,912 24,141 2 1 j 908 9,587' 9,284 3,961 406 24,611 7,782 26,567 625 514 243 118 63 95 45 23 6 19 51 55 £ 342,370 281,136 131,230 62,508 33,902 50,500 23,768 i.2,601 3,067 10,573 26,658 28,842 551 * 21,834 361 55,190 536 134,054 826 290,728 1,580 717,851 1,857 1,007,155



Average Earnings: Return B.— Return showing Earnings of Union Waterside Workers for Year ended 31st March, 1946, analysed under Income Groups— continued

£600 and under £700. £700 and under £800. £800 and under £900. £900 and under £1,000. Totals. Port. Number of Men. Amount. Number of Men. Amount. Number of Men. Amount Number of Men. Amount. Number of Men. Amount. Auckland Wellington Lyttelton Dunedin Port Chalmers Gisborne Napier Onehunga New Plymouth .. .. .. • Patea Wanganui Nelson Picton Timaru Oamaru Bluff .. Westport Greymouth 122 271 4 *7 i6 56 £ 76,040 173,330 2,440 4,310 10J12 36 j031 1 8 724 5,676 £ 1,916 1,729 683 301 226 92 214 43 166 15 75 81 45 130 48 209 87 137 £ 792,709 757,234 267,356 127,427 90,426 20,783 94,403 11,523 63,490 4,302 30,019 36,479 16,584 56,821 9,048 69,855 38,711 48,305 Totals 476 302,263 9 6,400 6,197 2,535,475


Average Earnings: Return C.— Return showing Average Total Earnings, Profit Distributions, Ordinary and Overtime Hours, Weeks, and Holidays worked by Unionists with Highest Earnings for Year ended 31st March, 1946


Number of Men. Port. Average Total Earnings (including Profit Distribution). Average Total Hours worked for Year. Average Number of Weeks worked. Average Hours worked per Week. Average Number of Sundays and Holidays worked. Average Total of Profit Distribution. Ordinary. Overtime. Total. Ordinary. Overtime. Total. £ s. d. £ s. d. 100 Auckland 628 4 4 1,622 883 2,505 51 32 17 49 21 31 18 5 100 Wellington 670 17 7 1,401 1,043 2,444 49 29 21 50 24 49 7 0 50 Lyttelton 578 9 7 1,652 670 2,322 51 33 13 46 11 51 11 6 50 Dunedin 549 1 3 1,677 725 2,402 51 33 14 47 18 24 12 5 50 Port Chalmers 562 1 10 1,678 642 2,320 51 33 12 45 12 35 14 9 50 Napier 548 19 6 964 906 1,870 51 19 17 36 30 49 18 7 50 New Plymouth 522 0 9 1,141 737 1,878 46 27 17 44 13 38 18 1 50 Wanganui 446 2 6 1,086 572 1,658 50 22 11 33 Not available 70 1 5 50 Nelson 558 2 9 1,745 490 2,235 51 33 10 43 15 90 17 11 40 Picton 404 12 3 750 692 1,442 42 18 17 35 8 36 10 1 50 Timaru 647 18 7 1,198 973 2,171 49 25 20 45 Not available 93 18 6 50 Bluff .. 523 2 10 1,169 692 1,861 45 26 15 41 18 66 15 10 50 Westport 526 9 5 744 840 1,584 52 14 1 16 30 30 50 7 5



Table showing the Reduction effected in the Time spent in New Zealand by Overseas Vessels

Notes.—(1) During the past six years engine repairs which were previously performed overseas were carried out in New Zealand. (2) Shift-work cancelled on overseas vessels at main ports as from Bth September, 1945, and cancelled at all other ports in November, 1945. (3) It is estimated that the average saving of fifteen and three-quarter days per vessel is made up as follows : (i) Centralization of shipping at main ports .. .. .. .. .. .. 7 days (ii) Speedier work under co-operative contracting system.. .. .. ~ .. .. 5 days (iii) Working shifts, Sundays, and holidays .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 3§ days 15f days

Period. Number of Vessels. Number of Ports. Days on Coast. Days taken on Ship Repairs when Cargo not worked. Balance, representing Days taken on Cargo Operations and Steaming Time between Ports. Loading and Discharging. Loading only. All Vessels. Loading and Discharging. Loading only. All Vessels. Loading and Discharging. Loading only. All Vessels. Loading and Discharging. Loading only. All Vessels. Loading and Discharging. Loading only. All Vessels. January to June, 1939 .. January to June, 1941 . . April, 1941, to March, 1942 April, 1942, to March, 1943 April, 1943, to March, 1944 April, 1944, to March, 1945 April, 1945, to March, 1946 36 20 55 69 56 55 43 26 19 70 44 48 51 78 62 39 125 113 104 106 121 6-81 4-05 4-2 3-0 2-59 3-18 3-35 5-23 2-10 1-7 1-5 1-66 1-47 1-48 6-13 3-10 2-8 2-4 2-16 2-5 2-14 42-1 27-8 27-0 23-9 25-43 26-71 31-63 26-8 14-9 10-6 10-5 11-29 14-92 15-95 35-7 21-5 17-9 18-7 18-9 21-03 21-52 Nil 2-0 3-9 3-5 1-46 3-31 1-21 Nil 2-0 1-3 1-7 1-27 3-69 1-76 Nil 2-0 2-5 2-8 1-37 3-49 1-56 42-1 25-8 23-1 20-9 23-96 23-4 30-42 26-8 12-9 9-3 8-1 10-0 11-24 14-12 35-7 19-5 15-4 16-0 17-53 17-55 19-96


Comparison of Man-hours lost through Stoppages of Work on the Waterfront covering Period of Four Years prior to, and Six Years during, Commission Control

Brief Explanation of Cause of Major Stoppages for Twelve Months ended 31st March, 1946, only Auckland (2,384 man-hours) : Dispute re steel stacked in labour engagement area to alleged danger of men awaiting employment. Auckland (73,680 man-hours): Request for reinstatement of worker not granted, and " go-slow " policy instituted. Auckland (3,808 man-hours) : Dispute re transfer of winchmen to other work when ships gear gangs converted to crane gangs. Lyttelton (680 man-hours) : Dispute re refusal of employers to engage men convicted of theft on waterfront. Lyttelton (16,960 man-hours): Dispute re dirt-money payable for handling lampblack discharged ex " Korowai." Dunedin (3,840 man-hours) : Protest re non-introduction of guaranteed wage. Port Chalmers (6,440 man-hours): Dispute re requested adjustment of rates under <e ship repair " section of award to waterside workers' rates. Napier (1,440 man-hours) : Dispute re claim for extra rates for loading meat on vessel " Sydney Star." Westport (544 man-hours): Dispute re hour of engagement of coal-trimmers on vessel " Kaimai."


Period. Estimated Total Man-hours worked. Total Man-hours lost through Stoppages. Percentages of Hours lost. Four Years prior to Commission Control 1937 to 1940 29,147,977 | 233,656 j 0-80 v Six Years during Commission Control 1941 to 1945 51,819,632 212,080 0-41 1946 11,779,129 109,800 0-93 Average, 1941 to 1946 63,598,761 321,880 0-51


Analysis of National Disputes referred to Commission for Decision

Note. —The above table has been revised and incorporates amendments and additions to table published in annual report for the year ending 31st March, 1945.

Classification of Orders issued by the Commission under Waterfront Control Commission Emergency Regulations 1940


Decisions Serial Numbers. Number of Claims Number of Claims Number of Claims Number of Claims referred back or Date of Decisions. Total Disputes heard. made bywithdrawn by— allowed to— Decision Employers. Workers. Employers. Workers. Employers. Workers. reserved. 1 24/7/40 8 8 2 6 2 2/10/40 8 8 3 3 *2 .3 .. 28/11/40 24 24 5 14 5 4 10/2/41 19 O 17 12 5 2 6 6/3/41 8 1 7 1 6 1 6 25/3/41 1 1 1 9 8/7/41 3 3 1 1 1 10 5/9/41 25 21 4 14 7 11 7/11/41 11 11 7 4 12 9/3/42 12 12 1 4 7 14 22/8/42 43 n 41 13 22 4 4 15 21/12/42 31 • • 31 11 7 9 16 5/4/43 10 9 1 8 1 16A .. 5/5/43 3 3 1 1 1 17 5/4/43 10 10 i 2 3 4 17A .. ' 4/5/43 4 4 1 1 2 18 12/10/43 31 29 ii 14 3 2 18A .. 4/5/44 1 1 1 19 4/5/44 14 14 7 3 2 20 4/5/44 1 ' 1 1 20a .. 4/5/44 14 14 4 9 1 21 9/10/44 13 13 i 8 2 2 22 9/10/44 12 1 11 i 7 3 1 22a .. 3/11/44 3 3 1 2 23 22/12/44 46 3 43 i 22 16 7 23a 19/4/45 - 5 5 4 1 24 19/4/45 19 O 17 14 3 2 25 27/8/45 37 f) 35 27 8 2 26 27/8/45 1 • • 1 1 27 19/11/45 31 28 12 15 4 Totals 448 23 425 37 206 141 64

Classification. 1940-45. 1945-46. 1940-46. Conditions of employment 15 9 24 Bureaux and pay offices 16 16 Co-operative contracting 68 4 72 Equivalent profit distribution 11 11 Supervision of work 4 4 Hours of work 4 7 11 Totals 118 20 138


ANNUAL HOLIDAYS ACT FUND Revenue Account for the Year ended 31st March, 1946 Percentage Percentage Percentage of Total of Total of Total Income. Expenses. Income. Expenditure £ £ Income £ Annual Holiday Pay— 100-00 Levies .. .. .. .. .. 98,938 72-01 Union .. .. .. 66-42 71,241 8-40 Net balance, carried down to Appropriation Account .. . 8,312 10-35 Non-union .. .. .. 9-55 10,240 13-41 VE Day pay .. .. .. 12-37 13,272 10-63 VJ Day pay .. .. .. 9-82 10,518 2-00 Administration: assessment (General Fund).. .. .. .. 1-84 1,979 Total working-expenses .. 100-00 107,250 108-40 £107,250 108-40 £107,250 Appropriation Account for the Year ended 31st March, 1946 Percentage Percentage of Total of Total Income. Income. £ £ 8-40 Net balance, brought down from Revenue Account .. 8,312 j 8-40 Balance, carried down to Accumulated Funds Account .. 8,312 Accumulated Funds Account for the Year ended 31 st March, 1946 Balance— £ Balance— £ Brought down from Appropriation Account, 31st March, 1946 8,312 Brought forward, Ist April, 1945 .. .. .. 8,908 Carried forward, 31st March, 1946 .. .. .. 6,436 Transferred from Accumulated Funds Account, Industrial Rest Period Fund .. .. .. .. .. 5,840 £14,748 £14,748 £ Brought forward, Ist April, 1946 .. .. .. .. £6,436



ANNUAL HOLIDAYS ACT FUND— continued, Balance-sheet as at 31st March, 1946 Liabilities £ ' £ £ Assets £ Creditors .. .. .. .. .. .. 30,061 Cash, at Bank of New Zealand: Head Office Account .. 29,j()09 Accumulated Funds— Debtors: contracts, &c. .. .. .. .. .. 7-,488 As per Balance-sheet,, 31st March, 1945 .. 8,908 ...... Transferred from Accumulated Funds Account, Industrial Rest Period Fund .. 5,840 14,748 Less balance brought in for year .. .. 8,312 • ' 6,436 • • ' £36,497 £36,497 A. E. Bockett, Secretary. A. G. Davidson, Accountant. I hereby certify that the Revenue Account and the Balance-sheet relating to the Annual Holiday Act Fund have been duly examined and compared with the books and supporting documents, and correctly state the position'as disclosed thereby. The audit of the records of disbursements through the central pay offices was carried out by auditors appointed for the purpose by the Audit Office in terms of Regulation 16 (5) of the Waterfront Control Commission Emergency Regulations 1940.— J. P. Rutherford, Controller and Auditor-General.



BUILDINGS FUND Revenue Account for the Year ended 31st March, 1946 Percentage Percentage Percentage of Total of Total of Total Income. Expenses. Income. Expenditure £ £ Income . £ 69*98 Depreciation .. .. .. 96*60 340 100-00 Levies .. .. .. .. .. .. 486 0 • 46 Buildings: maintenance .. .. .. 0-64 2 2-00 Administration: assessment (General Fund) 2-76 10 72-44 Total working-expenses .. .. .. 100-00 352 27 • 56 Net balance, carried down to Appropriation Account .. 134^ 100-00 £486 100-00 £486 Appropriation Account for the Year ended 31st March, 1946 Percentage Percentage of Total of Total Income. Income. £ £ 27-56 Balance, carried down to Accumulated Funds Account .. 134 27-56 Net balance, brought down from Revenue Account .. 134 Accumulated Funds Account for the Year ended 31st March, 1946 £ £ Balance carried forward 31st March, 1946 .. .. .. 227 Balance brought forward Ist April, 1945 .. .. .. 93 Balance, carried.down from Appropriation Account, 31st March, 1945 134 £227 £227 £ Balance brought forward, Ist April, 1946 .. .. .. 227

3—H. 45



BUILDINGS FUND— continued Balance-sheet as at 31st March, 1946 Liabilities £ Assets £ Creditors .. .. .. .. .. .. 465 Cash at Bank of New Zealand : Head Office Account .. .. 15,672 Reserves: Buildings— £ £ Fixed— As per Balance-sheet, 31st March, 1945 .. .. 30,000 Buildings— £ £ Appropriated for year— As per Balance-sheet, 31st March, 1945 .. 9,981 Co-operative Contracts Fund .. .. 5,000 Less works in progress .. .. 406 National Pay Office Fund .. .. 5,000 9,575 —— 10,000 Additions during year .. .. .. 112 40,000 Works in progress .. .. .. 14,789 Accumulated funds (Repairs and Maintenance Account)— 14,901 As per Balance-sheet, 31st March, 1945 .. .. 93 Balance brought in for year .. .... 134 24,476 227 Sales during year .. .. .. 40 Depreciation for year .. .. .. 340 3BO 24,096 Land— As per Balance-sheet, 31st March, 1945 .. .. .. 924 £40,692 £40,692 A. E. Bockett, Secretary. A. G. Davidson, Accountant. I hereby certify that the Revenue Account and the Balance-sheet relating to the Buildings Fund have been duly examined and compared with the books and supporting documents, and correctly state the position as disclosed thereby. The audit of the records of disbursements through the central pay offices was carried out by auditors appointed for the purpose by the Audit Office in terms of Regulation 16 (5) of the Waterfront Control Commission Emergency Regulations 1940.— J. P. Rutherford, Controller and Auditor-General.



CO-OPERATIVE CONTRACTS FUND Revenue Account for the Year ended 31st March, 1946 Percentage Percentage Percentage of Total of Total of Total Income. Expenses. Income. Expenditure £ £ Income £ 0-05 Salaries, &c. .. .. 0-05 1,111 72-89 Co-operative contracts .. .. * .. .. 1,801,714 0-10 Sundries: contract, &c. .. 0-11 2,476 1 • 30 Equivalent contracts .. .. .. .. 31,999 Wages— 25-77 Non-contracts.. .. .. .. .. 636,858 0-92 Check timekeeping, &c. .. 1-00 22,721 0-04 Sundries .. .. .. .. .. 1,131 89-47 Waterfront .. .. 97-86 2,211,582 0-90 Administration: assessment (General Fund) .. .. 0-98 22,144 91-44 Total working-expenses .. 100■ 00 2,260,034 8 • 56 Net profit, carried down to Appropriation Account .. 211, 668 £2,471,702 100-00 £2,471,702 Appropriation Account for the Year ended 31st March, 1946 Percentage Percentage Percentage of Total of Wet of Total Income. Profit. Income. £ £ 7-59 Profit distributions .. .. .. 88-63 187,598 8-56 Net profit: brought down from Revenue Account .. 211,668 0-09 Grants .. .. -• •• I'o7 2,255 0-20 Buildings: reserve .. .. -. 2-36 5,000 0- 68 Balance, carried down to Accumulated Funds Account .. .. •• 7-94 16,815 lOO-00 £211,668 8-56 £211,668 Accumulated Funds Account eor the Year ended 31st March, 1946 £ Balance— £ Balance carried forward, 31st March, 1946 .. .. .. 28,532 Brought forward, Ist April, 1945 .. .. .. 11,717 Brought down from Appropriation Account, 31st March, 1946 16,815 £28,532 £28,532 £ Balance brought forward, Ist April, 1946 .. .. .. 28,532

4—H. 45.



CO-OPERATIVE CONTRACTS FUND— continued Balance-sheet as at 31st March, 1946 Liabilities ££ £ Assets 1A . Profit distributions— Cash at Bank of New Zealand: Head Office accounts .. KM, Mi As per Balance-sheet, 31st March, 1945 .. 26,455 Debtors: contracts, &c. .. .. .. • • •• 134,532 Appropriated for year .. .. 187,598 Fixed: stevedoring gear— £ » 214,053 As per Balance-sheet, 31st March, 1945 .. 1,323 Payments during year .. ~ .. 180,978 Purchases during year .. .. •• 115 33,075 1.438 Deposits .. .. .. .. .. .. 136,807 Depreciation for year .. .. .. •• 221 Creditors .. .. .. .. .. .. 6,579 1,217 Reserves: stevedoring gear purchase, as per Balancesheet, 31st March, 1945 .. .. .. .. 35,000 Accumulated Funds— As per Balance-sheet, 31st March, 1945 .. .. 11,717 Balance brought in for year .. .. .. 16,815 28,532 £239,993 £239,993 A. E. Bockett, Secretary. A. G. Davidson, Accountant. I hereby certify that the Revenue Account and the Balance-sheet relating to the Co-operative Contracts Fund have been duly examined and compared with the books and supporting documents, and correctly state the position as disclosed thereby. The audit of the records of disbursements through the central pay offices was carried out by auditors appointed for the purpose by the Audit Office in terms of Regulation 16 (5) of the Waterfront Control Commission Emergency Regulations 1940.— J. P. Rutherford, Controller and Auditor-General.



GENERAL FUND (ADMINISTRATION) Revenue Account fob the Year ended 31st March, 1946 Percentage Percentage Percentage of Total Of Total of Total Income. . Expenses. Income. Expenditure £ Income 0-26 Audit fees .. .. .. .. 0-26 106 Assessments— £ I'll Cleaning, heating, and lighting .. .. I*o6 434 5-04 Annual Holidays Act Fund .. .. .. 1,979 0-93 Depreciation .. .. .. .. o*BB 364 0-02 Building Fund .. .. .. .. .. 10 1-55 Overtime, &c. .. .. .. .. 1*47 607 56-38 Co-operative Contracts Fund .. .. .. 22,144 3-31 Printing and stationery .. .. .. 3-16 1,300 3-26 National Pay Office Fund .. .. .. 1,279 33-25 Reimbursement to National Pay Office Fund 2-85 Supervision Fund .. .. .. .. 1,121 (co-operative contracting expenses, &c.) .. 31-74 13,059 32-27 Parliamentary appropriation .. .. .. 12,670 3-05 Rent .. .. .. .. .. 2-92 1,200 0-18 Sundries.. .. .. .. .. .. 71 56-58 Salaries .. .. .. .. .. 54-01 22,221 2-04 Sundries.. .. .. .. .. 1-95 801 100-00 Total income .. .. .. .. .. 39,274 2-02 Telephone rentals, &c., and postages .. 1-93 795 4-75 Net balance, carried down to Appropriation Account .. 1,869 0-65 Travelling-expenses, &c. .. .. .. 0-62 256 104-75 100-00 £41,143 104-75 £41,143 Appropriation Account for the Year ended 31st March, 1946 Percentage Percentage of Total of Total Income. Income. £ £ 4-75 Net balance, brought down from Revenue Account .. 1,869 4-75 Balance, carried down to Accumulated Funds Account .. 1,869 Accumulated Funds Account for the Year ended 31st March, 1946 Balance— £ £ Brought down from Appropriation Account, 31st March, 1946 .. 1,869 Balance, brought forward, Ist April, 1945 .. .. .. 10,016 Carried forward, 31st March, 1946 .. .. .. .. 8,147 £10,016 £10,016 £ Balance, brought forward, Ist April, 1946 .. ~ .. 8,147



GENERAL FUND (ADMINISTRATION) —oontinued Balance-sheet as at 31st March, 1946 Liabilities £ £ Cash— Assets £ £ Creditors .. .. .. .. .. .. 702 At Bank of New Zealand : Head Office account .. 2,672 Debtors: contracts, &c. .. .. .. .. .. 173 In hand: petty cash .. .. .. .. 50 Accumulated funds— £ 2,722 As per Balance-sheet, 31st March, 1945 .. .. 10,016 Investments— Less balance brought in for year .. .. .. 1,869 Third Liberty Loan : as per Balance-sheet, 31st March, — 8,147 1945 Commission (2 J per cent, stock, 15/6/49, at cost) .. 1,000 Staff scheme: balance .. .. .. .. 16 1,016 Victory Loan No. 1, as per Balance-sheet, 31st March, 1945 Commission (2 J per cent, stock, 15/2/50, at cost) .. 1,000 Staff scheme— £ Balance .. .. .. .. 78 Repayments during year .. .. 35 43 1,043 Victory Loan No. 2 Commission (2£ per cent, stock, 15/4/51, at cost) .. 1,000 Staff scheme— £ Purchase .. .. .. .. 280 Repayments during year .. .. 280 Fixed— 1,000 Motor-car, as per Balance-sheet, 31st March 1945 .. .. 425 Office furniture and fittings— As per Balance-sheet, 31st March, 1945 .. 3,033 Purchases during year .. .. .. 297 3,330 Sales during year .. .. .. 285 Depreciation for year .. .. ~ 364 649 2,681 Oilskin coats, as per Balance-sheet, 31st March, 1945 .. .. .. .. .. 270 Purchases during year .. .. .. 517 787 Sales during year .. .. .. .. 652 135 £9,022 £9,022



A. E. Bockett, Secretary. A. G. Davidson, Accountant. I hereby certify that the Revenue Account and the Balance-sheet relating to the General Fund (Administration) have been duly examined and compared with the books and supporting documents, and correctly state the position as disclosed thereby. The audit of the records of disbursements through the central pay offices was carried out by auditors appointed for the purpose by the Audit Office in terms of Regulation 16 (5) of the Waterfront Control Commission Emergency Regulations 1940.— J. P. Rutherford, Controller and Auditor-General. INDUSTRIAL REST PERIOD FUND Revenue Account for Year ended 31st March, 1946 Expenditure £ Income £ Rest period wages .. .. .. .. .. .. 2 Net balance, carried down to Appropriation Account .. .. 2 Total working-expenses .. .. .. .. 2 £2 £2 Appropriation Account for the Year ended 31st March, 1946 £ £ Net balance, brought down from Revenue Account .. .. 2 Balance, carried down to Accumulated Funds Account .. .. 2 Accumulated Funds Account for the Year ended 31st March, 1946 Balance— £ £ Brought down from Appropriation Account, 31st March, 1946 .. 2 Balance, brought forward, Ist April, 1945 .. .. .. 5,842 Transferred to Accumulated Funds Account, Annual Holidays Fund .. .. .. .. .. .. 5,840 £5,842 £5,842 A. E. Bockett, Secretary. A. G. Davidson, Accountant. I hereby certify that the Revenue Account and the Balance-sheet relating to the Industrial Rest Period Fund have been duly examined and compared with the books and supporting documents, and correctly state the position as disclosed thereby. The audit of the records of disbursements through the central pay offices was carried out by auditors appointed for the purpose by the Audit Office in terms of Regulation 16 (5) of the Waterfront Control Commission Emergency Regulations 1940.— J. P. Rutherford, Controller and Auditor-General.



NATIONAL PAY OFFICE FUND Revenue Account for the Year ended 31st March, 1946 Percentage Percentage Percentage of Total of Total of Total Income. Expenses. Income. Expenditure £ £ Income £ 1-98 Agency fees .. .. .. 1-86 1,267 20-42 Reimbursements from General Fund.. .. .. 13,058 1-35 Audit fees .. .. .. 1-26 865 77-91 Levies .. .. .. .. .. .. 49,812 0-25 Bureau errors .. .. .. 0-24 161 1-46 Special transport .. .. .. .. .. 932 1-80 Casual pay clerks .. .. .. 1-68 1,153 0-21 Sundries.. .. .. .. .. .. 131 2*75 Cleaning, heating, and lighting .. 2-56 1,755 1-87 Depreciation, &c. .. .. .. 1-74 1,630 100-00 Total income .. .. .. .. ~63,933 0 • 66 Guaranteed wage .. .. .. 0-62 422 0-92 Insurances, &c. .. .. .. 0-87 596. 7*09 Net balance, carried down to Appropriation Account .. 4,542 0-58 Outport expenses .. .. .. 0-54 369 6-82 Overtime .. .. .. 6-36 4,358 2-71 Printing and stationery .. .. 2-53 1,732 2 • 45 Rent, rates, &c. .. .. - .. 2-29 1,567 71-90 Salaries, &c. .. .. .. 67-13 45,966 1-85 Sundries.. .. .. .. 1-73 749 2-41 Telephone rentals, &c., and postages .. 2-25 1,542 3-33 Travelling-expenses, &c. .. .. 3-11 2,132 1 • 46 Waterfront Labour Transport .. 1-36 932 2 • 00 Administration : assessment (General Fund).. .. .. .. 1-87 1,279 Total working-expenses .. 100-00 68,475 107-09 £68,475 107-09 £68,475



Appropriation Account for the Year ended 31st March, 1946 Percentage Percentage of Total of Total Income. Income. £ £ 7-09 Net balance brought down from Revenue Account .. 4,542 15-16 " Transfer back from Accumulated Funds Account .. 9,692 0-26 Grants .. .. .. .. .. .. 150 7-81 Buildings Reserve .. .. .. .. 5,000 15-16 £9,692 15-16 £9,692 Accumulated . Funds Account for the Year ended 31st March, 1946 £ £ Transfer back to Appropriation Account, 31st March, 1946 .. 9,692 Balance, brought forward, Ist April, 1945 .. 9,780 Balance, carried forward, 31st March, 1946 .. .. 88 £9,780 £9,780 £ Brought forward, Ist April, 1946 .. .. .. .. 88



NATIONAL PAY OFFICE FUND— continued Balance-sheet as at 31st March, 1946 Liabilities £ £ Assets £ £ £ Unclaimed— , Cash— Holiday pay .. .. .. .. .. 2,534 At Bank of New Zealand— Profit distributions .. .. .. .. 2,064 Head Office accounts .. .. .. 16,495 Wages .. .. .. .. .. 9,411 Imprest accounts .. .. .. 11,560 14,009 28,055 Creditors .. .. .. .. .. .. 1,191 In hand— Reserve: guaranteed wage as per Balance-sheet, 31st March, 1945 25,000 Wages .. .. .. .. 688 Accumulated funds— £ Petty cash .. .. .. ... 68 As per Balance-sheet, 31st March, 1945 .. .. 9,780 756 Transferred back to Appropriation Account .. 9,692 —— 28,811 — 88 Debtors— Wages: advances .. ~ .. .. 49 Contracts, &c. .. .. .. .. .. 3,498 Branches .. .. .. .. .. 1,024 4,571 Fixed— Motor-cars, as per Balance-sheet, 31st March, 1945 .. .. .. .. .. 1,578 Sales during year .. .. .. 302 Depreciation for year .. .. .. 353 655 923 Office furniture and fittings, as per Balancesheet, 31st March, 1945 .. .. 5,514Purchases during year .. .. .. 1,312 6,826 Sales during year .. .. .. 51 Depreciation for year .. .. .. 792 843 5,983 £40,288 £40,288 A. E. Bockett, Secretary. A. G. Davidson, Accountant. I hereby certify that the Revenue Account and the Balance-sheet relating to the National Pay Office Fund have been duly examined and compared with the books and supporting documents, and correctly state the position as disclosed thereby. The audit of the records of disbursements through the central pay offices was carried out by auditors appointed for the purpose by the Audit Office in terms of Regulation 16 (5) of the Waterfront Control Commission Emergency Regulations 1940.— J. P. Rutherford, Controller and Auditor-General.



SUPERVISION FUND Revenue Account for the Year ended 31st March, 1946 Percentage Percentage Percentage of Total of Total „ „ of Total Income. Mxpenditure Expenses. £ £ Income. Income £ 6-15 Insurance .. .. .. 6-08 3,446 100-00 Levies .. .. .. .. .. .. 56,045 19-82 Overtime, &c. .. .. .. 19-59 11,106 1-17 Net loss, carried clown to Appropriation Account .. 654 10-43 Salaries, &c. .. .. .. 10-31 5,844 0-19 Sundries.. .. .. .. 0-19 110 62-58 Wages .. .. .. 61-86 35,072 2 • 00 Administration : assessment (General Fund).. .. .. .. 1-97 1,121 Total working-expenses .. 100 • 00 56,699 101 ' 17 £56,699 101-17 £56,699 Appropriation Account for the Year ended 31st March, 1946 Percentage Percentage of Total of Total Income. ... £ Income. £ 1-88 Profit distribution .. .. .. .. .. 1,054 3-05 Balance, carried down to Accumulated Funds Account .. 1,708 1* 17 Net loss, brought down from Revenue Account .. .. 654 3-05 £1,708 3-05 £1,708 Accumulated Funds Account for the Year ended 31st March, 1946 Balance— £ £ Brought down from Appropriation Account, 31st March, 1946 1,708 Balance, brought forward, Ist April, 1945 .. .. ..15,124 Carried forward, 31st March, 1946 .. .. 13,416 £15,124 £15,124 £ Balance, brought forward Ist April, 1946 .. .. .. £13,416



SUPERVISION FUND— continued Balance-sheet as at 31st March, 1946 Liabilities £ £ £ Assets £ Profit distributions— Cash at Bank of New Zealand: Head Office accounts .. 9,327 As per Balance-sheet, 31st March, 1945 .. 272 Debtors: contracts, &c. .. .. .. .. 6,239 Appropriated for year .. .. .. 1,054 1,326 Payments during year .. .. .. 1,099 227 Creditors .. .. .. .. .. 1,923 Accumulated funds— As per Balance-sheet, 31st March, 1945 .. .. 15,124 Less balance brought in for year .. .. .. 1,708 13,416 £15,566 £15,566 A. E. Bockett, Secretary. A. G. Davidson, Accountant. I hereby certify that the Revenue Account and the Balance-sheet relating to the Supervision Fund have been duly examined and compared with the books and supporting documents, and correctly state the position as disclosed thereby. The audit of the records of disbursements through the central pay offices was carried out by auditors appointed for the purpose by the Audit Office in terms of Regulation 16 (5) of the Waterfront Control Commission Emergency Regulations 1940.— J. P. Rutherford, Controller and Auditor-General.




® T2 » > gj? H S3 I s i si is.S I g J 1 15 W 05 _ - .2,3 I l-S =3 i| o§ B <wS o«s O o %s! i-ji |3i: ills 5 .33 IPs 08 "N <§J§ 13« go •§ «S" «e to o§°i s£<§t gg-gs -g'SS a <D 3 02 o lljl *3% OT* ~ s|3f 05 O •/*«—♦ HQ^O C 8 a J3 2i% S.2a-g §|2S 03 <D <*>£ 'SSls.s g|g"S S^os SI.S ill* llMs fjjfl «s£f >sC» O g i®S2« |-| I §"- *se §l-§n-\g 1 gj sLg fails §B©2 253 »go o o£ S« H —» OQ Cj <>* "j-H pj o l s l®« llili Olc S3 -Sgl^g cS+= 03 ..2 ***y * §*~l s 1 3a


i Headings. 1940-45. 1945-46. • 1940-46. Estimated. 1st April, 1946, to 30th June, 1946. 1st July, 1946, to 31st March, 1947. 1st April, 1946, to 30th June, 1946. 1st July, 1946, to 31st March, 1947. Commissioners —(including retiring-leave, &c.) Controllers Assistant Controllers Wharf Superintendeant Clerical Division (including cost-of-living allowances) Totals Members' fees General Manager and Assistant Branch Managers Assistant Branch Managers Wharf Superintendents Clerical Division (including cost-of-living allowances) £ 17,876 15 j 999 6,761 19,819 13,688 £ 3,975 3] 500 1,750 4,725 3,262 £ 21,851 19 j499 8,511 24,544 16,950 £ 1,750 *875 437 1,181 815 £ 600 805 . 2,625 1,313 3,544 2,447 74,143 17,212 91,355 5,058 11,334 Miscellaneous expenditure Office furniture and fittings Printing and stationery Rent of offices, &c. Travelling-expenses, &c. Gross expenditure .. .. .. .. Credits-in-aid (expenditure refunded by Commission) Net expenditure 5,227 2,433 779 5,507 3,149 1,400 300 200 1,300 550 6,627 2,733 979 6,807 3,699 350 75 50 325 139 1,050 225 150 975 811 91,238 20,962 112,200 5,997 14,545 36,514 8,292 44,806 2,072 6,220 54,724 12,670 67,394 3,925* t 8,325t ) 12,250


SUMMARY ALL FUNDS Revenue, Appropriation, and Accumulated Funds Account for the Period 9th April, 1940, to 31st March, 1946, showing Percentages of Income, Expenditure, etc., for each Fund


Percentag e Percentage Percentage Percentage Percentage Percentage of Total 1940-45. of Total of Total 1945-46. of Total of Total 1940-46. of Total Income. Expenses. Income. Expenses. Income. Expenses, 1. Revenue Account Expenditure £ £ £ Annual Holidays Act 0-49 50,521 0-53 3-91 107,250 4-21 1-21 157,771 1-31 Buildings 0-01 241 0-01 0-01 352 0-01 0-01 593 0-01 Co-operative Contracts 87-01 8,950,785 94-13 82-39 2,260,034 88-74 86-04 11,210,819 92-99 General (Administration) 0-80 82,750 0-87 1-50 41,143 1-62 0-95 123,893 1-03 Industrial Rest Period 0-31 31,849 0-33 2 0-24 31,851 0-26 National Pay Office 1-86 190,855 2-01 2-50 68,475 2-69 1-99 259,330 2-15 Supervision J. -43 147,066 1-54 2-07 56,699 2-23 1-56 203,765 1-69 Consolidated (Vote, " Labour ") .. 0-53 54,724 0-58 0-46 12,670 0-50 0-52 67,394 0-56 Total expenditure .. .. ., 92-44 9,508,791 100-00 91-84 2,546,625 100-00 92-52 12,055,416 100-00 Net balance carried down 7-56 777,909 7-16 . 196,422 •• 7-48 974,331 100-00 £10,286,700 100-00 £2,743,047 100-00 £13,029,747 Income £ £ £ Annual Holidays Act 0-58 59,429 3-61 98,937 1-21 158,366 Buildings 334 0-02 486 0-01 820 Co-operative Contracts 93-68 9,636,279 90-11 2,471,702 92-93 12,107,981 General (Administration) 0-90 92,776 1-43 39,274 1-01 132,050 Industrial Eest Period 0-37 37,691 0-29 37,691 National Pay Office 2-34 240,785 2-33 63 j933 2-34 304,718 Supervision 1-60 164,682 2-04 56,045 1-69 220,727 Consolidated (Vote, " Labour ") 0-53 54,724 0-46 12,670 0-52 67,394 100-00 £10,286,700 100-00 £2,743,047 100-00 £13,029,747



2. Appropriation Account Net balance brought down Transferred, back from Accumulated Funds Account 7-56 £ 777,909 7-16 0-17 £ 196,422 4,634 7-47 0-04 £ 974,331 4,634 7*56 £777,909 7*33 £201,056 7-51 £978,965 Profit distributions Grants Reserve Accounts Balance carried down 6-05 0-04 0-87 0-60 £ 622,483 3,945 90,000 61,481 6-88 0-09 0-36 £ 188,651 2,405 10,000 6-23 0-05 0*76 0*47 £ 811,134 6,350 100,000 61,481 7-56 £777,909 7-33 £201,056 7-51 £978,965 3. Accumulated Funds Account Balance — Brought forward Amount transferred back to Appropriation Account Carried forward £ 61,481. £ 61,481 4,634 £ 56,847 £61,481 £56,847 £56,847




Period. Ports. Number of Transfers. Number of Men transferred. Transfer Costs paid from Prom To War Expenses Account. £ S. d. April, 1945, to March, 1946 New Plymouth Wanganui Wanganui Timaru Oamaru Oamaru Wellington Wellington New Plymouth Lyttelton Lyttelton Dunedin 1 2 5 1 1 1 50 48 171 21 9 11 521 6 8 577 14 2 993 18 5 77 17 9 174 13 8 116 8 5 Oamaru Timaru 3 45 279 6 6 14 355 2,741 5 7 June, 1941, to March, 1945 146 4,985 27,272 1 8 June, 1941, to March, 1946 •• 160 5,340 30,013 7 3




1. Summary of Expenditure — Miscellaneous Expenditure (Clause 16 (1)). Overtime Expenditure (Clause 16 (2)). Removing Cargo: Recoverable Costs. (Clause 16 (3a) ) Removing Cargo: Non-recoverable Cost (Clause 16 (3b) ) Total Expenditure. Auckland. Wellington. Auckland. Wellington. Auckland. Wellington. Auckland. Wellington. Auckland. Wellington. Total to 31st March, 1945 1st April, 1945, to 31st March, 1946 Total claims passed £ 45,422 18,005 £ 2,573 353 £ 22,661 4,462 £ 6,411 578 £ 14,639 4,008 £ 2,141 903 £ 3,298 1,464 £ 472 £ 86,020 27,939 £ 11,597 1,834 £63,427 £2,926 £27,123 £6,989 £18,647 £3,044 £4,762 £472 £13,959 £13,431 Auckland. Wellington. Total to 31st March, 1945. 1st April, 1945, to 31st March, 1946. Total to 31st March, 1946. Total to 31st March, 1945. 1st April, 1945, to 31st October, 1946. Total to 31st October, 1946. 2. & Store expense Office expenses 50 per cent, general expenses administration Rent of store space at Is. 6d. square foot Total expenses .. .. .. Total store revenue Gross profit 3. Tonn Total tonnages removed Total cost as above Cost per ton Nummary of Si £ 32,282 2,875 15,289 'ores Revenue i £ 14,873 1,648 5,331 and Expenses £ 47,155 4,523 20,620 £ 2,445 298 £ 903 177 £ 3,348 475 50,446 57,350 21,852 23,498 72,298 80,848 2,743 2,796 1,080 1,441 3,823 4,237 £6,904 £1,646 £8,550 £53 £361 £414 ages removed j 296,680 £22,661 Is. 6-33d. from Wharf ir 46,877 £4,462 Is. 10*84d. i Overtime Hot 343,557 £27,123 Is. 6-95d. ws 82,733 £6,411 Is. 6 • 60d. 6,456 £578 Is. 9 • 49d. 89,189 £6,989 Is. 6-81d.



Approximate Cost of Paper.—Preparation, not given; printing (1,023 copies), £2OO

Notes.—(1) Included in " Miscellaneous expenditure " is £4,662 for Auckland and £1,042 for Wellington, being cost of Clark Fork trucks used in the stores. These machines will be disposed of on revoking the Committees and the cost recovered from the purchasers. (2) A Cargo Control Committee was set up on 21st April, 1943, for the City of Christchurch and the Port of Lj ttelton. No separate storage space was required, as the operations of the Committee were carried out in conjunction with the Railways Department at Christchurch. Total expenditure from War Expenses Account up to 31st March, 1945, has amounted to £B6 9s. 2d. (regulations, clause 16 (1), £6 6s. 4d.; and clause 16 (2), £BO 2s. lOd.)

By Authority: E. V. Paul, Government Printer, Wellington.—l 947. Price Is. 9d.]


— Auckland. Wellington. Total to 31st March, 1945. 1st April, 1945, to 31st March, 1946. Total to 31st March, 1946. Total to 31st March, 1945. 1st April, 1945, to 31st October, 1946. Total to 31st October, 1946. 4. Tonnages received into store Tonnages delivered from store Total tonnages handled Tonnage in store (i) Casual Labour Less difference between ordinary time and overtime Net cost Cost of handling casual labour, per ton (ii) Total store expenses.. Less difference between ordinary and overtime (including permanent hands) Net store expenses Cost per ton (overall) 6. Store area Summary of 1 137,430 116,062 onnages handl 40,902 43,922 led in Stores 178,332 159,984 4,932 4,237 1,382 1,576 6,314 5,813 253,492 84,824 338,316 9,169 2,958 12,127 7,777 8,501 695 500 JJ 5. £ 20,017 3,698 Cost of Handl £ 9,027 804 ling £ 29,044 4,502 Committee rev Goods in st< oked as at 31st October, 1945. are taken over by Ministry of £16,319 £8,223 £24,542 ijuppiy, vruu luuuujicu owic. Is. 3-45d. Is. ll-27d. Is. 5-41d. £ 50,446 4,939 £ 21,852 1,141 £ 72,298 6,080 £45,507 £20,711 £66,218 3s. 7-08d. 4s. 10-60d. 3s. 10-97d. £ 55,897 square fee t 11,000 square feet

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WATERFRONT CONTROL COMMISSION ANNUAL REPORT AND STATEMENT OF ACCOUNTS FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31st MARCH, 1946, Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1946 Session I, H-45

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WATERFRONT CONTROL COMMISSION ANNUAL REPORT AND STATEMENT OF ACCOUNTS FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31st MARCH, 1946 Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1946 Session I, H-45

WATERFRONT CONTROL COMMISSION ANNUAL REPORT AND STATEMENT OF ACCOUNTS FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31st MARCH, 1946 Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1946 Session I, H-45

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