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Mr. Speaker,— At the close of the fiscal year 1940-41 and with the prospect of a continuance of war conditions, indications were not lacking that the Dominion's railways would be operated under conditions of increased piessure during the succeeding twelve months. The results of working for the financial year which ended on 31st March last reveal that this expectation has been realized to the full, more business having been handled by the railways during the past twelve months than in any previous year in the history of the Dominion.

FINANCIAL. The financial results of the year's working may be regarded as very satisfactory. The gross revenue reached a new high level of £11,938,338, eclipsing the previous record figure established last year by no less a sum than £778,120 (6-97 per cent.), and maintaining the progressive gain in earnings which has been so marked a feature of railway working since 1935. Expenditure for the twelve months was £10,056,034, and the net revenue £1,882,304. These figures represent an increase of £590,460 (6-24 per cent.) and £187,660 (11-07 per cent.) respectively compared with 1940-41. On a percentage basis the net return on capital was 2-90 per cent., compared with 2-64 per cent, in the preceding twelve months and 1-96 per cent, in 1940. Both earnings and expenditure were affected by the abnormal conditions arising from the "war. Revenue benefited by the diversion to rail of road traffic due to restrictions on the sale and consumption of petrol, to shipping difficulties, and as the outcome of the Government's policy of co-ordinating rail and road transport, and was further augmented by the carriage of military personnel and large quantities of war supplies and equipment. Expenditure was higher by reason of an increase in maintenance and transportation expenses necessitated by the increased volume of traffic handled and of the payment to the lowerpaid staff of the cost-of-living bonus for a full twelve months, as against only seven months in the previous year.

RAILWAYS AND THE WAR. Both on the productive side and in its fundamental sphere—the maintenance of transport services—the railways contribution to the Dominion s war effort has been particularly comprehensive, the Department's well maintained and equipped workshops establishments and operating-plant having enabled it to meet, efficiently and expeditiously, all calls made upon it as a result of the expansion of national productive activities and the carriage of military personnel and war supplies.

J-—D, 2,


The manufacturing facilities of the railway workshops are being used increasingly for the production of war materials, and a wide diversity of munitions, ranging from universal carriers, beaverettes, Bren-gun carriers, trench mortars, and casings for bombs to such smaller items as camp-kitchen utensils, are being produced on an ever-increasing scale. Nearly one thousand of the workshops staff of skilled artisans and technicians are now exclusively engaged on munitions work. Many of these members are working long hours daily and at week-ends in order that defence orders may be fulfilled to schedule. The transport of troops and their equipment during the year has thrown a heavy burden on the Department's operating-plant and resources and has aggravated an already very difficult staffing position. During the twelve months under review no less than 2,176 special trains were made available for the conveyance of approximately 1,250,000 members of the armed forces. These special trains were provided without the necessity of cancelling or curtailing any of the regular time-table services available to the public and "were scheduled during a year of record freight traffic, much of it being primary produce for overseas despatch which required rapid rail transport to main ports in order to keep shipping moving during the still critical stages of the" battle of the oceans. Associated with the movement of troops by rail has been the provision of meals, the Department's provedoring services having been extensively availed o"f to provide set meals and light counter refreshments to members of the armed forces undertaking journeys by rail. The result was the highest revenue in the history of the catering branch of the Service and a great strain on a staff depleted by war conditions. In addition to the services rendered by members of the railways staff in connection with the foregoing activities, a total of 5,935 employees have been released for service with the armed forces, while a further 141 have been loaned to outside organizations engaged on works of national importance. Further depletion of the staff establishment may be anticipated as the war continues, additional personnel being released for military service from time to time. Appeals by the Department for the retention in their civil occupation of trained personnel have been reduced to a minimum consistent with the urgent need for maintaining railway supply and transport services. Large numbers of temporary male workers, also women, and in recent months retired railwaymen, have been recruited to replace those members of the staff who are now serving with the defence forces. A recent innovation has been the employment of women on portering duties, an experiment which has given satisfactory results and is now being extended to all main railway centres. . Because of the necessity for conserving paper-supplies, the usual extensive review of the Department's operations has been omitted on this occasion. While to _ the members of the community generally the significance and extent of the railways' services in this time of national crisis can only be conjectured, it is probably true to say there is universal recognition and appreciation throughout the Dominion that, both directly and indirectly, the railways are making a most impressive and vital contribution towards the defence of our country. CONCLUSION. In conclusion, I desire to record my keen appreciation of the manner in which the General Manager, Mr. E. Casey; the Assistant General Manager, Mr. J. Sawers; with the executive officers and all sections of the staff have responded to the onerous demands made upon them in connection with the prosecution of the national war effort during the most trying as well as the most successful twelve months of the railways' existence. I would like also to mention that at no time have the men of the railway service been more loyal and worked to better advantage and that the relationships between the Minister, the Management, and the employees are thoroughly harmonious.


D. —2.

RESULTS OF WORKING. The following is a statement of the results of working for the past five years

. For the current year it is anticipated that the revenue will reach £12,100,000 and the expenditure £10,352,000.


Year ended 31st March, Particulars. j 1942. 1941. | 1940. 1939. 1938. Total miles open for traffic .. •• 3,390 3,390 3,390 3,319 3,323 Average miles open for year.. .. 3,390 3,390 3,371 3,319 C^t7l7o7t7f^^^^d _ u7o"p7^dli^l73", £73,048,958 £71,087,455 £67,075,908 £63,189,260 Capital cost of open lines .. .. £64,904,020 £64,762,794 £63,059,188 £58,676,608 £56,065,187 Capital cost per mile of open lines .. £19,146 £19,104 £18,602 £17,679 £16,872 7 7 ~7 "77,938,338 £11,160,218 £10,199,070 £9,345,387 £8,634,186 Working-expenses .. .. £10,056,034 £9,465,574 £9,010,039 £8,644,324 £8,001,389 NET EARNINGS £1,882,304 £1,694,644 £1,189,031 £701,063 £632,797 Interest charges "~7 7 77 £2,575,1% ISi £2,385,808 PERCENTAGE OF TOTAL WORKINGEXPENSES TO GROSS EARNINGS 1 84-23 84-82 92-50 92 67 PERCENTAGE OF NET EARNINGS TO AVERAGE CAPITAL INVESTED IN OPEN LINES .. • • 2 ' 90 2 64 1 96 _ _ _ 1£9,694,190 £8,761,637 £8,005,059 £7,591,825 Railway operating expenses .. .. | £8,902,592 £8,406,790 £7,943,120 £7,663,632 £7,291,785 NET RAILWAY OPERATING EARNINGS £1,481,288 £1,287,400 £818,517 £341,427 £300,040 PERCENTAGE OF RAILWAY OPERATING EXPENSES TO EARNINGS .. 85*73 86-72 90*b6 Jo « > Operating earnings per average mile open £3,063 £2,860 £2,599 £2,412 £2,285 Operating expenses per average mile open £2,626 £2,480 £2,356 £2,309 £2,195 NET OPERATING EARNINGS PER £9Q AVERAGE MILE OPEN .. .. £380 £243 £103 WW d. d. d. d. d. , . -i 178-28 171-58 157-31 14-6-96 142*59 Operating earnings per tram-mile .. 1 ' L 1/1 Do •i 148-80 142*62 140*70 136*95 Operating expenses per tram-mile .. 10 * 8,3 t ° u NET OPERATING EARNINGS PER TRAIN-MILE .. .. 22-781™ 5-64 7" " .. 11,105,627 9,410,087 8,283.067 7,813,436 8,069,018 Season tickets 1 ' 065 .™ "*.!«• 88M " WM " Total passenger journey. .. .. 28,610,945 26,276,923 24,454,014 23,265,768 22,444,212 Ooods tonnage T.JJMW 7 - 76 *' 768 7 ' 0 "' 298 *' m ' m Live-stock tonnage W»,115 671,414 596,652 621.755 668,075 Train-mileage revenue .. .. 13,978,961 13,559,646 13,366,798 13,072,615 12,777,852 Engine-mileage 19.147,871 18,625,115 18,199,622 17,817,799 17,312,921


ANNUAL REPORT OF THE GENERAL MANAGER OF THE NEW ZEALAND GOVERNMENT RAILWAYS. New Zealand Government Railways Department, Head Office, Wellington, 26th June, 1942. The Hon. the Minister of Railways. Sir, — I have the honour to submit my annual report on the working of the New Zealand Railways for the financial year ended 31st March, 1942. The report covers only the more important aspects of the year's operations, the usual comprehensive review of activities having been dispensed with on this occasion in view of the urgent need to conserve paper-supplies.

WORKING RESULT (Whole Undertaking).

Revenue. —The gross revenue earned, £11,938,338, was a record and exceeded the previous record figure established in the previous year by no less a sum than £778,120 (6-97 per cent.). The increased revenue was mainly due to conditions arising from the war—i.e., limited use of motor transport as a result of restrictions on the sale of petrol, movement of the armed forces, carriage of war equipment and supplies, and to longer haulages of goods consequent upon the centralization of shipping at main ports. Expenditure. —The expenditure for the year amounted to £10,056,034 and exceeded last year's figure by £590,460 (6-24 per cent.). Most of the increase was in maintenance and transportation expenses and was brought about by the greater volume of traffic handled. The payment of the cost-of-living bonus to the lower-paid staff for a full year, as against only seven months of the previous financial year, absorbed an additional £97,000. The ratio of operating expenditure to revenue was 85-73, compared with 86-72 in 1941 and 90-66 in 1940. Net Revenue — The net revenue amounted to £1,882,304, an improvement of £187,660 compared with the preceding financial year. This satisfactory result was achieved notwithstanding that in the twelve months under review the sum of £1,378,461 was set aside from the revenue account for depreciation, renewals and other reserves, and superannuation subsidy prior to arriving at net revenue. INTEREST CHARGES. The net revenue fell short of the full interest charge for the year by £873,842. Interest charges for 1941-42 amounted to £2,756,146, compared with £2,746,544 in the previous year, an increase of £9,602. MILEAGE OF LINES OPEN FOR TRAFFIC. The total mileage of lines open for traffic on 31st March, 1942, was 3,389 miles 74 chains. CAPITAL ACCOUNT. On the 31st March, 1942, the capital invested in the lines open for traffic, including the steamers and plant on Lake Wakatipu and other subsidiary services, was £64,904,020. This represents an increase of £141,226 as compared with the previous year.

RENEWALS, DEPRECIATION, AND EQUALIZATION RESERVE FUNDS. The position with regard to the renewals, depreciation, betterments, and equalization accounts is as under


Actual. Estimate. — : Variation 1942 with 1941. 1942. 1941. Per Cent. Revenue .. .. £11,085,000 £11,938,338 £11,160,218 +£778,120 6-97 Expenditure £9,585,000 £10,056,034 £9,465,574 +£590,460 6*24 Net revenue .. £1,500,000 £1,882,304 £1,694,644 +£187,660 11-07 Return on average capital invested in open lines, per cent. .. .. 2-90 2-64 + 0-26 9-85 Interest charges £2,756,146 £2,746,544 + £9,602 0 - 35 Excess of interest charges (at 4£ per .. £873,842 £1,051,900 —£178,058 16*93 cent.1 over net revenue

i Credit Balance „ Credit Balance Account. broughtforward Co Expenditure, at 31st March> from 1941. ia41_4/ ' 194,1-4,4. 1942. £ £ £ £ Renewals (track) .. .. .. 637,856 217,544 167,739 687,661 Depreciation .. .. .. .. 1,390,837 885,355 842,240 1,433,952 Betterments .. .. .. .. 3,766 2,800 600 5,966 Slips, floods, and accidents .. .. 21,223 19,881 15,000 26,104 Workers'compensation .. .. .. 71,424 53,621 65,446 59,599 Insurance .. .. .. .. 100,281 8,451 17,297 91,435 2,225,387 J_, 187,652 1,108,322 2,304,717


RAILWAY OPERATION. lhe results of railway operation (excluding subsidiary services and miscellaneous non-operating revenue) on the various sections for the year ended 31st March, 1942, were as under

OPERATING REVENUE. The following table shows the operating revenue under the main headings, together with appropriate comparisons with the previous year's figures. Information regarding receipts from subsidiary services and miscellaneous non-operating revenue appears later in this report.

With the exception of luggage, which shows a small decline, the revenue under all heads has again shown improvement, the variations with the previous year for main classes of traffic being- - Passenger, 13-72 per cent, increase ; parcels, 6-98 per cent, increase ; goods, 5-21 per cent, increase : and miscellaneous, 6• .18 per cent, increase. Passenger journeys (ordinary) in 1941-42 exceeded the previous year's figures by 1 665 540 (17-64 per cent.) and reached the high total of 11,105,627. This substantial increase was brought about very largely as the result of diversion of road traffic to rail in consequence of petrol restrictions and to the movement of the armed forces. Receipts from the conveyance of goods and live-stock, and the tonnage of goods carried, were the highest ever recorded in the history of the system, the figures for 1941-42"compared with the previous year being :— r t> 1941. Increase. Per Cent. Revenue .. .. £7,174,060 £6,818,603 £355,457 5-21 Tonnage .. .. 8,473,765 8,426,182 47,583 0-56 The increase in freight revenue is reflected in the majority of goods commodities, the principal increases being m respect of live-stock, £44,762 ; coal, £49,997 ; frozen meat, £48,556 : and general merchandise, £230,950. General merchandise traffic benefited by the placing on rail of large quantities of military stores and equipment.

OPERATING EXPENDITURE. The following table shows the operating expenditure under the main headings, together with appropriate comparisons with the previous year's figures : —


.Section. _ Revenue. Expenditure. Net Revenue. £ £ £ North Island Main Line and Branches .. 6,603,533 5,511,535 1,091 998 South Island Main Line and Branches .. 3,586,282 '381'826 Gisborne .. .. .. __ 25,998 35,380 —9*382 Westport 114,629 81,984 32,645 p. 01 , 8011 •• •• •• 11,211 20,204 -8,993 Flcton •• 42,227 49,033 —6,806 / Total •• 10,383,880 8,902,592 1,481,288

Amount. - Per . Cent - ° f Operating Revenue. Variation 1942 Operating Revenue. with 1941. 1942. 1941. 1942. 1941. £ £ £ Per Cent. Passengers, ordinary .. .. 2,335,907 2,054,152 +281,755 13-72 22-49 21-19 Season tickets .. .. 322,871 291,566 + 31,305 10-74 3-11 3-01 Parcels, luggage, and mails .. 325,897 317,819 + 8,078 2-55 3-14 3-28 ods T •• ■■ -■ 7,174,060 6,818,603 +355,457 5-21 69-09 70-34 Labour, demurrage, &c. .. 225,145 212,050 + 13,095 6-18 2-17 2-18 Total operating .. 10,383,880 9,694,193 +689,690 | 7-11 100-00 100-00 ~

Amount. Operating Expenditure. Variation 1942 with 194-1. 1 Ope'ratfng^ 1942. 1941. Revenue. Maintenance— e f c ,, ,, , ttt i , * £ PerCent. 1942. 1941 Way and works .. 1,615,382 1,544,202 + 71,180 4-61 15-56 15-93 Sl g nals •• •• 238,169 213,623 + 24,546 11-49 2-29 2-20 Rolling-stock .. 2,211,476 2,043,976 +167,500 8-19 21-30 21-09 Examination, lubrication, and lighting of vehicles 100,473 90,083 + 10,390 11-53 0-97 0-93 Transportation— Locomotive.. .. 2,013,445 1,953,913 + 59,532 3-05 19-38 20-16 l- rafl10 •• 2,479,852 2,322,492 +157,360 6-78 23-88 23-95 General charges .. 243,795 238,501 + 5,294 2-22 2-35 2-46 T °tals •• 8,902,592 8,406,790 +495,802 5-90 85-73 86-72


Increased maintenance and transportation charges brought about by the heavier volume of traffic handled were the principal causes of the higher expenditure. Other items of increased expenditure were the payment of the cost-of-living bonus for a full year, as against seven months m the preceding twelve months, £97,000 ; E.P.S. expenditure, £33,354 ; and increased cost and consumption of coal, £11,805. SUBSIDIARY SERVICES. The following table shows the variations in revenue and expenditure for the year as compared with 1940-41

The variations in subsidiary services revenue and expenditure, as indicated in the foregoing summary, may be attributed, in the main, to factors arising from the war and to which reference has been made earlier in this report. STORES BRANCH. An analysis of the amount expended in connection with the purchase of stores during the year is as under :—

The increases in payments are due to the receipt of heavy shipments of munition materials and also to increased importations of sleepers and hardwood timbers from Australia. The total issues to all Branches (including coal) for the year amounted to £3,120,190 3s. 5d., as against £3,014,015 ss. 7d. for the previous year, an increase of £106,174 17s. lOd. PUBLICITY ACTIVITIES. Although a regular flow of railway publicity to the press was maintained throughout the year, influences arising from the war have restricted activities considerably. As in past years, however, adequate publicity has been given, as required, to the travel and other facilities made available by the Department and to railway operations generally. , . Continuing a practice of many years standing, a friendly liaison has been maintained between the Department and the press generally, and I'desire to express my appreciation of the kindly consideration and assistance extended to the Department in this regard. RAILWAYS AND THE WAR. Last year's report gave an indication of some of the special activities which have been undertaken by the Department and its staff in connection with the prosecution of the national war effort. In the twelve months under review these activities have been enlarged and are being energetically pursued. Large quantities of war munitions covering a wide range of vehicles and other equipment and materials have been manufactured in the railway workshops during the year, nearly one thousand members of the workshops staff of skilled artisans and technicians being exclusively engaged on this special work. Twelve divisions of the Railways Emergency Precautions Service, which was established as a separate branch of the Emergency Reserve Corps on 11th February, 1942, are now functioning at mam railway centres throughout the Dominion. The total membership is approaching the 15,000 mark.


Revenue. Expenditure. Subsidiary Services. Variation. Amount, Variation." 1942. 1942 with 1941. 1942. 1942 with 1941. £ £ Per Cent. £ £ Per Cent. Lake Wakatipu steamers .. 7,153 + 44 0-62 11,351 + 453 4-16 Refreshment service .. 251,043 + 29,619 13-38 228,277 + > Bookstall service .. .. 140,864 + 17,184 13-89 132,160 + 15,086 2-89 Advertising service .. 27,742 - 3,467 11-11 24,914 - 3,331 11-79 .. 147 389 + 2,211 1,52 220,404 + 25,239 12-93 Other buildings .. 38,533 + 2,801 7-84 27,913 + 177 0-64 Road motor services .. 551,153 + 47,849 9-51 508,423 + 36,965 7-84 Miscellaneous revenue (non- 390,581 — 7,811 1-96 operating) +~88,430 5-69 1,153,442 + 94,658 8-21

Value of Purchases Variation, made, Year 1942. 1942 with 1941. £ £ To merchants, manufacturers,' and others in New Zealand .. 986,296 +106,194 Through Trade Commissioner in Australia .. • • 193,153 +146,075 Through High Commissioner in London .. 410,901 + Material manufactured in Railway Workshops .. .. 325,903 +25,2i0 Coal and coke .. •• •• •• •• 843,400 - 45,548 Manufactured and used material received from other branches, 112,797 + 10,457 &c Timber from railway sawmill and stores used .. •• 41,372 + 5,364 Totals .. .. •• •• •• 2,913,822 +316,852* * Net increase.


Emergency equipment in considerable quantities lias been made available during the course of the year, and with the addition of mobile fire-fighting trains, which are about to be placed in service and located at strategic points, the Department is well organized to meet any emergent conditions which might arise as a result of offensive action by the enemy. As at 31st March, 1942, the number of employees serving with the armed forces totalled 5 935. It is a matter of profound regret that seventy-nine members of the Department's staff have sacrificed their lives whilst serving with the armed forces during the present war. Since its inception, the National Patriotic Fund has benefited to the extent of £14,152 by way of voluntary subscriptions deducted from the pay of railway employees. In addition, the Department's staff have deposited m fortnightly instalments the sum of £26,342 in National Savings Accounts. TRACK, PLANT, AND ROLLING STOCK. The track bridges, structures, signalling-appliances, rolling-stock, locomotives, and other plant are m good order and efficient for the work required of them. STAFF. OQ Lo Verage nun , lber ° f persons in the Department throughout the year ended 31st March 1942 was 23,352, compared with an average of 24,502 for the previous year. ' The average number of men engaged exclusively on works chargeable to capital was 1,149, compared with 2,237 during the previous The total number of staff employed at the 31st March, 1942, including those on works chameablp to capital, was 22,252. This figure does not include 5,935 employees who as at 31st March 1942 were serving with the armed forces. March, 1942, o J* 6 total number of employees as at the end of the previous financial year was 23,971 (excluding 3,280 men serving with the armed forces). ' *"• witl tle —**>*■ .88 dSutt IZ Sit™ .id offi -« "** 206 "*•* " «, Employees to the number of 1,312 were engaged for employment on the permanent staff ne hundred andthree members of the Second Division were promoted to the First Division the wJ? °1 ; i 7® •' f WorW Compensation Act during the year to members of the Service who suffered injury in the course of their employment. CONCLUSION. .J. des jf *9 accorrl m y thanks to all members of the staff for their support and co-oner-itinr, in just conc?uded tmont * ° bKgations and responsibilities during the busy and difficult ... -"* GENERAL MANAGER.


STATEMENT No. 1. Capital Account as at 31st March, 1942.

rH CO O OIOOfIJOCOJO »£> L- GO l-» (M tH l> (M O CO C 5 CM rh CO 00 (M CO O O >0 1> CN OO" 00 <N CO O O oo" rH CN CO Old CO CO t-iO(M© \0 i—l 00 CO iO CO O •H r-M 'Ci CO CO » 05 C 55 • * lO 00 sfco" P CO # ' ij) £ -§ ® ■§ "c ®o O_J •• oa 03 ** •••^ =0 .. <D 9 r-H ° o 5° P CO T? H 02 o -s i y s S"® § § SI » i . . b' 0 • • I Sag 'H "5 ■ ■ .s fc s ' '1a"I n g' I_r MCO CD _o P 'l! *rt -S § Cti @ g-I .3 ® § | fi § £ ® 3 »ll » S -g, Sagh «o -S sp «is g H SpH§3^.g^^"Sfe fa§|^fll D Sa m 1» H J PZ J 851 W- S r 9 9 H r 3 r^aJC/3 i : H r » r S Mr Cj ds io&tco CO <1 — H cooacoo joes JO H OIOnHC- CM pq 00 r-H o <N * « « nw- © ci zl. X! g n g" 8 p « SS ©q tH rH CM (M -Jo o • • • CO IQ H n io co • • i> o <5 C+l r, •" *> " " CQ r H (M IO CO LCO CO CO o _ OJ rH CO M I : : :*S :g2 :: : : § % II ® ■% 1 "i-s . CD . p H J>2 <« ! . f- 1 . a 1 H •g ® m 8 Ti I SP S -S g 4 -S "d -o S-H S •h .t3 >» m d sft ; o o dc! nd'-^Tj S a o d d£ p.j2 ® m pfi .d-^ 3 r c3 H(SO-g » -, a" 4 . 's ij cq «+n t> cd S -+5 Ph >-» d a;P b .f- ( d r Sd 43 S g„3&j w ffto g £ SXtJ 1 cj (D n-2 ° E* $ >, ® g ■$ £gS3 & | "&.S m Hdo ° ® H ? d a ° t3 O O 0 _bd go<i in Q M PH CQ fZ2

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~ ~ i Tntfll to 3lst March. Year ended i Total to 31st March, Total to 31st March, Year ended Total to 31st March, q l 31st March, 1942. 1942. 1941. ; 31st March, 1942. 1942. iaii - Expenditure. £ 56 797 989 I Capital included in public debt .. j 66,110,629 159,489 66.270,118 Permanent-way— Works, buildings, ma- 5b,blb,dSS i»-,oui od,o<,» I Qt | er ita j __ __ , 9,033,902 .. 9,033,902 chinery, plant, and dwellings no] . _ „ sfl F " — J ! — —— Boiling-stock, lake steamers, and road 15,693,399 1/0,981 lS,»t>4,d»u 75,144,531 159,489 75,304,020 motors : 302 g02 Deduct accrued depreciation and 10,400,000 .. 10,400,000 Lines closed for traffic .. ■ • | ° -• ' ; other losses of capital written off 72 672 449 352,582 73,025,031 in accordance with subsection (2), . .. . i Q'snn'/LQO 9u'd71 9 554 963 section 23, of the Government Deduct accrued depreciation on exist- 9,300,492 I 254,7 , , Railways Amendment Act, 1931 ing assets j MU5 ®i' 433' 952 64,744,531 64,904,020 Add unexpended balances as per 1,390,83/ 43,lio l,4dd,a Outstanding liabilities .. .. 18,263 Dr. 18,263 j Depreciation Account ~ £64/762/794 £141,226 £64,904,020 |j £64,762,794 £141,226 ! £64,904,020 Unes^rfT under^ the control Works Department, and aU expenditure out of the Public Works Fund in connection therewith is included in the accounts of that Department.

2—D. 2


STATEMENT No. 2. Income and Expenditure of the Whole Undertaking for the Year ended 31st March, 1942.

Net Revenue Account.


j Year 1941-42. Year 1940-41. ; Statement No. ! ' ~~ j | 1 Gross Revenue. Expenditure. Net Revenue. Gross Revenue. Expenditure. .Net Revenue. ! I 'I ' £ £ 1 £ £ £ £ Railway operation .. .. .. .. 3 10,383,880 8,902,592 1,481,288 9,694,190 8,406,790 1.287,400 Lake Wakatipu steamers .. .. .. 9a 7,153 11,351 Dr. 4,198 j 7,108 10,898 Dr. ' 3,789 Refreshment service .. .. .. .. 9a 251,043 228,277 22,766 221,424 208,208 13,216 Bookstall service .. .. .. .. 9a 140,864 132,160 8,704 I 123,680 117,075 6,606 Advertising service .. .. .. .. 9a 27,742 24,914 2,828 31,209 28 245 2 964 Dwellings .. .. .. .. .. 9a 147,389 220,404 Dr. 73,015 145,178 195,165 Dr. 49,987 Buildings occupied by refreshment service, book- 9a 38,533 27,913 10,620 35,732 27.736 7,996 stall-proprietors,. &e. Road motor services .. .. .. 9a 551,153 508,423 42,730 503,304 471,458 31,845 Miscellaneous revenue .. .. .. .. 390,581 .. 390,581 398,393 .. 398,393 11,938,338 10,056,034 .. 11,160,218 9,465,575 Total net revenue to Net Revenue Account .. .. .. .. 1,882,304 .. .. 1,694,644

Dr. 1941-42. 1940-41. Cr. 1941-42. 1940-41. I _ £ £ £ £ Interest charges .. .. .. 2,756,146 2,746,544 Net earnings before charging interest on capital .. 1,882,304 1,694,644 Reduction on account of interest charges, vide 873,842 1,051,900 section 14, Finance Act, 1930 (No. 2) 2,756,146 ' 2,746,544 j 2,756,146 2,746,544 ' i ;


STATEMENT No. 3. Income and Expenditure in Respect of Railway Operation for the Year ended 31st March, 1942.


Per Cent, of i D - Per Cent, of Operating Revenue. "Sfe Operating Revenue. Expenditure. 1941—42. 1940-41. Revenue. <r, 1941—42. 1940-41. i S § 1941-42. 1940-41. w 0 1941-42. 1940-41. £ £ £ £ Maintenance of way and works .. .. .. 1,615,382 1,544,202 15'56 15-93 Passengers, ordinary .. .. .. 17 2,335,907 2,054,152 22-49 21-18 Maintenance of signals and electrical appliances .. 238,169 213,623 2-29 2-20 Passenger, season tickets .. .. 17 322,871 291,566 3-11 3-01 Maintenance of rolling-stock .. .. .. 2,211,476 2,043,976 21-30 21-08 Parcels, luggage, and mails .. .. 17 325,897 317,819 3-14 3-28 Examination, lubrication, and lighting of vehicles .. 100,473 90,083 0-97 0-93 Goods .. .. .. .. 17 7,174,060 6,813,603 69-09 70-34 Locomotive transportation .. .. .. 2,013,445 1,953,913 19-38 20-16 Labour, demurrage, &c. .. .. .. 17 225,145 212,050 2-17 2-19 Traffic transportation .. .. .. .. 2,479,852 2,322,492 23-88 23-96 General charges .. .. .. .. 72,292 72,523 0-70 0-75 £ Superannuation subsidy., .. .. 190,809 Less amount allocated to subsidiary services, &c. .. .. .. 19,306 171,503 165,978 1-65 1-71 Total operating expenses .. .. 8,902,592 8,406,790 85-73 86-72 Net operating revenue .. .. .. 1,481,288 1,287,400 14,27 13-28 £10,383,880 9,694,190 100-00 100-00 .. £10,383,880 9.694.190 100-00 100-00


Summary of Expenditure.

STATEMENT No. 9A. Income and Expenditure Account in respect of Subsidiary Services.

STATEMENT No. 10. Railway Employees' Sick Benefit Society.


North Island Main j , 80 ] . Item. Gisborne. Line and Branches «nd Westport. Nelson. Picton. Total. and Kaihu. Branches. ________ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ Maintenance of Way and Works .. .. 15,356 962,698 592,507 18,639 6,921 19,261 1,615,382 Maintenance of Signals and Electrical Appliances 303 148,543 87,478 1,170 134 541 238,169 Maintenance of Rolling-stock .. .. 4,206 1,378,562 800,548 19,255 2,571 6,334 2,211,476 Examination, Lubrication, and Lighting of 145 59,455 39,010 1,454 174 235 100,473 Vehicles Locomotive Transportation .. .. 8,608 1,376,600 601,105 12,819 5,174 9,139 2,013,445 Traffic Transportation .. .. .. 6,160 1,430,478 999,803 25,870 4,966 12,575 2,479,852 General Expenses . . .. .. .. 179 46,020 24,909 825 78 281 72,292 Superannuation Subsidy .. .. .. 423 109,179 59,096 1,952 186 667 171,503 Total .. .. .. 35,380 5,511,535 3,204,456 81,984 20,204 49,033 8,902,592 Per cent, of operating revenue .. .. 136-09 83-46 89-35 71-44 180-22 116-12 85-73 Per mile of railway .. .. £ 722-04 3,477-31 1,997-79 2,274-83 336-73 875-59 2,626-13 Per train-mile .. .. .. pence 171-19 140-41 167-57 266-06 107-38 210-60 151-11

Payments to Service. Revenue. Expenditure. Expenses. Net Proflt - Kent, &c. £ £ £ £ £ Lake Wakatipu steamers .. .. .. 7,153 10,566 785 11,351 Dr. 4,198 Refreshment .. .. .. .. .. 251,043 210,520 17,757 228,277 22,766 Bookstall .. .. .. .. .. 140,864 118,623 13,537 132,160 8,704 Advertising .. .. .. .. .. 27,742 16,925 7,989 24,914 2,828 Departmental dwellings .. .. .. 147,389 147,514 72,890 220,404 Dr. 73,015 Buildings occupied by refreshment service, bookstall- 38,533 13,575 14,338 27,913 10,620 proprietors, &c. Road services .. .. .. .. 551,153 499,066 9,357 508,423 42,730 1,163,877 1,016,789 136,653 1,153,442 10,435

Income and Expenditure. EXPENDITURE, 1941-42. 1940-41. INCOME. 1941-42. 1940-41. £ £ £ £ Sick benefits paid to members .. .. 40,339 40,466 Contributions .. .. .. .. 24,055 26,136 Entrance fees .. .. .. .. 251 215 Interest on investments .. .. .. 1,172 1,467 Subsidy as per section 5, subsection (1), of 8,000 8,000 Government Railways Amendment Act, 1928, chargcd to Working Railways.Account Balance being excess of expenditure over income 6,861 4,648 for the year 40,339 40,466 40,339 40,466 Excess of expenditure over income .. .. 6,861 4,648 Accumulated funds brought forward on 1st April 38,494 43,142 Balance accumulated funds as at 31st March 31,633 38,494 38,494 43,142 38,494 43,142 Balance-sheet. Liabilities. £ £ Assets. £ £ Accumulated funds .. .. .. 31,633 38,494 Investments .. .. .. .. 28,538 39,365 Sick pay due not paid .. .. .. 16 45 Contributions outstanding at 31st March .. 10 20 Working Railways Account .. .. .. 846 Cash in Working Railways Account .. .. 3,101 31,649 39,385 31,649 39,385


STATEMENT No. 12. Statement of Cash Receipts and Payments—Working Railways Account.

Receipts. £ Payments. £ Balance brought forward .. .. 541,654 Wages and vouchers .. .. •• 10,419,353 Revenue receipts .. .. .. 11,791,502 Refunds to Harbour Boards, shipping com- " Credits-in-aid" (Working Railways Ex- panies, and other carriers .. .. 437,483 penditure) .. .. .. • • 988, 687 Interest on capital . . .. • • 1, 820, 000 Contributions to Sick Benefit Fund .. 32,392 Investments purchased .. .. .. 400,000 Interest on investments .. . . 12,397 Balance as per General Balance-sheet .. 301,796 Investments realized .. .. .. 12,000 £13,378,632 £13,378,632 Reconciliation Statement. £ s. d. Credit balance in Working Railways Account as per Treasury figures .. 258,878 14 7 Add imprests outstanding .. .. .. .. •• •• 43,352 3 3 Cash in transit, &c. .. .. •. . • • ■ • • 10 1 £302,231 17 11 Less unauthorized expenditure (1941) not included in Treasury figures 435 8 0 Credit balance as per above statement .. .. .. £301,796 911



Credit Balance Contributions Expenditure 0 dit Balance t ear ending Year ending nt-iiat March at 31st March, 31at March; alst Maroh( at 31st March, 1941. 1942 _ 1942. 1 4 ' £ £ £ £ General Reserve Account .. .. .. 1,144,553 .. •• 1,144,553 Insurance Reserve Account .. .. 100,281 8,451 17,297 01,435 Workers' Compensation Reserve Account .. 71,424 53,621 05,440 59,599 Slips, Floods and Accidents Equalization Reserve 21,223 19,881 15,000 26,104 Account Betterments Reserve Account : Refreshment Branch 3,766 2,800 600 5,966 Renewals Reserve Accounts .. .. .. 637,856 217,544 167,739 687,661 Depreciation Reserve Account .. .. .. 1,390,837 885,355 842,240 1,433,952 Totals .. .. .. ... 3,369,940 1,187,652 1,108,322 3,449,270


STATEMENT No. 14. Expenditure on Construction of Railways, Rolling-stock, etc., to 31st March, 1942; Net Revenue and Rate of Interest earned on Capital expended on Opened Lines for Year ended same Date.

Note. —The amount stated in this return as the cost of construction of opened lines includes the Provincial and General Government expenditure on railways. It also includes the Midland Railway and expenditure by the Grey mouth and Westport Harbour Boards on railways and wharves under the provisions of section 7 of the Railways Authorization Act, 1885, the information regarding the last-mentioned being furnished by the respective Boards. The rate of interest earned has been computed on the average capital.

3—l). 2.


Opened Lines. Met Bate of Section of Railway. Interest Lines and Rolling- qv , , earned. Works. Stook. I0HU ' £ £ £ £ £ s. d. Gisborne .. .. .. .. 749,393 20,840 770,233 -9,382 North Island Main Line and Branches' '' 33,336,661 6,672,409 40,009,070 1 ,o6i,998 2 U 8 South Island Main Line and Branches .. 16,602,740 3,533,203 20,135,943 38i,826 I 17 11 Westport" .. " .. !! 3is,243 45,329 360,572 32,645 9 Oil Nelson .. !! «, " .. 497,242 9,383 506,625 -8,993 Picton !! .. !! .. .. 610,658 14,800 625,458 -6,806 52,111,937 10,295,964 62,407,901 1,481,288 2 7 6 Lake Wakatipu steamer service .. .. 20,396 .. 20,396 —4,198 Subsidiary services, &c. .. .. .. 2,465,827 .. 2,465,827 405,214 In suspense — Surveys, North Island Surveys, South Island General .. .. .. .. 9,896 .. 9,896 P.W.D. stock of permanent-way 54,608,056 10,295,964 64,904,020 1,882,304 2 18 0 Total cost of opened lines at 31st March, 1942 .. .. £64,904,020 .. ..

Reconciliation Statement, Public Wokks Fund. oar 86 by 193,291 4 1 Expenditure: Way and Works Branch .. 147,640 16 3 Less vouchers outstanding previous year .. •• 18,262 16 9 1 175,028 7 4 Less recoveries •• •• •• 29,225 11 1 145,802 16 3 Publio Works Department: Administration charges .. •• 1,838 0 0 £147,640 16 3 £147,640 16 3


STATEMENT No. 15. Expenditure out of Working Railways Account (Depreciation Fund) and Public Works Fund for the Year ended 31st March, 1942.

Locomotive Branch: Particulars of Rolling-stock.


Working Railways p uMjc Works Way and Works Branch: Particulars of Works. Depreciation Fund. iotal. £ £ £ Land .. .. •• •• ■■ •• 1,419 Or. 2,392 Or. 973 Grading, formation, tunnels, and permanent-way .. .. •• 79,683 10 i'~Z 'qk'w? Bridges, overbridges, subways, and culverts .. .. .. 31,854 3,707 35,561 Station buildings, engine-sheds, and other operating buildings .. 28,7b7 9,448 Fences, gates, eattlestops, cattle-yards, and loading-banks .. .. 4,031 1,254 5,285 Dwellings and huts 85.644 Or. 2,374 83,270 Stores and workshops buildings and plant .. .. .. M,S*6 or. it V'oai Refreshment, advertising, and road service buildings .. •• Or. 1,281 .. Or. 1,281 Cranes, weighbridges, turntables, and water services .. . . 11,095 69 11,164 Miscellaneous (roads, sewerage, drainage, &c.) .. .. •• 1,847 f-tf Lake Wakatipu wharves and .. •• 626 .. B/b Signalling, communications, and electrification .. .. •• 109,269 o wy,zu 382,416 113,127 495,543 Expenditure by Public Works Department: Grade, easements, and .. 34,514 34,514 deviations 382,416 147,641 530,057

Number Number Number Working ' Expenditure, _ . , . Incomplete on Complete on Incomplete on "Railways Public Works Total. Description of Stock ordered. 31st arch? 3lBt Ma rch, 31st March, D e Pr 2tion Fund 1041. 1942. 1942. Fund. £ £ £ Locomotives, Classes Ka and Kb .... 15 5 10 58,517 .. 58,517 Locomotives, Class J and spares . . •• " oqfl Improvements for locomotives .. • • •• •• ±208 Ran cars and spares J 7 2 111,368 1JIL,368 Carnages.. .. .. .. •• j ou , , sXTanf orcarnages :: :: "53 "15 M :: Brake vans .. .. Or. 1,808 .. Cr. 1,808 Waeons' Class H " " !■■ " 185 9 176 17,954 .. 17,954 W^fsons Class J " ' •• •• 365 75 290 11,247 .. 11,247 Waaons Class La " .! .. •• 380 .. 980 2,731 .. 2,731 Wafons' C ass Mc " • • • • 170 90 80 12,203 * .. 12,203 Wagons! Class Q 73 .. 73 7,694 .. 7,694 Wagons' Class T " " 20 "lO 10 5,221 " 5,221 Wasons' Class Ub 88 43 45 14,216 .. 14,216 JKKS:: 10 3 7 4,889 .. 4,889 Wagons' Class Vf " " " 57 " 37 85 5,111 !! W5 10 215 5,592 .. 5,592 Wagons' Class Yb " " !! 70 " 30 40 11,380 " 11,380 SnslclZJ : •• 86 30 105 24,757 .. 24,757 Miscellaneous improvements for wagons .. •• •• 184 " 184 Tractors .. .. • • • • ■ • 3 •> — — ■ -j 1 .Ttili 376 2,247 422,581 .. 422,581 Summary . Locomotives .. • • • • • • 1® ® Rail cars .. •• •• •• » 1 1 Tractors .. ■ • • • • • • • 6 ' ' • Carriages.. .. •• •• ■■ 45 Brake vans .. •• ®3 Wagons, bogie .. ,. • • • • 86 9 Wagons, four-wheeled .. •• •• 1,403 2,_>1 1,947 „ 1,763 376 2,247 .. _ Particulars of Workshop and Depot Machinery, Motor-buses, and Motor-lorries. £ £ £ Workshops equipment .. •• •• ■■ " •• .. 4,091 Machinery and equipment for locomotive running, and car and wagon depots .. " 31112 Motor-buses and motor-lorries . ■ LJ - - u u n ih±}A II



STATEMENT No. 18. Statement of Traffic and Revenue for each Station for the Year ended 31st March, 1942.

4—D. 2.

OUTWARD. INWARD. Traffic. Revenue. Traffic. Stations. Number of Passenger Journeys. m- h i r> 1 m- v. Season S and P Hundreds'of Other 0r p{j£ ry Season j Luggage', Q00( 3 S Miscel- value 6 S and P Hundreds of Other j Tickets. p Superficial Goods. Tickets. and Goode ' laneous. f ™ ue Superficial Goods. First- I Second- „ . , I La 'ves. rigs. Feet _ sengers. I MailB> forwarded. Calves. Pigs. F ee t. class, j class. loca1 ' North Island Main Line and Branches - No. No. No. Tons. ££££££ No. No. Tons. Auckland .. .. 25,377 640,977 666,354 37,562 .. .. .. .. 181,538 13,422 47,139 .. 1.862 243,953 Goods .. .. .. .. .. 49 54 73,544 436,672 .. .. .. 610,685 16,135 626,828 253 3,407 103,372 360,062 Newmarket .. .. 1,165 91,943 93,108 15,907 2 .. 5,253 8,207 7,096 2,957 880 22,431 149 33,513 7 .. 103,882 20,206 Mount Eden .. .. 573 33,294 33,867 5,893 56 154 1,442 5,703 3,744 1,033 649 8,751 124 14,301 119 ... 47,490 62,694 Avondale .. .. 388 60,820 61,208 28,069 258 .. 519 6,851 3,601 5,309 461 8,139 40 17,550 164 8 106,757 9,801 Henderson .. .. 181 87,197 87.378 17,767 11,430 17,036 227 7,658 3,878 4,495 996 9,684 24 19,077 1,652 3,175 5,134 11,977 Helensville .. .. 545 42,557 43,102 206 21,976 67,468 2,371 25,356 4,842 140 362 21,299 139 26,782 4,676 27,685 6,794 28,087 Wells ford .. .. 346 9,850 10,196 49 15,079 46,203 5,233 10,589 2,543 19 257 12,465 113 15,397 2,229 9,222 3,284 12,561 Maungaturoto .. .. 543 15.012 15,555 .. 22,833 42,873 111 3,667 3,139 .. 144 9,753 11 13,047 1,303 8,630 1,892 10,879 Paparoa .. .. 211 4,426 4,637 .. 4,299 13,876 45 5,778 1,163 .. 166 4,360 3 5.692 673 1,248 412 3,771 Waiotira .. .. 152 8,759 8,911 27 16,764 53,289 79 28,737 1.260 22 751 39,479 436 14,948 1,951 5,996 186 95,118 Dargaville .. .. 454 18,070 18,524 115 2,743 27,801 267 3,478 2,920 200 459 6,829 106 10,514 375 3,641 837 8,965 Whangarei .. .. 3,069 58,690 61,759 1,563 28,801 42,223 1,910 45,265 15,845 583 1,870 32,732 456 51,486 2,241 7,559 3,483 29,132 Hikuranri .. .. 299 6,883 7,182 52 2,901 16,509 7,942 85,489 1,540 45 213 29,975 61 31,834 899 4,749 578 7,548 Otiria .. .. 1,137 17,693 18,830 68 9,071 11,549 199 10,147 7,082 51 433 21,812 9 29,387 412 1,427 524 8>479 Kaitaia .. .. 189 1,020 1,209 .. .. .. .. 13 1,036 .. 115 10 .. 1,161 .. .. .. 45 Kawakawa .. .. 357 8,958 9,315 6 72 .. 143 874 1,391 3 156 1,152 7 2,709 36,178 79; 417 402 10,880 Opua .. .. 786 20,836 21,622 59 110 240 540 206 3,520 40 154 426 18 4,158 2 197 1,804 Kaikohe .. .. 807 11.647 12,454 39 2,534 10,969 1,535 1,967 6,926 33 365 5,468 13 12,805 423 732 604 11,417 Okaihau .. .. 317 13,640 13,957 4 1,750 8,870 4,125 2,812 2,492 7 173 7,723 13 10,408 244 558 496 12,343 Remuera .. .. 44 4,167 4,211 2,598 340 240 841 904 204 472 62 1,871 4 2,613 421 l.lfc 43.659 431 Greenlane .. .. 78 18,369 18,447 6,114 .. .. 34 795 1,074 59 83 3 2,014 28 .. 1,330 2,090 Ellerslie .. .. 101 32,034 32,135 7,956 679 .. 18 89 1,392 1,567 116 2,081 8 5,164 694 .. 209 471 Penrose .. .. 43 30,410 30,453 4,535 690 3,640 1,615 122,726 775 828 173 89,550 123 91,449 358,683 1,367,732 168,341 71,354 Onehunga .. .. 109 7,402 7,511 3,226 2 .. 40,969 1,833 1,244 707 198 3,993 384 6,526 1 243 54,294 56,813 Otahuhu .. .. 351 123,750 124.101 23,590 1,753 17,210 1,705 150,104 5,346 5,750 413 112,924 95 124,528 76,503 213,106 24,809 135,916 Papatoetoe .. .. 122 59,370 59,492 15,159 383 249 906 2,771 3.756 266 1,239 19 8,051 2,845 9,787 28,137 10,402 Papakura .. .. 1,255 283,324 284,579 25,642 1,919 4,569 26 1,306 26,813 6,589 499 4,372 45 38,318 4,142 14,009 6,732 11,616 Drury .. .. 32 6,823 6,855 207 6,431 16,616 .. 6,181 623 144 56 6,215 43 7,081 549 4,014 843 6,550 Waiuku .. .. 87 6,775 6,862 .. 21,868 25,923 .. 418 1,040 .. 120 2,424 3 3,587 2,805 15,268 6,713 20,933 Pukekohe .. .. 1,969 60,780 62,749 315 20,228 23.097 244 12,847 10,331 188 1,006 17,145 28 28,698 3,373 8,432 6,310 16,866 Tuakau .. .. 644 27,228 27.872 322 12,014 56,521 36 5,605 3.163 131 353 7,060 77 10,784 2,254 19,648 3,843 12,866 Pokeno .. .. 27 12,960 12,987 184 3,264 28,663 79 18,271 868 120 55 8,124 4 9,171 2,460 3,448 2,998 6,763 Mercer .. .. 458 22,122 22,580 89 862 18,592 492 15,954 2,142 . 71 81 9,353 58 11,705 376 4,139 313 5,000 TeKauwhata .. .. 166 11,230 11,396 53 28,669 70,193 89 8,832 1,650 42 329 13,105 12 15,138 2,372 10,677 3,894 11,485 Huritly .. .. 904 92,615 93,519 15,004 6,182 39,601 329 354,905 10,240 3,527 482 279,014 409 293,672 2,337 10,157 6,296 64,231 GlenAfton .. .. 37 22,524 22,561 712 1,531 17,523 183 239,664 1,536 241 29 150,790 3 152,599 1,079 10,004 1,124 18,725 Taupiri .. .. 139 10,534 10,673 190 3,583 • 20,409 8 8,589 1,457 111 106 14,915 27 16,616 2,530 2,990 2,145 13,641 Ngaruawahia .. .. 1,099 67,320 68,419 3,039 2,896 3,192 54 60,924 7,984 639 401 66,823 2,058 77,905 117,759 158,917 10,804 22,414 Frankton Junction .. 9,040 131,739 140,779 93 26,758 193,883 940 37,932 42,616 98 1,824 51,902 1,238 97,678 12,544 91,090 84,106 68,597 Hamilton .. ». 6,568 94,156 100,724 385 14,105 22,929 3,639 32,782 24,735 608 4,682 45,134 461 75,620 1,647 6,287 71,408 51,096 Cambridge .. .. 309 8,692 9,001 50 22,814 97,731 254 3,802 2,064 56 407 13,150 13 15,690 2,879 18,071 4,402 45,023 Morrinsvilb .. .. 1,528 35,700 37,228 306 49,657 196,094 116 17,875 6,790 208 715 41,136 30 48,879 14,362 116,076 11,442 38,954 Matamata .. .. 1,158 34,316 35,474 92 33,539 162,773 18,512 11,270 7,811 73 861 37,466 86 46,297 3,719 37,239 1,129 41,304 Putaruru .. .. 909 34,039 34,948 542 11,753 98,726 251,297 7,197 7,502 489 646 77,321 97 86,055 4,048 66,588 619 34,930 Mamaku .. .. 101 15,825 15,926 112 3,686 31,330 157,960 4,260 1,642 140 241 50,350 3 52,376 37 1,270 80 1,863 Rotorua .. .. 3,740 44,776 48,516 206 10,045 36,877 78,493 15,207 21,844 240 1,599 42,891 123 66,697 2,380 19,760 3,253 40,931 Passenger Road Services 383 2,209 2,592 .. .. .. .. .. 2,406 .. .. .. .. 2,406 Waitoa .. .. 114 7,541 7,655 42 27,254 19,558 32 10,018 1,061 32 121 16,265 3 17,482 1,848 3,804 1,394 31,914 TeAroha .. .. 970 20,111 21,081 122 5,382 11,384 152 1,967 4,503 62 670 3,910 21 9,166 1,799 9,361 4,767 17,974 Paeroa .. .. 997 52,330 53,327 222 37,606 23,607 621 26,729 7,037 103 822 20,772 50 28,784 5,840 6,465 5,817 19,034 Thames .. .. 396 13,388 13,784 191 1,707 736 59 3,066 3,587 145 530 7,314 22 11,598 1,951 7,263 6,368 13,832 Waihi .. .. 988 15,318 16,306 64 9,557 10,187 6,308 556 3,881 50 424 5,251 18 9,624 1,567 4,905 5,367 14,270 Katikati .. .. 104 8,999 9,103 226 19,245 31,117 17,023 1,859 1,459 198 226 11,151 3 13,037 2,226 11,713 499 6,592 Tauranga .. .. 1,864 53,762 55,626 37 5,322 26,015 3,631 33,070 8,877 27 1,173 24,191 40 34,308 913 11,571 3,636 15,999 Te Puke .. .. 423 14,638 15,061 5 26,229 105,137 22,748 4,838 2,989 3 347 28,112 6 31,457 1,595 8,044 900 10,904 Edgecumbe .. .. 98 3,735 3,833 .. 30,065 65,383 71,377 13,359 1,665 .. 149 55,322 9 57,145 1,545 1,044 529 17,430 Taneatua .. .. 506 15,521 16,027 1 30,464 148,914 44 950 5,663 60 252 21,420 1,152 28,547 874 623 730 72,087 Opotiki .. .. 36 344 380 1 .. .. 76 330 14 50 317 711 .. .. 204 Ohaupo .. .. 54 2,002 2,056 127 1,369 9,346 20 303 230 89 35 6,474 1 6,829 713 12,835 519 8,193 TeAwamutu .. .. 1,847 28,236 30,083 77 37,722 204,214 15,062 16,567 9,962 130 915 36,871 80 47,958 5,851 76,012 5,698 47,825 Otorohanga .. .. 764 22,802 23,566 67 20,446 84,155 3,213 29,462 4,710 64 510 27,124 54 32,462 1,869 19,733 5,812 28,634 TeKuiti .. .. 2,496 74,664 77,160 292 11,958 141,744 110,143 117,527 14,230 183 1,119 107,291 790 123,613 4,104 20,483 3,994 25,128 Ongarue .. .. 89 "23,470 23,559 92 1,671 34,530 109,366 14,515 3,001 77 128 45,499 355 49,060 965 4,901 551 7,158 Okahukura .. .. 9 6,193 6,202 111 1,556 22,134 8,658 1,802 303 83 58 5,887 27 6,358 51 776 19 747 Taumarunui .. .. 3,656 72,230 75,886 308 8,927 78,627 54,677 17,585 16,966 354 1,287 45,540 290 64,437 2,192 15,688 8,851 20,082 National Park .. .. 604 23,676 24,280 7 1,239 21,177 174,354 7,762 4,977 8 424 65,323 27 70,759 1,245 5,774 17,101 10,223 Ohakune .. .. 1,417 42,527 43,944 36 1,472 13,719 72,967 8,511 30 530 36,221 40 45,332 549 1,505 65 4,184 Raetihi .. .. 113 3,581 3,694 .. 2,620 70,771 1,809 1,435 713 .. 87 8,410 3 9,213 1,267 6,191 638 4,544 Waiouru .. .. 3,812 113,209 117,021 13 2,416 40,216 4,192 4,878 27,736 11 281 14,016 605 42,649 67 3,823 5,945 34,112 Rangataua .. .. 78 21,022 21.100 24 205 12,221 18,621 6,048 1,168 4 69 10,331 3 11,575 542 3,166 58 1,712 Mataroa .. .. 71 8,381 8,452 14 1,850 67,069 5,166 1,881 798 12 86 9,548 4 10,448 328 1,010 681 4,627 Taihape .. .. 3,015 31,163 34,178 42 4,762 158,480 225 13,170 11,695 31 1,115 20,613 81 33,535 2,255 8,486 2,421 14,211 Mangaweka .. .. Ill 5,015 5,126 38 5,235 142,041 2,132 3,012 925 34 144 13,159 2 14,264 1,195 3,958 614 4,027 Hunterville .. .. 623 15,168 15,791 31 5,744 126,520 5,803 4,634 2,830 38 277 14,035 9 17,189 3,570 13,033 2,598 9,879 Marton .. .. 4,057 35,777 39,834 23 4,980 220,544 1,008 8,585 14,237 17 1,082 19,337 336 35,009 1,385 47,330 18,391 15,919 New Plymouth .. 5,523 67,723 73,246 158 849 10,131 6,928 122,232 30,468 392 2,022 64,767 11,052 108,701 1,758 8,222 34,317 122,996 (Breakwater) .. .. .. .. 10 .. 1,434 28,995 .. .. .. 8,563 .. 8,563 .. .. 2,056 39,012



STATEMENT NO. 18—continued. Statement of Traffic and Revenue for each Station for the Year ended 31st March, 1942—continued.

OUTWARD. INWARD. _/ — ——-— — Traffic. Revenue. Traffic. stations. g Season Hundred's'of other 0r^ a n 8 ary Season Luggage, Goods Miscel " Value S and P HunTredsof Other First- Second- T t , Calves. Pigs. Superficial Goods. Tickets. ' 1-neou.. , orwarded . Calves . PigB . Goods. class. class. * North Island Main Line and Branches—contd. No. No. No. Tons. £ £ £ £ £ £ No. No. Tons. Waitara .. .. 245 25,507 25,752 384 1,172 16,128 268 21,313 3,061 335 279 21,963 62 25,700 29,472 271,390 3,965 19,299 Inglewood .. .. 373 18,240 18,613 263 18,642 45,603 37 41,541 3,384 205 205 25,109 12 28,915 862 9,366 2,303 42,834 Tariki .. .. 35 3,688 3,723 153 2,941 6,823 .. 2,006 398 105 18 1,309 —1 1,831 72 1,544 147 3,869 Midhirst .. .. 27 5,905 5,932 313 6,178 6,234 23 2,092 440 118 38 2,758 1 3,355 29 1,863 736 6,831 Stratford .. .. 1,873 51,240 53,113 234 12,180 65,596 1,967 10,696 13,029 143 1,019 13,247 54 27,492 2,849 16,157 11,540 25,004 TeWera .. .. 10, 1,205 1,215 .. 704 8,991 .. 131 150 .. 12 698 860 955 3,460 131 3,984 Whangamomona .. 32j 2,513 2,545 2 3,309 45,151 7,004 2,755 567 2 65 7,270 3 7,907 928 7,751 320 2,423 Ohura .. .. 102 9,545 9,647 13 5,025 49,876 23,144 7,499 2,108 9 168 18,433 3 20,721 1,201 10,724 572 6,121 Eltham .. .. 822 31,619 32,441 517 10,393 64,605 46 14,770 5,504 290 376 18,380 15 24,565 9,976 39,118 11,055 31,533 Normanby .. .. 22 5,680 5,702 29 43,433 49,445 315 12,675 490 28 70 14,179 3 14,770 3,697 13,385 3,227 25,212 Hawera .. .. 2,893 55,381 58,274 220 16,316 76,116 711 19,348 15,821 289 1,146 20,263 55 37,574 5,195 69,231 10,508 39,194 Patea .. .. 566 18,127 18,693 103 1,428 18,334 183 17,257 4,060 110 315 30,690 326 35,501 91,744 234,960 4,755 40,880 Waverley .. .. 439 16,285 16,724 111 8,278 106,994 147 24,104 2,900 88 150 16,043 20 19,201 7,397 61,053 2,016 8,826 Aramoho .. .. 1,251 25,499 26,750 20 6,622 67,057 .. 60,436 5,653 17 576 33,079 49 39,374 1,712 9,573 3,070 55,014 Wanganui .. .. 5,214 78,908 84,122 149 2,676 25,986 1,734 42,433 26,215 266 2,408 54,303 1,417 84,609 12,176 328,970 33,562 50,198 (Wharf) .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 1,258 40,747 .. .. .. 14,893 8,641 23,534 .. .. •• 4,757 Fordell .. .. 151 6,350 6,501 67 3,363 60,254 68 561 806 61 89 3,683 92 4,731 2,001 23,220 884 3,327 Turakina .. .. 64 6,811 6,875 71 1,199 60,965 .. 1,169 815 53 122 3,293 4 4,287 781 23,855 252 4,795 Greatford .. .. 205 4,960 5,165 12 2,932 60,753 441 20,571 882 12 249 16,175 2 17,320 558 14,970 3,614 7,931 Haleombe .. .. 87 8,699 8,786 69 1,296 56,440 22 3,406 788 73 50 5,708 3 6,622 323 9,394 929 5,201 Feilding .. .. 2,784 26,762 29,546 28 22,551 273,644 268 21,267 10,379 30 804 44,385 50 55,648 25,657 169,476 10,147 47,058 Palmerston North .. 21,008 237,821 258,829 204 9,721 46,361 2,625 56,751 74,751 545 4,831 95,084 1,014 176,225 8,305 199,007 115,010 105,884 Ashhurst .. .. 98 9,013 9,111 8 3,226 64,004 .. 1,426 887 4 67 5,282 2 6,242 5,435 18,340 180 3,629 Longburn .. .. 89 15,222 15,311 74 7,700 58,216 104 16,422 615 . 25 106 34,430 24 35,200 6,856 196,240 253 7,679 Foxton .. .. 40 1,189 1,229 .. 1,311 5,576 4,871 2,608 761 .. 118 5,011 511 6,401 1,127 14,344 8,476 16,870 Shannon .. .. 233 37,482 37,715 290 8,162 75,664 46 4,746 3,676 212 202 8,920 6 13,016 1,781 28,122 1,807 7,171 Levin .. .. 3,242 80,058 83,300 189 13,843 69,337 118 4,097 16,027 132 1,317 9,448 66 26,990 7,756 64,784 7,418 14,034 Otaki .. .. 905 40,475 41,380 101 4,413 34,711 69 1,806 6,287 58 5,786 4,294 21 16,446 1,694 6,684 911 6,577 Paekakariki .. .. 1,331 72,231 73,562 23,992 622 31,074 61 1,916 6,250 7,470 4,298 2,789 67 2,087 572 2,938 3,839 6,641 Johnsonville .. .. 39 36,985 37,024 40,041 696 10,721 48 58 1,326 8,242 53 568 15 10,204 24,056 132,023 744 1,782 Wellington— Passenger and parcels 53,4191,003,183 1,056,602 293,381 .. .. .. .. 250,717 61,097 31,485 .. 1,854 345,153 Goods .. .. .. .. .. .. 351 2,247 108,374 251,836 .. .. .. 381,488 4,871 386,359 801 2,446 103,744 269,346 Wharf .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 8,495 .. .. .. 874 874 .. .. 45,792 Courtenay Place .. 2,602 24,508 27,110 1,721 .. .. .. .. 19,185 1,330 4,470' .. 13 24,998 Ngahauranga .. .. 4 4,640 4,644 1,444 .. 3 13,339 145 231 7 1,650 1 2,034 6,820 638,184 263 4,292 Petone .. .. 664 214,495 215,159141,438 199 1,430 2,187 54,002 8,870 27,767 538 94,282 231 131,688 15,391 509,094 88,074 30,854 Lower Hutt .. .. 775 65,764 66,539 46,927 31 .. 258 2,716 5,565 9,875 607 6,180 41 22,268 92 4,814 44,241 4,609 Trentham .. .. 302 277,343 277,645 14,391 500 240 .. 3,941 14,040 3,863 463 14,356 238 32,960 542 697 8,242 9,079 UpperHutt .. .. 198 147,458 147,656 35,471 582 6,224 43 555 6,094 10,282 425 1,703 147 18,651 1,148 2,238 2,296 8,568 Featherston .. .. 1,021 37,300 38,321 168 8,796 180,459 12,153 11,817 7,648 132 556 22,515 34 30,885 1,349 6,054 879 14,565 Carterton .. .. 505 15,616 16,121 163 4,516 84,004 3,076 24,609 4,275 137 459 42,359 49 47,279 11,595 163,818 5,638 14,004 Masterton .. .. 2,459 46,842 49,301 54 7,227 132,142 15,915 11,130 14,517 50 1,059 22,783 53 38,462 2,035 35,463 6,793 31,842 Maurice ville .. .. 26 2,634 2,660 40 315 16,722 40 23,625 419 33 23 11,837 1 12,313 116 345 70 1,891 Eketahuna .. .. 204 7,342 7,546 33 7,290 68,513 98 3,614 1,924 35 138 8,929 15 11,041 788 1,113 543 7,164 Hukanui .. .. 16 1,785 1,801 3 3,108 23,640 4 1,562 312 7 37 3,454 1 3,811 481 1,743 183 3,310 Pahiatua .. .. 376 7,651 8,027 20 9,494 101,915 114 7,640 2,512 14 231 12,469 42 15,268 489 4,288 5,101 8,602 Mangatainoka .. .. 62 1,569 1,631 6 2,788 36,643 .. 6,570 479 5 45 8,879 1 9,409 570. 3,542 222 4,047 Woodville .. .. 800 35,909 36,709 16 18,908 216,234 174 22,945 5,621 15 247 29,458 498 35,839 3,646 11,642 537 ®'® 29 Dannevirke .. .. 2,155 36,283 38,438 107 9,716 137,799 383 6,147 10,892 176 909 17,706 110 29,793 1,515 10,052 9,143 23,944 Ormondville .. .. 261 12,283 12,544 53 4,001 96,115 5 2,115 1,522 52 104 8,169 3 9,850 244 4,301 949 6,656 Takapau .. .. 240 7,318 7,558 72 3,691 114,319 3 14,511 1,486 65 144 13,454 4 15,153 400 12,891 62 5,239 Waipukurau .. .. 1,535 22,531 24,066 12 15,638 275,545 194 7,452 6,655 8 533 20,060 92 27,348 1,745 21,493 4,405 15,00b Waipawa .. .. 809 15,171 15,980 36 2,321 121,624 289 14,413 3,016 11 232 13,294 23 16,576 724 7,741 315 6,749 Otane .. .. 292 10,118 10,410 131 11,947 91,174 4 1,098 1,249 111 117 10,549 5 12,031 5,858 71,626 20 2,414 Hastings .. .. 3,878 45,743 49,622 212 1,106 34,015 5,566 44,294 24,261 151 2,073 79,936 219 106,640 4,401 65,096 3,770 42,777 Clive .. .. .. 17 289 306 1 204 4,837 .. 35,230 128 .. 35 19,522 19 19,704 38,790 650,710 685 11,373 Napier .. .. 4,494 59,310 63,804 229 1,451 27,936 24,564 7,904 27,584 172 2,060 17,049 72 46,937 801 7,378 3,134 lo,876 Napier Road Service .. 48 202 250 .. .. .. .. .. 231 .. .. • • • • 231 . • • • • • Port Ahuriri .. .. .. .. .. .. 1 264 1,175 30,073 .. .. 18 25,872 907 26,797 50 151 216 59,739 Putorino .. .. .. 1,418 1,418 .. 8,277 96,589 5,130 7,336 202 .. 28 10,876 2 11,108 1,420 18,018 607 7,908 Wairoa .. .. 715 35,845 36,560 1 9,980 111,128 2,460 16,963 15,404 3 721 34,132 285 50,545 3,341 65,602 2,161 22,868 Chief Accountant .. 63,516 304,306 367,822 9,399 .. .. .. .. 334,432 34,937 70,870 166,253 47,268 653,760 .. •• Overseas Traffic .. .. ... .. .. 10,118 2,120 1,073 16,977 .. .. .. 21,973 .. 21,973 10,118 2,120 1,073 16,977 Totals .. 288,706 6,634,243 6,922,949 833,6641,097,129 6,989,872 1,611,630 3,449,1651,625,267 227,960 230,026 4,410,386 109,904 6,603,533 1,097,129 6,989,872 1,611,630 3,449,165 Gisborne Section— v Gisborne .. .. 753 13,331 14,084 31 667 7,036 246 3,948 6,302 28 383 2,080 734 9,527 779 102,249 36,712 40.124 Motuhora .. .. 290 7,589 7,879 25 779 102,252 36,712 40,123 844 20 528 20.156 9 21,557 667 7,039 246 3,947 District Office .. .. 1,404 1,404 .. .. .. .. .. Cr. 6,319 400 54 390 381 Cr. 5,094 .. .. •• Overseas Traffic .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 271 1,526 .. .. .. 8 .. 8 •• 271 1,526 Totals .. 1,043 22,324 23,367 56 1,446 109,288 37,229 45,597 827 448 965 22,634 1,124 25,998 1,446 109,288 37,229 45,597


D. —2.

STATEMENT No. 18 —continued. Statement of Traffic and Revenue for each Station for the Year ended 31st March, 1942—continued.

5—D. 2.

OUTWARD. I INWARD. TEAmo - Revenue. Tramio. Stations. ' Number of Passenger Journeys. j Season C^« e Sheep HundJeds'of other Ordinary Sea60n ££££• MiBcel . ! Total Cattle Sheep other | Second- | Total T,Ckete - calves. $2. Goods. | Tickets. Goods. Uneous. fo / w^d . P%1 South Island Main Line and Branches !No. Tons £ £ £ £ £ -£ tm - Lyttelton •• •• 20,879 125,725 146,604 47,346 234 18,403 18,817 332,673 7,372 8,105 4,856 149,708 33,454 203,495 * °'l72 *5'802 11 261 ,, (Wnart) .. .. .. .. .. .. ., # # 24 50Q # _ o o 917 ' ' 10,^11 Heathcote .. .. 906 35,841 36,747 9,001 .. .. 22 5 743 613 1 321 «8 3406 5*438 " " " 53,940 Woolston .. 533 22,334 22.8«, ■0,635 6 .. .. g !« !oi IS " . "« ' ,0 6 ,J-g Opawa .. 19o 14,843 15,038 6,055 .. .. .. . 351 qYq 36 5 1 362 -U,»s» Christchurch — Passenger and parcels 44,968 653,394 698,362 50,446 .. .. .. 103 881 9 334 17 602 502 131 319 Central Booking Office nilSO 79,664 106 .. 20 , 7 ' 955 1 *' 862 £ ni i] 1W " 887 "'"l Ts'oto l6i ' 108 336.359 Addmgton .. •• 632 32,932 33,564 1,788 3,202 194,606 5,819 37,031 3,030 '419 347 24,109 398 28,'303 427,016 97 776 75 <538 Riccarton .. 110 2,747 2,857 ol4 .. .. 1,814 4,343 350 119 91 1,801 2 2,363 15 .. 1-j',50° {9 Papanui .. 332 7,207 7,539 1,256 17 .. 4,234 6,832 732 292 188 6,132 11 7 355 59 qa 974 ,, 00 a Belfast .. •• 10 4,084 4,094 390 121 8,567 2,366 29,784 227 159 114 21,190 8 21 698 14-789 788 156 '5585 £ aia P 0i ■' '• ®? 16,201 16,299 977 487 8.907 1,028 isissi 1,047 364 133 34 12,4% '397 2K2 s1s5 K Rangiora .. 411 20,079 20,490 10,539 1,302 35,577 2,277 11,385 1,952 2,819 577 9,090 59 14,497 878 12*109 East Oxford .. 4 1,237 1,241 .. 421 46,736 210 2,087 146 .. 18 2,822 1 2,987 53 18 689 860 fi 4«« ® ef l 0n 1 •• •• " t' 89 ? 4,911 190 113 10,158 •• 5 ,104 394 104 231 2,915 5 3 649 57 7 662 26 AT* Amberley .. •• 61 3,271 3,332 70 413 67,379 277 4 351 456 79 83 4 108 2 4 728 146 ,0',,0 „,!? 4 ' 154 Waipara .. .. 125 9,052 9,177 16 1,590 164,554 11,525 7,682 1,38! 15 323 13 [459 3 isiisi 322 ff1o9 164 J'?™ Mma.. '• 62 !> 962 2 ' 024 ■■ 1.075 73,688 4,-443 4,784 573 .. 271 6,996 2 7,842 444 622 5*394 Parnassus .. •• 102 985 1,087 .. 684 35,194 .. 857 165 69 2 1Q7 33 9 4R4 i?n 1 nn 1 laTkoura 6 " 238 ?;jgg 'I'' 2 " W - 3 ' 73? 'HI " \% »' OT2 188 88 "853 2,852 {# " n :: :: .. 5 28 % :: lf Z ftS % 132 £ :: ,8 *2® " i « \ll Hg "% Culverden .. •• 13 669 682 .. 1,888 98,977 1,704 7,412 102 .. 129 11,015 15 ll'261 465 l'145 1 075 Waiau •• 2 959 961 .. 571 61,319 .. 2 ; 5 55 133 .. 64 5,77? 1 5,975 224 Hi Hornby .. 79 10,870 10,949 313 1,631 2,240 813 62,709 1,048 91 80 27,340 17 28 576 1 466 3 358 o ,kq „ ni Lincoln .. •• 6 8,371 8,376 100 1,390 82,009 2 10,111 461 73 38 5,654 3 6 229 ' 62 5'oOT Leeston .. •• 9 5,057 5,066 68 681 24,107 3 4,433 549 69 184 2,802 3 3 607 218 20'20fi 1 'd-ol Southbridge .. .. 3 5,839 5,842 15 116 30,439 2 037 18 403 4,922 7 1,981 50 Ke IsO 3,'m Little River .. .. 15 9,745 9,760 112 7,642 150,878 1,562 2,168 1,387 123 236 7,938 10 9,694 1 840 27 685 1 574 * o„ Islington .. •• 16 6,159 6,175 449 15 4,449 67 18,704 426 100 63 10,464 .. 11 053 1 698 35l'546 4'7Q0 ,»'??? Rolleston .. .. 260 47,055 47,315 21 928 15,188 .. 3,401 4,244 21 49 2 524 17 6 855 282 7 139 Ki ™ ee ■' •' 3 X ' 459 l' 462 44 58 14,459 4 2,752 141 34 88 i; 6 84 .. Jjw 41 2!;™ Io2 o;999 Darfield .. •• 97 4,113 4,210 76 326 52,330 160 6,962 517 70 69 4,777 1 5 434 177 fi fi qq 78s , „„„ Coalgate .. •• 12 2,814 2,826 .. 296 68,253 3,194 17,093 301 42 12 539 9 12 891 , lie, 1,662 Sheffield .. •• 29 2,386 2,415 94 102 30,906 1,710 3,407 327 " 88 240 I 3'783 57 or o'oon Springfield .. ■■ 178 7,575 7,753 81 363 18,664 12,587 1,679 796 70 151 4 063 28 5'l08 84 9 iss isa 2,299 Arthurs Pass .. .. 76 2,184 2,260 .. 38 .. ..' ' 7 1 313 .. 38 'l33 1 'Is5 17 ''725 5? Otira .. .. •• 255 15,914 16,169 3 1,444 8,050 81,070 924 1,975 4 197 24 22 26 63d 9Q4 1KC 04 ~ . na , " " ,11 IQ'?QO 56 648 1,029 45 ' 991 1)373 678 50 367 2 13il40 244 781 ~12 T'384 Stillwater .. •• 132 i3 >057 13,189 27 65 1,044 22,864 91,631 2,038 22 109 38,094 17 40,280 196 1 013 723 8Q^ •• 4 7 > 017 7 > 02 1 ® 4 1-803 9,669 101,978 53,616 758 52 109 53,811 29 541759 490 M84 H9 3,49? Ikamatua .. •• 46 7,379 7,425 63 569 7,166 39,097 6,666 1,593 55 72 13,699 13 15 432 306 971 381 a bor R eefto " • • 89 1 ?." 6 I 5 ' 265 20 1.3M 6,657 4,958 69,715 3,280 16 178 6l!445 533 65 452 400 2 483 1 656 t'??? Inangahua .. •• 3 1,098 1,101 .. 2,579 5,042 3,653 8 792 225 55 17 210 8 r >5 n.c 0A1 3,111 Grey mo ut h (wiiarf) 2 ' 276 130,537 132,813 3,598 1,000 1,624 .19,807 14,600 23,743 X i099 2,028 15,'664 6,928 49,' 4 62 2,955 6,'934 2,'563 2^ 303 Runanga .. .. 14 51,217 51,231 2,437 10 .. 64 148,696 1,521 705 76 86,087 52 88,441 95 187 2 107 R RSfi Rewanui .. .. 4 3,684 3,688 11,319 12 4 135,757 129 2,443 2 76,381 209 79,164 38 3635 Kumara .. .. 30 8,869 8,899 129 1,094 2,044 111,253 1,086 838 82 66 13,548 8 14 542 95R 'of I'fot Hokitika .. .. 545 36,798 37,343 192 2,239 8,760 102,068 2,851 7,731 140 1.007 26,736 299 35>13 99 8 o g'r.j - ,42 ® Ross 19 21,956 21,975 65 3,984 23,932 128,804 6,062 1,537 54 50 71 33,711 59 "635 7] Burnham .. .. 1,560 315,132 316,692 186 17 14,193 32 3,448 19,478 338 139 4,431 44 24 430 6 1 701 9 7HQ n™ Dunsandel .. .. 103 13,271 13,374 41 646 51,317 362 5,330 1,704 43 285 4 456 1 6 489 186 19'827 m? t'Tr Rakaia .. .. 400 23,309 23,709 156 709 82,838 5,607 15,678 2,912 142 178 14 139 27 n'398 179 25 434 r'ls Methven • • 11 7 ' 760 7 ."1 17 915 66,618 2,660 9,260 1 316 19 69 12 476 29 3 909 , "}® 6 'i! 8 Chertsey .. .. 3 6,559 6,562 54 1,664 35,434 5 15,009 475 32 49 21 165 21 721 2el 54 125 79 Ashburton .. .. 2,390 99,847 102,237 97 659 13,954 326 25,209 17,986. 77 1,116 19,774 447 1,059 31,111 12,696 4?,' 328 3,696 3 ' 6 ? 6 47 I' 02 ? 7®'® 38 6 ' 911 7,135 334 6 30 10,578 2 10,950 124 57,713 101 3 344 Mount Somers 15 15 .. 401 12,537 .. 6,763 12 .. 17 5,474 42 5,545 98 3,571 7,276 14,491 Hinds .. .. 33 6,663 6,696 51 917 57,665 50 6,705 671 48 43 7,361 2 8 125 203 15 033 366 k isi Rangitata .. .. 21 4,981 5,002 16 570 29,987 162 4,398 581 17 • 29 3 698 3 4 328 44 2 111 4" f'Jfi 478 12,907 13,385 35 623 57,312 542 2,445 2,578 31 210 3 703 6 6 528 370 3 283 9 704 HI, Winchester .. .. 54 4,021 4,075 58 152 6,765 .. 12,060 557 50 54 5,315 2 6,038 208 l',lll "' 84 o^OS Temuka •• 573 35 . 93 0 36,503 66 4,261 35,635 1,517 8,187 5,424 57 365 7,475 28 13 349 1 365 5 804 1 807 11 090 Washdyke - .. .. 4 4,989 4,993 12 920 15,325 215 13,586 273 11 19 14,111 4 14 484 993 122 810 '856 7'^fi Pleasant Point .. 12 6,398 6,410 89 280 55,657 63 19,058 583 81 64 9,238 6 9 972 667 ''2*738 's71 l'^fi Alb «y • » 2 ' 914 2 ' 922 37 881 40,827 60 3,197 438 35 31 2 730 8 3 242 103 1 012 1 Fair'ie .. .. 49 10,827 10,876 12 435 94,448 3,341 4,998 1,679 14 119 8,001 0 9,819 232 2,014 3 [350 10 i 136 Tlmaru wh arf" " 5 ' 81 ° 128 ' 947 134,757 1,067 102 5,332 4,959 91,646 30,444 340 2,237 45,827 6,934 85,782 931 357,144 16,377 157,914 St. Andrews .. .. 23 li,897 ii,920 14 10,193 !.' *704 " 8 " 51 6'r,30 " 4 7*403 "284 107 572 " 5 q'o^ Makikihi .. .. 38 2,775 2,813 49 446 17,803 46 3,890 281 60 28 2 168 2 2*539 143 3'"s37 1 135 9,847 Studholme .. .. 254 6,405 6,659 80 568 19,733 .. 10,241 1,256 140 133 4 168 11 28 2',60S Waimate .. .. 337 20,908 21,245 20 204 39,299 .. 5,491 3,361 35 545 5,877 6 9,824 118 1 576 1 979 12 5^ Merveii .. .. 38 5,089 5,127 89 90 16,361 .. 4,948 498 157 39 3,079 1 3 774 24 2'195 441 "sin Glenavy .. .. 38 4,351 4,389 41 228 6,343 27 5,477 375 39 61 2 700 1 3 176 103 3 711 143 S uk ! un •• •• J? 2 '® 33 2 ' 5 f 96 3 55 27,114 .. 14,207 136 75 306 18,489 .. 19 006 542 156'693 650 5H0 Duntroon .. .. 11 2,052 2,063 33 355 46,999 5 1,816 295 35 42 3,043 .. 3,415 43 173 2|«8 Kurow •• •• 52 7 ' 478 7 >530 13 387 57,165 90 2,757 1,191 11 HO 5 365 1 6 678 129 1 7R9 R9K k koo Oamaru .. 2,681 63,693 66,374 114 765 13,677 829 25,773 18,482 89 2,013 14>99 1,961 36!844 824 11 475 49I08 „ breakwater .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 3,489 .. .. .. 924 924 ' i lo'ftQA Waiareka .. .. .. 1,082 1,082 .. 141 22,486 952 25,988 80 17 10,821 " 23 10 941 ".310 54 251 " 83 r,n a Ngapara .. .. 1 97 98 .. 98 1,582 .. 7,984 34 .. 16 4,729 3 4,782 98 5,'327 118 4 ,?S Maheno .. .. 3 9,461 9,464 98 829 23,038 176 5,837 608 58 495 4 784 10 5 955 299 11 819 Hampden .. .. 101 5,185 5,286 60 455 21,318 23 917 590 44 149 1 749 1 2 533 510 6*879 AV, Palmerston .. .. 441 33,855 34,296 172 928 78,225 91 2,081 4,791 69 490 5,074 55 725 837 5'667 Makareae .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 12 42,911 .. .. .. 16 697 16 697 1 194 94 '011 Waikouaiti .. .. 60 6,562 6,622 175 741 33,863 .. 1,539 828 108 105 2,'497 " 3 3,*641 1,481 6,392 564 3 089 1 ! ! I I II TV r»



STATEMENT No. 18—continued. Statement of Traffic and Revenue for each Station for the Year ended 31st March, 1942—continued.

OUTWAEE. INWAED. Traffic. Revenue. Traffic Stations. Number of Passenger Journeys. Timber . Parcel r m- ■ ' : : Season Ca^ e S and P Hundreds'ofl Other ° r p 1 a " ftIy Season Luggage, q 00( j s Miscel- valnl Cattle Sheep Hundrechf'of Other Tickets. "■."5 Superficial Goods. Tickets. and Goods. ia ne0 us. « Valu f , , a P d and First- Second- Total 8 eet - sengers. Malls ° forwarded. Calves. Pigs. Su P? e r £ cial Goods ' class. class. I ' . | I I j | Sooth Island Main Line and Branches—contd. No. No. No. Tons. £ £ £ £ £ £ No. No Tons Seacliff .. .. 85 15,914 15,999 558 132 4,134 1 639 1,428 197 77 718 6 2,426 211 1 568 334 6 219 Waitati .. .. 5 9,760 9,765 2,433 217 2,492 .. 418 506 719 44 462 4 1,735 243 l'535 67 l'547 Port Chalmers Upper .. 10 4,129 4,139 599 172 3,506 .. 24 409 90 96 139 2 736 7 1 049 .. ' Q5 Sawyer's Bay .. .. 8 14,734 14,742 7,009 63 269 .. 69 349 1,275 16 111 3 1,754 76 338 151 865 Port Chalmers .. 56 33,295 33,351 20,737 4 359 15,392 1,299 4,245 108 4,241 2,198 12,091 6 50 5 136 55 773 St. Leonards .. .. 8 6,604 6,612 6,313 15 .. 6 196 1,008 16 5 1 1,226 10 20 ' 88 ' 65 Ravensbourne .. .. .. 27,214 27,214 7,807 .. .. .. 52,234 465 1,233 15 26,206 76 27,995 .. 288 6 34-1 Dunedin .. .. 17,178 445,393 462,571 47,690 .. .. .. 102,823 10,150 10,343 .. 429 123,745 .. !. Dunedin Goods .. .. .. .. .. 510 158 7,954 148,993 .. .. .. 195,641 1,237 196,878 606 2 855 101 976 209 178 Caversham .. .. 296 21,178 21,474 2,698 .. .. 12 708 1,631 364 128 877 5 3,005 1 .. 6^635 Burnside .. .. 16 13,524 13,540 6,551 2,746 30,859 8 75,849 403 903 102 77,277 38 78,723 20 431 578 649 5 819 108 593 Green Island .. .. 22 16,971 16,993 12,513 .. .. 20 4,512 727 1,852 41 4,069 11 6,700 . ' l' 4 26 iq'79fi Abbotsford .. .. 24 16,563 16,587 11,722 10 .. .. 1,033 471 1,853 24 981 17 3,346 1 ' 'l84 " fi 81 Wingatui .. .. 227 59,934 60,161 2,918 1,020 30,459 .. 1,519 3,487 668 67 5,089 7 9,318 652 " 951 124 1 632 Middlemarch .. .. 140 3,298 3,438 15 898 80,374 13 1,834 689 4 369 7,625 10 8,697 247 5,438 619 3^792 Waipiata .. .. 145 3,012 3,157 .. 595 52,618 2 761 984 .. 98 5,077 11 6,170 234 3 751 394 4 71fi Ranfurly .. .. 418 4,779 5,197 14 301 52,833 4,281 1,173 1,712 4 225 6,732 12 8,685 218 1 991 999 4 'i7q Oturehua .. .. 72 1,321 1,393 .. 784 78,814 72 1,385 491 .. 179 8,093 12 8,775 58 5 030 170 1 '7,0 Omakau .. .. 242 2,793 3,035 3 818 86,334 34 1,183 1,331 4 333 8,573 11 10,252 259 10 413 644 I'qil Alexandra .. .. 309 3,180 3,489 1 344 18,877 45 3,406 1,837 1 309 7,205 13 9,365 226 5,385 2,978 6'ei9 Clyde .. .. 53 2,187 2,240 108 35 3,896 17 1,520 579 62 194 2,897 1 3,733 23 1 036 636 1 307 Cromwell .. .. 332 5,526 5,858 .. 663 79,950 49 5,877 2,491 .. 411 15,360 19 18,281 129 5 129 2 319 l' Mosgiel .. .. 415 48,732 49,147 23,594 501 2,579 3 2.091 3,246 5,183 250 1,797 11 10,487 99 6'712 l'l04 5^46 Outram .. .. 5 5,035 5,040 239 63 2,052 .. 1,068 343 124 47 640 2 1,156 85 '337 1*471 654-8 Allanton .. .. 3 9,187 9,190 553 810 15,750 .. 3,664 638 178 85 2,526 3 3,430 1,667 21,775 '273 3,'472 Milburn .. .. 1 1,624 1,625 3 128 7,748 340 102,034 177 2 27 37,643 395 38,244 119 1 769 9 36 19 665 Wilton .. .. 1,145 30,163 31,308 45 945 30,242 492 2,549 5,487 48 628 4,295 93 10,551 620 14 954 1813 15'lfiQ Lawrence .. .. 32 806 838 .. 437 18,463 2 1,091 203 .. 143 2,464 5 2,815 195 4 216 447 <1 1V1 Millers' Flat .. .. 1 229 230 188 34,951 .. 2,954 38 44 6,651 2 6,735 162 807 162 3^386 Roxburgh .. .. 39 517 556 .. 57 19,111 .. 3,829 115 .. 70 7,166 6 7,357 35 115 1218 99*4 Lovell's Flat .. .. 3 2,270 2,273 14 141 11,427 .. 3,026 217 14 22 2,805 4 3,062 102 1 187 '144 l ain Stirling .. .. 126 13,627 13,753 81 5,031 5,333 104 132,866 1,730 87 122 76,896 1,715 80,550 1 224 4'o81 1 459 4 SQi Balclutha .. .. 1,862 40,541 42,403 93 1,506 59,408 385 17,008 8,938 79 1,003 26,228 59 36,307 1 451 157'687 ■>'.;<» ls ,?a Owaka .. .. 28 5,792 5,820 1 1,198 37,835 44,762 5,095 1,377 1 197 17,205 9 18,789 '663 "'733 8^784 Tahakopa .. .. 11 6,702 6,713 1 173 2,833 10,643 257 1,050 1 56 2,883 .. 3,990 262 3,118 3 3 239 Waiwera .. .. 13 3,591 3,604 17 238 15,753 2,329 1,154 454 16 354 2,513 3,337 150 1 906 2 644 10 in 1 ! Clinton .. .. 518 15,616 16,134 84 968 44,173 4,728 90 2,392 95 107 4,462 13 7,069 132 l'508 ' 54 7'iV« Waipahi .. .. 270 9,877 10,147 .. 1,269 70,454 1,295 2,657 2,025 .. 185 6,398 8 8,616 599 4'l98 204 12999 Tapanui .. 2 2 4 284 48,483 2,842 2,651 46 24 6,648 1 6,719 112 L463 849 10^523 Heriot .. .. 6 272 278 2 587 101,542 2 1,606 98 1 92 8,639 2 8,832 300 1 338 243 14 906 Gore 2,139 64,588 66,727 404 2,422 197,531 520 20,719 15,337 274 1,332 29,070 182 46,195 2 267 10'707 3 318 58 7<M Riversdale .. .. 51 6,463 6,514 42 1,584 158,679 36 17,024 768 39 155 17,554 17 18,533 419 3 981 '465 96'697 Mataura .. .. 219 36,771 36,990 567 704 35,496 87 22,299 4,308 355 173 . 32,563 115 37,514 496 126'470 9nfi 9o'9«9 Edendale .. .. 243 23,239 23,482 218 2,734 49,924 73 6,155 3,981 175 189 10,868 80 15,293 1,006 2o'398 1,053 22^485 Wyndham .. .. 12 806 818 .. 892 13,500 913 2,902 162 .. 52 4,176 1 4,391 206 2 909 212 17 939 Woodlands .. .. 118 12,677 12,795 91 1,296 49,785 71 2,808 1,399 74 95 4,980 3 6,551 341 is'793 399 9o'k^7 Invercargill .. .. 6,160 220,196 226,356 9,398 .. .. .. .. 54,640 3,240 3,366 .. 154 61,400 „ Goods .. •• .. .. .. 4,926 47,583 2,993 83,398 64,570 600 65,170 3,452 30,529 9 956 144 073 Waimahaka .. .. 6 11,648 11,654 65 2,734 64,171 8,665 2,992 827 55 147 8,921 1 9,951 656 7,369 179 27' 9 69 "Bluff.. .. .. 90 48,528 48,618 2,866 35 41 4,995 <J" ? 6 543 j- 2,693 1,002 269 43,887 12,884 60,735 278 332,724 25,752 144,614 Makarewa .. .. 4 6,304 6,308 576 1,397 46,610 .. 21,158 439 219 78 18,520 7 19,263 3,679 280,330 251 9] 630 Thornbury .. .. 12 3,245 3,257 117 389 43,976 33 2,099 197 99 24 3,107 8 3,435 154 10 762 54 16553 Riverton .. .. 52 5,812 5,864 116 229 12,709 12,964 1,997 928 80 148 6,350 6 7,512 203 1J49 83 7 644 Orepuki .. .. 12 3,952 3,964 74 362 21,438 60 1,351 580 54 56 2,019 1 2,710 81 5,450 166 4 966 Tuatapere .. .. 12 14,170 14,182 20 661 32,665 61,704 31,870 1,545 21 211 34,113 4 35,894 373 2.183 265 4's91 Otautau .. .. 37 4,180 4,217 181 503 67,185 4,520 3,188 624 165 89 5,376 1 6,255 213 7 002 ~ 9 lo'4Q9 Wairio .. .. 12 4,117 4,129 7 384 23,219 •• 229,072 600 7 53 176,477 3,378 180,515 339 L513 335 16'q48 Winton .. .. 148 14,655 14,803 63 1,391 138,862 6,050 102,341 1,652 60 396 42,008 17 44,133 707 30,299 814 21456 Lumsden .. .. 281 20,384 20,665 .62 848 86,979 3,608 25,983 3,396 52 261 17,004 78 20,791 515 16 695 1 476 31 075 Kingston .. .. 18 788 806 .. 81 9,671 •• 215 193 .. 20 874 10 1,097 88 s'491 '846 V337 Through traffic (Lake .. .. .. .. 11 5,471 .. 2,268 .. .. .. 3,675 .. 3,675 70 1,311 1 768 4'356 Wakatipu) Chief Accountant .. 17,063 112,114 129,176 789 .. .. .. 102,314 20,789 27,254 52,441 20,997 223,795 Overseas traffic .. •• •• 2,068 768 124 19,029 .. .. .. 109,689 .. 109,689 2,068 768 " 124 19,029 Totals .. 157,703 3,848,330 4,006,033 331,742118,067 4,992,085 962,212 3,090,545 699,373 91,835 93,164 2,600,909 101,001 3,586,282 118,067 4,992,085 962,212 3,090,545 Westport Section — Westport .. .. 203 19,144 19,347 147 60 20 386 4,091 2,786 91 261 1,946 6,869 11,953 22 Vs, 329 494 fifii Waimangaroa .. .. •• 15,558 15,558 197 6 .. 573 182,156 697 162 28 32,355 19 33,261 7 1 716 q'lnf Granity .. .. 16 30,207 30,223 422 1 9 79 1,659 313,201 2,265 334 83 67,681 2 70,365 5 6 20 573 l'fi-u District Office .. .. .. 1,014 1,014 .. .. .. .. .. Cr.1,881 294 170 8 88 O. 1,321 Overseas traffic .. •• .. 86 — 35 • 1,181 .. .. .. 371 .. 371 88 "' 25 'i 18 j Totals .. 219 65,923 66,142 766 173 99 2,653 500,629 3,867 881 542 102.361 6,978 114,629 173 99 2,653 500,629 Nei.son Section— Port Nelson .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 34 2,748 .. .. .. 219 219 .. 1 608 Nelson .. .. 1,021 13,725 14,746 453 7 211 76 7,748 2,813 431 47 2,412 73 5,776 1,890 31,141 " 38 7'908 Wakefield .. .. 3 5,408 5,411 16 438 18,847 3 5,241 383 7 52 3,066 2 3,510 17 146 42 5^20 Glenhope .. .. .. 285 285 1,533 15,760 4 1,496 40 12 1,360 1 1,413 71 3,531 37 i'797 District Office .. .. .. 1,508 1,508 .. .. .. .. .. Or. 1,901 491 69 433 949 41 ;. Overseas traffic .... .. .. .. 2 152 4 692 .. .. 252 252 2 152 4 "692 Totals .. 1,024 20,926 21,950 469 1,980 34,970 121 17,925 1,335 929 180 7,742 1,025 11,211 1,980 34,970 lH 17,925 Picton Section — Pieton .. .. 1,063 21,146 22,209 156 231 18,952 91 29,129 1,751 135 194 17,163 3,409 22,652 533 193,018 820 20 320 Blenheim .. .. 2,752 38,899 41,651 262 533 193,018 820 20,320 5,787 226 490 11,637 373 18,513 231 18 952 91 99' 199 District Office .. .. .. 1,326 1,326 .. .. .. .. .. Cr.2,300 458 336 365 1,341 200 Overseas traffic .... .. .. .. 49 284 284 .. .. 862 862 49 284 " "284 Tot als •• 3,815 61,371 65,186 418 813 212,254 911 49,733 5,238 819 1,020 30,027 5,123 42,227 813 212,254 911 49,733 Lake Wakattpu Steamers — Totals •• 6 > 885 6.885 .. 148 8,988 1,575 6,979 1,681 2 466 4,976 28 7,153 148 8,988 1,575 6,979 : L_ ! | j I '

D.— 2

STATEMENT No. 19. Classification of Goods and Live-stock Traffic and Earnings by Commodities.

STATEMENT No. 20. Statement showing Mileage, Capital Cost, Traffic, Operating Revenue, and Operating Expenditure of New Zealand Government Railways from 1st April, 1940, to 31st March, 1942. MILEAGE, CAPITAL COST, TRAFFIC, AND REVENUE.


6—D. 2.


Year ended 31st March, 1942. Revenue. _ ... Tons Commodity. | Tonnage Per Cent. One Mile Average p er p er carried. o( Gross. (000 Haul. TotaL Cent _ Per Ton . Ton omitted). of Gross. Mile. Products of Agriculture. Miles. £ £ a - d. d. Grain .. 231,540 2-73 12,915 56 131,431 1-80 0 11 4 2-44 Medals •• 119,853 1-41 7,550 63 78,331 1-07 0 13 1 2-49 Fruit and vegetables .. .. 86,207 1-02 17,131 199 142,767 1-96 1 18 1 1-97 Root crops and fodder .. 120,193 1-42 11,181 93 92,339 1-27 0 15 4 1-98 Flax, green and pressed .. 5,743 0-07 673 117 6,961 0-10 1 4 3 2-48 Seeds .. .. 25,370 0-30 1,541 61 22,190 -0-30 0 17 6 3-46 588,906 6-95 50,991 87 474,019 6-50 0 16 1 2-23 Animals and other Products. ~~~~ " ~~~ „ „ , Cattle, calves, horses .. .. 238,836 2-82 20,446 86 273,660 3-75 1 2 11 3-^1 Sheep and pigs .'. .. 500,279 5-90 39,569 79 537,158 7-36 1 1 6 3-26 Meat fresh 23,726 0-28 4,063 171 51,081 0-70 2 3 1 3-02 Meat' chilled 695 0-01 82 119 1,135 0-02 1 12 8 3-31 Meat frozen 281,585 3-32 12,381 44 291,685 4-00 1 0 9 5-65 Butter .. .. 108,845 l-'28 12,092 111 152,570 2-09 1 8 0 3-03 Cheese •• 133,888 1-58 9,061 68 147,275 2-02 1 2 2 3-90 Wool .. 188,348 2-22 11,609 62 224,809 3-08 1 3 11 4-65 Dairy by-products .. .. 31,574 0-38 2,492 79 35,826 0-49 1 2 8 3-45 Fat, hides, and skins .. .. 67,993 0-80 4,199 62 86,560 1 19 1 5 6 4-95 Fish .. .. .. 11,770 0-14 2,133 181 19,915 0-28 113 10 2-24 1,587,539 18-73 118,127 74 1,821,674 24-98 1 2 11 3-70 Products of Mines. r — — - ~ ~ Agricultural lime .. .. 585,142 6-90 35,458 61 221,604 3-04 0 7 7 1-50 Coal imported .. .. 6,112 0-07 107 18 1,970 0-03 0 6 5 4-42 Coal', New Zealand hard .. 989,881 11-68 44,220 45 368,516 5-05 0 7 5 2-00 Coal, New Zealand brown . . 1,089,950 12-87 130,868 120 775,455 10-62 0 14 3 1-42 Road-metal 29,320 0-35 1,213 41 11,645 0-16 0 7 11 2-30 Lime and coke .. .. 65,646 0-77 4,739 72 39,180 0-54 . 0 11 11 1-98 2,766,051 32-64 216,605 78 1,418,370 19-44 0 10 3 1-57 Products of Forests. " Timber, imported .. .. 11,940 0-14 532 45 10,419 0-14 0 17 5 4- 0 Timber, New Zealand .. .. 569,115 6-72 64,604 114 578,547 7-93 1 0 4 2-15 Firewood, posts, &c 72,007 0-85 6,767 94 40,146 0-55 0 11 2 1-42 653,062 7-71 71,903 110 629,112 8-62 0 19 3 2-10 Manufactures, dkc. — ~~~~ 7~7T ~ 7~ZT Benzine, gasoline, kerosene .. 195,830 2-31 16,088 82 329,637 4-oi, 1 13 8 4- J^ Cement .. •• 85,976 1-02 11,276 131 108,422 1-49 1 5 3 2-31 Manure .. .. .. 791,756 9-34 56,904- 72 442,294 6-06 0 11 2 1-87 1,073,562 12-67 84,268 78 880,353 12-07 0 16 5 2-51 Miscellaneous .. -• 1,804,645 21-30 146,815 81 2,071,124 28-39 1 2 11 3-39 Totals .. .. 8,473,765 100-00 688,709 81 7,294,652 100-00 0 17 '3 2-54

Year. j Miles. | Capital Cost, j Trah, mi >eage. J— | P-TO j (ggj, | j j «#»■ No £ No. No. £ £ No. No. Tons. 1040-1941 3 390 62,301,147 13,559,646 26,276,923 2,345,718 317,819 1,237,436 10,723,892 594,346 1941-1942 ' 3,390 62,407,901 13,678,961 28,610,945 2,658,778 325,897 1,219,608 12,338,568 581,056 Miscellaneous Revenue per y ear Goods. Total. Goods Ilevenue. llevenue, T.abour, lotal Itevenue. Train-mile. Demurrage, &e. Tons. Tons. £ £ £ . „ 1Q4«_1941 .. 7,160,422 7,754,768 6,818,603 212,050 9,694,190 171-58 1941-1942 !! .. 7,153,594 7,734,650 7,174,060 225,145 10,383,880 178'28

Maintenance of Signals and Maintenance of Locomotives, Maintenance of Way and Works. Electrical Appliances. Carriages, and Wagons. Year * Per Cent. Per Mile Per Cent. Per Mile Per Cent. Per Amount. of of Amount. of of Amount. of TrainReveaue. Railway. Revenue. Railway. Revenue. | mile. , : — ' 1 — £ £ £ £ £ d. 1Q40—1Q41 1,544,202 15*93 455*52 213,623 2*20 63*01 2,043,976 21*08 36*18 1941-1942 .. 1,615,382 15*56 476*51 238,109 2*29 70*26 2,211,476 21-30 37*97 Locomotive Transportation. Traffic Transportation. General Charges. Expendi- Expendi- = Total ture ture Year - Per per Per p er Per per Expenditure. T^n . 0( P« Q( Amount. 0e ? t ' Train- Amount. U .i 1 Train-; Amount. Train- mile. Revenue. Revenue. m11 "- Revenue. mlle " Revom,e. mlle ' £ d. £ d. £ d. £ d. 1940-1941 .. 2,043,996 21-08 36-18 2,322,492 23-96 41-11 238,501 2-46 4-22 8,406,790 148-80 86-72 1941-1942 .. 2,113,918 20-36 36-29 2,479,852 23-88 42-58 243,795 2-35 4-19 8,902,592 152-85 85-73

STATEMENT No. 21. Comparative Statement of the Average Number of Employees for Years 1941-42 and 1940-41.

STATEMENT No. 22. Statement of Accidents for the Year ended 31st March, 1942.



Train Accidents. Accidents on Line (other than Train Shunting Accidents. Employees Accidents). ° proceeding Persons to or from killed or Total Duty within injured at Passengers. Employees. Passengers. Employees. PeSons. Passengers. Employees. peraons. Crossln Sssection. I nj j 13 . nS . . T3 . 'd . I TJ . "C . I . "C ■a!®;T3 ® "O £ 'S g -O £ T3 £ T5 g 2 35 £ £ = 3 5 8 ,2,3s s : Ji =i .S , Js_ .2 §_ .§ =, = 5, =£ .E-.S i s § s § 1 5 § S" | w s a 55 5 s 5 s 5 s § 5 £ Gisborne .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .... .. .. 1 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 1 North Island Main Line and Branches :. 16 .. 2 4 9 3 4 4 3 .. 3 66 .. 1 .. .. 9 19 23 120 South Island Main Line and Branches .... 1 .. 1 1 4 .. 2 2 3 i 1 1 55 .. .. .. .. 5 14 9 81 Westport .. .. .. .. 1 .. -. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. •• •• 2 .. 1 .. .. .. .. 1 3 Nelson Picton Totals .. .. ..1 17.. 3 5 13 3 6 6 6 1 4 124 2 .... 14 33 33 205 Note. —This return includes only casualties in connection with train-working and the moTement of rolling-stock.

• 13 rj •£« £5 o © a ® 2 a a e f g o § . j = fflg ££ £ •£& Q 32 | T £3 OOjfl +3 *? g .£ PQ fH Branch. a £ o • • 5' -2 >> ® * ,3.2* g, g a » -£:£ co 2 f S a ■£ 03 o i o © 2 3. 2 rrs 3H_ 03 tc -+3 5-1 /"I — i eg 3 •2 C Sr S £ ® - 2 ® £■§ S O 3 =i ® « I? ; P< DO a <£ H | rH 1941^2. General .. .. .. 5 771 200 4 4 3 499 576 39 644 2,745 Traffic .. .. .. 15 3,833 2,948 55 12 36 6,899 Maintenance .. .. .. 41 2,965 1,783 43 29 71 .. .. .. .. 4,932 Locomotive running (including depot 13 2,032 1,089 28 11 23 .. .. .. .. 3,196 staff) Workshops .. .. .. .. 3,320 2,200 60 .. .. .. .. .. .. 5,580 Totals .. .. .. 74 12,921 8,220 190 56 133 499 576 39 644 23,352 1940-41. » General .. .. .. 5 779 192 4 4 3 554 569 41 549 2,700 Traffic .. .. .. 15 3,827 2,903 54 12 39 6,850 Maintenance .. .. .. 42 3,229 2,012 49 22 85 .. .. •• 5,439 Locomotive running (including depot 12 2,018 1,154 28 10 24 .. .. .. .. 3,246 staff) Workshops .. .. .. .. 3,720 2,477 70 6,267 Totals .. .. .. 74 13,573 8,738 205 48 151 554 569 41 549 24,502


STATEMENT No. 23. Statement of Carriage, Rail Car, Multiple Unit, Brake Van and Wagon Stock, and Tarpaulins, for the Year ended 31st March, 1942.

7—D. 2.


aS a a « § a ag.g «>• ggl ts' Description. g g 3 g o • . i s n s .g 1 a a f s § -a I sin S §•§« .? I .1 | O C5 cog l£ ft H Carriages— First class .. .. .. . . . ■ 116 .. 95 .. 3 214 Second class .. .. .. .... 609 404 10 7 4 1,034 Composite ■. . . . • • ■ • • 132 6 90 7 5 240 Sleeping .. .. .. • • • ■ 13 .. .. .. .. .. 13 Combination day-sleeping .. .. .. 11 .. 5 .. .. .. 16 Ambulance .. .. .. .. .. 4 .. 3 .. .. .. 7 Totals .. .. .. .. 885 6 597 10 14 12 1,524 Kail Cars . . .. .. .. . • 13 .. 8 . . .. 21 Multiplj: Units-— Power units .... .. .. .. 6 .. .. .. .. .. 6 Trailers .. ;. .. .. .. 6 .. .. .. .. .. 6 Totals .. .. .. .. 12 .. .. .. .. .. 12 Vans — Postal vans .. .. .. .. .. 5 .. 4 .. .. .. 9 Brake vans .. .. .. .... 269 4 207 7 3 4 494 Totals .. .. .... 274 4 211 7 3 4 503 Wagons— Special-purpose wagons .. .. .. E 906 .. 400 1 1 1,308 Horse-boxes .. .. .. G 66 1 73 1 1 4 146 Cattle .. .. .. H 578 4 198 4 3 8 795 Sheep .. .. .. .. J 1,791 36 1,502 .. 11 43 3,383 Covered goods .. .. . . .. K 263 2 152 5 6 3 431 High sides .. .. .. .. L 3,222 32 3,533 12 83 147 7,029 High sides .. .. .. .. La 5,360 .. 4,053 .. .. .. 9,413 High sides .. .. .. .. Lb 52 14 429 5 10 47 557 Low sides .. .. .. ... ■ M 481 30 844 24 14 37 1,430 Work-train hopper .. .. • . M . . .. 14 .. .. .. 14 Low sides, steel .. .. .. Ma 122 12 .. .. .. .. 134 Low sides .. . . . . .. Mb 6 12 15 . . 1 34 Low sides .. .. .. .. Mo 70 20 .. .. 90 Timber .. .. .. N 90 118 32 8 12 260 Platform, coal .. .. .. .. P 204 .. .. .. .. .. 204 Petrol inspection . . . . .. Pw 1 1 .. .. 2 Movable hopper . . . . .. Q .. .. 443 723 .. .. 1,166 Frozen, meat .. .. .. .. W 303 .. 77 .. .. .. 380 Frozen meat .. .. .. .. Wa 233 3 29 . . 18 .. 283 Covered goods .. .. . . •. X 132 .. 16 .. .. .. 148 Cool, ventilated .. .. .. Xa 428 .. 562 1 7 998 Cool, ventilated .. . . .. Xb 46 .. 30 .. .. .. 76 Work-train .. ... .. .. Y 59 .. 16 .. .. 9 84 Work-train .. .. .. .. Yb 288 .. 138 .. .. 10 436 Special-purpose wagons, bogie .. .. E 101 1 60 .. 1 163 High side, bogie .. .. .. R 199 .. 79 .. .. .. 278 High side, bogie .. . . .. Rb 69 .. 25 . . .. .. 94 Sheep, bogie .. .. .. .. S 27 .. 37 .. .. .. 64 Cattle, bogie .. .. .. T 40 .. 17 . . .. .. 57 Platform, bogie .. .. U 202 39 108 4 4 10 367 Gas storeholder, bogie .. .. .. Ua 10 4 .. .. 14 Platform, bogie .. .. .. Ub 255 .. 286 .. .. .. 541 Fuel oil, bogie .. .. .. .. Uc .. .. 1 .. .. .. 1 Platform, bogie .. .. .. Ul> 1 • . .. .. . • .. 1 Horse-boxes, bogie .. .. .. Ug 59 .. 68 .. .. . . 127 Frozen meat, bogie .. .. .. V 49 .. 66 .. .. .. 115 Chilled beef, bogie .. .. .. V 6 .. .. .. .. .. 6 Frozen meat, bogie .. .. .. Vb 137 .. 85 .. .. .. 222 Chilled beef, bogie .. .. .. Vb 99 .. .. .. .. .. 99 Covered goods, bogie .. .. .. Z 81 .. ,59 .. .. . . 140 Covered goods, bogie .. .. .. Zp 74 .. 74 .. .. .. 148 Totals .. .. .. .. 16,110 186 13,632 812 159 339 31,238 Tarpaulins .. .. .. .. .. 12,196 112 11,345 52 145 287 24,137


STATEMENT No. 24. Locomotive Stock for Year ended 31st March, 1942.


II II S| sf ■gs ■§£ Type. * W ,3 5 g o M a B M fl p. a rt eg 2 rflaJ O o "3 3 ISl^Sllfl « £3 ® S3 t :. S S A Tender (4-cylinder balanced compound) .. .. 15 .. 34 .. .. .. 49 A Tender (2-cy]indor simple) .. .. .. .. 3 .. 6 .. .. .. 9 Aa Tender .. . . .. .. .. . . 10 10 Ab Tender .. .. .. .. .. .. 87 54 141 B Tender .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . . 8 .. .. .. 8 Ba Tender . . .. .. .. .. 10 10 Bb Tender .. .. ,. .. .. .. 30 .. .. .. .. .. 30 C Tender .. .. .. .. .. .. 12 12 24 Eo. Electric .. . . .. .. .. .. .. .. 6 .. .. .. 6 Ed Electric .. .. .. .. . . . . 10 .. . . .. .. .. 10 Eo Electric .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 5 .. .. .. 5 E Tank .. .. .. .. .. .. 3 18 21 Ea Tank .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 2 .. .. 2 G Tender .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 6 .. .. .. 6 I-I Tank .. . . .. .. .. .. 6 6 J Tender .. .. .. .. .. .. 30 10 .. .. 40 K Tender . . .. . . .. .. .. 30 30 Ka Tender . . .. .. . . .. .. 25 25 Kb Tender .. .. .. .. .. 6 6 Q Tender .. .. . . .. .. .. .. .. 10 .. .. .. 10 U Tender . . .. .. . . .. 9 9 Ub Tender .. . . .. .. .. .. .. .. 7 .. .. .. 7 Uo Tender .. .. .. .. .. .. . • .. 7 .. .. .. 7 W Tank .. .. .. .. .. 2 2 Wa Tank .. .. .. .. .. .... 3 3 6 Wab Tank .. .. .. .. .. .. 20 10 30 Wb Tank .. .. .. .. .. .... . . .. 4 .. 4 We Tank .. .. .. .. .. 2 ... .. 2 Wf Tank .. .. .. .. .. .. 11 17 4 5 37 Wo Tank . . .. . . .. .. .. 12 2 14 Ww Tank .. . . . . .. .. .. 53 .. 3 .. 56 X Tender (4-cylinder balanced compound) .. .. 18 .. .. .. .. .. 18 Totals .. .. .. .. 375 5 242 9 4 5 040


STATEMENT No. 25. ALL SECTIONS. Locomotive Running Costs, Year ended 31st March, 1942.


Cost per Locomotive-mile. © Cost per Locomotive-mile. § I ° p, p I © g Repairs. Banning. 3 . a 1 q": « - 1> ai : I ! a| I I j 5! | S£ II SET M T stores Fuel Wages I & ! 1 I I |1 1 ff !|| and stores, i uel. Wages. w g. || ggo Over- S go. g" J o - head. | o I ° ° M j d. d. d. d. d. £ I £ £ £ d. d. d. d. £ d. N.I.M.L. and branches .. . . 8-35 0-58 14-04 9-82 32-79 104,332 : 19,548 19,093 188,619 2-27 0-42 0-41 4-10 1,841,195 39-99 89,321 245 N.I.M.L. and branches. S.I.M.L. and branches .. .. 9-59 0-60 8-44 9-89 28-52 46,555' 9,932 12,853 87,324 1-87 0-40 0-51 3-50 869,143 34-80 52,903 229 S.I.M.L. and branches. Gisborne .. .. .. .. 4-71 0-76 19-62 10-59 35-68 291 135 .. 854 1-18 0-54 .. 3-44 10,125 40-84 582 116 Gisborne. Westport .. .. .. 11-25 0-54 7-31 11-45 30-55 499 116 .. 2,852 0-96 0-23 .. 5-50 19,296 37-24 1,816 202 Westport. Nelson .. .. .. .. 5-10 0-50 10-82 9-67 26-09 117 38 .. 357 0-51 0-18 .. 1-56 6,497 28-32 594 149 Nelson. Picton .. .. .. .. 9-62 1-12 12-22 10-68 33-64 254 120 .. 658 0-72 0-34 .. 1-87 12,868 36-57 993 165 Picton. Total, steam .. 152,048 29,889 31,946 280,664 2-10 0-41 0-44 3-88 2,759,124 38-13 146,209 236 Total, steam. Electric Locos. Eo 2-6 .. .. 18-60 0-52 20-84 4-94 44-90 7,644 .. .. 5,941 15-43 .. .. 12-00 35,820 72-33 1,418 284 Electric Locos., Eo 2-6. Electric Locos. Eo 7-12 .. .. 12-75 0-67 8-36 5-50 27-28 3,378 .. .. 3,856 5-65 .. .. 6-45 23,536 39-38 1,314 219 Electric Locos., Eo 7-12. Electric Locos. Ed. 101-110 .. 8-38 0-74 7-17 4-69 20-98 8,553 .. .. 4,459 4-34 .. .. 2-26 54,362 27-58 2,708 271 Electric Locos., Ed 101-110. Multiple units, D.M. 1-6 .. .. 13-22 0-10 4-02 4-47 21-81 4,919 ! 7 4-33 .. .. 0-01 29,716 26-15 831 138 Multiple units, D.M. i 1-6. Petrol rail-cars .. .. .. .. .. .. . • • • j • • ■ • • • . ■ • ■ • • ■ - - • .. Petrol rail-cars Diesel rail-cars .. .. .. 5-72 0-65 1-78 2-61 10-76 25,527 .. .. 213 9-27 .. .. 0-08 55,374 20-11 3,587 156 Diesel rail-cars. Tractors .. .. .. 6-71 1-34 6-79 6-67 21-51 6,616 .. .. .. 14-33 16,551 35-84 5,917 228 Tractors. 2,974,483

1). —2.

STATEMENT No. 25—continued. Performances of Locomotives for the Year ended 31st March, 1942.

By Authority: E. Y. Paul, Government Printer, Wellington. —1942.


1 ' 1 "S? u 2 Locomotive-mileage. Quantity of Stores. Cost. Cost per Locomotive-mile. ° g, K to — — j — — © £ 3 Details. Running. Repairs. Running. Repairs. Running. g S -S © jLiieage 3o2 > m Type. "g per p » « B S Type. Shunting. Locomo- w s , TotaL w TotaK « -g 3 ® Assisting, tive. Material _ Mntprial -9 ■eg Train. Light, Total. : CoaL I Oil. Stores. Fuel. Wages. and Stores. Fuel. Wages. « g&g S — ar M* 8 " Overhead. Overhead. $ > " [2; cellaneous. i w < NORTH ISLAND MAIN LINE AND BRANCHES. Cwt. Quarts. £ £ £ £ £ d. d. d. d. d. A 18 298,327 89,891 388,218 21,568 227,751 18,486 11,531 1,193 19,901 15,507 48,132 7-13 0-74 12-30 9-59 29-76 3,853 214 A. AA 10 233,228 49,675 282,903 28,290 199,569 11,928 14,717 769 17,498 11,647 44,631 12-48 0-65 14-84 9-89 37-86 2,329 233 AA. AB 87 2 596,453 578,115 3,174,568 36,489 1,890,863 114,946 97,718 7,438 165,057 114,534 384,747 7-39 0-56 12-48 8-66 29-09 23,289 268 AB. BB 30 264 541 407,478 672,019 22,401 485,939 31,951 30,168 2,085 41,774 42,206 116,233 10-77 0-74 14-92 15-08 41-51 7,372 246 BB. C 12 997 244,841 245,838 20,487 183,882 8,624 14,259 570 16,129 18,720 49,678 13-92 0-56 15-74 18-28 48-50 3,189 266 C. F 3 15,463 3,578 19,041 6,347 9,340 560 2,023 46 804 990 3,863 25-50 0-58 10-13 12-48 48-69 286 95 F. H 6 13,703 32,212 45,915 7,652 50,474 5,264 10,983 341 4,509 5,402 21,235 57-41 1-78 23-57 28-24 111-00 1,299 216 H. J 30 1 297 742 141,429 1,439,171 47,972 1,039,037 33,554 16,550 2,189 89,862 44,678 153,279 2-76 0-37 14-98 7-45 25-56 8,154 272 j J. K 30 1 215,151 118,342 1,333,493 44,450 1,101,055 44,852 52,011 2,843 96,348 45,309 196,511 9-36 0-51 17-34 8-16 35-37 8,000 267 j K. KA .. 25 955,798 72,270 1,028,068 41,123 682,891 26,673 13,726 1,658 60,797 32,841 109,022 3-20 0-39 14-19 7-67 25-45 5,950 238 KA. WAB" " 20 32,414 415,997 26,224 28,998 1,703 36,141 24,195 91,037 10-74 0-63 13-37 8-96 33-70 272 WAB. Wf 11 20,872 99,726 120,598 10,963 68,416 5,319 3,031 369 6,060 8,104 17,564 6-03 0-73 12-06 16-13 34-95 1,838 92 Wr. Wo 12 17,471 152,881 170,352 14.196 120,103 9,331 9,608 600 10,482 12,286 32,976 13-54 0-85 14-77 17-30 46-46 2,410 201 Wg. Ww 53 512,768 551.700 1,064,468 20,084 624,046 43,872 52,608 2,890 54.623 58,503 168,624 11-86 0-65 12-32 13-19 38-02 12,276 232 Ww. X .. 18 359,857 57,128 416,985 23,166 299,297 28,926 26,607 1,830 26,645 16,989 72,071 15-31 1-05 15-34 9-78 41-48 3,642 202 X. Total, steam 365 8,343,441 2,706,473 11,049,914 30,274 7,398,660 410,510 384,538 26,524 646,630 451,911 1,509,603 8-35 0-58 14-04 9-82 32-79 89,321 245 Total, steam. SOUTH ISLAND MAIN LINE AND BRANCHES. Cwt. Quarts. £ £ £ £ £ d. d. d. d. d. A 40 833,548 163,467 997,015 24,925 519.860 47,810 52,854 2,911 34,122 37,392 127,279 12-72 0-70 8-21 9-01 30-64 8,710 218 A. Ab 54 1 787,595 389,891 2,177,486 40,324 1,095,232 87,467 79,201 5,141 72,116 69,296 225,754 8-73 0-57 7-94 7-64 24-88 14,399 267 AB. B 8 75,238 57,633 132,871 16,609 65,732 5.118 5,264 315 4,333 7,400 17,312 9-51 0-57 7-83 13-36 31-27 1,871 234 B. BA 10 54,168 162,153 216,321 21,632 129,171 12,379 12,335 736 8,449 14,557 36,077 13-69 0-82 9-37 16-15 40-03 2,377 238 BA. C 12 35,925 232,699 268,624 22,385 137,386 9,303 3,520 563 9,091 19,346 32,520 3-14 0-50 8-13 17-28 29-05 3,385 282 C. p 18 733 162,443 163,176 9,065 52,027 5,360 7,636 361 3.456 12,205 23,658 11-23 0-53 5-08 17-96 34-80 2,845 158 P. G 6 89,786 13,881 103,667 17,278 58,301 4,859 12,731 279 3,839 3,914 20,763 29-47 0-65 8-89 9-06 48-07 719 120 G. J 10 374,791 30.158 404.949 4,095 265,448 9,295 7,644 564 17,371 11,954 37,533 4-53 0-33 10-30 7-08 22-24 2,327 233 J. KB 6 178,737 17,519 196,256 32,709 130,597 6,195 3,848 382 8.569 6,881 19,680 4-71 0-47 10-48 8-41 24-07 1,250 208 KB. Q 10 117 037 50,977 168,014 16.801 103,098 8,811 11,173 521 6,756 8,054 26,504 15-96 0-74 9-66 11-50 37-86 1,890 189 Q. U ' 9 137,183 44,225 181,408 20,156 108,381 8,851 2,889 544 7,082 7,643 18,158 3-82 0-72 9-37 10-11 24-02 1,934 215 U. UB ' 7 57,987 54.100 112,087 16,012 56,827 4,807 9,450 302 3,743 6,233 19,728 20-23 0-65 8-01 13-35 42-24 1,547 221 1TB. Uc 7 143,336 31,762 175,098 25,014 83,012 5,648 4,615 356 5,462 6,780 17,213 6-33 0-49 7-48 9-29 23-59 1,779 254 Uc. W 2 13,081 18,582 31,663 15,832 17,008 1,335 580 83 1,117 2,014 3,794 4-40 0-63 8-47 15-26 28-76 532 266 W. WE 3 19.040 24.664 43,704 14,568 24,610 1,757 803 105 1,615 2,890 5,413 4-41 0-58 8-87 15-87 29-73 751 250 WA. Wab 10 317,274 46,723 363,997 36,400 205,253 20,055 7,208 1,154 13,476 12,432 34,270 4-75 0-76 8-89 8-20 22-60 2,802 280 WAB. We 2 23,171 19,216 42,387 21,194 18,918 1,445 2,669 84 1,245 1,836 5,834 15-10 0-48 7-05 10-40 33-03 623 316 We. Wr .. 17 27,601 188,408 216,009 12,706 136,859 11,426 15,240 710 8,934 16,105 40,989 16-93 0-79 9-93 17-89 45-54 3,162 186 Wr. Total, steam 231 4,286,231 1,708,501 5,994,732 25,951 3,207,720 251,921 239,660 15,111 210,776 246,932 712,479 9-59 0-60 8-44 9-89 28-52 52,903 229 Total, steam.

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Bibliographic details

RAILWAYS STATEMENT (BY THE MINISTER OF RAILWAYS, HON. R. SEMPLE)., Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1942 Session I, D-02

Word Count

RAILWAYS STATEMENT (BY THE MINISTER OF RAILWAYS, HON. R. SEMPLE). Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1942 Session I, D-02

RAILWAYS STATEMENT (BY THE MINISTER OF RAILWAYS, HON. R. SEMPLE). Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1942 Session I, D-02

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