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Presented to both Houses of the General Assembly by Command of His Excellency.

Sir, — Department of Lands and Survey, Wellington, Ist July, 1942. I have the honour to submit herewith the annual report on the settlement of Crown lands for the year ended 31st March, 1942, together with particulars of the development work that is being carried out on unoccupied Crown and settlement lands, and of the operations under the Small-farms Act, 1932-33. I have, &c., R. G. Macmorran, The Hon. Minister of Lands. Under-Secretary.

REPORT. GENERAL REVIEW. As a result of conditions brought about by the war the general operations of the Department have been restricted to a large extent during the past year. All Crown-owned areas which are deemed to be suitable for eventual settlement by returned servicemen are being withheld from disposal for the present, and lands offered during the year comprised, for the most part, areas which had previously been selected, but which had reverted to the Department. Climatic conditions on the whole were satisfactory from a productive point of view, a noteworthy feature being the unusual summer rains experienced in most districts. Pasture growth was prolific, but lack of sunshine during the peak period of production had a somewhat adverse effect. In Hawke's Bay some flooding was experienced in the late autumn, while during August a heavy snowstorm was responsible for considerable losses of sheep in the high country of Marlborough and Canterbury. Primary production in practically all branches reached a high level, and with good prices for produce Crown tenants generally had a satisfactory year. The restrictions placed upon top-dressing as a result of the shortage of phosphatic fertilizers due to war conditions have, however, interfered with the plans of many settlers in so far as the top-dressing of new pasture areas is concerned. Difficulties have also been experienced in obtaining suitable labour for farming purposes. Details in regard to operations carried out on the various blocks under development are given further on in this report. At the 31st March the tenants on the books of the Department numbered 35,595, occupying a total area of approximately 17,679,134 acres. LEGISLATION. By section 39 of the Statutes Amendment Act, 1941, the Dominion Land Purchase Board, the Lands Development Board, and the Small Farms Board were abolished and in their place the Land Settlement Board was constituted. The Reserves and other Lands Disposal Act, 1941, contains thirty-one sections dealing with Crown lands, reserves, &c. An important section extends for five years the term of leases expiring during the period 1941 to 1946, inclusive, where the lessees have a right of renewal, whether absolute or contingent. Under present unprecedented conditions it is very difficult for valuers, appraisers, and arbitrators to arrive at a sound basis on which to fix rentals for renewal leases for terms extending over the next twenty to thirty years, and the legislation passed will obviate this difficulty. For the reasons just mentioned, another section of the Act suspends the operation of the revaluation provisions of the Land Act until the end of 1943. In the meantime, where it is found that rentals are too high under existing leases, the position is being met by remissions of rent under the provisions of the Land Act, which give the Land Board and the Minister full powers in this respect.


LAND TRANSACTIONS. During the year 444,863 acres were taken up on various tenures, the number of selectors being 1,018 under all headings. These figures include 4-06 sections, comprising altogether an area of 83,122 acres, taken up under temporary miscellaneous leases and licenses, so that the selections on permanent tenures numbered 612 sections, covering a total area of 361,741 acres. As indicated above, only a small proportion of this land comprised new selections, and for the most part the land taken up consisted either of areas which had reverted to the Crown on account of forfeiture of leases or of holdings which had been surrendered and reselected by the previous tenants after regrouping and adjustment of charges and areas. The land taken up also included some pastoral runs which had been surrendered and reselected pursuant to section 277 of the Land Act. The number of leases converted to freehold was considerably less than in the previous year. This is accounted for no doubt by the fact that the period within which holders of leases in perpetuity of settlement land might convert to freehold expired on 31st December, 1940, and was not extended. POSTPONEMENTS, REMISSIONS, AND ARREARS OF RENT AND INTEREST. Rents and interest the payment of which remained postponed at 31st March amounted to £24,787. Arrears of rent and interest at the 31st March (including arrears in respect of the current half-yearly charge) totalled £231,883, while remissions for the year totalled £19,709. LAND DEVELOPMENT. During the year the land-development, operations of the Department were placed under unified control. Hitherto, the Small Farms Board controlled operations under the Small Farms Act, 1.932-33, and the Lands Development Board controlled the development of land authorized by the Land Laws Amendment Act, 1929. As indicated above, by section 39 of the Statutes Amendment Act, 1941, the Land Settlement Board was formed, and that body took over the work of both the Small Farms Board and the Lands Development Board, which were both abolished. The new legislation affected the governing bodies only, and no further alteration was made in either the Small Farms Act or the Land Laws Amendment Act, 1929, and the respective development blocks are still subject to the particular Act under which their development was originally authorized. The difficulty in obtaining essential supplies forced a decision early in the year to curtail new development work, and on all blocks the programme has been restricted to the farming of existing grasslands and necessary cropping. The rationing of phosphatic fertilizer, which has been applied to the Department on the same basis as to private farmers, has made it necessary to closely watch the stocking of all blocks, particularly on the lighter lands of the North Island, and also the King-country land where the high reversion factor has in the past been overcome by judicious stocking and the use of top-dressing. The shortage of fencing-wire is another factor which has made it unwise to proceed with the grassing of new areas, and the Department has made available to the Army authorities large quantities of its existing stocks of wire which had been specially imported in anticipation of departmental requirements. The decision to curtail development has seriously affected the programme of preparing land for soldier settlement, and it will be necessary to continue the farming of the blocks which have been acquired for this purpose until the supply position improves and it is also possible to proceed with a building programme. The season experienced was generally a good year. A good winter was followed by a false spring with wet, cold conditions. Some districts experienced dry mid-summer spells, but on the whole good summer conditions prevailed. OPERATIONS UNDER THE SMALL FARMS ACT, 1932-33. A. INDIVIDUAL TENANTS. The tenants who have been established under this Act have continued to make good progress during the year. The greater majority of these tenants are located in the Auckland Province and occupy selfcontained dairying units. The shortage of superphosphate supplies has not yet shown its effect on these areas, but if the supply position does not improve it will be difficult for the tenants to maintain the high level of butterfat-production that has been reached on a large proportion of the holdings. The following are the main blocks which have been developed and settled under this Act: — North Auckland. —Church Mission, Maoriroa, Taipuha, To Maire, Waiaruhe, Rehutai, Parris, Pukekaroro, Arapohue, Onekura, Mangatete, Waiotama, Mata North, Raetea, Whangarei Harbour Board, Oriwau, Tutamoe, and Otaneroa. Auckland. —Broadlands, Whangamarino, Park's, Mangatarata, Blackshaw's, Wainui South, Wharere, Murupara, Tarawera, and Onepu. Superintendent of Land Development, Te Kuiti.—Kairangi and Karakariki Blocks (Waikato Land Settlement Society)—portion settled only. Hawlce's Bay. —Richmond and Karamu. In view of the need to curtail printing to a minimum it has been decided not to publish a statement with regard to each individual block in this year's report. For the same reason it has been decided to dispense with the statistical data which has been published in previous years. B. DEVELOPMENT BLOCKS. Superintendent of Land Development, Auckland. The Superintendent of Land Development, Auckland, controls fifteen development blocks totalling approximately 73,000 acres. During the year the Whirinaki and Waikite Blocks were amalgamated, and similar action taken with the Pouarua and Kerepeehi Blocks. New development work has been curtailed in view of the shortage of materials and labour. However, the planning of future development, schemes of subdivision, roading, fencing, shelter, and



water reticulation was proceeded with to enable a vigorous prosecution of development immediately this is possible. During the year a military defaulters' camp was established by the National Service Department on the Strathmore portion of the Mihi Block, and a programme of work embracing clearing, fencing, draining, and roading was prepared for the employment of the men. Superintendent of Land Development, Te Kuiti. The Superintendent, Te Kuiti, controls forty blocks containing a total area of approximately 68,700 acres, and during the year charges were fixed and leases issued to the tenants on Lee's and Metcalfe's Blocks. Ragwort control, which is an ever-present problem in this district was good, but this has definitely been reflected in the weights of wethers sent to the works, which were much lighter than in the previous year. Cattle, on the other hand, which were placed on good feed following swedes have shown, on being killed, much better weights than previously. In an endeavour to offset the curtailment of supplies of superphosphate which are so vital to the country being handled, an increased sowing of lime was arranged for early in the season, but the demands on transport, &c., have naturally delayed deliveries and it has not been possible to adhere to the original programme. It was hoped during the current season to increase breeding-flocks and so further reduce the need to purchase wethers on the open market, but owing to the possible deterioration of the comparatively young pastures through the restricted supply of manure it was deemed advisable not to do so. This means that substantial purchase of wethers must continue if the ragwort and fern which constitute the chief agents of reversion in the district are to be kept under control, and every lamb bred on the blocks has to be retained to do its share in the work of rehabilitation. The result of this is that no fat lambs are sold, as it would be well-nigh impossible to face the market and expect to replace them along with normal heavy purchases. Commissioner of Crown Lands, Napier. In the Hawke's Bay District the only area under development is the Ahuriri Lagoon, a shallow tidal area formerly known as the Inner Harbour at Napier, which was raised by the earthquake of 1931 from 5 ft. to 7 ft. The area is leased from the Napier Harbour Board, and a very extensive scheme of banking, main-drain construction, roading, and bridging, as well as a large system of lateral drains, was carried out by the Public Works Department. Of the total area of 7,753 acres, approximately 5,600 acres are under development. The drainage system has proved very effective in desalting, and the spread of natural vegetation is now rapidly increasing, while the results from cropping and grassing are encouraging. A water-supply from artesian wells has been installed and every paddock is supplied. It is not possible to state the stage of development —this will depend almost entirely on natural conditions, including rainfall and the elimination of salt. In regard to prospects, it can be said that in time a large part of the area will be very productive and should support a considerable farming population. Commissioner of Crown Lands, Nelson. Two blocks, Pakihi and Organ's, containing approximately 2,300 acres, are controlled by the Commissioner of Crown Lands, Nelson. Both blocks are in the Westport district. Organ's Block, of approximately 700 acres of flat bush land, is of good quality. As with other blocks, development has been curtailed, but during the year 150 acres of bush were felled and a good strike of grass obtained. With regard to development of the Pakihi Block, a close investigation of the results obtained to date was made during the year, as a result of which it was decided to discontinue further development of Pakihi lands. Experience has now shown that these lands will not stand up to stocking, and it is not possible to hold English grasses. The sandy country along the foreshore of the block will be developed as opportunity occurs. Commissioner of Crown Lands, Christchurch. In the Canterbury District development work is proceeding on four blocks containing approximately 12,500 acres. Great difficulty was experienced in carrying through the rather extensive programme of cultivation owing to the increasing acute shortage of labour, and cultivation will require to be considerably curtailed during the coming year for this reason. Some 250 acres are being prepared for autumn sowing of wheat, as against 30 acres grown last year. Commissioner of Crown Lands, Dunedin. The only block in the Otago District is Papanui. This block suffered a severe hailstorm in the middle of January which destroyed the turnip crops and beat down considerable areas of hay. Structural damage was done to houses, and stock were badly battered. The completion of the development of this area is dependent on the availability of labour, but if sufficient was obtainable two years' work would complete development. Commissioner of Crown Lands, Invercargill. The Spurhead Block of 2,213 acres was purchased from the Public Trustee, and possession taken on the 31st March, 1941. It comprises easy undulating land fronting the Invercargill-Dunedin Main Highway, about twenty miles from Invercargill. All pastures consisted of inferior types of grasses, principally brown-top, sweet vernal, and fog, but it is anticipated that good pastures can be established following extensive drainage, cultivation, and heavy applications of lime. Fifty-two acres of linen flax were grown on this block, and a programme of up to 400 acres is being undertaken for 1942-43 at the express wish of the Department of Agriculture. Early in the new year possession is being taken of the block at Dipton gifted by Sir Robert Anderson for soldier settlement. ,





Particulars. : , Superintendent, Auckland. Bradley*, j Edgecumbe. |Hoe-o-Tainui.j Kaitaia. j Mangawai. | Mafaini kn. j Mihi. | Murupara. Ngutuwera. j Ototoa. Pouarua. j Puriri. Tokoroa. !• of Mquisiti 011 °r Crown lands set apart .. .. . .. 15 / x / 41 8 £ 8 £!S »( 9 /® 10/4/34 7/7/35 30/5/40 1/8/38 9/7/33 3/3/41 1/2/41 10/10/37 6/11/33 4/4/38 I: Area notsuitable for development !.' " !! " "i£2 7 '"gg \' 4S9 2 ' 298 2,945 22,674 180 1 ' 6U 12 '° 97 1 ' 89 ° 4,855 4. Area alienated for settlement, reserves, <fec. .. .. .. Acres .. 7 " ' I: Saonf^^nto e - 1,249 7,258 1,439 2 ' 2M 1:240 18 ' 941 " 180 i'- 801 611 12 ' ,0OT i;S9 ° 4 ' ,S55 pSmaneTara-w " " " " " " inS fa? 1: T£ 275 100 12,512 90 1,023 100 5,976 190 2,673 Temiora?vfSw " " 'to? 50 B 800 2 > 660 5,246 90 278 1,290 70 1,150 2,172 <V,m? " •• •• f •• 194 200 657 125 ■■ 938 .. 221 6.029 50 crops .. .. .. Acres oO .. 16 22 40 17S 9ftn Cultivated, but not in grass or crops .. .. .. .. Acres 40 34 Plantations .. .. .. .. ., .. .. Acres .. 28 7 " "in "4.5 " " " "99 " " 10 Water supplies: Area reticulated .. .. .. .. Acres .. 1,560 1,075 300 "lOO 600 383 " 20 " "46O 73 " 420 Drains® " " " " 1 '?m ?'??= 3 '??£ 9 ,0 !S 2 ' 488 8,270 6,899 193 669 1 ' 082 8,170 1,736 2 ' 308 Chains 150 1,718 448 2,459 2,454 .. 1.003 .. .. . 16 777 15 538 ±nveuings .. .. .. .. .. .. .. dumber 1 3 12 11 1 ft a i q 9 i i Wool-sheds Number 1 .. ? ? 1 ? ? J 1 Cow-sheds .. .. .. .. .. .. .. Number 1 2 12"ll" i 1 " 1 " 9 Other farm buildings .. .. .. .. .. .. Number 4 14 12 33 "5 10 12 1 " "2 "4 "9 Bridges .. .. .. .. .. .. .. Number .. 24 14 32 5 20 "1 1 "*i<!7 6 10 Roads and farm tracks .. .. .. .. .. chains .. 409 .. 120 674 " 633 " 480 20 7. Capital expenditure to date on land (item 2)— ■ Land acquired, including Crown land set apart — Improvements I I'sm 360 2 ' 731 466 9,914 12,118 90 S ' 564 5,100 7,403 2,970 2,427 -, r ; " ? ements .. .. .. .. .. .. h 5,933 790 .. .. .. 23 419 22 798 1 720 11 2 Q85 / S trm^i eXPeDSeS " " " "" " f 1- ??2 38,931 22,358 17,988 18,678 7*150 35,'591 ij236 360 ..' 17.298 Labour ( O ross) .. .. .. .. .. .. £ 110 25,180 14,266 26,827 17,470 2,435 33,623 897 132 .. 53,299 16,716 17,823 T °TplaSh?w 1 £i r niT'S ) , " " " " f 11,384 36,984 47,546 36,614 42.918 104,130 2.223 5,776 16,436 87,163 26,873 37,548 Less subsidies on labour .. .. .. .. £ 84 14,663 9,o00 22,353 12,178 1,850 19,237 807 110 .. 32,545 9,805 11,063 Net expenditure .. .. .. .. .. £ H.300 54,685 27,484 25,193 24,436 41,068 84,893 1,416 5,666 16,436 54,618 17,068 26,485 8. Capital charges on alienated land (item 4) .. .. .. £ .. .. .. 53 ================= . ====== ===== =* 9. Dairying on area under development (item 5)— Area occupied .. .. .. .. .. .. . . Acres .. 120 1,439 365 Herds .. .. .. .. .. .. .. Number .. 1 12 8 ' * Cows milked .. .. .. .. .. .. .. Number .. 36 357 225 Dry cows .. .. .. .. .. # . Number .. 7 81 37 Breeding-sows .. .. .. .. .. .. .. Number .. 3 44 16 m r» ® ut J. s °ld • • .. .. .. .. .. .. 8,110 112,839 69.655 !! *' " 2 172 10. Other farming on area under development (item 5)— " " ' " •• •• •• •• ® r um !? er 811 .. .. .. 1,067 2,864 4,300 .. .. 2,282 1,065 1.429 990 and heifers ." " ." !! ." SS "591 !! " J? 3, Jg 1 " 995 987 2,201 ™° s 3 85 ™ cattle Number 159 1,107 . .. Ill " J 1,345 " "l92 440 2,lg Itt dairy stocK .. .. .. .. .. .. Number .. 819 213 172 24 254 Number 5 19 27 14 5 12 "24 "2 4 " 6 "7 "4 " 12 " " " " " 5' , " " " " 3,206 39,545 23,232 .. .. 29,448 36,948 14,735 " " " " " " " ?r Um S 6r " " •' " 340 1 > 576 481 25 885 l. 073 1.112 Cash pro™ t 1 1 «2 321 202 234 410 478 63 151 62 208 192 161 o , asI l cro P s •• •• •• •• •• Type and quantity 11. Sales of produce, live-stock, &c., for year (item 5)f — Butterfat .. .. .. .. .. .. .. £ .. 536 7,690 4,654 .. 124 Sheen Cash sales f " " " " 149 1,860 1,068 •• 1,410 1,610 675 ' other blocks" " ;! i! ". | " ;; " ;; J 889 1,638 380 •- 28 951 1,242 1,047 Cattle-Ca|h sales £ 2 2,489 394 193 1,167 1482 5,643 "21 !! "599 302 "5 p f „, iransters to otner Blocks .. .. .. .. £ .. 10,766 .. , 748 1,919 179 281 982 .. 27 910 945 crops" :: :: :: - ;; - | - 69 1 091 611 •• ■■ 31 12. Li™-SfSeasonal expenditure for year (item S)-!' " " £ " 25 " 277 " 817 " 302 " 17 " 142 " 149 " 11 1 " 2 « " 122 " 33 "20 Sheel^g2S C ftom other blocks " !! !! !! I 1,895 " " " 2,049 1,103 3,430 •• 1,083 174 262 823 1,815 CatUe &™ftomother blocks i! " ."I 563 62 " 2 3 " 16 4 ' 880 4,348 " 260 4 > 39 9 > 68 "° 7 | ,'f 8 rarnung-expenses— Materials and expenses £ 27 633 i,380 767 "l47 l'l82 671 " 18 132 1 637 979 12" 144 Miscellaneous .. T " " " " " | .. 39 3,061 3,1 ?| 443 1,361 3,909 105 37 653 2,259 579 1,003 13. Labour employed (development and farming): Average for year (item 5) Number 1 23 12 13 4 12 31 1 1 1 37 3 15 iJerd milked, August to December, 1941. f Receipts under item 11 represent actual cash received during the financial year ended 31st March, 1942, and are not necessarily the proceeds of the sale of stock and produce listed under items 9 and 10.




Superintendent, Auckland. Sunerintande.nt. Te Kuiti. Particulars. — Waikite. Wharere. Aria. Arohena. Bain's. Benton's. Brough's. Burn's. 0 "' 8 N™Dairy. Foss '- Henderson's. Kaeaea. 2. Total area 9 on 01 Crown tend set apart .. .. .. .. .. 10/10/38 1936-37 1933-40 1936 1936 1937 1936 1933 1933 1933 1935 1937-40 3. Area not suitable for development " " " " " Ac™ i din ' 4, iS° 169 1 '° 13 1 ' 054 139 3,012 n7 438 77 « 1,639 4. Area, alienated for settlement, reserves, &c. " " " " Acres " " 735 653 33 400 •• 10 8 820 6. Conditionof areaunderdevelopment '(item " " " A ° reS ®' 086 4 ' 621 403 3,150 169 278 401 106 2,612 "ll7 " 428 "773 i',319 ." " " " " " ? 'ono I'rw j 6 1,841 18 4 9 .. 400 .. 76 55 669 Temporary grass .. " " " " fSS 1 '™ 2,652 83 ° 1 > 200 140 278 300 90 2,098 108 288 636 511 Crops .. '' "' '' • ' -^ cres • • .. 43 1 .. 21 .. .. .. .. 53 Cultivated, but'not in grass or crops " *' " X-JS " 24 32 317 10 •• 31 16 90 8 22 52 86 Plantations .. .. * " ' * • * f J*®® • • • • • • 249 .. .. .. .. .. .. 30 28 Water-supplies: Area reticulated " " " " a or™ " 17 » ■■ .. 24 1 12 2 Fencing "' * * . J -' .. 500 . . 100 98 300 ''OO Drains !! ]] \\ " " " Sj*}?! 2,1 ?° 7,535 856 4,994 492 470 475 "366 3,460 290 845 1,499 i',071 Dwellings " £hams 832 3,350 316 32 .. .. 251 1 210 .. .. 717 970 Wool-sheds .. .. ,. '" '' " S™]*? 1 4 110 1 1 1 111 1 1 2.. Cow-sheds .. .. '' '' - • Number .. .. .. 2.. 1 .. i 1 1 Other farm buildings .. " " " " " "90 i " 6 1 •• 1 8 1 Bridges ;; " '' ■ • ?9 „® 3 I 7 1 2 2 1 20 5 8 9 6 B-oads and farm tracks .. .. " " c 6 J 1 • • .. .. .. 2 .. .. 1 7 7. Capital expenditure to date on land (item 2)— " " " 189 120 35 .. 228 5 80 5 616 Land acquired, including Crown land set apartunimproved .. « OOA 0 ... Improvements .. .. " " " " s ?S 2 S' 4 ? 3 139 282 261 90 1,018 585 438 3,928 1,542 Materials and expenses .. .. " " "' % ok'Sk on?} o . 4 12 340 150 400 108 2 >956 373 1.588 73 Labour (gross) .. .. .. " " *• | 839 S?'? 3,94 J f?'?§o 1,518 2 > 616 x > 514 30,804 76 5,956 7,291 7,108 £ 16,376 24 ' 260 8,186 51,488 2,589 1,629 3,990 1,617 44,942 76 8,311 19,102 ie!902 Total expenditure (gross) c ao zak c , 77m IT — ' Less subsidies on labour !! " ;; *• | f 4 '^ 9 13,239 79,177 4,547 3,769 7,017 3,621 76,872 3,693 15,078 31,909 25,625 • • * y,U5d 18,336 5,816 36,572 1,838 1,157 2,834 1,148 33,355 .. 6,158 13,568 12^006 Net expenditure .. c oo a no or — „ •••••■* dd,4tf2 3o,723 / ,414 42,605 2,709 2,612 4,183 2,473 43,517 3,693 8,920 18,341 13,619 8. Capital charges on alienated land (item 4) £ ~— — — ~ — - - -= —— ======== ===== — 9. Dairying on area under development (item 5)— Area occupied Acres is* Herds .. .... f* cre s .. 13o .. .. .. _ 62 11 6 Cows milked !! 2 -• •• .. .. .. " 1 1 Dry cows .. .. .. .. " " '' Hmnw '" 6 ? • ■ • • • • • ■ .. .. 34 53 Breeding-sows .. .. ' " '" • 4 ■ • .. .. .. .. . 2 20 Butterfat sold .. .. .. " " " " ® | umber 6 .. .. .. .. .. 3 4 " 10. OtlM farming on area under development {item 5)— " '' " 14,4!>Z .. .. .. __ __ 9 030 12,237 Dry shefp e,e \'.' " " " fjjSl " 1,722 959 1.551 398 526 1 253 1,682 .. 354 825 27 Breeding-cows and heifers ' " "... 475 724 5, ''9 193 186 1,001 90 4,365 .. 614 884 1,765 Dry-run cattle ;; " ' 16 « •• 78 249 33 2 25 36 310 .. 65 113 Ho?ses airyStOCk : - ■ 87 .. .. . M 34 3 fn A 73 122 60 Wool produced " " " " " " um,)er 9 16 5 29 3 2 3 3 18 2 "5 "9 "6 Sheep sold ; ' " " u h •• 4, 60 4 12,469 53,517 5,353 7,034 6,633 3,746 63,127 .. 7,501 20,680 13,255 Cattle sold ; " •• 909 1 3,863 387 485 .. 261 3,445 .. 741 710 772 ,, „ Cash crops .. .. .. .. _ Type and auantitv 11 1 2 267 9 321 22 9 233 178 11. Sales of produce, live-stock, &c., for year (item 5)*— " quantity Butterfat ...... # no - Wool .. .. ' ' '' '' ? '' " • * • • • • • • • • 606 866 Sheep— Cash sales .. " | •• 198 4 0 2,221 96 16 290 140 2,054 .. '*286 " 69 '*571 Transfers to other blocks .. " " " 4? " 55 • • , 3,556 .. 3 .. .. 2,766 .. 134 1 239 Cattle— Cash sales .. .. .. " '* '' o •• k'vaa 164 284 •• 60 1,000 .. 614 820 507 Transfers to other blocks .. " $ " 9Q ' 0 . 9 •• 447 •• 356 14 59 646 .. .. .. .. .. _ •' ~ - 234 233 .. 18 1,872 41 1,609 56 .. 1,195 826 Crops .. .. .. _ " •• " % •• 350 •• •• .. .. .. .. 114 123 Miscellaneous .. .. * '' " s "so "no * * 12. Live-stock and seasonal expenditure for year (item " 27 217 27 31 32 28 351 37 33 55 Sheep —Cash purchases .. .... c 0 fOQ _ Transfers from other blocks .. " " " t " ' 59 2,4 i 6 180 39 2 05 29 2,105 .. 257 107 1,861 Cattle— Cash purchases .. .. .. .| o* 1d7 ' ■ •• _ 3 ' 3^ 9 85 .. .. 1,575 .. 285 2 Transfers from other blocks .. .. " £ 1'770 7 1 o?? " " 132 •• 552 •• •• 37 Farming-expenses— Materials and expenses .. " "I '*09 liS •• 154 1.916 .. 249 83 310 936 1,526 Labour .. .. .. " % Soo 9 f 92 179 636 79 64 168 42 1,010 531 239 306 266 Miscellaneous .. .. .. .. <# ' ** | 2,309 328 1,438 202 271 305 266 2,052 121 309 608 345 13. Labour employed (development and farming) Average for year (item 5)' Number " 16 " 20 "3 "23 " 1 " 1 "3 '' 2 " 15 " 1 "2 "5 " 19 'p de item 11 represent actual cash recei\ed during the financial year ended 31st March, 1942, and are not necessarily the proceeds of the sale of stock and produce listed under items 9 and 10.




Superintendent, Te Kuiti. Particulars. Kairangi. | Karakariki. | Kohua. | Langdon's. | Lee's. | Maihiihi. |Mangamahoe.j Mangaorino. | Mangati. I Mapara. j Metcalfe's. [Ngatamahme.j Nilson's. I. Date of acquisition or Crown land set apart A .. 1«» 1938 1935/38 1933 1933 1936-37 1934-38 1939 1933-38 1936-40 1938 1934-39 1936 9 Total arpfl • Acres 1,682 2,150 1,094 456 243 443 533 832 641 5,10b 337 4,638 604 s! Area not suitaWe for development :: " " .. Acres 96 837 306 104 24 40 47 32 296 900 279 4. Area alienated for settlement, reserves, &c. .. .. .. • • Acres b79 715 .. .. . .. .. ;'aio '' vt ? 5. Balance area under development .. .. •• •• Acres 907 598 788 352 .. 419 493 785 609 4,810 3,738 325 " 6 ' Acres 49 g87 10Q 40 .. 40 75 435 10 2,421 !! 898 Eminent grass " i! !! .. .. Acres 842 210 646 270 .. 86 391 335 210 2,254 .. 2,642 325 Temporary grass .. .. .. .. .. Acres .. .. .. 25 .. 278 . . 312 .. .. 80 Crops .. .. .. • • • • • • • ■ Acres 15 41 15 7 22 Id 64 13o .. 113 Cultivated, but not in grass or crops .. .. .. .. Acres .. .. .. •• •• 8 3 .. 12 .. .. .. Plantations ■ - • ■ ■ • - ■ Acres 1 1 1 ■ ■ •• « 1.. .. D .. Water sinmlies*** 4rea reticulated . .. Acres .. .. .. 200 .. 15 130 .. 166 100 .. 278 Fencing " . .. Chains 1,606 434 1,778 760 753 1,335 677 1,031 3,934 .. 5,406 650 Drains" " " .. .. ■■ Chains .. 30 411 .. .. 164 300 44 159 1,266 .. 2,492 Dwellings .. .. .. . ■ .. • • • • Number 1 2 1 3 3 2 1 9.. 13 1 Wool-sheds Number 1 1 1 . .. 1 1 1 1 1 Cow-sheds .. .. .. . • .. • • • • Number .. .. .. 1 •• 1 1 .. 1 .. .. 8 Other farm buildings .. .. . . .. .. •. Number 6 3 8 7 4 2 5 5 15 20 2 Bridges .. .. .. .. .. .. • • Number .. .. .. •• •• 3 o 1 .. 3 .. 1 Roads and farm tracks .. .. .. .. .. • • Chains 80 80 338 oO .. 4 105 80 52 163 .. 393 400 7. Capital expenditure to date on land (item 2)— Land acquired, including Crown land set apart — „ _ _ _ Unimproved ■ • £ 6,339 2,504 650 680 1,230 600 1,085 1,148 728 3,361 676 5,550 169 Improvement* *" " " " • • ■ £ 11 j 447 11,067 345 753 382 896 2,691 1,185 65 2,931 .. 8,702 540 Materials and expenses " " " £ 8,477 5,957 10,270 5,471 5,397 4,179 6.734 1,857 7,341 21,888 4,275 32,038 813 Labour (gross) *.. .. .. £ 12,953 12,814 26,367 8,446 15,045 4,562 11,765 2,678 9,055 34,588 6,740 92,257 1,864 Total expenditure .. £ 39,216 32,342 37,632 15,350 22,054 10,237 22.275 6,868 17,189 62,768 11,691 138,547 3,386 Less subsidies on labour .. .. .. £ 4,166 3,801 18,729 5,999 11,264 3,240 8,357 1,902 6,432 24,568 4,848 65,527 1,324 Net expenditure .. .. .. .. .. £ 35,050 28,541 18,903 9,351 10,790 6,997 13,918 4,966 10,757 38,200 6,843 73,020 _ 2,062 8. Capital charges on alienated land (item 4) .. .. .. .. £ 17,069 16,358 .. .. 6,425 .. .. .. .. .. 5,955 9. Dairying on area under development (item 5)— Area occupied .. .. .. .. .. • • • • Acres .. .. .. .. . • 50 57 .. .. .. .. 340 Herds .. .. .. .. .. • • • • Number .. .. .. .. .. 1 1 j .. .. 6 Cows milked .. .. .. .. .. . • • - Number .. .. .. .. . - 26 32 i .. .. 210 Dry cows .. .. .. .. .. . • - • Number .. .. .. .. .. 5 7 .... .. .. 37 Breeding-sows .. .. .. .. .. .. .. Number .. . - .. .. • • 3 3 .. .. .. 18 Butterfat sold . .. .. .. .. • • • • lb. 3,699 .. .. .. 2,649 4,220 9,493 .. , .. .. 2,034 54,272 .. 10. Other farming on area under development (item 5)— Breeding-ewes.. .. .. .. .. .. .. Number 1.060 .. 1,047 270 .. .. 699 i 392 I 599 1,778 .. 2,479 3 Dry sheep .. .. .. .. .. .. .. Number 1)690 74 1,759 343 .. 314 648 365 853 5,365 .. 5,924 1,679 Breeding-cows and heifers .. .. .. .. .. Number 177 3 27 96 .. .. 4 27 65 179 .. 76 2 Dry run cattle .. .. .. .. .. • • Number 144 .. 144 51 .. 73 57 71 87 262 .. 487 1 Drv dairy stock .. .. .. .... .. Number 63 71 .. .. .. 23 16 .. .. .. 102 Horses .. .. .. .. .. .. • • Number 7 9 7 7 5 8 4 10 26 33 3 Wool produced .. .. .. .. .. 21,380 .. 21,027 8,070 .. 3,380 14,133 5,335 10,956 48,684 .. 59,175 54 Sheep sold .. .. .. .. .. .. .. Number 2,491 .. 209 .. 134 .. 442 .. 335 1,665 838 798 1,922 Cattle sold .. .. .. .. .. .. .. Number 375 129 126 303 180 146 44 39 14 80 186 476 140 Cash crops .. .. .. .. .. Type and quantity .. .. .. II. Sales of produce, live-stock, &c., for year (item 5)* — Butterfat .. .. .. .. .. .. .. £ 360 72t .. .. 505 288 633 .. .. .. 347 3,330 Wool . .. .. .. .. .. .. £ 1,162 .. 966 339 .. 225 44 186 479 2,061 36 2,547 7 Sheep—Cash sales .. .. .. £ 1,026 .. 191 .. 65 .. 229 .. .. 1,332 472 767 Transfers to other blocks.. .. .. .. .. £ 1,520 .. 2 .. 99 .. 180 .. .. .. 492 .. 2,437 Cattle— Cash sales .. .. .. .. .. .. £ 1,620 338 118 .. 1,237 147 490 2 .. 975 1,043 2,605 Transfers to other blocks .. .. .. .. £ '326 495 700 .. 59 1,046 54 380 84 10 363 1,588 1,120 Pigs .. .. .. .. .. . . . . .. £ 44 .. .. . . 114 55 124 .... .. 140 583 Crops .. .. .. .. .. .. .. £ .. .. .• • • Ill .. .. .... .. 125 Miscellaneous 80 1 29 27 31 88 83 27 37 174 23 406 26 12. Live-stock and seasonal expenditure for year (item 5)— Sheep —Cash purchases .. .. .. .. .. .. £ 1,302 .. 400 42 3 58 249 49 912 .. 205 858 Transfers from other blocks .. .. .. £ 1,000 40 3 .. 5 232 68 60 541 .. 506 1,432 Cattle —Cash purchases .. .. .. .. .. .. £ 33 10 547 23 8 7 30 306 .. 1,169 Transfers from other blocks .. .. .. .. £ 812 685 121 .. 256 1,068 925 503 89 1,475 322 2,351 Farming-expenses —Materials and expenses .. .. .. £ 347 123 376 308 130 156 304 61 460 1,162 281 1,415 31 Labour .. .. .. .. .. £ 980 69 562 330 396 518 975 195 616 1,780 336 3,833 314 Miscellaneous .. .. .. .. .. .. .. £ 13. Labour employed (development and farming): Average for year (item 5) Number 8 5 5 2 4 8 :3 5 30 31 1 * Receipts under item 11 represent actual cash received during the financial year ended 31st March, 1942, and are not necessarily the proceeds of the sale of stock and produce listed under items 9 and 10. t Bonus.




Particulars Superintendent, Te Kuiti. Ohakune. Otoru. Patoto. Piha. Piu. Pratt's. ! Pururu. Raetihi. Rumbles', i Tahaia. Tapuwae. j Vincent's. Waihuka. 9' TntoI°jS™ 9alSltl0n ° r Cr0wn laDd set apart •' • • • ■ • • 1935-36 1933-37 1935 1936 1935-41 1933 1937 1936-41 1936 1938 j 1938 1936 1938-41 I I?ea not suitable for development " !! !! I*. /.j?™ 1,224 7 f 4 28 f'||| 168 2,878 3,133 379 105 1 S f 2 l 2, | 39 4. Area alienated for settlement, reserves, &c .. Acres ' "55 " a! dTvTopment'atem 5j- ACIe3 1:021 " 681 " 434 " 22 4 > 43 111 2 ' 177 2 ' 596 " 273 " 105 3:200 " 185 f CIeS 21 4 1,910 4 581 .. 30 45 25 37 1,614 " " " " " " 4 0res 893 540 361 18 1,954 88 1,127 2,206 188 .. 2,880 124 .395 rwT ° " '' ■ ■ ■ ' Acres ■ ■ 105 18 • • 119 • • 347 100 23 50 190 .. 150 Cultivated, but* not in grass or crops " lj£ 127 28 34 " 251 19 119 281 48 10 100 23 118 Plantations .. .. . " " Acres " 1 " 8 " " Q " " 1 " 0 I " "5 " 1 2 Water supplies: Area reticulated Acres 60 500 !! " 111 300 T>«S? g " •• chains l' 734 2,094 944 115 5*701 352 4,549 3,871 431 175 2,995 372 1,265 nwrflin™ " " " •' '• Chaills 48 10 39 .. 578 55 '417 1J682 7 47 240 171 400 WooSSs S™S er 1 4 1 ... 14 2 15 8 1 1 3 1 1 Cow-sheds ? T Um 5 er '' 1 ■' 1 1 1 ■ • 1 1 \jun sulcus .. .. .. ,, ,, _ _ If umber • • 4 2 9 1 Bridem"™ buiMmgs •• ■■ •• Number 5 9 "4 1 '*68 4 39 '*26 '*3 "2 11 3 * 6 triages .. .. .. .. .. Numlipr 39 n KI I Hoads and farm tracks .. .. .. .. .. " chains 85 * 5 42 "a 7<*q *' ' \±i 9fi« " " "jnn "" qn qn 7. Capital expenditure to date on land (item 2)— * * * * Land acquired, including Crown land set apart — SSJ?ovements " " " " " f 3, 1 38 1,272 689 107 4,870 415 2,967 15,810 305 155 3,113 490 1,216 Materials and einensea " " " " " " f ,S'2Sf 2,044 20 •• 8 > 343 585 2,574 4,643 184 132 16.098 387 730 " " S 10,275 11,970 3,865 307 18,953 4,485 25,082 31,119 2,030 1.158 6,893 2,450 8.507 (gross; .. .. .. .. .. £ 68,613 12,503 5,885 578 38,270 1,297 49,091 95,211 2,485 2,400 18,941 2,962 21,554 T °T»L e Sh?S r L ( 1oh S m,r " •• •• •• f 84,390 27,789 10,409 992 68,436 6,782 79,714 146,783 5,004 3,845 45.045 6,289 32,007 suosidies on labour .. .. .. . . £ o9,197 8,931 4,180 411 27,183 929 34,870 67,627 1,765 1,705 13 U54 2,104 15,310 Net expenditure .. .. .. .. .. £ 25,193 18,858 6,229 581 41,253 5,853 44,844 79,156 3,239 2,140 31,591 4,185 16,697 8. Capital charges on alienated land (item 4) .. .. £ ■ ' " ===== ============ ===== 1 ========== ========== ===== 9. Dairying on area under development (item 5)— " "" " " * * " " ' Area occupied .. .. .. Acre s .... m 047 , - • ■ • • • ■ • • .. .. Number .. .. " " 2 4 Cows nulked Number .. .. ;; ;; " r i 14 0 Dry cows .. .. .. .. _ _ _ _ Number .. 7 22 * * Breeding-sows Number .. .. " | " " g Butterfat sold .. ........ Ib " 11 11 nm 10. Other farming on area under development (item 5)— " " " " " 11,010 ii.uou Drvshefn " " " " " " " ?T Um S er 1,692 853 •• i' 816 -• I, 530 4,251 283 215 3,255 501 534 Breeding cows aiid heifers " " " Jt um j! er ?? 9 470 8 44 ■■ 5,839 .. 2,174 3,003 383 129 1,742 354 1,139 Svnincattte Number 140 169 11 .. 'l 6 3 .. '284 37 .. 382 49 2 Dry dairy stock " " i! i] " " S .. ® ,. 13S .. 74 " . , 298 " 13 194 275 25 " 887 26 58 Horses .. .. .. .. .. .. Number 7 4 5 99 i» « o 1fi " , o SheeriSd 11 " " " " " " !?' """Mon 27,379 13,024 .. 58,565 .. 34,724 54,082 6,382 1,237 49,303 8.350 25,642 Cattl?sold " S um £ er 1, ??2 1,698 •• 710 1,425 •• 2 > 832 1 595 I 63 118 2,549 '211 2,489 Cash crons t "dumber 147 87 65 102 '3 31 94 144 25 40 154 20 . ,, O , ®h crops .. .. . .. .. Type and quantity » .. + 11. sales of produce, live-stock, &e., for year (Item 5)} — " " " T Wool 161 ' " " " " " " " f " •' '• •' •' 809 2, 808 Sheep-Cash sales .*.* .* .* .'.* .*.* ;; " | g 18 1 846 •• 1,743 ■■ 1,182 2,734 203 .. 2,339 27 651 Cattle—Casl^sales* 0 °^ her bIocks f 2,165 773 !! * *692 .. !! 1,969 l,5ol .. .*! 1,2H 97 Cash sales ........£ 100 760 734 .. 7 3 594 86 296 .. 2 Pia* Hirers to other blocks ........ £ 949 137 88 526 .. 68 726 1 127 120 IS** :: :: :: :: :: :: :: 1 -448 :: ;; :: ;; 162 349 - 60 12. Live M S STXseaso,,al expenditure for year*("item 5)-* *' £ 27 114 5 2 303 64 373 174 27 1 36 27 27 SheeP ~5?tt1rom other blocks !! !! !! !! | '* 84 " 8 S9 ° 937 " , 111 327 29 ' 298 39 , Cattle-Cash purchases £ X 22 '' 80 " 175 71 | 8 " 1,352 367 " . • „ " 2 3,100 Transfers from other blocks .. .. .. . £ 526 429 ifi 140 "a? zn aao qq ", 19 Farming-expenses Materials and expenses £ 417 "geg "jgy u lj207 304 1,226 768 103 81 "*593 117 <264 Miscellaneous .. a ur " " " ■■ | I-, 339 «86 396 2 2,449 504 2,415 2,524 236 57 1,489 225 511 13. Labour employed (development and farming): Average for year (item 5)" Number 10 "5 "3 .*! "28 " 2 " 22 'i9 "2 " 2 *21 "2 " 10 Hay, 99 tons. . Potatoes, 5£ tons , carrots, £ ton. $ Receipts under item 11 represent actual cash received during the financial year ended 31st March, 1942, and are not necessarily the proceeds of the sale of stock and produce listed under items 9 and 10.




Superintendent, Te Kuiti. Auckland: Hawke'sBav: yelson - Canterbury. _ Particulars. Mill Road Ahuriri Ota e o. Southland Waitanguru. Watson's. "Wharepapa. Block. Lagoon. Pakihi. Organ's. Dromore. Motunau. Valetta. Waikakahi. -rapanrn. bpurneaa. ■ 1. Date of acquisition or Crown land set apart .. .. .. .. .. 1933-41 1936 1938 13/6/34 2/4/34 11/9/35 7/10/40 2/12/41 20/1/41 1940-41 22/8/40 1934 31/3/41 2. Total area .. .. .. .. .. .. .. Acres 10,423 1,046 3,671 145 7,753 1,594 698 665 3,094 7,922 766 1,082 2,213 3. Area not suitable for development .. .. .. .. .. Acres 2,148 537 327 .. 2,153 200 .. .. 500 .. .. 55 4. Area alienated for settlement, reserves, &c. .. .. .. .. Acres .. .. .. .. .. 53 63 .. .. .. .. 150 5. Balance area under development .. .. .. .. .. Acres 8,275 509 3,344 145 5,600 1,341 635 665 2,594 7,922 766 877 2,213 6. Condition of area under development (item 5)— Undeveloped .. .. .. .. .. .. • • Acres 2,804 205 475 .. 3,896 .. 437 533 1,765 6,578 204 .. 1,897 Permanent grass .. .. .. .. .. .. Acres 3,723 298 2,144 136 1,134 1,341 198 .. 416 167 380 849 Temporarv grass .. .. .... .. .. •• Acres 1,455 .. 317 .. 340 .. .. .. .. 60 .. .. 35 Crops * .. .. .. . . . . - - • • Acres 263 6 339 3 218 .. .. 85 220 581 128 18 209 Cultivated, but not in grass or crops . .. .. .. Acres .. .. 57 .. .. .. .. 46 150 520 50 10 65 Plantations .. .. .. .. .. . • Acres 30 12 6 12 .. 1 43 16 4 7 Water supplies: Area reticulated .. Acres 40 37 1,000 145 5,400 .. .. .. 500 Fencing .. .. .. .. .. Chains 5,208 1,050 3,953 436 7,114 3,423 563 884 1,700 6,800 1,115 2,320 1,661 Drains .. .. .. . - .. Chains 532 .. 432 262 31,304 6,966 721 .. .. .. 500 .. 446 Dwellings .. .. .. .. .. .. Number 15 192231135281 Wool-sheds .. .. .. .. . - .. .. Number 3.. 1 1 .. .. 1 1 1.. 1 Cow-sheds .. .. .. .. .. .. • Number 4 1 .. 2 .. 1 .. .. 1.. 1 Other farm buildings .. .. .. .. Number 15 4 14 2 6 16 9 3 7 10 4 16 10 Bridges .. .. .. .. . - Number 2 6 10 2 7 6 9 .. .. 12 9 Roads and farm tracks .. .. .. .. .. Chains 950 169 100 7 2,028 .. .. .. .. .. .. 75 51 7. Capital expenditure to date on land (item 2)— Land acquired, including Crown land set apart — Unimproved .. .. .. .. .. .. £ 5,131 160 7,126 1,377 1,531 816 616 3,398 22,790 19,423 14,440 9,719 6,955 Improvements .. .. .. .. .. .. £ 8,673 339 12,528 .. 186 1,678 891 .. 4,340 4,982 1,299 3,845 5,455 Materials and expenses .. .. .. .. .. £ 33,526 3.205 13,574 3,505 96,657 13,975 3,481 63 3,132 1,162 1,158 5,646 958 Labour (gross) .. .. .. .. .. .. £ 72,682 4,187 17,523 2,181 157,866 30,109 14,300 6 1,119 748 201 3,979 386 Total expenditure (gross) .. .. .. .. £ 120,012 7,891 50,751 7,063 256,240 46,578 19,288 3,467 31,381 26,315 17,098 23,189 13,754 Less subsidies on labour .. .. .. £ 51,626 2,984 12,447 2,181 141,188 30,239 14,005 .. 561 326 90 1,469 228 Net expenditure .. .. .. .. .. £ 68,386 4,907 38,304 4,882 115,052 16,339 5,283 3,467 30,820 25,989 17,008 21,720 13,526 8. Capital charges on alienated land (item 4) .. .. .. £ .. .. .. .. .. 390 .. .. .. .. .. 2,840 9. Dairying on area under development (item 5)— Area occupied .. .. .. •. • • • • • • Acres .. .. .. 145 .. 124 Herds .. .. .. .. .. .. • • Number .. .. .. 2 .. 1 Cows milked .. .. .. .. •. .. •. Number .. .. .. 78 .. 26 .. .. .. .. .. I Dry cows .. .. .. .. .. • • • • Number .. .. .. .. .. 4 Breeding-sows .. .. .. .. .. .. - • Number .. .. .. 6 Butterfat sold .. .. .. . • .. .. .. .. .. 16,333 .. 6,487 10. Other farming on area under development (item 5)— Breeding-ewes.. .. .. .. .. .. Number 2,927 532 2,349 .. 2,217 .. .. 410 3,662 2,683 1,484 1,386 1,261 Dry sheep .. .. .. .. .. .. •• Number 10,460 871 4,876 .. 8,101 .. .. 158 3,022 2,579 1,898 834 804 Breeding-cows and heifers .. .. .. .. . • Number 312 34 302 .. .. .. .. .. 8 .. .. 15 Dry run cattle .. .. .. .. .. • • Number 843 53 347 .. 48 311 82 45 5 95 182 207 Drv dairv stock .. .. .. .. .. .. Number .. .. 78 .. .. 13 .. 3 4 2 Horses * .. .. .. .. .. .. • • Number 31 5 33.. 6 8 5.. 7 3 5 5 2 Wool produced .. .. .. .. .. 104,464 9,535 68,817 .. 117,728 .. .. 3,559 49.164 34,050 19,556 9.324 4.623 Sheep sold .. .. .. .. .. .. •• Number 2,777 3 3,993 .. 12,701 .. .. 329 1,765 1,339 1,868 809 49 Cattle sold .. .. .. .. .. .. • • Number 357 1 467 .. 173 135 37 .. .. .. 49 212 Cash crops .. .. .. .. .. Type and quantity .. .. .. .. * .. .. t .. .. .. .. j 11. Sales of produce, live-stock, <fcc., for year (item 5)§ — Butterfat .. .. . • •. • • • • .. £ .. .. .. 1,158 .. 408 Wool .. .. .. .. .. •• •• £ 4,322 35 2,328 .. 5,742 .. .. 179 2.487 1.655 933 520 193 Sheep— Cash sales .. .. .. .. .. .. £ 3,369 2 2,698 .. 13,041 .. .. 199 1,823 832 2,753 869 59 Transfers to other blocks.. .. .. .. .. £ .. .. .. .. 432 Cattle— Cash sales .. .. .. .. .. .. £ 3,172 2 651 115 423 1,611 437 .. .. .. 630 2,042 Transfers to other blocks .. .. .. .. £ 874 .. 1,830 .. 768 Pigs £ •• •• 140 .. 82 .. .. .. .. .. 78 Crops .. .. .. .. .. .. .. £ .. .. .. .. 51 .. .. .. .. .. 514 . # .. : Miscellaneous .. .. .. .. .. .. .. £ 313 27 289 59 73 43 25 3 60 41 70 50 226 12. Live-stock and seasonal expenditure for year (item 5)— Sheep —Cash purchases .. .. .. .. .. .. £ 2,221 38 360 .. 8,772 .. .. .. 801 1,324 660 192 1.902 Transfers from other blocks .. .. .. .. £ 1,541 277 1,420 .. 1,263 Cattle —Cash purchases .. .. .. .. .. .. £ 1,451 3 72 87 .. .. .. .. 176 10 386 2,198 i,156 Transfers from other blocks .. .. .. .. £ 566 153 769 .. 154 .. .. .. 8 14 304 15 Farming-expenses —Materials and expenses .. .. .. £ 1,349 155 901 243 3,068 1,050 49 120 714 1,400 1,151 440 1 254 Labour .. .. .. .. .. £ 2,569 372 1,604 701 2,938 2,331 20 236 863 464 785 927 '249 Miscellaneous .. .. .. .. .. .. .. £ .. .. .. .. .. 20 .. .. .. .. .. .. 30 13. Labour employed (development and farming): Average for year (item 5) Number 26 4 13 2 12 8 10 1 4 4 4 3 3 ♦ Asparagus, 2,2841b.; Cape barley, 14 bushels. t Rape seed, 7,9001b. i Linen flax, 78 tons. § Receipts under item 11 represent actual cash received during the financial year ended 31st March, 1942, and are not necessarily the proceeds of the sale of stock and produce listed under items 9 and 10.


OPERATIONS UNDER THE LAND LAWS AMENDMENT ACT, 1929. Commissioner of Crown Lands, North Auckland. The only block being developed under the control of the Commissioner of Crown Lands, North Auckland, is Batten's Block, at Waipu. This area is an abandoned discharged-soldier-settlement security, and is being farmed and improved with a view to future disposal. Superintendent of Land Development, Auckland. The only block under this heading controlled by the Superintendent is the Galatea Estate, and on this area pastures continue to show a very definite improvement despite the heavy reduction in fertilizer available. In addition to the ordinary station farming, 850 cows were milked on shares in fourteen herds. The Superintendent is also conducting an experiment on the development of the ironstone country at Kerikeri. This area is known as the Kapiro Block, and work was confined during the year to the top-dressing and stocking of the experimental area of 60 acres of permament pasture and the controlling of the growth of gorse. Commissioner of Crown Lands, New Plymouth. Farming on four areas in the Taranaki District is under the control of the Commissioner of Crown Lands. The areas in question are all abandoned Crown leaseholds or discharged-soldier-settlement securities which it has been necessary to farm or improve with a view to future disposal. The areasare Cole's, Robinson's, Whangamomona, and Hawke's. Access to the Whangamomona Block was by metalled road twelve miles from Whangamomona. The road has given a lot of trouble in the past, and during the summer severe cloud-bursts destroyed, the road in numerous places, and it became necessary to abandon operations. The season's wool has not been taken out, and it will not be possible to do so until dry weather is assured. The stock has been sold, and were driven out over rough tracks. On Hawke's Farm a dairy herd is milked on shares. The season has proved disappointing in view of the prevalence of contagious abortion, which resulted in butterfat-production being 35 per cent, below the estimated figure. Whole milk is now supplied from this property to help the drive for greater cheese-production. Commissioner of Crown Lands, Napier. During the year operations, naturally restricted in view of the supply position mentioned elsewhere in this report, were continued on the four blocks in the Hawke's Bay District —Kakariki,, Kaheka, Waihau, and Parinui. At Kakariki a large amount of work has still to be done, but the block will eventually make a good closer-settlement proposition, provided adequate supplies of fertilizer are available. The Kaheka Block when taken over in 1938 carried a great deal of second growth, and fences were in a deplorable state. A heavy programme of new fencing and reconditioning old fencing has been, carried out, and in addition large areas cleared of scrub and surface sown. The block as a whole does not lend itself particularly well to subdivision, but nevertheless two good combined sheep and dairying properties and three grazing propositions could be obtained. Waihau and Parinui are holdings which have reverted to the Department, and are beingreconditioned with a view to future disposal. Commissioner of Crown Lands, Gisborne. The Te Wera Station, a block purchased in 1927 for closer settlement, is under the control of the Commissioner of Crown Lands, Gisborne. Very little development work was carried out during the year. The station carries a standard flock, and the liberal use of cobalt is required to control bush sickness. Commissioner of Crown Lands, Wellington. In this district the only operations are on an area of 100 acres of sandy coastal country at Tangimoana ; 50 acres were laid down in grass in 1940, and a further 50 acres in 1941. The success obtained has indicated that further development could proceed on adjoining areas, but the time is not opportune to extend the work. Commissioner of Crown Lands, Blenheim. Operations comprise the working of a fully-developed orchard property (Torode's), and the development and farming of a cattle run —Molesworth-Tarndale Station. The latter area reverted to the Crown in 1938, and was given two years' rest to enable the process of regeneration, to commence. Work entailed now comprises rabbiting, fencing, regrassing,. establishment of plantations, and cattle-raising. It is anticipated that a large draft of fat cattle will be leaving the station early in the new financial year. Commissioner of Crown Lands, Christchurch. Work in the Canterbury District is confined to six blocks, and naturally heavy cultivation programmes are necessary on nearly all blocks. Twenty-six acres of linen flax were grown on Brinklands Block, and 12 acres on the Tripp Block. The McKenzie Block, of 199 acres, which is a dairying unit was worked for the first time on a share basis, with much improved results. To meet the need for greater cheese-production a change over to whole-milk supply was made during the year. Commissioner of Crown Lands, Dunedin. Arclif is the only block in this district being developed under this heading. The work involved is mainly the grassing of large areas previously eaten out and over-run with brown-top. The block contains several properties which have reverted to the Crown and must be reconditioned before being reselected.

2—C. 1.





A Snd. SUP a™ Glflborne. Hawke's Bay. Particulars. * Batten's. Galatea. Kapiro. Cole's. Robinson's. Hawke's. Te Wera. Kaheka Kakariki. Parinui. Waihau. Jiiuixiuiia. 1. Date of acquisition or Crown land set apart .. .. .. .. .. 1/3/38 1931 1938 28/8/33 26/8/32 1/4/37 11/10/35 31/1/27 1/2/38 25/3/31 1/11/36 1/5/38 2. Total area .. .. .. .. .. .. .. Acres 1,524 22,206 60* 593 694 4,581 101 9,922 10,505 19,225 1,043 963 3. Area not suitable for development .. .. .. .. .. Acres .. .. .. 110 150 2,379 9 500 .. 4,402 4. Area alienated for settlement, reserves, &c. .. .. .. .. Acres .. 1,353 5. Balance area under development .. .. .. .. .. Acres 1,524 20,853 .. 483 544 2,202 92 9,422 10,505 14,823 1,043 963 6. Condition of area under development (item 5)— Undeveloped .. .. .. .. .. .. .. Acres 740 4,817 .. .. .. .. 8 .. 5,488 6,118 284 12 Permanent grass .. .. .. .. .. .. Acres 784 12,536 60 470 544 2,202 81 9,389 4,882 8,242 736 946 Temporary grass .. .. .. .. .. .. Acres .. 3,121 Crops .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. Acres .. 317 13 .. 3 3 40 154 20 Cultivated, but not in grass or crops .. .. .. .. Acres .. 9 .. .. .. .. .. .. 89 289 Plantations .. .. .. .. .. .. .. Acres .. 53 .. .. .. .. 30 6 20 3 5 Water-supplies: Area reticulated .. .. .. .. .. Acres .. 5,240 .. .. •• .. 100 .. .. 73 .. 70 Fencing .. .. .. .. .. .. .. Chains 1,005 17,948 140 430 537 1 200 242 3,200 1,692 5,507 646 855 Drains .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. Chains .. 2,567 .. .. •• .. 10 .. .. 60 Dwellings .. .. .. .. .. .. .. Number 1 30.. 1 1 4 1 1 3 8 1 , 1 Wool-sheds .. .. .. .. .. .. .. Number 1 1 1 4.. 1 1 1 1 1 Cow-sheds .. .. .. .. .. .. .. Number .. 20 .. .. .. .. 1 .. .. 1 Other farm buildings .. .. . . .. .. .. Number 2 48 1 1 2.. 2 7 2 10 2 2 Bridges .. .. .. .. .. .. .. Number .. 49.. 2.. 1 2 1 2.. 2 Roads and farm tracks .. .. .. .. .. .. Chains .. 1 ,-448 .. 25 10 20 560 33 155 41 25 7. Capital expenditure to date on land (item 2)— Land acquired, including Crown land set apart — Unimproved .. .. .. .. .. .. .. £ 1,125 92,449 .. 683 450 1,165 2,095 39,453 34,927 16,564 5,220 3,370 Improvements .. .. .. .. .. .. £ 2,325 .. .. 1,657 716 3,821- 1,322 27,867 3,083 7,417 727 1,100 Materials and expenses .. .. .. .. .. .. £ 1,285 93,592 854 5 6 76 281 4,745 7,524 28,360 3,195 4,336 Labour (gross) .. .. .. .. .. .. .. £ 1,226 82,378 189 86 .. 138 302 13,553 4,544 23,488 946 2,176 Total expenditure (gross) .. .. .. .. .. £ 5,961 268,419 1,043 2,431 1,172 5,200 4,000 85,618 50,078 75,829 10,088 10,982 Less subsidies on labour .. .. .. £ 881 23,010 .. 58 .. .. 285 .. 1,024 5,829 304 587 Net expenditure .. .. .. .. .. .. £ 5,080 245,409 1,043 2,373 1,172 5,200 3,715 85,618 49,054 70,000 9,784 10,395 8. Capital charges on alienated land (item 4) .. .. .. .. £ .. 10,825 9. Dairying on area under development (item 5)— Area occupied .. .. .. .. .. .. .. Acres .. 2,562 .. .. .. .. 101 .. .. 25 Herds .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. Number .. 14 .. .. .. .. 1 .. .. 1 Cows milked .. .. .. .. .. .. .. Number .. 862 .. .. .. .. 61 .. .. 10 Dry cows .. .. .. .. .. .. .. Number .. 106 Breeding-sows .. .. .. .. .. .. .. Number .. 90 .. .. .. .. 6 .. .. 4 Butterfat sold .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 206,913 .. .. .. .. 11,350 .. .. 2,508 10. Other farming on area under development (item 5)— Breeding-ewes .. .. .. .. .. .. .. Number 885 6,738 .. 584 514 .. .. 5,172 2,693 5,129 837 832 Dry sheep .. .. .. .. .. .. .. Number 184 4,996 .. 293 * 267 436 .. 4'.396 9,545 9,490 1,006 1.238 Breeding-cows and heifers .. .. .. .. .. Number .. 2,315 .. 57 72 315 .. 782 16 226 23 ' 36 Dry run cattle .. .. .. .. .. .. .. Number 196 3,347 .. 47 73 119 .. 1,139 844 547 39 154 Dry dairy stock .. .. .. .. .. .. .. Number .. 141 .. .. .. .. 40 7 .. 4 Horses .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. Number 5 48 3 2 1 35 15 52 9 2 Wool produced .. .. .. .. .. .. 8,896 58,563 .. 7,272 6,703 15,200 .. 86,976 93,377 105,142 15,981 14,209 Sheep sold .. .. .. .. .. .. .. Number 678 2,675 .. 366 170 2,764 .. 3,305 3,785 2,507 613 1^431 Cattle sold .. .. .. .. .. .. .. Number 59 667 .. 30 43 48 15 303 779 526 .. 47 Cash crops .. .. .. .. .. Type and quantity .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. t % 11. Sales of produce, live-stock, &c., for year (item 5)§ — Butterfat .. .. .. .. .. .. .. £ .. 12,992 .. .. .. 808 .. .. 172 Wool .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. £ 411 3,125 .. 20 16 54 .. 3,927 4,281 4,485 670 611 Sheep —Cash sales .. .. .. .. .. .. £ 499 4,811 .. 221 154 1,320 .. 2,677 2.644 2,695 499 1.355 Transfers to other blocks .. .. .. .. .. £ .. .. .. .. .. 1,531 .. .. 1,002 110 .. " 223 Cattle— Cash sales .. .. .. .. .. .. £ 395 6,141 .. 248 267 79 137 555 7,165 1,274 .. 12 Transfers to other blocks .. .. .. .. .. £ .. .. .. .. .. 100 .. 300 .. 3 182 .. 140 Pigs .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. £ .. 913 .. .. .. . . 80 .. .. 158 Crops .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. £ .. 756 .. .. ... .. .. 18 430 137 Miscellaneous .. .. .. .. .. .. .. £ .. 2,072 .. 1 11 23 6 287 22 178 13 49 12. Live-stock and seasonal expenditure for year (item 5)— Sheep —Cash purchases .. . . .. .. .. .. £ 694 3,274 .. 148 66 . . .. 200 1,147 789 475 59 Transfers from other blocks .. .. .. .. £ .. .. .. .. .. . . .. 422 416 . . 423 Cattle —Cash purchases .. .. .. .. .. .. £ I 33 10,992 .. 21 16 47 21 260 4,565 2,048 Transfers from other blocks .. .. .. .. £ .. .. .. .. 100 .. .. .. 3 950 Farming-expenses —Materials and expenses .. .. .. .. £ I 319 12,752 .. 166 196 300 454 1,377 1,249 2,802 531 355 Labour . T .. .. .. .. £ j 391 7,883 .. 234 256 633 329 3,222 1,871 4,478 385 387 Miscellaneous -. .. .. .. . . .. . . £ .. 294 .. 20 18 16 403 13. Labour employed (development and farming): Average for year (item 5) .. Number 3 24 .. 1 1 3 1 7 3 15 1 1 j i * Experimental ironstone country —Crown land. t Cape barley, 929 bushels. $ Cape barley, 455 bushels. § Receipts under item 11 represent actual eash received during the financial year ended 31st March, 1942, and are not necessarily the proceeds of the sale of stock and produce listed under items 9 and 10.




j Wellington. | Marlborough. J Canterbury. | otago. I TanrnmnQTiQ ! Molesworth- Torode's. Ashton: x, . ,, , Broadflelds- T • * ,n • McKenzip I Tangimoanaj TarndaIe (Orchard). Acton. Bnnklands. La«™ton. Tripp. Arcllf - 1. Date of acquisition or Crown land set apart .. 18/10/40 1940 28/2/38 2/9/31 14/1/41 13/9/29 8/10/40 25/9/40 20/5/40 8/11/33 1941 I' T™'„ a „T a •» Ki r" A 1 " i " " •' '■ •• eres 100 239,500 68 1,253 1,120 624 329 516 199 4 804 3. Area not suitable for development .. .. .. .. .. .. Acres .. 90,000 .. 23 10 i 4. Area alienated for settlement, reserves, <fcc. .. .. .. .. Acres .. ' *" ' "" *' i,ooz 5. Balance area under development .. .. .. .. .. Acres 100 149',500 "68 i',253 i'097 "6<>4 "329 "497 "iQQ 2*079 6. Condition of area under development (item 5)— ' ,uy ' b ~ 4 4y ' iyy ij972 S"iT l0P . ed f cres „ 9 ' 500 8 289 265 251 84 298 55 2,500 Permanent grass .. .. .. .. .. .. Acres 100 139,978* .. 567 416 83 85 87 115 36° Temporary grass .. .. .. .. .. ,, Acres .. .. .. 36 277 60 . 50 .. .. . . Cultivated, but not in grass or crops .. .. .. .. .. Acres ,. 17 ''' L 49 130 H? 101 ~ 4 100 Plantations .. .. .. .. .. .. Acres .. 5 "9 06 "9 ? " o ° " i "in Water-supplies: Area reticulated .. .. .. .. Acres .. .. .. " " " " " " " X k3 8 ' 9 ™ 142 2,240 i' 640 i' 327 637 818 585 *. 48 <> i/rains .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. Chains 63 20 iso orq Number .. 2 " 2 "3 3 "2 " x X % 263 .. Wool-sheds .. .. .. .. .. ,. . . .. dumber .. ! 1 1 5 Cow-sheds .. .. .. .. ,. .. .. number .. " 1 " " " "1 9 Other farm buildings .. .. .. .. .. .. .. Number .. 14 "2 5 3 " « "1 " k i if Bridges .. .. .. .. .. ., ., .. Number .. 10 Roads and farm tracks .. .. .. .. .. .. Chains ., 60 "26 " " " " "om> 7. Capital expenditure to date on land (item 2)— " "' • • • • • • - uu Land acquired including Crown land set apart — SStl f 18? , *76 9,090 15,374 5,190 4,250 4,032 1,443 12,450 improvements .. .. .. .. .. .. .. £ 181 4,250 2,100 1,541 1,986 1,115 700 650 615 318 LatoSrtoo^) eXPen8eS I ™ »•!« 2 ' 2 " 889 «• 1.M4 330 l!459 J,a00aT („ross) .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. £ 26 (70 28 2,651 2,904 950 557 2,227 3,125 150 T °^ss e SbswS r on < Kir I 1,028 25 MM*! 21^» 9 5,M J,ess on labour .. .. .. .. . . £ 423 .. 2,442 2,559 457 321 744 l|868 90 Net expenditure £ 1,028 24,950 2.797 13,097 19,330 M62 MI45 19,287 _ 8. Capital charges on alienated land (item 4) .. .. .. .. £ 1 " " M 9. Dairying on area under development (item 5)— Area occupied .. .. .. .. .. ,. .. .. Acres .. 'ma Herds .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. Number .. " " " '' '' • • 198 Cows milked .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. Number .. " " 3 '' 2 '' 9 '' , 4 Dry cows .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. Number .. 3 t % Zi Breeding sows .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. Number .. " ■ ■ ,! Butterfat sold .. .. .. ., .. .. .. .. .. " " " " " " 10 o«10. Other farming on area under development Vitem 5)— "* " '' •• i^,9bD Breeding-ewes Number 251 .. .. 1,635 1.514 511 292 496 1 766 Drysheep .. .. .. .. .. .. .. Number 145 33 .. 1 -?79 1 142 w ifll «« " i i?? Breeding-cows and heifers .. .. .. .. .. .. Number 692 ' '* i 1-211 Dry run cattle .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. Number .' 505 !! "4 " 14 "4 "1 " " J 1 >ry dairy stock.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. Number .. .. Horses .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. Number .. 8 .. 2 6 9 i " * * q " k KBf - :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: fc*. '« „•» :: "IS 7SS '« *11! '« - Cattle sold Number .. 26 .. . 63 1 9Q * * « lfll S Cash crops .. .. .. .. .. .. .. Type and quantity .. .. + t s * (*i v 11. Sales of produce, live-stock, &c., for year (item 5)** — + s 11 » Butterfat ...... .. .. .. .. .. £ .. .. _ gg2 Sheep —Cash sales .. .. .. ., .. .. .. £ 328 .. " 1147 1 610 inn oif "' 250 Transfers to other blocks .. .. .. .. .. .. £ .. " 7 okq f?? "" Cattle —Cash sales .. .. .. .. .. .. .. £ !. 244 iqq a " •• on Transfers to other blocks .. .. .. .. .. .. £ ~ "" '' '' o? Kgs £ :: :: "s? :: . 15 •• •• 86 \*\ Miscellaneous !! !! " !! " \\% " 1 " * 38 2 '%t 5 on 23 q g 12. Live-stock and seasonal expenditure for year (item 51— 0 y 98 o9 59 other blocks' ' !! i; 1! | 407 30 ' 691 " 4 541 63 74 other blocks !! " " !! !! I ' 1,210 " " 28 " 94 " 4 ? ■ " 'f i- "488 Farming-expenses Materials and expenses .. .. .. .. £ 44 677 i,236 921 "982 353 151 S63 3?a "koq Miscellaneous .. Lab °: lr !! !! " !! !! "f .. 26 . , 269 ,. 858 « 33 924 389 ™ 3 9 I 23. Labour employed (developing and farming): Average for year (item 5) .. .. Number 2ft J 4-8 2-12 3 3 *2 " 1 2 2*2 * Tussock. t heat-, <93 bushels. i A\heat. 732 bushels ; oats, 810 bushels ; linen flax, 50 tons. § Lupins, 250 bushels : Italian rve 68 bushels li OaiK 7fi'> bimhpi<? • turn in kppH qce it. «r T{ _ rt 20 tons. ♦♦Receipts under item 11 represent actual cash received during the financial year ended 31st March, 1942, and are not necessarily the proceed of the sale of stock and produce listed undw 9 and io. ttPart tfme!


Advances made to Crown Tenants for the Development and Stocking op their HoldingsAmounts advanced for the year ended 31st March, 1942 £ Improvements .. .. .. . . .. . . 5,202 Stock .. .. .. .. .. ■ • •■ 637 Number of advances made .. .. .. .. .. 57 DISCHARGED SOLDIERS SETTLEMENT ACT, 1915. Owing to the necessity of conserving paper, and in view of the fact that operations under the Discharged Soldiers Settlement Act, 1915, are now extremely limited, a separate report on this subject which has in previous years been published as parliamentary paper C.-9, is not being presented. The following particulars are supplied pursuant to section 14 of the Act mentioned : — Total Area proclaimed since Inception of the Scheme. Class of Land. Area (Acres). Ordinary Crown lands .. .. .. .. 1,048,361 Land, for settlements land .. .. .. .. 404,307 Cheviot Estate land . . .. .. . . ■ . 3,356 1,456,024 Proclamations have been issued revoking the setting-apart of 257,936 acres of Crown land and 107,412 acres of land for settlements land. From the inception of the soldier-settlement scheme in 1915 the total applications received number 15,180 and the allotments made number 4,111, covering a total area of 1,444,422 acres. The Discharged Soldiers Settlement Account was abolished by section 6 of the Finance Act, 1937. Provision for the settlement of discharged servicemen returned from the present war was made in the Small Farms Amendment Act, 1940.

EXPENDITURE. Summary of Expenditure approved during the Year ended 31st March, 1942.

Approximate Cost of Paper.—Preparation, not given ; printing (605 copies), £35.

By Authority: E. V. Paul, Government Printer, Wellington. —1942.

Price Gd.]


' Net Amount Gross Net ' Name ol Vote or Account. vote(h Expenditure. recoveries. Expenditure. Voted Expenditure. £ £ £ £ Vote " Lands and Survey " — Subdivision I .. 238,165 286,387 67,993 218,394 Subdivision II 156,256. 138,396 .. 138,396 Subdivision III 15,785 5,158 .. 5,158 Total, vote " Lands and Survey" .. .. 410,206 429,941 67,993 36],948 Vote " Land for Settlements" .. .. .. •• 449,900 200,787 191 200,596 Vote " Small Farms Development" .. .. 388,200 463,746 260,064 203,682 Total voted expenditure .. .. .. 1,248,306 1,094,474 328,248 766,226 Other Expenditure. Land for Settlements Account: Expenditure from capital proceeds of sales 8,404 .. 8,404 of Orown and national-endowment lands Refunds of revenue: Deposits Account expenditure and miscellaneous 30,687 .. 30,687 expenditure —— Total, departmental expenditure .. .. .. .. 1,133,565 328,248 805,317

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Bibliographic details

DEPARTMENT OF LANDS AND SURVEY. SETTLEMENT OF CROWN LANDS (ANNUAL REPORT ON)., Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1942 Session I, C-01

Word Count

DEPARTMENT OF LANDS AND SURVEY. SETTLEMENT OF CROWN LANDS (ANNUAL REPORT ON). Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1942 Session I, C-01

DEPARTMENT OF LANDS AND SURVEY. SETTLEMENT OF CROWN LANDS (ANNUAL REPORT ON). Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1942 Session I, C-01

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