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8.—7 [Pt. IT].




8.—7 \Vt. ll].





Summary of Services chargeable on 1942-43. Supplementary Total the Consolidated Fund. Main Estimates. Estimates. Credits-ir.- j Net Totak _ Cre^ s " in - Net Totals. Cre^" in - Net Totals. CONSOLIDATED FUND. ' ££££££ ORDINARY REVENUE ACCOUNT. Permanent Appropriations :— Civil List .. .. . . .. • • 28,347 .. . . . , 28,347 Debt Services, —■ Interest .. .. .. .. 9,041,028 .. .. ,, 9,041,028 Sinking Eund .. .. .. •• 10,288 .. .. ,, 10,288 Repayment of Public Debt. . .. •• 2,501,087 .. .. .. 2,501,087 Transfer to Loans Redemption Account •• 10,000 .. .. 10 qqq Administration and Management .. .. 104,000 .. .. .. 104,000 Payments on Guaranteed Loans 12,392,403 .. .. .. 12,392,40.3 Under Special Acts of the Legislature,— Exchange .. .. .. •• 1,800,000 .. .. .. 1,800,000 Highways .. .. .. •• 1,800,000 .. .. .. 1,800,000 Other Special Acts .. .. 1,851,990 .. .. ,, 1,851,990 5,451,990 .. .. .. 5,451,990 17,872,740 .. .. 17,872,740 Annual Appropriations :—• =^==——= =— Vote, Legislative .. .. .. 1,379 110,078 .. .. 1,379 110,078 5 ,, Prime Minister's Department .. 10,450 121,003 .. 023 10,450 122 220 Finance, — 5 Vote, Treasury .. .. .. 139,773 05,345 .. 200,700 139,773 272,045 0 „ Customs .. .. .. 19,890 153,302 .. 329 19,890 153'091 7 „ Land and Income Tax .. 153,040 151,108 .. 0,850 153,040 „ Stamp Duties .. . . 1,350 90,200 .. .. 1,350 90' 200 „ Audit .. .. .. 35,500 39,900 .. .. 35,500 39'900 350,153 505,975 .. 213,879 350,153 719,854 General Administration, — Vote, Public .Service Commissioner's 900 19,500 .. .. 900 19 500 Office 8 „ Internal Affairs .. .. 130,978 450,470 120 9,000 131,098 459,470 „ Externa] Affairs .. .. 40,000 192,200 .. .. 40,000 192'200 10 „ Printing and Stationery .. .. 377,700 .. 17,700 .. 395^400 9 „ Marine .. .. .. 0,255 147,500 400 940 0,055 148^440 11 „ Labour .. .. .. 10,550 307,500 800 95 11,350 307j 595 „ Native .. .. .. 23,700 342,000 .. .. 23,700 „ Valuation .. .. .. 10,080 33,200 .. .. 10,080 33,200 „ Electoral .. .. .. 50 9,100 .. .. 50 9' 100 „ Census arid Statistics .. 2,000 30,000 .. .. 2,000 30,000 13 „ National Service .. .. 337,910 .. 22,759 .. 300,009 509,023 1,909,770 24,079 27,735 593,102 1,097,505 Law and Order, — : Vote, Justice and Prisons .. .. 89,815 277,095 .. .. 89,815 277 095 „ Crown Law .. .. .. 285 8,572 .. .. 285 8 572 15 „ Police .. .. .. 5,500 730,000 .. 17,417 5,500 747*417 95,000 1,010,207 .. 17,417 95,000 1,033,084

8.—7 [PT. ll].


SUMMARY —continued.


Pa S 0 Summary of Services chargeable on 1942-43. Supplementary ! Total . the Consolidated Fund and other Main Estimates. estimates. Accounts —continued. — Credits-in- Credits-ill- T , _ ±. , Credits-in- , nvt„it, aid Net Totals. fli( j Net Totals. ai( j_ Net Totals. Annual Aitbopriations—continued. £ £ £ £ £ £ JVL aintenanOe Vote, Maintenance of Public Works 1,311,200 500,000 .. .. 1,311,200 500,000 and Services ; Development of Primary and Secondary Industries 16 Vote, Lands'and Survey .. .. 60,800 370,000 .. 6,000 60,800 376,000 Agricultufo ° .. .. 161,810 936,000 .. .. 101,810 936,000 18 Industries and Commerce, Tourist 82,330 631,650 5,500 8,450 87,830 040,100 20 Scientific and'Industrial Research 78,380 168,463 9,100 3,600 87,480 172,063 22 Mines .. •• 17,750 96,768 .. 5,020 17,750 101,788 " Transport .. .. .. 28,371 78,000 .. .. 28,371 78,000 429,441 2,280,881 14,600 23,070 444,041 2,303,951 Social Services, — 23 Vote Health .. .. .. 177,150 1,873,884 15,000 2,225 192,150 1,876,109 25 „ Mental Hospitals .. .. 249,000 473,000 .. 13,113 249,000 486,113 26 Education .. .. .. 179,739 4,710,000 1,000 29,620 180,739 4,739,620 28 War and other Pensions .. 10,110 2,362,620 .. 151,122 10,110 2,5.13,742 „ Social Security 3,600,000 .. .. 3 -600,000 „ National Provident and Friendly 1,468 105,492 .. .. 1,468 105,49Societies 7„ 617,467 13,124,996 16,000 196,080 633,467 13,321,076 3,384,713 19,629,570 54,679 478,804 3,439,392 20,108,374 TOTAL ORDINARY REVENUE AC- 3,384,713 37,502,310 54,679 • 478,804 3,439,392 37,981,114 COUNT. ! " """ PUBLIC WORKS ACCOUNT. 29 Vote, Public Works, Departmental .. 468,898 150,000 .. 196 468,898 J®®'*®*! 29 Railway Construction .. .. 16,500 | 150,000 .. 125,000 16,500 -75,000 Public Buildings .. .. 10,000 350,000 .. •• 10,000 350,000 ■ ;; Education Buildings .. .. 5,000 I 200,000 .. .. 5,000 200,000 30 „ Lighthouses and Harbour-works .. 1,000 20,000 .. 1,200 1,000 21,200 31 Roads &c .. .. 30,000 170,000 .. 100,000 30,000 270,000 : Lands' Miscellaneous .. .. 20,000 70,000 .. .. 20,000 70,000 32 ,, Irrigation, Water-supply, and Drain- 22,000 200,000 .. 30,000 2-,000 230,000 19 „ Linen Flax Development .. 660,387 300,000 Dr. 41,232 100,422 619,155 400,422 TOTAL-PUBLIC WORKS ACCOUNT. 1,233,785 1,610,000 Dr. 41,232 356,818 1,192,553 1,966,818 SEPARATE ACCOUNTS. 32 Electric Supply Account .. .. 2,000,000 „ 360,000 57,500 2,300,000 Land for Settlements Account — — 17 Vote, Land for Settlements ,. .. 200 180,000 .. 100,000 200 280,000 17 Small Farms Development .. 264,000 110,000 3,000 47,000 267,000 157,000 " Native Land Settlement .. 650,000 100,000 .. ... 650,000 100,000 Total—Land for Settlements 914,200 390,000 3,000 147,000 917,200 537,000 Account — ====================== 33 Main Highways Account .. .. 100,000 1,692,200 .. __ 250 1° 00 _ 100,000 1,942,200 Social Security Fund — 27 Vote, Administration Expenses and 61,035 653,710 .. 10,007 61,035 663,717 Emergency Benefits „ 24 „ Medical? Hospital, &c„ Benefits 2,400 3,504,600 .. 10,000 2,400 3,514,600 Total—Social Security Fund. 63,435 4,158,310 .. 20,007 63,435 4,178,317 34 State Coal-mines Account .. .. 3,100 814,189 .. 62,955 3,100 877,144 .. State Forests Account .. ~ 9,060 ~ 475,000 9,060 475,000 34 War Damage Fund .. .. "" 10,200 2,000 .. 12,200 Working Railways Account — Vote, Working Railways .. .. 962,825 10,100,421 .. •• •jn'non „ Railways Improvements and Ad- 10,000 30,000 .. .. 10,000 30,000 ditions to Open Lines — Total — Working Railways 972,825 10,130,421 .. .. 972,825 10,130,421 Account ' ~ _ 7" TOTAL—SEPARATE ACCOUNTS. 2,120,120 19,670,320 3,000 841,962 2,123,120 20,51*,282

8.—7 [PT. ll].




I p ?S e Summary of Services chargeable on 1942-43. Supplementary Ttl Accounts outside the Public Main Estimates. Estimates. 0 a " Account. Cre aid.' in ' | Net T0tal8 - Cr °akr in " | Net Totals " Cr6 f!d S " in " Net Totals - ££££££ ACCOUNTS OUTSIDE THE PUBLIC ACCOUNT. Post Office Account— 35 Vote, Post and Telegraph Working- 360,650 4,460,989 241,490 642,564 608,140 5,103,553 expenses „ Telegraph Extension .. .. 205,000 200,000 .. .. 205,000 200,000 Total—Post Office Account .. 571,650 4,660,989: 241,490 642-,564 813,140 5,303,553 37 Public Trustee's Account .. .. 14,280 350,833 .. 5,000 14,280 355,833 Native Trustee's Account .. .. .. 16,801 j .. .. .. 16,801 Government Insurance Account .. 1,200 151,658 .. .. 1,200 151,658 Public Service Superannuation Fund 50 9,556 . . .. 50 9,556 Account 37 State Eire Insurance Account.. .. 25,250 83,366 .. 160 25,250 83,526 Government Accident Insurance Account 50 46,870 .. .. 50 46,870 Dairy Industry Account .. .. 31,331 89,148 .. .. 31,331 89,148 Meat Industry Account .. .. .. 40,100 .. .. .. 40.100 Sundry Products Account .. .. 130 21,280 .. .. 130 21,280 Wool Industry Account .. .. 8,000 12,471 .. .. 8,000 12,471 38 Internal Marketing Account .. .. 10,000 60,369 634 15,150 10,634 75,519 Fruit Industry Account .. .. 500 21,412 .. .. 500 21,412 39 Broadcasting Account .. .. 30,600 307,970 .. 20,140 30,600 328,110 39 Iron and Steel Industry Account .. 2,570 2,110 J .. 450 2,570 2,560 TOTAL—OUTSIDE ACCOUNTS .. 695,611 5,874,933 242,124 683,464 937,735 6,558,397

8.—7 [Pt. ll].





Salaries. Other Charges. Total. VOTE—PRIME MINISTER'S DEPARTMENT— £ £ £ Subdivision II.—New Zealand Legation in Washington .. .. .. 623 623 Gross Total .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 623 623 Credits-in-aid NET TOTAL .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 623 623 £ £ £ For Services chargeable on the Consolidated Fund — continued. ORDINARY REVENUE ACCOUNT—continued. VOTE—PRIME MINISTER'S DEPARTMENT. Subdivision No. II.~New Zealand Legation in Washington. Other Expenses — Motor-car: Purchase of .. .. .. .. 623 Total Subdivision No. II. 623 Gross Total .. .. .. .. 623 Credits-in-aid NET TOTAL .. .. .. .. .. 623

[ Salaries. Other Charges. Total. _____ 1 ; VOTE—TREASURY— £ £ £ GROSS Total .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 206,700 206,700 Credits-in-aid NET TOTAL .. .. .. 206,700 206,700 For Services chargeable on the Consolidated Fiind — £ £ £ continued. ORDINARY REVENUE ACCOUNT —continued. VOTE—TREASURY. Other Charges for and incidental to — Earthquake damage : Grants to local bodies .. . . (a) 6,500 Removal expenses .. .. .. .. .. (b) 200 Transfer to General Purposes Relief Deposit Account for making loans available for purposes mentioned in section 6 (3) of Finance Act, 1932 .. .. .. 200,000 Gross Total .. .. .. .. 206,700 Credits-in-aid NET TOTAL 206,700 (a) To cover extra expense incurred through the erection a second time of chimneys, and also to cover interest on overdrafts of Local Bodies brought about through earthquake expenditure, and meeting the cost of clearing streets and miscellaneous costs after earthquakes. (b) Cost of removal to Departmental Building, Stout Street.

B. : —7 [Pt. IT].




Salaries. Other Charges. Total. VOTE—CUSTOMS— £ £ £ Subdivision I. —Customs Offices and Services .. .. .. .. 300 300 -N | ,, II. —Customs: Miscellaneous Services .. .. .. j 29 29 Gross Total .. .. .. .. ■. • • • • 329 329 Credits-in-aid NET TOTAL 329 329 , ; £ £ £ For Services chargeable on the Consolidated Fund — continued. ORDINARY REVENUE ACCOUNT —continued. VOTE—CUSTOMS. Subdivision No. I. —Customs Offices and Services. Other Charges for and incidental to — Head and local offices — Launch hire (additional) .. .. .. .. (a) 300 Total —Subdivision No. I .. .. .. 300 Subdivision No. II —Customs. Charges for and incidental to — Miscellaneous services— Refund of gold export duty on j ewellery donated by the Otago Freemasons' Lodge for melting down and presentation to the British Treasury .. . . (6) 29 Total—Subdivision No. II .. .. .. 29 Gross Total .. .. .. .. .. 329 Credits-in-aid NET TOTAL 329 (а) Additional amount required in view of increase in number of American vessels calling at New Zealand ports. £500 provided on Main Estimates. (б) Last year members of the Otago Freemasons' Lodge donated certain gold jewellery for melting down and for presentation to the British Treasury. At the time of exportation gold export duty amounting to £28 2s. 5d. was paid, but a subsequent request from the Lodge for a refund of this sum was agreed to, in view of the spirit of the appeal made by the Lodge and the response of its members. This item covers the refund made.

8.—7 [Px. ll].




! Salaries, Other Charges. Total. VOTE—LAND AND INCOME TAX— £ £ £ GROSS Total .. 5,525 1,325 6,850 Credits tn-aid .. NET TOTAL .. 5,525 1,325 6,850 ofpersons. For Services chargeable on the Consolidated Fund — £ £ £ ' continued. 1942 43 1941 42 ORDINARY REVENUE ACCOUNT-continued. VOTE—LAND AND INCOME TAX. Other Salaries. 65 .. 65 (£80 to £425) (additional) .. .. .. .. 4,724 Cost-of-living allowances (additional) .. .. .. 668 Married men's allowance (additional) . . .. .. 31 Lodging-allowance (additional) .. .. .. .. 102 (a) 5,525 Charges for and incidental to — Compassionate grant to widow of late E. S. Smith, Deputy Commissioner .. .. .. .. 750 Expenses of Excess Profits Committee .. .. . . 400 Payment of monetary equivalent of leave due to deceased officers (additional) .. .. .. .. 175 1,325 Gross Total .. .. .. .. .. 6,850 Credits-in-aid NET TOTAL .. .." 6,850 (a) £192,798 provided in Main Estimates. Additional clerical assistance.

8.—7 [PT. ll].




I Salaries. | Other Charges. Total. VOTE—INTERNAL AFFAIRS— £ , £ i Subdivision I.—Head Office .. .. .. .. .. .. 120 120 „ VI. —Miscellaneous Services .. .. .. .. .. 9,000 9,000 GROSS TOTAL .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 9,120 9,120 Crkdits-IN-AID .. .. .. .. .. .. 120 120 NET TOTAL 9,000 9,000 — - For Services chargeable on the Consolidated Fund — £ £ £ continued. ORDINARY REVENUE ACCOUNT—continued. VOTE—INTERNAL AFFAIRS. Subdivision No. I. —Head Office. Charges for and incidental to — Fire-watching Expenses . . .. . . . . 250 Less amount provided on Main Estimates but not required: War Graves and Memorials.. .. 130 120 Estimated credits-in-aid under section 51 of tlie Public Revenues Act, 1926 (see end of Vote) — £ Fire-watching expenses.. .. .. 120 Total —Subdivision No. 1 .. .. — 120 Subdivision No. VI. —Miscellaneous Services. Other Charges for and incidental to — ■ Grants — Chinese Red Cross and Medical Relief Fund .. 5,000 Greek Government for distress in Greece .. 4,000 Total —Subdivision No. VI .. 9,000 | Gross Total .. .. 9,120 Credits-in-aid .. .. 120 NET TOTAL .. 9 t 000 , I

8.—7 [Pt. 11l-





Salaries. j Other Charges. Total. VOTE—MARINE— £ £ £ Subdivision II. —Harbours .. .. • • • • • • • • III.-Lighthouses .. .. .. ■■ ■■ ■■ 40 40 „ IV. —Mercantile Marine .. .. .. .. • • &&Q 550 „ V. —Inspection of Machinery .. .. • • • • 150 150 „ VI. —Fisheries . . . . • • • • • • • • TO ,, VII. -Westport Harbour .. .. • ■ • • • • 350 350 GKOSS TOTAL .. .. .. •• •• •• 1,340 1,340 CBEDITS-IN-AID .. .. .. • • • • • • ■ ■ 400 „400 NET TOTAL .. .. .. .. •• •• 840 940 i For Services chargeable on the Consolidated Fund — £ £ £ continued. ORDINARY REVENUE ACCOUNT—continued. VOTE—MARINE. Subdivision No. II. —Harbours. Charges for and incidental to — Karamea Harbourmaster's cottage —repairs .. .. (a) 180 Total —Subdivision No. II ■ ■ ■ ■ 180 Subdivision No. III. —Lighthouses. Charges for and incidental to — Ex gratia payment to widow of late Keeper G. Sinclair .. (b) 40 Total—Subdivision No. Ill .. ■ ■ ■ ■ 40 Subdivision IV. —Mercantile Marine. Charts (recoverable), (additional) . . .. • • (c) 400 Office fittings and requisites (additional) .. .. (d) 50 Removal of offices .. •• •• (e) 100 Estimated credits-in-aid under section 51 of the Public Revenues Act, 1926 — £ Charts .. .. • • • • 400 Total —Subdivision No. IV • • • • 550 Subdivision No. V. —Inspection of Machinery. Charges for and incidental to — Office fittings and requisites (additional) ■ • ■ ■ (j) 150 Total —Subdivision No. V .. ■ ■ • • 150 (a) Necessary repairs to cottage at Karamea. (b) Payment to widow of late Principal Keeper. (c) Charts in great demand owing to present situation. (d) Renovations to furniture required at Auckland Shipping Office. (e) Removal of Dunedin Shipping Office to other premises. (f) Renovations to furniture necessary at Auckland Office.

8.—7 [PT. ll].





£ £ £ For Services chargeable on the Consolidated Fund— continued. ORDINARY REVENUE ACCOUNT—continued. V OTE —MARINE —continued. Subdivision No. VI. —Fisheries. Charges for and incidental to — * | Waikawa Slipway, completion and improvements . (a) 70 Total—Subdivision No. VI .. .. .. 70 Subdivision No. VII. —Westport Harbour. Charges for and incidental to — » Compensation for accidents (additional) .. . . (b) 350 . i Total—Subdivision No. VII .. .. 350 Gross Total .. .. .. .. .. 1,340 Cbedits-in-aid .. .. .. .. .. 400 NET TOTAL — 940 (a) Amount necessary to complete the original work and improve wheels. (b) Lump sum payment necessary in case of an injured workman.

Salaries. Other Charges. Total. VOTE—PRINTING AND STATIONERY— £ £ £ Gross Total .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 17,700 17,700 Credits-in-aid NET TOTAL .. .. .. 17,700 17,700 £ £ £ For Services chargeable on the Consolidated Fund — continued. OEDINAEY REVENUE ACCOUNT—continued, VOTE—PRINTING AND STATIONERY. Other Charges for and incidental to — Overtime and meal allowances (additional) .. .. (a) 2,000 Rent (additional) . . .. . . .. . . (b) 700 Stationery, paper, &c., and office requisites (additional) .. (c) 15,000 Gross Total .. .. .. .. 17,700 Credits-in-aid NET TOTAL .. .. .. .. .. 17,700 (a) Additional provision required. £10,000 provided in Main Estimates. (b) For additional storage space. £600 provided in Main Estimates. (c) Required to meet cost of supplies expected to arrive. £180,000 provided in Main Estimates.

8.—7 [Pt. ll].




Salaries. Other Charges. Total. VOTE—LABOUR— £ £ £ Subdivision I.—Labour .. .. • • ■ • ■ • 95 895 GKOSS TOTAL .. .. •• • • • • • • $00 CBEDITS-IN-AID .. 800 800 NET TOTAL .. .. .. 95 95 Number p or Services chargeable on the Consolidated Fund— .£ £ £ oi rersons. , • 7 continued. 1842-43 1941-42 ORDINARY REVENUE ACCOUNT —continued. VOTE—LABOUR. Subdivision No. I.—Labour. 1 Salaries — Waterfront Control Commission — 1 .. 1 at £800 (Assistant Waterfront Controller) .. '.. 800 1 .. Other Charges for and incidental to — Freezing-workers' Conference: Expenses in connection therewith .. • • • • • • • • 45 Repair and incidental costs of motor-vehicle damaged in accident .. .. • • • • • • ■ ■ 50 95 Estimated crcdits-in-aid under Section 51 of the Public Revenues Act, 1926 (see end of vote) — £ Waterfront Control Commission .. . . 800 Total —Subdivision No. I .. .. 895 | . 1 GROSS Total .. .. . • •• • • 895 CBEDITS-IN-AID .. . • • ■ • • • • 800 NET TOTAL .. .. • • • • • • j 95

8.—7 [PT. ll].




• Salaries. Other Charges. Total. VOTE—ELECTORAL— £ £ £ Gross Total Credits-in-aid NET TOTAL.. For Services chargeable on the Consolidated Fund — £ £ £ continued. ORDINARY REVENUE ACCOUNT—continued. VOTE—ELECTORAL. Other charges for and incidental to — General Election : Expenses of officers overseas .. 270 Less amount provided in Main Estimates but not required— Postage, telegrams, and rent of boxes .. .. Cr. 270 Gross Total Credits-in-aid NET TOTAL .. .. .. .. .. — —

8.—7 [Pt. Ilj.




Salaries. Other Cha rges Total. VOTE-NATIONAL SERVICE— £ £ £ GROSS TOTAL .. .. .. .. .. .. 16,509 6,250 22,759 CREDITS-IN-aid .. .. .. .. .. .. 16,509 6,250 22,759 NET TOTAL ofPersoM. for Services chargeable on the Consolidated Fund — continued. 1942-43 1941-42 ORDINARY REVENUE ACCOUNT—continued. \ VOTE—NATIONAL SERVICE. 8 alanes 105 .. 105 (£65 to £765) (additional) .. .. .. .. 12,000 Cadets' lodging-allowances .. .. .. .. 30 Cost-of-living allowances . . . . .. . . 2,665 7 . . Salaries and allowances of officers on loan from other Departments .. .. .. .. .. .. 1,814 — (a) 16,509 112 Estimated credits-in-aid under Section 51 of the Public Revenues Act, 1926 (see end of Vote) — £ War Expesnes Account .. .. 16,509 Other charges for and incidental to — Overtime and meal allowances (additional) .. .. (b) 6,250 Estimated credits-in-aid under Section 51 of the Public Revenues Act, 1926 (see end of Vote) — £ War Expenses Account .. .. .. 6,250 —— 6,250 GROSS Total .. .. .. .. .. 22,759 Credits-in-aid .. .. .. .. 22,759 NET TOTAL —j (a) Increase due to additional stafl appointments and salary increments. (b) Increase due to additional overtime worked to cope with extra work.

B. —7 [PT. ll].




Salaries. Other Charges. Total. VOTE—JUSTICE AND PRISONS— £ £ £ Subdivision I.—Justice.. Gross Total Credits-in-aid NET TOTAL £ | £ £ For Services chargeable on the Consolidated Fund— continued. ORDINARY REVENUE ACCOUNT —continued. ORDINARY REVENUE ACCOUNT —continued. VOTE—JUSTICE AND PRISONS. Subdivision No. I. —Justice. Supreme, Magistrates', and Wardens' Courts. Other charges for and incidental to — Payment to C. R. Orr Walker, Stipendiary Magistrate, in lieu of leave on retirement .. .. • • 225 Criminal Prosecutions. Charges for and incidental to — Amount provided in Main Estimates but not required .. Cr. 225 Witnesses, expenses of Gross Total Credits-in-aid NET TOTAL .. .. .. • • ••

8.—7 [Pt. ll]




Salaries. Other Charges. Total. VOTE—POLICE— £ £ £ Subdivision I. —Police .. .. .. .. .. .. 15,479 1,800 17.279 „ II. —Miscellaneous Services .. .. .. .. .. 138 138 Gross Total .. .. .. .. .. .. 15,479 1,938 17 417 Credits-in-aid NET TOTAL 15,479 1,938 17,417 ofpersons. For Services chargeable on the Consolidated Fund— £ £ £ continued. 1042-43 1041-42 ORDINARY REVENUE ACCOUNT— continued. VOTE—POLICE. Subdivision No. I. —Police. Police Officers. Salaries— 3 3 Sergeants (£373), (part year) .. .. (a) 746 18 .. 18 Constables (£300), (part year) .. .. .. (a) 3,600 47 .. 47 Constables (£300), (part year) .. .. .. (6)9,400 10 .. 10 Women Police (£260), (part year) .. .. .. (o) 1,733 78 15,479 Other Charges for and incidental to — House allowances, &c. (additional) .. .. .. (d) 1,800 Total—Subdivision No. I .. .. .. 17,279 Subdivision No. II. —Miscellaneous Services. Charges for and incidental to — Compassionate grants to widows of deceased members, equivalent to leave due— £ Widow of Constable T. Condon .. .. 45 Widow of Constable P. J. McEntee .. .. 49 Widow of Constable J. Kennedy .. .. 44 — 138 Total —Subdivision No. II .. .. .. 138 GROSS Total .. .. .. .. .. 17,417 Credits-in-aid NET TOTAL .. .. 17,417 (a) To provide for necessary increases in strength of Force to cope with general increase of work. (b) To provide Police for guard duty at gangways of ships. (c) To provide for the appointment of additional Women Police. (d) House allowance for additional Police.

8.—7 [PT. ll].




| Salaries. Other Charges. | Total VOTE—LANDS AND SURVEY— £ £ £ Subdivision I. —Administration .. .. •• •• 6,000 6,000 GROSS Total .. .. •• •• 6,000 6,000 Credits-in-aid .. .. .... .. . • • • NET TOTAL .. 6,000 6,000 For Services chargeable on the Consolidated Fund— ~ continued. ORDINARY REVENUE ACCOUNT —continued. VOTE—LANDS AND SURVEY. Subdivision No. I—Administration. Charges for and incidental to — Overtime and Meal Allowances (additional) .. (a) 6,000 Total —Subdivision No. I ■■ ■■ ■■ ■■ 6,000 Gross Total .. • • • • • • • ■ 6,000 Credits-in-aid NET TOTAL .. .. • • • • ■ • 6,000 !_ : = : (a) Special overtime and meal allowances for work being carried out by Technical Staff on military surveys and mapping ; also draughting work for the Air and Navy Departments in connection with the war.

8.—7 [FT. II).






I Salaries. Other Charges. Total. VOTE —LAND FOR SETTLEMENTS— £ £ £ Gross Total .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 100,000 100,000 Credits-in-aid NET TOTAL .. 100,000 I 100,000 ■ . , , | " . I VOTE—LAND FOR SETTLEMENTS £ £ £ . Oilier charges for and incidental thereto— Acquisition of land and interests therein— Freehold lands (additional) .. .. .. .. (a)100,000 100,000 Gross Total Credits-in-aid NET TOTAL 100,000 (a) Additional expenditure required to purchase further areas for development and farming to be made available for discharged soldiers.

Salaries. 1 Other Charges. I Total. VOTE—SMALL-FARMS DEVELOPMENT— £ £ £ Gross Total .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 5.0,000 50,000 Credits-in-aid .. .. .. .. .. 3,000 3,000 NET TOTAL .. 47,000 47,000 VOTE—SMALL-EARMS DEVELOPMENT. £ £ £ Development operations — Development of land (additional) .. .. .. 5,000 Chattels (additional) .. .. .. .. 8,000 Seasonal expenditure and live-stock (additional) .. 26,000 Wages — ) Development (additional) .. .. .. .. (a) 5,000 Seasonal (additional) .. .. .. (a) 6,000 I Credits-in-aid under section 51 of the Public Revenues Act, 1926— £ Receipts for development schemes .. .3,000 j GROSS Total .. .. .. .. 50,000 Credits-in-aid .. .. .. .. .. 3,000 NET TOTAL .. .. 47,000 (a) Additional expenditure required to develop and farm additional areas of land to be made available for discharged soldiers.

8.—7 [Pt. Til.




; Salaries. Other Charges. | Total. VOTE—INDUSTRIES AND COMMERCE, TOURIST AND PUBLICITY— £ £ £ Subdivision I. —Industries and Commerce .. .. .. .. 7,300 1,650 8,950 Subdivision II. —Tourist and Publicity .. .. .. .. .. 5,000 5,000 Gross Total .. .. .. .. .. .. 7,300 6,650 13,950 Credits-in-aio 5,500 I 5,500 NET TOTAL . . .. .. 1,800 6,650 8,450 £ £ £ For Services chargeable on the Consolidated Fund — continued. ORDINARY REVENUE ACCOUNT —continued. VOTE—INDUSTRIES AND COMMERCE, TOURIST AND PUBLICITY. Subdivision No. I. --Industries and Commerce. Salaries — Other salaries — 28 (£65 to £765) .. .. .. .. .. (a) 7,300 Charges for and incidental to — Flax Industry : Expenses in connection with research and development, including purchase of equipment (additional) (b) 1,000 Grant to Stewart Island Fish Packing and Storage Co., Ltd., to cover loss at Port Pegasus fishing-station . . .. 250 Rebate to wheatgrowers on account of superphosphate purchase .. .. .. .. .. • • (c) 400 1,650 Total—Subdivision No. I .. .. .. 8,950 Subdivision No. II.—Tourist and Publicity. Charges for and incidental to —■ The Hermitage, Mount Cook : Maintenance of (including furniture, repairs, and compensation to workmen, &c., and other operating costs) .. .. ' .. ..(d) 5,000 Estimated credits-in-aid under Section 51 of the Public Revenues Act, 1926 — £ Salaries of officers on supply, &c. .. .. 5,500 Total —Subdivision No. II .. .. .. 5,000 Gross Total .. .. .. •• 13,950 Credits-in-aid .. .. .. .. ■ ■ 5,500 NET TOTAL .. .. .. .. ' .. 8,450 (а) To cover salaries of officers employed on supply matters. (б) To cover expenditure incurred by the Department of Scientific and Industrial Research on an expanded programme in connection with flax research and developmental work on the Moutoa Estate, (c) Rebate to South Island wheatgrowers of increase in price to them of superphosphate, (d) To cover cost of operating the Hermitage, Mount Cook,

8.—7 [PT. ll].


Public Works Account.



Salaries. Other Charges. Total. VOTE—LINEN-FLAX DEVELOPMENT— £ £ £ GROSS Total .. .. .. .. •• •• 59,190 59,190 Cbedits-in-aid .. .. .. .. . ■ • • • • Dr. 41,232 Dr. 41,232 ■ i NET TOTAL .. .. .. 100,422 J.00,422 £ £ £ Chargeable on the Public Works Account. VOTE—LINEN-ELAX DEVELOPMENT. Salaries and General Administration (Salaries and Higher-duty Allowances, Travelling-allowances within and beyond New Zealand), Compensation to Employees, and Contingencies, Research, Insurance, and other Expenses incidental to the Administration of the Linen-flax Industry in New Zealand. Other Administrative Charges— Erection and operation of factories (erection of buildings ; installation of tanks ; roading ; purchase of plant and machinery ; motor-vehicles, tools, &c., purchase, harvesting, and processing of crops ; maintenance and protection of factories and equipment ; lease of land and collateral activities), (additional) — £ Blenheim .. .. .. . . .. 5,024 Oxford 6,465 Leeston .. .. .. .. .. 2,079 Methven .. .. .. .. .. 4,215 Waikuku .. ■■ 1,855 Makikihi . . . . .. . . • . 2,645 Washdykc .. .. .. .. .. 2,765 Balclutha .. .. .. •• 2,735 Tapanui .. .. .. ... ..4,895 Winton .. .. .. .. ■ • 2,995 Otautau .. . . .. . . ■ . 2,235 Clyde vale .. .. .. •• •• 2,665 Woodlands .. .. .. •• •• 2,735 Gore .. .. .. •. • • 3,005 Geraldine .. .. . . • • • . 2,805 Fairlie .. .. .. • • • • 2,835 Seddon .. .. .. • • • ■ 7,237 59,190 GROSS Total .. .. .. .. 59,190 Credits-in-aid over-stated in Main Estimates . . Dr. 41,232 NET TOTAL (a) 100,422 (a) To cover purchase of additional machinery, erection of accommodation for workmen, &c.

8.—7 [PT. ll].




j Salaries. Other Charges.! Total. VOTE—SCIENTIFIC AND INDUSTRIAL RESEARCH— £ £ £ Subdivision II, —Research Investigations .. .. .. .. 2,800 9,900 12,700 Gross Total .. .. .. .. 2,800 9,900 12,700 Credits-in-aid .. .. .. .. .. 9,100 9,100 NET TOTAL .. .. 2,800 800 3,600 Number i? i? £ oi Persons. 1942 43 1941-42 For Services chargeable on the Consolidated Fund-— continued. ORDINARY REVENUE ACCOUNT—continued, VOTE.—SCIENTIFIC AND INDUSTRIAL RESEARCH. Subdivision II.—Research Investigations. Animal Research. Charges for and incidental to — Grants (additional) . . . . . . .. .. (a) 200 Physical Testing Laboratory. Salaries— 7 .. 7 (£235 to £500) .. .. .. .. .. 1,774 Cost-of-living allowances .. .. .. .. 100 (6) 1,874 Charges for and incidental to — Instruments, equipment, apparatus, and stores (additional) (c) 300 Removal expenses .. .. .. .. .. (d) 300 Wages (additional) .. .. .. .. ..(e) 8,000 Estimated credits-in-aid under Section 51 of the Public 8,600 Revenues Act, 1926 (see end of vote) — £ Wages .. .. .. .. 8,000 10,474 Plant Research Bureau. Other charges for and incidental to — Chemicals, apparatus, equipment, and stores (additional) .. 400 Experimental areas : Operating expenses (including stores, general maintenance, erection of buildings and other improvements), (additional) .. .. .. .. 200 Wages (additional) .. .. .. .. .. 500 Estimated credits-in-aid under Section 51 of the Public Revenues Act, 1926 (see end of vote) .. £1,100 (/) 1,100 i (a) Grant to Canterbury Agricultural College for the continuation of wool metrology work. An amount of £472 was provided for this purpose on the Main Estimates. (b) Provision for salaries of officers appointed since date of Main Estimates. (c) Provision for purchase of Shaddle crane at a cost of £300 for the handling of heavy machinery and stores at new premises at Lower Hutt. (d) Estimated cost of removing machinery, stores, office equipment, &c., to new premises now in course of erection at Lower Hutt. (e) Wages of employees in tool-room. Provision for appointments recently made and for employees now being trained. £8,000 recoverable from War Expenses Account (Civil). (/) Provision for enlarged programme of phormium research involving the cultivation, planting, and upkeep of additional research areas. Cost recoverable from Department of Industries and Commerce.

15.-7 [Ft. ll}.




Number For Services chargeable on the Consolidated Fund — £ £ £ 1942 43 1941-42! continued. ORDINARY REVENUE ACCOUNT—continued. SCIENTIFIC AND INDUSTRIAL RESEARCH—continued. Subdivision No. II. —Research Investigations—continued. Soil Survey Division. Salaries (a)— 6 .. 6 (£80 to £280) .. .. .. .. .. 796 Cost-of-living allowances .. .. .. . . 130 926 Total — .. .. .. .. 12,700 Gross Total .. .. .. . .. 12,700 Credits-in-aid .. .. .. .. .. 9,100 NET TOTAL — 3,600 (a) Provision for salaries of additional employees engaged on soil-cement research in connection with the stabilization of aerodrome surfaces.

8.—7 [PT. 111.




Salaries. Other Charges. Totul. VOTE—MINES— £ £ £ Subdivision III. —Assistance towards Mining .. .. .. 5,000 5,000 „ IV.—Miscellaneous Services .. .. .. . • • • 20 20 GROSS Total .. .. .. .. .. .. •• 5,020 5,020 Credits-in-aid NET TOTAL .. 5,020 5,020 £ £ £ For Services chargeable on the Consolidated Fund— continued. ORDINARY REVENUE ACCOUNT—continued VOTE-MINES. Subdivision No. III. -Assistance towards Mining. Other charges for and incidental to — Diamond drills and equipment, purchase of (additional) . . (a) 800 Purchase of plant and machinery .. . . . . (6) 4-, '200 Total —Subdivision No. Ill .. .. .. 5,000 Subdivision No. IV —Miscellaneous Services. Charges for and incidental to — Eire-watching expenses and E.P.S. equipment .. .. (c) 20 Total —Subdivision No. IV .. .. .. — 20 Gross Total .. .. .. .. .. 5,020 Credits-in-aid .. .. .. ■ .. NET TOTAL 5,020 (а) £2,500 provided on Main Estimates. Provision to cover two years' supply of carbons, purchase being arranged from overseas. (б) Provision for plant and machinery necessary to recover mercury from cinnabar deposits. (e) Provision to cover cost of E.P.S. equipment and incidental expenses of fire-watching.

8.—7 [Pt. IT],




I Salaries. Other Charges. | Total. VOTE—HEALTH— £ £ £ GROSS Total .. .. .. „ .. .. 140 17,085 17,225 CREDITS-in-aid .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 15,000 15,000 NET TOTALS ... .. .7 .. .. .. 140 2,085 2,225 I I I For Services chargeable on the Consolidated Fund — .£ £ £ continued. ORDINARY REVENUE ACCOUNT—continued. VOTE—HEALTH. Salaries— Increases in salaries — Professional Division. 2 at £850 (£50) (medical officers) .. .. .. 100 1 at £800 (£50) (medical officer) (9 months) .. .. 40 140 Other Charges for and incidental to — Compensation for injuries received by porter, G. Rowe . . (a) 98 Freight and cartage (additional) . . . . . . (b) 102 Supply of apples to school children (additional) .. .. 2,000 Grants to — Widows of deceased officers (additional) .. . . (c) 150 Hokianga County Council: Temporary advance in easement of hospital levy .. .. .. .. (d) 2,700 Overtime and meal allowances (additional) . . . . (e) 1,500 Typwriters, purchase of (additional) .. .. .. 60 6,610 Dangerous Drugs Act. Other expenses (recoverable) (additional) .. .. (f) 100 Health Act. Sera, purchase of (recoverable) (additional) . . (g) 8,000 Dental Hygiene Administration. Dental clinics, expenses of (additional) .. .. .. (h) 1,750 Less amount provided on Main Estimates, Hostel for dental j trainees, Ghuznee Street, Wellington .. .. 1,266 Dental Bursaries .. .. .. .. .. (i) 225 484 : 1 _ (a) Compensation payable in terms of Workers' Compensation Act to Porter G. Rowe who lost a finger as a result of an accident whilst on duty at Queen Mary Hospital, Hanmer Springs. (b) Additional provision required due to the opening of Departmental Stores at Hamilton, Palmerston North, and Oamaru (£100 in Main Estimates). (c) Amount provided in Main Estimates (£50) insufficient. (d) Provision for temporary advance to Hokianga County Council in easement of hospital levy, such advance to be free of interest or principal. Repayment to 31st March, 1944, the position to be then reviewed. (e) £2,000 in Main Estimates. Additional provision due to shortage of staff. (/) Amount provided in Main Estimates (£100) insufficient. (g) £10,000 in Main Estimates insufficient owing to additional supplies required for Armed Forces. Also payment now made at time of shipment in Australia, hence cost comes to charge sooner than previously. (Recoverable.) (h) Increased grants to School Dental Clinic Committees in respect of maintenance expenses of clinics. £7,500 for these grants included in item for £19,500 in Main Estimates. (i) To cover the cost for part of the year of fifteen bursaries to dental students taking the B.D.S. degree at the Otago University.

8.—7 PT. IT].





For Services chargeable oil the Consolidated Fund — £ £ £ continued. ORDINARY REVENUE ACCOUNT —continued. V OTE —HE4 LTH —continued. Other Charges for and incidental to —continued. Grants in Aid. Medical research work (additional) .. .. . • (a) 950 Royal New Zealand Society for Health of Women and Children (additional) . . .. ■ • • • ■ • (b) 716 1,666 17,085 Estimated credits-in-aid under section 51 of the Public Revenues Act, 1926 — I Administration expenses, Part III, Social £ Security Act .. .. • • (c)l0,000 Sales of sera .. .. . . .. («Z) 5,000 15,000 Gross Totals .. .. .. • • • • 17,225 Credits-in-aid .. .. .. •• 15,000 NET TOTAL .. .. .. .. .. 2,225 (а) Additional grant towards Professor Smirk's research into treatment of surgical shock (£700), and grant towards cancer research (£250). £5,000 for medical-research work included in Main Estimates. (б) Provision for increase of 5 per cent, in subsidies payable in respect of Plunket Nurses' salaries. £25,000 in Main Estimates. (c) Amount recoverable from Social Security Fund in respect of services rendered by Post and Telegraph Department for this Department in connection with refunds to patients under the General Medical Services Scheme (6d. per transaction). (d) Additional anticipated recoveries in respect of sales of sera. £10,000 in Main Estimates.

Salaries. j Other Charges. Total. VOTE—MEDICAL HOSPITAL, ETC., BENEFITS— £ £ £ Subdivision V. —Supplementary Benefits .. .. ■ ■ • • ■ ■ 10, 000 10 > 000 Gross Total 1 10,000 W,000 CREDITS IN-AID .. .. .. . • • • • • NET TOTAL .. .. 10,000 10,000 For Services chargeable on the Social Security Fund — £ £ £ continued. VOTE—MEDICAL, HOSPITAL, ETC., BENEFITS. Subdivision V. —Supplementary Benefits. Charges for and incidental to — Specialists'services .. .. •• •• 10,000 GROSS Total .. .. .. •• ! 10.000 Credits-IN-AID . . . . • • • • j NET TOTAL .. .. .. •• 10,000 _ J

8.—7 [Pt. ll].





Salaries. Other Charges. Total. VOTE—MENTAL HOSPITALS— £ £ £ Gross Total .. .. .. .. .. .. 11,513 1,600 13,113 Credits-in-aid NET TOTAL .. .. .. .. .. 11,513 1,600 13,113 orFersons For Services chargeable on the Consolidated Fund — £ £ £ continued. 1Q49-43 IQ41 49, ORDINARY REVENUE ACCOUNT—continued. VOTE—MENTAL HOSPITALS. Salaries— Professional Division. Increases to salaries — Medical Officers— Class Special A— £ 2 at £900 (£85) (4 months) .. .. 57 Class Special B— 1 at £815 (£50) (7 months) .. .. 29 4 at £815 (£50) (4 months) .. .. 68 2 at £815 (£50) (3 months) .. .. 24 — 178 Other salaries — 216 (£65 to £765) (additional) .. .. .. (a) 1,335 Amount deducted in error from item " Salaries " in Main. Estimates .. .. .. .. (6)10,000 11,513 Other charges for and incidental to — Fire-watching expenses (additional) .. .. .. (c) 100 Patients, expenses in connection with — Transfer (additional) .. .. .. .. (d) 1,500 — 1,600 Gross Total .. .. .. .. .. 13,113 Credits-in-aid NET TOTAL .. .. .. .. .. 13,113 (a) To provide for increase of £5 in salaries allowed to lower paid officers. (b) To provide for payment of salaries to nursing staff expected to be appointed through National Service Department to help fill existing vacancies. (c) Additional expenditure to be incurred in connection with E.P.S. equipment (£20 provided in Main Estimates). (d) It is necessary to effect considerable transfers in order to provide for evacuation of approximately seven hundred patients from Porirua because of earthquake damage. £400 provided in Main Estimates.

8.—7 [Pt ll].




Salaries. | Other Charges. | Total. VOTE—EDUCATION— £ £ £ Subdivision II.—Primary Education .. ,, VIII. —School Buildings, Furniture, and Sites .. .. .. 21,400 21 400 XII.—QUld Welfare 7,220 7,220 ,, XV. —Miscellaneous Services .. .. .. .. 2,000 2,000 GROSS Total .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 30,620 30,620 CKEDITS-IN-AID .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 1,000 1,000 NET TOTAL .. .. .. .. .. .. J .. 29,620 29,620 For Services chargeable on the Consolidated Fund— £ £ continued. ORDINARY REVENUE ACCOUNT—continued. I ' VOTE—EDUCATION. Subdivision No. II.—Primary Education. Estimated credits-in-aid under section 51 of the Public Revenues Act, 1926 (see end of vote) — £ Contributions from schools .. .. (a) 1,000 Total —Subdivision No. II .. .. -——— Subdivision No. VIII.—School Buildings, Furniture, and Sites. Charges for and incidental to —■ Alterations to school buildings to diminish danger from earthquakes, and earthquake repairs (additional) . . 20,000 General maintenance of school buildings, &c. : School for the Deaf (additional) .. .. . . .. (b) 1,400 Total—Subdivision No. VIII .. .. 21,400 Subdivision No. XII.—Child Welfare. Charges for and incidental to — Boarding-out of children, &c. (additional) .. .. (c) 7,220 Total —Subdivision No. XII .. .. |— - — 7,220 (a) A credit of £1,000 is anticipated from contributions from schools in connection with the school library system. (b) This item represents the cost of furniture and furnishings recently purchased for the Titirangi Hotel, which has been established as a temporary home for deaf children. £500 provided in Main Estimates, (c) Increased rate approved by Cabinet as from 15th May, 1942.

8.—7 [Pt. ll].





For Services chargeable on the Consolidated Fund— £ £ £ continued. ORDINARY REVENUE ACGOUNT —continued. VOTE—EDUCATION —continued. Subdivision No. XV. —Miscellaneous Services. Charges for and incidental to — Accidents to departmental officers, school-childrcn, teachers, and training-college students: Grants for medical and legal expenses, scholarships, and compensation (additional) .. .. .. .. (a) 2,000 Total—Subdivision No. XV .. .. 2,000 j Gross Total .. .. .. .. 30,620 Credits-in-aid .. .. .. 1,000 NET TOTAL .. •. 29,620 (a) Accidents to children : there is a liability in a recent case of at least £2,000 for total blindness.

Salaries. Other Charges. Total. VOTE — ADMINISTRATION EXPENSES AND EMERGENCY BENEFITS— £ £ £ Subdivision I —Administration Expenses.. .. .. .. 10,007 10,007 GROSS Total .. .. .. .. •• •• 10,007 10,007 Credits-in-aid .. .. .. .. .. NET TOTAL .. .. .. 10,007 10,007 For Services Chargeable on the Social Security Fund— continued. VOTE.—ADMINISTRATION EXPENSES AND EMERGENCY BENEFITS. Subdivision No. I. —Administration Expenses. Other Charges for and incidental to — Damage by departmental car .. .. .. (a) 7 Services of other Departments: Health Department (additional) .. .. .. .. • • {b) 10,000 Total —Subdivision No. I .. .. .. 10,007 GROSS Total .. .. .. .. .. 10,007 Credits-in-aid NET TOTAL .. 10,007 (a) Cost of damage to private property by departmental car. (b) Provision made for increased cost of administering medical, hospital, &c., benefits.

8.—7 [PT. ll].




(War and other Pensions.) Salaries. Other Charges. Total. VOTE WAR AND OTHER PENSIONS— £ £ £ Subdivision I.—Salaries .. .. .. .. .. 344 278 622 Subdivision III. —Pensions and Annuities .. .. .. .. 150,500 150,500 Gross Total .. .. .. .. .. .. 344 150,778 151,122 Credits-in-aid NET TOTAL .. .. 344 150,778 151,122 Number r- r> p ol Persons ' For Services chargeable on the Consolidated Fund—continued. 1 {{42-43 l ( )4l-42 ORDINARY REVENUE ACCOUNT —continued. VOTE.—WAR AND OTHER PENSIONS. Subdivision I.—Salaries. Salaries— Non-permanents. £ 1 1 Medical Officer (7| months at £150) .. (a) 94 1 1 Member War Pensions Board (at £900) .. (6) 250 344 2 Other charges for and incidental to —■ Grant to officer in lieu of leave on retirement .. .. (c) 278 Total —Subdivision I .. .. .. — 622 Subdivision III. —Pensions and Annuities. Charges for and incidental to — Pensions to civilians (War Injuries to Civilians Emergency Regulations 1942) .. .. .. .. (d) 500 Present war pensions and allowances (additional) . . (e) 150,000 Total—Subdivision III .. .. .. • 150,500 GROSS Total .. .. .. .. .. 151,122 Credits-in-aid NET TOTAL 151,122 (a) Medical officer appointed at £1,100 per annum from 17th August, 1942 ; £950 per annum only provided in Main Estimates. (b) Salary of medical member of War Pensions Board increased by £250 per annum from 1st April, 1942. (c) Medical officer granted three months salary at £950 per annum from 1st September, 1942, in lieu of retirement leave. (d) Provision made for pensions to civilians under War Injuries to Civilians Emergency Regulations 1942. (e) Additional provision to cover increased cost of present war pensions ; new claims are being established at rate of six hundred per month.

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Public Works Account.




Salaries. Other Charges, Total. VOTE—PUBLIC WORKS, DEPARTMENTAL— £ £ £ Gross Total .. .. .. .. .: .. .. 196 196 Credits-in-aid NET TOTAL 196 196 For Services chargeable on the Public Works Fund. £ £ £ VOTE—PUBLIC WORKS, DEPARTMENTAL. Charges for and incidental to — Compassionate grant to widow of the late H. de M. Carrington, District Storekeeper, Napier .. .. 196 Gross Total .. .. .. .. .. 196 Amount required for Current Year (additional) .. 196 Credits-in-aid NET TOTAL .. .. .. .. .. |90 I

Salaries. Other Charges Total. VOTE—RAILWAY CONSTRUCTION— £ £ £ GROSS Total .. .. .. .. .. .. 125,000 125,000 Credits-in-aid NET TOTAL .. 125,000 125,000 £ £ £ For Services chargeable on the Public Works Fund. VOTE—RAILWAY CONSTRUCTION. Charges for and incidental to — Railway construction (including land and materials, holiday pay, &c., and salaries or wages)— South Island Main Trunk .. .. .. .. 29,500 GROSS Total ,. .. .. .. .. 29,500 Amount required for Current Year (additional) .. 125,000 Credits-in-aid NET TOTAL 125,000

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Public Works Account.



Salaries. Other Charges. Total. VOTE—LIGHTHOUSES AND HARBOUR-WORKS— £ £ £ Subdivision I—Lighthouses .. .. ■■ ■■ ■■ ■■ 1,200 1,200 Gross Total .. .. .. •• •• ■■ 1,200 1,200 Credits-in-aid NET TOTAL .. .. .. .. •• 1,200 1,200 For Services chargeable on the Public Works Fund. £ £ £ VOTE—LIGHTHOUSES AND HARBOUR-WORKS. Subdivision No. I. —Lighthouses. Other charges for and incidental to — Cool storage at Cape Reinga, Cape Brett, Moko Hinau, and Cuvier .. .. .. • ■ • ■ • • 1 > 200 Total —Subdivision No. I .. .. .. 1,200 GROSS Total .. .. .■ • ■ • ■ 1 > 200 Amount required for Current Year .. .. 1,200 Credits-in-aid NET TOTAL .. .. 1,200

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Public Works Account.



| Salaries. Other Charges. Total. I VOTE—ROADS, ETC.— £ £ £ GROSS Total .. .. .. .. .. .. 100,000 100,000 Credits-in-aid NET TOTAL .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 100,000 100,000 ; I £ £ £ For Services chargeable on the Public Works Fund. VOTE—ROADS, ETC. Roads, etc. (additional) — Whangarei Road District .. .. .. .. .. 5,000 Auckland Road District .. .. .. .. 25,000 Tauranga Road District .. .. .. .. .. 5,000 Gisborne Road District .. .. .. .. .. 5,000 Taumarunui Road District .. .. .. .. .. 5,000 Stratford Road District .. .. .. .. .. 2,500 Napier Road District .. .. .. .. .. 5,000 Wellington Road District .. .. .. .. .. 5,000 Nelson Road District .. .. .. .. .. 2,500 Greymouth Road District .. .. .. .. .. 25,000 Christchurch Road District .. .. .. .. .. 5,000 Dunedin Road District .. .. .. .. .. 5,000 Invercargill Road District .. .. .. .. .. 5,000 GROSS Total .. .. .. .. .. .. 100,000 Amount required for current year (additional) .. .. 100,000 Credits-in-aid .. .. .. .. NET TOTAL 100,000 _ ______

B. —7 [Pt. ll].


Public Works Account.




Salaries. Other Charges. Total. VOTE—IRRIGATION, WATER-SUPPLY, AND DRAINAGE— £ £ £ GKOSS Total .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 30,000 30,000 Credits-in-aid NET TOTAL .. .. .. .. .. .. 30,000 30,000 For Services chargeable on the Public Works Fund. £ £ £ VOTE—IRRIGATION, WATER-SUPPLY, AND DRAINAGE. Irrigation, water-supply, and drainage, &c. — Amount required for current year (additional) .. .. 30,000 GROSS Total .. .. .. .. .. 30,000 Amount required for Current Year (Additional) .. 30,000 Credits-in-aid NET TOTAL .. — 30,000

Salaries. Other Charges. Total. VOTE—DEVELOPMENT OF WATER-POWER— £ £ £ Gross Total .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 360,000 360,000 Credits-in-aid NET TOTAL .. .. .. 360,000 360,000 For Services chargeable on the Electric Supply Account. £ £ £ VOTE—DEVELOPMENT OF WATER-POWER. North Island Scheme — Purchase of King's Wharf Station .. .. .. 360,000 GROSS Total .. .. .. .... 360,000 Amount required for Current Year (additional) .. 360,000 Credits-in-aid NET TOTAL 360,000

13.—7 [Pt. lIJ.


Public Works Account.



Salaries. Other Charges. Totai. VOTE—MAIN HIGHWAYS— £ £ £ GROSS Total .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 250,000 250,000 CbEDITS-IN-AXT) NET TOTAL .. .. .. .. .. .. 250,000 250,000 j _ For Services Chargeable on the Main Highways Account. £ £ £ VOTE—MAIN HIGHWAYS. i Amount required for current year (additional) .. j .. 250,000 Credits-in-aid NET TOTAL 250>000

8.—7 [PT. ll].





Salaries. j Other Charges. Total. VOTE—STATE COAL-MINES— £ £ £ Gross Tot*,. « 2 . 955 Ceedits-in-aid .. .. • • ■ • • • • • • • • NET TOTAL • ■ • • • • ■ • 62,955 62,955 — - - Chargeable on the State Coal-mines Account. £ £ £ VOTE—STATE COAL-MINES. Other Charges for and incidental to — Acquisition of coal-bearing land in the Waikato .. (p) 9,845 Acquisition of land in Runanga for housing (additional) .. (6) 230 Collieries —Development and other capital expenditure, Tatu Colliery : Development and purchase and installation of plant (additional) .. •• •• (c) 5,000 Grants and subsidies: Ohura County Council roadmaintenance (additional) .. ■ ■ • • • • (°0 430 Housing : Erection of departmental dwellings and hutments (additional) .. • • • • • • .. (e) 45,500 Loan to enable purchase of bus for conveyance of workmen (additional) .. •• •• •• •• Social amenities at State mines (additional) .. .. (9) 450 I ; \ Gross Total .. • ■ • • • ■ 62,955 Credits-in-aid NET TOTAL .. . • • • • • • • 62,955 (a) 850 acres of coal-bearing land being acquired from the estate of J. J. Craig and Mrs. J. Craig. Area leased by Taupiri Coal Mines, Ltd. _ i . (b) £70 provided on Main Estimates. Additional land tor housing required. c) £25 000 provided on Main Estimates. Increase to cover additions to aerial ropeway and new buildings. (d) £430 provided on Main Estimates to cover previous year's commitment. Additional amount required to cover current year's commitment. _ , , (e) £33,000 provided on Main Estimates. Additional houses required at Dunolhe. Houses and huts at the JNorth Island State Collieries required to accommodate more workmen. (f) £1 000 provided on Main Estimates. Provision for purchase of additional bus. \g) £400 provided on Main Estimates. Increase necessary to cover recent commitments.

Salaries. Other Charges. Total. VOTE—WAR DAMAGE— £ £ £ rr 2,000 2,000 Gross Total Credits-in-aid .. • • • ■ • • ■ • • ■ . NET TOTAL | 2 ' 000 2 ' 000 Chargeable on the War Damage Fund. £ £ £ VOTE—WAR DAMAGE. Charges for and incidental to — Overtime and meal allowances . • ■■ 2,000 — Ji j uuu Gross Total .. •. •• ■■ 2,000 Credits-in-aid NET TOTAL • • 2,000

8.—7 [PT. ll].





— ! Salaries. Other Charges. Total. £ £ £ VOTE—POST AND TELEGRAPH WORKING-EXPENSES — Subdivision II. —Conveyance of Ocean and Air Mails .. .. .. 74,750 74,750 ,, V. —Maintenance of Telephone Exchange, Toll, Telegraph, and Wireless System .. .. .. .. .. 400,000 400,000 „ VIII. —Maintenance of Post and Telegraph Buildings and Sites .. 26,000 26,000 ,, IX.—Miscellaneous Services .. .. .. .. .. 383,304 383,304 GBOSS Total .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 884,054 884,054 Credits-IN-AID .. .. .. .. .. .. 241,490 241,490 NET TOTAL .. .. .. 642,564 642,564 £ I £ % Chargeable on the Post Office Account. VOTE—POST AND TELEGRAPH WORKINGEXPENSES. Subdivision No. II.—Conveyance of Ocean and Air Mails. Charges for and incidental to —• Payment for carriage of mails from Base Post-office, Middle East, conveyed by Empire Air Service .. .. 49,000 Payment for carriage of mails from Base Post-office, Middle East, conveyed by Trans-Tasman Air Service (part recoverable) .. .. .. .. 22,000 Subsidy to Empire Air-mail Scheme .. .. .. (a) 3,750 Total — .. .. 74,750 Subdivision No. V. —Maintenance of Telephone Exchange, Toll, Telegraph, and Wireless System. Charges for and incidental to- — Maintenance of telegraph and toll-lines, &c. —- Communications: Labour and miscellaneous.. .. 200,000 Purchase of radio material (recoverable) .. .. (6)200,000 Estimated credits-in-aid under Section 51 of the Public Revenues Act, 1926 (see end of vote) — £ Recovery from War Expenses Account .. 200,000 Total —Subdivision No. V .. ■■ 400,000 Subdivision No. VIII. —Maintenance of Post and Telegraph Buildings and Sites. Charges for and incidental to — Maintenance of Post and Telegraph buildings .. .. (c) 26,000 Total—Subdivision No. VIII .. .. 26,000 (a) To provide for possible resumption of Empire Air-mail Scheme. (b) £100,000 provided in Main Estimates. Additional requirement due to increased activities of the armed forces.. (c) £49,000 provided in Main Estimates. Increased requirement result of earthquake damage.

8.—7 [Pt. ll].




£ ; £ £ Chargeable on the Post Office Account —continued. ! VOTE—POST AND TELEGRAPH WORKINGEXPEN SE S —continued. Subdivision No. IX.—Miscellaneous Services. Charges for and incidental to — Cash deficiencies — Loss of cash through the destruction by fire of the rail waystation in which the Wangaehu Post-office was conducted 2 Loss of cash by temporary assistant at Te Aro . . 5 Loss of cash in transit at Te Awamutu .. .. 14 Loss of cash through burglaries at Arapuni, Glen Afton, Mount Albert, Parnassus, and Waimate North . . 182 203 Office-management expenses — .Cost-of-living bonus to annuitants, Public Service Superannuation Fund, and increased pensions to widows and children .. .. .. .. . . 81 Motor-plates in connection with registration of motorvehicles (recoverable) .. .. .... (a) 600 Temporary officers: Postmen, messengers', exchange attendants, and general .. .. .. .. (6)125,000 125,681 Overtime^and meal allowances' .. .. .. (c)200,000 Provision of equipment for aeradio services (recoverable) .. (d) 32,000 I { I J , I ; Sundry Charges— Allowance to Administrative Officer performing higher dutie's .. .. .. ■. • • • • 170 Donation to National Patriotic Fund.. .. .. 7,500 Exchange on remittances abroad .. .. .. (e) 17,750 25,420 Estimated credits-in-aid under Section 51 of the Public Revenues Act, 1926 — Aeradio equipment purchased on behalf of other Departments .. .. .. £41,490 Total —Subdivision No. IX .. .. ——— — 383,304 GROSS Total .. .. .. .. .. 884,054 Credits-in-aid .. .. .. 241,490 NET TOTAL .. .. .. v .. 642,564 (a) £500 in Main Estimates. Additional plates required for armed forces. lb) £354,350 provided in Main Estimates. Increased expenditure due to the replacement of officers called up for military service. i(c) £210,000 in Main Estimates. The additional amount required is due to increased work and reduced staff. (d) £35,000 in Main Estimates. Additional requirement due to increased activities. The amount is recoverable. (e) £55,000 in Main Estimates. The increased amount is to provide for exchange on additional mail payment.

8.—7 |PT. ll].





Salaries. Other Charges. Total. VOTE—PUBLIC TRUST OFFICE— £ £ £ Gross Total .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 5,000 5,000 Credits-in-aid NET TOTAL .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 5,000 5,000 For Services chargeable on the Public Trustee's Account. £ £ £ VOTE—PUBLIC TRUST OFFICE. Overtime and meal allowances (additional) .. .. 5,000 5,000 GROSS Total .. .. .. .. .. .. . : , Credits-in-aid .. .. .. .. .. .. i. i ; . NET TOTAL .. 5,000

! Salaries. Other Charges. Total. _ _ : I . ■ ' VOTE—STATE FIRE INSURANCE— £ £ £ Gross Total .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 160 160 Credits-in-aid NET TOTAL .. 160 160 _ __ ______ _ _ __ j , _ . . j j : 1 ' ~T~ : - ■ r W £ £ £ Chargeable on the State Fire Insurance Account. VOTE—STATE FIRE INSURANCE. Charges for and incidental to — Compassionate allowance to widow of M. L. Pye .. .. 160 Donation to National Patriotic Fund .. .. .. 1,000 1,160 Less amount provided in Main Estimates but not requiredDonation to Wellington Provincial Patriotic Fund .. 1,000 Gross Total .. .. .. .. 160 Credits-in-aid NET TOTAL .. .. .. .. .. 160

8.—7 [PT. ll].




I j Salaries. Other Charges. Total. VOTE—INTERNAL MARKETING— £ £ £ Gross Total 634 15,150 15,784 Credits-in-aid .. .. .. .. .. 634 .. (i' J 4 NET TOTAL .. 15,150 15,150 j «« ; - • ' ■ -j Number of Persons. Chargeable to the Internal Marketing Account. £ £ £ 1942 43 1941-42 VOTE—INTERNAL MARKETING. Salaries— Non-permanent— 1 1 at £950 (Food Control Liaison Officer) (eight months), (recoverable) .. .. .. .. .. 634 634 Other Charges for and incidental to — Plant and machinery, purchase of (additional) .. .. (a) 15,000 Share capital in Combined Distributors, Ltd. .. .. (b) 150 15,150 Estimated credits-in-aid under Section 51 of the Public Revenues Act, 1926 £ Salaries .. .. .. .. 634 GROSS Total .. .. .. .. .. 15,784 Credits-in-aid .. .. .. .. .. 634 NET TOTAL 15,150 (a) Equipment required for processing butter into dry fat to meet Imperial Government orders. (b) Share of capital in company formed especially to overcome man-power and petrol problems in distribution of. butter and other dairy-produce in Wellington.


8.—7 [Pt. ll].





Salaries. Other Charges. Total. VOTE—BROADCASTING— £ £ £ Subdivision I. —National Broadcasting .. .. .. .. .. 20,050 20,050 ,, II. —Commercial Broadcasting .. .. . . . . 90 90 GROSS Total .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 20,140 20,140 Ceedits-in-aid .. .. .. NET TOTAL .. .. .. .. .. 20,140 20,140 __ _J £ £ £ Chargeable to the Broadcasting Account. VOTE—BROADCASTING. Subdivision No. I.—National Broadcasting. Charges for and incidental to — Expenses in relation to concerts for the fighting forces .. 20,000 Payment of monetary equivalent of leave due to deceased officers .. .. .. .. .. .. 50 Total —Subdivision No. I .. .. 20,050 Subdivision No. II. —Commercial Broadcasting. Charges for and incidental to — Grants to officer in lieu of leave on retirement . . .. 90 Total —Subdivision No. II .. .. .. — — 90 GROSS Total .. .. .. .. .. 20, J.40 Credits-in-aid NET TOTAL .. .. .. .. .. 20,140

Salaries. Other Charges. Total. VOTE—IRON AND STEEL INDUSTRY— £ £ £ Gross Total .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 450 450 Credits-in-aid NET TOTAL .. .. .. .. .. 450 450 VOTE—IRON AND STEEL INDUSTRY ACCOUNT. £ £ if Other Charges for and incidental to — Consultant's fees .. .. .. .. . . 450 Gross Total .. .. .. .. 450 Credits-in-aid NET TOTAL .. .. .. .. .. j 450



(Under Section 58 of the Public Revenues Act, 1926.) £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ 8 . d. CONSOLIDATED FUND. Ordinary Revenue Account. FOR SERVICES NOT PROVIDED FOR. Legislative Department:— Expenses of Land Development Committee .. 275 4 6 Salary : Assistant Law Draftsman, period 1st January, 1942, to 31st March, 1942 .. .. . . 162 10 0 437 14 6 Treasury Department:— Grant to— Russian Red Cross Society .. .. .. 4,000 0 0 Chinese Red Cross and Medical Relief Fund .. 5,000 0 0 9)00 0 o o Customs Department:— Grant to widow of deceased officer : F. G. Matthews, equivalent to leave due . . .. .. ,. 6 3 5 Monetary equivalent of leave due to the late G. F. Lyons, an officer of the Department who died while serving with the armed forces .. .. .. .. 9511 15 9 4 Land and Income Tax Department:— Monetary equivalent of leave due to the late R. C. Spence, an officer of the Department who died while serving with the armed forces .. .. .. .. 1171 Public Service Commissioner's Office :—- Compassionate grant to the widow of tho late Public Service Commissioner: T. Mark .. .. .. i goo o 0 . Internal Affairs Department:— Grant to meet transport expenses of delegates to a special conference of the N.Z.R.S.A. hold in Wellington . . 50 0 0 Grant for the erection of a building at Waitangi to house the large Centennial war canoo .. .. .. 627 6 1 Payment for transfer of furniture and effects of Hon. W. Lee Martin from Wellington to Hamilton .. 34 0 0 Grants to officers of the High Commissioner's staff, London, to meet evacuation expenses .. . . 45 0 0 Grant towards repairs to the Feathcrston-Longwood water-race damaged during Wairarapa storm in October, 1934 (balance) .. .. .. 31 2 6 Compassionate grants to widows of members of the House of Representatives who died while serving with the armed forces— £ s. d. Lieut.-Colonel J. M. Allen .. .. 500 0 0 Major A. N. Grigg .. .. .. 500 0 0 Lieut. A. G. Huftquist .. .. 500 0 0 1,500 0 0 Cost of travelling-expenses of tho wives of two officers who were returning from overseas.. .. .. 8 3 10 Grant to Publicity Officer, London, to cover cost of passage from United Kingdom to New Zealand of self and wife .. .. .. .. .. 300 0 0 Costof framingportraitofthelateSergeantJ. A.Ward.V.C. 16 0 0 2,611 12 5 Printing and Stationery :— Amount short-received when cashing salary cheques .. .. 5 0 0 Marine Department:—Payment towards cost of search for auxiliary scow " Horouta" .. .. .. .. .. .. 75 0 0 Labour Department:— Grants to cover expenses of delegates to International Labour Organization, New York, U.S.A. .. .. 1,793 3 7 Expenses of conference at Wellington to investigate examination results of apprentices in the electrical trade .. .. .. .. .. .. 101 16 8 Expenses of members of Committee appointed to inquire into the circumstances of the timber industry .. 392 19 3 Compassionate grant to widow of deceased officer: W. Currie .. .. .. .. . . 35 8 4 Payment to State Fire Insurance Office of claim arising out of an accident in connection with a departmental oar .. .. .. .. .. .. 69 11 4 2,392 19 2 Carried forward .. .. .. .. 16,049 2 6



£ a. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ a. d. CONSOLIDATED FUND continued. Ordinary Revenue Account continued. FOR SERVICES NOT PROVIDED FOR—continued. Brought forward .. .. .. .. 16,049 2 6 Native Department:— Grant to Maori Purposes Fund Board to assist publication of a book entitled " Native Customs and Law affecting Native Land," by Norman Smith .. .. . . . ■ 50 0 0 National Service Department:—• ! Cost of motor-car taken over from the Health Department .. • ■ •■ • ■ • • • ■ 81 10 6 Justice and Prisons Department:— Compassionate grants to widows of deceased officers : — G. Barnes .. .. .. .. 26 5 7 T. Kane .. .. .. .. 48 9 5 J. J. McGahey .. .. .. 56 6 3 K. D. C. Morrison .. .. .. 53 19 6 185 0 9 Monetary equivalent of leave due to officers of the Department who died while serving with the armed forces— £ s. d. S. V. Crowhurst .. .. ■ ■ 7 9 0 H. M. Crossan .. .. 10 2 8 17 11 8 202 12 5 Police Department:— Compassionate grants to widows of deoeased officers — £ s. d. T. Gibson .. .. .. •■ 123 17 2 J. Moore ........ 22 17 11 146 15 1 Funeral expenses of Police Officers killed in the execution of their duty at Koiterangi .. .. . . 142 17 0 Grants to dependents of members of the Police Force and Home Guard killed on duty at Koiterangi in October, 1941 — 1 Widow and children of Constable E. M. £ s. d. Best .. .. •• •• 1,000 0 0 Widow of Sergeant W. Cooper .. 750 0 0 Widow and children of R. J. M. Coulson, Home Guardsman .. .. 1,000 0 0 Widow and children of G. G. T. Hutchison, Home Guardsman .. 1,000 0 0 3,750 0 0 4,039 12 1 Lands and Survey Department:— Monetary equivalent of leave duo to officers of the Department who died while serving with the armed forces .. .. • • • • • • • • 11 19 8 Transport Department:— Registration fees incurred in connection with the purchase of three patrol cars .. .. ■ ■ • • • • 0 7 0 Education Department:— Compensation for improvements and legal expenses incurred in connection with acquisition of property at Point Auckland, Nelson .. .. •. • • • • 132 7 0 National Provident and Friendly Societies Department:— Payment to a membor of the Fund of contributions which were fraudulently refunded to the wrong claimant .. .. • • • • ■ • 40 18 9 Removal expenses .. .. •• •• 131 19 l) 17Z lo o Social Security Department:— Pavrnent of 1941 Christmas bonus to unemployment beneficiaries . • • • • 1 ■ • 2,406 0 0 beneficiaries 23>146 g g FOR SERVICES IN EXCESS OF VOTES. Vote 3—Treasury ■■ •• M84 18 2 Vote 18 —National Service .. .. •• •• •• „ Vote 29 Health WIS 2 » 211,836 7 0 234,982 16 5 Carried forward .. .. •• • • •• •• 234,982 16 5



£ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. Brought forward .. • . .. .. .. .. 234,982 16 5 PUBLIC WORKS FUND. General Purposes Account. FOR SERVICES NOT PROVIDED FOR. Native Department:— Ex gratia payment in lieu of rates to Wairoa County Council on the Waihua Development Scheme .. . . . . 139 9 7 Public Works Department:— Unclaimed workmen's earnings misappropriated .. .. 17 0 2 Travelling-espenses of officer and wife on loan to High Commissioner's Office .. .. .. .. . . 30 14 4 Refund to Metropolitan Vickers Electrical Co., Ltd., of amount advanced to Electrical Engineering Cadet L. B. Carey towards expenses of returning to New Zealand . . .. .. .. .. . . 40 0 0 Amounts held on behalf of workmen misappropriated by departmental officer .. .. .. .. .. 40 14 11 Payment to E. W. Lee to reimburse out-of-pocket expenses whilst on duty in Fiji .. .. . . .. 250 0 0 Travelling-expenses of officer on loan to High Commissioner's Office, London .. .. .. .. 181 11 11 Ex gratia payment to A. P. McGrath in full and final settlement of all claims arising out of an accident which occurred to him .. .. .. .. .. 20 0 0 Expenditure incurred in connection with the purchase of the Now Zealand Legation premises at Washington .. .. 105 0 6 685 1 10 — 824 11 5 SEPARATE ACCOUNTS. Main Highways Account. FOR NOT PROVIDED FOR. Public Works Department:—Ex gratia payment to P. Ornberg in full and final settlement of all claims arising out of an accident which occurred to liim .. .. .. .. . . .. .. 20 0 0 Social Security Fund. FOR SERVICES NOT PROVIDED FOR. Social Security Department:— Monetary equivalent of leave due to officers of the Department who died while serving with the armed forces .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 69 0 3 State Coal-mines Account. FOR SERVICES IN EXCESS OF VOTES. Vote 54—State Coal-mines .. .. .. .. .. .. 1,733 6 5 Working Railways Account. FOR SERVICES NOT PROVIDED FOR. Ex gratia payments in consideration of financial loss sustained through cancellation of road goods service—Pembroke Co-operative Dairy Co., Ltd..... 70 0 0 Stratford Farmers' Co-operative Association, Ltd. ., | 50 0 0 (Under Section 98 of the Public Revenues Act, 1926.) ACCOUNTS OUTSIDE THE PUBLIC ACCOUNT. Post Office Account. FOR SERVICES NOT PROVIDED FOR. Compassionate allowances to widows of deceased officers :— W. R. Allen . . .. .. .. .. .. , , 79 0 0 J. A. Bland .. .. .. .. ., .. ,, 66 0 0 C. R. A. G. Bowyer . . .. .. .. .. .. 72 0 0 R. M. Bradley .. .. .. .. .. . . ,, " 77 0 0 J- Craig .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 57 0 0 T. H. Flavell .. .. 66 0 0 J. H. Gilbert .. .. .. .. . . .. ,, 95 0 0 R. M. Huston .. . . . . .. . . ,. , _ 140 q o A. C. Kilmore .. .. .. .. .. .. ., 10g q o A. Kirkpatrick .. .. .. .. .. ,. ,, 118 0 0 D. W. Olson .. . . .. . . .. . . .. 124 0 0 W. C. Webb .. .. .. .. .. .. 107 0 0 E. F. Sherwood .. .. .. .. . . .. . . 96 0 0 J. W. Symonds .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 139 0 0 H. J. Gray .. .. .. .. ... .. .. 116 o 0 A. D. Hunter .. .. .. .. .. .. ,, 40 0 0 R. F. McKay . . .. .. .. .. . . .. 129 0 0 J. G. Morris .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 97 0 0 F. A. Hansmann .. .. .. .. .. ., 128 0 0 J. Blakeway .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 48 0 0 W. E. Free .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 107 0 0 W. S. Bennett .. .. .. .. .. 102 0 0 — 2,109 0 0 Carried forward .. .. .. .. .. .. 239,858 14 6



Surplus Credits-in-aid applied in Terms of Section 51, Subsection (3), of the Public Revenues Act, 1926.

£ s. d. £ s. d. £ a. d. £ s. d. Brought forward .. .. .. .. .. .. 239,858 14 6 ACCOUNTS OUTSIDE THE PUBLIC A C C O U N T —cont inued. Public Trustee's Account. FOE SERVICES NOT PROVIDED FOR. Expenditure in connection with tho Emergency Precautions Scheme .. . . .. ,. _ #> _ _ g jq War Damage Insurance premiums .. .. .. .. . [ 6 466 | q „ , T 6,767 6 10 Government Insurance Account. FOR SERVICES NOT PROVIDED FOR. Expenditure in connection with Emergency Precautions Scheme .. .. .. .... .. .. .. .. 251 14 10 Dairy Industry Account. FOR SERVICES NOT PROVIDED FOR. Grants to suppliers to cover cost of plant involved in changeover from butter to cheese production during 1941-42 aeason •• •• •• •• .. .. .. .. 49,531 7 8 Internal Marketing Account. FOR SERVICES NOT PROVIDED FOR. Value of postal notes misappropriated .. .. .. .. 1118 Broadcasting Account. FOR SERVICES NOT PROVIDED FOR. Cost of publishing and printing presentation copies of the N.Z. Listener . . .. .. ,. # _ 73 11 7 Expenditure on air-raid shelters and equipment for Emergency Precautions Scheme . . .. .. .. .. 68 3 6 Monetary equivalent of leave due to officers of the Department who died while serving with the armed forces .. .. .. .. , _ _ _ _ _ 14 8 Compassionate grants to widows of deceased officers— J. M. Bingham . . .. .. ,, .. 10 14 8 W. R. Kingston-Smith .. .. ., ,. ' j 16 16 9 27 11 5 183 14 9 Housing Account. FOR SERVICES NOT PROVIDED FOR. Compensation for damage to property of Mr. E. Gisby .. .. .. 1 10 0 Expenditure on equipment, &c., in connection with Emergency Precautions Scheme .. .. .. ,, _ p ' 48 8 4 Damage to motor-car caused by collision with departmental vehicle .. .. .. .. .. _ _ _ 550 Cash shortage discovered during payment of wages .. .. .. 20 0 0 75 3 4 Total •• •• •• •• •• .. .. £296,669 13 7

Ordinary Revenue Account. it i o m £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s H Vote 3—Treasury .. .. .. .. .. 1Q fi92 11 '■» Vote 22—Maintenance of Public Works and Services .... 2 70f;'sfi7 9 n V ote 30—-Mental Hospitals .. .. .. .. ,. ' 6'380 9 0 State Coal-mines Account. 2,82l,8o9 15 8 Vote 54—State Coal-mines .. .. .. .. jg g T " TAL '■ ■ " ■■ ■■ -■ .. £2.822,185 11 5 BRAND TOTAL ~T ~~ " I 5 0~



CLAIMS ABANDONED. Department and Particulars. Reason for writing off. Value of 7, , Stores, &C. / Treasury— £ s. d. £ s. d. Interest warrant . . . . . . Misappropriated .. . . .. .. 9 0 0 Fire relief loans .. .. Loss on realization .. .. .. 168 10 0 Finance to assist development of flax Company dissolved .. .. .. .. 4,225 14 0 industry General Purpose Relief Account — Advance to purchase new stock after Debt compounded . . ■ . .. . • 209 1 9 facial eczema outbreak Hailstorm relief loan . . .. Debt compounded .. . . ■. . • 36 15 0 Bush-fire relief loan .. .. .. Debt compounded .. .. .. .. 338 10 11 Loans granted under provisions of Hawke'a Loss on realization .. .. •• 3,679 8 6 Bay Earthquake Act, 1931 Loan'granted from Employment Promotion Reduction agroed to .. .. .. . . 850 0 0 Fund for building Miscellaneous advances : Grass-seed loans Irrecoverable . . .. .. .. . ■ 19 2 10 Repatriation Branch : Securities .. Loss on realization .. .. .. •• 4,656 16 0 Customs — Bad debt .. .. •• Irrecoverable .. .. .. •• •• 1 11 5 Internal Affairs — Bad debts .. .. .. ■ ■ Irrecoverable .. .. .. .. • ■ 85 3 9 Stores .. • • • • • • Lost, broken, deficient, &e. .. .. 231 9 5 External Affairs — Value of free freight .. .. .. Freight waived .. .. .. ■■ 294 Printing and Stationery— Bad debt .. .. • ■ • • Irrecoverable .. • • ■ ■ • • • • 0 8 8 Stores .. .. • ■ • • Lost, broken, deficient, &c. .. .. 0 6 9 V Marine — Bad debts .. .. • • • • Irreooverable . . . . .. • • • ■ 5 14 0 Stores .. ■. • ■ • • Lost, broken, deficient, &c. .. .. 220 17 7 Labour — Bad debts .. .. ■ ■ • • Irrecoverable . . . . .. . • .. 24 17 10 Passage-money . . •. ■ • Debtors with armed forces, left New Zealand .. 2,276 0 8 and untraceable Repairs to trestles .. . • ■ • Nugatory expenditure .. .. .. .. 1100 Costs in connection with accident to motor- Nugatory expenditure .. .. .. .. 69 11 4 car Stores .. .. . • • • Lost, broken, deficient, &c. .. .. 20 10 0 Native— Bad debts .. .. . . .. Irrecoverable .. . . .. .. .. 50 3 6 Live-stock .. .. .. .. Diod or destroyed . . .. 3,034 8 8 Stores .. . • • ■ • • Lost, broken, deficient, &c. .. .. 608 0 5 National Service — Stores .. .. • • • • Lost, broken, deficient, &o. .. • ■ 13 19 5 Stores .. .. .... Loss on realization . . .. 1,622 1 1 Employment DivisionBad debts .. .. .. .. Irrecoverable .. ■ . .. .. .. 9 13 8 Stores .. .. .. Lost, broken, deficient, &c. .. .. 35 7 11 Justice and Prisons — Bad debts .. .. • . • • Irreooverable .. . . .. .. .. 36 10 9 Live-stock .. .. .. .. Died or destroyed . . .. 1,669 3 4 Stores .. • • • • • • Loss on realization .. .. .. 13 14 9 Stores .. .. .. • • Lost, broken, deficient, &c. .. .. 75 6 8 Stores .. .. .. • • Donated to Queen Carnival .. .. 22 10 9 Police— Bad debts .. .. .. ■ • Irrecoverable . . . . .. .. .. 53 12 10 Stores .. . • • ■ ■ • Lost, broken, deficient, &c. .. .. 35 4 4 Lands and Survey— Advances .. .. .. .. Loss on realization .. .. .. .. 11,766 19 1 Advances (small farms) .. .. Loss on realization .. .. .. .. 3,307 3 6 Equipment .. .. • • .. Worn out, &c. . . . . .. .. 372 9 4 Interest .. .. .. . . Debtors unfinancial . . .. .. .. 565 6 6 Lithographs .. .. . . .. Obsolete, &c. .. . . .. .. 82 13 0 Live-stock .. .. .. .. Died or destroyed .. .. .. 12,692 19 3 Miscellaneous bad debts . . .. Irrecoverable .. .. .. .. . . 485 15 11 Rent .. •• •• Debtors unfinancial .. .. .. .. 4,703 1 3 Royalties .. •. • • .. Debtors unfinancial . . .. .. . . 141 17 4 Value of stores . . .. .. Donated to Queen Carnival .. .. .. 13 17 6 Carried forward .. .. .. 20,751 11 8 37,884 13 10 ' BaWPMg • •: • ' fa I ; x 7J .11 8



CLAIMS ABANDONED. Department and Particulars. Reason for writing off. Value of Stores, &o. Caah - 1 £ s. d. £ s. d. Brought forward .. .. .. 20,751 11 8 37,884 13 10 Agriculture— - Bad debts .. .. .. .. Irrecoverable .. .. .. . . .. 0 10 6 Live-stock .. .. .. .. Died or destroyed .. .. .. 2,521 17 10 Repairs to car .. .. .. Nugatory expenditure .. .. .. .. 113 12 10 Stores . . .. .. .. Lost, broken, deficient, &c. .. . . 90 10 8 Stores . . .. .. .. Loss on realization .. .. .. 456 10 2 Stores . . .. .. .. Gratuitous issues .. .. .. 10 9 3 Industries and Commerce — Tourist and Publicity— Bad debts .. .. .. .. Irrecoverable .. .. .. .. .. 176 15 11 Live-stock .. . . . . .. Died or destroyed .. .. . . 44 13 7 Stores .. . . .. . . Loss on realization . . .. . . 912 12 7 Stores .. .. .. .. Lost, broken, deficient, &c. . . . . 555 13 5 Various . . . . .. .. Nugat'ory expenditure .. . . .. . . 19 4 1 Scientific and Industrial Research— Bad debts . . . . .. . . Irrecoverable .. .. .. .. .. 0 16 8 Live-stock . . .. .. . . Died or destroyed .. .. .. 8 6 2 Stores .. .. .. .. Lost, broken, deficient, &c. .. .. 1,543 14 10 Mines— Bad debts .. . . .. . . Irrecoverable .. ,. .. .. ., 265 6 4 Egmont Collieries, Ltd. — Royalties .. . . .. . . Company insolvent . . .. . . 2,504 8 9 Moneys advanced .. .. .. Company insolvent .. .. .. .. 9,171 3 7 Stores .. .. . . .. Loss on realization .. .. .. 45 17 5 Stores .. .. .. .. Lost, broken, deficient, &c. .. .. 1,980 10 2 Stores . . . . . . .. Coal lost in handling .. . . . . 274 19 5 Stores .. . . . . . . Stone removed from coal .. .. 134 8 8 Stores .. .. . . . . Donated to Queen Carnival . . .. 21 17 6 Various . . .. . . . . Nugatory expenditure .. . . .. .. 63 17 7 Transport— Bad debts .. .. .. .. Irrecoverable .. .. . . . . .. 42 18 6 Repairs to motor-vehicles . . . . Nugatory expenditure .. . . .. .. 153 5 10 Stores .. .. .. . . Lost, broken, deficient., &c. .. .. 15 4 4 H ealth— Bad debts .. .. .. .. Irrecoverable .. .. .. .. .. 1,516 5 6 Live-stock . . . . .. .. Died or destroyed .. .. .. 6 0 0 Repairs to oar .. .. .. Nugatory expenditure .. .. .. . . 46 0 1.1 Stores .. .. .. .. Lost, broken, deficient, &c. . . .. 204 7 0 Stores .. .. .. .. Loss on realization .. .. .. 107 7 10 Mental Hospitals— Bad debt . . .. .. .. Irrecoverable .. .. .. .. ,. 0 18 2 Live-stock . . .. .. .. Died or destroyed .. > .. .. 584 8 9 .Stores .. .. .. .. Lost, broken, deficient, &c. .. .. 2,257 18 11 Stores . . . . .. . . Donated to Queen Carnival .. .. 10 0 0 Education— Bad debts .. .. . . .. Irrecoverable .. .. .. .. .. 82 7 1 Child-welfare maintenance .. .. Debtors missing, &c. .. .. .. .. 9,775 17 5 Live-stock .. . . .. .. Died or destroyed .. . . . . 268 4 5 Repairs to car .. .. . . Nugatory expenditure .. .. . . .. 5 10 0 Stores . . .. . . .. Lost, broken, deficient, &c. .. .. 286 18 9 National Provident and Friendly Societies — Stores .. . . .. .. Loss on realization .. .. .. 6 0 6 Balance rental due for Neon sign .. Nugatory expenditure .. .. .. .. 40 18 6 Public Works — Bad debts .. .. .. .. Irrecoverable .. .. .. .. .. 654 8 2 Live-stock .. . . .. .. Died or destroyed .. .. . . 57 16 10 Repairs to cars, &c. . . .. .. Nugatory expenditure .. .. .. .. 773 5 0 Southland Power Board rates .. .. Irrecoverable .. .. . . . . .. 227 0 3 Stores .. .. .. .. Loss on realization . .. .. .. 733 4 11 Stores . . .. .. .. Lost, broken, deficient, &c. . . .. 4,367 1 4 Stores .. .. .. .. Donated to Queen Carnival .. .. 42 14 11 Water-rates . . .. .. .. Irrecoverable .. . . .. .. .. 1,109 4 6 Social Security — Bad debts . . .. .. . . Irrecoverable . . .. .. .. .. 1,089 8 9 State Forest Service— Bad debts .. . . .. .. Irrecoverable . . .. .. . . . . 3 3 10 Live-stock . . .. . . .. Died or destroyed . . . . .. 31 10 0 Repairs to car .. .. .. Nugatory expenditure .. .. .. .. 30 19 8 Stores .. . . . . .. Lost, broken, deficient, &c. .. .. 95 6 9 Carried forward .. .. .. 38,427 18 7 65,752 2 2



Authority: E. V. Paul, Government Printer, Wellington.—l 942.

CLAIMS ABANDON ED. Department and Particulars. Reason for writing off Value of ~ ■ - Stores, &o. Casb ' £ s. d. £ s. d. Brought forward .. .. .. 38,427 18 7 65,752 2 2 Navy—■ Bad debt .. . . .. .. Irrecoverable .. .. .. .. .. 261 Naval stores .. .. .. .. Lost, broken, defioient, &c. .. .. 22,069 16 7 Army — Bad debts .. .. •• •• Irrecoverable .. .. .. .. •• 2,264 12 1 Stores .. .. .. •• Lost, broken, deficient, &c. .. .. 31,802 0 0 Air — Bad debts .. . ■ ■. • • Irrecoverable .. .. .. .. . • 49 1 2 Stores .. .. .. • • Lost, broken, defioient, &c. .. .. 13,229 0 2 Working Railways— Bad debts .. .. .. • • Irrecoverable .. .. .. . . .. 420 15 6 Stores •• •• Lost, broken, deficient, &c. .. .. 5,133 4 11 Tickets and advertising .. .. Gratuitous, on account Queen Carnival .. • • 459 0 5 Post and Telegraph— Bad debts .. .. • • • • Irrecoverable .. .. .. .. •• 153 Stores .. • • •• •• Lost, broken, deficient, &c. .. .. 545 19 10 Primary Products Marketing— Internal Marketing Division — Bad debts .. ■■ •• •• Irrecoverable .. .. .. .. 820 15 11 Stores .. • • • • • • Lost, broken, deficient, &c. .. ., 270 6 2 National Commercial Broadcasting Service — Bad debts .. .. ■ • • • Irrecoverable .. .. .. .. .. 308 5 7 Stores .. • • ■ • • • Lost, broken, deficient, (fee. .. .. 282 18 4 Various .. •. • • • • Nugatory expenditure .. .. .. •. 34 4 0 State Advances Corporation —■ Housing Branch —■ Rents (fee. .. .. •• •• Debtors unfinancial, &c. .. .. .. •• 2,272 15 4 Housing Construction — Bad debts .. .. • • • • Irrecoverable .. .. . .. .. 39 7 4 Stores •. • • • • • • Lost, broken, defioient, &c. .. .. 664 4 9 112,425 9 4 72,424 10 10 Claims abandoned £ s. d. 184,850 0 2 Stamp Duties — License duty : Cudahy and Co., Pty., Ltd. .. 80 0 0 License duty : Boot's Pure Drug Co., Ltd. .. 450 0 0 License duty: Timberlands Woodpulp .. 150 0 0 Estates, Ltd. Marine — Foreshore rent ....... .. 43 6 8 Machinery inspection fees .... .. 150 Lands and Survey — Loan to Pounawea Domain Board .. .. 531 10 0 Industries and Commerce, Tourist and Publicity—• Discounts on Electric Energy Accounts : .. 5 13 4 Cottage Motor Camps, Ltd., Ohinemutu Social Security— Benefits overpaid ...... .. ' State Forest Service — Arrears of rent ...... • ■ 0174 TOTAL.. .. .. .. £186,175 9 2 l_ _ —

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Bibliographic details

SUPPLEMENTARY ESTIMATES OF THE EXPENDITURE OF THE GOVERNMENT OF NEW ZEALAND FOR THE YEAR ENDING 31st MARCH, 1943., Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1942 Session I, B-07-part02

Word Count

SUPPLEMENTARY ESTIMATES OF THE EXPENDITURE OF THE GOVERNMENT OF NEW ZEALAND FOR THE YEAR ENDING 31st MARCH, 1943. Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1942 Session I, B-07-part02

SUPPLEMENTARY ESTIMATES OF THE EXPENDITURE OF THE GOVERNMENT OF NEW ZEALAND FOR THE YEAR ENDING 31st MARCH, 1943. Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1942 Session I, B-07-part02

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