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B.—l [PT. ll],

1942. NE W Z E ALAN D.


i—B. 1 [PT. ll].

B.—l [PT. ll].


PAGE AUDITOR-GENERAL S REPORT .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . . • • iii Statement of Irregularities in Connection with Public Moneys and Stores .. .. .. iv Schedule of Imperfect Vouchers .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ■ ■ vil Statement showing Sums irrecoverable by the Crown .. .. .. .. .. xix STATEMENTS OF REVENUE Ordinary Revenue .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. •. • • 1 Ordinary Revenue, Interest on Public Debt Redemption Fund .. .. .. .. 5 Ordinary Revenue, Interest on other Public Moneys .. .. .. .. .. 5 Ordinary Revenue, Miscellaneous Revenue .. .. .. .. .. • ■ • • 7 RECOVERIES ON ACCOUNT OF EXPENDITURE OF PREVIOUS YEARS Consolidated Fund (Ordinary Revenue Account) .. .. .. .. .. .. 9 Public Works Fund (General Purposes Account) .. .. .. .. .. .. 21 Public Works Fund (Electric Supply Account) .. .. .. .. .. .. 21 Main Highways Account 31 Social Security Fund .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 31 State Coal-mines Account 31 State Forests Account .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 32 DISBURSEMENTS UNDER CIVIL LIST ACT, 1920 (see 8.-l [PT. I]). DISBURSEMENTS UNDER SPECIAL ACTS Debt Services, Interest .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 11 Debt Service, Amortization of Debt — Sinking Fund .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 13 Repayment of the Public Debt Act, 1925 .. .. . . .. .. .. 13 Transfer to Loans Redemption Account .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 13 Debt Services, Administration and Management .. .. .. .. .. .. 13 Debt Services, Payment on Guaranteed Loans .. .. .. .. 14 Other Services .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 15 UNAUTHORIZED EXPENDITURE (see 8.-l [Pt. I]). STATEMENT OF BALANCES IN RESPECT OF PAYMENTS MADE ON. BEHALF OF OTHER GOVERNMENTS .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 18 IMPRESTS OF THE CONSOLIDATED FUND (ORDINARY REVENUE ACCOUNT) OUTSTANDING .. 18 DEPOSITS ACCOUNT Summary of Deposits Account .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 19 Receipts and Disbursements under the Trustee Act, 1908 .. .. .. .. .. 20 IMPRESTS OF THE PUBLIC WORKS FUND (GENERAL PURPOSES ACCOUNT) OUTSTANDING .. 21 STATEMENTS OF TRANSACTIONS Public Works Fund (Electric Supply Account) .. .. .. .. . .. .. 22 Land for Settlements Account .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 23 Loans Redemption Account .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 25 State Coal-mines Account .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 31 State Forests Account .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 32 Temporary Transfers under Suction 40 of the Public Revenues Act, 1920 .. .. .. 32

8.-l [PT. 11 J,



I have the honour to submit my report for the year ended 31st March, 1942, in terms of section 89 of the Public Revenues Act, 1926. Subsections (2) and (3) of this section set out the several headings under which the Controller and AuditorGeneral is required to present his report to Parliament, and the section reads as follows :— 89. (1) The Treasury shall as soon as practicable after the end of every financial year prepare and send to the Audit Office a statement of the revenue and expenditure of the Public Account during that year. (2) The Controller and Audi tor-General shall forthwith examine that statement, and prepare and sign a report showing—■ (a) The particulars of any discrepancies between such statement and the books of the Treasury : (b) Full particulars of every case in which the provisions of this or any other Act, or the regulations or any forms, have not been carried out or adopted, or have in any manner been varied or departed from : (c) Every case of failure to deliver or send in accounts or to collect or account for any moneys or stores : (d) All sums allowed or disallowed without vouchers or with imperfect vouchers or upon incorrect certificates : (e) Any proceeding that may have been taken by or against any person in pursuance of the provisions of this Act or the regulations : (/) All unsatisfied surcharges which have been made by the Controller and AuditorGeneral and all surcharges disallowed by the Minister on appeal : (g) In what accounts the Controller and Auditor-General has, with the consent of the Minister, dispensed with a detailed audit: (h) Such other information as may be prescribed, or as the Controller and Auditor-General thinks desirable. (3) The Controller and Auditor-General shall annex or append to the said report copies of all cases laid by him before the Attorney-General for his opinion, together with a copy of the opinion given in every such case. (4) The Controller and Auditor-General shall lay the said statement, together with his report thereon, before Parliament within fourteen days after the signing of the report if Parliament is then in session, and if not, then within fourteen days after the commencement of the next ensuing session. In reference to subsection (3), no cases were laid before the Attorney-General, and as to subsection (4), the full Statement of the Revenue and Expenditure of the Public Account is contained in two parliamentary papers —namely, 8.-l [Pt. I], which shows, under main headings, the receipts and payments of the funds and accounts comprising the Public Account, and also shows details of the expenditure under the annual appropriations, Civil List, and the Unauthorized Expenditure Account; and 8.-l [Pt. ll], which shows certain of the receipts and payments in greater detail than they are shown in 8.-l [Pt. I]. As the latter paper for 1941-42 has already been laid before Parliament, it is necessary for me to present only Part II with this report. The remaining requirements of the section are satisfied as follows : — (a) DISCREPANCIES IN THE STATEMENT OF ACCOUNTS. There are no discrepancies between the statement of accounts and the books of the Treasury. (b) CASES IN WHICH THE PROVISIONS OF THE LAW HAVE NOT BEEN CARRIED OUT The Audit Office in the exercise of its duties is required to see that all financial transactions of the Government are supported by proper legislative authority. As stated in previous reports, circumstances arise, however, which render it desirable or necessary that public moneys should be expended for purposes for which no specific authority exists and for which the statutory provisions governing " unauthorized expenditure " or " emergency expenditure " are not available.

B.—l [Pt. ll].

Several cases of this nature arose during the year, and the Audit Office, following past practice, agreed to pass the transactions on receipt of an undertaking that the Government would introduce validating or amending legislation therefor at the earliest opportunity. In the following cases, the necessary legislation was passed during the financial year:— Finance Act, 1941, section B—Advances8 —Advances by way of loan out of the Meat Industry Account in respect of meat held in store as a result of shipping difficulties. (The Meat Marketing Order 1939, Amendment No. 2, provided that payment be made on shipment.) Finance Act, 1941, section 10 —Payment by the Grown direct to the Napier Harbour Board of interest due in respect of land taken in connection with Napier Housing Scheme. Finance Act, 1941, section 37 Payments to the Honourable Sir Apirana Ngata as a member of the Committee appointed to inquire into matters relating to the East Coast Native Trust Lands. Finance Act, 1941 (No. 2), section 3 (c) —Payments to members of Parliament by way of travelling-allowances in respect of services as members of the Council of Primary Production. Marketing Department (Extension of Powers) Order 1939, Amendment No. 3 (Serial No. 1941/92), (pursuant to the Marketing Amendment Act, 1939, section 4), authorizing purchase by Marketing Department of foodstuffs and tobacco. Meat Marketing Order 1942 (Serial No. 1942/165), fixing the price and terms of payment in respect, of meat purchased during the 1941-42 killing season. My report of last year referred to four cases in which validating legislation had not been passed at the time of the report. This legislation has now been passed as follows : — Finance Act, 1941, section 9 —Payment of harbour dues out of Housing Account. Finance Act, 1941, section 34 —Payment of subsidies for Centennial memorials in anticipation of grants from local authorities. Finance Act, 1941, section 38 —Payments to members of Parliament of certain travelling-expenses in respect of the 1940 session. Finance Act, 1941, section 40 —Payment to a superannuated public servant of full superannuation in addition to payment for special services. Legislation has yet to be passed in respect of the following transactions (1) The Minister of Finance approved the transfer to the War Expenses Account of surpluses or deficits arising annually from the several marketing pool accounts (except the Dairy Industry Account). The necessary statutory authority for making the transfers was lacking, and as it was desired that such transfers should appear in the appropriate financial year, the Audit Office agreed to- pass the transactions, upon receipt of an assurance by the Minister that validating legislation would be introduced. (2) In the course of the change-over from the manufacture of butter to cheese (which became essential in order to meet the wartime demands of the United Kingdom) it was found to be necessary to render financial assistance to dairy companies and suppliers, particularly by way of grants towards purchase of new capital equipment. There was no legislative authority for these grants, but the Minister of Marketing gave an undertaking that appropriate legislation would be introduced, and payments thereof have been passed by the Audit Office in anticipation of this legislation. (c) STATEMENT OF IRREGULARITIES IN CONNECTION WITH PUBLIC MONEYS AND STORES. It is pleasing to report that defalcations by departmental officers were fewer and that the total amount involved was considerably less than in the previous year. The largest defalcation occurred in a small post-office under the control of a non-permanent Postmaster who failed to account for savings-bank deposits amounting to £120. There were 1,330 cases in which recipients of pensions, sustenance, age, and other benefits obtained payment in excess of scale rates by failing to disclose material particulars of their circumstances to the Department concerned. This number represents a reduction of 1,000 cases when compared with the previous year and is the smallest number so far reported by me.


IV.—l [Ft. ll].



'Nature of Irregularity. involved Action taken,'arid Result. Air Department. IRREGULARITIES BY PERSONS NOT DEPARTMENTAL OFFICERS. £ s. d. ™, ... |, . , , f 6 0 0 Police investigations unsuccessful. • ' lhelt ox allotment cheques .. .. < „ „ A ! ,. . . ■ , - , , . , 1 \ o 0 0 \ Police investigations not yet complete. Theft of stores .. .. . . .. Not stated Police investigations not yet complete. Army Department. IRREGULARITIES BY DEPARTMENTAL OFFICERS. , Misappropriation of public moneys .. .. 28 10 0 Offender tried by field general court-martial: dismissed from the Service and sentenced to twelve months' imprisonment with hard labour. Misappropriation of public moneys .. .. 50 0 0 Offender placed on probation for two years iand ordered to pay £10 towards the cost of prosecution. Theft of stores and unlawful conversion of 38 18 2 Offender convicted and sentenced to, six months' departmental motor-car imprisonment with hard Jabotir. IRREGULARITIES BY PERSONS NOT DEPARTMENTAL OFFICERS. Theft of cash .. .. .. .. 65 14 0 1 Police investigations unsuccessful. Theft of stores .. .. .. .. Not stated | Offender convicted of theft. Stores partly recovered. Marketing Department (Internal Marketing Division). IRREGULARITIES BY PERSONS NOT DEPARTMENTAL OFFICERS. , , .e Theft of postal notes .. .. .. | 1 11 .8 | Police investigations unsuccessful. Lands and Survey Department. IRREGULARITIES BY DEPARTMENTAL OFFICERS. Misappropriation of public moneys .. .. 3 0 0! Offender convicted and lined £5. Misappropriation of public moneys .. .. 99 13 10 Offender sentenced to two years'probation. Restitu- | tion made. IRREGULARITY BY PERSON NOT DEPARTMENTAL OFFICER. ' Theft of cash .. .. .. .. I 0 10 0 Police investigations unsuccessful. Loss made good I | by officer responsible for the custody of the fruiney. Mines Department. IRREGULARITIES BY PERSONS NOT DEPARTMENTAL OFFICERS. Theft of cash .. .. .. .. I ' 2 5 0 1 Police investigations unsuccessful. ; Theft of tires .. .. .. .. 4 10 0 Police investigations unsuccessful. : t. National Provident Fund. IRREGULARITY BY PERSON NOT DEPARTMENTAL OFFICER. Fraudulent withdrawal of contributions .. | 40 18 9 [ Police investigations unsuccessful. Native Department. IRREGULARITY BY PERSON NOT DEPARTMENTAL OFFICER. Theft of two tires .. .. ' vw Not stated | Police investigations unsuccessful. Post and Telegraph Department. IRREGULARITIES BY DEPARTMENTAL OFFICERS. Theft of postal packets .. .. .. 0 5 0 Offender committed to Borstal institution. . Theft of letters .. .. . . .. Not stated Offender convicted, released on probation for three years, and ordered to make restitution. Theft of letters and postal packets.. .. 13 1 7 Offender convicted and placed on probation for twelve months, fined £15, and ordered to make restitution to Department. Misappropriation of public moneys .. .. 120 0 0 Offender sentenced to two years' probation and ordered to repay £20. Amount recoverable under fidelity policy, £100. Misappropriation of public moneys .. .. 2 0 0 Offender committed to the Supueme Court for sentence. Restitution made. , Theft of departmental property and postal Not stated Two offenders, one was to eighteen parcels months' imprisonment with hard! labour, , and the other was fined £5 or ten days' imprisonment. IRREGULARITIES BY PERSONS NOT DEPARTMENTAL OFFICERS. Theft of mail-bag.. .. .. .. 2 0 0 Police investigations unsuccessful. Theft of cash .. .. .. .. 56 16 3 Police investigations unsuccessful. Theft of cash, radio licenses, &c.. .. .. 87 5 4 Two offenders, each sentenced to four years' imprisonment with hard labour. Theft of cash, stamps, postal notes, &c. .. 87 15 5 Two offenders, each sentenced to four years' imprisonment with hard labour. Theft of cash, stamps, postal notes, &c. .. 163 11 5 Police investigations unsuccessful. Theft of insured parcel .. .. .. 1,000 0 0 Police investigations unsuccessful. Compensation paid by Department, £2. Theft of cash, postal notes, and registered letter 77 19 7 Police investigations not yet complete. Thefts from public-call boxes and stamp-vending 121 13 5 Police investigations Carried out in respect of each loss, machines .

B.—l [PT. ll].



Nature of Irregularity. involved. Aotlon taken ' and Eesult> Post and Telegraph Department—continued. IRREGULARITIES BY PERSONS NOT DEPARTMENTAL OFFICERS- —Continued. £ s. d. Theft of cash and postal stationery .. 182 8 5 Three offenders convicted and sentenced to varying terms of imprisonment. Net loss to Department, £80 lis. 4d. Attempted fraudulent withdrawal from Post 40 0 0 Offender sentenced to imprisonment for twelve Office Savings-bank months. Attempted fraudulent withdrawal from Post 2 0 0 Offender convicted and admitted to probation for Office Savings-bank six months. Fraudulent withdrawal from Post Office Savings- 20 0 0 Offender admitted to probation and ordered to make bank restitution. B'raudulent negotiation of military pay warrant l(i 16 0 Offender committed to Supreme Court for sentence. No loss to Department. Theft of cash and stamps .. .. 2 17 I Restitution made. Theft of stores .. .. .. .. 1 19 3 Police investigations unsuccessful. Theft of stores .. .. .. .. 7 17 6 Offender ordered to come up for sentence if called upon within two years and to make restitution to the Department. Public Works Department. IRREGULARITIES BY DEPARTMENTAL OFFICERS. Misappropriation of public moneys .. .. 1 20 12 4 Offender convicted and sentenced to three years probation. Theft of stores .. .. .. .. 5 10 0 Offender convicted and fined £20. Railways Department. IRREGULARITIES BY DEPARTMENTAL OFFICERS. Theft from booked parcel .. .. .. Not stated Offenders fined £5 each and ordered to pay costs. Misappropriation of public moneys .. .. 0 15 0 Offender dismissed the Service. Restitution made. Theft of goods .. .. .. .. 19 2 0 Offender sentenced to one month's imprisonment with hard labour. Restitution made. Misappropriation of public moneys .. .. 3 10 3 Offender convicted and sentenced to twelve months' probation. Restitution made. IRREGULARITIES BY PERSONS NOT DEPARTMENTAL OFFICERS. Theft of cash .. .. .. .. 0 o 7 \ offender sentenced to three years' imprisonment. Theft of railway tickets, stores, &c. .. .. Not stated / J Theft of cash .. .. .. . . 45 0 0 Police investigations unsuccessful. Officer responsible for the custody of the money called upon to make good the loss. Theft of cash .. .. .. .. 10 0 Police investigations unsuccessful. Theft of cash .. .. .. .. 10 3 1 Two offenders, each sentenced to four years' imprisonment with hard labour. Theft of tickets .. .. .. . . Not stated Offender sentenced to three years' imprisonment with hard labour. Theft of cash .. .. .. • ■ 0 110 Police investigations unsuccessful. Theft of cash and postal note .. .. 7 12 2 Police investigations unsuccessful. Theft of cash .. .. .. .. 18 7 2 Polioe investigations unsuccessful. Theft of cash .. .. .. .. 4 10 6 Police investigations not yet complete. Scientific and Industrial Research Department. IRREGULARITY BY PERSON NOT DEPARTMENTAL OFFICER. Loss of departmental moneys stolen from safe 11 16 9 | Loss made good by officer responsible for their custody. Social Security Department. IRREGULARITIES BY PERSONS NOT DEPARTMENTAL OFFICERS. Theft of postal draft (being instalment of war I. 12 6 Offender awaiting trial. pension) One thousand three hundred and thirty cases in 17,984 11 4 Proceedings instituted in eleven cases, involving the which recipients of pensions, sustenance, age, sum of £662 6s. 3d., resulted in eleven convictions and other benefits obtained payments in excess being entered. Fines totalled £159, costs amounted of scale rates by failing to disclose material to £11 12s., and restitution of £351 9s. Id. was particulars of their circumstances to the La- ordered by the Court. In a few cases the offenders bour, Pensions, or Social Security Depart- were sentenced to imprisonment. There were 1,319 ments. (Note. —The excess payments to other cases involving the sum of £17,322 4s. lid. many of the recipients were not ail made during Except in a small percentage of cases where the 1941-42, but include amounts received by them beneficiaries were on active service, deceased, or in previous years.) in straitened circumstances, refunds have boon or aro being obtained. Treasury Department. IRREGULARITY BY PERSON NOT DEPARTMENTAL OFFICER. Tbeft of interest warrant .. .. • ■ I 9 0 0; Offender convicted and admitted to probation for twelvo months and ordered to make restitution.

B.—l [PT. ll]

(d) SCHEDULE OF IMPERFECT VOUCHERS PASSED BY THE AUDIT OFFICE UNDER PROVISIONS OF SECTIONS 73 AND 75, PUBLIC REVENUES ACT, 1926. Section 73, which requires the Audit Office to disallow payment of any sum where the voucher for the actual receipt and payment has not been produced, empowers the Minister, on satisfactory evidence being produced that the requisite papers have been lost or destroyed and that it is not possible to obtain or replace them, to authorize the Audit Office to pass the payment. Section 75 provides that when a voucher produced for payment is defective from the want of any certificate the Audit Office, on proof to its satisfaction that the defect was not due to wilful neglect of the accounting officer and that the sum named in the voucher had been actually and properly paid, may pass the voucher as a sufficient discharge. The following is a schedule of imperfect vouchers passed by the Audit Office under authority of the two sections mentioned :—


Department and Particulars. Reason. Amount ! ToU1 Amount. Agriculture. £ s. d. £ a. d. Compensation under the Stock Act .. .. Voucher lost .. .. .. 1 10 0 Wages .. .. .. .. ,. Voucher lost .. .. .. 12 2 5 13 12 5 Air. Freight charges .. .. .. .. Receipts unobtainable .. .. 3 10 0 Pay and allowances .. .. .. .. Vouchers lost .. . . .. 175 7 5 Travelling-expenses .. .. .. .. Receipts not obtained .. .. 134 13 5 Uniform allowance .. .. .. .. Voucher lost .. .. .. 10 9 11 324 0 9 Army, Cable charges .. .. .. .. Receipts unobtainable .. .. 0 12 0 Freight charges .. .. .. .. Receipts unobtainable .. ,. 662 6 4 Pay and allowances .. .. .. .. Receipts unobtainable .. .. 5 10 0 Travelling-expenses .. .. .. .. Receipts not obtained .. .. 31 0 7 699 8 11 Crown Law. Travelling-expenses .. .. .. .. Receipts not obtained .. .. 1 16 0 — 1 16 0 Customs. Travelling-expenses of official representative Receipts unobtainable .. .. 77 9 8 travelling in the United States of America 77 9 8 Education. Meal allowances .. .. .. . . Voucher lost .. . . .. 14 0 6 Purchase of publications .. .. .. Receipt unobtainable .. .. 0 8 0 Travelling-expenses.. .. ,, .. Receipts not obtained .. .. 10 13 5 Wages .. .. .. .. ., Receipts not obtaiijed .. .. 9 18 7 35 0 6 Government Insurance. Purchase of publications .. ,. ., Vouchers lost .. .. .. 12 7 — 1 2 7 Health. Purchase of goods .. .. .. .. Receipt not obtained .. .. 0 10 0 , „ 0 10 0 Industries and Commerce, Tourist and Publicity. Bureau charges .. .. .. .. Receipts not obtained .. .. 0 19 2 Freight charges .. .. .. .. Receipts unobtainable .. 0 19 11 Purchase of publications .. .. ., Voucher lost .. .. .. 0 10 0 Rent • • •. . • .. .. Receipt unobtainable .. ., 26 14 3 Travelling-expenses .. .. .. .. Receipts not obtained .. .. 16 6 0 45 9 4 Internal Affairs. Freight charges .. .. .. .. Receipts unobtainable .. .. 44 19 4 Travelling-expenses.. .. .. .. Receipts not obtained .. .. 192 11 6 . 237 10 10 Justice and Prisons. Imprest payments .. .. .. .. Vouchers lost .. .. .. 40 0 4 40 0 4 Labour. Bureau charges .. .. .. .. Receipts not obtained .. . . 1 3 10 Salary payments .. .. .. Vouchers lost .. .. .. 23 1J 10 Subsidy, Scheme 13 .. .. .. .. Voucher lost .. .. .. 3 10 7 Travelling-expenses .. .. .. .. Receipts not obtained .. .. 2 0 0 30 6 3 Land and Income Tax. Overtime .. .. .. .. .. Vouchers lost .. .. .. 654 15 9 Refund of tax .. .. .. .. Voucher lost ., .. .. 4 12 6 . J — 659 8 3 Lands and Survey. Travelling-expenses .. .. .. .. Voucher lost .. .. .. 2 14 6 Wages .. .. .. .. .. Voucher lost .. .. .. 36 17 3 39 11 9 Marine. Freight charges .. .. .. .. Receipt unobtainable .. .. 1 19 0 1 19 o Mines. Wages .. .. .. .. .. Receipts unobtainable ,. .. 4 0 0 — 4 0 0 National Commercial Broadcasting. Cables ., ., .. ., . . Receipts unobtainable .. .. 5 14 1 | 5 H 1

B. 1 [PT. ll].


(6) PROCEEDINGS TAKEN- AGAINST DEFAULTERS AND OTHERS. Particulars of cases in which proceedings have been, taken in pursuance of section 69 of the Public Revenues Act. are-included in the Statement under paragraph (c) hereof. The Audit Office is required by the above-mentioned section to take all such steps as it thinks fit to prosecute according to law all defaulters in respect of any public moneys or stores, but the section does not prevent prosecutions in like cases by persons other than the Audit Office. The statement under paragraph (c) includes, therefore, prosecutions .which, were.instituted by the Departments concerned, as-well as by the Audit Office. •(/) SURCHARGES. Section.69-of the Public Revenues, Act, 1926, provides that the Controller and Auditor-General shall surcharge the person responsible wherever it appears to the Audit Office that, public moneys or stores have'been lost through the default, neglect, fraud,-or error of any servant of the Crown. In the past year it was. found necessary to surcharge six officers, five Of the surcharges being in respect of loss of cash,


■ Department and -particulars. Iteason. Amount. Total Amount. National Service. £ s - d - £ s ' d - Wages .. .. Vouchers lost 98 14 0 08 14' 0 Native. .. ... ... Receipts not obtained .. .. 4- I U Freight clyirges .. •• Receipts Unobtainable .. .. 3 0 5 Tiiiprcst, payments ... .. Vouchers lost .. .. ,. 109 lo j) Travelling-expenses '.. ... ■ • •• Receipts not obtained .. .. i 4 0 Wages v Vouchers lost . . . . ., U 11 J % Navy. Imprest payments .. . . ■ ■ • ■ Vouchers lost .. . • • • 91 14 - Telephone rental Voucher lost .. .. •• 7 « Travelling-expenses Receipts not obtained. .. .. 1 10 b 4 g Printing and Stationery. Freight,cshargos ... .. .. Receipts unobtainable .. .. 10 7 11 Public Works. i r r Bureau charges .. .. ■ ■ • ■ Receipts not obtained .. . . 1 o I Charter Party expenses .. .. •• Receipts not obtained .. .. »» -4 I Court costs " Voucher lost .. •• •• 47 S 5 Freight charges .. . . .. •• Receipts unobtainable .. .. Jb 10 4 Land compensation . . .. •• Voucher lost .. .. Purchase of publications .. .. •• Receipts not obtained .. .. Purchase of stores .. .. •• Voucher lost . . .. •• • • i) atM ... .. .. Voucher lost .. .. •• -4 11 11 Renovations' , .. Voucher lost 945 0 8 Subsidies .. ' . . .. • • Vouchor lost .. .. •• <245 - d o Travelling-expenses : V - Receipts not obtained .. .. 9 17 6 g 02Q Q Q Railways. , . , . .. Travelling-expenses.. .. •• •• Receipt not obtained .. .. u b u o Scientific and Industrial Research. ■_ n Purchase of publications .. .. ■ • Vouchers lost .. • ■ n a q Purchase of stores . . .. • • • • Voucher lost . . • • • • 4 % g • Social Security Fund. . Benefit payment .. ■ • • • • ■ Receipt unobtainable .. • . •> o n Medical fees •• Voucher lost 319 0 State Forests Account. Unclaimed earnings . . .. •• Voucher lost .. •• •• • 4 jg „ Transport. , ' Bureau charges ; ,v. " .. •• /Receipts not obtained .. .. b-to 8 Petty expenses Queen Carnival procession • . . Receipts not obtained . J ' . Travelling-expenses .. .. •• •• Receipts not obtained .. .. ' 11 14 2 Treasury. Bureau 6harges . . Receipts not obtained .. .. 6 4 0 Expenses of French nationals .. . . Receipts not obtained .. .. I4.i / 8 Telegraphic remittances' .. .. Receipts unobtainable .. • • • ' • „ Travelling-expenses .. .. • • • • Receipts not obtaineu .. . . ..•> _ Travelling-expenses, pf Washington delegation .. Receipts not obtained .. .. 'i. 1{) 335 8 11 £14,830 9 8

B.—l [Pt. ll].

Any person surcharged has the right under section 71 of the Public Revenues Act, to appeal to the Minister of Finance, and the Minister may thereupon confirm or waive the surcharge as he thinks fit. Each of the surcharges issued during the year was made the subject of an appeal. The appended table summarizes the surcharges issued and the results of the appeals :—

(g) DETAILED AUDIT OP ACCOUNTS DISPENSED WITH. Section 72 of the Public Revenues Act authorizes the Controller and AuditorGeneral, with the consent of the Minister, to dispense with a detailed audit of any accounts in circumstances which render a detailed audit unnecessary. The Minister was not requested to exercise his power under this section during the year. b (A) GENERAL INFORMATION. Repayment of the Public Debt. The following table gives particulars of the amount of securities redeemed under the provisions of the Repayment of the Public Debt Act, 1925, and the total cost of redemption:—

Transfers from Consolidated Fund to the Public Debt Repayment Account amounted to £2,255,108 9s. 6d. This amount, together with the opening balance of £913,257 13s. Id., enabled securities valued at £2,848,397, as shown above, to be redeemed. The balance remaining at 31st March amounted to £319,969 2s. 7d., and is available for further redemptions. In my last report attention was drawn to the absence of any statutory provision for the repayment of securities in respect of the debt of the State Advances Account and it was suggested that some provision for repayment should be made at the earliest opportunity. The Finance Act, 1941 (No. 2), section 2, provides that all moneys received by the Minister of Finance in redemption or repayment of any stock of the State Advances Corporation issued to the Minister under section 38' of the State Advances Corporation Act, 1934-35, or for the sale of such stock shall be paid to Public Account to the credit of Loans Redemption Account and applied towards the repayment of securities. As the stock of the Corporation held by the Treasury exceeds the amount outstanding in respect of the debt of the State Advances Account, this provision for repayment appears to be sufficient,

ii—B. 1 [Pt. 111.


Upon Appeal. Department. Total. Confirmed. Waived. . £ S. d. £ g. d. £ s. d. rir 7 "id" " "' 2 25 0 0 209 0 0 234 0 0 Lands and Survey .. .. 1 .. 10 0 0 10 0 0 Post and Telegraph .. .. 2 600 14 00 20 00 Transport 1 .. n 6 10 n 6 1Q 6 31 0 0 244 6 10 275 6 10

Nominal Value of Securities redeemed. Rate of Interest. 1 ~ Total Cost of Total to Total to Redemptions. 31st March, 1941. Ya ' M1 4 - 31st March, 1942. p erCent. £ s . d. £ s. d. £ s . d. £ s d •• 459,417 10 0 .. 459,417 10 0 459,417 10 0 H •• •• 1,760,437 0 0 1,760,437 0 0 1,760,437 0 0 % •• •• 5,000 0 0 .. 5,000 0 0 5,000 0 0 2 f •• •• 199,200 0 0 .. 199,200 0 0 199,200 0 0 3 •• 3,838,168 14 8 229,625 0 0 4,067,793 14 8 4,067 793 14 8 3 i 500,000 0 0 .. 500,000 0 0 500,000 0 0 •• •• 481,001 8 8 .. 481,001 8 8 481,001 8 8 3 I •• •• 170,376 7 4 114,335 0 0 284,711 7 4 284 711 7 4 4 •• •• 3 >128,063 5 6 726,700 0 0 3,854,763 5 6 3,843 075 14 7 H •• •• 2,087,460 0 0 17,300 0 0 2,104,760 0 0 2,089 382 5 0 5 •• •• 5,423,735 0 0 .. 5,423,735 0 0 5,423,181 5 0 5 i •• •• 1,530,990 0 0 .. 1,530,990 0 0 1,530,972 10 0 H ■■ 1,033,310 0 0 .. 1,033,310 0 0 1,030,894 12 2 6 •• 2,633,588 9 9 .. 2,633,588 9 9 2,612,292 8 8 21,490,310 15 11 [ 2,848,397 0 0 24,338,707 15 11 24,287,359 16 1* * This figure does not include cost of exchange on remittances.

B.—l [PT. ll].

The following statement shows the amount of loans subject to the Repayment of the Public Debt Act, 1925, and those not subject to the Act, as at 31st March, 1942 : — Particulars. Debt subject to the Repayment of the Public Debt Act, 1925— Ordinary Revenue Account — £ s. d. £ s. . Discharged Soldiers' Settlement Account.. .. 2,871,001 12 0 Greymouth Harbour Board Account .. .. 148,186 2 7 Mining Advances Account .. . ■ 33,569 14 11 Miscellaneous.. .. •• •• •• 7,422,649 10 8 Naval Defence Act Account .. .. •• 812,209 10 0 Reserve Bank of New Zealand Account .. .. 1,129,785 0 0 State Advances Corporation Account .. .. 1,030,981 9 0 War Expenses Account (1914-18) .. • ■ 36,930,033 0 0 Public Works Fund —General Purposes Account ..167,768,898 1 6 Bank of New Zealand Shares Account .. .. 875,000 0 0 Housing Account .. .. •• •• •• 20,618,945 0 0 Iron and Steel Industry Account .. .. •• 12,000 0 0 Land for Settlements Account •• 11,013,545 2 I Cheviot Estate Account .. .. •• 160,918 0 0 Main Highways Account .. .. •• •• 11,212,741. 1 7 State Forests Account .. •• •• •• 3,387,438 7 5 War Expenses Account (1939) .. .. •• 43,704,794 0 5 132 595 12 2 Debt not subject to the Repayment of the Public Debt Act, 1925 - Loans for which special sinking funds are provided— £ _ s. d. State Coal-mines Account .. •• 321,131 13 4 Electric Supply Account .. •• 16,801,733 711 Nauru and Ocean Islands Account .. .. 213,840 0 0 Westport Harbour Account .. ■■ 614,250 0 0 Samoan Loan Suspense Account .. •• 71,005 0 0 18,021,960 1 3 Funded Debt to the Imperial GovernmentOrdinary Revenue Account — Naval Defence Act Account .. •• 577,446 U 5 War Expenses Account (1914-18) .. ■■ 23,320,196 17 0 Public Works Fund—General Purposes Account .. 169,109 15 3 Land for Settlements Account .. .. •• 33,446 6 11 „ 24,100,199 10 7 State Advances Account .. .. •• 34,142,877 14 3 Total debt as at 31st March, 1942 (see 8.-l [Pt. Ill], page 8) .. £385,397,732 18 JS Publication of the table which formerly appeared as Table IV in 8.-l [Pt. Ill], containing particulars of the Funded Debt to the Imperial Government, has been discontinued by the Treasury. Particulars of the transactions _of the sinking funds of loans which are not subject to the Repayment of the Public Debt Act and for which special sinking funds are provided will be found in Tables IV and V, 8.-l [Pt. lII]. Increase and Decrease of the Public Debt. Statement of the public debt showing increases and decreases during the year £ s. d. Total debt as at 31st March, 1941 (See 8.-l [Pt. Ill], page 9) .. .. . • •• 349,427,574 11 2 Additions during the year— Applied to Purposes Costs, &c., Loans Increase Name of Account. 0 f Account. [Redemption Account. COnS Reveirae 10 0 % 0 10 0 Purposes .. .. 6,037,351 411 781,572 0 0 6,818,923 411 Eteotric Supply .. .. M 19,794 611 11,910 0 0 1,631,704 611 Housing .. •• 3,700,000 0 0 .. 3,700,000 0 0 Iron and Steel .. 3,000 0 0 .. 8,000 0 0 Land for Settlements ( 8,820 0 0 8,820 0 0 Main Highways .. .. 257,069 8 2 5,720 0 0 262,789 8 2 State Coal-mines .. .. 130,000 0 0 .. 130,000 0 0 State Forests .. 200,000 0 0 3,480 0 0 203,480 0 0 War Expenses (1939) .. .. 31,767,409 9 5 1,701,685 18 6 33,469,095 711 43,724,396 19 5 2,835,122 18 6 46,559 519 17 11 ' ' J I - 46,559,519 17 11 395,987,094 9 1

» Amount of £4,772 108. included in Loans Redemption Account under heading " Securities issued in renewal, &c,"


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Reductions during the year— Name of Account. Decrease. Consolidated Fund—Ordinary Revenue— £ s.' d. £ s. d. Nauru and Ocean Islands .. .. .. .. .. .. 35,865' 0 0 Miscellaneous .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 500 0 0 War Expenses (1014-18) .. .. .. .. .. .. 1,006,035 0 0 State Advaneos Corporation .. .. .. .. .. .. 1,898 0 0 Public Works Fund— General Purposes .. .. .. .. .. .. .. J.,853,512 0 0 Electric Supply .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 300,000 0 0 Land for Settlements .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 26,600 0 0 Main Highways .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 500 0 0 Sarnoan Loan Suspense .. .. .. .. .. .. 5,625 0 0 State Coal-mines .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 6,320 0 0 War Expenses (1939) .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 7,352,506 10 10 10,589,361 10 10 Total debt as at 31st March, 1942 (see 8.-l fPt. Ill], page 8) .. .. .. .. £385,397,732 18 3 The foregoing statement shows that the total public debt has been increased during the year by £35,970,158 7s. Id. The long-term debt was increased by £27,742,458 7s. Id. and the short-term Treasury bills debt by £8,227,700, as shown in the following summary £ s. d. £ s. d. Treasury bills as at 31st March, 1941 .. .. 30,733,300 0 0 Treasury bills as at 31st March, 1912 .. .. 38,961,000 0 0 Increase.. .. .. .. .. .. .. 8,227,700 0 0 Long-term debt as at 31st March, 1941 .. .. 318,694,274 11 2 Long-term debt as at 31st March, 1942 .. 346,436,732 18 3 Increase.. .. .. .. .. .. .. 27,742,458 7 1 Increase as at 31st March, 1942 .. .. .. .. £35,970,158 7 1 Under the Memorandum of Security Agreement £8,243,051 3s. 4d. was borrowed from the United Kingdom Government. This agreement provides for advances to be made to the New Zealand Government for war purposes, and repayment is to be effected at such dates as may be agreed upon. Prior to 31st March, 1942, £5,425,015 14s. sd. of this amount, as well as the amount of £4,515,661 10s. sd. which was outstanding at 31st March, 1941, was repaid in London, leaving £2,818,035 Bs. lid. outstanding under the agreement. National Development Loans Act, 1941. The above-named Act, which came into force on Ist April last, was placed on the statute-book during the year covered by this report. It makes changes in the procedure by which loan-moneys raised for the purposes of various accounts of the State are made available to those accounts, and in the liability those accounts assume in respect of the loan-moneys they receive. It does not apply to loans raised in anticipation of revenue and paid into Consolidated Fund, nor to moneys borrowed for war purposes and paid into War Expenses Account. Loans raised by the State are secured on the public revenues, which may be said to be the revenues of the Ordinary Revenue Account of the Consolidated Fund. Although that account is therefore responsible to the lender for payment of interest and repayment of principal, loan-moneys do not find their way into it, but into other accounts authorized by Parliament to make use of borrowed money, such as the Public Works Account, the Electric Supply Account, and the Land for Settlements Account, and where any of these accounts are in receipt of revenue or have an earning-capacity they are required to recoup the Ordinary Revenue Account for charges arising from such payments. Prior to the passing of the Act under notice loans were raised within parliamentary authority for any separate account named in an authorizing Act, and where such account was liable from its nature to recoup the Consolidated Fund for payments of interest and repayments of principal it did so according to the terms on which the specific loan-moneys received by it were raised. Under the new Act two considerable changes in this procedure are made as noted hereunder—(a) Loans-moneys as they are raised are paid to one central account named the National Development Loans Account, and from it they are distributed as required to the various accounts authorized by Parliament to receive loan-moneys. This change is calculated to reduce interest charges arising from separate accounts borrowing in excess of immediate requirements.


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(b) All moneys transferred from the National Development Loans Account to the separate accounts constitute a capital liability of the appropriate account to the Consolidated Fund, but the liability of the separate accounts does not attach to them according to the terms on which the loan-moneys they received were raised. It attaches as to interest at such rate or rates as the Minister of Finance from time to time decides, and, as to repayment other than by way of sinking fund, when, and to the extent, the Minister is satisfied that any account has moneys available for reduction of the capital liability to the Consolidated Fund. These provisions are also made retrospective in respect of loans received by separate accounts prior to the coming into operation of the Act and remaining undischarged at that date. Audit of Public Stores. Stores accounts numbering 151 and relating to twenty Government Departments were examined by Audit Inspectors. The inspections showed that accounting systems were well maintained, and disclosed no serious irregularities. In twentyfive cases reports by Public Works Department Inspectors were accepted by Audit as presenting satisfactory evidence that the relative accounts were in order. The foregoing figures are exclusive of audit work performed in connection with Navy, Army, and Air Force stores. This work is dealt with in the War Expenses section of this report. Audit of Accounts of Local Authorities. T am again able to report a satisfactory general state of the audit of local authorities accounts. During the year there were three cases of disqualification of members of local authorities, due to such members having been concerned or interested in contracts entered into by their respective local authorities in excess of the limits set out in section 3 of the Local Authorities (Members' Contracts) Act, 1934. There were seven cases of misappropriation of funds by local-body officials, a decrease of four cases as compared with the previous year. In each case the matter was placed in the hands of the police for appropriate action by them. The aggregate sum of all the misappropriations was £3,442 9s. 4d. The Audit Office dealt with numerous breaches of law relating to the accounts of local authorities, and an adjustment of the accounts or a recovery of the moneys was required in all cases except where a satisfactory explanation was made, or where the special circumstances were such that Audit requirement was waived conditionally on legislation being obtained to validate the irregularities. The following is a list of the cases where this conditional waiver was granted : — Auckland Harbour Board .. .. " Unauthorized " expenditure exceeded by £60 4s. 3d. Bay of Plenty Hospital Board.. .. Bank overdraft exceeds the statutory limit. Bay of Plenty Hospital Board .. .. Precedent consent of the Governor-General in Council not obtained to the raising of a loan. Hawke's Bay Rabbit Board . . . . Wrongful transfer of funds. Hawke's Bay Rivers Board .. .. Unlawful payment to a Board member under a disqualifying contract. Lyttelton Borough Council .. .. Expenditure incurred prior to the date a loan was authorized wrongly charged to the loan. Nelson Raspberry Marketing Committee Unlawful payments of allowances to members of the Committee. Otorohanga. Town Board .. .. Agreement entered into without lawful authority. Thames Valley Electric-power Board .. Borrowing after expiration of period stipulated by authorizing Order in Council. Waipawa Hospital Board .. .. Grants to nurses in respect of personal effects destroyed by fire. Wanganui Hospital Board .. .. Expenditure incurred prior to the date a loan was authorized and wrongly charged to the loan. Wellington Education Board . . .. Unlawful payment of £20, representing the cost of a presentation. The necessary legislation has already been provided in the above cases with the exception of the Auckland Harbour Board, the Hawke's Bay Rabbit Board, the Otorohanga Town Board, and the Thames Valley Electric-power Board. Two local authorities engaged in pig-raising and eight in the cultivation of vegetables and seed-cropping activities for which there was no authority of law. The Audit Office has taken no action in these cases beyond drawing attention to the position in its certificate on the annual accounts of the local authorities concerned. It is understood that the Department of Internal Affairs is considering the question of promoting legislation to authorize such undertakings and validate past expenditure thereon.


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Waterfront Control Commission. The scheme of control of the Waterfront Control Commission, appointed under the Waterfront Control Commission Emergency Regulations 1940, provides generally that ships' cargo will be loaded or discharged by the Commission at fixed rates of charges payable by the shipping companies concerned, and that the companies will advance to Central Pay Offices at the ports sufficient funds to pay award wages to the watersiders engaged in the work and will pay to the Head Office of the Commission any surplus of those advances remaining after payment of the fixed rates for handling the cargo. The scheme provides, further, that out of the surplus received by the Commission bonuses will be paid to the Central Pay Offices for distribution among watersiders engaged in working the particular cargo. The shipping companies are also required to pay a levy to cover the cost of administering the Central Pay Offices. Regulation 16 (5) provides that " the accounts and stores (of the Commission) shall be audited by the Audit Office or by an auditor to be appointed for the purpose by the Audit Office." The accounts of the Head Office of the Commission, which were audited by the Audit Office, and those of the Central Pay Offices, which were audited by auditors appointed by the Audit Office in terms of the regulation, were found to have been kept satisfactorily. Departmental Balance-sheets. The Revenue Accounts and Balance-sheets for the year 1940-41 prepared in terms of section 57 of the Finance Act, 1932, have been audited. In past years the accounts have appeared in parliamentary paper 8.-l [Pt. IV], but as an economy measure Treasury decided to include in that publication only certain of the 1940-41 accounts, most of the others having been published in the annual reports of the relative Departments. As a further measure of economy it has been decided to discontinue the preparation of some fifty departmental accounts as from the Ist April, 1941. Patriotic Funds. The accounts of Provincial Patriotic Councils, with one exception now under action, have been audited to the 30th September, 1941, and audit reports thereon have been submitted to the Minister of Internal Affairs, as required by regulation. The audit of the balance-sheet of the National Patriotic Fund Board will shortly be completed to the same date, and a copy of these accounts is required by regulation to be laid before Parliament by the Minister. Marketing Department, Export Division. It was mentioned in my last report that during the Export Division's financial year ended 31st July, 1940, the Division purchased produce to the value of £54,000,000 and that purchases exceeding £58,000,000 in value had already been made during the 1940-41 season, eleven months of which had then elapsed. Completed accounts are now available for this season and disclose that the value of all produce purchased and exported or held on account of the United Kingdom Government amounted to £62,000,000. These accounts are the first to cover a full year's operations in meat and wool. For the nine months already completed of the 1941-42 season over £56,000,000 has been paid out, the payments for March alone exceeding £11,000,000. Canteen Board. The transactions of the Canteen Board increased considerably during the year ended 31st March, 1942, reaching a total turnover of £570,057. In spite of staffing difficulties a steady control has been kept upon the stocks and moneys of the Board. Month by month the Board balances the moneys banked against the value of the stores disposed of as ascertained from the stock records and from stocktaking. These figures have been reconciled satisfactorily in the case of most canteens, the most unsatisfactory case being a shortage of 2-6 per cent, of the turnover for the particular canteen. Most of this shortage was revealed to have taken place during one month of the year, and the Board promptly took appropriate remedial steps. Over all dry canteens the average shortage of cash against stock was 0-241 per cent, of the total turnover. It is not, however, possible to get an equally accurate control over the wet canteen revenues, and an entirely satisfactory system in this regard has yet to be devised.


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Social Security (Medical Benefits) Regulations 1941. Every medical practitioner who has agreed to provide medical benefits in accordance with the above-named regulation is entitled to receive from the Social Security Fund for every person for the time being on his Patients' List a capitation fee at the rate of 15s. per annum, and if any patient whose name is included in the Patients' List removes from his place of residence he is required by the regulations to give notice of such removal in order that, if removal takes him beyond the visiting area of the medical practitioner, payment of capitation may be terminated. It is hardly to be expected that such a requirement will always be observed, especially in present circumstances when large numbers of men, leave their homes to take up military duties, and the regulations provide a further means of keeping the Patients' Lists up to date by allowing the removal therefrom of the names of persons in respect of whom a registered letter forwarded by the Medical Officer of Health remains unanswered for a period of six weeks. The Health Department recognizes the desirability of correcting the Patients' List by the method mentioned, but has not been able to undertake the work, and doubtless, therefore, medical practitioners giving service on a capitation basis are being paid in respect of persons who have removed beyond their areas. In respect of men serving with the forces, the Health Department is now seeking information from the Army, Navy, and Air Departments which will assist it to correct Patients' Lists so far as such men are concerned. (i) AUDIT OF WAR EXPENSES. War Expenses Account. The substantial expansion of New Zealand's war effort has resulted in a corresponding increase in Audit work, and whilst it has not been possible to provide a proportionate accession to Audit staff the work has been kept reasonably up to date by a necessarily severe elimination of detail examination and by reliance, wherever possible, on departmental checking. The net amount of loan-moneys paid into the War Expenses Account during the year was £24,416,311, the proceeds of taxes credited to it totalled £21,937,454, miscellaneous receipts were £118,658, and £3,226,000 was transferred from the Consolidated Fund, a grand total of £49,698,423. Net expenditure brought to charge in connection with the three fighting services amounted to £4,521,876 for the Navy, £30,709,218 for the Army, and £11,201,559 for the Air Force. Under the heading of " Civil" the net charge was £2,089,029, and under miscellaneous heading £68,273, making a grand total of £48,589,955. _ In respect of the foregoing figures it will be remembered that the Public Accounts include only cash receipts and payments, and transfers between various accounts. They do not include amounts owing to or by the State at the end of any accounting period. This system of accounting on a cash basis has been found to be the most suitable to the needs of government, and under ordinary conditions it is sufficiently accurate, since estimates of expenditure can be closely adhered to and outstandings tend to be fairly uniform in amount from year to year. Under war conditions, however, as they apply to New Zealand, a cash statement may be far from presenting a complete account of transactions. It does not, for instance, deal with liabilities which may ultimately be required to be met under lend-lease arrangements, nor with payments made on account of the Dominion by the Imperial Government and not yet repaid. Nor does it reveal that certain expenditure is recoverable, such as that on stores supplied to the Eastern Group Supply Council. Control of War Expenditure. When Parliament enacted section 2 of the War Expenses Act, 1939, it surrendered to the Executive Government, following the precedent of the wai of 1914-18, the parliamentary control over certain expenditure which itemized 'appropriation provides. The provisions of subsections (2) and (3) of section 2 are as follows : —■ (2) Any moneys in the War Expenses Account may, without further appropriation than this section, be expended for defence purposes or for any purposes connected directly or indirectly with any war in which His Majesty may now or at any time hereafter be engaged, whether arising during or after the war. _ (3) If any question arises as to whether any purpose is a purpose tor which moneys may be expended from the War Expenses Account it shall be determined by the Minister of Finance, and his decision shall be final. One of the duties of the Audit Office is to see that issues of public moneys are made for purposes authorized by Parliament, and, although the statutory provisions quoted above do not set aside this duty, they give a very wide, though no doubt necessarily wide, authority for any expenditure related to the war effort. The


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receipts and payments arising from transactions ancillary to the war effort are shown in total in the War Expenses Account of the annual accounts under the heading of " Civil." Army Pay. Close attention has been given to the audit of New Zealand Army pay disbursed both at home and overseas. It is pleasing to be able to report that the work has proceeded very smoothly, is well up to date, and that no irregularities of serious amount have been revealed in the course of it. Ministry of Supply and Munitions. The Ministry of Supply and Munitions is composed of the Minister in Charge and several Controllers of supplies and services. The Audit Office is concerned principally with the Indent Division of the Ministry, which procures equipment and stores both for Government Departments and for trading concerns, either by purchase or under the " lease-lend " plan of the Government of the United States of America. The work of the Division has been hampered by a dislocation of the mails and perhaps by lack of trained staff, and the Audit Office found it necessary to inform Treasury that the records were not in. an entirely satisfactory state. Steps are being taken to put the position in order. Eastern Group Supply Council. Each member Government of the Council is to furnish to the British Ministry of Supply periodic statements showing (a) cash transactions in respect of production under orders issued by the Council, (b) the value of stores despatched to and recoverable from consignee members in accordance with issue orders or directions given by the Council. These statements require to be certified by the Audit Office, and an annual certificate is also required in respect of the stores accounts which each member Government must maintain. The New Zealand Government has not so far claimed any recoveries from other member Governments or from the British Ministry of Supply. Loss of Field Pay. In the course of the campaign in Greece some of the New Zealand field cashiers were made prisoner by the enemy, and it became necessary to reconstruct records lost there and in Crete. This reconstruction has proceeded as far as possible, and the results have been audited. The monetary loss ascertained to date which it will be necessary to write off as representing cash unaccounted for or destroyed to prevent its falling into enemy hands amounts to approximately £20,000. Food Controller's Operations. During the year the Food Controller, under the control of the Minister of Supply, found it inconvenient to operate through the Internal Marketing Account, and since July, 1941, all transactions have been financed through the War Expenses Account. The greater part of the Controller's expenditure charged to this account was incurred in the purchase of stocks of commodities for supply in the main to the armed forces, both Dominion and Imperial, and in the handling of the stocks represented by these payments an adequate stores system is most desirable. To date the requirements of Audit in this direction have not been met in their entirety, for although an efficient system has been instituted from Ist April, 1942, the stocks for the earlier period have yet to be balanced. The attention of the Food Controller has been drawn to the matter, and it is hoped that in the near future the position will be made satisfactory. Army Stores. My two previous reports drew attention to the unsatisfactory state of Army stores accounting, and although I am able to report this year that a decided general improvement has taken place, the position at several stores was such that the Audit Office could not regard it as satisfactory. A matter for concern is that two of the stores were ordnance depots through which pass the bulk of stores purchased by the Army Department. The unsatisfactory position lias again been, attributed to shortage of experienced staff, and the Department hopes to effect a remedy by changing the establishment from a civil to a military basis, when it should be possible to strengthen the staff with suitable men chosen from those called up for service. The accounts examined by Inspectors have been mostly those relating to stocks held in store, but application during the year by the Army Department to bring ledger balances into agreement with stocks and to write off charge considerable losses in training and camp equipment indicates that control and custody of stores actually in use also leaves something to be desired.


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It has been found also that soldiers' clothing and equipment cards disclose numerous issues of articles in excess of the authorized scale, and unless immediate steps are taken to recover these articles considerable loss may result. As stated in my last report, three officers of other Departments with stores experience were seconded to the Army Department to act as Army Stores Inspectors, and the foregoing remarks are based partly on reports received from them, for with increased work and loss of staff the Audit Office Inspectors have not been able to undertake annual examination of all accounts. Several stores have not been inspected by either staff during the year. Army Rations. All purchases of foodstuffs are made through the Food Controller, who arranges the source of supply and the price to be paid. Since January the daily cost basis of rationing previously in operation has been discarded and a quantity ration scale introduced. From the system of accounting in force Audit is able to ensure that all foodstuffs purchased are received into store and later issued to cookhouses in accordance with the ration scale. From that point control consists of physical check and supervision which can be carried out only by the authorities constantly on the spot. Army Transport. With, mechanization of the Army proceeding at a fast rate expenditure on motor-vehicles and stores has reached a very large figure. Vehicles have been properly accounted for, but the accounting for stores for use in connection with them was found to be unsatisfactory as the stock-sheets disclosed many surpluses and deficiencies, when compared with, the stock records. As a check on these stores, which consist of petrol, oil, tires, and accessories, and on the use and efficiency of the vehicles, daily running-sheets and monthly cost returns were required to be prepared in connection with each vehicle. Examination of some of these records by the Audit Office showed that many were incompletely or badly maintained and did not fulfil their purpose. The Audit Office therefore has not been able to satisfy itself that, according to records maintained, vehicles had been run only for army purposes and that expenditure of stores in connection with them was in order. One of the accounts indicated a deficiency of 828 gallons of petrol, but the record of the use of petrol were such that it was not possible to determine whether the recorded, shortage was the result only of poor accounting or whether there had been an actual loss resulting from weak supervision and control. A simplified record has been introduced, but its value will depend, no less than did that of the discarded one, on the insistence of the authorities that it be properly maintained. As a supplementary means of control a Provost Traffic Control Force is charged with investigation into the running of army transport and it has authority to hold up any army vehicle and require evidence that it is properly engaged on Army service. Air Stores. It was mentioned in my last report that the stores system had not functioned satisfactorily, and., in order to bring ledgers into agreement with actual stocks, Treasury and Audit gave provisional authority to the writing off of deficiencies. As regards the year's work under review, six reports were received, three of which disclosed a reasonably satisfactory position, but in the three other cases work was of such a standard that it did not result in a satisfactory record being maintained of what stocks should be on hand. The Department has recently instituted a system of continuous stocktaking, and it is hoped that the early 'investigation of any discrepancies will ensure a closer accounting. Navy Stores. My report of last year stated that at the Naval Base a large number of stock lines checked were at variance with the ledger and that ledger postings were in arrears. An improvement in the position was not anticipated until increased staff was made available, and as the increase did not eventuate the position remains unchanged. In' a recent memorandum the Naval Secretary advised me that strong recommendations have recently been made to the Public Service Commissioner for more and better staff, and he has asked whether the right type of storekeeping staff might be available in Departments not actively connected with the war effort. It is to be feared that at this stage departmental staffs have been so depleted by calls to the armed Services that men from that source will ndt be available.


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Defence Purchase Division. For the purpose of co-ordinating purchases of stores for the armed Servicesand ensuring that such purchases are bought to the best advantage the Treasury Department established a Defence Purchase Division. Following on the state of emergency which arose towards the close of last year, the Army Department found that it required urgently large quantities of a variety of stores mainly connected with motor transport. Considering that the machinery of the Defence Purchase Division operated too slowly to permit of the stores being purchased in the time available, the Army Department proceeded to make its own purchases which, in some instances, were made without competitive quotation. Financial Arrangements, Middle East. The cost of maintaining the 2nd New Zealand Expeditionary Force overseas falls on New Zealand, and in order to simplify accounting procedure it has been agreed between the Imperial and New Zealand Governments that the former should meet all costs of maintenance and charge New Zealand a daily capitation rate. This agreement dates from Ist December, 1940, and, although agreed to in principle, the actual rate or charge has not yet been definitely fixed. Motor-vehicles Impressment. Regulation 10 (2), Impressment Emergency Regulations 1939, referring to valuation of motor-vehicles impressed, states, inter alia, " In no case shall such assessment of value exceed the price paid by the owner, less a reasonable sum for depreciation." Examination of payment vouchers showed that this regulation had been disregarded in 103 cases and indicated that payments of a total of £1,580 Bs. 3d. had been made in excess of the amounts paid by the owners. Explanation of this apparent overpayment was asked for some weeks ago, but is not yet to hand. In addition to the vehicles bought under the impressment regulations many were purchased for Army needs by negotiation with the owners. In the opinion of the Audit Office purchases in. tins manner should not have been made, as the safeguard of Regulation 10 (2), previously referred to, was not thereby provided. Contracts. In former reports the subject of " cost-plus " contracts has been mentioned, with particular reference to their use in defence construction contracts, and this type of contract is still in operation, although it has defects which have evoked criticism in many places where it has been used. The circumstances in which these contracts find favour include : — (а) Where the time element is of great importance : (б) Where productive capacity is so limited that every productive unit, efficient or otherwise, must be pressed into service : (c) Where lack of production experience makes the accurate estimation of likely costs difficult or impossible. Amongst its defects are the following : — (1) The contractor receives his percentage to cover overhead and profit irrespective of results or cost : (2) The more the cost is inflated, the greater the fee received by the contractor : (3) Incentives to speed, and to economy in the use of labour and materials are lacking : (4) The limitation of profit to a percentage on capital employed offers no reward for special effort ; neither does it penalize inefficiency or negligence. The " cost-plus " system was applied during the year principally to building operations, shipbuilding and ship-repair, and munitions-manufacture. In respect of ship-repair work and munitions-manufacture, standardized contract forms have been devised, but the Audit Offi.ce understands that Departments have not made use of them despite the desirability of ensuring that contractors should know what expenses the Crown is prepared to allow or disallow. There is very considerable diversity in the methods at present adopted for assessing overhead and profit allowances, and it is desirable that they be placed on a uniform basis for each manufacturing group. In respect of ship-repair, the; Audit Office was not given the opportunity it would have wished to check expenditure as it proceeded, and as regards munitions contracts the data on which the Government Costing Officers based the prices agreed upon is not available in suitable form for ready investigation by Audit.

iii- B. 1. [Ft. ll].


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The target price or target cost contracts in connection with ship-building mentioned in my last report have now been completed, but the Department concerned advises that owing to material changes in design the final costs were approximately double the target price. The aim, therefore, was wide of the mark, and the value of fixing a target was altogether discounted. The Audit Office was, however, able to satisfy itself as to the expenditure which the contractors had incurred. An extra fee to be settled by negotiation is to be paid to the contractors on account of the excess cost. Since the recent appointment of the Commissioner of Defence Construction, building contracts have been arranged upon the basis of schedules of quantities prepared by quantity surveyors and priced by reference to master schedules based on agreements between the Commissioner and the Master Builders' Association. Provision is made for the contractor to claim adjustments of schedules arising from circumstances of a particular contract, and the contract price is arrived at by adding to the priced schedule 5 per cent, for profit and a further per cent, to cover overhead expenses. Timber requirements are arranged and paid for by the State Forest Service under a procedure which allows the contractor the agreed percentages upon the assessed value of timber incorporated in the works. (j) MONEY OR STORES WRITTEN OFF. Section 3 (3), Public Revenues Act, 1926. The above section provides that no moneys or stores may be finally written off and discharged from Public Account without the authority of Parliament. It has been the past practice to include an appendix to the Controller and Auditor-General's report a complete statement of all moneys and stores in respect of which Audit concurrence has been given since the last report for their writing off and discharge from the Public Account. The statement has invariably been one of considerable length, and, in the present circumstances, it is shown in an abridged form, by including therein only the more important items (see Appendix, page xix). (.k) ROYALTIES. Section 91 (2), Public Revenues Act, 1926. Since 1927 the Controller and Auditor-General has included in his report to Parliament a statement of royalties due to the Crown but unpaid at the close of the financial year. The statement has been presented in terms of section 91 (2) of the Public Revenues Act, 1926, although the names of individual debtors have not been published as the section requires. The amount of royalties outstanding at the end of any financial year is relatively not considerable, and they come under review in the ordinary course of departmental audits, Ihe Audit Office has been advised that legislation dispensing with the necessity for publishing any statement of royalty debts will be introduced at the first opportunity, and in anticipation of the passing of this legislation no royalty statement appears in this report. ROLL OF HONOUR. It is with deep regret that I record the death on active service of the undermentioned Audit officers : T — G. B. Casey . . . . Gunner, Anti-aircraft Regiment. W. T. Everist .. .. Pilot Officer, R.N.Z.A.F. CONCLUSION. The staff of the Audit Department has continued to render loyal and efficient service under increasingly difficult conditions, and officers of other Departments have shown willingness to give due consideration to Audit representations. I acknowledge also the valuable advice I have received from the Law Officers of the Crown on difficult legal questions affecting Audit. Cyril G. Collins, Controller and Auditor-General. Audit Office, 19th August, 1942.


B.—l [Pt. ll].




Department and Particulars. j Reason for writing off. | Value of Stores. Cajsl). Agriculture,. £ s. d. £ s. d. Value of live-stock .. .. .. Died and deficient .. .. .. 2,450 8 0 Value of stores . . . . .. ■. Lost, broken, &c., and loss on sale .. 518 7 4 Education. Value of live-stock .. .. .. Died and deficient .. .. .. 179 7 1 Value of stores .. .. .. •• Lost, broken, &o. .. .. .. 213 12 7 Maintenance orders .. .. .. Debtors unfinancial and untraceable .. .. 9,775 17 5 Health. Value of stores .. . . . • • • Lost, broken, &c., and loss on sale .. 175 10 0 Maintenance and treatment .. .. Debtors unfinancial and untraceable .. .. 1,457 5 6 Housing. Value of stores .. .. • • ■ • Lost, broken, &c. .. .. .. 662 10 9 Rents .. .. .. .. .. Debtors unfinancial .. .. .. .. 2,033 4 5 Industries and Commerce, Tourist and Publicity. Value of stores .. .. .. .. Lost, broken, &c. .. .. .. 1,732 15 7 Internal Affairs. New Zealand Centennial Exhibition shares .. Company in liquidation .. .. .. 30,949 0 0 Justice and Prisons. Value of live-stock .. .. .. Died and destroyed .. .. .. 688 11 7 Value of stores .. .. .. .. Lost, deficient, &c. .. .. .. 1,068 1 0 Labour. Fares and passage-money advanced to work- Debtors unfinancial and untraceable .. .. 2,269 15 2 men Land and Income Tax. Income-tax .. .. .. .. Debtors unfinancial and untraceable .. .. 3,449 8 5 Lands and Survey. Value of live-stock .. .. .. Live-stock died and deficient .. .. 11,784 11 9 Value of stores .. . . .. .. Lost, broken, &c. .. .. . . 808 0 7 Advances, Discharged Soldiers' Settlement Loss on realization .. .. .. .. 8,497 16 10 Account Advances, land-development .. .. Debtors unfinancial .. .. .. .. 1,324 3 5 Advances, small farms .. .. .. Debtors unfinancial .. .. .. .. 4,403 17 0 Interest, deferred-payment license.. .. Debtors unfinancial .. .. .. .. 386 18 3 Rent .. •• .. ■■ •• Debtors unfinancial .. .. .. .. 4,067 12 7 Rent, small farms .. .. .. Debtors unfinancial .. .. .. .. 1,110 18 0 Royalties .. . . • ■ .. Debtors unfinancial .. .. .. .. 388 3 8 Legislative. Value of stores .. .. .. .. Lost and deficient .. .. .. 180 6 3 Marine. Value of stores .. .. .. .. Lost, broken, &c. .. .. .. 213 18 7 Light dues .. .. .. .. Vessels in distress .. .. .. .. 286 1 0 Mental Hospitals. Value of live-stock .. .. .. Died .. .. .. .. 571 8 8 'Value of stores .. .. .. .. Lost, broken, &c. .. .. .. 1,733 11 2 Mines. Value of stores .. .. .. .. Loss due to handling and stone .. 421 10 10 Value of stores .. .. .. .. Lost, deficient, and loss on sale .. 2,001 10 3 Rents, royalties .. .. .. Debtors unfinancial .. .. .. .. 2,545 2 1 National Commercial Broadcasting. Value of stores . . .. .. . ■ Lost, deficient, &c. .. • • .. 266 15 6 Radio advertising .. .. .. Debtors unfinancial .. .. .. .. 481 5 4 National Service. Value of stores .. .. .. .. Loss on sale ». .. .. 1,654 9 0 Native. Value of live-stock .. .. .. Died and destroyed .. .. .. 2,938 0 8 Value of stores .. .. .. .. Lost, deficient, &o. .. .. .. 701 9 1 Post and Telegraph. Value of stores .. .. .. .. Lost, deficient, &c. .. .. 1,098 13 6 Toll accounts .. .. .. .. Debtors unfinancial .. .. .. .. 464 3 10 Primary Products Marketing. Value of stores .. .. .. .. Deficient .. .. .. .. 115 13 2 Sale of produce .. .. .. Debtors unfinancial .. .. .. .. 192 14 2 Printing and Stationery, Value of stores .. .. . . .. Lost, deficient, &c. .. .. .. 389 12 11 Public Trust. Advances on mortgages .. •• .. Loss on realization .. .. .. .. 38,778 1 1

B.—l [FT. Li].



Department and Particulars. Reason for writing off. Value of Stores. Cash. Public Works. £ s - s ' Value of stores .. .. .. •• Lost, deficient, 4sc. .. .. .. 4,618 13 1 .. Sales of stores Debtors unfinancial ■■ , Yno ? « Water rates .. •• •• Remitted .. .. •• •• 1.109 4 6 Value of stores .. •• •• Deficient, &c. 2,168 17 3 .. Advertising .. • • •• •• Debtors unfinancial .. .. .. .. 48y / »• jj en t _ .. .. Debtors unfinancial .. .. .. •• oil n o Social Security Fund. Benefits, pensions, and allowances overpaid.. Debtors unfinancial .. .. •• 1,1 db Stamp Duties. Gift duty .. ■ • • • • • Irrecoverable .. .. ■ ■ • • l u Interest on death duty .. .. Irrecoverable .. .. ■■ ■■ 144 8 2 T.inpnsp diitiv .. .. Abandoned.. .. .. •• •• ouy 14 0 Succession duty.. .. •• Irrecoverable .. .. ■■ •• 962 4 9 State Fire Insurance. Agreement for sale and purchase .. .. Loss on realization .. .. .. •• 'oka n n New Zealand Centennial Exhibition shares .. Company in liquidation .. .. • • 250 U U State Forest Service. Value of stores .. .. •• •• Deficient, &c. .. .. •• 174 7 3 Treasury. I _ Advances, employment promotion .. Debtors unfinancial .. .. .. •• »BU U u Advances, flax industry .. .. •. Debtors unfinancial .. .. .. •• 14 U Advances, general purposes relief .. .. Debtors unfinancial .. . • •• ° b Advances, Hawke's Bay earthquake .. Debtors unfinancial .. .. .. •• 3,b79 8 b kauri-gum control .. .. Debtors unfinancial .. .. .. •• o'oor it n Advances, repatriation .. .. Debtors unfinancial .. .. .. •• -,•«» h* u War Expenses. A Value of stores .. .. •• Lost, deficient, &c. .. .. 13,278 1 4 Army— n Value of stores .. .. . • Issued gratuitously .. .. .. 292 4 u Value of stores .. .. •• Lost, broken, deficient .. .. 28,622 13 b Value of stores .. .. •• Stolen .. .. •• 201 12 6 .. Allotments overpaid .. .. • • Debtors unfinancial and untraoeablo .. .. .sub I I Kit deficiencies .. .. •• Irrecoverable .. .. •• •• J I Pay and allowances overpaid .. .. Debtors unfinancial and untraceable .. .. J u ' Value of cash lost and imprest deficiencies Irrecoverable .. .. • • • • iro o q Value of cash stolen .. .. ■■ Irrecoverable .. .. •• 15L, 2 y Navy— Value of stores .. •• Lost, broken, &c., and loss on sale .. 20,051 4 9

H.—l [PT. ll].



I—B. 1 [PT. ll].


TAXATION : Year Ended 31st March, 1942. £ 8. d. £ s. d. Customs .. .. .. .. .. .. •• .. 8,1.01,988 10 9 Beek Duty .. .. .. •• •• .. 1,686,232 .10 5 SALES TAX .. .. .. .. .. •• .. 3,546,219 13 8 Film-I-iibe Tax .. .. .. .. .. . • .. 99,962 3 4 Highways .. .. .. .. .. •• ■■ .. 2,340,759 10 ll*f I Stamp and Death Duties, — Adhesive Stamps .. .. .. .. .. •• 183,579 2 2 Duty on Instruments .. .. .. .. •. .. 349,081 9 9 Fines and Penalties .. .. .. .. .. 2,140 5 1 Impressed Stamps .. .. .. .. .. .. 222,561 11 10 Licenses to Companies .. .. .. .. 92,53700 Shareholders' Licenses .. .. .. •. .. ■. 1,384 4 0 Duties payable by Racing Clubs .. .. .. .. .. 749,278 13 8 Amusements-tax .. .. .. .. .. 94,415 0 1 Lottery Duty .. .. .. '' •• .. •• 20,639 13 6 Overseas Passenger Duty .. .. .. .. •• •• 17,077 14 8 Miscellaneous .. .. .. .. •• •• 3,270 5 2 Receipts under Section 4, Mortgagees' Indemnity (Workers' Charges) Act, 1927 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. •• 1,505 1 0 1,737,470 1 5 Land-TAX .. 1,009,287 19 0 Income-tax .. .. .. .. .. • • • • ■ ■ 16,511,548 1 10 MISCELLANEOUS .. .. .. .. .. .. ■■ •• 128,476 18 7 TOTAL, Taxation .. .. .. .. .. .. 35,161,945 9 11 Carried forward .. .. .. .. .. .. 35,161,945 9 11 v * Rebates in respect of motor-spirits used otherwise than as fuel for motor-vehicles in terms of section 6 of the Customs Amendment Act, 1939, amounted to £358,455 19s. lOd. f £611, 488 lis. lid. of this amount consists of fees, fines, &c., which are not taxation.

B.—l [PT. ll] •




Year Ended 31st March, 1042. £ s. d. £ s. (1. Brought forward .. .. •• •• 35,161,945 9 11 INTEREST :— On Capital Liability, Working Railways (interest at £4 5s. per cent, on the total amount of capital moneys deemed to be expended in respect of the railways, as provided by Order in Council under the Government Railways Act, 1926)— £ s. d. Year 1941-42 .. .. .. •• •• 2,756,146 8 8 Less reduction made in terms of Finance Act, 1930 (No. 2), Section 14 .. .. 873,842 15 9 1,882,303 12 11 Less amount due and unpaid .. .. 62,303 12 11 .. 1,820,000 0 0 On Capital Liability, Postal and Telegraph (interest as determined under section 95 of the Post and Telegraph Act, 1928, at £4 5s. per cent, on the amount of the capital liability as at 1st April, 1941, together with interest at the rate of £2 2s. 6d. per cent, on the net amount applied for the purposes of the Department out of the Public Works Fund during the year)— 3 £ s. d. Year 1940-41 (balance) .. .. 11,510 12 6 Year 1941-42 (on account) .. .. . • 655,685 7 6 .. 667,196 0 0 On the Public Debt Redemption Fund (details on separate statement) .. .. 396,566 6 5 On other Public Moneys (details on separate statement) .. .. .. 582,602 0 8 Total, Interest .. .. .. •• 3,466,364 7 1 OTHER RECEIPTS Registration and other Fees, — Air Navigation Act, 1931.. .. •• •• •• 162 7 9 Animals Protection and Game Act, 1921-22 .. .. .. . . 6 0 0 Animals Protection and Game Act, 1921-22 (Part III) .. .. 7,755 10 9 Apprentices Act, 1923 .. . • • • ■ ■ • • • • 31 15 0 Arms Act, 1920 .. .. •• •• •• 2,048 14 11 Births, Deaths, and Marriages .. .. •• •• 25,539 17 0 British Nationality and Status of Aliens (in New Zealand) Act, 1928 .. 8 0 0 By-laws Act, 1910 .. .. •• •• •• 330 Cemeteries Act, 1908 .. ■ • • • • • ■ • ■ • 54 12 0 Cinematograph Films Act, 1928 .. •• •• 3,578 8 0 Coal-mines Act, 1925 .. .. .. • • • • ■ • 172 1 0 Crown Grant Fees .. .. • • • • ■ • • • Dr. 10 0 6 Customs Act, 1913 .. ■■ •• •• 13,152 4 10 Dairy Industry Act, 1908 .. .. .. •• •• 2,397 19 6 Dentists Act, 1936 .. ■ • • • • • • • • • 679 17 6 Distillation Act, 1908 .. .. • • • • • ■ • ■ 144 0 0 Electrical Wiremen's Registration Act, 1925.. .. .. •• 867 9 3 Engineers Registration Act, 1924 .. .. .. . • ■ ■ 19 6 0 Explosive and Dangerous Goods Act, 1908 .. .. .. •• 5,517 17 0 Factories Act, 1921-22 .. .. • • ■ ■ • ■ • • 4,613 5 9 Fertilizers Act, 1927 .. .. • • • • • • • • 355 0 6 Finance Act, 1915 (Part III), (Beer Duty) .. .. •• 1,306 4 5 Fisheries Act, 1908 .. .. •• •• 1,370 5 7 Friendly Societies Act, 1909 .. .. •• •• 606 Health Act, 1920 .. .. . • • • • • • ■ 8 15 0 Hospitals and Charitable Institutions Act, 1926 .. .. .. 667 9 10 Industrial Conciliation and Arbitration Act, 1925 .. .. .. 403 6 8 Industrial Efficiency Act, 1936 .. .. .. •• •• 2,108 7 6 Inspection of Machinery Act, 1928 .. .. •• •• 23,173 16 4 Land Agents Act, 1921-22 .. .. . • •• •• 7,646 4 3 Licensing Act, 1908 ... .. . • • • ■ • • ■ 46 0 0 Life Insurance Act, 1908 .. .. .. .. ■■ 050 Margarine Act, 1908 .. .. • • • • • • • • 3 0 0 Masseurs Registration Act, 1920 .. .. .. • • • • 163 17 1 Meat Act, 1939 .. .. . ■ •• •• •• •• 60,328 10 6 Carried forward .. . • • • • • • • 164,329 11 11 Carried forward .. .. . • • • • • • • 38,628,309 17 0

B.—l [PT. ll]




Year ended 31st March, 1942. £ s. d. £ s. d. Brought forward .. .. . - ■ • • ■ .. 38,628,309 17 0 OTHER RECEIPTS—continued. Brought forward . . .. 164,329 11 11 Registration and other Fees—continued. Medical Practitioners Act, 1914 .. .. .. . • •. 353 13 0 Mining Act, 1926 .. .. .. . ■ .. ■ • 538 3 2 Money-lenders Act, 1908 .. .. .. .. 1,237 10 0 Motor-vehicles Act, 1924 . . .. .. .. . . • ■ 39 2 0 Native Land. Act, 1931 .. .. •• 880 Native Land Amendment and Native Land Claims Adjustment Act, 1926, Section 14 (Taupo Waters) —• Fees, Licenses, and Camp-sites .. .. .. . ■ ■■ 2,459 16 4 Fines and Penalties .. .. .. •• ■■ 21 17 0 New Zealand Loans Act, 1932 .. .. .. • • • • 186 18 6 Nurses and Midwives Registration Act, 1925 .. .. . . 2,902 13 6 Opticians Act, 1928 .. .. .. • • • ■ • • 125 8 0 Orchard and Garden Diseases Act, 1928 .. .. .. 7,781 I 10 Patents, Designs, and Trade-marks Act, 1921-22 .. .. .. 12,474 0 8 Petroleum Act, 1937 .. .. .. .. . . •• 970 Plumbers Registration Act, 1912 .. .. . ■ . • • • 490 0 0 Poisons Act, 1934 .. .. .. .. • • • • 187 15 8 Public Safety Conservation Act, 1932 . . .. . • .. 40 0 0 Sales Tax Act, 1932-33 .. .. .. .. .. • • 439 0 6 Second-hand Dealers Act, 1908 . . .. • ■ ■ ■ • • 415 10 0 Servants' Registry Offices Act, 1908 .. .. .. .. .10 10 0 Stallions Act, 1938 .. .. .. . • ■ • • • 30 8 6 Stock Act, 1908 .. .. .. . • • • • • • • 635 9 6 Stock Remedies Act, 1934 . . . ■ .. ■ ■ • • 41 8 0 Stone-quarries Act, 1910 .. .. .. . • • ■ • • 77 5 0 Timber-floating Act, 1908 .. .. • • .. ■ • 5 0 0 Tobacco Act, 1908 .. ■■ •• 1,433 4 4 Tramways Act, 1908 .. .. • • ■ ■ • ■ ■ • 180 5 0 Transport Licensing Act, 1931 .. .. .. •• 44,985 12 5 Valuation of Land Act, 1925 .. .. •• •• 31,848 6 2 Veterinary Surgeons Act, 1926 .. .. .. .. •• 440 Weights and Measures Act, 1925 .. .. .. .. .. 8,486 5 9 ' 281,777 15 9 Territorial Revenue, — Rents, Royalties, and Miscellaneous Receipts from lands— Agricultural Department .. .. .. .. • • 25 5 0 Air Department .. .. •• •• •• 412 9 11 Army Department .. .. .. •• •• 1,417 13 9 Customs Department .. . . • • . • • • • • Education Department .. . . . • .. • • • • 237 16 2 Health Department . . • . • • • • ■ • • • 1 10 0 Internal Affairs Department .. .. .. •• 1868 Justice and Prisons Department .. .. • • ■ ■ • • 412 10 0 Lands and Survey Department— Crown Lands .. •• •• •• 371,261 17 2 Hauraki Plains lands .. .. .. •• •• •• 6,162 1 1 Swamp Drainage lands . • .. • • • • • • 372 4 3 Small-farms Scheme .. .. .. •• 3,311 11 10 Miscellaneous Fees .. .. . • •• •• 1,877 11 I Marine Department .. ■. • • • • • • • • 190 8 4 Mental Hospitals Department . . .. • ■ • • ■ • 508 0 0 Mines Department .. •• •• •• •• •• 15,739 18 11 Police Department .. ■ ■ • • • • • • • • 125 15 0 Public Works Department .. .. • • • • • • 665 15 9 ———— 402,740 17 11 Carried forward . • ■■ ■■ •• •• 684,518 13 8 Carried forward • • • • • • • • • ■ • • 38,628,309 17 0

B.—l [PT. lIJ.

PUBLIC ACCOUNTS, 1941- 1942.



Year ended 81st March, 1942. £ s. d. £ s. d. Brought forward .. .. • • • ■ ■ • • • 38,628,309 17 0 OTHER RECEIPTS —continued. Brought forward .. .. .. •• •• •• 684,518 13 8 External Affairs, — New Zealand Reparation Estates .. .. . •• 91,715 9 11 Export of Bananas from Samoa .. .. •• 73,492 12 9 1 165,208 2 8 Justice,— Court Fees, Pines, and Bankruptcy Commission .. .. •• .. 1 by,855 y U Marine, — Pilotage Rates and Harbour Fees .. .. • • • • • • I > 100 9 0 Shipping and Seamen Act, 1908 .. ■■ •• 73,986 9 8 Rents of Foreshores, Royalties, &c... .. ■■ 2,713 2 3 Sale of Oysters under Fisheries Act, 1908 . . . • ■ ■ • • 8,907 10 10 Rents from Toheroa Areas .. . ■ • • • ■ • • 372 0 0 Westport Harbour .. .. •• •• •• •• 45,124 19 5 F 132,204 11 2 Profits of Trading Institutions, —■ Post and Telegraph Department— For year 1939-40 (On Account) Profits other than Post Office Savings-bank profits received from the Post Office Account in terms of section 95 (1) (d), Post and Telegraph Act, 1928— £ a - d - For year 1938-39 (Balance) .. .. •• 8,115 4 0 For year 1939-40 .. .. .. •• 227,847 12 9 235,962 16 9 Public Trust Office— Half of profits credited in terms of section 24 (1) of the Finance Act, 1929— For year 1940-41 .. .. •• •• •• •• 8,536 11 1 Reserve Bank of New Zealand— Profits credited in terms of section 36 (c), Reserve Bank of New Zealand Act, 1933— For year 1940-41 .. .. .. . • •• •• 344,942 4 6 Native Trust Office — One-third of Profits credited in terms of section 49, Native Trustee Act, 1930— £ s. d. 1936-37 .. .. .. •• •• 2,442 1 10 1937-38 .. .. .. •• -• 1,918 12 4 1938-39 .. .. .. •• •• 2,193 13 2 1939-40 2,077 3 2 — 8,631 10 6 Native — 598,073 2 10 Fees collected in Stamps under the provisions of the Native Land Act, 1931 .. 3,961 9 10 Printing and Stationery;— General Receipts .. •• •• 310,761 2 J Stamp Duties, — Land Registry and Deeds Register Office Fees .. •• •• 60,-1120 Tourist and Health Resorts, — Receipts in respect of Reserves under the Tourist and Health Resorts Control Act, 1908 .. .. .. •• •• •• •• 99,709 12 2 Miscellaneous (details on separate statement) .. .. •• ■■ 139,640 16 11 Recoveries on account of Expenditure of Previous Years (details on separate statement) .. .. •• •• 248,805 17 0 Recoveries on account of Unauthorized Expenditure of Previous Years (details on separate statement) .. •. • • • • • ■ Dr. 10 0 Total, Other Receipts .. .. •• •• 2,612,649 0 0 Total Revenue .. .. • ■ ■ ■ • • • ■ 41,240,958 17 0

B.—l [PT. ll].





Repayment of the Public Debt Act, 1925, Section 12 (as): — Interest earned by the capital moneys of the Public Debt Redemption Fund hold by— £ s. d. Public Trustee .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 286,878 16 5 State Advances Office .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ., 109,687 10 0 £396,566 6 5

£ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. Interest on Other Public JMoneys : — On investments made in respect of the — Deposits Account .. .. .. .. .. 8,602 174 Loans Redemption Account .. .. .. .. 7500 Ordinary Revenue Account .. .. .. .. 36,740 5 7 Bank of New Zealand Shares Account : Dividends transferred to Ordinary Revenue Account in terms of section 8 (3), Finance Act, 1926— Dividend: on 500,000 £1 preference A shares .. 45,000 0 0 Final dividend on 1,375,000 £1 preference B shares for year ended 31st March, 1941 .. .. 31,250 0 0 Interim dividend on 1,375,000 £1 preference B shares for year ended 31st March, 1942 .. .. 23,437 10 0 Half-yearly dividend on 234,375 £1 C long-term mortgage shares to 31st March, 1941 .. .. 7,031 5 0 Half-yearly dividend on 234,375 £1 C long-tei-m mortgage shares to 30th September, 1941 .. 6,328 2 6 113,046 17 6 Public Works Fund, General Purposes Account .. .. 34,493 2 10 Public Account Cash Balance Investment Account .. .. 20,045 13 10 Receiver-General's Deposit Account . . . . . . 3,865 8 1 Reserve Fund Account .. . . .. .. .. 27,622 4 8 Silver and Bronze Coin Account .. .. .. .. 12,256 17 0 War Expenses Account, 1939 .. .. .. .. 14,935 15 10 271,690 2 8 On £1,226,000 appropriated out of Public WorkB Fund and paid to Main Highways Account in terms of paragraph (6), section 16, Main Highways Act, 1922 — Finance Act, 1930, section 36 .. .. .. .. .. 61,300 0 0 On £464,315 15s. 2d., Net Profits of the Cheviot Estate Account in terms of section 19 (4) of the Finance Act, 1930 (No. 2) .. .. .. .. .. .. 37,139 16 8 On amount due from the Public Works Fund —General Purposes Account, in terms of section 38 (3), Native Land Amendment Act, 1936, on account of Native Land Development (on account) . . .. .. .. . . 84,041 12 10 •On value of Crown Lands declared to be subject to the Land for Settlements Act, 1925, and former Land for Settlements Acts —Land Laws Amendment Act, 1929, section 47 — 1940-41 .. .. .. •• •• 8,477 12 0 1941-42 .. .. .. .. •. . . 8,477 12 0 On loan of £400,000 to the Rural Intermediate Credit 16,955 4 0 Board, year ended 30th June, 1941 .. .. .. .. 12,000 0 0 On loans to earthquake sufferers in terms of section 49, Hawke's Bay Earthquake Act, 1931 .. .. .. .. 231 16 10 On loans to earthquake sufferers —Pahiatua earthquake .. .. 16 10 1 On loans to sufferers —Wairarapa storm .. .. .. . . 1 18 4 On loans to local bodies under Local Bodies' Loans Act, 1908 .. .. .. .. .... .. .. 50,150 7 11 On loans to Samoan Treasury in terms of section 33, Samoa Act, 1921 .. .. .. .. .. .. 3,137 4 11 On loan to Taieri River Trust in terms of section 3, " Taieri River Improvement Amendment Act, 1939 .. .. .. 2,550 0 0 On loans under section 26, Agriculture (Emergency Powers) Act, 1934 .. .. .. .. .. .. 1,579 18 9 On miscellaneous advances— For erection of hostels, &c. — New Plymouth High School .. • • .. 303 12 4 Timaru High School .. . . • • . ■ 106 19 0 Wairarapa High School .. . ■ • ■ .. 42 0 0 — 452 11 4 Carried forward .. .. .. .. 452 11 4 540,794 13 0

jß.— 1 [Pt. It].


STATEMENT of INTEREST on OTHER PUBLIC MONEYS for the FINANCIAL YEAR ended 31st March, 1942—continued.


£ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. Brought forward .. .. •• •• 452 11 4 540,794 13 0 Interest on other Public Moneys—continued. On miscellaneous advances—continued. For Native Land Settlement Account—Survey liens .. . . 1,17.1 3 o From Vote " Agriculture," to various agricultural associations .. .. ■ • • • • ■ • • 2® 4 6 To Cook Islands Fruit Account .. . • • • • • "23 J 1 * ® To discharged soldiers under Repatriation Act, 1918 .. . • 32 11 0 To Eastbourne Borough Council for drainage works .. . . 208 5 0 To Bgmont National Bark Board .. . • • ■ • • f « To Gabriel's Gully Blue Spur Goldmining Co., Ltd. . . .. 24 0 0 To Hospital Boards—■ Buller 1° 13 0 Nelson .. • • • • • • • • 39 18 11 Waikato .. •• •• •• ®0 ° £ Wanganui . . ■ • • • ■ • • • 69 12 2 Westland _21 231 0 2 To Land Settlement Associations — Angland .. "0 8 9 Blairgowrie . . .. • • ■ • ■ • "Si ® ° Bruce .. • • • • • • • • 59 11 7 Chastleton .. .. ■ • • • - ■ J'J- *3 J Clifton Grove . . . • • • ■ • ■ • " Eiffelton .. •• 360 0 0 Glencairn . . ■ • ■ • • ■ • ■ 265 17 7 Gleniffer • • ■ ■ • • • ■ • • 10® ® ° Hari Hari .. .. ■ ■ • • • ■ 98 10 2 Kelman .. •• •• •• 16 P 2 ° Lake Alice . . . • • • • • • • 133 13 o Matamau .. • • • • • • • • ~ Melville Downs . . • • • • • • 241 9 Nikau Grange .. •• •• •• 199 4 4 Otaikarangi .. •• •• •• •• or! q if Otauiri .. •• •• •• 354 8 11 Owersby .. • • • • • • • • 5 2 Quiltowen .. • ■ • • ■ • • • 219 2 0 Trentham .. .. ■ • ■ • • • -J Waitohi Downs . . • • ■ • ■ • - 00 ' ' 6 Wentnor .. • • ■ ■ • • • • I 77 7 7 Wen 4,798 12 10 To Lower Clutha River Trust .. . • • • • • 84 18 10 To Maori Gold Mining Co., Ltd. .. .. • • • • !34 To Maori Land Boards, under section 340, Native Land A r-t 11 .. .. ■■ •• •• 73 3 9 To Mataki Dredging Co., Ltd. . . .. • • • • 24 5 3 To Mount Cook and Southern Lakes Tourist Co., Ltd. (lease of Hermitage, Mount Cook) •• •• ' f, J o To Opotiki Borough Council . . • • • • • • if 7 To Point Elizabeth Coal Co., Ltd. .. • • ■ • ■ • W a o To Rotorua Golf Club .. . . • ■ ■ • • • 54 4 3 To Y.M.C.A.— For purchase of cinemas . . ■ ■ • • • • « fi n For purchase of radio sets . . • • ■ • • - J ® ; To Westhaven Coal Co. . ■ • ■ • ■ • • J-* i '> i; Under the Native Housing Act, 1935 .. •• 3,790 O / Under the Native Land. Act, 1931, section 521 (2) . . . • -,839 Under the Native Land Amendment Act, 1936— Section 48 •• 10 ir r Under the Small-farm Plan .. •• •• ?on r! « Under the Village-homestead Settlement Scheme .. . • 36 (393 7 | Miscellaneous interest on— Balance of Post-office Savings-bank Accounts used by Child Welfare Branch, Education Department •• •• * * Debentures under the Hutt Road Act, 1915 .. .. •• iq ir q Deposits by High Commissioner .. . ■ ■ ■ • • 199 7 1 Mortgages due to Reparation Estates ■■ 11 « Penal interest—Loan repayments by local bodies .. .. "0 Purchase-moneys in connection with sales of land and buildings— kq 10 * Education Department .. • • • • • • • • 79 7 9 Department of Lands and Survey .. • • ■ • 09 17 1 Police Department . . • • • • • • ■ ■ , ' * Public Works Department .. •• •• ■■ ___ 3 106 15 10 Crown's proportion of Greymouth Harbour Board special coal rate : Credited as interest on sums of £114,439 Is. and £27,000 in terms of section 12 of the Greymouth Harbour Board Act, 1884 . . ■ • • • • • > £582,602 0 8

B.—l [Pt. ll].




£ a. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. Legislative Department :— Hire of typewriters .. .. .. .. .. 1118 Treasury Department :— Conscience-money .. .. .. .. .. 123 5 2 Unclaimed moneys— Under Public Revenues Act, 1926, section 30 — Courts of Law Trust .. .. .. .. 84 14 2 Forests Clerks' deposits .. .. .. 4 18 5 Gaolers' deposits . . .. .. . . 0 2 0 Labour deposits .. .. .. .. 255 6 7 Land revenue deposits .. .. .. .. 104 3 0 Marine deposits .. .. . . .. 7 6 2 Probation Officers' deposits .. .. .. 46 14 8 Under Public Revenues Act, 1926, section 95— General estates .. .. .. .. 2,039 9 5 Bankruptcy Act, 1908 .. .. .. 775 2 0 Rating Act, 1925 .. .. .. .. 157 18 11 Unclaimed land balances .. .. .. 156 12 6 Surplus cash—Not identified .. ,. .. 13 16 8 Transfers from Deposits Account— Miscellaneous, &c. .. .. .. .. 42 16 8 Unclaimed earnings .. .. .. .. 1,102 5 2 Unpresented cheques .. .. .. .. 579 8 7 Dividends unclaimed for over 1.0 years— N.Z. Government stock .. .. .. 42 2 8 Excess cash at Government offices .. .. .. 0 0 1 Dr. Money found by or handed to police officers, &e., not claimed .. .. .. .. .. 32 4 3 Money found in Government institutions .. .. 10 17 10 Money found on prisoner (confiscated) .. . . 18 2 Unallocated credits—State Advances Corporation of New Zealand .. .. .. .. .. 438 14 5 Unclaimed balances —Native Trustee .. .. 39 5 6 Unclaimed deposits—Southland Electric-power Supply 0 12 4 Unclaimed moneys—Maori Land Boards .. .. 105 9 8 Bank of England fractions of interest .. .. 137 7 8 Cash seized in gaming raids .. . . .. .. 3 12 2 Donations to the Consolidated Fund .. .. .. 6 12 6 Duty on scrap gold and jewellers'sweepings .. .. 1,827 15 10 Forfeited deposits—■ Immigration Restriction Act, 1908 .. .. 210 0 0 Land revenue deposits .. .. .. .. 13 0 Overseas Passengers Emergency Regulations 1939 .. 950 0 0 Parliamentary candidates.. .. .. .. 30 0 0 Surplus funds, Waitangi Land Settlement Association .. 57 0 10 9,388 7 4 Customs Department :— Rents of buildings .. .. .. .. 71 10 0 Sale of goods seized by Customs .. .. .. 197 8 0 268 18 0 Land and Income Tax Department :— Unclaimed moneys — Under Unclaimed Moneys Act, 1908, section 6, and Finance Act, 1932, section 30 .. .. .. .. 12,584 10 6 Stamp Duties Department :— Amounts received under Companies Act, 1933, section 283 .. 22 2 8 Department of Internal Affairs Fees and fines, Rotorua Acclimatization District .. 116 10 0 Fees for— Camp sites, licenses, &c. .. .. .. 70 8 0 Slipway .. .. .. .. .. 10 10 0 Storage of powder .. .. .. .. 1,693 6 0 Passport fees .. . i .. .. .. 379 4 7 Rents of buildings .. .. .. .. 335 14 8 Sale, of— Fishing and game licenses, Rotorua Acclimatization District .. .. .. .. .. 3,416 13 5 Publications .. .. .. .. .. 37 3 1 Waste paper .. .. .. .. .. 12 0 2 6,071 9 11 Carried forward .. .. .. .. 28,337 0 1

B.—l [PT. IT]


STATEMENT of OTHER RECEIPTS, MISCELLANEOUS, for the FINANCIAL YEAR ended 31st March, 1942—continued.


£ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. Brought forward .. .. .. •• 28,33701 Marine Department :— Rents of buildings .. .. .. •• •• 72 1» 4 Department oe Justice and Prisons :— King's Counsel fees.. .. . • . • •• 550 Rents of buildings .. .. .. •• 408 6 0 Q Police Department : — Rents of buildings .. .. .. •• 1,235911 Sale of — r Firearms (confiscated) .. ■ ■ ■ • • • 19 9 5 Liquor (confiscated) ,. .. • • • ■ 434 3 10 Public Works Department :— Amounts credited in terms of section 16 (2) of the Finance Act, 1930 (No. 2)— Receipts under section 17 (4) (c), Waihou and Ohinemuri Rivers Improvement Act, 1910 — Rents, royalties, &c. .. .. . • • 450 9 3 Contributions under sections 17 and 18, Waihou and Ohinemuri Rivers Improvement Act, 1910 — Gold duty — £ s - Te Aroha Borough .. ■. 1 12 6 Ohinemuri County .. .. 405 19 8 — 407 12 2 Consolidated Fund — For year 1940—41 .. •• •• 1,651 (i 4 Payment for the privilege of draining into pipe-line Ellerslie Police-station site .. .. • • 3 0 0 Receipts from irrigation and water-supply schemes .. 27,333 6 10 Rents of buildings 28,972 17 10 Water-power license revenue.. .. .. •• 1,688 17 8 1 60,507 10 1 Department op Lands and Survey :— Hauraki Plains Act, 1926 : — Rates 3,210 1 11 Miscellaneous receipts .. .. .. • • 430 0 2 Rangitaiki Land Drainage Act, 1910 — Rates .. .. 26,614 2 2 Miscellaneous receipts .. .. •• •• 2,433 17 - Scenery Preservation receipts .. .. •• 1,111 15 8 Swamp Drainage Act, 1915 — Rates .. ... 5,178 14 9 Miscellaneous receipts .. .. •• 1,023 13 1 _ 40,002 4 II Department oe Agriculture : — Rents of buildings .. .. •• •• •• ■■ 1,78.4 Department op Industries and Commerce, Tourist and Publicity : — _ Overcharges on bookings, &c., unclaimed .. .. ■ • 10 3 Department oe Scientieic and Industrial Research : — Fees for analyses .. . • • • • • ■ ■ 9 Rents of buildings .. •• •• •• 85 11 8 Mines Department Commission on coal and goldfields revenue collected .. 950 15 11 Hire of drills, &o. .. .. • • • • • • 8 ®5 9 9 Rents of buildings .. .. • • • • ■ • 36 1 0 Rent of plant .. •• •• •• laiAa Sales under section 22, Mining Amendment Ac*, 1937 .. 60 14 6 1 f yyo l z Department of Health Rents of buildings • • 58b 12 b Mental Hospitals Department :— Rents of buildings .. .. •• •• ■■ Education Department :— Fees for teachers' certificates, licenses, &c. •. • • 643 2 o Rents of buildings .. .. •• •• •• 3 'ioi is it Unclaimed earnings .. ■ • ■ • ■ • 1 '• 1 1J ; Unclaimed money, Child Welfare Office .. •• 0 13 b 3,950 14 5 £139,640 16 11

B.—l. [PT. ll].



2—B, 1 [PT. ll].


Legislative Department :— £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. Sale of- — Publications .. .. .. .. .. 749 Surplus and obsolete stores .. .. .. 60 17 4 — 68 2 1 Treasury Department :— i Repayment of loans to agricultural associations .. 129 3 4 Sale of surplus and obsolete stores .. .. .. 10 0 0 139 3 4 Customs Department Sale of surplus and obsolete stores .. .. .. .. 34 15 10 Land and Income Tax Department :— Sale of surplus and obsolete stores .. .. .. .. 99112 Stamp Duties Department Sale of surplus and obsolete stores .. .. .. .. 2,520 11 8 Public Service Commissioner's Office : — Sale of surplus and obsolete stores .. .. .. .. 10 7 2 Department oe Internal Affairs :—- Sale of surplus and obsolete stores .. .. .. .. 55 11 6 Department of External Affairs Sale of surplus and obsolete stores .. .. ,. .. 701 16 6 Marine Department :— Sale of surplus and obsolete stores .. .. .. 1,774 16 6 Department of Labour :— Recovery of passage moneys — Immigrant artisans .. .. .. .. 1,122 1 3 Nominated immigrants .. .. .. .. 6 10 0 Sale of surplus and obsolete stores .. .. .. 104 116 1,233 2 9 Native Department :— Sale of surplus and obsolete stores .. .. .. .. 622 1 3 Valuation Department Sale of surplus and obsolete stores .. .. ,. .. 20 10 2 Electoral Department :— Sale of surplus and obsolete stores .. .. .. .. 10 0 National Service Department :— Sale of surplus and obsolete stores .. .. .. .. 29 3 9 Department of Justice and Prisons :— Sale of surplus and obsolete stores .. .. .. .. 414 17 8 Police Department :— Sale of surplus and obsolete stores .. .. .. .. 11240 Public Works Department :— Recovery of value of stocks transferred to War Expenses Account .. 233,998 15 7 Department of Lands and Survey :— Recovery of bad debt written off in previous years, Discharged Soldiers Settlement Account .. .. 0 5 0 Repayment of loan —Egmont National Park Board .. 60 0 0 Sale of surplus and obsolete stores .. .. .. 807 8 1 —— 867 13 1 Carried forward .. .. .. .. 242,704 4 0

B.—l [:P T II J.


STATEMENT of OTHER RECEIPTS, RECOVERIES on ACCOUNT of EXPENDITURE of PREVIOUS YEARS, for the FINANCIAL YEAR ended 31st March, 1942—continued. Ordinary Revenue Account—continued.


..... ~ ~ _ " £ 8. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. Brought forward .. .. .. .. 242,704 4 0 Department of Agriculture : — Sale of surplus and obsolete stores .. .. .. .. 371 7 7 Department of Industries and Commerce, Tourist and Publicity ' Instalments on account of advance to Rotorua Golf Club 86 6 8 Sale of surplus and obsolete stores .. .. .. 3,395 0 7 3,481 7 3 Department of Scientific and Industrial Research : — Sale of surplus and obsolete stores .. .. .. .. 358 10 0 Mines Department : — . Sale of surplus and obsolete stores .. .. .. .. 651 0 11 Transport Department Sale of surplus and obsolete stores .. .. .. .. 215 10 0 Department of Health : — Sale of surplus and obsolete stores .. .. .. .. 752 6 0 Mental Hospitals Department : — Sale of surplus and obsolete stores .. .. .. . . 12 10 0 Education Department :— Sale of surplus and obsolete stores .. .. .. .. 258 7 4 National Provident and Friendly Societies Department :— Sale of surplus and obsolete stores .. .. .. .. 0 13 11 248,805 17 0 UNAUTHORIZED EXPENDITURE OF PREVIOUS YEARS. Department of Internal Affairs :— Evacuation expenses: High Commissioner's staff, London .. .. .. .. .. .. Dr. 5 0 0 Social Security Department : Refund on account of overpayment Christmas bonus, 1940 .. 4 0 0 Dr. I 0 0 £248,804 17 0 V

B.—r-1 ;[Bt. ll].


STATEMENT of the DISBURSEMENTS of the CONSOLIDATED FUND (Ordinary Revenue Account) under SPECIAL ACTS of the LEGISLATURE, and of RECOVERIES in respect of such DISBURSEMENTS, for the FINANCIAL YEAR ended 31st March, 1942. Debt Services—Interest.


Gross Interest due and -Nature Of Security. Maturity Date. Il S; te charged to Ordinary perOent. Kevenue Account for Year ended 31st March, 1942. £ s. d Debentures .. .. . . . . 1st July, 1941 .. .. .. 4i 231 15 0 Stock and Debentures .. .. 15th July, 1941 .. .. 3 69 202 11 6 Debentures .. .. .. .. 1st August, 1941 .. .. 4| ' 157 10 0 Stock and Debentures .. .. 15th November, 1941 .. .. 3f 84,634 17 10 Stock .. .. . . .. 1st March, 1942 .. .. 4 X ,'480 0 0 Stock .. .. .. .. 15th March, 1943 .. .. 3J 24'202 13 6 Stock .. .. .. ., 15th March, 1943 .. .. 4" 245,519 0 0 Stock .. .. .. .. 1st March, 1944 .. .. 4 J 330; 284 .10 6 Stock .. .. .. .. 1st January, 1940-45 .. 3| 404,230 0 0 Debentures .. .. .. .. 15th February, 1945 .. .. 5" 4'9S7 10 0 Stock .. .. .. ,. 1st March, 1945 .. .. 4J 16 8 Stock .. .. .. .. 15th March, 1945 .. .. 4" 10,469 4 2 Stock .. .. .. .. 1st April, 1945 .. .. 3 8 0 Stock .. .. .. .. 30th June, 1945 .. .. 3 4,'592 8 8 Stock .. .. .. .. 15th July, 1945 .. .. 3 . 5i',842 15 0 Stock .. .. .. .. 1st January, 1946 .. .. 5 10 2 Stock and Debentures .. .. 15th February, 1946 .. .. 4 393,634 4 0 Stock .. .. .. .. 1st April, 1946 .. .. 3 37'o86 5 5 Stock .. . . .. .. 1st April, 1946 .. .. 4 16,930 9 2 Stock .. .. .. ... 1st August, 1946 .. .. 2J 4o'441 11 8 Stock .. .. .. .. 15th September, 1947 .. ,. 4 0 0 Debentures .. ... .. .. 15th September, 1947 .. .. 5 66,310 0 0 Stock .. .. .. .. 1st November, 1947 .. .. 4J 7 10 Stock .. .. .. .. 15th September, 1948 . . .. 3" 11 1 Stock .. .. .. .. 30th November, 1948 .. .. 4 8 11 Stock .. .. .. .. 1st January, 1949 . . .. 4 420 0 0 Stock and Debentures .. .. 15th April, 1949 .. .. 4 358,528 4 0 Stock .. .. .. .. 15th December, 1949 .. .. 5 0 0 Stock .. .. .. .. 15th December, 1950 .. .. 3\ 0 0 Stock and Debentures .. .. 1st February, 1951 .. .. 5J- lll'595 0 0 Stock .. .. .. .. 15th May, 1952 .. .. .. 3|- 18 9 Stock .. .. .. .. 15th May,1952 .. .. .. 4 468'783 14 0 Stock .. .. .. .. 1st February, 1954 .. .. 3| 208'066 5 8 Stock .. .. .. .. 1st August, 1954 .. .. 3 93,410 15 10 Stock and Debentures .. .. 15th June, 1955.. .. .. 4 379 951 0 0 Stock .. .. .. .. 1st July, 1955 .. .. .. 3 0 0 Stock and Debentures .. .. 1st January, 1956 .. .. 3 10,873 10 0 Stock .. .. .. .. 1st January, 1956 .. .. 4 4,000 0 0 Stock .. .. .. .. 15th January, 1957 .. .. 2J 0 0 Stock and Debentures .. .. 15th January, 1957 .. .. 3 1,213 10 0 Stock and Debentures .. .. 15th January, 1953-57 .. .. 3J 319'059 12 8 Stock .. .. .. ., 15th January, 1957 .. .. 3\ 13 2 Stock .. .. .. .. 1st February, 1957 .. .. 3 2'811 12 0 Stock .. .. .. ... 15th May, 1957 .. .. 2i 35,'425 0 0 Stock .. .. .. .. 15th May, 1957 .. .. 3 173,092 12 2 Stock .. .. .. .. 15th May, 1957 .. .. 3J 0 2 Stock .. .. .. .. 15th August, 1957 .. .. 2J 35 '425 0 0 Stock .. .. .. .. 15th August, 1957 .. .. 3 156,013 8 4 Stock .. .. .. .. 15th August, 1957 .. .. 4 84,'890 8 0 Stock .. .. .. .. 15th February, 1958 .. .. 2f 0 0 Stock .. .. .. .. 15th February, 1958 .. .. 3J 76,644 4 8 Stock .. .. .. .. 1st March, 1958 .. .. 4J 18 6 Stock .. .. .. .. 31st May, 1954-58 .. .. 4 22l'524 8 0 Stock .. .. .. .. 15th June, 1958.. .. .. 2f 0 0 Stock .. .. .. .. 15th June, 1958 .. .. 3£ 53*243 15 0 Stock .. .. .. .. 15th September, 1958 .. .. 2J 0 0 Stock .. .. .. .. 15th September, 1958 .. .. 3,} 44'149 0 0 Stock .. .. .. .. 15th December, 1958 .. .. 2J 71,'050 0 0 Stock .. .. .. .. 15th December, 1958 .. .. 3 431,372 10 7 Stock .. .. .. .. 15th January, 1959 .. .. 3| 137'750 12 4 Stock .. .. .. .. 15th March, 1959 .. .. 3 35,107 7 6 Stock .. .. .. .. 15th March, 1959 .. .. 3J 55,'o29 2 0 Stock .. .. .. .. 15th March, 1959 .. .. 4 25'225 12 0 Stock .. .. .. .. 15th July, 1959 .. .. 3 89'420 7 4 Stock .. .. .. .. 15th July, 1959 .. .. 3| 0 0 Carried forward .. .. .. .. 9,555,876 11 9~

B.—l [PT. ll].


STATEMENT of the DISBURSEMENTS and RECOVERIES under SPECIAL ACTS of the LEGISLATURE—continued. Debt Services—Interest—continued.

Domicile of Gross Interest paid, 1941-42. ( Nominal Amounts.) £ s. d. London .. .. .. •• •• •• 5,319,696 5 5 London (paid in Now Zealand) .. .. .. 86,597 17 4 Australia .. .. • • ■ • • • • • 47,399 5 0 Now Zealand .. •• •• 6,050,189 22 £11,503,882 9 11


Gross Interest due and . .. t. i. Rate charged to Ordinary Nature of Security. Maturity .Date. percent. Itevenue Account for Year ended 31st March, 1942. £ s. d. Brought forward .... •• 9,555,876 IX 9 Stock .. .. .. •• 15th October, 1959 .. .. 3 51,091 1 6 gtock .. •• •• 15th November, 1959 .. .. 3 127,366 1 0 Stock .. .. .. .. 22nd May, I960 .. .. H 9,273 5 0 Stock .. .. .. •• 15th September, 1960 .. .. 3£ 252,451 2 0 Stock .. .. •• •• 15th October, 1960 .. .. 31 172,684 15 8 Stock .. .. 1st February, 1963 .. .. 4 435,385 2 2 Stock .. .. .. •• 1st November, 1971 .. .. 5 250,000 0 0 Memorandum of Security .. •. •• 3 127,712 6 1 Treasury Notes .. .. •• Various .. .. •• 23,332 16 4 Floating Debt—i.e., Treasury Bills .. • • • • 498,709 8 5 Gross interest charged to Ordinary Revenue Account for year ended 31st March, 1942 .. .. .. .. •• •• •• 11,503,882 Oil Less amounts recovered .. .. •• •• •• 2,781,074 8 9 Net amount of interest charged to Ordinary Revenue Account for year ended 31st March, 1942 .. .. .. .. • • • • • • £8,722,808 1 2

B.—l [PT. ll].


STATEMENT of the DISBURSEMENTS of the CONSOLIDATED FUND (Ordinary Revenue Account) under SPECIAL ACTS of the LEGISLATURE and of RECOVERIES in respect of such DISBURSEMENTS for the FINANCIAL YEAR ended 31st March, 1942. Debt Services.


Gross Amount Net Amount I n J. rR ?? Recoveries charged to Ordinary ttevenue Mcovenes. Ordinary "Revenue Account. Account. £ s - d - £ s. d. £ s. d. interest (details as shown in foregoing statement) .. 11,50,3,882 9 11 2,781,074 8 9 8,722,808 1 2 AMORTIZATION OF DEBT. Sinking Fund. Finance Act, 1928, Section 13 :— Westport Harbour Act, 1920, — Westport Harbour Board Act, 1884— Sinking Fund in respect of loans raised by Westport Harbour Board— Annual payment in terms of section 18 (4) (a), (on account) 3,500 0 0 .. 3,500 0 0 Amount paid in terms of section 13 (4) (a), being 4| per cent, in respect of £85,750 paid by the Public Trustee to 31st March, 1941, for redemption of loans (on account) .. .. .. 1,929 7 6 .. 1,929 7 6 Total, Sinking Fund .. .. 5,429 7 6 .. 5,429 7 6 Repayment of the Public Debt Act, 1925. Repayment of the Public Debt Act, 1925 Section 11 (a), — Amount transferred to the Public Debt Repayment Account, being contribution for the year 1941-42 of J per cent, on the public debt within the meaning of the Act outstanding at 31st March, 19(1 (£ per cent. on £274,576,431 12s.) .. .. .. .. 1,372,882 3 2 .. 1,372,882 3 2 Amount transferred to the Public Debt Repayment Account, being contribution of £ per cent, on £21,490,310 15s. lid., debt redeemed under the Act to 31st March, 1941 .. .. .. .. 107,451 11 2 .. 107 451 11 2 Section 11 (6),— ' ,M1 Amount transferred to the Public Debt Repayment Account, being contribution of 3£ per cent, on £21,490,310 15s. lid., debt redeemed under the Act to 31st March, 1941 .. .. .. .. 752,160 18 2 .. 752,160 18 2 Amount transferred to the Public Debt Repayment Account, being contribution of 3£ per cent, on £2,848,397, debt rodeemed under the Act during tho year 1941-42, computed from the dates of redemption to 31st March, 1942 .. .. .. 22,613 17 0 .. 22,613 17 0 Total, Repayment of the Public Debt 2,255,108 9 6 ., 2,255 108 9 6 Act, 1925 Transfer to Loans Redemption Account. Public Revenues Act, 1926, Section 135 (4) : — Transfor from Ordinary Revenue Account for redemption of loans— Ordinary Revenue Account (War Expenses Account 1914-18) .. .. .. .. .. 350 0 0 .. 350 0 0 War Expenses Account (1939) .. .. .. 1,408 0 0 .. 1,408 0 0 Total, Transfer to Loans Redemption 1,758 0 0 .. 1,758 0 0 Account ADMINISTRATION AND MANAGEMENT. -New Zealand Loans Act, 1932, Section 62 (3): — Stamp duty on transfers of New Zealand Consolidated Stock 6,529 0 7 Less amounts recovered from— £ s. d. Electric Supply Account .. 49 18 0 Land for Settlements Account .. 444 3 3 •• 494 1 3 6,034 19 4 New Zealand Loans Act, 1932, Section 61 :— Charges and expenses of raising loans, — Fresh issues— Public Works Fund—General Purposes Account .. 14,054 10 4 .. 14,054 10 4 Public Works Fund —Electric Supply Account .. 2,388 6 8 887 19 4 i'500 7 4 Main Highways Account .. .. .. 674 18 2 139 1 3 '535 16 11 State Forests Account .. .. . . 262 10 8 54 1 10 208 8 10 War Expenses Account .. .. .. .. 25,759 10 11 .. 25,759 10 11 Issues in renewal and conversion— Ordinary Revenue Account .. . . 42,733 2 0 .. 42,733 2 0 Public Works Fund—General Purposes Account .. 6,331 2 7 .. 6,'331 2 7 I J ublic Works Fund—Electric Supply Account .. 1,012 14 8 1,012 14 8 Housing Account .. . . .. .. 18 0 0 .. is 0 0 Land for Settlements Aocount .. .. .. 757 6 5 757 6 5 Main Highways Account .. .. .. 486 12 1 486 12 1 .. State Forests Account .. .. .. .. 295 18 11 295 18 11 War Expenses Account .. .. .. .. 13 7 0 .. 13 7 0 Premiums paid in cash .. .. .. .. 6,948 11 0 .. 6,948 11 0 101,736 11 5 3,633 14 6 98,102 16 11 Carried forward .. .. .. 108,265 12 0 4,127 15 9 104,137 16 3 __ Carried forward „ . . .13,766,178 6 11 2,781,074 8 9 10,985,103 18 2

B.—l [Pt. ll].

PUBLIC ACCOUNTS, 1941 -1942.

DISBURSEMENTS and RECOVERIES under SPECIAL ACTS of the LEGISLATURE—continued. Debt Services—continued.


Gross Amount -Net Amount charged to Rpcnvprip.* charged to Ordinary Revenue Ordinary Revenue Account. Account. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. Brought forward .. .. •• 13,766,178 6 11 2,781,074 8 9 10,985,103 18 2 Brought forward .. .. 108,265 12 0 4,127 15 9 104,137 16 3 ADMINISTRATION AND MANAGEMENT —continued. New Zealand Loans Act, 1932 Section 24 (I), — Amount paid Bank of England for half year ended 30th April, 1941, for management of New Zealand loans — Consolidated Stock .. .. •• • 18,953 8 6 Less amounts recovered from- — £ s. d. Electric Supply Account .. 2,793 7 0 Land for Settlements Account .. 743 7 11 Main Highways Account .. 104 9 4 State Coal-mines Account . . 15 5 5 State Forests Account .. .. 62 1 11 3 778 11 7 Amount paid to the Reserve Bank of New Zealand for year ended 31st March, 1942 for management of New Zealand Government loans .. 19,776 18 5 Less amounts recovered from— £ _ s. d. Nauru and Ocean Islands Account 60 12 9 Electric Supply Account . . 1,224 8 9 Land for Settlements Account 1,997 18 8 Main Highways Account .. 1,193 8 1 State Coal-mines Account .. 29 8 2 State Forests Account .. .. 565 16 1 .. 5,071 12 6 29,880 2 10 Total, Administration and Management 146,995 18 11 12,977 19 10 134,017 19 1 PAYMENTS ON GUARANTEED LOANS. Land Settlement Finance Act, 1909 : — Section 13 (1), — interest and principal in arrear made good under Government guarantee .. Less Repayment by Associations under subsection (5) — Lake Alice Land Settlement Association .. • • J ° ' ■> < 161 9 7 Or. 161 9 7 ! Local Bodies' Loans Amendment Act, 1908 Section 10, — Subsidies on instalments of sinking fund — Cambridge Borough Council, due 30th April, 1941 .. 25 0 0 Grey Lynn Borough Council, due 1st April, 1941 .. 2jo 0 O Levin Borough Council, due 1st April, 1941 .. 135 0 0 Port Chalmers Borough Council, due 31st March, 1942 17 10 0 Christchurch City Council, due 31st March, 1942 .. 71 5 0 Taihape Borough Council, due 1st April, 1941 .. i06 5 0 Taihape Borough Council, due 31st March, 1942 .. 18 15 598 15 0 .. 598 15 0 Total, Payments on Guaranteed Loans 598 15 0 161 9 7 437 5 5 TOTAL, DEBT Sekvices .. • • 13,913,773 0 10 2,794,213 18 2 11,119,559 2 8

B.—l [PT. ll].


STATEMENT of the DISBURSEMENTS of the CONSOLIDATED FUND (Ordinary Revenue Account) under SPECIAL ACTS of the LEGISLATURE and RECOVERIES in respect of such DISBURSEMENTS for the FINANCIAL YEAR ended 31st March, 1942. Other Services.


Gross Amount Net Amount ] Act. clmrzerl to Keooveriflq charged to Ordinary ltevenue ilecoveries. Ordinary Kovenue Acconnt. Account. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ a. d. GRANTS AND SUBSIDIES. Payment to Racing Clubs of Proportion of Totalizator Duty. Finance Act (No. 2), 1935, Section 17 Refunds to racing clubs of proportion of totalizator dut y •• ■■ •• •• .. .. 42,024 4 0 — ■ .. 42,024 4 0 Subsidies to Superannuation Funds. Finance Act, 1941 :— Section 7, — Government Railways Superannuation Fund .. 85,000 0 0 Public Service Superannuation Fund .. .. 10,000 0 0 Teachers'Superannuation Fund .. .. ,. 105,000 0 0 200,000 0 0 •• 200,000 0 0 Miscellaneous Grants and Subsidies. Land Act, 1924 :— Sections 139 and 358, — Amount paid by Receivers of Land Revenue into Local Bodies' Deposit Accounts for payment to local authorities in respect of rents, royalties, &c. (" thirds," " fourths," and " halves ") — Territorial revenue ., .. ., _ _ 4 Qgg 7 * —•• 4,063 3 7 Waihou and Ohtnemuki Rivers Improvement Act, 1910, Section 17 (4) (d), and Appropriation Act, 1916 Section 27 :— Contributions towards interest and cost of administration and maintenance of Waihou and Ohinemuri Rivers Improvement Works, — On account of year 1940-41 .. .. .. 1>651 6 4 1 651 6 4 JTotal Grants and Subsidies .. 247,738 13 11 .. £247,738 13 11 SALARIES AND HONORARIA. Legislative. Civil List Act, 1920 :— Part III, Section 16, — Speakers of both Houses and Chair- £ s . d. men of Committees .. ., 2 745 0 0 Part III, Section 17, — Members of the Legislative Council.. 10,549 13 5 Members of the House of Representat, •' '■ •• •• 28,242 4 9 I art IV, Section 22, — Officers of Legislative Council and House of Representatives .. 1,600 0 0 43,136 18 2 .. 43,136 18 2 r Carried forward .. .. .. 43,136 18 2 "| 7 43a3cTl8~ir Carried forward ~~ MT/TiTlTu"

B.—l [PT. ll].


DISBURSEMENTS and RECOVERIES under SPECIAL ACTS of the LEGISLATURE—continued Other Services—continued.


Gross Amount Net Amount charged to Uppoveries ,F Act. Ordinary Revenue recoveries. Ordinary ltevenue Account. Account. £ s. d. £ a. d. £ s. d. Brought forward .. .. .. 247,738 13 11 247,738 13 11 SALARIES AND HONORARIA —continued. . Brought forward .. .. .. 43,136 18 2 .. 43,136 IS 2 Justice. Judicature Amendment Act, 1920 : — Section 3, — The Judges— The Chief Justice — Myers, Sir M., P.O., G.C.M.G., K.B., salary, 1 April, 1941, to 31 March, 1942 .. .. 2,250 0 0 The Puisne Judges— Ostler, H. H., salary, 1st April, 1941, to 31 March, 1942 . . .. • • •• • • 2,000 0 0 Smith, D. S., salary, 1 April, 1941; to 31 March, 1942 2,000 0 0 Blair, A. W., salary, 1 April. 1941, to 31 March, 1942 2,000 0 0 Kennedy, R., salary, 1 April, 1941, to 31 March,, 1942 .. • • • • ■ • ■ • 2,000 0 0 Pair, A., salary, I April, 1941, to 31 March, 1942.. 2,000 0 0 Callan, J. B., salary, 1 April, 1941, to 31 March, 1942 2,000 0 0 Northcroft, E. H., salary, 1 April, 1941, to 31 March, 1942 .. •• •• •• 2 > 000 0 0 Johnston, H. F., salary, 1 April, 1941, to 31 March, 1942 . •• ■ • • • • ■ 2,000 0 0 18,250 0 0 .. 18,250 0 0 Other Salaries. Industrial Conciliation and Arbitration Act, 1925 : — Section 64, — Judge of the Arbitration Court — Tyndall, A., salary, 1 April, 1941, to 31 March, 1942.. 2,000 0 0 Industrial Conciliation and Arbitration Amendment Act (No. 2), 1937, Section 2, and Industrial Conciliation and Arbitration Amendment Act (No. 3), 1937, Section 2 : — Judge of the Arbitration Court — ' Hunter, W. J., salarv. 1 April, 1941, to 31 March, 1942 .. .. .. 2,000 0 0 Public Revenues Act, 1926 : — Section 6, — Controller and Auditor-General— , „ AA A A Collins, C. G., salary, 1 April, 1941, to 31 March, 1942 1,300 0 0 Pcjblic Service Act, 1912, Section 8, and Appropriation Act, 1925, Section 20 (1) {a) Public Service Commissioner - Mark, T., salary, 1 April, .1941, to 9 June, 1941 .. 287 10 0 Boyes, J. H„ salary, 14 October, 1941, to 31 March, 1942 697 11 7 Finance Act, 1919, Section 23 (4) (5) (6) Acting Public Service Commissioner— - Boyes, J. H„ salary, 10 June, 1941, to 13 October, 1941 514 18 o Finance Act, 1940 Section 11 (1), — Members of War Cabinet —■ Right Hon. J. G. Coates, salary, I April, 1941, to 31 March, 1942 .. ■. •• !' 170 0 0 Hon. A. Hamilton, salary, 1 April, 1941, to 31 March, 1942 .. •• 1,170 0 0 9,140 0 0 .. 9.140 0 0 Total, Salaries and Honorarta .. 70,526 18 2 .. 70,526 18 2 Carried forward ~ ~ "7 318,265 12 1 .. 318,265 12 1 _

B.—l [Px. ll]

PUBLIC ACCOUNTS, 1941-1 942.

DISBURSEMENTS and RECOVERIES under SPECIAL ACTS of the LEGISLATURE—continued. Other Services —continued.

3—B. 1 [PT. 111.


Gross Amount j Net Amount Act. charged to j Recoveries i charged to Ordinary Revenue recoveries. Ordinary Revenue Account. ! Account. .. , £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. Brought forward .. .. .. 318,265 12 1 .. 318,265 12 1 HIGHWAYS. Transfers to Main Highways Account and payments to boroughs, &c. .. .. .. . .. 2,351,151 11 10 .. 2,351,151 1] 10 TOTAL, Bignways .. .. .. 2,351,151 11 10 .. 2,351,151 11 10 1 EXCHANGE. Finance Act, 1932 :— Section 55, — Exchange on remittances of public moneys to or from any country beyond Now Zealand .. 5,664,970 11 10 3,336,419 18 0 2,328,550 13 10 TOTAL, Exchange .. .. .. 5,664,970 11'10 3,336,419 18 0 2,328,550 13 10 I I | 4 MB ■ ADVANCES. i On Account of other Governments. Finance Act, 1930 (No. 2): — Section 7, — Advances made on behalf of other Governments— Canada .. .. .. .. ., j 14,608 18 2 34 13 0 14,574 5 2 Commonwealth .. .. .. 58,506 17 1 23,103 111 35,403 15 2 Falkland Islands .. .. .. ., ., 22 4 2 Cf. 22 4 ' Federated Malay States .. .. ., 2 2 0 3 14 0 Or. ] 12 0 Fiji •• •• •• •• .. . . 493 19 2 1,589 8 5 Or. 1,095 9 3 Imperial Government .. .. .. .. 275,905 5 8 117,434 4 9 158,471 0 11 Indian Government .. .. .. .. 268 8 2 73 6 1 ] 95 9 l Kenya .. .. .. .. . . J 110 .. 110 Tonga •• .. 1 338 1 7 .. 338 1 7 Total, Advances .. .. .. j 350,124 12 10 142,260 12 4| 207,864 0 6 'i ' 7 OTHER SPECIAL ACTS. Pensions. Judicature Act, 1908 :— Sections 12-14, — Superannuation allowances— Herdman, Sir A. L., 1 April, 1941, to 28 February, 1942 993 1 2 Reed, Sir John, 1 April, 1941, to 28 February, 1942 840 5 7 Stringer, Sir T. W., 1 April, 1941, to 28 February, 1942 687 10 0 TOTAL, PENSIONS .. .. .. 2,520 16 9 .. 2,520 16 9 Carried forward .. .. .. 2,520 16 9 .. | 2,520 16 9 Parried forward „ .. Is,684,512 8 7 3,478,680 10 4 '5,205,831 18 3

B.—l [PT. ll].


DISBURSEMENTS and RECOVERIES under SPECIAL ACTS of the LEGISLATURE—continued. Other Services-continued.


STATEMENT of IMPRESTS of the CONSOLIDATED FUND (Ordinary Revenue Account) OUTSTANDING as at the 31st March, 1942, showing the SERVICES for which they were issued.


Gross Amount Net Amount a charged to K»ooTeriM charged to ct * Ordinary Revenue Ordinary Revenue Acoount. Account. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. Brought forward .. .. .. 8,684,512 8 7 3,478,680 10 4 5,205,831 18 3 OTHER SPECIAL ACTS —continued. Brought forward .. .. •• 2,520 16 9 .. 2,520 16 9 Miscellaneous. Appropriation Act, 1926 :— Section 15, —- Travelling-expenses of His Excellency the GovernorGeneral and staff in excess of amount provided under the Civil List Act, 1920 .. .. .. 3,541 18 5 1 7 9 3,540 10 8 Finance Act (No. 3), 1934 : — Section 8, — Interest on income-tax paid in a.dvance .. .. 24,200 12 0 .. 24,200 12 0 i Native Purposes Act, 1931 :— Section 51, — Eighteenth annual payment to Arawa District Trust Board for the benefit of the Arawa Tribe .. .. 6,000 0 0 .. 6,000 0 0 Section 54, — Fifteenth annual payment to Tuwharetoa Trust Board for benefit of Tuwharetoa Tribe in connection with Lake Taupo claims .. .. .. .. 3,000 0 0 .. 3,000 0 0 Public Revenues Act, 1926 : —r Section 151, — Free issue of official postage-stamps to members of the House of Representatives and to members of the Legislative Council .. .. .. .. 2,751 0 0 .. 2,751 0 0 War Expenses Act, 1939 :— i Section 2 (4) (e), — Transfer to War Expenses Account.. .. .. 1,500,000 0 0 .. 1,500,000 0 0 Total, Miscellaneous .. .. 1,539,493 10 5 1 7 9 1,539,492 2 8 Total, Other Special Acts .. .. 1,542,014 7 2 1 7 9 1,542,012 19 5 TOTAL, OTHER Services .. .. 10,226,526 15 9 3,478,681 18 1 6,747,844 17 8 ! _

i . ~ , Balance outstanding at Name of Government. 31st Marchi 1942 £ s. d. Canada .. .. 14,024 18 2 Commonwealth of Australia .. .. .. .. .. .. 50,032 16 5 Federated Malay States .. .. •• 660 Fiji .. .. .. .. .. .. •• 216 8 3 Imperial Government —General Advances .. .. .. .. 304,497 18 7 India 259 17 4 Kenya .. .. .. .. •• ■■ •• 110 Tonga 338 1 7 Total .. .. .. ..£369,977 7 4 I , , — Note.—Details of transactions are shown on page 17.

Consolidated Fund :— Ordinary Revenue Account, — Votes — , £ b. d. Prime Minister's Department .. .. .. .. .. .. 9,405 17 2 Customs .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . • 530 9 4 External Affairs.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 19,339 15 0 Marine .. .. .. .. .. .. .. • . 107 2 4 Labour .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 4,239 3 10 Native .. .. .. .. .. .. .. • • 41 16 5 Justice and Prisons .. .. .. .. . . . . . . 934 2 5 Police 18 14 9 Maintenance of Public Works and Services .. .. .. .. .. 147,439 15 8 Lands and Survey .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 718 17 8 Industries and Commerce, Tourist and Publicity .. .. .. .. 3,036 3 6 Mines .. .. .. .. .. .. .. • • .. 488 3 5 Transport .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 248 17 1 Education .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 238 11 6 War and other Pensions .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 077 6 4 General Imprest .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 20,781 0 3 General Services .. .. .. .. .. .. 703,995 0 4 £912,240 17 0

1 [Ft. ll].

PUBLIC ACCOUNTS, 1 941-194 2.

SUMMARY of DEPOSITS ACCOUNT for the FINANCIAL YEAR ended 31st March, 1942.


' DptioftJt Accounts Balances on Rprolnts Payments and Balances on j ueposu Accounts. 1st April, 1941. receipts. Transfers. 31st March, 1942. £ s. d. £ s. <1. £ s. d. £ s. d. Royal New Zealand Air Force .. .. 214 3 6 3,313 13 8 948 14 6 2,579 2 8 Canteen Profits .. .. .. .. 3,465 10 0 15,842 10 9 15,659 2 5 3,648 18 4 Cook Islands Fruit Account .. .. 19,596 1 2 66,275 16 4 60,697 15 10 25,174 1 8 Deposits on Contracts .. .. .. 414 15 6 2,814 3 0 3,228 18 6 Education Reserves Act, 1928— Sales of Land under section 27 — Primary Education Endowments .. 46,099 2 9 1,941 17 0 .. 48,040 19 9 Secondary Education Endowments— Auckland Provincial District .. 748 18 7 5,570 0 0 .. 6,318 18 7 Taranaki Provincial District .. 264 14 0 .. .. 264 14 0 Hawke's Bay Provincial District .. 24 7 2 .. .. 24 7 2 Otago Provincial District .. .. 346 0 0 .. . . 346 0 0 Primary Education Endowment Deposit Account .. .. .. .. 39,432 0 11 109,713 9 5 149,145 10 4 Secondary Education Endowment Deposit Account— Auckland Provincial District .. .. 1,157 14 4 3,534 12 8 2,826 16 9 1,865 10 3 Taranaki Provincial District .. .. 519 16 8 1,285 8 6 1,129 10 11 675 14 3 Wellington Provincial District .. .. 1,606 16 0 3,741 10 6 3,403 15 0 1,944 11 6 Hawke's Bay Provincial District .. 805 15 2 1,855 8 5 1,464 10 9 1,196 12 10 Nelson Provincial District .. . . 244 8 1 497 5 4 321 6 8 420 6 9 Marlborough Provincial District .. .. 30 5 11 70 8 8 59 12 5 41 2 2 Otago Provincial District .. .. 868 17 1 1,613 11 10 1,436 1 9 1,046 7 2 General Purposes Relief Account .. .. 22,388 11 8 3,524 12 0 1,230 17 8 24,682 6 0 Gold Duty Suspense Account .. .. 359 16 6 392 11 1 359 16 6 392 11 1 Greymouth and Hokitika High School Acts, 1883.. .. .. .. .. 102 15 0 319 4 7 252 13 0 169 6 7 Hides Emergency Regulations .. .. 1,734 9 7 55,645 12 4 57,112 17 1 267 4 10 Honey-export Control Act, 1924 .. . . 200 19 5 281 19 11 482 0 0 0 19 4 Hospitals and Charitable Institutions Act, 1926 311 4 3 911 0 10 1,100 9 10 121 15 3 Hunter Soldiers'Assistance Trust Account .. 2,664 16 7 989 0 11 923 3 2 2,730 14 4 Immigration Restriction Act, 1908 .. 3,702 10 0 717 10 0 830 0 0 3,590 0 0 Imperial Pensions .. .. .. 43,707 1 4 232,581 5 0 186,038 3 8 90,250 2 8 Interest on Cash Balance Investments Account 16,195 12 4 3,850 1 6 20,045 13 10 King George V Memorial Fund Deposit Account .. .. .. .. 157,505 16 11 12,064 17 6 55,297 8 6 114,273 5 11 Land Agents Act, 1921-22, section 7 .. 1,000 0 0 500 0 0 494 15 0 1,005 5 0 Local Bodies' Account— Goldfields revenue .. .. .. 2,160 4 0 17,801 12 11 17,301 7 8 2,660 9 3 Gold duty .. .. .. .. 13 6 6 5,028 17 11 4,585 17 4 456 7 1 Fees and fines .. .. .. 12,191 10 0 17,755 10 0 16,630 10 0 13,316 10 0 Endowment of land .. .. .. 3,543 17 4 2,562 1 0 3,225 19 7 2,879 18 9 Marine Insurance (War Risks) Fund .. 25,327 15 3 33,510 6 0 119 9 3 58,718 12 0 Meat Act, 1939 .. .. .. .. 893 14 8 9,993 15 10 7,665 2 5 3,222 8 1 Mining Act, 1926 .. .. .. 236 11 7 173 19 11 301 5 0 109 6 6 Miscellaneous .. .. .. .. 157,800 111 935,693 3 2 908,196 3 7 185,297 1 6 Money-order Settlement Account .. .. 21,577 9 8 65,137 7 11 49,525 6 I 37,189 11 6 Navy Office Deposit Account .. .. 2,530 6 8 20,401 1 4 16,767 11 6 6,163 16 6 Nelson Rifle Prize Fund .. .. .. 1,135 8 4 39 9 2 .. 1,174 17 6 Nelson Rifle Prize Fund Investment .. i>.l,000 0 0 .. .. Dr.1,000 0 0 New Zealand Reparation Estates .. .. 171 2 6 53 18 0 69 2 6 155 18 0 New Zealand University Endowment —- Westland .. .. .. .. 4,385 18 0 244 9 10 3 16 0 4,626 11 10 North Island Experimental Dairy School .. 11,779 0 10 706 8 0 588 16 5 11,896 12 5 Official Assignees'Balances .. .. 26,997 14 7 7,512 0 6 16,834 15 J 17,675 0 0 Orchard-tax Act, 1927 .. .. .. 743 19 1 1,914 1 4 1,808 19 6 849 Oil Payments through the High Commissioner .. 42,338 14 6 258,274 111 196,602 2 7 104,010 13 10 Promotion of Health Fund .. .. 2,156 15 9 13,656 19 3 14,811 6 9 1,002 8 3 Public Service Association Account 131 14 9 425 19 10 464 3 4 93 11 3 Receipts by the High Commissioner for Payment in New Zealand .. .. .. 16,865 3 4 30,127 8 4 39,942 14 4 7,049 17 4 Receiver-General's Deposit Account .. 188,550 0 0 .. .. 188,550 0 0 Regimental Funds .. .. .. 2,656 8 0 41,414 4 5 22,135 9 0 21,935 3 5 Remittances to Immigrants .. • • 11 8 0 2 1 0 6 3 0 7 6 0 Remittances to R.N.Z.A.F. Personnel .. 2,086 18 2 18,318 6 8 8,472 6 2 11,932 18 8 Remittances to Soldiers ... .. .. 48,388 14 5 438,051 0 5 345,599 15 5 140,839 19 5 Remittances from Soldiers Overseas .. 266 15 10 10,545 9 6 10,812 5 4 Reserve Bank Investment Account .. 1,203,325 0 0 .. . . 1,203,325 0 0 Samoan Loan Sinking Fund Account .. 3 1 11 5,624 12 6 5,625 0 0 2 14 5 Samoan Notes Security Account .. •• 27,000 0 0 1,080 0 0 1,080 0 0 27,000 0 0 Samoan Treasury Account .. 48,253 7 8 42,250 19 11 41,832 6 0 48,672 1 7 Silver and Bronze Coin Account .. .. 1,119,709 6 11 175,250 0 0 36,145 8 8 1,258,813 18 3 State Advances Corporation Investment Account .. .. .. .. 890,418 9 0 .. .. 890,418 9 0 Taranaki Scholarship Endowment Account .. 7 16 9 938 14 11 500 10 0 446 1 8 Tauranga Educational Endowment Reserves Act, 1896 .. .. 297 6 0 297 6 0 Tobacco Research Association Account .. •• 1,502 3 8 842 18 I 659 5 7 Trustee Act, 1908 .. .. .. 8,523 15 4 26 3 6 .. 8,549 18 10 Unclaimed Earnings .. .. .. 1,522 14 6 1,467 7 4 1,950 16 11 1,039 4 11 Unpresented Cheques .. .. .. 1,003 11 3 1,270 9 2 1,219 10 6 1,054 9 11 Victoria College Endowments Deposit Account 7 2 6 20 0 ,0 17 12 6 9 10 0 Wheat Research Levies .. .. .. 64 1 10 2,768 8 2 2,832 10 0 Wool Industry Promotion Act, 1936 .. 2,657 16 8 16,626 14 3 16,294 19 0 2,989 11 11 Wool Manufacturers'Rosearch Account .. 544 9 4 1,074 18 2 1,200 2 2 419 5 4 Totals .. .. .. 4,242,694 7 9 2,709,389 3 6 2,356,799 1 9 4,595,284 9 6

B.—l [Pt. ll].

STATEMENT of RECEIPTS and DISBURSEMENTS under the Trustee Act, 1908, to the 31st March, 1942, with Particulars of the BALANCE at CREDIT in the DEPOSIT ACCOUNT on that Date. (Published in Terms of Section 72 of the Trustee Act, 1908.)



RECEIPTS. ; DISBURSEMENTS. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s d ; £ s d 1941. Balance on 1st April, 1941 .. .. .. .. 8,523 15 4 1942. Balances on 31st March, 1942 — August 28 Estate of Harriet Elizabeth Shakespear .. .. .. 26 3 6 March 31 Estate of Susan Smallwood .. .. 93 10 0 ,, J. Matheson and H. Gracie .. .. 414 3 3 Mary McKay .. .. .. 43 3 10 „ William Tattley .. .. .. 45 1 5 „ Barthia Wilkie .. .. .. 287 11 1 ,, Robert \liller .. .. .. 22 4 7 „ Paora. Parau and W. R. Miller .. 23 0 0 „ Francis Humphreys Heighway .. 46 12 5 ,, George Moore.. .. .. .. 2,414 0 0 „ Richard Galway .. .. .. 836 13 9 ,, John Burk .. .. .. .. 74 7 10 „ Geoffrey Arthur Harney .. .. 44 15 3 „ John Hewitt .. .. .. 162 12 0 Mark Earl .. . . . . . . 150 0 0 „ Edward Thurlow Field .. .. 24 8 1 „ Michael McKey .. .. .. 1,124 12 8 „ Martha Robinson .. .. .. 38 17 11 „ John Bealy .. .. .. .. 49 17 1 „ Ernest Groome Gresham .. .. 23 1 8 „ Bartholomew Hannan .. . . 185 2 10 „ Patrick O'Rourke .. .. .. 191 3 1 „ William Patrick Molloy .. .. 103 3 0 „ William A. Chandler.. .. .. 1 19 1 „ George Brown .. .. .. 46 10 8 „ George Baker.. .. .. .. 737 n 2 „ Duncan McLean .. .. .. 168 0 11 „ John Stephen Barrett .. .. 20 18 5 „ Eliza Birrell .. .. .. .. 18 2 10 „ Joseph Newzil .. .. .. 293 3 7 „ Margaret Pilling . . .. . . 23 1 6 „ John Gray .. .. .. .. 144 2 8 „ Julia Sarah Major .. .. .. 47 16 4 „ Harold Oliver Pine .. .. .. 2 6 0 „ Harriet Elizabeth Shakespear .. .. 26 3 6 Moanatairi Extended Gold-mining Co. .. .. 16 7 8 Direct Supply Co., Ltd., Auckland (in liquidation) .. 33 5 10 WeUington-Manawatu Railway Co., Ltd. .. .. 95 9 8 Inglewood Oil-boring and Prospecting Co., Ltd. .. 21 5 0 Southland Woollen Mills, Ltd. (in liquidation) .. 38 2 4 William Baker Fisher Bush Nursing Fund Trust .. 417 9 11 8,549 18 10 Total .. .. .. .. .. £8,549 18 10 Total .. .. .. .. _ £8,549 18 10

B.—l [Ft. ll].






TO £ s. d. £ s. d. £ 8 d Education Department :— Refund of amounts overclaimed on school buildings .. .. 2,354 18 10 Justice and Prisons Department Sale of surplus and obsolete stores .. .. .. .. 240 0 0 Department op Labour : — Recovery of immigration passage-money .. .. .. 47 4 5 Department op Lands and Survey :— Recovery of— Hauraki Plains Settlement expenditure .. 2 5 3 Native Land Settlement expenditure : Survey liens .. 2,400 19 3 Repayment of— Advances in respect of village-homestead settlement lands 123 10 3 Part, of capital cost of drainage works .. .. 3,233 0 6 Sale of— Land and buildings .. .. . . .. 237 10 5 Surplus and obsolete stores .. .. ., 20 12 6 „ 6,018 4 2 Native Department :— Repayment of advances— To Maori Land Boards, under section 340, Native Land Act, 1931 .. .. .. .. .. 3,899 5 0 To Native Trustee, under section 521, Native Land Act, 1931 •■ •• ■• •• . . .. 19,587 13 8 Under section 48, Native Land Amendment Act, 193b 454 19 2 Sale of surplus and obsolete stores .. .. .. 17 17 5 n _ 23,959 15 3 Police Department :— Sale of land and buildings .. .. .. .. .. j jg g Public Works Department :— Instalments on loans to— Eastbourne Borough Council .. .. .. 160 17 4 Kaipara River Board .. .. .. ., 224 0 0 Otanomomo - Lower Clutha River Board . . .. 57 5 5 Inter-Wanganui River Trust .. .. .. 35 0 0 Refund of— Overpayment of subsidies to local bodies .. . . 326 0 0 Part cost Mawheraiti River erosion work .. .. 80 0 0 Sale of— Land and buildings .. .. .. 5,444 7 5 , Surplus and obsolete stores .. .. .. 60 10 5 6,388 0 7 £40,767 1 9

Public Woeks Fttnd :— £ s d General Purposes Account — Vote —Railway Construction .. .. .. .. .. _ 271 5 7 —Telegraph Extension . . .. . . .. .. .. ., ' 2 17 9 —Small Farms Development .. . . . . . . ,. ., 4 ggg g —Native Land Settlement .. .. .. .. ,, 3 718 9 11 —Linen Flax Development .. .. .. . . .. ,, 743 8 10 £146,596 12 0

£ s. d. Refund of part contribution New Zealand Centennial Exhibition .. .. .. . . 153 \ \ 0 Sale of land and buildings .. .. .. .. ., .... 700 0 0 £853 1 10

B.—l [Pt. ll].




Gross. Credits. Net. Votf . £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. Development of Water-power 2,305,080 19 7 83,277 19 5 2,221,803 0 2 Public Revenues Act, 1926, section 40— Temporary transfers from other accounts repaid .. 125,000 0 O .. _______ Interest and other Charges on Loans and Capital Liability State Supply of Electrical Energy Act, 1917, section 12— Transfer to Electric Supply Sinking Fund Account— 0 n North Island scheme 48,937 2 6 .. 148,937 2 6 South Island scheme .. . ■ ■ • • • 126,227 3 11 ■ • 275,164 6 5 275,164 6 5 Public Revenues Act, 1926, section 40 — Interest on temporary transfers from other accounts . . o.M lid Finance Act, 1932 (No. 2), section 5 (2) Transfer to Consolidated Fund in respect of interest payable on capital liability 755,899 10 0 .. 755,899 10 0 New Zealand Loans Act, 1932, section 62 (4) — Recoupment of stamp duty on transfers of 5 per cent. 1956-71 Stock 49 18 0 .. 49 18 0 New Zealand Loans Act, 1932, section 24 (2) Recoupment to Consolidated Fund of management , ... ,, „ charges on New Zealand Government securities .. 4,017 15 J .. New Zealand Loans Act, 1932, section 61— •• •• 20,682 6 3 .. 20,682 6 3 i>ew issues •• • ■ 1 nio 11 fi 1012148 Issues in renewal and conversion .. .. • • 1,U1Z 14 . . > 1,057,460 2 4 .. 1,057,460 2 4 Land and Income Tax Amendment Act, 1940, section 4- 2g2 g 0 Income-tax .. •• •• ■■ 4M '' _ ' o ■ i a -i u 28 100 8 8 .. 28,100 8 8 Social Security charge .. • • • • • • J » lw ' IT i o -i. i 28 100 8 8 .. 28,100 8 8 National Security tax .. ° ' £3,826,502 4 9 £83,277 19 5 £3,743,224 5 4

B.—l [FT. ll].


STATEMENT of the RECEIPTS of LAND FOR SETTLEMENTS ACCOUNT for the YEAR ended 31st March, 1942.


I ~ ~ ' ' ; " 7 — Sales and Capital Receipts :— £ s . d, £ s _ Sales of Land, — Estates .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 75,899 6 3 Hutt Valley Lands Settlement Act, 1925, Section XI (1) .. .. 13,827 4 6 Land Laws Amendment Act, 1929, Section 8 (1) —Receipts from land ! developed under Section 6 of the Act .. .. .. ..I 4,3211111 Land Act, 1924, Section 208 —Capital value of land .. .. .. 22 18 8 Land Act, 1924, Section 20 —Crown lands .. .. . . 137,657 8 10 Repayment of Advances, — Deteriorated Lands Act, 1925, Section 12 (5) .. .. .. 594 15 2 Land Laws Amendment Act, 1929 — Section 8 (1)— Receipts in respect of advances under Section 7 of the Act .. 16,356 17 3 Section 16— Receipts in respect of advances under Section 14 of the Act .. 6,546 14 7 Land for Settlements Act, 1925, Section 47—Finance Act, 1932 (No. 2), Section 14 .. . . .. . . .. .. 50 5 0 255,277 2 2 | Rents and Interest :— Rents, dec., —■ Receipts derived from estates— Rents .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 360,907 6 4 Interest on sales .. .. .. .. .. .. 28,990 11 6 Hutt Valley Lands Settlement Act, 1925, Section 11 (1) — Bents .. .. .. . . . . .. .. 98 18 1 Interest on sales .. .. .. .. .. .. 5,024 16 0 Land Laws Amendment Act, 1929— Section 8 (1) Receipts from lands developed under Section 6 of the Act—■ Rents .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 4,971 4 6 Interest on sales .. .. .. .. .. .. 887 ig o Interest on Advances, — Deteriorated Lands Act, 1925, Section 12 (5) .. .. .. 198 7 1 Land Laws Amendment Act, 1929 — Section 8 (1) — Receipts in respect of advances under Section 7 of the Act .. 9,152 14 0 Section 16— Receipts in respect of advances under Section 14 of the Act .. 2,056 18 4 Land for Settlements Act, 1925, Section 47— Finance Act, 1932 (No. 2), Section 14 .. .. .. .. 59 12 11 412,348 3 9 Sales of Produce, Live-stock, and Miscellaneous Receipts :— Estates, — Miscellaneous .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 900 4 0 Land Laws Amendment Act, 1929— Section 6 — Seasonal farming receipts .. .. .. .. .. 25,13903 Miscellaneous receipts .. . . .. .. ., .. 1 > igi 3 4 Section 13 — Seasonal farming receipts .. .. .. .. .. 58,775 12 5 Miscellaneous receipts .. .. .. .. .. .. 1.3,224 5 9 99,190 5 9 Finance Act, 1932, Section 11 (2) (a) :— Receipts from Hutt Valley Settlement Lands applied towards purchasemoney expended for the acquisition of land subject to the Hutt Valley Lands Settlement Act, 1925, or in respect of the preparation of the land for disposal .. .. .. .. .. .. .. _ 1 14 0 Finance Act, 1932, (No. 2), Section 6 :— Transfer from Public Works Fund (General Purposes Account) of cost of acquisition and development costs of areas required for Soldier Settlement under the Small Farms Amendment Act, 1940 .. .. .. . . 2 507 13 9 Interest oe Investments .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 22 198 4 10 Total .. .. .. .. .. .. .. £791,523 4 3

B.—l [PT. ll].




Vote: —■ £ s. d. £ s. d. Land for Settlements .. ... .. .. .. .. .. 200,595 12 9 Interest and other Charges on Loans and Capital Liability :— Land Laws Amendment Act, .1929, Section 47 —■ Interest on Crown Lands declared to be subject to the Land for Settlements Act, 1925, and the former Land for Settlements Acts .. .. 16,955 4 0 Finance Act, 1930 (No. 2), Section 19 (4) — Interest on Cheviot Estate accumulated funds paid to Consolidated Fund— £ s. d. Year 1940-41 .. .. .. .. .. 18,507 4 2 Year 1941-42 .. .. .. .. .. 18,572 12 6 37,139 16 8 New Zealand Loans Act, 1932— Section 24 (2) — Recoupment to Consolidated Fund of management charges of Now Zealand Government securities .. .. .. .. 2,741 6 7 Section 61 — Charges and expenses of raising loans— Issues in renewal and conversion .. .. .. .. 757 6 5 Section 62 (4) — Recoupment of Stamp Duty on Transfers of 4J per cent. 1944 Stock .. 2 5 3 Recoupment of Stamp Duty on Transfers of 3| per cent. 1945 Stock .. 441 18 0 58,037 16 11 Expenditure charged on Proceeds of Sales of Lands :— Crown Lands : Sales under Land Act, 1924, Section 20 — Land Act, 1924, Section 139 — " Thirds " and " Fourths " paid to Local Bodies' Deposit Account from proceeds of sales of Crown lands .. .. .. .. 91 10 4 Land Act, 1924, Section 20 (3) — Payment in respect of land obtained for Government works now deemed to be Crown lands .. .. .. .. .. 24 2 6 Land Laws Amendment Act, 1927, Section 17 (2) — Expenditure on roading Orakei Block . . .. .. .. 2,860 0 0 Land Laws Amendment Act, 1930, Section 15 (3) — Land for Settlements Apt, 1925, Section 49 (1) — Settlement lands converted into ordinary Crown lands .. .. 4,219 0 0 Finance Act, 1932 (No. 2), Section 6— Recoupment by Public Works Department for value of improvements effected on Crown lands by Small Farms Board .. .. .. 503 0 0 Native Purposes Act, 1934, Section 3 (2) — Acquisition of Native land .. .. .. .. .. 69 19 5 Public Reserves, Domains, and National Parks Act, 1928, Section 41 (2) — Expenditure on purchase of lands for the purposes of domains and on the improvement and development of domains .. .. .. 588 7 3 Recoupment of loss on disposal of Public Works Fund assets .. .. 47 19 0 8,403 18 6 Amortization of Debt : — Transfer to Loans Redemption Account for the redemption of securities .. .. 11,600 0 0 Total ... .. ... .. .. ... .. .. £278,637 8 2

B.—l [PT. ll]


STATEMENT of the RECEIPTS of LOANS REDEMPTION ACCOUNT for the YEAR ended 31st March, 1942.

4 —B. 1 [PT. ll].


New Zealand Loans Aot, 1932: — £ s. d. £ s. d. Suction 14, — Securities issued in conversion of loans— Stock — Ordina ry Revenue Account —Reserve Bank of New Zealand— To mature 1st April, 1946 .. .. .. .. .. 15,000 0 0 Public Works Fund—General Purposes Account—• To mature 15th September, 1946-48 .. .. .. 250,800 0 0 To mature 15th August, 1957 .. .. .. .. 177,000 0 0 To mature 15th December, 1958 .. .. .. 7,243,000 0 0 Main Highways Account — To mature 15th December, 1958 * .. .. .. 107,000 0 0 State Forests Account— To mature 15th August, 1957 .. .. .. .. 75,000 0 0 War Expenses Account— To mature 1st October, 1953 .. .. .. .. 49,058 0 6 To mature 1st August, 1954 .. .. .. .. 700 0 0 Interest free stock— War Expenses Account —■ To mature: Various .. .. .. .. .. 5,375 0 0 7,922,933 0 6 Treasury Bills— Public Works Fund—General Purposes Account— To mature: Various .. .. .. .. .. 10,071,600 0 0 Public Works Fund —Electric Supply Account — To mature : Various .. .. .. .. .. 25,000 0 0 Main Highways Account — To mature: Various .. .. .. .. .. 3,013,000 0 0 State Coal-mines Account— To mature: Various .. .. .. .. 85,000 0 0 State Forests Account— To mature : Various .. .. .. .. .. 50,000 0 0 War Expenses AccountTo mature : Various .. .. .. .. .. 7,799,534 1 6 21,044,134 1 6 Securities issued in renewal of loans— StockMain Highways Account — To mature 15th August, 1957 .. .. .. .. 3,000 0 0 State Forests Account— To mature 15th December, 1958 .. .. .. .. 100,000 0 0 Interest free stock— War Expenses AccountTo mature: Various .. .. .. .. .. 600 0 0 Treasury Bills—■ Public Works Fund —General Purposes AccountTo mature : Various .. .. .. .. .. 12,371,755 0 0 Public Works Fund—Elcctric Supply Account— To mature: Various .. .. .. .. .. 1,600,000 0 0 Main Highways AccountTo mature : Various .. .. .. .. .. 9,630,000 0 0 State Coal-mines Account— To mature: Various .. .. .. .. .. 35,000 0 0 State Forests Account— To mature: Various .. .. .. .. .. 740,000 0 0 War Expenses Account—■ To mature": Various .. .. .. .. .. 2,200.000 0 0 26,680,355 0 0 Interest on overdue instalments— War Expenses Account .. .. .. .. .. •. 25 3 10 Securities issued to cover costs, charges, and expenses of paying off and renewing loans— Stock — Public Works Fund—General Purposes Account— To mature 15th September, 1946-48 .. .. .. 61,440 0 0 War Expenses Account— To mature 1st October, 1953 .. .. .. 1,220 0 0 Treasury Bills — Public Works Fund —General Purposes Account—■ To mature: Various .. .. .. ,. .. 652,337 0 0 War Expenses Account— To mature: Various .. .. .. .. •• 1,700,465 18 6 2,415,462 18 6 Carried forward .. .. .. .. .. .. 58,062,910 4 4

B.—l. [Pt. ll].




£ s. d. £ a. d. Brought forward .. .. .. .. .. 58,062,910 4 4 New Zeat.and Loans Act, 1932 —continued. Section 15—continued. Securities issued in conversion of loans—■ Stock— Ordinary Revenue Account—Discharged Soldiers Settlement Account— To mature 15th September, 1946-48 .. .. .. 23,425 15 4 Ordinary Revenue Account—Mining Advances Account— To mature 15th September, 1946-48 .. .. .. 2,510 0 0 Ordinary Revenue Account —Miscellaneous — To mature 15th September, 1946-48 .. .. .. 399,735 6 11 Ordinary Revenue Account—State Advances - To mature 15th September, 1946-48 .. .. .. 357,535 0 0 Ordinary Revenue Account —-War Expenses (15) 18) — To mature 15th. September, 1946—48 .. .. .. 4,864,743 17 9 To mature 15th September, 1957-60 .. .. .. 9,340,789 12 4 Ordinary Revenue Account—Westporf, Harbour— To mature 15th September, 1946-48 .. .. .. 100 0 0 Public Works Fund —General Purposes Account— To mature 15th September, 1946-48 .. .. .. 211,035 0 0 To mature 15th September, 1957-60 .. .. .. 2,277,830 7 8 To mature 1st February 1949-54 .. .. .. .. 365,500 0 0 To mature 15th October, 1955-60 .. .. .. .. 365,500 0 0 Public Works Fund —Electric Supply Account— To mature 15th September, 1957-60 .. .. .. 361,935 0 0 Land for Settlements Account— To mature 15th September, 1957-60 .. .. .. 259,150 0 0 Main Highways Account — To mature 15th September, 1957-60 .. .. .. 190,895 0 0 State Forests Account— To mature 15th September, 1957-60 .. .. .. 116,100 0 0 Housing Account —- To mature 15th September, 1946-48 .. .. .. 7,270 0 0 19,144,055 0 0 Death Duty Stock— Ordinary Revenue Account- —State Advances Account— To mature 15th September, 1946-48 .. .. .. 1,700 0 0 Ordinary Revenue Account —War Expenses— To mature 15th September, 1946-48 .. .. .. 117,015 0 0 To mature 15th September, 1957-60 .. .. .. 1,603,230 0 0 Public Works Fund —Electric Supply AccountTo mature 15th September, 1957-60 .. .. .. 35,355 0 0 Land for Settlements Account — To mature 15t(i September, 1957-60 .. .. .. 35,000 0 0 1,792,300 0 0 Securities issued to cover costs, charges, and expenses of eonversion— Stock— Ordinary Revenue Account—War Expenses (1918) — To mature 15th September, 1957-60 .. .. .. 321,935 0 0 Public Works Fund —General Purposes Account— To mature 15th September, 1957-60 .. .. .. 07,795 0 0 Public Works Fund —Electric Suppfy Account— To mature 15th September, 1957-60 .. .. .. 11,910 0 0 Land for Settlements Account — To mature 15th September, 1957-60 .. .. .. 8,820 0 0 Main Highways Account— To mature 15th September, 1957-60 .. .. .. 5,720 0 0 State Forests Account— To maturo 15th September, 1957-60 .. .. .. 3,480 0 0 419,660 0 0 Section (40) 6, — Ordinary Stock issued in replacement of Death Duty StockOrdinary Revenue Account —-Discharged Soldiers Settlement Account — To mature 15th June, 1952-55 .. .. .. 1,005 0 0 Ordinary Revenue Account —State Advances Account — To mature 15th April, 1946-49 .. .. .. .. ' 3,385 0 0 Ordinary Revenue Account —War Expenses (1918) — To mature 15th July, 1939-41 .. .. .. .. 115 0 0 To mature 15th March, 1943 .. .. .. .. 600 0 0 To mature 15th February, 1943-46 .. .. .. .. 2,085 0 0 To mature 15th May, 1949-52 .. .. .. .. 13,160 0 0 To mature 15th September, 1957-60 .. .. .. .. 9,840 0 0 Public Works Fund—General Purposes Account—• To mature 15th June, 1952-55 .. .. .. .. 6,570 0 0 Public Works Fund —Electric Supply Account—To mature 15th April, 1946-49 .. .. .. .. 620 0 0 To mature 15th January, 1953-57 .. .. .. .. 1,010 0 0 Main Highways Account - To mature 15th February, 1943-46 .. .. .. .. 615 0 0 To mature 15th April, 1946-49 .. .. .. .. 3,740 0 0 War Expenses Account— To maturo 1st August, 1946 .. .. .. ■ • 100 0 0 40,845 0 0 Carried forward .. .. .. .. .. .. 79,459,770 4 4

B.—l [Pt. ll].




£ s. d. '£ s. d. Brought forward .. .. .. .. .. .. 79,459,770 4 4New Zealand Loans Act, 1932 —continued. Section 57, — Stock issued in exchange for Debentures— Ordinary Revenue Account—State Advancos Account— To mature 15th September, 1947 .. .. .. .. 4,700 0 0 Public Works Fund—General Purposes Account— To mature 15th -February, 1943-46 .. .. .. .. 11,290 0 0 To mature 15th April, 1946-49 .. .. .. .. 8,865 0 0 To mature 15th June, 1952-55 .. .. .. .. 30,975 0 0 To mature 15th -January, 1953-57 .. .. .. .. 3,900 0 0 59,730 0 0 Stock issued in exchange for Death Duty Stock — Ordinary Revenue Account—War Expenses (1918) — To mature 15th September, 1946—48 .. .. .. .. 2,200 0 0 To mature 15th May, 1952 .. .. .. .. . . 500 0 0 To mature 15th September, 1957-60 .. .. .. .. 43,930 0 0 War Expenses Account— To mature 1st August, 1946 .. .. .. .. .. 1,600 0 0 To mature 1st August, 1954 .. .. .. .. .. 17,450 0 0 65,680 0 0 New Zealand Debt Conversion Act, 1932-33 :— Section 16, — Ordinary Stock issued in replacement of Tax-free Stock— Ordinary Revenue Account —War Expenses (1918) —- To mature 15th March, 1943 .. .. .. .. 1,383,010 0 0 To mature 15th May, 1949-52 .. .. .. .. 776,125 0 0 2,159,135 0 0 Public Revenues Act 1926, Section 135 :— Subsection (2), — Amount received on account of New Zealand's share of German reparations .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 949 1G 1 Subsection (4), — Repayment of capital moneys advanced under the Repatriation Act, 1918 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 1,444 7 1 Amount transferred from Ordinary Revenue Account for redemption of War Expenses (1919) loans .. .. .. .. .. 350 0 0 Amount transferred from Ordinary Revenue Account for redemption of War Expenses securities (1939) .. .. .. .. 1,408 0 0 Amount transferred from Samoan Loan Sinking Fund for the redemption of securities issued in respect of Samoan Loan Suspense Account 5,625 0 0 Amount received from State Advances Corporation in reduction of contingent liability to be used for redemption of securities .. .. 27,073 2 9 Amount received from Public Works Fund—General Purposes Account for redemption of General Purposes securities .. . . .. 24,300 0 0 Amount transferred from Land for Settlements Account for redemption of securities .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 11,600 0 0 Amount received from War Expenses Account for redemption of War Expenses securities (1939) .. .. .. .. .. 7,351,098 10 10 Amount received from the British Phosphate Commission for the redemption of Nauru and Ocean Islands securities . . .. 35,867 1 8 Amount received for the redemption of State Advances securities .. 220 10 0 Amount received from State Coal-mines Account for redemption of State Coal-mines securities .. .. .. .. .. 9,164 0 0 Amount received in respect of sales of national-endowment lands in Waihi Drainage District under the Swamp Drainage Amendment Act, 1926, and the Finance Act, 1932, section 15 (6) .. .. .. 53 3 0 7,468,203 15 4 Total .. .. .. .. .. .. .. £89,213,468 15 9

B.—l [PT. ll],




£ s. d. £ s. d. New Zealand Loans Act, 1932 :— Section 14, — Securities StockOrdinary Revenue Account—Reserve Bank of New Zealand— To mature 1st April, 1946 .. .. .. .. .. 10,227 10 0 Ordinary Revenue Account —State Advances Corporation of Now Zealand— To mature 1st April, 1946 .. .. .. .. .. 1,898 0 0 Public Works Fund —General Purposes AccountTo mature 1st January, 1945 .. .. .. .. 2,913,400 0 0 War Expenses Account— To mature 1st August, 1954 .. .. .. .. 2,110 0 0 To mature 1st October, 1953 .. .. .. .. 5,375 0 0 To mature 15th December, 1958 .. .. .. • ■ 120 0 0 2,933,130 10 0 Interest-free stock— War Expenses Account— To mature: Various .. .. .. •• 47,528 0 6 Memorandum of Security— War Expenses Account — To mature 15th August, 1965 .. .. .. . ■ .. 7,799,534 1 6 Treasury Bills— Public Works Fund—General Purposes Account— To mature : Various .. .. .. .. 14,829,000 0 0 Public Works Fund —Electric Supply Account— To mature : Various .. .. .. .. .. 25,000 0 0 Main Highways Account — To mature: Various .. ' .. .. 3,120,000 0 0 State Coal-mines Account— To mature : Various .. .. .. .. .. 85,000 0 0 State Forests Account— To mature : Various .. .. .. .. .. 125,000 0 0 18,184,000 0 0 Loans renewed at maturity— Interest-free Stock—■ War Expenses Account—■ To mature: Various .. .. .. .. .. 600 0 0 Treasury Bills — Public Works Fund —Genera] Purposes AccountTo mature : Various .. .. .. .. .. 12,371,755 0 0 Public Works Fund —Electric Supply Account— To mature: Various .. .. .. .. .. 1,600,000 0 0 Main Highways Account — To mature: Various .. .. .. .. .. 9,633,000 0 0 State Coal-mines Account— To mature: Various .. .. .. .. .. 35,000 0 0 State Forests Account — To mature: Various .. .. .. .. .. 840,000 0 0 War Expenses Account — To mature: Various .. •• .. .. •• 2,200,000 0 0 26,679,755 0 0 Section 15, — Securities converted— Debentures — Ordinary Revenue Account—War Expenses (1918) — To mature 15th July, 1941 .. .. .. .. .. 87,800 0 0 Ordinary Revenue Account —Westport Harbour — To mature 15th July, 1941 .. .. .. .. 100 0 0 Public Works Fund —General Purposes Account — To mature 15th November, 1941 .. .. .. .. 11,950 0 0 Public Works Fund—Electric Supply Account —• To mature 15th November, 1941 .. .. .. .. 58,500 0 0 158,350 0 0 Carried forward .. .. .. .. .. .. 55,802,897 12 0

B.—l [PT. 11].

PUBLIC ACCOUNTS, 1941 -1942.



£ s. d. £ a. d. Brought forward .. .. .. .. .. 55,802,897 12 0 New Zealand Loans Aot, 1932—continued. Section 15 —'Continued. Securities converted —continued. Stock— Ordinary Revenue Account—Discharged Soldiers Settlements Account— To mature 15th November, 1941 .. .. .. .. 22,925 15 4 Ordinarv Revenue Account —Mining Advances Account —■ To mature 15th July, 1941 .. .. .. .. 2,510 0 0 Ordinary Revenue Account—Miscellaneoiis— To mature 15th July, 1941 .. .. .. .. 339,365 (i 11 To mature 15th November, 1941 .. .. .. .. 00,370 0 0 Ordinary Revenue Account—State Advances— To mature 15th November, 1941 .. .. .. .. 359,235 0 0 Ordinary Revenue Account—War Expenses (1918) — To mature 15th July, 1941 .. .. .. 2,858,009 5 5 To mature 15th November, 1941 .. .. .. .. 38,414 4 8 To mature 15th March, 1943 .. .. .. .. 12,921,825 0 0 Public Works Fund —General Purposes Account — To mature 1st January, 1940-45 .. .. .. 731,000 0 0 To mature 15th July, 1941 .. .. .. .. 1,092,735 7 8 To mature 15th.November, 1941 .. .. .. .. 1,383,230 0 0 Public Works Fund—Electric Supply Account— To mature 15th November, 1941 .. .. .. .. 338,640 0 0 Housing Account— To mature 15th November, 1941 .. .. .. .. 7,270 0 0 Land for Settlements Account— To mature 15th November, 1941 .. .. .. .. 294,150 0 0 Main Highways Account— To mature 15th November, 1941 .. .. .. .. 190,895 0 0 State Forests Account — To mature 15th November, 1941 .. .. .. .. 101,600 0 0 20,742,175 0 0 Death Duty Stock— Ordinary Revenue Account —Discharged Soldiers Settlement Account — To mature 15th November, 1941 .. .. .. 500 0 0 Ordinary Revenue Account —War Expenses (1918) — To mature 15th July, 1941 .. .. .. .. .. 1,105 0 0 To mature 15th March, 1943 .. .. .. .. .18,625 0 0 Public Works Fund—General Purposes Account— To mature 15th November, 1941 .. .. .. .. 950 0 0 Public Works Fund—Electric Supply Account— To mature 15th November, 1941 .. .. .. .. 150 0 0 State Forests Account— To mature 15th November, 1941 .. .. .. .. 14,500 0 0 35,830 0 0 Premiums on Conversion— Ordinary Revenue Account—War Expenses (1918) .. .. 321,935 0 0 Public Works Fund—General Purposes Account .. .. 67,795 0 0 Public Works Fund—Electric Supply Account .. .. .. 11,910 0 0 Land for Settlements Account .. .. .. .. .. 8,820 0 0 Main Highways Account .. .. .. .. .. 5,720 0 0 State Forests Account.. .. .. .. .. .. 3,480 0 0 419,660 0 0 Section 40 (6), — Death Duty Stock replaced by Ordinary Stock— Ordinary Revenue Account—Discharged Soldiers Settlement Account— To mature 15th June, 1952-55 .. .. .. .. 1,005 0 0 Ordinary Revenue Account—State Advances— To mature 15th April, 1946-49 .. .. .. . 3,385 0 0 Ordinary Revenue Account—War Expenses (1918)To mature 15th July, 1939-41 .. .. .. .. 115 0 0 To mature 15th March, .1940-43 .. .. .. . . 600 0 0 To mature 15th February, 1943-46 .. .. .. .. 2,085 0 0 To mature 15th May, 1949-52 .. .. .. .. 13,160 0 0 To mature 15th September, 1957-60 .. .. .. .. 9,840 0 0 Public Works Fund —General Purposes Account — To mature 15th June, 1952-55 .. .. .. .. 6,570 0 0 Public Works Fund—Electric Supply Account— To mature 15th April, 1946-49 .. .. .. .. 620 0 0 To mature 15th January, 1957 .. .. .. .. 1,010 0 0 Main Highways Account — To mature 15th February, 1943-46 .. .. .. .. 615 0 0 To mature 15th April, 1946-49 .. .. .. .. 1,740 0 0 War Expenses Account— To mature 1st August, 1946 .. .. .. .. 100 0 0 40,845 0 0 Section 57, — Securities exchanged for Ordinary Stock — Debentures-— Ordinary Revenuo Account —State Advances — To mature 15th September, 1947 .. .. .. .. 4,700 0 0 Public Works Fund —General Purposes Account— To mature 15th February, 1943-46 .. .. .. .. 11,290 0 0 To mature 15th April, 1946-49 .. .. .. .. 8,865 0 0 To mature 15th June, 1952-55 .. .. .. .. 30,975 0 0 To mature 15th January, 1953-57 .. .. .. .. 3,900 0 0 — 59,730 0 0 Carried forward .. .. .. .. .. .. 77,101,137 12 0

B._ 1 [Ft. ll].

PUBLIC ACCOUNTS, 1941-194 2.



£ g. d, I £ g, (J, Brought forward .. .. .. .. .. .. 77,101,137 12 0 1 New Zealand Loans Act, 1932 —continued. Section 57 —continued. Securities exchanged for Ordinary Stock —continued. Death Duty Stock—■ Ordinary Revenue Account—-War Expenses (1918) — To mature 15th September, 1946-48 .. .. .. 2,200 0 0 To mature 15th May, 1952 .. .. .. .. 500 0 0 To mature 15th September, 1957-60 .. .. .. 43,930 0 0 War Expenses Account—• To mature 1st August, 1946 .. .. .. .. 1,600 0 0 To mature 1st August, 1951-54 .. .. .. .. 17,450 0 0 65,680 0 0 Section 58, — Securities redeemed before maturityStock — Ordinary Revenue Account—Nauru and Ocean Islands Account— To mature 15th January, 1957 .. .. .. .. 35,865 0 0 Public Works Eund —General Purposes Account — To mature 15th July, 1945 .. .. .. .. 2,500 0 0 To mature 30th November, 1948 .. .. .. .. 2,000 0 0 Main Highways Account — To mature 30th November, 1948 .. .. .. .. 500 0 0 State Coal-mines Account—• To mature 15th December, 1958 .. .. .. .. 6,320 0 0 Samoan Loan Suspense Account— To mature 15th December, 1958 .. .. 5,625 0 0 52,810 0 0 Interest-free Stock — War Expenses Account— To mature: Various .. .. .. .. .. .. 16,778 7 6 Treasury Bills— War Expenses Account — To mature 15th October, 1941 .. .. .. .. .. 4,500,000 0 0 Treasury Notes — War Expenses Account— To mature: Various .. .. .. .. .. .. 41,000 0 0 Memorandum of SecurityWar Expenses Account— To mature 15th October, 1959 .. .. .. .. 513,195 6 10 To mature 15th August, 1965 .. .. .. .. 1,627,947 16 6 2,141,143 3 4 Securities redeemed at maturity— Interest-free Stock— War Expenses AccountTo mature : Various .. .. .. .. .. 1,300 0 0 Death Duty Stock matured under section 40 (3) — Ordinary Revenue Account—War Expenses (1918) — To mature 15th September, 1946-48 .. .. .. 250 0 0 To mature 15th September, 1957-60 .. ■. • ■ 100 0 0 Lands for Settlement Account— To mature 15th September, 1957-60 .. ■■ .. 11,600 0 0 War Expenses Account — To mature 1st October, 1943—46 .. .. .. .. 2,700 0 0 To mature 1st August, 1946-54 .. .. .. .. 4,750 0 0 To mature 1st October, 1953 .. .. .. •• 44,835 0 0 ___ 64,235 0 0 Treasury Bills — Public Works Fund —General Purposes Account— To mature: Various .. .. .. 21,800 0 0 War Expenses AccountTo mature : Various .. .. .. .. .. 600,000 0 0 , 621,800 0 0 Section 61, — Charges and expenses of raising loansIssues in renewal and conversion— New issues— War Expenses Account .. .. .. .. .. .. 25 3 10 Finance Act 1932, section 55 — Exchange on remittances beyond New Zealand — Public Works Eund—Genera] Purposes Account .. .. 713,777 0 0 War Expenses Account .. .. .. .. .. 1,701,685 18 6 2,415,462 18 6 New Zealand Debt Conversion Act, 1932-33, Section 16:— Tax-free Stock replaced by Ordinary Stock— Ordinary Revenue Account—War Expenses (1918) — To mature 15th March, 1943 .. •• 1,383,010 0 0 To mature 15th May, 1949-52 .. .. .. . ■ .. 776,125 0 0 ———— — 2,159,135 0 0 Total .. .. • • • • • • • • • • £89,180,507 5 2

B.—l |PT. ll]-









£ s. d. Adjustment of subsidy on rates paid to local authorities under section 28, Finance Act, 1934 (No. 3), &c. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 10 4 6 Refunds of overpayments of subsidies to local authorities ,. .. .. .. ,. 174 0 0 Sale of land and buildings .. .. .. .. .. .. .. , 206 9 2 £390 13 8

£ g< f ] Sale of surplus and obsolete stores .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 129 10 11

Sa }e of r £ s. d. Plant .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ,. _ _ 191 7 4 Surplus and obsolute stores .. .. .. .. .. .. .. i 451 q 4. | £642 7 8

| Gross. ' Credits. J Net. Vo ™£ s. d. £ s. d. £ s . d State Coal-mines .. .. .. .. .. 609,505 2 2 3,025 15 9 666,479 6 5 Interest and other Charges on Loans and Capital Liability :— New Zealand Loans Act, 1932, Section 24 (2), — Recoupment to Consolidated Fund of management charges on New Zealand Government securities .. 44 13 7 .. 44 13 7 Finance Act (No. 2), 1932, Section 5 (2), — Transfer to Consolidated Fund in respect of interest payable on capital liability .. .. .. 7,686 18 5 .. 7,686 18 5 7,731 12 0 .. 7,731 12 0 Social Security Charge .. .. .. .. 1,473 8 9 .. 1 473 8 9 National Security Tax .. .. .. .. 1,473 8 8 .. 1 473 8 8 Land and Income Tax Amendment Act, 1940, Section 4 (1) and (3) .. ,. .. .. .. 14,826 1 9 .. 14,826 1 9 Amortization of Debt :— Finance Act (No. 2), 1939, Section 3,— Transfer to Loans Redemption AccountSection 3(1)(a) . . .. .. .. 5,000 0 0 . . 5,000 0 0 Section 3 (1) (b) .. .. .. .. 3,700 0 0 .. 3,700 0 0 Section 3 (1) (c) .. .. .. .. 464 0 0 .. 464 0 0 9,164 0 0 .. 9,164 0 0 £704,173 13 4 3,025 15 9 £70.1,147 17 7

B.—l [PT. ll].




STATEMENT of TEMPORARY TRANSFERS between ACCOUNTS within the PUBLIC ACCOUNT in terms of Section 40 of the PUBLIC REVENUES ACT, 1926, during the FINANCIAL YEAR ended 31st March, 1942.

17th August, 1942. B. C. Asm, Secretary to the Treasury. A. R. F. Mackay, M.Com. (N.Z.), Ph.D. (Londv), Accountant to the Treasury. Examined and found correct. Cyril G. Collins, Controller and Auditor-General,

By Authority: E. V. Paul, Government Printer, Wellington. —1942.


£ s. d. Sale of surplus and obsolete stores

Gross. Credits. * Net. Vote • s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. State Forest Service .. .. • • ■ • 484,228 2 6 9,682 10 0 474,545 12 (i Intebest and otiieb Charges on Loans and Capital Liability :— New Zealand Loans Act, 1932, Section 24 (2), — Recoupment to Consolidated Fund of management charges on Now Zealand Government securities .. 627 18 0 . . 6-7 18 0 New Zealand Loans Act, 1932, Section 61: — Charges and expenses of raising loans — New issues 64 1 10 .. 54 1 10 Issues in renewal and conversion .. .. .. 295 18 11 .. ~ J0 • r 977 18 9 .. 977 18 9 Finance Act, 1936, Section 24 (1) i iko iq n Transfer to Working Railways Account .. .. I,lo0 19 11 .. l,loU iy ll £486,357 1 2 £9,682 10 0 £476,674 11 2

j Balance i Date of Rate of outstanding Amount of Repayment Amount Date Transfer to Transfer from Transfer. Interest. 31sfc March Transfcr - due - repaid. repaid. 1941. Per Cent. £ £ £ Land for Settlements Account .. [i >00,000 •• H£J0J J Main Highways Account Pub«»to M-Oental 1M[M o 26/8/11 £275,000 £275,000

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