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Presented- to both. Houses of the General Assembly by Command of His Excellency. '

Marine Department, Wellirigtoh, 16th July, 1941. Your Excellency,— , I do myself the honour to transmit for Your Excellency's information the report of the Marine Department for the financial year ended the 31st March last. I have, &c., R, Semple, Minister- of Marine. His Excellency the Governor-General of the Dominion of New Zealand.


The Secretary, Marine Department, to the Hon. the Minister of Marine. Sir,— Marine Department, Wellington, 7th July, 1941. I have the honour to submit the annual report on the activities of the Marine Department for the year ended 31st March, 1941. Under war conditions it is inevitable that much of the work of the Department is directed to defence, involving close co-operation with the Services .Departments and with the Ministry of Supply. Many vessels have been requisitioned for naval purposes and refitted for their new duties. S.s. "Maunganui" was chartered from Union Steam Ship Co. and extensive alterations undertaken for her equipment as a hospital ship. British troOp transports have been met on arrival, and any refitting required has been attended to on behalf of the British Ministry of Shipping. Building is in hand in Auckland of three mine-sweepers on the lines of a well-known type of steel trawler, but modified to a composite construction of wood and steel. Plans are in hand for further mine-sweepers of all-steel construction. Until early in 1941 G.s.s. " Matai " regularly serviced lighthouses, automatic lights, and other navigational aids, but on her being commissioned as a naval ship it became necessary to improvise transportation. Servicing is now carried out by overland routes where practicable, otherwise by means of vessels hired locally. The policy of progressively improving amenities at light-stations has been continued ; also, an entirely new light-station has been built on the mainland, at Capo Reinga, replacing the inaccessible island station at Cape Maria Van Diemen. This station is electrified, is fitted with wireless and radio beacon, and has its own hard-road access.' Electrification and establishment of radio beacons have been completed at Moko Hinau and Cuvier Island. Reconstruction work is in hand at Puysegur Point and Cod ley Head. Harbours. The financial and engineering aspects of each application by Harbour Boards for loans are examined by the Department for, the Local Bodies' Loans Board in conjunction with Treasury. This is a necessary feature to offset any desire to advance the parochial rather than the national viewpoint. Direct administration of Kaipara, Picton, Little Wanganui, and West port Harbours has been maintained by the Marine Department. All other Harbour Boards,, except a few vested in alreadyexisting local authorities, are administered by properly constituted Harbour Boards. Kaipara Harbour.—Usual maintenance of buoys in the Kaipara Harbour has been given effect to during the year. The untimely death of the Harbourmaster, Captain McLeav, brought to a close an excellent career in the service. Captain Dutch has been appointed Harbourmaster in the meantime. The well-known river steamer s.s. " Wairua ■" has been repaired, and in the Great Barrier to Auckland service. Picton Harbour- During the year 7 overseas vessels aggregating 40,611 tons, 12 intercolonial vessels aggregating 15,383 tons, and 341 coastal vessels aggregating 189,344 tons entered the port. Thirty-two fishing-vessels were licensed during the year. The Harbourmaster, in. addition to acting as Collector of Customs for this port, maintains a supervision of lights, buoys, licensed launches, and foreshores. The departmental residence has been thoroughly renovated during the year.

I—H. 15.


Little Wanganui.—This small wharf has been maintained in good order and the storage facilities improved. Lake Whakatipu.—The Railways Department representative at this lake, acts in the interest of the Marine Department. The checking of passenger-carrying launches and general supervision have been carried out during the year. Westport Harbour. —Shipment of coal, on which the revenue of the harbour largely depends, reached the satisfactory figure of 486,964 tons during the year under review, the highest figure since 1930-31, and almost 80,000 tons in excess of the previous year. Because of weather conditions on the bar the harbour was quite unworkable to shipping on 18 days only during the year, as against 31 days for the previous year. On the otner hand, on 12 days the bar was smooth, as against only 3 days during the previous year. A further index of the conditions which prevailed at the entrance to the port is that on 136 days tne seas on the bar exceeded " light " in intensity, whereas during the previous year seas were ; n excess of " light "on no less than 222 days. During the year 373 steamships and 43 auxiliary vessels, totalling 279,838 net tons, entered the port, as against 295 steamships and 47 auxiliary vessels, totalling 271,774 net tons, during the previous year, an increase of 7-1 vessels and an increase of 8,064 tons. Fewer of the larger overseas vessels work the port, but more of the smaller coastal craft have been pressed into the coastal trade, a reflex of war conditions. During the past year 24- overseas vessels called at the port and shipped 8,203 tons of cargo coal for Noumea, Ocean Island, and Australia, as well as 1.6,409 tons as bunker coal. At the commencement of the year we had the rather unfavourable minimum depth on the bar at L.W.O.S.T. of 10 ft. 9 in. only, with the mean depth of high waters for the first month of 21 ft. 3in. No great improvement was realized until five months later, when, as a result of more favourable natural influences plus intensified dredging, the very satisfactory minimum depth of 15 ft. was obtained, with the high water average depth for the month (August) of 23 ft. the best for just on twelve months. These circumstances favoured good operating results, and the returns for the month proved to be by far the best for ten years past both in respect to number of vessels which worked the port and the quantity of coal shipped. Fifty vessels cleared the port, which was 15 greater than the monthly average for the year. Also, the coal shipped, totalling 51,490 tons, was over 10,000 tons greater than the monthly average for the year. It is interesting to note in this connection that such gratifying result was achieved despite the fact that the port's chief loading unit, an excellent electric crane, was out of commission during the period owing to acute shortage in power-supply. The crane was actually not used throughout a total period of three months, during which time the average monthly shipments of coal exceeded the average for the year by over 6,000 tons, in two out of the three months over 50,000 tons per month being loaded. Following the good working depths achieved by and during August, a serious relapse occurred as a result of most unfavourable weather conditions. Serious shoaling occurred on the bar, and surface conditions prevented any real attempt to remove the trouble by dredging. At one stage of the month the. minimum depth on the bar at L.W.O.S.T. fell to 8 ft. 9 in.—very definitely the worst for the year and the outcome was the poorest high water monthly mean for the year of 20 ft. 3 in. Six vessels experienced delay in departure due to the conditions, 5 departed under restricted loading, and on five occasions vessels touched on the bar when crossing out. In addition, 1 vessel only cleared the port drawing 18 ft. or more, whereas the previous month 8 vessels left loaded to 18 ft. or more, in three cases the draughts exceeding 19 ft. Conditions did not materially improve for another month, but every endeavour was made per medium of bar-dredging to encourage improvement in the governing port operating depth—i.e., on the bar. Due to the urgent need of the country for coal the port was at all times being worked by shipping to the limit of the available navigating depth, and unfortunately, due to the restrictions imposed by swells on the bar, for a time the restricted loading of vessels and touchings on the bar when crossing out were a matter of some concern. In an endeavour to obviate these difficulties by the only means in our power —i.e., by dredging the bar the suction dredger Eileen Ward " was worked throughout the year to the fullest consistent with anticipated results, and these were obtained when conditions favoured, so that during the later months of the year a progressive improvement was achieved. As a result of these high-pressure operations the dredger lifted from the bar and the port operating channel, and conveyed to sea and dumped, the outstanding quantity of 746,340 cubic yards of sand and shingle, the greatest dredging performance of the vessel since the Government assumed control of the port over twenty years ago. During the month of July the vessel lifted just on 100,000 cubic.yards of dredgings, the highest monthly result for twenty-four years. During the closing month of the year under review the excellent minimum depth on the bar at L.W.O.S.T. of 15 ft. was again achieved, with the good mean high water working depth for the month of 23 ft. 4 in., the best since December, 1937. The advantage in these favourable depths was borne out by the fact that during the final monthly period no vessel was delayed in despatch from the port, in no case was a vessel restricted in loading draught, and all vessels crossed the liar with adequate working depth of water. Also, during the final two months 15 vessels cleared the port drawing over 18 ft., 13 of such vessels being loaded to from 18 ft. 6 in. to 19 ft. 9 in. Paradoxically, however, with such favourable conditions the volume of shipping during the final month of the year was about the poorest recorded for the twelve months. It is interesting to note that during the year one vessel, an overseas vessel with cargo coal, left the port drawing 19 ft. 10 in., the greatest draught of any vessel to leave the port for twelve years. Ten vessels cleared the port drawing 19 ft. or more, as against 5 in the preceding year.



The mean of high-water depths on the bar for the year was 21 ft. 6 in., which was not as good as the mean of 22ft. for the previous year. This is illustrated more clearly in the following tabulation, which shows the number of days for the last three years on which the respective high-water depths obtained : —

It will be noted that, as against the preceding twelve months, there were fewer days on which there was over 20 ft. of water on the bar at high water, but, on the other hand, this deficiency was greatly offset by the more favourable surface conditions quoted earlier in this report. As with the two preceding years, there was 110 day on which there was not more than 16 ft. 011 the bar at high water. Early in the year the port pilot and sounding launch " Kaiurunga " was subjected to a very extensive overhaul, with a considerable amount of the hull and framing timbers renewed, whilst a new heavy encircling hawser fender was fitted, and the vessel is now in first-class order. Due attention was given also where necessary to all other harbour structures and navigating aids and services. The bucket dredger " Maui " continued in commission throughout the year, being utilized to deepen the fairway abreast the Staiths Wharf approaching to and alongside the Merchandise Wharf. As the vessel had to convey its dredgings to and dump at sea, adverse bar conditions at times hindered operations ; nevertheless, good work was done. The dredger lifted some 121,550 cubic yards of shingle and sand from the areas mentioned, and soundings later in the period revealed an appreciable improvement in depths. Early in the closing month of the year the vessel proceeded to Wellington for bi-annual slip survey and overhaul. 111 my last year's report I mentioned that the work of restoring and strengthening the stone facing of the Buller River bank protective work at the relief channel (Organ's Island) had been completed, and that the work of extending farther downstream the low stone training and control wall at the lower end of the island was continuing. This latter work was completed during the year, and to assist the purpose of the wall in confining and directing the channel of the river, where otherwise it was meandering in a most undesirable manner and causing erosion of the bank at " Roselli's," and resulting in building up of banks of shingle in the bed of the river, a control and directed channel from the downstream end of the wall was cut by the. use of two large bulldozers for a few days, and a very satisfactory result was achieved. The rock for the stone work was quarried from the harbour quarry at Cape Foulwind and transported by our own railway to the job. Third-class stone was placed in the river-protection work, and the first-class stone was conveyed to and placed on the seaward end of the west mole of the harbour entrance, to strengthen and make good the ravages of heavy seas over a period of previous years. Over the period of two to three years that this work was in hand some 4,000 tons of rock was used rn effecting the breakwater repair, and 26,000 tons were deposited in the river protection and control work. Now that this work is complete, a commencement has been made 011 taking up the railway-track connecting the Buller Gorge railway line to Organ's Island, and the rails and sleepers are being disposed of to the Railways and Lands Departments respectively for other governmental works. At the Cape Foulwind quarry the 25-ton crane has been thoroughly painted and housed in, and the two smaller cranes conveyed into Westport for overhaul attention. Old sheds have been dismantled, and useable material removed to Westport for further use. Lighthouses. Manukau Heads.-—Repairs were carried out to the hot-water system. Moko Hinau. —A fuel-oil store has been erected, the diesel engines overhauled, and repairs and maintenance carried out to the electrical equipment. Cuvier Island. —Routine maintenance has been carried out on the diesel engines and electrical equipment. Oodley Head. —The site for the new lighthouse has been constructed, involving some 300 cubic yards of excavation in rock. All electrical equipment is on order, and the lens and lantern ex Cape Foulwind are being reconditioned ready for installation. Arrangements are in hand for the construction of the power-line to the new site. Akaroa. —A contract has been let for the erection of a Blondin cableway over the inlet at this station to replace obsolete landing-equipment. Puysegur Point. —The power-house in connection with electrification has been completed and the access road approximately two miles long constructed. All material and equipment for electrification and installation of radio beacon is being assembled at Invercargill ready for transport and installation. Moeraki. —A small hut has been erected to accommodate an extra man, and power-lines have been run to the station for electrification. The cottages and buildings are now supplied with electricity, and equipment is on order to electrify the light.


Depth. 1940-41. 1930-40. 1938-39. Over 14 ft. .. .. 365 366 365 „ 16 ft. .. .. 365 366 365 „ 18 ft. .. .. 363 366 363 „ 20 ft. .. .. 302 330 275 „ 22 ft. .. .. 118 184 126 „ 24 ft. .. .. 24 36 11


Cape Saunders. —A shelter for the coast-watching organization has been erected 011 this station. Centre Island. —Extension of the cottage drainage is in hand. Portland Island. —A generating-set ex Stephens Island has been installed to provide power for radio-beacon purposes. Trial surveys have been carried out for the erection of a dicsel winch and tramway to improve access to the station and also surveys of sites for three new cottages for the keepers. Baring Head.- Routine maintenance of plant and equipment has been carried out during the year. A cross-over connection between this station and the adjacent naval station has been provided to allow for an interchange of power in case of emergency. Hen Island.- The erection of a light-tower and the cableway necessary for servicing is in hand and is now nearing completion. The existing light on the Chickens will be extinguished on completion of this work. Cape Reinga. —A considerable amount of work has been carried out during the year. This includes the erection of two keepers' dwellings, light-tower, and power-house. The construction of a combined garage and fuel-store is in hand, also the erection of a flashing beacon on the mainland at Cape Maria. The installation of plant and equipment in connection with the radio beacon and electrification has been completed, and the work of erecting the tower, lantern, and equipment ex Cape Maria is in hand. With the exception of a 30 ft. bridge, which is in hand, the access road from Te Paki is now completed. Cape Maria.—This station was completely dismantled during the year, the keepers being transferred to Cape Reinga. Everything salvagable was taken oft' the island and the lighthouse lantern and equipment transferred to Reinga. When this light was extinguished a temporary electric light was exhibited at Reinga. Cape Maria Island 110 longer exists as a lighthouse-station. Tutukaka Heads. -An automatic flashing beacon has been erected 011 this location by the Whangarei Harbour Board under the direction of this Department. Gape Campbell. —All buildings and the lighthouse-tower have been painted and minor repairs carried out. During the year all electrical equipment received routine maintenance. A fuel-oil store has been erected adjacent to the power-house. Stephens Island. —Routine maintenance has been carried out 011 this station during the year, and the construction of a fuel-oil store is in hand. Jackson Bay.--'l'lie tower for an automatic flashing light and a cableway for servicing have been erected ready for the installation of the beacon. Clay Point (Tory Channel). —A tower for an automatic flashing light has been erected and an approach track constructed on this location. Castlepoint.—Minor adjustments were carried out at tbis station, occasioned by the mechanism being displaced by an earthquake. Marine Works. Houhora Wharf. —The contract for the erection of a bridge at Pukenui has been let, and work is in hand. Orapiu Wharf- Beachlands Slipway - Waiheke Island. —The wharf at Beachlands was demolished and a slipway constructed with the materials therefrom. Reconstruction of Orapiu Wharf was also completed by the same contractors. Tairua Wharf.- The reconditioning of this wharf was completed by the Thames County Council. Helensville Creek Beacon, Kaipara Harbour. —General maintenance was carried out during the year. Bruce Bay.- Surveys have been made and plans are being prepared for a proposed wharf at this location. Westhaven Wharf. The construction of a breastwork and approach road is in hand on this site. Havelock Wharf. —Repairs and extensions are being undertaken, and all preliminary work is completed prior to letting a contract for construction of this wharf. Momorangi Bay.—The site has been surveyed and plans are in hand for a jetty on this site. Elaine (Brown's) Bay.— : Plans have been prepared for a jetty and access track to be constructed here. Endeavour Inlet. —A 34-ft.-long jetty has been constructed 011 Endeavour Inlet during the year. Fairy Bay Wharf.—Plans have been completed for this wharf. Kumutoto Bay.- Plans tire in hand for the provision of a wharf with launch steps at this location. Ships Cow.—The construction of a jetty with launch steps has been completed. Tennyson Inlet. —A jetty complete with launch steps, access track, and approach has been constructed here. Harbour Board Legislation. The Acts enumerated below affecting harbour, legislation were passed during the year, and the various Bills were investigated by the Department before presentation to Parliament:— The Grey-mouth Harbour Board Loan Act, 1940, authorized the Board to borrow £10,000 for the purchase of a combined sounding launch and tug. The Mokau Harbour Act, 1940, provided, for the dissolving of the Board as a separate entity and transferred its functions to the Waitonio County Council. The Waitara Harbour Act, 1940, dissolved the Board as from the Ist of April, 1941, and provided for the disposal of the assets to the Waitara Borough Council and the New Plymouth Harbour Board, whose constitution has been amended to provide for two additional members. In addition to the above legislation, sections dealing with the Harbour Board legislation in other Acts are mentioned below. (a) The Local Legislation Act, 1940.—Section 28 validated the payment of a compassionate allowance of £50 to J. K. McAlpine, a member of the Board, for injuries caused by an accident. Section 29 validated the expenditure of £12 9s. lOd. in commemorating the inauguration of the Empire and Pan-American airways service to Auckland. Section 30 validated certain leases granted by the Oamaru Harbour Board which could not be registered owing to the provisions of the Public Works Act, 1928.



Section 31 authorized the"Napier Harbour Board to sell certain areas of land to the Napier Borough Council. Section 32 authorized the Napier Harbour Board to exclude from its powers of salei-Certain- land, and to include other lands in its power to sell. (b) The Reserves and other Lands Dis-posal Act, 1940. —Section 6 transferred part of Opunake Harbour Board endowment to the Opunake Domain Board. (c) The Statutes Amendment Act, 1940. —Section 3 : Amending the By-laws Act, 191'0, to .provide for the issues of licenses for part of a year and for the apportionment of the fees charged, Section 4 amended the Chattels Transfer Act, 1924, to enable the transfer or assignment' of vessels not required to be registered under the provisions of the Merchant Shipping Act, 1894"( Imperial), to be registered under the Chattels Transfer Act, 1924. Section 12 amended the Harbours Act, 1923, to enable Boards to insure members of Boards against personal accident while engaged in duties. (d) In addition to the above legislation, alterations were made by Orders in Council affecting' the representation of certain districts electing members to the Auckland and Lyttelton Harbour Boards.- : (e) The Foreshore License Regulations 1940 were made for the purpose of saving space in the Gazette, and these regulations thus prevent the repetition of similar conditions in each license issued. (/) In order that the Bay of Islands Harbour Board might recoup itself for the expense involved in erecting and maintaining certain beacons, an Order in Council was issued authorizing .the Board to charge a harbour-light due of Jd. per ton register on each vessel passing the beacon. (g) The General Harbour Regulations were amended— (a) To remove the severe restriction on the handling of explosives carried in ships : (b) To enable Harbourmasters to regulate the placing of moorings in harbours : (e) To authorize Harbourmasters to permit the discharge of petrol from tank ships after daylight hours. Adjustment and Inspection of Ships' Compasses. . ( The regulations for the adjustment of compasses have been carefully administered, and compasses continue to be maintained in a good state of efficiency. The results of the investigations of adjustments show that the work of the Inspectors and Adjusters has been carefully performed. >11 Admiralty Charts. The Department acts as agent for the sale of Admiralty charts and maintains a stb'c'k at Head Office and at the Mercantile Marine offices at Auckland, Wellington, Lyttelton, and Diitiedin. The stock includes all charts of the Dominion and also a considerable portion of the world which practically includes passages to all places where now regular traders are likely to go after discharging in the Dominion. A supply of 355 different charts is maintained to meet normal demands. The supplies until recently have been considerably affected by shipping losses, and at times it has not been possible to fully meet the demands of shipping and other Government Departments. In some cases where, ships had been diverted to unforeseen routes it was possible to help by the loan of reference, charts , and sailing directions. The charts after their receipt are periodically corrected to date, and, to ensure that .purchasers receive any further information received between the dates of correction, a list of notices to Mariners affecting the charts is maintained at each office for inspection. The sales last year amounted to 1,787 copies, an increase of 21 -4 per cent, for the year. Examination of Masters and Mates. ;»*!> ; During the year examinations were held in Auckland and Wellington on the scheduled dates. Examinations were also held in Wellington on many other dates to meet the convenience o'f candidates who, for some reason or other, were unable to present themselves on the due date. Examinations' were conducted in a satisfactory manner and, in the case of foreign-going certificates, in a6cordance with the requirements of the Imperial Ministry of Shipping. The regulations governing the examinations have been revised and should be published shortly. Amendments made to them provide for the acceptance of service in His Majesty's ships and other ships of war, and a reduction in the age-limit from twenty to nineteen for candidates for service as second mate (foreign going) and mate (home trade). Provision has also been made whereby officers illthe Royal Naval Reserve who are prevented by the exigencies of war service from presenting themselves for examination for first mate oil Completion of the required period of qualifying- service may count further service as qualifying for master. Inquiries have been forwarded to the Ministry of Shipping concerning statements appearing ill various publications about wartime alteration to- the regulations in Great Britain, and afe soon as confirmation is received similar alterations, so far as is 'necessary to comply with Imperial requirements, will be introduced. The number of examinations, 225, shows an increase on last Vear of 29 per cent. ; the percentage for foreign-going and home-trade certificates is as follows—Foreign going : Full pass, 45-3 ; partial pass, 35-9; failure, 18-8. Home trade: Full pass, 65-8; 'partial pass, 21-0; failure, 13-2. Two candidates passed for fore-and-aft sailing-ship endorsement and 1 for extra 'Master. Fifty-four yachtsmen passed for a certificate as "Master of a Pleasure Yacht in New Zealand Waters " ; all of them went in for the certificate with the intention elf joining the Royal Naval Volunteer Reserve.



Examination for Form and Colour Vision. These examinations are held at Auckland, Wellington, Lyttelton, and Dunedin. During the year 94 candidates were examined, of whom 8 failed. " New Zealand Nautical Almanac and Tide Tables." This publication for 1941 (thirty-ninth edition) was issued for sale on the due date, Ist November. The publication provides mariners and others with much necessary and useful information, in addition to sailing directions and information concerning various ports of the Dominion. Port information is corrected by the various Harbour Boards, and at the time of going to press, about the middle of October, is the latest available. Subsequent alterations are made by Notices to Mariners. Notices to Mariners. Fifty-three Notices to Mariners concerning changes in navigational aids, dangers to navigation, and other general information for the use of mariners were published during the year. Engagement of Seamen. This service has been maintained. A record of seamen applying for work is kept for the purpose of filling vacancies. Sick and Injured Seamen. The total amount paid by shipowners to sick and injured seamen under the provisions of the Shipping and Seamen Act, 1908, and its amendments, was £18,564 12s. 4d., as against £16,567 Ob. 9d. for the previous year, an increase of £1,997 lis. 7d. Registration of Shipping. On the 31st December, 1940, there were on the register of vessels in the Dominion 47 sailing-vessels of 3,592 net tons register, 144 steamers of 75,102 net tons register, and 305 motor-vessels of 20,095 net tons register, as compared with 48 sailing-vessels of 4,288 net tons register, 155 steamers of 76,905 net tons register, and 301 motor-vessels of 19,926 net tons register at the end of the previous year. The number of seamen employed on board was 2,990, as compared with 2,954 for the year 1939. Survey of Ships. The following table shows the number of certificates issued to ships during the year, the figures for the previous year being shown in parentheses : — Sea-going steam and motor ships .. ... .. 150 (158) Restricted limit steam and motor ships . . .. . . 327 (345) Total certificates .. .. .. .. 477 (503) Two sea-going steamships not previously surveyed in the Dominion were surveyed and certificated during the year. For the first time for many years, no new ships from abroad or new ships built in New Zealand were surveyed for sea-going certificates. Six restricted-limits ships, all of which were new, were surveyed for the first time for the issue of certificates. One ship, " Manuwai," is a small tug 42-9 ft. long by 12'3 ft. beam built by the owners, Messrs. Roose Shipping Co., at Mercer, for towing services on the Waikato River. The construction of this small ship was of particular interest. Butts and seams in plating and hull structure, including stem and stern frame, were welded by the electric-welding process. This is the first all-welded ship built in the Dominion to the Department's requirements. The " Manuwai "is single screw, and is powered with a six-cylinder Diesel engine of 132 b.h.p. supplied by Messrs. Bergius Co., Ltd., Glasgow. Another small tug, " Maro," 47-5 ft. long by 12*9 ft. beam, was built of wood by the Colonial Sugar Refining Co., Ltd., Auckland, and is used in the company's towing workin Auckland Harbour. She is powered with a single set of eight-cylinder Diesel engines of 136 b.h.p. supplied by Messrs. L. Gardner and Sons, Ltd., Patricroft, England. A new oyster-trawler, s.s. " Torea," was built at Auckland for the Stewart Island Canneries, Ltd., Invercargill, and is now engaged in the oyster-dredging industry out of Bluff. Her registered dimensions are: Length, 64-75 ft.; breadth, 17-16 ft.,; and depth, 7-38 ft. ; and her tonnage is 42 tons gross and 13-1 tons register. She is of composite construction with frames, floors, and deck beams of steel, and stem, keel, stern frame, and hull planking of wood. " Torea " is powered with steamengines and boiler formerly used in s.s. " Omaua." A new steel tug, " Lyttelton 11," owned by the Lyttelton Harbour Board, was surveyed for the first time during the year. The ship arrived in New Zealand in June, 1939, and carried on in service for twelve months from the date of completion of building under a classification certificate issued by Lloyd's register of shipping. " Lyttelton 11 " is a very handy tug of 303 tons gross and 106 tons register built by Messrs. Lobnitz and Co., Ltd, Glasgow. She is twin screw, and powered with steam-engines of 1,250 i.h.p. receiving steam from two Scotch boilers designed for a pressure of 200 lb. per square inch, and working at 180 lb. per square inch. The ship is fully equipped for fire-fighting and salvage services. In addition to the annual surveys, 228 seaworthiness, efficiency, and tonnage surveys were made during the year. Thirty-one seaworthiness and efficiency surveys were made to overseas vessels not registered or normally surveyed in the Dominion. Three of these surveys were connected with very extensive hull damage sustained in collisions at sea under war conditions. The repairs required in each case were of a major nature, and complete repairs were satisfactorily carried out by engineering firms at Wellington and Auckland.



Inspection of Machinery. The following statement shows the number of inspections of fired boilers, unfired steam-pressure vessels, and air-receivers made during the year, the corresponding figures for the previous year being shown in parentheses : — Fired boilers .. .. .. .. ..4,553 (4,778) Unfired steam-pressure vessels .. . . 4,329 (4,245) Air-receivers . . .. .. .. .. 2,127 (1,078) Total inspections.. .. .. .. 11,009 (10,101) The inspections include 89 new power boilers, aggregating 1,789 horse-power, manufactured within the Dominion, and 22 new power boilers, aggregating 602 horse-power, imported from abroad. They also include 189 new steam-pressure vessels and 50 new air-receivers manufactured within the Dominion and 216 new steam-pressure vessels and 29 new air-receivers imported from abroad. The total number of new boilers, pressure vessels, and air-receivers put into service during the year was 595, against 654 for the previous year. The figures for inspections show a comparatively large increase in the number of inspections of air-receivers. This is due to an alteration in the method of reporting air-receivers of 5 cubic feet capacity or less. Hitherto small receivers of this class were included in the general report of a machinery plant and in the certificate issued for a plant. In a new fees, schedule gazetted in June, 1940, separate fees were charged for small air-receivers, and since Ist July, 1940, they have been separately reported and certificated. No explosions of boilers, pressure vessels, or air-receivers certificated by the Department occurred during the year. Machinery. The following statement shows the number of inspections of machines, machinery plants, lifts, hoists, cranes, and tractors made during the year, the corresponding figures for the previous year being shown in parentheses : — Machines not driven by steam power in 10,920 (11,233) plants 76,406 (77,450) Machines driven by steam power in 2,036 (2,219) plants .. 10,211 (10,987) Electric-power-supply stations .. .. .. .. 151 (150) Lifts.. .. .. .. .. .. .. 3,323 (3,398) Cranes .. .. .. .. .. .. 500 (513) Hoists .. .. .. .. .. .. 1,618 (1,599) Tractors .. .. .. .. .. .. 371 (360) Total inspections .. .. .. .. 92,580 (94,457) Included in the inspections are forty-one lifts and forty power cranes inspected for the first time. Among the new lifts, it is interesting to note, were two full automata passenger-lifts designed and manufactured in New Zealand. They were the first lifts of this type to be made in the Dominion. The numbers of accidents reported during the year in connection with boilers, pressure vessels, and power-driven machinery were 5 fatal and 101 non-fatal. The corresponding figures for the previous year were 4 fetal and 129 non-fatal accidents. In each case the circumstances of the accident were fully reported by a district Inspector of Machinery, and the matter was not closed until the Department was satisfied that all practicable steps had been taken to improve safeguards and eliminate hazards likely to cause accidents with the machine or similar machines. It is unfortunate that in many cases the accidents were due to lack of care or inexperience on the part of the operators, and no practical improvements could be made. The following are brief accounts of the five fatal accidents compiled from the reports : —• (1) A flock-teasing machine was altered to suit the owner's requirements and, during the trial run, a cast iron drum burst when revolving at a speed of 800 revolutions per minute. A portion of the flying material struck a workman on the leg and caused injuries which led to death. The peripheral speed of the drum at the time of the accident was unsafe for material of cast iron, and the owners were advised that if a machine of similar design were made, the drum must be of oast steel. (2) A typical breaking-down saw used in New Zealand sawmills consists of twin circular saws, one of which is arranged to work directly above the other. The saws are exposed, but there is little danger in normal working as the operators stand at the side well clear of the machine. In a northern mill the steam-engine had just been stopped, but before the machinery had come to rest a workman passed between a log on the platform of the breaking-down machine and the saws. The lower saw caught a portion of his clothing and drew him to the blade, with fatal results. There are no practical mechanical means of safeguarding an accident in such circumstances. (3) During oil-well-boring operations in Hawke's Bay a rotary drill jammed. The machinery was stopped, and with the aid of a large spanner endeavours were made to reverse the motion and release the drill. Unfortunately a pawl within the power-transmission mechanism became disengaged under the unusually heavy load, and the spanner, swinging round, struck a workman and caused instant death. The pawl was a little worn at its leading edges, and failure may have been due partly to its condition and partly to the abnormal load it was carrying at the time of the accident. At the same time, it is not known whether the pawl was properly home. Steps were taken to recondition the pawl and to ensure that the pawl would, in future, drop properly into position. (4) During roadmaking operations a large stone jammed in the lower portion of the hopper of a power-driven stone-crushing plant. The attendant attempted to clear the obstruction with a steel bar when a portion of the stone, split by the action of the crusher hammers, flew back through the



hopper opening and struck him on the throat. The injuries received proved fatal. The accident was of an unusual nature. It would not have happened had the machine been stopped before an 'Attempt wa'S made to clear the obstruction. (s') At aii Auckland quarry a belt was Used for conveying stone. The conveyor was about B,ft, from the ground, and a wooden guard Was fitted to within a few inches of the underside of the belt. A maintenaiicfi mechanic observed that some loose metal had got on the underside of the belt and endeavoured'to clear it by hand while the machine was running. His arm was caught between belt and pulley and was torn off from the shoulder. He died in hospital from shock and htemorrhage. In view of the circumstances of the accident, the safeguards have been improved to prevent the unsafe practice of clearing the belt whilst in motion. . -The number of non-fatal accidents, 101, is somewhat less than the number reported during the .previous folii years. The average number reported during these years was 135. In 73 per cent, of .the accidents, injuries were received to the lingers and hands. In two cases the injuries received led to the amputation of an arm, and in one case a foot was lost. On the whole, the number of distressing accidents was less than in previous years. Woodworking machinery was responsible for 31 accidents out of the total of 101, and of these, 17 accidents were due to circular saws, 6 to planers, ■2 to: shapersi and moulders, 2to transmission machinery, and sto other types of machinery. The circular! sawiwifth a total of 20 accidents in all industries again proves to be the most hazardous machine ,in use .in Industry. It is followed closely with the power press, which accounted for 17 accidents during the. year. The power press is widely used in a number of industries, and the number of accidents reported from year to year indicates that the dangers connected with this class of machine are not fully appreciated by employers, foremen, and press operators. The accidents are in many cases serious, and usually result in the loss of fingers or other permanent mutilation of the hands. The majority of accidents may be attributed to the use of inefficient, or defective guards, failure to use the guards provided, tripping the operating mechanism before the hands are clear of the tools, and the press ram falling when it should remain at the top of its stroke or making an unexpected repeat stroke. ■The hazards'jnay be reduced by proper instruction of press operators, supervision by competent foremen, discipline, thorough maintenance of clutches, brakes, and other running mechanism of the machine. With the development of secondary industries in the Dominion under war conditions, it is expected that increasedi use will be made of the power press. The inspecting staff are fully informed as to the best accident preventive measures, and particular attention is given to the guarding and maintenance of this class of machine. A new safety poster directed to power-press operators was published and widely circulated to machinery-owners during the year. The poster is plainly printed, and advises a check up cvf pyess and guard before the machine is started.up. It also directs that anything that does not seem right should he reported without fail. A second new safety poster was also printed and circulated during the year. It is of a generalpurpose mature, directed to all machinery operators, and instructs that they should make sure that guards are. in position and properly adjusted before starting machinery. A danger notice calling attention to all dangerous practices connected with running machinery and quoting a section of the Inspection of Machinery Act relating to the guarding of machinery was printed in two colours and distributed during the year. The safety poster is regarded as one of the most important means, next to mechanical safeguards, that cftri be adopted for the prevention of accidents. It can be said that no one lives safely these days : 'it is true some are exposed to great risks and live dangerously. No one, however, need live foolishly. The poster is a reminder.of the many accidents due to foolish and careless actions. Owing to the hecessity for the most efficient use of man-power, the. work of accident-prevention is more important 'at'present'tjian in times of peace. The following table shows the number of accidents, both fatal and non-fatal, which occurred 'during'the year. The various machines at which the majority of the accidents occurred are mentioned, together with the leading industries in which they are engaged : —


' : i : ' ' ' ll tfo' bo t? . j« .2 ? , : .2 5P ■< ■ .S'S .• & g . £ .s . arg -5 Is . S3 S o ••• Mft'iMnes. ' |g- ' f ti, ' 2-| ' £ If a "2 45 II a ■■ | I Z% $ I ■ | £ ®. ■'»■ *J 1 •§ -a IS i I «1 1 I 3 .1- I 1 wgn ■'■<■ 'ii T : ■ 7 ~ : "~1 : 'Circular sawb .. .. 17 1 1 .. 1 .. '.. j .... 20 Other saw* .. .. .. .. : .. .. .. .. | .. J iPlftweasi •• •• 6' .. | j. .. .. .. j .. 6 Shapers and moulders . . 2 ...... . . ' . . - .. ". ; . . . . 2 PoWMJ'ptfesiSiiji 5 .. .. .. .. .. 2 9 .. I 6 1 17 Quilldtihe's' ,l '' .. .. .. .. .. .. j .. .. .. .. I 2 j 2 Lautidry' 1 '" ,ij: .. .. • .. - .; V. ' .. .. .. ! .. ' BuCciters'' miheers .. .. .. .... .. .. 1 .. .. .. 1 Lifts 1 .••"'«(! .. .... .. .. .. j .. .. 1 1 •Gwhes'-'ftiUS 1 hcftsts ■ .. .. .. .. .. Belting ..' .. ' .. .. .. .. j .. ,. .. | .. 4 4 Shafting .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . . | ,. .. 1 1 Ge&ring ! ,J '' 1 .. . . 2 .. 'j 1 .. 1 4 Other MaCfriflea .. .. 5 4,4 1 2 .. .. | •" 4 1 27 48 .{ t i «' m . j; i ! ;;•( ) ' • 1 ' i __J Total (industries) . . 32 5 5 3 12 .. 1 I 5 1 42 106


New Zealand Standards; ,/ The Department was again represented on the Mechanical Engineering Divisional Committee, the Executive Committee, and Fire-extinguishing Sub-committee of the New Zealand Standards Institute, and numerous meetings of these Committees were, attended throughout the year. In addition, a number of draft and standard specifications were examined and written comments furnished. General Harbour Regulations. The number of accidents to persons engaged in loading or discharging or repairing ships, together with the failures of gear used in loading or unloading ships, notified under Regulation 103 of the General Harbour Regulations, was 305, of which 5 were fatal accidents. The corresponding figure last year was 270, of which 2 were fatal accidents. The following is a classification of the accidents and failures :— Handling goods .. t . .. .. .. .. .. 134 Persons falling or slipping .. .. .. .. .. 38 Persons struck by falling or swinging loads .. .. .. 72 Persons stepping on or striking fixed objects .. .. .. .. 6 Contact with power-driven machines .. .. .. .. .. 3 Failures of gear .. .. .. .. .. .. 34 Not otherwise classified .. .. .. .. .. .. 18 Total .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 305 Staff. The office and field staffs at Auckland and Wellington, and to a lesser extent at some other ports, have been engaged in additional duties connected with the fitting-out of transports and the hospital ship, conversion of merchant ships to naval requirements, construction of mine-sweepers and other naval craft, and purchase of ships requisitioned for defence purposes. Mr. H. McGregor, Inspector of Machinery, Auckland, retired for medical reasons during the year. Several members of the staff who have the opportunity to do so by the kind assistance given by electric-welding specialists are practising the art of electric welding in their own time. They propose to continue until they reach the standard of competency of that of a qualified welding operator. The practical knowledge thus gained will be very valuable to them in their inspection of welded work. Examinations of Land Engineers, Engine-drivers, and Electric-tram Drivers. These examinations were held during the year at the various offices of the Inspectors of Machinery throughout the Dominion at the regular intervals provided for in the regulations. In addition, a few special examinations were granted, but the holding of special examinations is not encouraged, as it is considered that the regular examinations are of sufficient frequency, and, except in very exceptional circumstances, candidates are expected to arrange that they may attend the scheduled examinations. The full list of places where the examinations were held is shown in an appended return, as also is the number of candidates examined at each place. The classes of certificates for which examinations were held were— Extra First-class Stationary Engineer. Electric-winding-engine Driver. Steam-winding-engine Driver. First-class Engine-driver. Second-class Engine-driver. Locomotive-engine Driver. Traction-engine Driver. Locomotive- and Traction-engine Driver. Electric-tram Driver. Electric-tram Driver (One-man Car). The total number of candidates examined was 379. Of this number, 293 were successful and 86 failed in their examinations. Three hundred and sixty-five certificates were issued, which includes 293 to successful candidates, the remainder being replacements and issues under the provisions of sections 53, 59, and 62 of the Inspection of Machinery Act, 1928. Examination of Marine Engineers. Since October, 1939, candidates have been able to sit for Imperial validity certificates under one of two systems of examination as they so desired. For the purpose of this report, they will be called the old system and the new system. During the year, 169 candidates were examined for Marine Engineer's Certificates of Competency at the various centres throughout the Dominion. Of these, 55 candidates were examined for Firsthand Second-class Certificates of Imperial validity and 57 candidates for Third-class and Coastal Motor Certificates of New Zealand validity.

2—H. 15.



Candidates sitting for Imperial certificates were 18 under the old system, of which 10 were successful and 8 unsuccessful, and 9 under the new system, of which 4 were successful, 2 partly successful, and 3 unsuccessful. Of the 19 candidates under the old system for Second-class, 11 were successful and 8 unsuccessful. Of the remaining 9 under the new system, 1 was successful, 5 partly successful, and 3 were unsuccessful in the examination. Candidates for Certificates of New Zealand validity : 39 candidates were examined for Third-class, 33 being successful and 6 unsuccessful. Of the ] 4 candidates for Second-class Coastal Motor, all were successful at the first attempt. Of the 4 candidates for First-class Coastal Motor Examination, all were successful at the first attempt. Attempts for First-class Certificates of Imperial validity: The above particulars under both systems are comprised of 6 candidates for Steam Certificate, of whom 3 were successful; 10 candidates for Motor Certificates, of whom 6 were successful; G candidates for Motor Endorsement, of whom 5 were successful; and 5 candidates partly passed the examination. Attempts for Second-class Certificate of Imperial validity : The foregoing return for both systems comprised 12 candidates for Steam Certificates, of whom 9 were successful; 8 candidates for Motor Certificates, of whom 3 were successful, 5 candidates partly passed in the examination; and 1 Steam Endorsement failed. The summary for First-, Second-, and Third-class Examination : 57 per cent, passed for certificates > 43 per cent, partly passed or failed. The remaining 57 candidates were examined for River Engineer and Restricted-limits P.V.O.S. Certificates of Competency ; of these 2 were successful for steam-driven vessels plying within restricted limits, and of the 55, 54 were successful for service in vessels plying wit bin restricted limits propelled by some motive power other than steam. In order that the new system of examination could be brought into operation with a minimum amount of interference with the arrangements of candidates and of the schools, the old system of examination was continued together •with the ikSW system as from October, 1959. Since then,, however, there has been an increasing number of candidates under the new system, with a corresponding decrease of candidates iinder the old system. The Marine Department have decided that on and from Ist April, 1941, these examinations shall be conducted under the new system only. Examination under the old system therefore ceased at the end of the financial year, 31st March, 1941. Specimen papers of the new Examination for Imperial Validity Certificates, also specimen papers for First-class and Second-class Coastal Motor and Third-class Marine Examination, have been printed for candidates' who desire them, and niay he obtained from the Marine Department for' 4d. pet copy. Examination for First-, Second-, and Third-class Certificates are held at the four main centres only. Examination for Certificates of Competency, Restricted Limits, P;V.O.S., River Engineer, and Marine-engine Driver are held at the fifteen centres throughout the Dominion. Prosecutions. Prosecutions instituted under the various statutes by the Department during the year amounted to 57 cases. Those instituted under the Fisheries Act comprised 4G cases, under the Inspection of Machinery Act, 6 cases, and under the Shipping and Seamen Act, 5 cases. Fisheries. The working of the Fisheries Branch of the Department is included in the separate report from the Chief Inspector of Fisheries and Director of Fishery Research, Staff. The work of the Department has been facilitated to a marked degree by the transfet to the present accommodation in the T. and G. Buildings. Normal business of the Department, augmented by much war emergency work, has required an additional effort on the part of the staff, who have responded meritoriously both at Head Office and the district branches. Their efforts and support during the year are appreciated, I have, &c., L. B. Campbell, Secretary. ANNUAL REPORT ON FISHERIES FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31st MARCH, 1941. The Dominion fishing industry may now be regarded as more or less settled down under the regime introduced by the Industrial Efficiency Regulations of 28th September, 1939, which came into force on Ist January, 1940. Under these regulations every fisherman is obliged to take out a license, issued by the Bureau of Industry, Department of Industries and Commerce. The granting of a license is subject to conditions which iimit the licensee to certain methods of fishing and may also place restrictions on the locality of operations and the port of landing. Other aspects of Bureau of Industry control in connection with licenses foT the retail, wholesale, canning, and export trades in fish are outside the field of this Department's administrative responsibilities (Ivhich are laid down by the Fisheries Act, 1908, and Amendments thereto) and are only of irtdifeet



interest. Contact between the two Departments is maintained chiefly in the person of the Senior Fishery Officer, Mr. M. W. Young, whose work as a member of the Fishery Advisory Committee has been a major occupation during the year. More recently Mr. Young has been working on an interdepartmental committee appointed by the Minister of Supply to report and advise on the question of a fish-canning industry in the Dominion, a question in which the availability and geographical location of suitable supplies of fish and the best method of harvesting them are problems of fundamental importance. New, though somewhat tentative, developments in fish-canning have already taken place which will doubtless be reported upon by the appropriate Department. No special sea fisheries for the Bupply of material entirely for canning operations have yet been established in this country. The utilization of fish-livers for the extraction of medicinal oil has been taken up on a small scale, and it is understood that as a result of the preliminary experimental work there is a likelihood of the establishment of a definite industry. Some of our New Zealand fish, such as ling, groper, and various shark species, yield liver-oils which compare favourably or more than favourably with the now universally appreciated cod-liver oil. Problems of supplies of raw material and its processing are the difficulties which have to be overcome. The quantities and values of the principal classes of fishery products, estimated from returns received from the various ports, for the year are as follows : — Quantity. Value. Wet fish .. .. - .. .. 328,594 cwt. 440,308 Whitebait .. .. .. .. .. 3,982 cwt. 31,321 Oysters^ Dredged .. .. .. .. .. 65,993 sacks 47,846 Rock .. .. .. .. .. 5,782 sacks 7,950 Mussels .. .. .. .. .. 18,088 sacks 6,355 Crayfish .. .. .. .. .. 10,615 cwt. 14,957 Toheroa (canned products) .. .. .. 169,5761b. 10,071 Whale products^— Oil .. .. .. .. 654 tons 18,000 Bone-dust .. .. .. .. .. 30 tons 70 Quinnat salmon (taken by selling licensees) Netted fish .. .. .. .. .. 1,3431b. 1 Angled fish .. .. .. .. .. 3,7511b. / Total values.. .. .. .. .. £577,133 I(i comparison with the figures for the previous year, the total quantity of wet fish landed shows a decline of 10,637 cwt. and 3-1 per cent, in value. This falling off in the total quantity of wet fish landed is exceeded by the decline in landings at Auckland. The position caused by the loss of four steam-trawlers has been eased to a certaiji extent by increased Danish-seine catches at Auckland and considerably increased trawler landings at Lyttelton and Port Chalmers. Dredge-oyster supplies from Foveaux Strait show a decrease of 9,152 sacks, or 12-2 per cent., with a corresponding percentage decrease in value. The quantity of rock oysters taken decreased by 148 sacks (444 bushels), or 2-5 per cent. Commercial landings of mussels show an increase of 8-8 per cent, in quantity and 10-5 per cent, in value. Crayfish landings have increased in weight by 31-5 per cent, and in value by 32-1 per cent. Fishing-vessels : Landings and Methods of Capture. Particulars regarding the fishing-fleet at each port are given in Table I. The total number of fishing-vessels licensed during the official year was 822, which is 98 (13-5 per cent.) in excess of the number licensed in the previous year. The value of the fishing-fleet—that is, vessels in operation as fishing-boats^—as at 31st December, 1940, the last day of the licensing year, is estimated at £428,079, or, with the value of fishery gear added, £476,104. The number of licensed steam-vessels increased from 9 to 13, motor-Vessels from 549 to 678, while row-boats decreased from 166 to 131. An analysis according to size, classes, and manner of propulsion, of the vessels is given below. The numbers in parentheses are those for the previous year.


Length vessel! Row-boats. Total. Under 15 ft 22 (19) 55 ,(84) 77 (103) 15 ft. to 25 ft. .. .. .. .. 141 (136) 76 (82) 217 (218) 26 ft. to 35 ft. .. .. .. .. 277 (228) .. 277 (228) 36 ft. to 45 ft. ,, 194 (131) .. 194 (131) Over 45 ft 13 (9) 44 (35) .. 57 (44) Totals .. .. .. 13 (9) 678 (549) 131 (166) 822 (724)


The quantities of the different kinds or classes of fish constituting the grand, total of all wet fish landed for the year, together with their value, are shown below in order of abundance

Snapper still stands well at the head of the list in order of both relative abundance and value. The total catch of this species, however, has diminished by 16,203 cwt., or by 12-2 per cent., in comparison with last year's total, and represents 35-56 per cent, of all the wet fish landed in the Dominion, as against 39-22 per cent, last year. Tarakihi, which comes second in order of abundance, has fallen from 14-51 to 13-8 per cent, of the total catch ; and groper, the third most important species, has decreased by 2,567 cwt., or 8-3 per cent. Another decrease of note occurred with blue cod, which is down by 4,588 cwt. or 16-3 per cent. Improved total yeilds are shown for flounder, 3,439 cwt., or 17-9 per cent. ; gurnard, 3,104 cwt., or 35-3 per cent. ; elephant-fish, 1,267 cwt., or 33-1 per cent, barracouta, 1,047 cwt., or 28-8 per cent. ; and hake, 923 cwt., or 27-4 per cent. With reference to the increase in the total crayfish catch, which no doubt was influenced by the lifting of the restriction on the taking of berried female crayfish in July of last year, the Wellington landings exceeded those of the previous year by 64-7 per cent., Karitane landings improved by 88-8 per cent., and Akaroa by 86-4 per cent. Those at Auckland fell by 32-0 per cent?, while Napier and Moeraki showed a decline respectively of 28-7 per cent, and 4-7 per cent. Method of Capture. Of the -total catch, 39,387 cwt. (-12-0 per cent.) was landed from steam-vessels (principally trawling), motor-vessels accounted for 285,612 cwt. (86-9 per cent.), and row-boats 3,595 cwt. (1-1 per cent.).


Quantity. Value. Kind or Clasa of Fish. ——— ; —— — : Hundredweight. Percentage of Total. £ Percentage of Total. Snapper .. .. 116,854 35-56 114,221 25-95 Tarakihi .. .. 45,334 13-80 53,103 12-07 Groper.. .. .. 28,283 8-61 57,873 13-14 Blue cod .. .. 23,500 7-15 34,436 7-82 Flounder .. .. 22,611 6-88 57,487 13-05 Sole .. .. .. 14,682 4-47 30,987 7-03 Gurnard .. .. 11,908 3-62 9,908 2-26 Mixed round fish .. 11,671 3-55 11,931 2-71 Ling .. .. .. 8,750 2-66 12,250 2-78 Mixed flat fish .. .. 7,954 2-42 17,944 4-08 Red cod .. .. 6,011 1-83 5,527 1-26 Elephant-fish .. .. 5,089 1-55 6,302 1 • 44 Barracouta .. .. 4,677 1-42 1,856 0-42 Hake .. .. .. 4,297 1-31 7,585 1-72 Mullet .. .. .. 4,099 1-25 4,176 0-95 Moki .. .. .. 2,629 0-80 3,225 0-74 Sardine.. .. .. 1,830 0-56 1,308 0-29 Kingfish .. .. 1,669 0-51 1,592 0-36 Pioke 1,545 0-47 752 0-17 Butterfish .. .. 1,246 0-38 3,021 0-69 Warehou .. .. 1,080 0-33 1,134 0-25 Trevally .. .. 836 0-25 854 0-19 Whiting .. .. 745 0-23 1,248 0-29 Trumpeter .. .. 335 0-10 609 0-13 Kahawai .. .. 257 0-08 . 108 0-02 Garfish .. .. 121 0-04 63 0-02 Whiptail .. .. J12 0.-04 158 0-03 Conger-eel .. .. 96 0-03 46 0-02 John-dory .. .. 77 0-02 119 0-02 Mackerel .. .. 75 0-02 47 0-01 Bonita .. .. .. 69 0-02 159 0-03 Skate .. .. .. 63 0-02 33 0-01 Herring .. .. 42 0-01 58 0-01 Brill .. .. .. 30 0-01 99 0-03 Frost-fish .... 10 .. 11 0-01 Parore ...... 3 Maomao .... 2 ,. 2 Turbot...... 2 .. 4 Totals .. .. 328,594 .. 440,308


The total fish caught by each of the more important methods of fishing is shown in the following analysis : —

Compared with the quantities for the year 1939-40, trawl-caught fish declined from 94,765 cwt. to 86,818 cwt., and long- and hand-line catches from 85,808 cwt. to 82,441 cwt., and set- and drag-net or seine fish from 31,956 cwt. to 28,159 cwt., while Danish-seine-caught fish increased from 126,702 cwt. to 131,176 cwt. Three-fifths of the trawl catch was made up of tarakihi, sole, gurnard, and snapper, the respective percentages being 35-3, 15-8, 7-1, and 1-8. Of the Danish-seine catch, 70-8 per cent, was made up of snapper, while tarakihi formed a further 10-8 per cent. Flounders, snapper, and mullet were the principal species in the set net and drag-net landings, contributing together 69-7 per cent, of the total landed, while groper, blue cod, and snapper headed the lino catches, the percentages being 32-9, 28-5, and 19-4 respectively. Landings at Ports. Of the total quantity of wet fish taken, 38-1 per cent, was landed at Auckland (excluding Manukau and Coromandel). The most important increases occurred at Port Chalmers, 12,241 cwt., or 106-3 per cent.; Lyttelton, 3,059 cwt., or 29-0 per cent. ; Napier, 2,724 cwt., or 19-8 per cent. ; Nelson, 1,813 cwt., or 46-6 per cent.; Stewart Island, 1,460 cwt., or 14-8 per cent. ; and Paremata, 1,098 cwt., or 87-1 per cent. The principle decreases were : Auckland, 13,028 cwt., or 9-4 per cent. ; Thames, 5,188 cwt., or 26-7 per cent. ; Wellington, 3,853 cwt., or 10-0 per cent.; Timaru, 2,455 cwt., or 16-4 per cent. ; and Taieri Mouth, 1-019 cwt., or 42.8 per cent. In the absence of any trawler landings at Auckland, the percentage of Danish-seined fish in the total catch has risen from 82-4 per cent, to 93-8 per cent., the actual landings by this method of fishing being 3,516 cwt. in excess of those in the previous year. The line boats also brought in increased catches compared with those in 1939-40, especially in regard to kingfisk (for canning), the actual increase of this species expressed as a percentage being 533-2. Comparative figures for the total landings (including those from Manukau and Coromandel) and for the three categories, snapper, tarakihi, and flounder, for the last six years are given below : —

The outstanding features from tlie foregoing table are the decline in snapper and tarakihi landings and the substantial increase in the flounder catch, which total includes the category returned as " mixed flat fish." The tarakihi catch is the lowest since 1932-33. The combined returns of fish landings for Thames give a much lower total than last year, as will be seen in the following table, which gives the total quantity and value, and the landings for the two principal kinds of marketable fish, during the last six years : —


Quantity. Value. Method of Fishing. ———— — ——: —' Hundredweight. Percentage of Total. £ Percentage of Total. Trawl .. .. .. 86,818 26-4 124,163 28-2 Danish seine .. .. 131,176 39-9 144,457 32-8 Long-and hand-lines .. 82,441 25-1 126,841 28*8 Set and drag-nets or seine 28,159 8-6 44,847 10-2 Totals .. .. 328,594 .. 440,308

Fish landed at Auckland. 1936-36. 1936-37. 1937-38. 1938-39. 1939-40. 1940-41. Cwt. Cwt. Cwt. Cwt. Cwt. Cwt. Total quantity landed .. .. 129,209 159,371 140,234 150,730 140,588 127,826 Snapper.. .. .. .. 88,374 112,656 97,296 107,252 101,006 91,715 Tarakihi .. .. .. 18,100 24,966 24,240 22,530 20,981 13,185 Flounders (including dabs) .. .. 7,560 3,743 4,968 7,082 8,680 13,379

I [ I I I Fish landed at Thames. j 1935-36. 1936-37. | 1937-38. 1938-39. 1939-40. 1940-41. —. . . _ . _ Cwt. Cwt. Cwt. Cwt. Cwt. Cwt. Total wet fish .. .. .. .. 19,134 15,447 18,692 17,199 19,399 14,211 Snapper .. .. .. 14,053 11,356 13,400 11,123 14,153 7,891 Flounder (including dabs and mixed flat fish) 3,305 3,216 3,998 5,157 4,331 5,335 Total value 14,593 16,690 23,174 23,616 24,501 21,252


Snapper landings, 44-2 per cent, lower than in 1939-40, were the poorest since 1932-33, and incidentally one has to go back to this year to find a better flounder catch. There has been little change at Tauranga, but the Gisborne landings show an increase of 4-1 per cent, over the previous year, which, in its turn, produced 114 per cent, more than in 1938-39. Over half of the catch consisted of tarakihi landed from the trawlers. The Napier fish returns show an increase compared with the previous year, the total being 16,469 cwt., as against 13,745 cwt., the total flat-fish landings having risen by 840 cwt. and the round fish by 1,884 cwt. Trawler landings increased from 1,327 to 1,556, Danish-seine landings from 215 to 254, and line landings from 639 to 706. The diminution by 3,853 cwt. of the total catch of wet fish for Wellington is exceeded by the decline in steam-trawler landings, which fell from 26,706 cwt. in 1939-40 to 17,656 cwt. in 1940-41, a difference of 9,050 cwt. Only one steam-trawler was in full-time operation, supplies from this vessel being supplemented by catches from two part-time motor-trawlers. The steam-trawlers, operating for the most part on the Cape Campbell, Kaikoura, and Castlepoint grounds, made 78 voyages, in comparison with the 124 recorded in 1939-40, and brought in 51-2 per cent, of the total quantity of fish landed. Tarakihi constituted 65-8 per cent, of the catch, red cod 104 per cent., barracouta 4-4 per cent., moki 4-3 per cent., hake 2-6 per cent., and snapper 1-7 per cent. The Italian fishing-fleet was idle for a period of six weeks, and a further restriction was] put on these vessels by the placing of Cape Campbell out of bounds; gear was sometimes in short supply and fishing operations were thus more dependent on favourable weather conditions than hitherto. Nevertheless, the year was a good one for the Wellington long-line boats. Groper landings declined, but ling and hake landings, especially the former, showed a marked increase. The ling catch, which rose by 1,150 cwt., or 137-4 per cent., is due chiefly to the more intensive fishing for this species. Improved handling of bait was an aid to the more successful catching of hake, which was in good supply in Palliser Bay, especially during the months of March, November, and October. The fish-carrier " South Sea " visited Wellington on two occasions during the early part of the year and landed a total of 2,697 cwt. of blue cod and 72 cwt. of groper, valued at £1,593, from the Chatham Islands. A decrease of 60 cwt. is recorded in the quantity of fish shipped by steamer from the French Pass, which represents a decrease of 2-3 per cent, compared with the total for the preceding year. While the blue cod, groper, and snapper landings have fallen off slightly in this area, butterfish catches have shown a fairly substantial increase. The main features of the fishery conditions for the other ports can be gathered from -the appended tables. In the Otago District the flat-fish catches were much the same in quantity as in hut the proportion of flat fish to the total quantity of fish caught was only 39-5 per cent., compared with 59-5 per cent, in the previous year. Then, however, the steam-trawler " Hananui " was only in operation for one month, whereas during the year under reviow she was fishing full time and, being a deep-sea trawler, brought in very little flat fish. Exports and Imports. The quantities and values of different classes of fishery products imported and exported are given in Table V (p. 31-32), supplied by the courtesy of the Customs Department. The total value of imports for the year, consisting almost entirely of canned fish and shell-fish, amounted to £70,415, which is the lowest on record since 1909 with the exception of the slump year 1921. It is slightly exceeded by the total of £70,926 recorded for the year 1932, which also was affected by financial depression. The total value of exported fish and shell-fish for the year is £166,353, an increase over last year's figure of £149,882, but below the totals for 1938-39 and the two preceding years. The total vatoe of exports of frozen fish (£120,734) is slightly above that of last year (£119,999). The exports of snapper have fallen to less than half, and tarakihi shows some diminution. Flounder exports have increased ; blue cod are slightly down in quantity but up in value ; and the exports of various sorts of frozen fish under the heading " other kinds " have been doubled. Among canned goods exported, oysters remain at about the same level, but whitebait, crayfish, and toheroa all show substantial increases. Rock Oysters. The picking of rock oysters for the 1940 season commenced on 15th May. The Auckland depot was open for sales on 30th May, and closed on 10th August. The condition of the oysters was, on the whole, very good and the demand throughout the season was keen. The total production for the season was 5,782 sacks. This compares well with the average for the 1930-39 decade, which was 4,605, but it falls much below the average of 6,717 for the 1920-29 decade when, it is now considered, the beds were overpicked. It seems improbable that the annual production for the market can be maintained at its present figure without risking diminution of future production unless cultivated areas are extended; but it is of no use extending the beds by artificial help unless they ca,n be adequately protected. The yield of oysters from the various areas is shown in Table 111 (page 31). It will be noticed that the beds in Whangaroa Harbour provided 24 sacks of oysters, thanks to the protection from poaching afforded by the local Inspector of Fisheries to the new stock that had been created as the result of an exceptionally good spawning season in 1934-35. Previously Whangaroa had yielded 21 sacks in 1929 and 164 sacks in 1922, but in the interim had remained for several years without surveillance.



Oyster-cultivation. The nature, locality, and cost of oyster-cultivation work undertaken during the year are shown in the statement which follows :— Area. Oyster-cultivation for the Year ended 31st March, 1941. L Bay of Islands : 7,468,000 borers and 4,570 pupus destroyed, 3,323 square yards of rock cleared of weeds, and 69 square yards cleared of dead shell. Cost, £429 Is. 11. Whangarei Harbour : 129,400 borers destroyed, 6,304 square yards cleared of grape-weed, and 1,949 square yards of mixed oyster-bearing and clean rook moved to bettor position. Cost, £54 10s. 111. Kaipara Harbour: 1,271,700 borers destroyed and 5,999 square yards of rock cleared of dead shell. Cost, £123 7s. IV. Takatu to Gull Point: 124,000 borers destroyed. Cost, £8 2s. V. Tamaki Strait: 124,000 borers and 56 pupus destroyed. Cost, £7 12s. VI. Coromandel: 808,000 borers and 5,746 pupus destroyed, 5,890 square yards of rock cleared of grape-weed, and 170 square yards of capstones distributed. Cost, £40 10s. VII. Kawau : 210 new concrete posts erected and 230 old posts cleaned. Cost, £47 Bs. XIII. Waiheke : 1,334,900 borers and 142 pupus destroyed, 7,073 square yards of rock cleared of weed, 3,381 square yards cleared of dead shell, 400 square yards of clean rock distributed, 86 yards of oyster-bearing rock moved to better position, and 200 square yards of drift-beds formed. Cost, £253 10s. XIV. Pontti : 544,000 borers and 146 pupus destroyed, 2,825 square yards cleared of giape-weed, and 1,238 square yards cleared of dead shell. Cost, £86 2s. XVI. Great Barrier Island: 282,000 borers destroyed, 100 square yards cleared of and 930 square yards of clean rock distributed. Cost, £49 7s. XVII, Whangaroa Harbour: 30,000 borers destroyed, 320 square yards cleared of grape-weed, and 75 square yards cleared of dead shell. Cost, £27 18s. Total for all areas : 12,116,000 borers and 10.660 pupus destroyed, 25,835 square yards cleared of weed, 10,762 square yards cleared of dead shell, 3,365 square yards of clean and oyster rock shifted, 170 square yards of capstones distributed, 200 square yards of drift-bed formed, 210 new concrete posts put down, and 230 old posts cleaned. Cost, £1,127 7s. Dredge Oysters. In the 1940 season, which began on Ist February and ended on 15th October, twelve oysterdredging vessels worked the Foveaux Strait grounds throughout the season and one commenced late in August. The total number of landings for the year was 1,285, the maximum number of voyages (222) being made in July and the lowest (83) in February. Seventy-nine landings were made for the first half of October at the end of the season. A box of standard size was brought into universal use foi measuring the catches on board in the course of this season. This will not only serve to minimize disputes connected with the payment of oystennen, for which reason its use was adopted, but will also make for greater accuracy in rendering returns of catches and will facilitate the compilation of accurate statistics. The estimated total quantity of oysters landed for the season was 65,993 sacks (each 3 bushels). By way of making a tentative trial of the suggestion made by oyster-fishermen that an extended season would be to their advantage and would do no harm to the fishery, the 1940 season was extended for a fortnight and did not close until 16th October. The catches at the end of the season were marked by a more than usual proportion of oysters that were spawning or about to spawn, and were thus deteriorated as to their edible quality. The spawning season for oysters in Foveaux Strait appeared this year to be somewhat in advance of its normal incidence, a phenomenon connected with variations in temperature and food conditions which is not unusual and which occurs with sufficient frequency to cause uncertainty about the correct date for opening and closing the season if such dates are fixed with reference to spawning conditions alone. However, there was also evidence of an increased proportion of oysters that were below the usual commercial standard of size, and some complaints were voiced by dealers on this account. By no means all the oysters consigned to market and sold to consumers were deficient iii size or quality. Some sacks, and some whole catches, of excellent quality were landed, but the increased proportion that fell below the average standard may be taken as an indication of a deterioration of stocks through the increased demands made on the available oyster population by intense fishing. Though further evidence by means of special investigation is desirable to enable one to come to a confident conclusion on this important question, an investigation which is unfortunately hardly possible under prevailing conditions, there is reason to believe that any substantial increase in the exploitation of these natural beds would result in depletion and subsequent economic loss. Toheroa. The toheroa stocks on both the Ninety Mile Beach and the North Kaipara Beach have shown improvement, especially the latter, since last season. Both canneries operated, and the total pack of toheroa and toheroa pulp amounted to 169,576 lb., valued at £10,071. The extended close season, in which the taking of toheroa was prohibited for twelve months, on the North Kaipara Beach, in the Bay of Plenty, and on the west coast of the Wellington Provincial District came to an end on Ist January, 1941. All the beds which had been subject to this closure showed gratifying improvement, though nowhere has there been a return to the abundance of supplies which was the rule before the days of constant visitations by motor-car parties, The conservation of toheroa stocks still calls, and must continue to call, for constant surveillance of the beaches and for restraint on the part of the beach-frequenting public. The amended regulations made on 10th December, 1940, require that no implement made of metal shall be used for digging toheroas on the beaches in the Wellington Provincial District, and the use of garden forks as well as



spades or shovels is prohibited everywhere. The daily " bag " limits per person have been maintained as before the closure, except that the daily quantity allowed to a Maori on the beaches of the Auckland Provincial District has been raised from fifty to eighty. Periodical inspections that have been made on different beaches show in most cases a promising abundance of half-grown toheroas and fair quantities of those that are about or just over the legal length of 3 in. ; but there is still a deficiency of large toheroa (over 4 in.) in many areas, and especially on the Ninety Mile Beach, which was the only one which, owing to the desire to allow the local Natives to obtain their customary food-supplies, was exempt from the general closure of 1939-40. Whitebait. The 1940 whitebait season was definitely better than that of the previous year, and only in Marlborough and Hawke's Bay was a falling off in the fishing reported. The most marked improvement was noticed in the Waikato, Westland, and Otago fisheries, and some increase was reported for Taranaki, Bay of Plenty, and Nelson districts. The estimated total catch was about 3,982 cwt. — twice the total for last season, and somewhat higher than the average for the past five years. The weather conditions were generally favourable for fishing. There is still some dissatisfaction with the control and regulation of whitebait-fishing operations in certain districts, where provision for supervision and ranging is not so good as might be desired. An effort has been made to overhaul existing regulations, which are necessarily somewhat complicated owing to the variety of conditions that have to be catered for. Owing to reduction in the inspecting staff and to present-day restriction in transport facilities, it has not been possible to do this as comprehensively as was desired. The introduction of a licensing system for commercial whitebait-fishing which would rationalize administration and facilitate our understanding of the fisheries and the factors that affect production, and which has, moreover, been strongly advocated by the majority of those who give their whole attention to whitebait-fishing as an occupation, has been under consideration. However, in view of the obvious objections to the bringing in of such a scheme under present conditions, it has been decided to defer this particular measure. A summary statement of the principal facts regarding the 1940 season, with estimated catches, is given below :—

Whitebait Fishery: 1940 Season.


Number of Fishermen. Total (Approxl- Quantity inspectors Rivers flahed. Method of Fishing. Fishing began. Best Month. mately.) caught. t/entro - j (ApproxiWholo Part mately.) Time. | Time. Cwt. Auckland .. Waikato .. .. Hand-nets .. 1st July September .. 100 50 1,083 Auckland .. Kaituna .. .. Hand-nets .. 10th July September .. 20 13 109 Auckland .. Tarawera and Rangi- Hand-nets .. 6th July Last day of Sep- 14 8 00 taiki tember Napier .. Tukituki, Ngaruroro, Set-nets .. 1st July September .. 18 30 50 Wairoa New Plymouth Waitara, Mokau, Tim- Hand and set nets 1st July September .. .. 110 58 aru, Onaero, Mimi, Waiongona, Waiwakaiho Foxton .. Manawatu.. .. Hand and set nets July .. October .. .. 19 22 Wellington .. Waikanae, Waimiha, Hand and set nets July .. October.. 20* (no return) Otaki, Waikawa, Ohau, Hokio, Rangitikei, Hutt, Ruamahanga, &c. Blenheim .. Wairau, Rose's over- Hand-nets .. October .. Mid-October .. 5 50 47 flow, Opawa, Tuamarina Nelson (Motu- Motueka, Moutere .. Hand and set nets August .. October .. 9 6 60 eka) Nelson (Takaka) Takaka, Motupipi .. Hand and set nets September October .. 6 5 32 Westport Buller, Orawaiti, Moki- Hand-nets .. September October .. 25 150 220 hinui, Big Totara, Little Totara, Nilo Greymouth .. Grey, Teremakau, Hand-nets .. September October .. 4 150 180 Cameron's, Paroa Hokitika .. Hokitika, Mahinapua, Hand and set nets August .. October.. .. 81 52 976 Totara, Waimea, Fisherman's, Fourmile, Wataroa Wataroa .. Wait a, Waiatoto, Hand and set nets September October .. 20 30 334 Wataroa, Big and Little Wanganui Christchurch.. Waimakariri, Styx, Hand and set nets August .. November 256 Ashley, Saltwater Creek, Kaiapoi, Avon, Hurunui Temuka .. Opihi, Orari . . Set-nets .. August .. November .. .. 30 26 Dunedin .. Molyneaux, Taieri, Hand-nets .. August .. October and No- 20 .. 209 Kakanui, Waipori, vember Waikouaiti, Waikawa, Shag, Tokomariro, Pleasant, Wainakarua Invercargill (no Mataura, Oreti, Apa- Hand and set nets August .. October and No- .. .. 200* return) rima, Waiau, Titiroa vember Makarewa 3,982 * Estimated total, no local return having been obtained.


Whaling. The statistical results of whaling operations each year are given in Table IV (see page 31). The year 1940 is noteworthy as having provided a record season for the Tory Channel (Marlborough Sounds) Station with a total capture of 107 humpback and 2 sperm whales killed between 9th June and 2nd September. The operations were helped by unusually favourable weather and good visibility. Preparations have been made during the year to resume whaling from the old station at Whangamumu, where the fishery has not been carried on since 1932. Fresh-water Fisheries. Quinnat Salmon. To obtain fish for hatchery operations at Hakataramea a pound-trap of wire-netting was constructed between the 23rd and the 25th April, and secured its first salmon on the 26th April. The Waitaki was at first very low and gave poor access to the mouth of its tributary. An exceptionally high flood occurred early in May which washed out the trap on the 4th and caused a rise of 6 ft. in the Hakataramea on the Bth of the month. Operations were therefore transferred to the Awakino, a small tributary of the Waitaki entering from the south side three or four miles above the Hakataramea mouth. The numbers of fish taken and of ova stripped for the hatchery were as follows

In addition to the stripped fish, there were captured and liberated above the trap to spawn naturally 16 male and 20 female salmon, 46 brown trout, and 1 rainbow trout. The high river induced a numerous run of fish into the Ilakataramea, especially during the month of May. Numerous redds were made in the lower reaches of the river, but the salmon also travelled farther upstream than usual. The sizes of fish running in the Waitaki this season were reported to be below the usual average. The hatchery output was as f0110w5—459,000 salmon fry liberated in Ilakataramea River, 60,000 ova sent to Australia, 26,000 fry retained in ponds for marking experiment, and 60,000 lost during incubation or unfertile ; total, 605,000. The salmon-angling season of 1941 was spoilt by almost continual floods in the principal rivers, the conditions being even less favourable than in 1940. The table given below, summarizing the returns received from the rod and net fishermen who hold licenses permitting them to sell salmon, enables a comparison to be made with the records of previous years : —

Quinnat Salmon, 1941.

3—H. 15.


I Males. ! Females. Ova. Hakataramea River — April (25th to 30th) .. .. .. 17 15 66,000 May (1st to 5th) .. .. .. 41 73 325,000 Awakino River— May (15th to 23rd) .. .. .. 26 46 214,000 Totals .. .. .. 84' 134 605,000

Males. ! Females. I e . x no * Totals. given. Returns from Rods. Waimakariri River, 15/3/41 (1 rod) — Number of fish caught .. .... .. .. 2 .. 2 Total weight .. .. .. .. .. .. 18-5 lb. .. 18-5 lb. Average weight .. .. .. .. .. 9-2 lb. .. 9-2 lb. Rakaia River, 18/1/41 to 17/4/41 (4 rods) — Number of fish caught .. .. .. .. 79 83 7 169 Total weight .. .. .. .. .. 1,266 1b. 1,195-5 lb. 112 1b. 2,577-5 lb. Average weight .. .. .. .. 16-0 lb. 14-4 lb. 16 lb. 15-2 lb. Rangitata River, 15/1/41 to 15/4/41 (7 rods) — Number of fish caught .. .. .. .. 30 31 4 65 Total weight .. .. .. .. .. 550 1b. 534 1b. 71-5 lb. 1,155-5 lb. Average weight .. .. .. .. 18-3 lb. 17-2 lb. 17-9 lb. 17-8 lb. Combined rivers, 15/1/41 to 27/4/42 (10 rods*) — Number of fish caught .. .. .. .. 109 116 11 236 Total weight .. .. .. .. .. 1,816 1b. 1,752 1b. 183-5 lb. 3,751-5 lb. Average weight .. .. .. .. 16-6 lb. 15-1 lb. 16-7 lb. 15-9 lb. Returns from Nets. Waimakariri River, 12/2/41 to 28/3/41 (2 nets) — Number of fish caught .. .. .. .. 44 71 Nil 115 Total weight .. .. .. .. . • 487-5 lb. 855-5 lb. Nil 1,343 lb. Average weight .. .. .. .. 11-1 lb. 12-0 lb. Nil 11-7 lb. * Two rods fished on two rivers during the season.


The two netsmen on the Waimakariri did somewhat better than last year, and the rod fishers in general not so well. Many salmon ran up to the higher waters without coming within the ken of fishermen, and the upper reaches and tributaries of the larger Canterbury rivers were reported to be carrying large numbers of spawners by the end of April. Atlantic Salmon. The rack and fish-trap for taking salmon for the hatchery operations, built on the usual site in the Upukororo River, were completed on 16th April, and the first salmon were captured on the following day. Fifty-one males and 36 females were caught up to the end of the month, 80 males and 93 females were trapped in May, and in June 17 females and 18 males were taken. A total of 295 fish (149 males and 146 females) was thus available for stripping, and yielded 401,500 ova for the hatchery. The losses during incubation were very slight, and after feeding in the hatchery boxes for two months the fry were liberated in different parts of the Upukororo River and in the lake shallows. Rainbow-trout ova numbering 72,000 and 45,000 brown-trout ova were also hatched and the fry fed for a period before liberation. Atlantic-salmon yearlings reared in the ponds were used for a marking experiment, the left ventral fins of 5,393 fish being removed before liberation in the lake. In the 1940-41 angling season fair numbers of salmon were caught in the Waiau River, in the lake, and in the Eglinton and Upukororo Rivers. The condition of the fish was reported to be above the average of recent years. Mr. C. G. Mclvor recorded 184 salmon definitely known to have been taken to the neighbourhood of Te Anau. Of these, the 29 salmon whose individual weights were noted gave an average of 4'95 lb., but the average weight of the season's catch would probably be about 4 lb. Salmon of 12 lb., 11 lb., 10J lb., and 9 lb. were taken, the two largest being from the Eglinton River. Research. Fresh-water Fisheries. The work of the two fresh-water biologists has continued along lines that are a logical and necessary development or extension of the investigations described in last year's report. During the past year the programme of research on the trout stock of the Horokiwi Stream has been continued by Mr. K. R. Allen, and the data regarding the present position of this stock and its relation to the food-supply are now almost complete. The special study of the fish hatched in October, 1939, has been continued, and their growth, movements, and feeding habits have been observed. A considerable number of fish of this year class have been tagged and subsequently recaptured. These have provided information regarding the movements of fish within the stream, as well as giving a check on the determinations of the rate of growth which have been made by other methods. It has been found that the trout of the Horokiwi are remarkably stationary in their habits, and only about 10 per cent, of the recaptured fish have been taken more than 100 yards from the place where they were lirst caught, although the average interval between tagging and recapture is about three months. The stationary habit of these fish makes possible the striking difference in rate of growth shown by the trout in different parts of the stream. At the end of March, 1941, the average size of the fish of the 1939 hatch varied from 12 in. in the lower part of the stream to 9 in. in parts of the upper water. These variations are due partly to differences in rates of growth during the summer, but princiaplly to the fact that, while practically no growth takes place in the upper waters between May and August, growth continues in the lower part of the stream throughout the winter. A further consequence of the stationary habit of the Horokiwi trout is that different areas of the stream appear to be characterized by the predominance of trout of different year classes. This effect may be the result of local differences in the success of the spawning season in different years, due possibly to the action of floods. From the studies which have been made the following data have also been obtained regarding the number of fish which survive to different ages in the Horokiwi. The initial number of fry commencing life in an average year is probably in the neighbourhood of 100,000, but it is unlikely that more than 2,000 of these survive to the end of the first year. During the second year the mortality is much less, and despite the fact that from December onwards some of these fish are large enough to be killed by anglers, about 1,000 survive to the end of their second year. It is probable, however, that during the 1939"-40 season only about 50 of these fish were taken by anglers. During the third year there is again a heavy mortality, due probably to two causes—angling and the effect of spawning. Of the fish which die in their third year, about 300 are taken by anglers. No definite estimate of the mortality after spawning has been made, but it is well known that mortality tends to be higher after spawning has commenced, and it has been found that in the Horokiwi 80 per cent, to 85 per cent, of the fish spawn at the end of their second year. Whether as a result of these or other causes, it appears that the number of trout more than three years old does not exceed a few hundred at any time. It was stated in the previous report that during their first summer the principal food of trout in the Horokiwi was the nymphs of various mayflies. It has since been found that during the first winter a rapid change takes place in the nature of the food, and that as a result of this from September onwards 60 per cent, to 80 per cent, of the food consists of the case-building larvae of various species of caddis-flies. Among the minor observations which are of interest may be mentioned the effect of the heavy flood of February, 1941', on the growth of fish in their first year. This flood, in which the high level of the water was maintained for an unusually long period, had an exceptionally severe effect in altering and disturbing the stream-bed, and as a consequence there were heavy losses among the bottom-living animals on which the young trout feed. The effect of this on the fish was immediately shown. In those areas most affected by the flood their condition dropped about 10 per cent., and although they had previously been growing steadily at a rate of nearly J in. per month, they suddenly ceased to grow.



When these observations on the present conditions in the Horokiwi have been completed it is hoped to embark 011 a programme of experimental modifications of the stock in order to determine whether and to what extent it is possible to increase the yield of tront within the limits imposed by the available food-supply. While Mr. Allen has thus concentrated on an intensive examination of trout and their environmental conditions in one local river, Mr. Hobbs has continued his investigation of natural propagation and survival in various rivers in both Islands, collecting information in the field in Wellington, North Canterbury, and Otago Acclimatization Districts. Mention was made in last year's report of the results of his studies of trout redds in sixty-four rivers and streams in Southland and in the North Island, a paper 011 which was then in the press (" Natural Production of Trout in Now Zealand, and its Relation to Density of Population " : Fisheries Bulletin No. 8 (1940) ). This extended and elaborated the information embodied in Fisheries Bulletin No. 6 (1937). Both papers have aroused interest among biologists, fish culturists, and anglers, abroad as well as in New Zealand, and have given rise to a demand for consideration of the bearing of this new knowledge on the practical management of trout fisheries. For many years the idea has prevailed, even among people regarded as authorities, that the trout made rather a poor job of spawning, the impression being that far more than half the eggs that a trout was capable of producing were either not impregnated, not properly covered in the redd, devoured by predators, or destroyed by climatic aberrations causing abnormally high or low water-flow, &c. Mr. Hobbs' observations of hundreds of redds in various waters, described in the above-mentioned papers, show that this is by no means the case in the New Zealand rivers and streams that he has studied. On the other hand, trout appear to be well guided by instinct both in the choosing and using of their spawning-sites, and, of the ova extruded, in the majority of cases there was comparatively slight loss at any stage or from any cause. Cases are known where extreme flooding with the consequent changing of the channel in a river-bed, or the exposure of redds by a greatly reduced flow of water, have caused large-scale destruction; and, as Mr. Hobbs has demonstrated, the deposit of silt among the stones of a redd is a known cause of embryo mortality. The losses from such causes are occasional and would appear to be a small proportion of the sum total of the egg-production of the whole trout population of the Dominion; but, as Mr. Hobbs has pointed out, long-term observations are still needed to show the frequency and extent of flood losses. Two questions arise here for consideration : If mortality during incubation does not account for the extremely great disparity between the total number of eggs that the mature fish among a trout population can produce and fertilize and the total fish that survive to become mature and of a takable size for anglers, at what stage and from what causes do the losses occur ? Connected with this is the practical question of remedial measures. Mr. Allen's Horokiwi investigations are throwing light on this question so far as this and rivers of similar character are concerned. Another question is as to what proportion of a new generation in a trout stock is provided by artificial planting of fry produced by hatchery operations. Mr. Hobbs has rightly emphasized that the actual gain to a fishery is not measured by the number of fry liberated, but by the difference between that number and the number of fry that would have been produced if the fish had been left in the water to spawn naturally. It may be, and there are indications that such must be the case in some rivers, that fry liberations have contributed a negligible increase to the total fry population and consequently to the supply of fish for anglers. How the survival rate among artificially planted fry compares with that of the fry from natural redds is a further question that needs examination. Mr. Hobbs has been recently occupied in gathering data for the purpose of determining the relative efficiency of natural and artificial propagation and what is the proportion of the sum total of available eggs to which it is practicable to apply fish-cultural methods. The answer to both questions will vary considerably for different kinds of trout waters, and obviously have an important bearing on fishcultural practice. To ascertain the degree of effectiveness of artificial aid to trout stocks calls for long-term investigation. The collection of past and present data has been undertaken and has already provided some illuminating facts, but for finally convincing conclusions schemes for the quantitative examinations of populations, of natural and artificial aids to stock, and of abstractions by predators and by fishermen are necessary, and experimental treatments must play some part in such investigations. The relative effect of the factors involved has varied, and will vary, from time to time and from place to place. In some quarters the work of Mr. Hobbs, or rather the abbreviated and ill-balanced version of it that has been reported in the press, has been misinterpreted as a campaign against hatcheries. It is true that he has opened up the question as to whether acclimatization societies are making the most economical and effective use of their funds by a continuation of the past rather indiscriminate collection of ova, which are rarely anything more than a small proportion of the total produced by the trout comprising wild populations, and the rather indiscriminate release of artificially reared young fish on the assumption that such releases are everywhere necessary or at least beneficial. He has pointed out that in certain waters the money spent on the provision of hatchery-reared fry might have been spent to better purpose on other methods of increasing the number of fish available for angling, as, for example, by the destruction of known predators such as eels. To draw attention to problems the solution of which must make for more efficient utilization of hatcheries is by no means the same as advocating the abolition of hatcheries. It is evident that there are many waters capable of holding a good head of trout which can never be fully stocked by natural propagation because of the inadequacy of suitable spawning-places. The work of Mr. Hobbs has greatly extended and corrected our knowledge of such habitats. The facts set forth in Fisheries Bulletin No. 8 indicate that the limit to natural increase of trout population is set by the availability of suitable spawningplaces ; in practically every river and stream examined the contents of earlier redds were found to be subject to some degree of destruction by being dug over by later spawners. This indicates superfluities of ova that could be utilized in hatcheries. The difference between the recently acquired point of view and that of the older fish culturists, in a word, is that they, without sufficient observations, emphasized the breeding limitations of the individual, while Hobbs throws light on the propagational limitations of the stock imposed on them by habitat conditions.



The question as to the best stage to liberate artificially reared trout is one to which a convincing answer has not yet been found. In recent years there has been a growing tendency to keep artifically fed fry in nursery ponds until they approach the yearling stage. Attention is being directed upon this subject, and some data have been obtained which afford a partial answer to the question as to what extent the loss in rearing-ponds is less than the loss in nature. An answer to the question of whether it is practicable to afford artificial protection to a significant proportion of the total number of young fish produced is being sought by an experiment in which a known number of marked yearlings have been released in the Manawatu River with a view to learning what proportion of anglers' catches they subsequently comprise. A report is in preparation setting out the results of inquiries into the relative efficiencies of natural and artificial production and into the proportion of available eggs to which it is practicable to apply fish-cultural methods. It will also contain a historical survey of the development and management of trout fisheries in New Zealand, with an examination of the usual practices in the light of present-day knowledge, together with a review of trout-fishing in New Zealand in its biological and economic aspects. Sea Fisheries. The work of the Marine Biologist, Mr. A. M. Rapson, during the year has been largely a continuation of studies already in hand. Toheroa observations, to get further data on food growth and reproduction in different regions, and surveys of beds with a view to determination of populations of various beaches, have occupied some time, but transport difficulties have prevented this work from being as detailed and extensive as would have been the normal aim. The blue-cod-marking experiments have been continued, 4,304 fish having been tagged during the year and liberated in Admiralty Bay, Pelorus Sound, and Queen Charlotte Sound. The recaptures of marked blue cod numbered 109. Mr. Rapson is also keeping in touch with the developing sardine (pilchard, or " Picton herring ") fisheries, now pursued at intervals in Queen Charlotte Sound by the Cook Strait line fishermen for the purpose of obtaining bait. Data concerning food, migrations, growth, and racial characters are being obtained. A new field of applied marine biological work in New Zealand has been opened up during the past year in connection with our seaweed supplies, which have assumed a new interest and potential importance as a possible, and probably the best, source of potash in the event of the failure of overseas supplies of potassic fertilizers. Collaborating with officers of the Departments of Agriculture and of Scientific and Industrial Research who are interested in the economic and biological aspects of seaweeds, Mr. Rapson has carried out surveys of the potash-rich Macrocystis (a kind of kelp) in the French Pass, D'Urville Island, Queen Charlotte Sound, and Fovcaux Strait areas, estimating the quantities available and examining the possibilities of harvesting. Staff, etc. The pre-war personnel of the Fisheries Branch has not yet been seriously affected by the exigencies of the present time, though developments that had been hoped for and planned have necessarily been deferred. Our available staff, never entirely adequate for the many tasks that call for attention to enable the Department to deal with its growing problems in a rational and up-to-date manner, has been lessened by the transfer to military duties of one officer (satisfactorily replaced during the year by a temporary appointee) and by the total diversion of one and the partial allocation of another to functions necessitated by the existing conditions. There is indeed only one consideration that justifies continued application to our normal tasks, and that is the necessity to maintain such control over our fisheries as will ensure that these resources are utilized rationally in the general interest and conserved without depletion for the benefit of future generations. To enable such control to operate efficiently and equitably there must be provision for acquiring the relevant material facts and for reviewing them in proper perspective. Diminished transport and other facilities have inevitably retarded and curtailed our contacts with the widely dispersed fields of operation covered by fishery activities. A final point to appreciate at a time when the importance of national economy is becoming a matter of increasing significance is that present conservation is a much more possible and profitable proposition than subsequent restoration. A. E. Hefford, Chief Inspector of Fisheries and Director of Fishery Research. Wellington, 10th June, 1941.



Table showing the Number of Seamen engaged and discharged in New Zealand, and the Fees received, for the Year ended 31st March, 1941.


Engagements aMMsctarges, foreign and Engagements and Discharges, Home Trade. ! : Total Engagements. Total Discharges. Grand Totals. Port. Engagements. Discharges. Engagements. Discharges. - . j - Number. : Amount. i Number. Amount. Number. Amount. ! Number. Amount. Number. Amount. Number. ; Amount. Number. Amount. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. Auckland .. .. .. 2,233 218 11 0 2,331 227 9 0 1,432 126 IS 0 1,443 127 11 0 3,665 345 6 0 3,774 355 0 0 7,439 700 6 0 Blenheim .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 4 80 21 0 12 0 4 080 21 0 12 0 25 100 Dargaville .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. Dunedin .. .. .. 318 31 1 0 305 29 13 0 129 11 17 0 114 10 13 0 447 42 18 0 419 40 6 0 866 83 4 0 Foxton .. .. .. . . .. .. .. 7 0 14 0 18 1 16 0 7 0 14 0 18 1 16 0 25 2 10 0 Gisborne .. .. .. 7 0 14 0 13 1 6 0 43 3 16 0 45 4 0 0 50 4 10 0 58 5 6 0 108 9 16 0 Greymouth .. .. .. 54 5 8 0 52 5 4 0 41 2 17 0 20 1 9 0 95 8 5 0 72 6 13 0 167 14 18 0 Hokitika .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 15 0 14 0 15 0 14 0 15 0 14 0 15 0 14 0 30 1 8 0 Invercargill .. .. .. 10 100 10 100 40 210 39 340 50 310 49 440 99 750 Lyttelton .. .. .. 276 25 19 0 247 23 11 0 211 20 13 0 255 25 1 0 487 46 12 0 502 48 12 0 989 95 4 0 Napier .. .. .. 83 8 5 0 85 8 9 0 148 13 3 0 143 14 0 0 231 21 8 0 228 22 9 0 459 43 17 0 Nelson .. .. .. 2 0 4 0 2 0 4 0 361 27 8 0 375 27 6 0 363 27 12 0 377 27 10 0 740 55 2 0 New Plymouth .. .. 43 4 6 0 44 4 8 0 42 3 12 0 42 3 12 0 85 7 18 0 86 8 0 0 171 15 18 0 Oamaru .. .. .. 1 0 2 0 .. .. 18 1 16 0 17 1 14 0 19 1 18 0 17 1 14 0 36 3 12 0 Onehunga .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 120 11 4 0 133 12 14 0 120 11 4 0 133 12 14 0 253 23 18 0 Patea .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 53 3 9 0 53 3 9 0 53 3 9 0 53 3 9 0 106 6 18 0 Pieton .. .. .. 6 0 12 0 3 060 10 100 10 100 16 1 12 0 13 160 29 2 18 0 Tauranga .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ' .. Timaru .. .. .. 35 3 10 0 36 3 12 0 7 0 14 0 12 1 4 0 42 4 4 0 48 4 16 0 90 9 0 0 Wanganui .. .. .. 32 3 4 0 30 3 0 0 92 7 15 0 95 8 7 0 124 10 19 0 125 11 7 0 249 22 6 0 Wellington .. .. .. 2,983 287 18 0 2,646 258 12 0 2,409 203 1 0 2,551 209 7 0 5,392 490 19 0 5,197 467 19 0 10,589 958 18 0 Westport .. .. .. 29 2 18 0 28 2 14 0 49 4 6 0 48 4 4 0 78 7 4 0 76 6 18 0 154 14 2 0 Totals .. .. 6,112 593 12 0 5,832 569 8 0 5,231 447 3 0 5,449 461 17 0 11,343 1,040 15 0 11,281 1,031 5 0 22,624 2,072 0 0 . - : '


Return of Estates of Deceased Seamen received and administered in Pursuance of the Provisions of the Shipping and Seamen Act, 1908, during the Year ended 31st March, 1941.

Return showing Amounts received prior to Ist April, 1940, standing to Credit of Estates of Deceased Seamen and for which Claims have not been proved. Balance to Credit of Estate, 31st March, 1941. Name of Seaman. £ s. d. G, Banks, late seaman, s.s. " Marama " .. .. .. .. .. .. 6 16 6 J. Payne, late trimmer, s.s. " Omana " .. .. .. .. .. 14 19 8 £21 16 2


Balance Balance to Credit Of Amount to oI Name of Soaman. Estate ' ' ';v Amount paid. Estate on 1st April, ! received. j on g ls j. jyj al:c jj 1940. I | 1941. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. J. Benton .. .. .. .. .. .. 5 18 10 5 18 10 F. W. Bolwell .. .. .. .. .. 25 1L 7 25 11 7 ,T. Olark .. .. .. .. .. .. 16 1 2 .. 16 1 2 H. Carr .. .. .. .. .. . . 16 8 1 16 8 1 J. Hare .. .. .. .. .. 9 14 4 1 2 0 10 16 4 R. E. Hollis .. .. .. .. .. 9 16 5 .. 9 16 5 J. L. Hughes .. .. .. .. .. .. 49 5 4 .. 49 5 4 J. Killenbank .. .. .. .. 525 6 17 5 9 11 6 284 G. Larsen .. .. .. .. .. ... 5 5 6 .. 5 5 6 E. A. Lewis .. .. .. .. .. .. 149 .. 149 T. A. Mack .. .. .. .. .. .. 18 19 11 18 19 11 1). McMurran .. .. .. .. .. .. 48 16 3 .. 48 16 3 W. P. Rigg .. .. .. .. .. . . 7 19 0 . . 7 19 0 G. T. Ripley .. .. .. .. .. .. 22 19 3 22 19 3 H. A. Scollay .. .. .. .. .. 10 9 11 .. 10 9 11 J. Sharz .. .. .. .. .. .. 9 14 5 9 14 5 F.Smith .. .. .. .. .. .. 11 19 2 11 19 2 J. Tighe .. .. .. .. .. .. 31 15 5 15 6 5 16 9 0 O. A. Wood .. .. .. .. .. .. 40 16 6 40 16 6 Totals .. .. .. .. 35 3 1 320 14 7 208 8 4 147 9 4


Summary of Examinations of Marine Engineers for the Year ended 31st March, 1941.

Return of the Number of Certificates issued to Land-engine Drivers and Electric-tram Drivers during the Year ended 31st March, 1941.

Return of Land Engineers', Engine-drivers', and Electric-tram Drivers' Examinations held throughout New Zealand during the Year ended 31st March, 1941, showing the Number of Successful and Unsuccessful Candidates.


Auckland. Wellington. Christchurch. Dunedin. O.P. Totals. o . . H Class of Certificate. g g g" g g M £3 • • *3 • • 3 •• 3s 9ri 'p eg <L> '-5 W m !p eg !u CO '-*i «S §} >3 & -2 & ££ fi i® ii£ -p J 5 ® r^5 2 £ 2 b 52 '3 » b '2 b J2 -2 52 b Pi -2 b «5 C5 oS cC c3c- OS <C 73 cS cSeC 03cS OS W to to iIHPH |i< CM PI OH PHAH Pi PI PH PH PHPH PMPH PH PM PH PH P^P-I Imperial Validity First- and Second-class Steam .. .. 2 4 1 2 10 5 4 . . 1 .. 1 1 .... 13 9 6 3 31 First-and Second-class Motor .. .. 3 1 1.. 4.. 7 .. 2 .. 1 9 2 8.. 19 First- and Second-class Steam Endorsement First- and Second-class Motor Endorsement 4.. 1 4.. 1 .. 5 Totals .. .. .. 5 5 2 2 18 5 12 . . 3 . . 1 1 .. 1 .... 26 11 15 3 55 Valid in New Zealand only Third-class Steam .. .. .. 11 . . 2 .. 18 .. 3 .. 2 .. 1 .. 2 33 .. 6 .. 39 River Engineer Steam .. .. 2 2 .. .. .. 2 First-and Second-class Coastal Motor .. 12 4 1 1 18 18 Restricted-limits Engineer, P.V.O.S. .. 21 3 2 1 27 1 54 .. 1 .. 55 Totals .. .. .. .. 44 .. 2 .. 27 .. 3 .. 5 .. 1 .. 4 27 1 107 .. 7 .. 114 Grand totals .. .. . . 49 5 4 2 45 5 15 .. 8 .. 2 .. 4 1 . . 1 27 1 133 11 22 3 169

Class. No. Class. No. Service— Competency—continued. First-class engine-driver .. .. 1 Locomotive- and traction-engine driver .. 56 Second-class Engine-driver .. .. 1 Locomotive-engine driver .. .. 10 Competency— Traction-engine driver .. .. 22 First-class engine-driver .. .. 25 Electric-tram driver .. .. .. 54 Second-class engine-driver .. .. 189 Electric-tram driver (one-man car) .. 2 Steam-winding-engine driver .. .. 4 Electric-winding-engine driver .. .. 1 Total .. .. .. .. 365

<L> „ . 3 fl Winding. . , Extra f a Mnn i 0-0.2 ElectricJK cE Class f SI motive. Traotlon - D S Tota1 ' = Place. Class. u u Steam. Electric. Driver. >3 H ■§ I I i I — n~i ; "| i g P. F. P. | F. P. j F. P. | F. P. F. P. jF. P. F. P. | F. P. | F. P. F. ® I Auckland 2 4 23 4 2 . . 2 . . 1 .. 1 31 8 39 Christchurch 28 3 2 7 14 .. 51 ; 3 54 Dunedin 2 3 6 6 .. 1 I 1 3 2 17 1 2!) i4 43 Gisborne 3 2 1 3 3 6 Greymouth 3 2 4 2 4 1 4 1 1 16 6 22 Hamilton 2 3 19 7 1 . . 1 1 24 10 34 Hanmer 1 1 ,, 1 Invercargiil 5 3 16 4 1 1 1 . . 24 7 31 Kaikoura 1 1 .. 1 Napier 1 .. 4 1 .. .. 1 .. 1 7 1 8 Nelson 5 3 1 6 3 9 New Plymouth .... 1 . . 19 16 20 16 36 Oamaru 1 1 .. 1 Palmerston N. .... 1 .. 9 2 10 2 12 Pongakawa 1 I .. 1 Timaru 7 1 3 10 1 11 Wairoa 1 1 1 1 2 Wanganui 10 .. ,1 1 1 .. 13 .. 13 Wellington .. .. 1 4 2 12 5 1 1 22 1 40 9 49 Whangarei 4 1 1 4 2 6 Totals .. ..1 21 17 173 58 13 2 10 4 18 2 2 .. 1 .. 55 2 293 86 379


Summary of Casualties to Shipping reported to the Marine Department during the Financial Year ended 31st March, 1941.

Summary of Examinations for Certificates of Competency as Masters and Mates for the Year ended 31st March, 1941.


On or near the Coasts of Outside the Dominion Aotal Number of Casualties Dominion. ' reported. Nature of Casualty. Number Number Number Number Number I Number of Tonnage, of Lives of Tonnage, of Lives of j Tonnage, of Lives Vessels. lost. Vessels. lost. Vessels, j lost. Strandings —• Total loss Damaged .. .. .. 6 4,801 .. .. .. .. 6 4,801 Undamaged .. .. .. 2 1,496 .. . . .. .. 2 1,496 Total strandings .. .. 8 6,297 .. .. .. .. 8 6,297 Fires — Total loss Damaged .. .. .. 4 11,348 .. 1 4,542 .. 5 15,890 Undamaged Total fires .. .. 4 11,348 .. 1 4,542 .. 5 15,890 Collisions — Total loss Damaged .. .. .. 14 10,961 .. 2 12,741 .. 16 23,702 Undamaged .. .. .. 2 399 .. .. .. .. 2 399 Total collisions .. .. 16 11,360 .. 2 12,741 .. 18 24,101 Miscellaneous, including damage by 11 6,038 .. 1 2,854 .. 12 8,892 heavy seas to hull and cargo, breakdown of machinery, &c. Vessels lost by enemy action .. 1 7,581 .. 2 2,274 2 3 9,855 2 Total reported .. .. 40 42,624 .. 6 22,411 2 46 65,035 2

Auckland. Wellington. Lyttelton. Dunedin. Totals. g Clasa of Certificate. \ 3ri 4 3g 4 3rf 4 3rf « 4 -6'3 3rf d 3f 11 Hi S 51 ! S ? ! S % I | I a '£ ■! I <§ Ph r ®* J? 1 "«5 <§ Ph n PH A 5 '=3 «8 '3 ® .®|3J X fi AH h PMfH S AH w FH At w AH g S £ PH PH W h AHg pp Foreign-going Masters and Mates 16 17 5 11 7 3 5 27 24 3 10 64 Home Trade Masters and Mates 10 4 1 5 15 3 25 7 1 5 38 Master, River Steam .. Master of a Pleasure Yacht, New 36 28 11 4 18 8 4 54 36 15 4 109 Zealand Waters Fore-and-aft Sail Endorsement.. 1 1 1 License as New Zealand Pilot 1 1 I Examination in Navigation, 3 .. 1 .. 3 1 .. 2 1 9 .. 2 .. 11 R.N.V.R. Officers Totals .. .. 66 49 13 14 48 18 7 5 1 .. 2 1 117 67 21 19 224


Table I.—Showing the Number of Fishing-vessels and the Number of Fishermen and other Persons engaged in the Industry at each Port for the Year ended 31st March, 1941.

4—H. 15.


Vessels engaged in Fishing for Wet Fish. I Vessels engaged in Shell-fishery. Number of Persons employed. Vessels licensed ; : ' , — — — * -* - 1st January, 1940- steam ! ! Motor-vessels Motor-vessels, i Rnwi „„ i Oyster- Mussel- PravfishW 31st March, 1941. Trawfera I Tt»*b Danish- Set-net and ! dredging dredging v£weta Fishermen. Others. Total. Name of Port or District, -trawlers. | trawlers. j selning _ Line Fishing, j Doats ' j Vessels. Vessels. vessels. Total Number | Whole Part Whole Part Whole' Part Whole Part Whole Part Whole Part Whole Part Whole Part Whole! Part Whole Part Whole Part Number. Fishing. | |ri s t,; Ii(r Time. Time.* Time. Time.* Time. | Time.* Time. Time.* Time. Time.* i Time. Time.* Time. Time.* Time. Time.* Time. Time. Time. Time. Time. Time. I ] ] | jl I I I I I I. I I North Island Awanui and district .. • ■ | H 7 1 j I .. .. I .. .. 6 .. 2 .. .. j .. 16 .. .. .. 16 Mangonui .. .. .. j 5: 5 .. .. .. .. .. .. 3 .. 2 .. ...... .. ..! .. 6 | .. .. .. 6 Whangaroa .. .. .. I 12 10 2 j .. j .. .. i .. .. j 6 .. 4 .. ....!.. .. ! 3 I .. 16 j .. .. 16 Russell .. .. .. 20 18 2 .. ..I .. 3 15 .. 1 .. .. .. 5 29 .. .. 5 29 Wliangarei .. .. .. 16 12 4 .... .. .. .. j 1 1 j 10 .. 1 .. .. .. .. .. 1 4 21 2 1 6 22 Auckland .. .. .. 95 j 89 6 I .. j .. 44fj 1 9 27 .. 7 1 1 j 6 189 56 t 120 40 309 96 Kaiaua .. .. .. 3 I 3 I ...... .. .. .. 2 1 .. .. I .. .. j 3 1 ! .. •• 3 1 Thames .. .. .. ! 35 j 33 2 ...... .. 2 .. 19 11 .. 1 1 .. .. 65 22 20 3 85 25 Coromandel .. .. .. 4 4 i I --I •• •• •• • ■ 2 .. .. .. .. .. .. 2 lj 3 3 .. .. 3 3 Mercury Bay .. .. .. 5 4 1 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 3 .. .. .. .. .. 2 1 4 6 .. .. 4 6 Whangamata .. .. .. 6 3 3 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 1 .. .. .. .. .. 3 .. 5 .. .. .. 5 Waihi Beach .. .. .. 10 9 1 .. .. .. .. .. . . .. 9 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 3 .. 13 .. .. .. 13 Tauranga and district .. .. 20 19 1 .... 1 1 2 16 1 .... .. 3 7 23 3 2 10 25 Whakatane .. .. .. 4 3 1 1.. .. 2 3 3 6.. 9 3 Ohiwa Harbour, Opotiki, and Cape 11 9 2 .. .. j .. .. .. .. 1 7 .. 1 .. .. .. .. .. 4 2 13 .. .. 2 13 Runaway Gisborne .. .. .. 22 15 7 3 2 7 1 11 14 17 4 18 17 Waikokopu .. .. .. 2 2 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 2 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 2 .. 3 .. .. .. 3 Napier .. .. .. 25 24 1 1 6 6 1 1 2 8 2 2 9 41 18 9 3 50 21 Castlepoint .. .. .. 3 2 1 2 2 2 2 .. .. 2 2 Wellington .. .. .. 42 40 2 1 1 2 .... 14 20 3 2 13 ! 90 33 56 3 146 36 Makara .. .. .. 3 2 1 2 2 2 2.. .. 2 2 Paremata .. .. .. 11 11 2 10 3 1 12 9 .. .. 12 9 Paraparaumu Beach .. .. 9 6 3 .. .. .. .. .. .. 1 3 .. 2 .. .. .. .. .. • ■ 2 11 ■. • ■ 2 11 Manawatu Heads .. .. 18 13 5 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 4 2 7 .. .. .. .. .. • • Tangimoana .. .. .. 6 5 1 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 4 .. 2 .. .. .. .. .. • • •• ® •• •• •• ® Wanganui .. .. .. 7 7 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 7 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. •• •• .. •• 13 New Plymouth .. .. .. 8 8 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 2 5 2 | 7 8 .. .. 7 8 Kawbia .. .. .. 1 1 .. 1 j 2 2 Raglan .. .. .. 5 5 .. .. .. .. .. .. | 1 4 .. .. .. .. .. .. • • 1 ' • • • • * ' Manukau Harbour .. .. 22 21 1 .. .. .... .. .. 11 3:4 2 .. .. .. .. 1 j 30 7 .. .. 30 7 Kaipara .. .. .. 23 21 2 .. .. .. j 12 9 j | 15 9 8 6 23 15 Hokianga ... ,. 6 6 ,. .. .. .. | .. .. .. 1 4 I 1 .. ., .. ,. .-I 2 8 .. .. 2 8


Table I.—Showing the Number of Fishing-vessels and the Number of Fishermen and other Persons engaged in the Industry at each Port for the Year ended 31st March, 1941— continued.


Vessels engaged in Fishing for Wet Fish. Vessels engaged in Shell-fishery. Number of Persons employed. Vessels licensed j ; j 1st January, 1940- steam Mntnr Motor-vessels | Motor-vessels, tw;™ Oyster- Mussel- rr«vfl*hi™cr 31st March, 1941. Trawlers Trawlers Danish- j Set-net and j boats dredging dredging Vessel Fishermen. Others. Total. of Port or District. * seining. Line Fishing. ooats. Vessels. Vessels. essels. ' j ! ' Total Number Whole Part |Whole! Part Whole Part Whole Part I Whole Part Whole Part Whole Part Whole Part Whole Part Whole Part Whole Part Number. FLshiny. Time, Time.* : Time.! Time.* ; Time. I Time.* i Time. Time.* j Time. | Time.* Time. Time.* Time. Time.* Time, j Time.* Time. ; Time, j Time. Time. Time. Time. Sovlh Island. Havelock .. .. .. 7 7 2 5 3 7 .. .. 3 7 Picton .. .. .. 11 11 3 10 4 15 8 .. 15 8 Blenheim (Wairau) .. .. 6 4 2 .. .. .. 3 .. .. .. 3 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 3 7 2 .. .. 7 2 Kaikoura .. .. .. 17 16 1 1 6 8 1 7 15 16 1 16 16 Lyttelton .. .. .. 46} 39 7 2.. 2 1 2 14 1 3 29 37 20 49 37 Akaroa .. .. .. 18 15 3 3 2 7 4 1 6 7 16 .. 7 16 Lake Ellesmere .. .. .. 27 22 5 2 4 5 11 13 27 .. 13 27 Tiroaru .. .. 25 24 1 7 9 2.. 5 10 1 45 5 2 47 5 Oamaru .. .. .. 10 10 4 6 1 8 12 1 8 13 Moeraki .. .. .. 15 13 2 1 4 10 5 12 7 1 13 7 Karitane .. .. .. 9 8 1 8 1 7 5 4.. .. 5 4 Port Chalmers .. .. .. 46 38 8 1.. 11 3 6 13 3 3 3 56 20 31 3 87 23 Taieri Mouth . . .. .. 6 5 1 .. .. 3 2 2 10 10 Nuggets .. .. .. 6 6 .. .. .. .. 6 .. .. .. 6 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 2 10 .. .. .. 10 Tautuku .. .. .. 2 2 1 2 1 1 .. 1 1 Waikawa .. .. .. 10 10 3 8 7 14 4 .. 14 4 Invercargill .. .. .. 7} 3 4 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 1 .. 2 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 11 .. .. .. 11 Bluli .. .. .. 34 31 3 12 7 11 1 82 23 12 41 94 64 Stewart Island .. .. . . 50 48 2 25 23 68 45 2 6 70 51 Riverton district .. .. 15 10 5 .. .. .. 1 • • • ■ 2 8 .. 2 .. .. .. .. .. .. 3 18 .. .. 3 18 Hokitika .. .. .. 2 1 1 1 1 .. 4 .. 5 Greymouth .. .. .. 4 4 .. 2 .. .. 2 .. .. .. 2 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 8 .. 3 1 11 1 Westport .. .. .. 5 4 1 1 1 .. 4.. .. .... .... .. 3 2 1 .. 2 1 Golden Bay .. .. .. 6 6 .. .. .. .. •• 1 5 .. 1 .. .. .. .. .. 3 2 6 .. .. 2 6 Motueka .. .. .. 12 9 3 1 6 3 .. 2 1 13 .. 1 13 Nelson .. .. .. 17 16 1 2 3.. 6 12 2 19 15 3 1 22 16 French Pass .. .. .. 31 21 10 8 12 .. 2 15 21 .. .. 15 21 Chatham Islands .. .. 11 11 .. -• !§•• •• •• 3 7 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 13 36 3 3 16 39 Totals .. .. .. 922 811 111 6 4 39 52 54 4 176 414 14 71 11 1 2 2 11 121 972 761 306 119 1,278 880 * Part-time vessels may appear in more than one place. t During the year four Danish-seiners were replaced by new units. In each instance the replacement and the old unit have been included together as one whole-time Danish-seiner } Includes fishing-boats licensed in connection with whitebait catching. § Fish-carrier " South Sea." Teasel did not trawl, but engaged in line-fishing.


Table II.—Showing the various Kinds of Fish caught and approximately the Total Quantities of Fish* and Shell-fish landed at the Chief Fishing-ports for the Year ended 31st March, 1941.

Key to Symbols used. A = Snapper. H = Gurnard. N = Barracouta. T = Trumpeter. B = Taraluhi. I = Red cod 0 = Warehou. U = Whiting. ■C = Groper. J = Elephant-fish P = John-dory. V = Kingfish. D == Blue cod. K = Mullet. Q = Trevally. W = Herring. E = Flounder. L = Moki. B = Pioke. Y = Kahawai. E = Sole. M = Hake. S = Butterfish. Z = Conger-eel. •G = Ling.


I III Shell-fishery (excluding Toheroa). Name of Port or Principal Kinds of Fish ( J'°f al I T 1 j i j j l)lHtrict - caught, | (Fish) ( Pl8h ) # | oysters. Value. Mussels.! Value, j Cray fish. Value. I value ! ValU6 ' I J | (Shell-fish). j North Island. I Cwt. £ Sacks. £ Sacks. £ Cwt. £ £ £ Awanui and district K, A, C .. .. 1,087 955 .. .. .. .. , . . . .. 955 Mangonui .. A, K, ¥, E . . 162 173 .. .. .. . . .. . . . . 173 Whangaroa .. A, C, K, E . . 750 709 .. .. .. .. 107 160 160 869 Russell .. .. A, K, E, B .. 1,224 1,816 .. .. .. 1,816 Whangarei .. A. K, E, C .. 1,115 1,886 .. .. .. .. 5 8 8 1,894 Auckland.. .. A, B, E, C, H, V .. 125,220 133,864 5,782 7,950 12,706 4,494 684 1,101 13,545 147,409 Kaiaua .. A, E .. .. 356 435 .. .. , . .. .. .. .. 435 Thames .. .. A, E, H, R .. 14,211 21,252 .. .. 5,382 1,861 .. .. 1,861 23,113 Coromandel ..A .. .. 48 90 .. .. .. .. 576 1,078 1,078 1,168 Mercury Bay .. A, C, E, B .. 681 749 .. .. .. .. 676 1,347 1,347 2,096 Whangamata A .. .. 5 7 . . .. .. . . 54 81 81 88 Waihi Beach A, B .. 282 310 .. .. .. .. 11 15 15 325 Tauranga and district A, C, B, Q, E, H .. 4,624 4,663 .. .. .. .. 33 50 50 4,713 Whakatane .. A, B, Q, H .. 1,842 1,807 .. .. . . .. .. .. .. 1,807 Ohiwa Harbour, C, A, E .. .. 884 1,765 .. .. .. .. 66 126 126 1,891 Opotiki, and Cape Runaway Gisborne '.. .. B, C, H .. .. 6,617 7,371 .. .. .. .. 446 273 273 7,644 Waikokopu .. R, A, C .. .. 140 219 .. .. .. .. 116 220 220 439 Napier .. .. H, B, C, F, L .. 16,469 23,352 .. .. .. .. 504 838 838 24,190 Castlepoint .. C, S, A .. 408 885 .. .. .. .. 27 44 44 929 Wellington .. B, C, M, G, I .. 37,280f 52,229 .. .. .. .. 2,776 5,049 5,049 57,278 Makara .. .. S, A, Q, B, L .. 427 748 .. .. .. .. 230 371 371 1,119 Paremata.. .. C, S, O, M, A .. 2,359 4,738 .. .. .. .. 29 37 37 4,775 Paraparaumu Beach A, S, C .. .. 891 1,301 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 1,301 Manawatu Heads .. E, A, Y .. .. 292 625 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 625 Tangimoana A, E, Y .. .. 28 47 .. .. . . .. .. .. .. 47 Wanganui .. A, C .. .. 459 590 .. .. .. . . .. .. .. 590 New Plymouth .. A, C .. .. 674 1,214 .. .. .. .. 3 6 6 1,220 Kawhia . . .. E, A, R .. .. 208 525 .. .. .. .. . . ., .. 525 Raglan .. .. E, A .. .. 161 385 .. .. .. . . . . ., .. 385 Manukau Harbour .. K, E, A, R .. 2,558 3,734 .. .. .. .. 34 84 84 3,818 Kaipara .. .. E, A, K . . .. 2,952 5,554 .. .. .. 5,554 Hokianga .. .. K, E, A .. .. 856 775 .. .. .. .. .. .. ,. 775 South Island. Haveloek .. E, D, C .. . . 463 1,642 ., .. .. .. .. ., .. 1,642 Picton .. .. C, D, S, E .. 2,479 4,846 .. .. .. .. 124 135 135 4,981 Blenheim (Wairau) E, G, B .. . . 781 1,224 . . . . .. 152 190 190 1,414 Kaikoura.. .. j C, G .. .. 3,134 7,064 .. .. .. .. 347 473 473 7,537 Lyttelton .. B, G, J, C, I .. 13,601 23,934 .. .. .. .. 231 202 202 24,136 Akaroa .. .. I J, B, H, G .. 3,002 4,978 .. .. .. .. 630 779 779 5,757 Lake Ellesmere ..IE .. .. 1,584 4,022 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 4,022 Timaru .. j H, J, G, F, E .. 12,512 22,748 .. .. .. .. 1 1 1 22,749 •Oamaru .. .. I C, D, I .. .. 1,197 2,014 .. .. .. .. 47 28 28 2,042 Moeraki .. .. I C, D, I, L .. 2,006 3,296 .. .. .. .. 769 536 536 3,832 Karitane .. .. [ D, C .. .. 118 225 .. .. .. .. 1,809 1,559 1,559 1,784 Port Chalmers .. J B, F, N, I, E .. 23,753 27,555 .. .. .. .. 18 18 18 27,573 Taieri Mouth . . I F, C, D .. .. 1,364 3,233 .. .. .. .. .. ., .. 3,233 Nuggets .. .. F, C, E, D .. 2,864 5,186 .. .. .. .. 14 24 24 5,210 Tautuku . . .. C, D,G .. • . 107 218 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 218 Waikawa .. .. F, D, C, G .. 4,083 6,519 .. .. .. 6,519 Tnvercargill E . . .. 61 72 . . .. .. .. .. .. .. 72 Bluff .. .. D, E, C .. .. 3,033 5,307 65,993 47,846 .. .. .. .. 47,846 53,153 .Stewart Island .. D, C, T, S, L .. 11,305 18,698 .. .. .. 18,698 Riverton district . . D, C, F .. .. 1,152 2,190 .. .. .. .. 2,190 Hokitika .. W, Y .. 32 49 .. .. .. 49 Greymouth .. F, I, C, H .. 1,799 2,920 .. .. .. 2,920 Westport . . .. i F, C, H .. . . 309 544 .. .. .. .. 80 102 102 646 Golden Bay .. I A, D, H .. .. 506 701 . . .. .. .. 3 4 4 705 Motueka .. .. A, H, E, C .. 177 290 .. .. .. 5 6 6 296 Nelson .. .. A, H, C, D .. 5,704 9,662 .. .. .. .. 8 12 12 9,674 French Pass .. X), C, A, S .. 2,496 4,233 .. .. .. .. .. .. 4,233 •Chatham Islands .. D, C .. .. 3,702J 2,165 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 2,165 Totals .. 328,594 440,308 71,775 55,796 18,088 6,355 10,615 14,957 77,108 517,416 * Not including whitebait. + Total includes 2,697 cwt. blue cod and 72 cwt. groper caught at the Chatham Islands and landed at Wellington, t Exclusive of tish shipped direct to Wellington from fishing-boats by s.s. " South Sea."


Table IIa.—Showing approximately the Quantities of Different Kinds of Fish landed at certain Ports during the Year ended 31st March, 1941.


! is 1 ' i ! | | ! -+a w I I j •§ a • T3 £ >> a s • ! o • .2 a -a 5eS O • § | 2 T3 rt • p O AO ■*» ■§ e8 a 1 "3 *5' - S 3 ! I I 1 s f-g I 8- ! S ! f || S d I i I g 1 ! I 13 g .III I f I I I | IS s i I | II | g I | I II S i I I I I i | M I | <i E-i S' H O £ SZ5 MC £ £ £: 3 M<J i 5 g ° Cwt. j Cwt. [ Cwt. Cwt. Cwt. Cwt. Cwt. : Cwt. Cwt. Cwt. Cwt. Cwt. Cwt. Cwt. | Cwt. Cwt. Cwt. Cwt. j Cwt. Cwt. Cwt. Cwt. Cwt. Cwt. Cwt. Cwt. Cwt. Barracouta .. .. .. .. j .. 1 884 .. 65 .. .. .. 10 .. ! 261 27 4 3,390 ".. .. 1 Blue cod .. .. 1 ! .. 1 32 .. 12 7 I .. .. 1 2,830 4 1,101 309 I .. .. 41 5 6 .. 164 525 171 2,551 .. 786 3,597 " Bonita" (Brama) .. |' .. .. .. .. j .. .. 24 .. .. .. .. .. 16 .. .. .. .. .. 22 .. Brill .. .. .. | .. .. j .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 11 5 .. .. 14 .... Butterfish (greenbone) ' 2 . ■ .. .. 5 .. 1 1 .. 294 39 200 5 .. .. 40 17 43 .. .. 5 .. 1 .... Conger-eel .. .. .. ..... .. .. .. .. .. .. ., 40 .. 27 3 .. .. 2 1 I .. 1 .. .. .. .. Elephant-fish .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 38 2 25 857 1,579 1,931 .. .. 546 246 Flounder .. .. 122 1,501 74 10,026 4,078 32 60 1 341 36 16 212 2 10 167 147 1,253 .. 2 1,075 .. 61 13 Frost-fish .. .. .. .... .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 10 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. Garfish .. .. .. .. .. 99 .. .. . . .. .. .. .. .. .. 1 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 3 .. Gurnard .. .. .. 1 4 1,639 702 .. 55 ! 425 3,933 .. 85 7 8 744 17 107 4 405 276 3,149 .. .. 244 .. .. 3 Hake .. .. .. .. .. 12 .. .. .. .. .. .. 2,848 ... .. 1 .. 1 23 23 461 13 26 .. 853 Hapuku (groper) ... 10 .. ! 46 1,725 1 212 289 581 2,430 54 7,903 10 467 552 78 107 1,560 103 580 1,168 871 1,184 1,123 217 .. 191 105 Herring .. .. •. j .. .. .. .. .. 2 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . . .. .. .. 4 John-dory .. .. • .. J 9 .. .. .. .. .. .. 17 .. .. 35 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 4 12 Kahawai .. .. 6 .. 8 8.. 4.. 1 1 116 .. .. 15 .. .. 2 Kingfish .. .. .. .. 1 1,564 2 8 .. .. 3 2 37 .. 37 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 1 .. .. Ling .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 2 109 .. 2,095 118 5 8 9 17 1,146 371 1,991 1,683 25 66 989 .. .. 1 Mackerel .. .. • ■ .. .. .. . . .. .. .. . . . . 16 .. 38 .. .. .. 3 .. . . .. .. .. 18 .. Maomao .. .. 2 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ., Moki .. ....'.. .. .. .. .. .. .. 1,022 .. 881 17 24 2 6 40 261 6 7 74 133 Mullet .. .. 395 j 467 95 496 23 .. 29 .. 2 .. 7 .. Parore .. .. .. .. .. .. . . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. I Pioke .. .. .. j 2 .. 35 217 .. 13 .. .. ,. ' 23 .. .. 27 [ .. .. 6 .. 57 .. .. 5 990 Red cod .. .. .. 4 .. .. 1 .. 22 .. 1,948 32 .. 6 159 30 32 562 72 100 111 2,879 3 .. Sardine .. .. .. .. 66 .. .. .. .. 12 .. 1,578 .. 183 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .... Skate .. .. • ■ .. j .. .. .. .. . . 4 .. 24 . . .. .. .. .. .. 4 5 2 .. .. 23 Snapper .. .. 541 881 I 872 91,342 7,891 384 3,788 10 1,390 612 636 9 218 3,168 17 6 1 1 1 Sole .. j .. 1 .. .. .. .. 1,464 .. 10 124 .. 40 87 861 10 114 150 1,287 .. 2 4,678 .. .. 153 Tarakihi .. .. 73 .. .. 13,185 .. 29 300 3,008 3,138 .. 12,138 118 3 .. 21 6 618 6,050 108 .. 7 6,107 Trevally .. .. 19 8 8 144 5 .. 78 .. .. .. 358 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. Trumpeter .. .. .. .. 1 .. .. .. .. .. .. 59 .. .. .. .. .. 152 .. .. .. .. 1 2 6 Turbot .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 2 .. Warehou .. .. .. .. .. .. i .. .. .. .. 764 .. .. .. . . .. .. • • I ■ • • • • • • • 16Whiptail .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 112 .. .. .. .. .. ., Whiting .. .. j .. .. | .. . . .. .. .. 361 384 Mixed fiat fish .. j 53 2 ; 9 2,536 1,257 . .. .. 551 1,139 .. 20 119 1 484 41 66 2 | 20 148 .. 74 Mixed round fish and | .. 90 5 2,296 22 j 4 .. 2,039 1,456 3 1,088 166 119 98 50 454 41 243 756 1,659 .. 19 240 9 4 kinds not specified Totals ..1,224 2,952 1,115 125,220 14,211 | 681 4,624 6,617 16,469 674 37,280* 781 2,496 5,704 309 1,799 3,134 3,002 13,601 12,512 1,197 2,006 23,753 3,033 61 1,152 3,702f * Total includes 2,697 cwt. blue cod and 72 cwt. groper landed at Wellington by fish-carrier " South Sea" from Chatham Islands. f Exclusive of fish shipped direct to Wellington from fishing-boats by s.s. " South Sea."


Table IIb.—Showing the of Different Kinds of Fish* caught by the Different Methods of Fishing for the Year ended 31st March, 1941.

6— H. 15


Trawl. Danish Seine. j Other Sets. j Lines. - :— \ —— ' ~ ' —: *— <— 7—' —- — ■— 4—- : j 1 :— re— j : — ,' .—• 1 Grand Total. Steam. . Motor. j Total. Motor. j Motor. Row-boat. Total. j Steam. Motor. Row-boat. Total. I I ' 11 I i Cwt. £ Cwt. £ Cwt. £ Cwt. j £ | Cwt. £ Cwt. £ Cwt. £ Cwt. £ Cwt. £ Cwt. £ Cwt. £ Cwt. £ Barraoouta.. .. 2,063 .840 .. .. 2,063 840 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. I .. .. 2,565 997 49 19 2,614 1,016 4,677 1 856 Blue cod .. 2. 2. 2 2 6 10 I .. .. ... .. ... j .. 30 17 23,457 34,401 5 6 23,492 34,424 23,500 34,436 " Bonita" (Brama) .. .. .. 2 3 2 3 .. .-. .. .. .. .. .. 67 156 .. .. 67 156 69 159 Brill .. .. .. .. 30 99 30 99 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. :. .. .. 30 99 Butterfish (greenbone) .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 1,213 2,943 33 78 1,246 | 3,021 .. .. .. .. •• — •• 1,246 3,021 Conger-eel .. .. .. .... . . .. .. .. .... 1 .. .. .. 1 • • .. 95 46 , ... 95 46 96 46 Elephant-fish .. 1,430 1,832 3,200 4,040 4,630 5,872 449 419 10 11 .. '.. 10 11 .. .. .. .. .. ... .. .. 5,089 6 302 Flounder .. .. 16 37 2,340 6,657 2,356 6,694 11,089 27,208 7,174 18,618 1,992 4,967 9,166 23,585 .. .. .. .... .. .. .. 22,611 57,487 Frost-fish .. .. v. .... .. .... .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 10 11 .. .. - 10 11 10 11 Garfish .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 121 63 .. .. 121 63 .. .. .. 121 63 Gurnard .. .. 459 534 5,707 5,394 6,166 5,928 4,624 3,423 474 172 .. .. 474 172 .. .. 638 443 6 14 644 457 11,908 9,980 Hake .. .. 1,544 2,419 241 488 1,785 2,907 12 8 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 2,500 4,670 .. .. 2;500 4,670 4,297 7,585 Hapuku (groper) .. 755 1,805 192 549 947 2,354 234 395 .. .. .. .. .. .. 21 40 27,005 54,958 76 126 27,102 55,124 28,283 57,873 Herring .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 8 7 34 51 42 58 .. .. .. j .. .. .. 42 58 John-dory .. .. 23 41 15 22 38 63 35 54 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 4 2 [ .. 4 2 77 119 Kahawai .. .. .. .... . .. .. .. . ■ 149 55 95 47 244 102 .. .. 13 6 ! .. i3 6 257 108 Kingfish .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 109 98 [ .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 1,556 1,487 4 7 1,560 1,494 1,669 1,592 Ling .. .. 1,928 3,006 1,775 2,566 3,703 5,572 43 70 1 1 .. 1 1 1 1 4,962 6,526 40 80 5,003 6,607 8,750 12;250 Mackerel .. .. 34 19 .. .. 34 19 .. f 41 28 .. .. 41 28 .. .. .. .. .-. .. .. .. 75 47 Maomao .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ■. .. ..J 2 2 .. .. 2 2 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 2 2 Moki .. .. 1,351 1,837 530 702 2,081 2,539 146 183 ! 352 442 50 61 402 503 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 2,629 3,225 Mullet .. .. .. .. .. .. ... .. ., .. 3,948 4,020 151 156 4,099 4,176 .. .. .. .. .. ... .. .. 4,099 4,176 p arorc Pioke .. .. 681 240 284 225 965 465 27 7 449 215 34 33 483 248 .. .. 70 32 .. .. 70 32 1,545 752 Bed cod .. .. 3,030 3,702 2,078 1,131 5,108 4,833 37 35 107 82 17 13 124 95 2 3 732 552 8 9 742 564 6,011 5,527 Sardine .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 1,830 1,308 .. .. 1,830 1,308 .. .. .. • • •• •- • • • • 1,830 1,308 Skate .. .. 28 10 16 10 44 20 .. 15 10 .. 15 10 .. 4 3 .. .. 4 3 63 33 Snapper .. .. 481 574 1,070 1,386 1,551 1,960 92,909 87,354 6,348 6,021 24 37 6,372 6,058 8 12 15,665 18,413 349 424 16,022 18,849 116,854 114 221 Sole .. .. 815 1,556 12,937 27,033 13,752 28,589 897 2,306 33 92 .. .. 33 92 14,682 30 987 Tarakihi .. .. 22,236 28,107 8,395 10,815 30,631 38,922 14,242 13,592 8 10 .. 8 10 .. 409 464 44 115 453 579 45,334 53'l03 Trevally .. .. 51 48 .. .. 51 48 159 350 477 312 149 144 626 456 .. .. .. .. ... .. .. .. 836 854 Trumpeter .. .. 1 1 1 1 2 2 .... .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 333 607 .. .. 333 607 335 609 Turbot .... .. .. 2 4 2 4 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 2 4 Warehou .. .. 40 49 .. .. 40 49 .. .. 653 770 381 307 1,034 1,077 .. .. 6 8 .. .. 6 8 1,080 1 134 Whiptail .. .. 9 13 .. .. 9 13 103 145 .. .. 103 145 112 158 Whiting .. .. 361 590 .. .. 361 590 .. .. 384 658 .. .. 384 658 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 745 1 248 Mixed flat fish .. 72 131 3,220 7,106 3,292 7,237 3,817 7,936 841 2,762 4 9 845 2,771 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 7,954 17^944 Mixed round fish and all 1,717 2,032 5,456 6,507 7,173 8,539 2,341 1,009 505 290 48 52 553 342 .. .. 1,602 2,007 2 4 1,604 2,041 11,671 11,931 kinds not specified Totals ..39,325 49,423 47,493 74,740 86,818 124,163 131,176 144,457 25,147 38,892 3,012 5,955 28,159 44,847 62 73 81,796 125,964 583 804 82,441 126,841 328,594 440,308 * Not including whitebait.


Table IIc. —Showing the Total Quantities of Wet Fish landed at each of the Chief Fishing Ports in each Month of the Year 1940-41.


, I I . , Septem- Octo- Novciri- Decern- Janu- I Febru- M „_ M , I Port or District. | April. May. June. July. August. | ljer _ j ier t)er _ a] .y_ arj , March, lotals. North Island. Cwt. Cwt. Cwt. Cwt. Cwt. Cwt. Cwt. Cwt. Cwt. Cwt. Cwt. Cwt. Cwt. Awanui and district .. .. 102 70 66 108 67 74 89 99 120 95 105 92 1,087 Mangonui .. .. .. 62 9 8 19 7 6 10 5 15 7 6 8 162 Whangaroa .. .. .. 80 78 81 57 77 62 53 25 78 62 58 39 750 Russell .. .. .. .. 67 70 88 61 88 134 104 148 130 118 131 85 1,224 Whangarei .. .. .. 109 88 85 39 55 161 126 98 80 48 126 100 1,115 Auckland.. .. .. .. 9,257 8,492 9,940 11,24613,347 12,81313,207 11,307 13,142 6,929 9,644 5,896125,220 Kaiaua .. .. .. .. 47 45 33 43 19 24 27 25 24 16 25 28 356 Thames .. .. .. .. 1,106 992 1,103 1,120 1,322 1,648 1,687 857 1,057 989 1,244 1,086 14,211 Coromandel .. .. .. . . .. •. .. . • • • 12 1 8 8 12 7 48 Mercury Bay .. .. .. 103 61 175 29 16 64 118 56 47 6 .. 6 681 Whangamata .. .. .. 5 .. .. .. ... .. .. .. .. .. .. 5 Waihi Beach .. .. .. 25 13 8 12 18 41 25 44 30 20 13 33 282 Tauranga and district .. .. 347 520 537 311 428 380 377 469 444 172 381 258 4,624 Whakatane .. .. .. 151 209 96 201 212 186 151 244 126 46 121 99 1,842 Ohiwa Harbour, Opotiki, and Cape 33 76 64 60 57 113 154 121 143 32 21 10 884 Runaway Gisborne .. .. .. .. 173 516 471 545 807 896 804 691 533 341 390 450 6,617 Waikokopu .. .. . . 2 1 3 2 22 44 36 28 2 140 Napier .. .. .. .. 782 964 1,588 1,390 1,407 1,614 1,692 1,698 1,583 1,052 1,496 1,203 16,469 Oastlepoint .. . . . . 24 39 70 58 47 35 4 26 25 6 31 43 408 Wellington .. .. .. 3,193 3,284 3,081 2,875 2,495 2,303 2,219 1,974 3,270 2,521 3,109 4,187*34,511 Makara .. .. .. .. 74 30 .. 38 54 14 5 24 7 101 33 47 427 Paremata .. .. .. . . 136 132 208 137 29 108 173 410 228 170 260 368 2,359 Paraparaumu Beach .. .. 102 70 108 115 86 12 22 31 66 86 85 108 891 Manawatu Heads .. .. .. 31 13 17 19 13 8 13 16 49 48 33 32 292 Tangimoana .. .. .. 5.. 2 2 6.. 2 1 3 3.. 4 28 Wanganui .. .. .. 37 30 53 32 19 13 20 17 25 82 73 58 459 New Plymouth .. .. .. 39 21 61 82 63 29 53 55 100 96 46 29 674 Kawhia .. .. .. .. 17 22 5 17 19 23 26 11 22 .. 24 22 208 Raglan .. .. .. .. 11 6 4 4 13 14 11 16 16 21 24 21 161 Manukau Harbour .. .. .. 175 207 177 175 240 199 252 210 238 160 248 277 2,558 Kaipara .. .. .. .. 436 262 310 188 291 257 181 161 248 151 249 218 2,952 Hokianga.. .. .. .. 75 89 62 72 71 83 115 75 68 26 66 54 856 South Island. Havelock ... .. .. .. 51 89 110 81 72 29 .. .. 3 .. 17 11 463 Picton .. .. .. .. 285 288 328 201 137 109 200 247 110 122 192 260 2,479 Blenheim (Wairau) .. .. 53 3 25 15 16 58 104 101 126 69 77 134 781 Kaikoura .. .. .. .. 89 143 432 225 178 204 458 382 470 117 233 203 3,134 Lyttelton .. .. .. .. 1,320 868 1,170 1,369 1,356 1,346 1,548 1,474 1,185 633 527 805 13,601 Akaroa .. .. .. .. 247 224 257 285 225 147 289 293 267 266 227 275 3,002 LakeEUesmere .. .. .. 200 181 173 128 115 114 66 103 67 84 133 220 1,584 Timaru .. .. .. .. 1,037 968 1,279 988 1,330 836 921 916 916 1,060 1,380 881 12,512 Oamaru .. .. .. .. 90 98 68 62 122 77 44 90 168 105 182 91 1,197 Moeraki .. .. .. .. 131 60 204 154 174 184 213 192 154 120 248 172 2,006 Karitane .. .. .. .. 17 1 1 3 1 .. .. 11 9 16 37 22 118 Port Chalmers .. .. .. 1,398 1,452 1,733 1,987 1,506 1,737 1,591 2,304 2,130 2,651 3,149 2,115 23,753 Taieri Mouth .. .. .. 72 36 112 78 60 81 98 222 226 104 178 97 1,364 Nuggets .. .. .. .. 178 26 50 491 420 99 170 572 232 239 173 214 2,864 Tautuku .. .. . . .. 14 .. 10 18 16 10 5 15 6 6 .. 7 107 Waikawa .. .. .. .. 488 262 208 242 168 361 406 735 172 207 310 524 4,083 Invercargill .. .. .. 13 15 7 3 13 6 3 1 .. .. 61 Bluff .. .. .. .. 269 120 194 650 289 216 86 290 371 180 132 236 3,033 Stewart Island .. .. .. 2,352 787 1,135 2,373 1,198 652 167 671 120 2 683 1,165 11,305 Riverton district .. .. .. 104 36 40 299 65 46 84 68 51 149 62 148 1,152 Hokitika .. .. .. .... 2 1 1 2 1 4 7 4 6 3 1 32 Greymouth .. .. .. 198 144 121 232 97 66 169 174 122 140 126 210 1,799 Westport .. .. .. .. 39 33 26 31 12 15 73 80 309 Golden Bay .. .. .. 30 10 47 31 28 37 63 59 58 60 42 41 506 Motueka .. .. .. .. 26 12 4 2 2 2 6 31 24 7 37 24 177 Nelson .. .. .. .. 631 791 801 683 386 364 276 506 366 228 323 349 5,704 French Pass .. .. .. 248 365 318 360 159 129 86 112 56 106 212 345 2,496 Chatham Islands .. .. .. 1,192 849 896 892 633 743 239 96 .. 87 376 468 6,471 Totals .. .. .. 27,578 24,272 28,254 30,938 30,153 29,019 29,007 28,617 29,353 20,191 27,186 23,906 328,594 • Exclusive of flsh shipped to Wellington from the Chatham Islands.


Table III.— Showing the Number of Sacks and Value of the Oysters obtained in the Dominion during the Year ended 31st December, 1940.

Table IV.—Showing the Number and Species of Whales taken off the New Zealand Coast, with Quantity of Products, for the Year ended 31st March, 1941.

Table V.—Return showing Particulars of (a) the Imports into and (b) the Exports from New Zealand of Fish and Shell-fish during the Year ended 31st March, 1941. (a) Imports.


Locality. Quantity. ! Value Dredge Oysters. | Sacks (3 bushel). | £(N.Z.) Foveaux Strait .. .. .. .. .. .. 65,993 I 47,846 Rook Oysters. Bay of Islands .. .. .. .. .. .. 2,058 Whangarei Harbour .. .. .. .. .. .. 126 Kaipara Harbour .. .. .. .. .. .. 808 Hauraki Gulf* .. .. .. .. .. .. 1,876 7,950 Coromandel .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 590 Great Barrier Island .. .. .. .. .. .. 300 Whangaroa Harbour .. .. .. .. .. .. 24 Total .. .. .. .. .. 5,782 Grand total.. .. .. .. .. 71,775 55,796 * Xamaki Strait, IS); Tamaki Point, 114; Motuhlhl, 55; ilakino, 196; ltnngitoto, 112; Motutapu, 145 Brown's Island, 00; Crusoe Island, 50; Ponui, 398 ; Waiheke, 711; Pakihi, 1(5.

' Number of Yield of Quantity of Oilier Whaling-station. j whaIe8 takca Species. (Bonedurt). Tons. Tons. Marlborough Sounds (Picton).. .. .. Sjrerm' >aC ' £ " j" "54 30

Kind of Fish. Quantity. Value. £ (N.Z.). Anchovies, salted, in containers of 28 lb. or over .... 9 cwt. 29 Other fish— Frozen, smoked, pickled, dried, or salted .. .. .. 404 cwt. 1,369 Potted or preserved in tins .. .. .. .. 1,511,366 lb. 69,017 Total value .. .. .. ,, .. .. .. 70,415


Table V.—Return showing Particulars of (a) the Imports into and (b) the Exports from New Zealand of Fish and Shell-fish during the Year ended 31st March, 1941 —continued. (b) Exports.


Kind of Fish. | Exporting Ports. Quantity. Value. (a) Produce of Xnr Zealand., ', ....... Oysters, fresh .. ;. ■ ■ ■■ Auckland .. • ■ ' 5 ,077 doz. - 39 Wellington .. 4,728 doz. 122 Invercargill .. 29,862 doz. 557 Total .. 35,667 doz. 718 Blue cod, frozen .. .. ■ ■ Auckland .. . . 5 cwt. 28 Wellington .. 929 cwt. 3,533 Lyttelton . . .. 13 cwt. 32 : Dunedin .. . . 454 cwt. 1,846 Invercargill .. 11,107 cwt. 41,512 Total .. 12,508 cwt. 46,951 Snapper, frozen . • ' •• Auckland. .. .. 3,225 cwt. 10,i04 • ; Wellington .. 580 cwt. 2,302 Total .. 3,805 cwt. ■ 12,406 .. . Flounder, frozen .. .. ■■ Auckland .. .. 2,719 cwt. 11,169 Wellington .. 1,325 cwt. 5,422 Lyttelton .. .. 154 cwt, 589 Dunedin .. .. 573 cwt. 2,313 Invercargill .. 219 cwt. 830 Total .. 4,990 cwt. 20,323' Tarakihi, frozen .. .. .. Auckland .. .. 2,267 cwt. 7,659 Wellington . . 936 cwt. 2,674 Lyttelton .. . . 319 cwt. 906 Dunedin .. . . 937 cwt. 2,954 I nvercargill .. 148 cwt. 359 Total .. 4,607 cwt. 14,552 Other kinds, frozen .. . .. Auckland .. .. ' 88 cwt. 1 " " 287 -.Wellington .. 2;852 cwt. ' ' 9,383 Lyttelton .. .. 686 cwt. 1,392 Dunedin .. .. 5,230 cwt. , 13,461 Invercargill .. 612 iM 1,979 Total .. 9,468 cwt. 26,502 Total exports of frozen fish from .. 35,378 cwt;.. 120,734 New Zealand ■ ■ Smoked, dried, pickled, or salted .. .. 502 cwt. 1,167 Preserved in tins — Oysters .. .. .. .. Auckland .. .. 1,2341b. 89 Wellington . . « 11,963 lb. 632 Dunedin .. .. 37,992 lb. 3,534 Invercargill .. 240,0221b. 11,599 Total .. 291,2111b. 15,854 Toheroa .. .. .. Auckland .. .. 87,475 1b., 6,035 Dunedin .. .. 127 1b. . 9 Total .. 87,602 1b. 6,044 Whitebait .. .. •• Auckland .. .. 72,6,81 lb. 10,979 Wellington .. 12,6691b. 1,745 Dunedin .. .. 37,313 1b. 5,757 Total .. 122,663 1b. . . 18,481 Crayfish .. .. .. .. Auckland .. . . 105 lb. 6 Wellington .. 137 lb. .12 Dunedin .. .. 33,231 1b. 3,337 "Total .. 33,4731b. 3,355 Value of total exports of New .. .. 166,353 Zealand fish and shell-fish (b) Re-exports. Potted and preserved in tins .. .. .. 13,249 lb. 551




LEGISLATION. Orders in Council under Parts I and II of the Fisheries Act, 1908. Part I. The Sea-fisheries Regulations 1939 were amended as follows : —■ 10th April, 1940 .. (a) Regarding the licensing and marking of fishing boats : (6) Altering the Danish Seine Regulations (fishing limits) for waters in the vicinity of Ohiwa and Opotiki Harbours : (c) Prohibiting powor-netting in lagoons, lakes, and other fresh or estuarine waters. 12th June, 1940 .. Altering the close season for oysters in South Island. 3rd July, 1940 . . Prohibiting certain classes of vessels from Danish-seining in a certain portion of the Hauraki Gulf. 31st July, 1940 .. Revoking Crayfish Regulations. 9th October, 1940 . . xiltering the close season for the taking of toheroas for canning purposes. 10th December, 1940 . . Altering the number of toheroa which may be taken as a daily limit and prohibiting the use of certain implements. 12th February, 1941 .. (a) Removing the restriction on the taking of mussels in Tauranga Harbour: (b) Raising the minimum size at which oysters may be taken in Foveaux Strait. 26th March, 1941 . . (a) Prohibiting the taking of crayfish carrying external eggs : (b) Restricting the use of set-nets in Lake Ellesmere and Lake Forsyth : (c) Restricting the rise of small-meshed nets in Lyttelton Harbour. Part 11. 3rd July, 1940 .. Amending regulations for trout-fishing in the Nelson Acclimatization District, 7th August, 1940 .. Amending regulations for trout-fishing in the Wellington Acclimatization District. 14th August, 1940 .. Amending the regulations for trout-fishing in the North Canterbury Acclimatization District. 21st August, 1940 .. Amending the Fresh-water Fisheries Regulations in the Southland Acclimatization District. 4th September, 1940 .. Amending regulations for trout-fish Lug in the Ashburton Acclimatization District. 4tli September, 1940 .. Amending regulations for trout-fishing in the Auckland Acclimatization District. 11th September, 1940 .. Amending regulations for trout-fishing in the Otago Acclimatization District. 11th September, 1940 . . Amending regulations for trout-fishing in the Waimate Acclimatization Society. 18th September, 1940 .. Consolidating the Trout-fishing Regulations for the Lakes Acclimatization District. 20th November, 1940 .. Further amending the Fresh-water Fisheries Regulations for the Southland Acclimatization District.


REPORT ON PORTOBELLO MARINE STATION. Marine Fish Hatchery and Biological Station, Portobello, Dunedin, 31st March, 1941. The Hon. the Minister of Marine, Wellington. Sii,— I have the honour to present the report of the Portobello Marine Station up to 31st December, 1940. The amount of money at our disposal has just enabled the Station to be kept going and the plant and buildings kept in good order, but this only by using the most rigid economy with no balance left over as a reserve in case of need.



The well-maintained aquarium continues to be a source of great interest and instruction to visitors, including special classes and schools. Marine biological material has been supplied to Universities, students, and a few overseas scientists. Specimens sent in by local fishermen have been identified for them. Mr. W. Adams, as Curator, has sent in monthly reports, and a note of these in an abbreviated form follows :— January : This month was exceptionally warm, with the water in the aquarium tanks as high as 21° C., but despite this the fish continued lively and healthy. In the vicinity of the Station whale-feed (Munida gregaria) was very plentiful, while small mullet (Agonostomus forsteri) were very numerous ; but there was an absence of the usual larger fish. A large number of the eggs of the elephant-fish (Callorhyncus millii) were sent to the Station by Professor Percival, of Canterbury College, to be incubated to certain stages. They were placed in one of the outside ponds and an inside tank. The dinghy and launch were slipped and painted, and the launch engine was overhauled and improved. Visitors numbered 154 adults and 139 children. February: The weather was disappointing. We had much rain and heavy winds, including a gale that carried away the lower end of the sea-water supply-pipe, causing a lot of extra work, as the specimens had to be removed to the outside ponds while repairs were effected. The stoppage was utilized to clean out the tanks and to repaint the ironwork. Shoals of clear shrimps (Nyctiphanes sp.) and whale-feed were still numerous in the vicinity of the Station. Large fish were not much in evidence, but there were plenty of medium-sized mullet about. The disturbed state of the water restricted the captures in the fish-trap. Elephant-fish eggs carried to the desired stage of incubation were returned to Christchurch. Visitors to the Station numbered 61 adults and 92 children, and also 60 pupils from the training-college. Biological material was supplied to the Otago University. March was cold with unsettled weather, and except for mullet there were very few fish about, but whale-feed and clear shrimp were still in good supply. The fish-trap produced a good number of interesting specimens, including weed-fish (Cristiceps australis), sea-horses (Hippocampus abdominalis), pipe-fish (Syngnathus blainvillianus), seaweed-covered crabs, &c. A powerful light suspended over the jetty on suitable nights attracted small prawns, cucumber-smelt, and squid, as well as garfish. The attendance for the month was 212 adults and 146 children. April also produced cold and changeable weather with the water temperature down to 10° C. None of the larger fish were noted in the vicinity of the Station, but the fish-trap produced an interesting selection, including a number of kelp-fish (Odax vittatus). Whale-feed had now disappeared from the surface and clear shrimp were not so numerous. The launch was placed on the slip for annual painting and overhaul and the moorings for both launch and dinghy were renewed. The continuous bad weather led to a poor attendance of visitors ; only 42 adults and 17 children visited the Station. May brought strong southerlies and heavy rain with further lowered temperatures, and the heater was started. All fish remained healthy. Through the kindness of Captain Black, of the trawler " Hananui," the aquarium was provided with a most interesting variety of specimens. Amongst the larger fish, were two fine trumpeter (Latris lineata) 2 ft. in length. Although these were taken at 45 fathoms, they did not seem to be in any way affected by confinement in our shallow tanks. The fish-trap continued to produce interesting catches, including the rare bearded rockling (Gaidropsarus novae-zelandiae), the crested weed-fish (Cristiceps aurantiacus), along with a variety of blennies and crabs and plenty of the common spotty (Pseudolabrus celidotus) and wrasse (P. pittensis). Small slips on the adjacent hillsides caused by the bad weather frequently discoloured the sea, and caused trouble when fresh sea-water had to be pumped into the supply-tank. The ferry steamer " Tarewai " having discontinued Sunday running and the land track to Portobello being in a bad state, the attendance fell to 16 adults and 23 children. Despite the cold weather, the fish still took food well. June was very cold, and the heater was kept in constant use. Repairs had to be made to a chimney in Mr. Adam's house as it had been badly cracked in a gale. July : Although this was a month of frequent frosts, the fish all remained lively and in good healthy state. The ponds were all cleared of marine growth and the dinghy was placed on the slip and repaired. Visitors were very few. August was unusually mild with the temperatures gradually becoming higher, and the heater was not continually in use. Most of the fish in the outside j)onds survived the winter. Clear shrimp again appeared in large numbers, and garfish and small mullet were again in evidence. After giving three years' continuous service, the fish-trap was taken up for repairs. Further supplies of marine material were sent to the Otago University. A specimen of the yellow-banded hussar (Lutianus amibilis) was sent to the Station for identification by Mr. J. Smith, one of the local fishermen. This fish is a stranger to these waters but is common off the Australian coast. A live lamprey from the harbour water was brought in by Mr. R. Buck, and Captain Black sent in specimens of great interest. Mr. A. E. Hefford, Chief Inspector of Fisheries, visited the Station. September temperatures were also mild, but the week-ends were marked by broken weather. Garfish came plentifully to the light. Strong weed-growth in the ponds had to be kept in check. The old-type oil-burning side lights of the launch were replaced with electric lights run off the battery, making a decided improvement. October : The weather was mainly fine, but occasional heavy winds caused discoloration of the water. Whale-feed and clear shrimp were plentiful, but the ordinary line fish were scarce. The set-net produced a fair quantity of mullet, and the fish-trap a better variety of fish, including kelp-fish (Odax vittatus), black cod (Epinephelus demaelii), weed-fish, sea-horses, arid large numbers of spotties and wrasse. The interior of the hatchery buildings and the pipes were cleaned and painted. The dinghy was slipped and painted. On Labour week-end we had 106 visitors.



November: Water temperatures became steadily higher. Large shoals of clear shrimp and whale-feed were on the surface, but the set-net caught few mullet as the bulk of the shoals were of small-sized individuals. The cleaning-up and overhaul of the Station and grounds was completed. One hundred and five adults and 35 children visited the Station, as well as 35 students from the training-college. December : The weather was mostly fine, and at times very warm. Water temperatures were as high as 20° C. in the tanks, and special attention was necessary, but the fish were not affected. There was an abundant supply of whale-feed on the surface of the water of the harbour, but school fish and ordinary line fish were not much in evidence. Garfish, including some large females, were taken with the hand-net at the light. Visitors to the Station were numerous. During this year there was no appearance of the large shoals of pilchards which in other years have visited the harbour. Although clear shrimp and whale-feed, which provides abundant food for both fish and birds, came into the harbour in great supply, there was a notable shortage of such fish as red cod, blue cod, trevally (warehou), and tarakihi. Water-temperature records along with weather records have, as usual, been regularly taken. The buildings and grounds have been kept in good order and the tanks and ponds regularly cleaned. The Station is in good order except for the supply-pipe which delivers sea-water to the tanks. It still functions all right, but I would draw attention to the Hon. G. M. Thomson's report of 1924 in which he states : "It will be necessary ere long to renew the iron piping of the hatchery building, which has been in use for twenty years." The same piping is still in use, but we do not know how long it will remain in a usable condition. I have, &c., WM. B. Benham, K.8.E., F.R.S., Chairman of the Board.

APPENDIX III. Average Temperature of Sea-water (at the Surface) for each Month of the Year at Five Different Stations.

Approximate Cost of l'ap:r.—Preparation, not given printing (605 copies), £62.

By Authority: E. V. PAUL, Government Printer, Wellington. —1941. Price is.]


Auckland Harbour (off Nelson Street Bay of Islands (off Kaipara Harbour Coromandel (off Whangarei Harbour Wharf). Russell). (Whakapirau Estuary). Wharf). (Parua Bay). OOrHOiOrHOJOrHOJOr-IClOiH Month. oLdioolosooojsioLiiclsooCTiii ciosooioosososotocftoaqaqaos °c. °c. °c. °c. °c. °c. °c. °c. °c. °c. °c. °c. °c. °c. °c. May .. 17-4 16-4 140 17-7 17-3 15-4 15-2 15-6 12-5 17-6 16-1 14-4 .. 160 June .. 15-3 141 13-4 13-7 13-4 131 12-8 13-3 12 - 8 14-5 14-4 12-6 .. 12-7 July .. 12-7 11-2 11-5 12-6 11-6 11-6 11-5 11-0 10-1 13-3 11-7 12-1 .. 10-4 August.. 12-7 11-8 12 - 3 12-8 11-5 13-3 11-9 10-0 111 13-2 12-8 12-7 .. 11-3 Sept. .. 13-4 13-8 13-9 14-8 11-2 14-8 14-5 12-6 12-8 14-5 14-2 14-9 .. 15-7 October 16-1 15-7 16-6 16-2 14-8 16-1 16 - 7 17-0 .. 17-2 15-7 16-4 .. 15-9 17-6 Nov. .. 18-3 17-8 16-4 16-0 14-7 15-4 18-3 18-6 17-6 19-4 18-4 18-3 .. 16-3 17-6 Dec. .. 19-1 19-7 20-1 18-1 18-4 19-3 20-6 22-3 21-2 19-6 21-3 22-0 19-3 20-2 21 -1 Jan. .. 18-7 21-5 21-5 18-2 19-2 20-2 21-3 23-1 .. 19-6 20-9 22-2 20-4 21-5 22-3 Feb. .. 19-3 19-7 22-0 19-0 17-6 21-2 20-1 .. 21-5 20-4 18-6 22-0 19-4 19-2 20-9 March.. 20-8 19-3 21-1 20-5 17 1 20-3 20-1 19-4 21-4 20-3 18-5 20-7 19-9 .. 21 -1 April .. 18-7 17-8 17-6 18-8 17-3 17-2 18-6 .. 17-5 18-8 17-6 17-3 18-6 .. 16-7

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MARINE DEPARTMENT ANNUAL REPORT FOR THE YEAR 1940-41., Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1941 Session I, H-15

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MARINE DEPARTMENT ANNUAL REPORT FOR THE YEAR 1940-41. Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1941 Session I, H-15

MARINE DEPARTMENT ANNUAL REPORT FOR THE YEAR 1940-41. Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1941 Session I, H-15

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