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Presented to both Houses of the General Assembly by Command of His Excellency.


The Secretary, Department of Labour, to the Hon. the Minister of Labour. Sir, — Department of Labour, Wellington, 31st May, 1940. I have the honour to present herewith the forty-ninth annual report of this Department for the information of His Excellency the Governor-General, and to be laid before Parliament in compliance with the Labour Department Act, 1908, and the Factories Act, 1921-22. The report covers the financial year Ist April, 1939, to 31st March, 1940. I have, &c., Henry E. Moston, The Hon. the Minister of Labour. Secretary of Labour.

EMPLOYMENT AND UNEMPLOYMENT IN FACTORIES. This report does not cover activities in connection with the Employment Division. The tables embodied in this report show further increases in the number of workers employed in factories, and also in the number of factories registered. Many factory trades have again found difficulty in obtaining sufficient skilled and semi-skilled workers to meet demands. A review of the number of permits issued to young persons to be employed in factories indicates the shortage of labour that exists, particularly in those factories where female labour is employed. The returns of apprentices employed in the skilled trades disclose a steady increase.


I—H. 11.

v it _ Number of Working Male Female Total Factories. Occupiers. Employees. Employees. Workers. 1913-14 .. .. .. 13,469 15,540 56,655 17,322 87,517 1931-32 .. .. .. 16,253 15,305 56,043 18,545 89,893 1932-33 .. .. .. 16,176 14,701 52,102 19,334 86,137 1933-34 .. .. .. 15,598 14,780 52,357 18,630 85,767 1934-35 .. .. .. 15,900 15,095 57,208 21,291 93,594 1935-36 .. .. .. 16,434 15,165 63,504 23,582 102,251 1936-37 .. .. .. 17,126 16,425 69,088 25,528 111,041 1937-38 .. .. .. 17,559 16,326 • 77,629 29,646 123,601 1938-39 .. .. .. 17,842 17,128 77,684 28,911 123,723 1939-40 .. .. .. 18,141 16,649 '81,507 31,332 129,488


The figures as to the number of factories and workers employed therein do not purport to coincide with those of the Government Statistician (annual statistics of factory production), as his returns, which are drawn up purely for statistical purposes, do not cover various small establishments that are included as factories under the Factories Act. It might bo explained that the above figures are those ascertained at registration time (April in each year), except that in order to include factories in seasonable industries which might be closcd in April any new establishments opened during the year are added. The figures shown for 1939-40, therefore, chiefly represent the numbers in April, 1939. It will be noticed that increases have again been recorded in the number of factories and in the number of factory workers ; in the latter case both male and female employees having increased considerably. An examination of figures in connection with the more important trades shows a continued increase of 851 workers employed in trades associated with the building industry, meatfreezing 299 increase, tinsmithing and coppersmithing 210 increase, biscuit and confectionery 191 increase, fruit-preserving and jam-making 354 increase, and printing and bookbinding 128 increase, while industries which last year showed a decrease almost all show an increase, including general engineering 798 increase, boot and shoe manufacturing 713 increase, and clothing-manufacture 555 increase. Other industries which this year show substantial increases are electrical and radio manufacture 450 increase, woollen-milling and hosiery-manufacture 254 increase, and tobacco preparing and manufacturing 259 increase, while the only industries to show any considerable falling off are coach and motor-body building 516 decrease, wool and flax dumping 257 decrease, and butter, cheese, and condensed-milk manufacture 118 decrease. Considerable overtime was worked during 1939, but as the Department's figures in respect thereof relate only to women and boys, it being in connection with these workers that permission to work is involved, it appears inadvisable to quote figures, as confusion may occur when comparison is made with the statistics relative to factory production issued later by the Government Statistician. An interesting feature associated with the increase during recent years in the number of factories registered is the number of new premises erected for factory purposes and particularly those for larger factories. The Department takes the opportunity as new structures are built to endeavour to arrange for the installation of up-to-date layout, ventilation, lighting, and sanitation facilities. Accidents. In order that they may be comparable with the statistics of other countries, the figures cover the calendar year 1939. The total number of reported accidents to workers in factories during that period (preliminary figures only) was 4,938 (4,641 males and 297 females). Of the total number, 143 of the accidents occurred to workers under sixteen years of age, 999 to those between sixteen and twenty, and the remaining 3,796 to those above that age. Of the i 0 fatal accidents, 4 were caused by or were due to machinery. Of the total accidents, 771 were caused by or were due to machinery. The other principal causes of accidents were found to be as follows : Palls of persons (from stairs, ladders, platforms, &c.), 194; stepping on or striking against fixed objects, 332; faulty handling of tools, 1,111; handling of other objects—viz., objects dropped or tipped over, objects falling, or strain due to handling, 1,555; handling of poisonous and corrosive substances; 108 ; others (miscellaneous), 1,638 ; total, 4,938. Disability caused : Temporary disability 4,797 ; permanent partial disability, 131. Fatalities, 10. Information in respect of time lost in 4,773 cases shows that a total of 92,818 days were lost, or an average of 19-4 days for each worker. The total amount of compensation paid in the 4,902 cases in respect of which the details have been secured was £77,032 2s. lOd. The following particulars are given of the fatal accidents that occurred during the year:— A worker in a sawmill, whilst giving instructions to a winchman who was hauling a log on to the skids, failed to stand clear when called upon to do so and was crushed between two logs. The injuries received proved fatal. A worker who attempted to close the door of a wagon whilst in motion was crushed between the door and a brick wall. The injuries received proved fatal. Whilst cleaning and dusting roof-beams a youth employed in a fruit-preserving and jam factory had his clothing caught up in some revolving shafting, resulting in fatal injuries. There was no actual eye-witness of the accident. It was thought, however, that the worker was seized with giddiness and overbalanced on to the shafting. An electrical wireman engaged on installation work in a timber-mill, whilst endeavouring to locate a fault, accidentally came into contact with an 11,000 volt feeder line. He was electrocuted, and died immediately. An employee intending to go downstairs, instead of opening the door which led downstairs, inadvertently opened a door which led on to the rails of a travelling crane. The crane was passing at the time, and the worker was crushed against the jamb of the door, receiving injuries from which he died shortly after.



A worker in a sawmill when clearing logs from the skids failed to chock two logs at the top of the skids. Whilst a hook was being affixed to one of the logs which had already been hauled a distance of some 13 ft., the remaining log rolled down the skids, inflicting fatal injuries to the worker. A worker engaged on an automatic digger and loader was undercutting a stack of phosphate when, without warning, the face collapsed on him, completely burying him. His head and shoulders were uncovered in about three minutes, but he died on the way to the hospital. A freezing-works employee engaged in cleaning casings slipped and fell on to the concrete floor, sustaining internal injuries which later proved fatal. A lorry-driver at a freezing-works during the course of his employment suffered a small puncture on his left hand. Blood-poisoning supervened, resulting in the death of the worker two days later. A man was crushed at a sawmill when timber fell off a truck as a result of it being stopped suddenly while being eased down a bank per medium of a wire rope. INSPECTIONS, ETC. During the year visits of inspection to the number of 15,654 were made. Complaints were received respecting 450 alleged breaches of the Act, resulting in 9 prosecutions and 260 warnings. In 129 cases investigation showed that no breach had been committed, while in the remaining cases no action was considered necessary. Eleven prosecutions were instituted for breaches which were discovered by Inspectors, and warnings were given in other cases, being either first offences or of a minor nature. Convictions were secured in 17 of the 20 prosecutions ; the tines totalled £26 10s. No case calls for comment. There were 776 requisitions served to comply with various requirements of the Act, such as for lime-washing, safeguards for workers employed on machinery, &c., -sanitary conveniences, fireescapes, renovations and structural alterations, heating-appliances, ventilation, spray-booths in duco work, first-aid appliances, and dining-rooms in the case of establishments employing over six women and girls and boys under sixteen ; also provision of drinking-water. Boys and Girls in Factories.

Certificates of Fitness issued to Boys and Girls under Sixteen Years of Age to work in Factories.

Lead Processes. Regulations designed to protect workers from the danger of lead poisoning in factories wliere lead paints are manufactured or prepared and also in places where painting operations are carried on have existed since 1925, while, for many years, the Department has required certain safeguards in regard to the use of paint-spraying apparatus, the standard insisted upon being as laid down by internal instructions to Inspectors. This latter matter was reviewed during the year, the representatives of workers and employers as well as Inspectors of Factories and officers of the Health Department being consulted. As a result, regulations have been issued prescribing the duties both of occupiers of factories, also of persons employed therein (the Spray Painting Regulations 1940, Serial number 1940/83, dated 14th May, 1940). These regulations make provision for the type and construction of spray-booths, for the ventilation and illumination thereof, and for the conditions to be observed in the use of booths, also in the premises and storage areas generally. Regulations to cover factories where electric accumulators are manufactured are under consideration. Rules relating to bronzing-work in the printing industry have been in operation since 1917, and these have received attention. At the request of the workers' organization a special inspection of printing establishments was commenced in January, 1939, with the object of checking the observance of these rules as well as the matter of lead fumes and dust, lighting and sanitary conditions also receiving attention. This work was completed during the financial year covered by this report, requisitions having been served as necessary.


Year. Boys. Girla. Total. J 1916-17 .. .. 1,158 1,251 2,409 1926-27 .. .. 1,199 1,547 2,746 1927-28 .. .. 1,030 1,614 2,644 1928-29 .. .. 981 1,603 2,584 1929-30 .. .. 1,077 1,746 2,823 1930-31 .. .. 655 1,059 1,714 1931-32 .. .. 420 843 1,263 1

[ Year. Boys. Girls. | Total. 1932-33 .. .. 509 1,067 1,576 1933-34 .. .. 510 1,283 1,793 1934-35 .. .. 791 2,011 2,802 1935-36 .. .. 1,026 1,964 2,990 1936-37 .. .. 1,890 2,572 4,462 1937-38 .. .. 1,881 2,135 4,016 1938-39 .. .. 1,830 2,320 4,150 1939-40 .. .. 2,139 2,407 4,546


The inspections carried out by the Department during 1939-40 indicate that generally conditions are satisfactory. Thirteen cases of chronic lead poisoning were reported to the Health Department during the year, and it is interesting to note that, of the nine cases dealt with by the Inspectors of Factories in one district, not one was in the paint-manufacturing or painting industries ; three cases occurred in the motor industry, the workers being engaged cleaning the soldered joints on metal motor bodies ; the remaining cases occurred in storage-battery factories. The motor-building and batterymanufacturing industries have received close attention in regard to this matter, as has also the conditions in the mixing of lead tetraethyl with petrol, the rules issued by the Ethyl Export Corporation being adopted by this Department in 1934 as standard. SHOPS AND OFFICES ACT. The Department has no accurate record as to the number of shops and the number of assistants employed therein, but from the information available it is estimated that there were during the year 28,404 shops throughout New Zealand, of which 13,383 (approximately one-half) were carried on without assistants. In the shops with assistants it is estimated there were employed 26,579 males and 25,324 females. During the year visits of inspection of shops to the number of 22,013 were made. The Department also made 3,450 visits of inspection of offices, but the information so far available is insufficient to enable it to make an accurate estimate regarding the number of offices in the Dominion and of assistants employed therein. Prosecutions numbered 124; convictions were obtained in 108 cases. A number of cases were withdrawn; fines totalled £130. Of the prosecutions, 52 were for offences regarding the closinghours of shops in the evenings or on the statutory half-holiday. Complaints were received respecting 541 alleged breaches of the Act, resulting in 50 prosecutions and 275 warnings. In 176 cases investigations showed that no breach had been committed, while in the remaining cases no action was considered necessary. Seventy-four prosecutions were instituted for breaches which were discovered by Inspectors, and warnings were given in other cases, being either first offences or of a minor nature. Two hundred and nine requisitions were served on occupiers of shops to comply with various requirements of the Act, such as for sanitary conveniences, heating-applicances, lunch-room, seating or rest-room accommodation, lighting, ventilation, cleanliness, and partitions, including separate entrances. Retail Hours foe Oil-fuel Establishments. Emergency regulations were issued on 26th April, 1940 (Serial number 1940/77), and enable the Minister of Labour to issue directions as to the hours that establishments engaged in the sale by retail of oil fuel be opened and closed on any or every day in the week (including Sunday). Before action in this direction is taken it is necessary that a requisition in writing signed by not less than two-thirds of the sellers by retail of oil fuel in any area or locality be received. The Minister may also exempt any premises from the closing provisions to ensure supplies shall be available at the normal retail price. Orders issued under this regulation will override section 72 of the Shops and Offices Act, 1921-22, as amended by section 28 of the Shops and Offices Amendment Act, 1927. Universal Half-holiday. Recent years have shown a progressive tendency upon the part of local authorities and electors to establish Saturday as the statutory closing-day for shops in preference to a mid-week day, and in view of the agitation for fixing a universal statutory closing-day a survey of changes over a period of years is of interest. Between 1908 (Shops and Offices Amendment Act, 1907, section 5), when electors were first given the opportunity of expressing their preference direct through the poll, and the outbreak of war in 1914, twenty-one polls were conducted, and in every case the vote was for a mid-week closing-day. Later post-war figures for polls show a decided trend in electors' preference towards the Saturday, as will be seen from the first table below, which shows, at various periods only, those areas which had determined their own closing-day by poll, until, by 1940, twenty-three polls, or 28 per cent., went in favour of a mid-week closing-day, and 58, or 72 per cent., in favour of a Saturday. Polls may be held only in cities, town districts, or boroughs, so that any distinction between urban and rural preferences is difficult. It will be seen, however, from the second table, which shows the closing-day in all areas whether determined by poll, the local authority, or by the Minister, that the trend in rural areas has been equally as marked. In preparing this table all cities, combined districts, boroughs, and town districts have been classed as urban, and all road districts and counties as rural-—a classification which tends to include under the heading of " urban" certain town districts which are more distinctly rural in character; but the form of the statistics available makes this unavoidable, and the results are not materially affected.



It will be seen that rural areas having a mid-week closing-day have decreased from 96 per cent, of the total in 1908-13 and 91 per cent, in 1920 to 64 per cent, in 1940, while rural areas with a Saturday closing-day have correspondingly increased from 4 per cent, of the total in 1908-13 and 9 per cent, in 1920 to 36 per cent, in 1940.

Table showing the Statutory Closing-day for Shops as determined by Poll only at various Periods since 1908-13.

Table showing the Statutory Closing-day for Shops however determined at various Periods since 1908-13.

INDUSTRIAL CONCILIATION AND ARBITRATION ACT. Awards of the Court of Arbitration .. .. .. 112 (last year 239) The reduction in the number of agreements and awards made is largely due to the fact that those filed m the previous year were, in many cases, for a two-year period, and will not come up for reconsideration until 1940-41. 1 The awards and industrial agreements actually in force on the 3.lst March, 1940, total 526 (last year 568). Ihis decrease is attributable to the fact that a number of awards with a scope covering only one district have been superseded by Dominion awards. „ . ~^ le 112 awards made during 1939-40, 55 were issued by the Court itself and 57 by the stipendiary Magistrate acting as delegate of the Court. The Court also issued 4 apprenticeship orders and 70 miscellaneous documents, interpretations, enforcements, &c., while the Stipendiary Magistrate issued 14 apprenticeship orders and 53 miscellaneous documents. Mr. J. A. Gilmour, S.M., has acted as delegate of the Court since 13th September, 1938, and during the six and a half months ended 31st March 1939, he issued 27 awards, 12 apprenticeship orders, and 45 miscellaneous documents Since the establishment of a separate Court to deal with cases under the Workers' Compensation Act, 1926, Mr. Justice Tyndall has presided over the Court of Arbitation. Work performed by Commissioners and Councils of Conciliation. Industrial agreements made under the Act .. . . 39 (last year 67) Disputes where recommendations were substantially accepted or agreements reached and referred to the Court to make awards .... . . . . . . .. 64 (last year 144). Disputes where partial settlement was arrived at and referred to the Court to make awards .. .. .. 74 (last year 69)


1908-13. 1920. 1935. 1940. Number of Number of Number of Number of Local per _ Local p Local . Local ,, Areas with , Areas with , Areas with Areas with er " Closing. centa S e ' Closing- centa S e - Closing centa § e - Sing da y- day. day. day. In mid-week .. 5] 97 30 64 34 44- 23 28 On Saturday .. 2 3 17 36 43 56 58 72 : .

1908-13. 1920. 1935. 1940. Number of Number of Number of Number of Local p Local _ Local D Local Areas with ,, Areas with , " Areas with cr " Areas with ■ l ' er " Closing- <= u Closing- closing- <*ntage. closing . oentage. day.. day. day. day. In Mid-week. Urban ■ • ■• 683 96 131 75 96 60 49 32 Rural .. .. 1,620 96 191 91 116 80 88 64 Total .. .. 2,303* 96 322 83 212 70 137 47 On Saturday. Urban .. 28 4 44 25 65 40 104 68 Rural .. 68 4 20 9 27 20 50 36 Total .. ..96 4 64 17 92 30 154 53 : i neighbouring arelf ° f th6Se l0 -° al ar6aS W ° re SmaU inde P endent districts which were subsequently absorbed b^


Minimum Wage-rates as at 31st May, 1940, fixed by Awards and Agreements in a Number of the Principal Industries.

Inspections, etc. During the year 7,754 complaints of alleged breaches of the Act and of awards and industrial agreements, &c., were received, but it was found on investigation that in 2,395 cases no breach had been committed. In 338 cases proceedings were taken, and in 4,008 warnings were given. No action was considered necessary in the remaining cases. Apart from the complaints mentioned above, a large proportion of the inspections of factories, shops, &c., included an inspection to ascertain whether the awards and agreements wore being complied with in respect of wages, overtime, &c., and as a result of these inspections 135 prosecutions were taken, and warnings were given in other cases. Of the 473 prosecutions, 409 were against employers and 64 against workers; 333 convictions were recorded, 273 against employers and 60 against workers. Total penalties, £431 10s. 6d.


(Where there is no Dominion award or agreement in operation Wellington rates have been taken.) Industry. Hate. Weekly Hours. Bakers .. .. .. • • .. £5 15s. per week .. .. 44 Biscuit and confectionery workers — Adult male .. .. .. .. £4 8s. to £4 12s. (jd. per week 40 Adult female .. .. .. .. £2 9s. per week .. .. 40 Boot operatives— Adult male .. .. .. .. 2s. 6Jd. per hour .. .. 40 Adult female .. .. .. .. Is. 5Jd. per hour .. .. 40 Bricklayers .. .. • • .. 2s. lO jd. per hour .. .. 40 Butchers (retail shops) .. .. .. £5 3s. 6d. to £6 5s. per week.. 44 Carpenters and joiners .. .. .. 2s. 9f d. per hour .. .. 40 Clerical workers — Adult male £5 10s. per week .. •') Those of establishment. Adult female .. .. .. .. £3 5s. per week .. .. / Clothing-trade employees — Adult male .. .. • ■ .. £4 12s. 6d. per week .. 40 Adult female .. .. .. .. £2 10s. per week .. .. 40 Coachworkers .. .. .. .. 2s. 9d. per hour .. .. 40 Cheese- and butter-factory employees .. £4 10s. to £5 14s. per week .. Butter : 40, 44, or 48, according to season of year. Cheese : 38, 44, or 52, according to season of year. Drivers — (а) Motor .. .. • • .. £4 16s. to £5 8s. per week .. 44 (б) Horse .. .. • ■ .. £4 13s. for one horse, £4 16s. 44 for two horses, and 6d. per day extra for each horse above two (c) Passenger transport .. .. .. £5 10s. per week .. .. 88 per fortnight. Omnibu sdrivers, 80. Electrical workers .. .. .. .. 2s. 9d. per hour .. .. 40 Engine-drivers, firemen, and greasers— Drivers, 1st Class Certificate .. .. £5 6s. 6d. per week .. .. 40 Drivers, 2nd Class Certificate .. £5 Is. 6d. per week .. .. 40 Firemen and greasers .. .. £4 16s. 6d. per week .. 40 Engineering-trade employees.. .. .. 2s. 4|d. to 2s. lid. per hour.. 40 Eurniture-trade employees — Males .. .. • • .. 2s. 4£d. to 2s. 9d. per hour .. 40 Grocers' assistants . . . . .. £5 2s. 6d. per week .. .. 44 Hairdressers .. . • • • £5 7s. 6d. per week .. .. 44 Labourers .. .. .. .. 2s. 4d. to 2s. 7d. per hour .. 40 Motor-engineering-trade employees .. .. 2s. 5s. to 2s. lid. per hour .. 40 Painters and decorators .. .. 2s. 9d. per hour .. .. 40 Plasterers .. .. .. .. .. 2s. 10£d. per hour .. .. 40 Plumbers .. .. .. • • 2s. 9d. per hour .. .. 40 Printers' machinists, &c. .. .. £4 10s. to £5 7s. 6d. per week of 40 hours Shop assistants— Adult males .. .. .. .. £5 2s. 6d. per week .. .. 44 Adult females .. .. .. .. £2 17s. 6d. per week .. 44 Storemen and packers— Wholesale .. . . .. . . £4 10s. per week .. .. 40 Oil-stores .. .. .. .. £4 12s. 6d. per week .. 40 Wool, grain, &c., stores .. .. .. £4 12s. 6d. per week .. 40 Timber-yards and sawmills employees.. .. 2s. 4d. to 2s. lOd. per hour .. 40 Tramway employees — Motormen (after first year) .. .. 2s. 6Jd. per hour .. .. 40 Conductors (after first year) .. 2s. 4d. per hour .. .. 40 Conductors (after fifth year) .. 2s. 4Jd. per hour .. .. 40 Motor-bus drivers .. .. 2s. 6|d. per hour .. .. 40 Typographers .. .. .. ■ • £4 4s. to £5 10s. per week of .. 40 hours Warohouse employees .. .. £5 per week .. .. 42 Woollen-mills employees— Adult males .. .. .. .. 2s. 4d. to 2s. 9d. per hour .. 40 Adult females .. .. .. .. Is. 3d. per hour .. .. 40


Registration op Industrial Associations and Unions. The usual statutory return (to 31st December, 1939) giving a list of associations and unions on the register at that date, together with registered offices and membership, is appended hereto. Employers unions number 264 as against 248 last year (an increase of 16) with a total membership of 9,893 compared with 9,131 last year (an increase of 762), 18 new unions being registered and 2 cancelled. Workers unions number 442 compared with 466 last year (a decrease of 24), with a total membership of 254,664 as against 249,231 (an increase of 5,433). New registrations totalled .13 and cancellations 37. It is of interest to note that the first union to be registered as an industrial union—namely, the " Wellington Operative Bakers' Industrial Union of Workmen," as it was then known—has now ceased to exist, having lost its separate identity upon the registration of a New Zealand union in this trade. The union was registered in April, 1895, with Mr. Andrew Collins as its first secretary, and it was not until some thirty-five years later that Mr. Collins retired from this position, Industrial Disturbances during the Year. There were seventy industrial disturbances during the year, compared with sixty-eight last year, and sixty-three the year before. Of these disturbances, twenty-three were in the coal-mining industry, fourteen in the waterfront industry, and thirteen in the freezing industry. The following were the more serious disturbances :— At Auckland 1,071 waterside workers were concerned in a dispute in which three full days' work and overtime on six days was lost. The workers refused overtime, as they objected to the delay in the hearing of an application for a new award. At Wellington 614 waterside workers were also oil strike for six hours in sympathy. Following these disputes all waterside work was placed under Government control. At Otahuhu, Te Papa, and Westfield 303 chemical-manure workers took part in a strike lasting twenty-one days, owing to dissatisfaction at the failure of employers to agree to an increase in wages. The workers' demands were partly conceded, the basis of settlement being a flat increase of l£d. an hour on minimum wages on all scales of the award. Four hundred coal-miners at Huntly ceased work on two occasions, the first lasting two days, the second five days, to secure the reinstatement of an aged employee considered to have been victimized. Their demands were conceded and the worker reinstated. Workers in four other mines, totalling 871 men, were also on strike for five days in sympathy. A dispute over the holiday-pay clause in their agreement led to a strike of 130 coal-miners at Wallsend for twenty days, and 143 men at Dobson for fifteen days. Work was resumed, and the matter in dispute dealt with by a Disputes Committee. At Denniston 414 coal-miners were on strike for fifteen days in a dispute over the size of tubs used in the mine. The matter was dealt with by a Disputes Committee set up in terms of the Strike and Lockout Emergency Regulations 1939. At Auckland 2,000 drivers lost half a day owing to the holding of a stop-work meeting to consider alleged obstruction by the employers in observing the forty-hour week. The matters in dispute were referred to a Disputes Committee. Amendments or the Industrial Conciliation and Arbitration Act. An amendment provides that in the case of a dispute affecting two or more industrial districts the place of the hearing of the dispute by the Council of Conciliation and by the Court of Arbitration is to be at Wellington unless the parties agree that it shall be heard at some other place, and a further amendment provides that where a dispute is completely settled in Conciliation Council the assessors may require the terms of the settlement to be forwarded directly to the Court wherever it may be at the time, and the Court may make an award embodying these terms without any formal hearing of the dispute, but any party bound by such award may within one month after the making of such award apply for total or partial exemption therefrom. A further section validates the delegation to the Industrial Magistrate of certain matters which had been informally referred to him by the Court of Arbitration but which were within the scope of h is jurisdiction. The informality arose merely out of the manner in which the matters were referred to the Industrial Magistrate. This section also provides that an Industrial Magistrate may exercise the powers of the Arbitration Court under the Factories Act and the Shops and Offices Act where delegated to him by the Court. Under section 5 of the Industrial Conciliation and Arbitration Amendment Act (No. 2), 1937, where an industrial union or association of employers or representative employers only are named as respondents in an application for the hearing of a dispute by a Conciliation Council, all other employers in the industry and area concerned are deemed to be respondents as if they also had been named in the application. Section 42 of the principal Act requires the Conciliation Commissioner to cite the respondents to attend at the hearing of the dispute, and a further amendment to this section made it clear that the Commissioner is to cite only those respondents who are actually named in the application,



It has been held by the Court of Arbitration that section 5 of the Industrial Conciliation and Arbitration Amendment Act (No. 2), 1937, which facilitates the citation of parties to disputes affecting a large number of employers by providing merely for the citation of representative employers, refers only to applications under section 41. of the principal Act and not to applications under section 58 which relates to Dominion disputes. This omission is now rectified. A further amendment gave power to the Minister of Labour to cancel the registration of a union or to cancel any award or industrial agreement upon discontinuance of employment brought about by any union of employers or workers. Pursuant to Emergency Regulations ati Industrial Emergency Council has been established to advise the Minister of Labour upon matters arising out of the state of emergency (Serial number 1939/166), while to facilitate the settlement of industrial disputes the Strike and Lockout Emergency Regulations (Serial number 1939/204) provide for the setting-up by the Minister of Labour of an Emergency Disputes Committee. Four such Committees have been set up to date — viz., those to deal with disputes in the coal-mining industry at Denniston, in the flax textile industry at Foxton, in the tramway service in Auckland, and in the oyster industry in Bluff. The Waterfront Control Emergency Regulations 1940 (Serial number 1940/44) authorize a Commission of three members to control waterfront operations, and under the powers contained in those regulations the New Zealand Waterside Workers' award, also certain sections of the Industrial Conciliation and Arbitration Act, have been suspended (Serial number 1940/68). LABOUR DISPUTES INVESTIGATION ACT, 1913. This Act provides machinery to deal with industrial disputes not coming within the scope of the Industrial Conciliation and Arbitration Act. A strike or lockout of workers or employers may take place where there is no agreement or award in force under the Industrial Conciliation and Arbitration Act provided that a certain period —about three weeks—has been allowed for the investigation of the dispute and for a ballot on the question at issue as hereafter mentioned. Notice of the dispute must be given to the Minister of Labour, who may then refer the dispute to a Conciliation Commissioner, who calls a conference of the parties, or the Minister may appoint a Labour Disputes Committee to investigate the matter. After the expiration of fourteen days a ballot of the workers or employers, as the case may be, is conducted by the Registrar of Industrial Unions on the question whether the recommendations made for the settlement of the dispute should be accepted or on the question of striking or locking-out. After the expiration of seven days following the notification of the result of the ballot the parties may strike or lockout. Only nine ballots have been taken under the Act since 1913, and in none of these cases did a strike take place. The Act also provides that agreements entered into by employers or workers to whom the Act applies may be filed with the Clerk of Awards and enforced for the period of their currency as if they were industrial agreements under the Industrial Conciliation and Arbitration Act—vide section 8. During the year seven, agreements were filed pursuant to section 8, the agreement in each case being reached without recourse to a conference under the Act or to a Labour Disputes Committee. Twelve agreements were in force on 31st March, 1940. APPRENTICES ACT. This Act, which was passed in 1923, places the regulation of apprenticeships under the control of the Court of Arbitration. It also provides for the establishment of Committees representative of employers and workers, these to have such powers as may be delegated to them by the Court. At present there are some 128 Committees functioning throughout the Dominion, although some of these are not very actively operating. The increase on last year is in part the result of the establishment of new Committees and in part the result of Committees previously treated as inactive becoming active again. One hundred and sixty special inspections were made under this Act during 1939-40, and, in addition, inspections were carried out in the course of ordinary inspection and investigation work and while visiting factories, &c., in connection with other duties. Complaints were received regarding 281 alleged breaches of the Act, while 480 other breaches were discovered by the Department's Inspectors, 558 warnings being issued. There were twenty-three prosecutions during the year for various breaches of the Act and the orders made thereunder, convictions being entered in twenty-one cases, and penalties amounting to £38 Is. being imposed. With three exceptions the prosecutions were against employers. The following table gives the approximate number of apprentices in the trades to which the Act now applies. It will be seen that the total exceeds 10,000, a figure which was considered in 1928 as approximately the normal for our secondary industries. Figures for 1928 are given for comparative purposes, as this was the last year in which the total was in excess of 10,000. From that point it fell to 8,901. in 1931, and finally to its lowest point, 3,329, in 1935, Since 1936 it has advanced rapidly to its present total.



Return showing Number of Apprentices employed in Skilled Trades, April, 1928 and 1940.

The numbers of new contracts registered for the years ended 31st March, 1936, 1937, 1938, 1939, and 1940, were as follows : 1,292 ; 2,328 ; 3,235 ; 2,700 ; and 2,840. However, there still appears to be a reluctance on the part of some employers to engage apprentices, and there is yet scope for the employment of a greater number without in any way exceeding the proportion allowed by the various orders of the Court of Arbitration. The Suspension of Apprenticeship Emergency Regulations 1939 (Serial number 1939/154) provides for the suspension of contracts of apprenticeship during the currency of service with the armed forces and their revival after discharge. As a result of discussions by the Industrial Emergency Council the acceptance as a member of the armed Forces is deferred until completion of the apprenticeship in the case of apprentices in the last year of their contracts. This does not apply, however, where an apprentice is joining a unit where he is performing service at his trade. Arrangements have also been completed for apprentices to be credited with trade experience secured while in the armed Forces. ARREARS OF WAGES. Amounts totalling £25,008 Bs. 7d. (last year £31,994 7s. 3d.) were collected by the Department's officers on behalf of workers who had been underpaid the wages prescribed by awards and the various Acts, while further amounts of such arrears totalling £24,864 9s. 2d. (last year £32,038 18s. lOd.) were paid by employers at the instance of the Inspectors directly to the workers concerned : Total, £49,872 17s. 9d. (last year £64,033 6s. Id.). Several statutes empower the Inspector of Factories, acting in the name and on behalf of the person entitled to payment, to take civil proceedings for the recovery of wages due. Inspectors took thirty-seven such cases during 1939-40, judgments being secured to the amount of £419 Bs. 4d. WORKERS' COMPENSATION ACT. Section 70 of the Statutes Amendment Act, 1939, provided for the making of regulations establishing a separate Court to deal with workers' compensation cases, such regulations being made under date 29th February, 1940 (Serial number 1940/38). The Court consists of a Judge only, Mr. Justice O'Regan, who was previously president of the Court of Arbitration, assuming tiie office on 9th March, 1940. During the year sixty-five cases were heard and determined by the Court of Arbitration (previous year ninety-five), while six cases were heard and determined by the Compensation Court. The more important decisions, with a digest thereof, are published in " New Zealand Workers' Compensation Cases," which is issued annually by the Department.

2—H. 11.


Number of Number of Apprentices Apprentices employed. employed. Trade. Trade. April, April, April, April, 1928. 1940. 1928. 1940. Baking .. .. .. 364 294 Gardening .. .. .. 26 11 Boatbuilding .. .. 52 49 Hairdressing.. .. .. 210 134 Boilermaking .. .. 76 37 Hatmaking .. .. .. 9 Bootmaking .. .. 221 313 Jewellery .. .. .. 75 66 Boot-repairing .. .. 72 32 Leadlight .. .. .. 52 30 Blacksmithing .... 91 13 Masonry .. .. .. 54 32 Bricklaying .. .. .. 127 47 Moulding .. .. .. 122 112 Carpentering .. .. 1,757 1,689 Painting .. .. .. 481 336 Chemistry .. .. .. 161 * Photo-engraving .. .. .. 54 Clothing .. .. .. 26 218 Plastering .. .. .. 227 149 Coachbuilding .. .. 370 493 Plumbing .. .. .. 741 537 Coopering .. .. .. 11 6 Printing .. .. .. 723 751 Curriers .. .. .. .. 1 Saddlery .. .. .. 49 43 Cycle-working .. .. 97 22 Sail and tent .. .. 3 8 Dentistry .. .. .. ., 17 Tailoring .. .. .. 77 45 Electrical .. .. .. 950 759 Tinsmithing.. .. .. 175 221 Engineering .. .. 902 1,238 Wicker-working .. .. 57 23 Motor engineering .. .. 1,122 1,504 — Furniture .. .. .. 747 799 10,227 10,083 * Not now subject to the Act.


AGRICULTURAL WORKERS ACT, 1936, AND SHEARERS' ACCOMMODATION ACT, 1919. For a precis of the legislation and a list of the extension orders issued thereunder reference should be made to the paragraph that appeared in the report for 1939. The extension order now in operation in respect of agricultural workers employed in orchards, however, is that dated 21st February, 1940 (Serial number 1940/24), which came into force on 22nd February and revoked that made in 1938. Discussions between the organization representing the workers and that representing the employers have taken place with a view to the revision of the orders covering agricultural workers employed on farms and stations, but no agreement for variation has been arrived at. During the year complaints were received respecting 988 alleged breaches of the Act, and these resulted in 31 prosecutions and 444 warnings. There were 5 other prosecutions (total, 36—employers, 32 ; workers, 4). Fines imposed amounted to £42. Apart from the above, inspections were made of 385 dairy-farms, 87 farms and stations, 153 market gardens, hop-gardens, or tobacco-gardens, and 115 orchards, it being necessary in 153 instances to draw attention to failure to observe the statutory provisions. Inspections of accommodation were also made as follows : Farm workers, 414 original visits and 117 follow-up visits ; dairy-farms, 59 ; orchard workers, 42 ; market gardens, hop-gardens, or tobaccogardens, 175 ; sawmill workers, 34 original visits and 72 follow-up visits ; shearers, 1,194 original visits and 824 follow-up visits. These " follow-up " visits are those to ascertain that improvements demanded have been carried out. In respect of accommodation for shearers, the Department has been endeavouring since 1936 to have this brought up to standard requirements, and it has now been successful in inspecting practically all the premises subject to the Act. As a result of these inspections, 1,273 requisitions for improvement have been served. It is not possible to report that these improvements have been completed, as considerable difficulty is being experienced in some cases in securing the building supplies necessary. All cases are being followed up. SHARE-MILKING AGREEMENTS ACT, 1937. Share-milking is practised chiefly in the North Island, and while numerous inquiries have been dealt with in those districts where dairy-farming is extensive, there has been, in the main, an easing-ofi m the volume, due, no doubt, to the provisions of the legislation becoming better known. The statute authorizes the Inspector of Factories, acting in the name and on behalf of a share-milker, to take proceedings for the enforcement of the rights of a share-milker under any share-milking agreement, and it is interesting to note that on no occasion to date has it been necessary to invoke this authority. In one district where litigation in respect of share-milking contracts was previously common it is reported that a noticeable diminution has occurred since the introduction of this measure. SCAFFOLDING AND EXCAVATION ACT. During the year 5,545 notices of intention to erect buildings and scaffoldings and to commence excavations were received (previous year 5,251), and 10,113 inspections were made. There were twenty-one prosecutions, convictions being recorded in fifteen cases, and fines amounting to £25 10s. being imposed. Preliminary figures for the number of accidents to workers during the year ended 31st December, 1939, was 387 (of which five were fatal). It should be mentioned that the total includes not only accidents to workers on scaffolding or in connection with gear or excavation, but also all other accidents occurring in connection with building operations, such as faulty use of tools, falling objects, and errors of judgment. _ If due regard is paid to the hazardous nature of the work due to height from the ground and the limited _ space for workers to operate, the number of accidents due to falls from scaffolds, ladders, or roofs is small—viz. 44. The numbers of accidents according to occupations were: Labourers, 174 ; carpenters and joiners, 14-7; steelworkers, 16; painters and signwriters 8' bricklayers, 4 ; electrical engineers, 4 ; others, 34. Information as to time lost and compensation paid shows in regard to the cases in which details are available that a total of 7,973 days were lost and compensation to the amount of £9,837 os. 2d was paid. The following are particulars of the fatal accidents reported : — A worker engaged on bridge-construction work whilst attaching a chain sling to the butt of a concrete pile which was lying oil the top of the bank of a creek straddled the pile, thereby causing some movement, to make the pile roll down the bank, carrying him with it. Whilst engaged in effecting repairs to a skylight in a pitched snow-covered roof of fairly steep grade a worker slipped and fell through the skylight to the floor about 30 ft. below. The man was dead when admitted to hospital. The foreman of an electrical-installation gang placed a ladder against the side of a lean-to building and failed to take any steps to secure it. When using it to descend he slipped and caused the ladder to slip and fall, the foreman falling with it. A worker engaged on an asbestos roof fell through the roof to the concrete floor below, sustaining fatal injuries. The asbestos sheet broke, presumably as a result of the worker falling on it after slipping. A scaffold worker died of septic poisoning following a splinter entering his hand. An accident during excavation work carried out by a local authority came under the notice of the Department. In this case a fall of rock occurred, the worker being crushed. Work of this nature is not subject to the Act.



SERVANTS' REGISTRY OFFICES ACT. There are 67 offices registered in New Zealand (last year 78). No prosecutions were necessary during the year for breach of this statute, and the offices appear to be satisfactorily conducted. The number of offices registered has deoreased from 110 for the year 1936-37 to 67 for the year 1939-40. FAIR RENTS ACT. This Act, the currency of which was extended by the Fair Rents Amendment Act, 1939, to]3oth September, 1940, applies to dwellinghouses that are let at a rental not exceeding £156 per year! It prevents any increase in a tenant's rent during the tenancy except where a fair rent is determined in accordance with the Act, and provides a means whereby in many cases existing rents may be reduced to a fair or basic rate. A number of major alterations were made by the Fair Rents Amendment Act, 1939, the chief being the extension of the application of the law to buildings constructed for letting as more than two separate flats or apartments, also to all flats or apartments not originally constructed for letting separately and to flats and apartments where parts of premises are shared. Power was also given to make regulations regulating charges for residential accommodation, and pursuant to this the Wellington Residential Accommodation Regulations 1939 (Serial number 1939/235) were issued. These had application within the City of Wellington, the Boroughs of Petone and Lower Hutt, and the Town District of Johnsonville, and continued in force until the 30th day of April, 1940. They were designed to afford protection during the period of the New Zealand Centennial Exhibition. The Inspector of Factories is empowered to act on behalf of any tenant in proceedings under the Act, and the following table indicates the extent to which tenants have availed themselves of the service of the Department's Inspectors : —

The total number of applications for the previous year was 5,730. The Department investigated seven alleged breaches of section 15 of the Act, which imposes certain restrictions on the letting or selling of a dwelliughouse where the landlord has recovered possession on the grounds that the premises are required for his own occupation ; proceedings were taken in five instances, convictions being obtained in four cases, and penalties amounting to £11 10s. were imposed. The above table does not fully indicate the extent of the work involved on the part of the Department's offices in the administration of the legislation. In numerous cases helpful advice is given to both landlords and tenants, and in this way disputes between them are often avoided. FOOTWEAR REGULATION ACT. During the year 488 establishments and 354 shipments were inspected under this Act, the latter in pursuance of the arrangement made with the Customs Department whereby all imported footwear is examined in the Customs shed before release. Inspectors of Footwear also examined footwear made for the Defence Services. WEIGHTS AND MEASURES ACT. The regulations under the Act provide for the reverification of weights, measures, and weighing and measuring instruments in use for trade purposes. The articles verified or reverified during the year are summarized hereunder:— Submitted. Incorrect. Weights .. .. .. .. .. 39,016 7,423 Measures .. .. .. .. .. 3,335 120 Weighing-instruments .. .. .. .. 25,162 3,366 Measuring-instruments .. .. .. .. 8,558 1,500 There were also submitted for verification 779,948 bottles—milk, cream, or oil. In addition to the reverification work referred to, the Department has carried out surprise tests of appliances on the owner's premises, the net-weight and standard-weight provisions of the regulations also receiving attention.


Agreement under Cases where Fixation of Fair Kent involved and Inspector rp ft¥1(1 „t „ Q1 , rQanil f n ,i Section 21. appeared in Court on behalf of Tenant. b? Inspector in Total Owner's Application. Tenant's Application. Eviction Proceedings. Town. Number of . uuier Applications. A PP™ ved NotAp- .. . Rent reduced Cases. Tnsmnct/ir proved. Eent Bent woi!t below Basic Bent not . . „ inspector. reduced. justified. fered to" Be ntorJfair reduced. Section 13. Section 14. Auckland.. .. 2,313 1,428 28 64 25 5 25 3 250 14 471 Wellington. .. 1,720 275 21 55 11 4 42 5 205 52 1,050 Christchurch . . 660 331 45 2 73 2 2 3 13 15 174 Dunedin .. .. 258 81 8 2 2 .. .. .. 30 .. 135 Other towns .. 1,108 478 34 10 37 3 10 8 62 11 455 6,059 2,593 J 36 133 148 14 79 19 560 92 2,285 * These cover cases dealt with by the Department's officers without reference to the Court, in many cases involving considerable reductions in existing rents, or applications which were withdrawn as a result of the tenant vacating the premises, or for other reasons.


In addition, the provisions of the Sale of Food and Drugs Act relating to the weight of bread and the provisions of the Weights and Measures Regulations relating to the sale of coal, coke, and firewood were the subject of inspections. There were seventeen prosecutions for various breaches under this Act or under the sale of bread provisions of the Food and Drugs Act, 1908, convictions being obtained in sixteen cases, and fines amounting to £34 10s. being imposed. Verification fees earned totalled £10,664 Bs. lOd. (previous year £10,437 9s. 9d.). During the year ten new designs of weighing and measuring instruments were submitted under clause 4, Part 11, of the regulations for approval for use for trade in the Dominion, viz. :— Weighing— Platform machines (non-self-indicating) .. .. .. 2 Self-indicating tank milk-weighing machine .. .. . . 1 Semi-self-indicating counter scales .. .. .. .. 2 Measuring-capacity— Lubricating and fuel oil measuring instruments .. .. 2 Petrol-measuring instrument .. ~ .. .. 1 Volumetric measuring instrument (other than liquid) .. .. .. 1 Measuring—Length : Fabric-measuring instrument .. . . . . 1 10 Of these, three were approved without alteration, four were approved after modification, and three were rejected as not complying with the Weights and Measures Act and regulations. INTERNATIONAL LABOUR OFFICE. The twenty-fifth session of the International Labour Conference met on the Bth June, 1939, New Zealand being represented by a delegation consisting of two Government representatives, one employers' representative, and one workers' representative, the following being the items on the agenda : — (i) Technical and vocational education and apprenticeship. (ii) Regulation of contracts of employment of indigenous workers. (iii) Recruiting, placing, and conditions of labour (equality of treatment) of migrant workers. (iv) Regulation of hours of work and rest periods of professional drivers (and their assistants) of vehicles engaged in road transport. (v) Generalization of the reduction of hours of work. (vi) Reduction of hours of work in coal-mines. Discussion of items (v) and (vi) was postponed on account of the prevailing political insecurity and the armament and defence programmes arising therefrom, together with the unfavourable replies received from most Governments, but draft conventions and recommendations were adopted in respect of items (i) to (iv). These are being presented to the Legislature this session. In view of the unrest in Europe, the Governing Body of the International Labour Organization consulted Governments in regard to the policy to be adopted in the event of an acute international crisis. The principle that the Organization should endeavour to function as completely as possible, even if such an international crisis should intervene and even should it develop into war, was reaffirmed. As a result, the twenty-sixth session of the Conference was convened for sth June, 1940, but in view of the prevailing hostilities the agenda was varied, the only matters set down for discussion being— The Annual Report of the Director of the International Labour Office. The Annual Reports from Governments on the Application of the Conventions. Methods of Collaboration—Governments and Employers' and Workers' Organizations. However, by a later decision the meeting was postponed to a date to be arranged. EMERGENCY REGULATIONS. As far as possible, references to Emergency Regulations administered in the Labour Department have been referred to under relevant sections of this report. Several have not, however, been mentioned, these being the Labour Legislation Emergency Regulations 1939 (Serial number 1939/167), enabling suspension by the Minister of Labour of the provisions of any Act or regulations or orders thereunder and of any award or industrial agreement which prohibit or restrict in any way the working of extended hours, and the Occupational Re-establishment Emergency Regulations 1939 (Serial number 1939/213), which places a duty on employers to reinstate workers in their employment at the termination of any service in His Majesty's Forces. One suspension order has been issued under the Labour Legislation Emergency Regulations 1939, and it applied to Defence and Emergency Works (Serial number 1939/168). Apart from the above, Inspectors of Factories are associated with the enforcement of the Price Stabilization Emergency Regulations 1939 (Serial number 1939/122) and the Citrus Fruit Regulations 1940 (Serial number 1940/51), this being undertaken in conjunction with shop-inspection activities. Inspectors of the Labour Department having been recruited from various occupations, the Department has had available officers with technical experience, and the services of these officers have been utilized in problems arising out of the present emergency period.




EXPENDITURE DURING THE YEAR. (Exclusive of Employment Division Activities.) Salaries and allowances (including salaries of nominated members, Court of Arbitration), £ temporary assistance, and agents'remuneration .. .. .. .. .. 67,363 Fees, travelling-expenses, &c., in connection with work of Conciliation Councils and the Court of Arbitration .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 11,031 Printing, stationery, office requisites and equipment, rent, cleaning, heating, and lighting of offices, advertising, postage, telegrams, telephones, &c. .. .. .. .. 13,149 Travelling-expenses, &c., of Inspectors, including cost of bicycles, motor-cycles, &c... .. 8,719 Law-costs incurred in Court cases conducted by Inspectors .. .. .. .. 245 Part expenses of delegation to Conference of International Labour Organization, Geneva, 1939 880 Miscellaneous expenditure .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 71 Immigration expenditure— 101,458 Disbursement of amounts collected on behalf of Imperial and other Govern- £ inents, &c. .. .. .. .. .. .. . . 77 Passage-money for migrants .. .. .. .. .. .. 11,771 Portion of salaries and other expenditure, High Commissioner's Office, London 764 12,612 114,070 Less recoveries— Salaries .. .. .. .. .. ... .. .. 1 151 Law-costs .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 145 Sale of publications .. .. ~ ~ .. .. 274 Inspectors'travelling-costs .. .. .. ~ ~ 1,812 Service to other Departments, &c. .. .. .. .. .. 90 Miscellaneous .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 61 3,533 Immigration .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 4,647 8,180 £105,890 The above figures do not include items provided elsewhere than the Labour Department's vote — e.g., salaries of Judges of Court of Arbitration.




RETURN PURSUANT TO SECTION 17 OF THE INDUSTRIAL CONCILIATION AND ARBITRATION ACT, 1925, SHOWING THE NUMBER OF AFFILIATED UNIONS IN EACH INDUSTRIAL ASSOCIATION AND THE NUMBER OF MEMBERS IN EACH INDUSTRIAL UNION REGISTERED UNDER THE ACT TO 31ST DECEMBER, 1939. (As a matter of convenience, registrations, cancellations, and changes of name and/or address subsequent to 31st December, 1939, and up to and including 15th May, 1940, have also been shown.)


tn • gw oBS Name. Registered Olliee, %r)v *18 «!0 1727 New Zealand Bacon Curers .. .. Care ofFeilding Bacon Co., Ltd., Warwick Street, Feilding 4 1732 New Zealand Master Bakers and Pastrycooks 213 Manchester Street, Christchurch .. .. 7 526 New Zealand Federated Builders and Con- 8-12 The Terrace, Wellington .. .. .. 14 tractors 1672 New Zealand Master Butchers . . .. 8-12 The Terrace, Wellington .. .. .. 12 1655 Now Zealand Master Carriers and Custom- C.T.A. Building, 109 Customhouse Quay. Wellington .. 4 house Agents 1041 New Zealand Coach and Motor Body Builders 8-12 The Terrace, Wellington .. .. .. 3 1869 New Zealand Dairy Factories .. .. 8-12 The Terrace, Wellington .. .. .. 4 1886 *New Zealand Fibrous-plaster Manufacturers 8-12 The Terrace, Wellington 1593 New Zealand Fruit and Vegetable Preserving 219 Willis Street, Wellington .. .. .. 3 and Allied Products Manufacturing 1845 New Zealand Furniture and Furnishing 8-12 The Terrace, Wellington .. .. .. 3 Trades 1253 New Zealand Federated Ironmasters .. 8-12 The Terrace, Wellington .. .. .. 4 1623 New Zealand United Licensed Victuallers Room 62-63, A.M.P. Building, Hunter Street, Wellington 21 1043 New Zealand Federated Newspaper - pro- Dominion Buildings, Wellington (P.O. Box 1066) .. 4 prietors 1260 New Zealand Nurserymen and Landscape 83 High Street, Lower Hutt .. .. .. 3 Gardeners 1314 New Zealand Federated Master Painters, Care of Canterbury Employers' Association, Chamber of 5 Decorators, and Signwriters Commerce Building, Christchurch (P.O. Box 359) 893 New Zealand Federation of Master Plumbers Care of Canterbury Employers' Association, Chamber of 7 Commerce Building, Christchurch 724 New Zealand Master Printers .. .. Huddart Parker Building, P.O. Square, Wellington .. 8 1809 New Zealand Private-hotel Keepers .. 8-12 The Terrace, Wellington .. .. .. 5 1844 New Zealand Soap Manufacturers .. 8-12 The Terrace, Wellington .. .. .. 4 1731 New Zealand Tanners .. .. .. 8-12 The Terrace, Wellington .. .. .. 3 1868 New Zealand Theatre-proprietors .. 8-12 The Terrace, Wellington .. .. .. 3 1333 New Zealand Theatrical Proprietors and Grand Opera House, Wellington .. .. .. 2 Managers 1248 New Zealand Waterside Employers' Asso- Shed 15, Queen's Wharf, Wellington .. .. 10 oiation Totals .. .. Number of associations as at 31st December, 1939, 22 133 * Registered subsequent to December, 1939.




P C5 O'flS Reg. Mp „ No. i Name. Registered Office. P s B jp __ "SJ-W 1470 North Island Bacon Workers Federation .. 152-160 Wakefield Street, Wellington .. .. 2 1261 New Zealand Federated Bakers', Pastry- 17 Tabernacle Buildings, Karangahape Road, Auckland, 7 cooks', and Related Trades Employees C. 2 1318 New Zealand Federated Biscuit and Con- 307 Pacific Buildings, Wellesley Street East, Auckland 5 fectionery and Related Trades 0. 1 561 New Zealand Federated Boilermakers, Iron 18 H.B. Buildings, Newton, Auckland, C. 2 .. .. 4 and Steel Ship and Bridge Builders 1416 New Zealand Federated Brick, Tile, Pottery, 307 Pacific Buildings, Wellesley Street East, Auckland 2 and Clay Workers , C. 1 796 New Zealand Federated Bricklayers .. Trades Hall, Wellington, C. 2 .. .. .. 4 1791 New Zealand Federated Brush and Broom 168 Stuart Street, Dunedin .. .. .. 3 Trade Employees 1884 *New Zealand Federated Caretakers, 307 Pacific Building, Wellesley Street East, Auckland Cieaners, Lift Attendants, and Watch- C. 1 men's 855 New Zealand Amalgamated Society of Trades Hall, Wellington .. .. .. .. 19 Carpenters and Joiners and Joiners' Machinists 1796 New Zealand Federated Clerical and Office 105 Customhouse Quay, Wellington, C. 1 7 Staff Employees 124 New Zealand Federated Clothing Trade Trades Hall, Christchurch.. .. .. .. 8 Employees 473 New Zealand Federated Coach and Motor- Trades Hall, Wellington .. .. .. .. 6 body Builders and Related Trades 1225 Federated Cooks and Stewards of New Trades Hall, Wellington .. .. .. .. 2 Zealand 1628 New Zealand Felt Hatters .. 37 Howe Street, Dunedin .. .. ,, ., 2 1748 New Zealand Federated Fire Brigades Em- Trades Hail, Wellington .. .. !' " 4 ployees 1522 New Zealand Federated Flourmill Em- 47 Albany Street, Christchurch .. .. .. 6 ployees 53 New Zealand Federated Footwear Trade .. Trades Hall, Auckland .... 4 1706 New Zealand Freezing Works and Related 305 Victoria Arcade, Shortland Street, Auckland, C. 6 Trades 1848 Now Zealand Federated Fruit Preserving, 307 Pacific Buildings, Wellesley Street East, Auckland 2 Condiments, Vegetable Canning, and Related Products Employees 772 New Zealand Federated Furniture and Trades Hall, Wellington .... 7 Related Trade 1847 New Zealand Gold-mines Employees'Federa- Miners'Union Office, Seddon Street, Waihi .. .. 4 tion 729 New Zealand Federated Hotel, Restaurant, 615 Cooke's Buildings, Queen Street, Auckland .. 9 and Related Trades Employees 1831 Now Zealand Federated Jewellers, Watch- Trades Hall, Wellington .. .. ., .. 2 makers, and Related Trades 866 New Zealand Journalists .. .. 105 Customhouse Quay, Wellington, C. 1 .. 7 1315 New Zealand Federated Labourers and Trades Hall, Wellington .. .. .. 10 Related Trades 1832 New Zealand Metal Workers' Assistants .. Trades Hall, Wellington .. .. .. .. 3 1453 New Zealand Federated Motion Picture 209 Waterloo Road, Lower Hutt .. . 7 Projectionists 275 New Zealand Federated Moulders .. Trades Hall, Christchurch .. .. .. 4 567 New Zealand Federated Painters and Trades Hall, Wellington .. .. .! " 12 Decorators 1767 New Zealand Federated Paint and Varnish Room 7, Trades Hall, Wellington .. .. .. 3 Manufacturing Employees 1828 New Zealand Photo-engravers .. .. 15 Trades Hall, Wellington .. .. .. 4 1734 New Zealand Federated Plasterers (includ- 307 Pacific Buildings, Wellesley Street East, Auckland 2 ing Fibrous Plasterers) 824 New Zealand Road Transport and Motor Trades Hall, Wellington .. .. .. .. 12 and Horse Drivers and their Assistants 1779 Now Zealand Federated Saddlers, Canvas- 420 Broadway, Miramar, Wellington, E. 4 4 workers, Riggers, and Related Trades 1306 Federated Seamen's Union of New Zealand 157 Featherston Street, Wellington.. ' .. 3 1495 New Zealand Federated Shipwrights and 81 Totara Road, Miramar, Wellington Boatbuilders 1218 Now Zealand Federated Shop-assistants .. Trades Hall, Wellington .. .. .. .. 13 1238 New Zealand Federated Storemen and 305 Pacific Buildings, Wellesley Street East, Auckland 6 Packers (other than in Retail Shops) and Warehouse Employees (other than Drivers and Clerks) 869 New Zealand Federated Theatrical and 26 Westminster Road, Mount Eden, Auckland, S. 2 4 Places of Amusement Employees 1419 Grey Valley and Buller Underviewcrs and Millerton .. .. .. .. o Deputies 912 New Zealand Federated Woollen-mills and 266 Moray Place, Dunedin .. .. .. 4 Hosiery-factories Employees Totals . . .. Number of associations as at 3.1st Decomber, 1939, 40 218 « Registered subsequent to 31st December, 1939,




® g fc Industrial District. Name. Registered Office. -g-2 |g 118" AGRICULTURAL AND RELATED FARMERS. (See Farmers.) ARCHITECTS. Wellington .. | 1795 | Wellington District Architects .. .. I 8-12 The Terrace, Wellington .. .. I 14 BACON-CURERS. Northern (Auckland) 1675 Auckland Bacon-curers .. .. .. National Insurance Buildings, 12 O'Oonnell 11 St., Auckland Wellington .. 1629 Wellington Industrial District Bacon-curers .. Care of Feilding Bacon Co., Ltd., Warwick 9 St., Feilding Canterbury .. 1741 Canterbury Bacon-curers .. .. .. Chamber of Commerce Buildings, corner of 7 Oxford Terrace and Worcester St., Christchurch (P.O. Box 359) Otago and Southland 1645 Otago and Southland Bacon-curers .. .. Federal Buildings, 88 Dee St., Invercargill .. 7 BAGMAKERS. (See Saddlers.) BAKERS. Northern (Auckland) 330 Auckland Master Bakers and Pastrycooks .. 35 Ferry Buildings, Quay St., Auckland, C. 1 305 Taranaki .. .. 1756 Taranaki Master Bakers and Pastrycooks .. Security Buildings, 74 Devon Street Bast, 48 New Plymouth Wellington .. 106 Wellington Master Bakers .. .. .. 29 NaughtonTee., Kilbirnie, Wellington, 15.3 60 1647 Wanganui Master Bakers, Pastrycooks, and 21 Mawai St., Wanganui East .. .. 27 Related Trades 1762 Manawatu, Southern Hawke's Bay, and Waira- A.M.P. Chambers, 14 Broadway, Palmerston 61 rapa Master Bakers North Nelson .. .. 1659 Nelson Master Bakers and Pastrycooks .. 132 Trafalgar St., Nelson.. .. .. 20 Canterbury .. 297 Canterbury Master Bakers .. .. 213 Manchester St., Christchurch.. .. 101 1736 Christchurch Cake Bakery and Cake Kitchen .. Chamber of Commerce Building, corner of 41 Oxford Tee. and Worcester St., Christchurch (P.O. Box 359) Otago and Southland 189 Otago Master Bakers .. .. 20 Crawford St., Dunedin, C. 1 .. .. 24 BATTERY-MANUFACTURERS. (See Electrical Trade.) BLACKSMITHS AND FARRIERS. (See Coachbuilders.) BOOKSELLERS. Wellington .. 1559 Wellington Retail Booksellers and News-agents Huddart Parker Building, Post Office Square, 14 Wellington 1579 Wanganui Retail Booksellers and News-agents Wanganui Jockey Club Rooms, St. Hill St, 10 Wanganui, (P.O. Box 307) 1631 Palmerston North Retail Booksellers and News- Coleman Place, Palmerston North .. 13 agents 1688 Hawke's Bay Retail Booksellers, Stationers, and Emerson St., Napier .. .. .. 15 News-agents Otago and Southland 1578 Invercargill Retail Booksellers and News-agents 88 Dee St., Invercargill .. .. .. 8 BOOT-MANUFACTURERS. Wellington ..I 6 1 New Zealand Boot-manufacturers'Association I Kelvin Chambers, 16 The Terrace, Wellington, I 37 I | C. 1 BRASS FOUNDERS. (See Engineers, &c.) BRICK, PIPE, AND CLAY PRODUCTS. North Island .. 1649 North Island Brick, Clay Products, and Concrete- 219 Willis St., Wellington, C. 1 .. .. 20 pipe Manufacturers South Island .. 1664 South Island Brick, Clay Products, and Concrete- 149 Hereford St., Christchurch (P.O. Box 381) 5 pipe Manufacturers BUILDERS AND CONTRACTORS. Northern (Auckland) 164 Auckland Builders and Contractors .. .. 218 Victoria Arcade, Auckland . . .. 99 370 Gisborne Builders and Contractors .. 53 Customhouse St., Gisborne .. .. 25 1443 Hamilton Master Builders .. .. .. Regent Theatre Buildings, Victoria St., Hamil- 54 ton 1438 Rotorua Master Builders .. .. .. Ritz Hall, Fenton St., Rotorua .. .. 7 Taranaki .. .. 204 Taranaki Master Builders .. .. .. 37-39 Brougham St., New Plymouth .. 16 Wellington .. 1390 Hawke's Bay Builders and Contractors .. Church Lane, Napier .. . . .. 19 1385 Masterton Master Builders .. .. Leecroft Chambers, Lincoln Rd., Mastcrton 13 (P.O. Box 190) 1343 Manawatu Master Builders and Contractors .. A.M.P. Chambers, 14 Broadway, Palmerston 37 North 418 Wanganui Builders and Contractors .. .. Victoria Avenue, Wanganui .. .. 31 101 Wellington Builders and Contractors .. 8-12 The Terrace, Wellington, C. 1 .. 43 Nelson .. .. 1739 Nelson Master Builders .. .. .. Newman's Buildings, Hardy St., Nelson .. 22 Canterbury .. 113 Builders and Contractors Association of Canter- 95 Gloucester St., Christchurch .. .. 90 bury 1320 South Canterbury Builders and Contractors .. 172 Stafford St., Timaru . . .. .. 27 Otago and Southland 337 Dunedin Builders and Contractors .. 20 Crawford St., Dunedin, C. 1 .. .. 74 406 Southland Builders and Contractors .. 72 Tay St., Invercargill .. ,. .. 46



3—H. 11.


Ill • Industrial District. | Name. Registered Office j -galS j gar BUTCHERS. Northern (Auckland) 464 Auckland Provincial Master Butchers .. National Insurance Buildings, 12 O'Connell 80 St., Auckland, C. 1 838 Poverty Bay Master Butchers .. .. 601 Gladstone Rd., Gisbornc .. .. 12 1281 South Auckland Master Butchers . . .. Invicta Buildings, Victoria St., Hamilton . . 73 Taranaki .. .. 1562 North Taranaki Master Butchers .. .. Devon St., New Plymouth (P.O. Box 142) .. 19 Wellington .. 1451 Manawatu Master Butchers .. .. A.M.P. Chambers, 14 Broadway, Palmerston 18 North 1448 Wanganui Master Butchers .. .. 189 Victoria Avenue, Wanganui .. .. 23 1437 Wellington Master Butchers .. .. 8-12 The Terrace, Wellington, C. 1 .. 41 1666 Wairarapa Master Butchers .. . . Leecroft Chambers, Lincoln Rd., Masterton 20 (P.O. Box 190) Nelson .. . . 1870 Nelson Master Butchers .. . . .. Dalgety's Building, Trafalgar St., Nelson 10 Westland .. 1853 Westland Master Butchers .. . . .. Mackay St., Greymouth .. .. .. 33 Canterbury .. 430 Canterbury Butchers . . .. .. Chamber of Commerce Building, Christchurch 91 Otago and Southland 891 Dunedin and Suburban Master Butchers .. 21 Crawford St., Dunedin, C. 1 .. 53 1280 Dunedin and Suburban Pork-butchers .. 246 Stuart St., Dunedin .. .. .. 5 560 Invercargill and Suburban Master Butchers .. Crescent, Invercargill .. .. .. 44 CANISTER MAKERS. New Zealand .. j 1885 |*New Zealand Canister Makers .. . . | 219 Willis St., Wellington .. .. | CARDBOARD-BOX MAKERS. North Island .. I 1687 I North Island Cardboard Box, Carton, and | 219 Willis St., Wellington, C. 1 .. .. I 10 I Paper-bag Makers CARRIERS. Northern (Auckland) 348 Auckland and Suburban General Carriers and National Insurance Buildings, 12 O'Connell 80 Coal-merchants St., Auckland, C. 1 1561 Waipa Master Carriers .. .. .. Alexandra St., Te Awamutu (P.O. Box 17) .. 38 1618 Hamilton Master Carriers and Forwarding Agents Regent Theatre Buildings, Victoria St., Hamil- 25 ton 1790 Gisborne Carriers .. .. .. 12 Lowe St., Gisborne .. .. .. 17 Wellington .. 1118 Wellington General Carriers and Customhouse D.I.C. Building, Panama Street, Wellington, 90 and Forwarding Agents C. 1 (P.O. Box 895) Canterbury .. 324 Canterbury Employers of Drivers .. .. Care of Canterbury Employers' Association, 61 Chamber of Commerce Building, Christchurch Otago .. ... 1472 Otago Carriers and Customs Agents . . .. Messrs. Crust and Crust Buildings, Manse St., 102 Dunedin, C. 1 CHEMICAL-MANUFACTURERS. (See Foodstuffs.) COLLAR-MAKERS. (See Saddlery.) COLOUR-MAKERS. (See Glass, Oil, Colour, &c.) CONDIMENT-MANUFACTURERS. (See Foodstuffs.) CLOTHIERS (RETAILERS). (See Drapers, &o.) CLOTHING TRADES. Northern (Auckland) 122 Auckland Master Tailors .. .. .. National Insurance Buildings, 12 O'Connell 34 St., Auckland, C. 1 Taranaki .. . . 447 Taranaki Master Tailors .. .. .. Currie St., New Plymouth .. .. 12 Wellington .. 815 Wellington Clothing-manufacturers .. 58 Jervois Quay, Wellington .. .. 11 1197 Wellington Soft-goods Manufacturers .. 219 Willis St., Wellington .. .. 45 1840 Wellington Industrial District Furriers .. 8-12 The Terrace, Wellington, C. 1 .. 13 Nelson .. .. 774 Nelson Master Tailors .. . . .. Trafalgar St., Nelson .. .. .. 5 Canterbury .. 831 Christchurch Clothing-manufacturers .. Care of Canterbury Employers' Association, 40 Christchurch (P.O. Box 359) 125 Christchurch Master Tailors .. .. Care of Canterbury Employers' Association, 10 Chamber of Commerce Building, Christchurch Otago and Southland 313 Dunedin Master Tailors .. .. 14 Bond Street, Dunedin, C* 1 .. .. 7 COACHBUILDERS. Northern (Auckland) 504 Auckland Provincial Coachbuildcrs and Wheel- 204-5 Southern Cross Buildings, Chancery ; 5 wrights St., Auckland, C. 1 1027 South Auckland District Coachbuilders, Black- Alexandra St., Hamilton .. .. 20 smiths, and Farriers Wellington .. 1054 Wellington Coach and Motor-vehicle Trades .. 8-12 The Terrace, Wellington, C. 1 . . 14 Canterbury .. 298 Canterbury Motor-body and Carriage Builders 213 Manchester St., Christchurch, C. 1 .. 16 Otago .. .. 1789 Dunedin Coach and Motor-body Builders .. 140 Crawford Street, Dunedin .. .. 10 COAL-MERCHANTS. (See also Carriers.) Wellington .. I 1582 I Wellington Coal Merchants and Dealers .. , 8-12 The Terrace, Wellington, C. 1 .. I 32 Otago .. .. | 1550 J Dunedin and Suburban Coal-merchants .. [ 20 Crawford St., Dunedin, C. 1 .. .. 70 COAL-MINE OWNERS. (See Mine-owners.) CONCRETE-GOODS MANUFACTURERS. (See also Brick, &c., Products.) North Island .. 1855 North Island Concrete Products and Pumice 219 Willis St., Wellington .. .. 15 Goods (except concrcte pipes) Manufacturers Canterbury .. 1859 North Canterbury Concrete and Pumice Products Chamber of Commerce Building, corner of 8 (except concrete pipes) Manufacturers Oxford Terrace and Worcester St., Christchurch * Registered subsequent to 31st December, 1939.




° II . Industrial District. Name. Registered Offlc*. || a| CONFECTIONEBS. Wellington .. i 1482 I Wellington District Manufacturing Confectioners | 219 Willis St., Wellington, C. 1 .. .. | 8 COUNTY COUNCILS. New Zealand .. | 1772 I New Zealand County Councils .. .. I 8 The Terrace, Wellington, C.l .. .. I 124 CUSTOMHOUSE AND FORWARDING AGENTS. (See Carriers.) DAIRY FACTORIES. Northern (Auckland) 1857 Auckland Dairy Factories .. .. .. State Fire Buildings, Victoria St., Hamilton 41 Taranaki .. . . 605 Taranaki Dairying and Farming .. .. Union Bank Chambers, Stratford .. . . 55 Wellington .. 1356 Wellington Dairy Factories.. .. .. Care of Cheltenham Co-op. Dairy Co., Ltd., 83 Makino, Feilding Canterbury .. 1849 Canterbury Dairy Factories .. .. Chamber of Commerce Building, corner of 12 Oxford Terrace and Worcester St., Christchurch DAIRY-FARMERS. (See Farmers.) DAIRYMEN. Canterbury .. I 1747 | Christchurch Dairymen's .. .. .. I 187 Hereford St., Christchurch .. .. I 4 DENTAL EMPLOYERS. Wellington .. |, 1568 | Wellington District Dental Employers .. | 219 Willis St., Wellington, C. 1 .. .. I 102 DRAPERS, MILLINERS, MERCERS, AND CLOTHIERS (RETAILERS). Northern (Auckland) I 1011 I Auckland Retail Drapers, Milliners, Mercers, I National Insurance Buildings, 12 O'Connell | 50 I and Clothiers I Auckland, C. 1 DRUG-MANUFACTURERS. (See Foodstuffs.) DYERS AND DRY CLEANERS. (See Laundrymen.) ELECTRICAL TRADE. New Zealand .. 1689 New Zealand Electric-power Boards and Supply Southern Cross Buildings, 22-24 Brandon St., 55 Authorities ' Wellington Wellington .. 1577 Wellington Electrical Contractors .. .. Huddart-Parker Building, P.O. Square, Wei- 24 lington 1580 Wellington Wholesale Electrical Traders .. Huddart-Parker Building, P.O. Square, Wei- 14 lington 1769 Wellington Storage-battery Manufacturers .. 219 Willis St., Wellington, C. 1 .. 12 Canterbury .. 1702 Canterbury Electrical Contractors .. . . Care of Canterbury Employers' Association, 72 Chamber of Commerce Buildings, Christchurch (P.O. Box 359) Otago and Southland 1633 Dunedin Electrical Traders.. .. .. 149-155 Stuart St., Dunedin .. .. 21 1634 Dunedin Electrical Contractors .. .. 149-155 Stuart St., Dunedin .. .. 20 ELECTROPLATERS. Wellington .. [ 1615 | Wellington District Electroplaters .. .. | 219 Willis St., Wellington, C. 1 .. .. I 8 ENGINEERS AND IRON AND BRASS FOUNDERS. Northern (Auckland) 1252 Auckland Ironmasters . . .. . . National Insurance Buildings, 12 O'Connell 57 St., Auckland, C. 1 Wellington .. 1019 Jas. J., Nivon, and Co., Ltd. .. .. 65-67 Taranaki St., Wellington .. .. 1 1105 Wellington Engineers, Metal-workers, and Iron 8-12 The Terrace, Wellington, C. 1 . . 17 and Brass Founders Canterbury .. 1247 Christchurch Engineers, Metal-workers, and Iron Care of Canterbury Employers' Association, 32 and Brass Founders Chamber of Commerce Buildings, Christchurch (P.O. Box 359) Otago and Southland 1087 Dunedin Engineers, Metal-workers, and Iron Care of Reid and Grey, Burnside, Dunedin.. 26 and Brass Founders FARMERS. New Zealand .. 1685 New Zealand Agricultural and Related Farmers Brown's Building, 31-33 Johnston St., Wei- 66 lington (P.O. Box 715) 1684 New Zealand Dairy-farmers .. .. Brown's Building, 31-33 Johnston St., Wei. 43 lington (P.O. Box 715) 1704 New Zealand Fruitgrowers .. .. .. Prudential Building, Lambton Quay, Wei- 489 lington 1590 New Zealand Commercial Gardeners. . .. 83 High St., Lower Hutt, Wellington .. 12 1673 New Zealand Sheepowners .. .. .. 90 Hereford St., Christchurch, C. 1 .. 1,585 Nelson .. .. 1621 Nelson District Hopgrowers .. .. Upper Moutere, Nelson .. .. .. 10 FENCE-MANUFACTURERS. (See Gate, &c., Manufacturers.) FERRY COMPANIES. (See Shipowners.) FIRE BOARDS. New Zealand .. I 1867 | New Zealand Fire-Boards .. .. .. 1 3rd Floor, D.LC. Building, Wellington .. | 23




(w - Orfjjj Industrial District. Name. Registered Offloe. •^•§^1 |JI 3 FLORISTS. Wellington .. | 1798 | Wellington Industrial District Florists .. | 8-12 The Terrace, Wellington, C. 1 .. | 14 FLOUR-MILLERS. (See Millers.) FOODSTUFFS. Wellington .. 1584 Wellington District Drug, Chemical, Condi- 219 Willis St., Wellington .. ,. 38 ment, Patent Food and Medicine Manufacturers Canterbury .. 1875 Canterbury Sauce, Pickle, Preserved Food, Chamber of Commerce Building, corner of Ox- 5 and Starch Manufacturers I ford Tee. and Worcester St., Christchurch FORWARDING AGENTS. (See Carriers.) FREEZING COMPANIES. Northern (Auckland) | 741 I Auckland Farmers' Freezing Co., Ltd. .. | Endean's Buildings, Queen St., Auckland .. I 1 FROZEN PRODUCTS. New Zealand .. j 1514 J New Zealand Frozen Products Manufacturers.. | 219 Willis St., Wellington, C. 1 .. .. I 18 FRUITGROWERS. (See Farmers.) FRUIT PRESERVING AND VEGETABLE CANNING. (See Jam-manufacturers.) FURNITURE AND FURNISHING TRADE. Northern (Auckland) 911 Auckland Furniture and Furnishing .. .. National Insurance Buildings, 12 O'Connell 61 St., Auckland, C. 1 Wellington .. 1022 Wellington Furniture and Furnishing Trade .. 8-12 The Terrace, Wellington, C. 1 .. 29 1770 Wellington Flock, Felt, and Spring Manufac- 219 Willis St., Wellington, C. 1 .. 6 turers Canterbury .. 141 Christchurch Furniture-makers .. .. Care of Canterbury Employers' Association, 8 Christchurch (P.O. Box 359) Otago and Southland 1878 Otago Furniture and Furnishing Trades .. 20 Crawford St., Dunedin .. .. 8 FURRIERS. (See Clothing Trades.) GARDENERS. (See Nurserymen, &c.) GARDENERS (COMMERCIAL). (See Farmers.) GAS, COAL, AND COKE. Canterbury .. I 1681 I Christchurch Gas, Coal, and Coke Co., Ltd. .. I 77-83 Worcester St., Christchurch.. .. 1 GAS-METER MANUFACTURERS. Wellington .. I 1698 I Wellington Gas Meter Manufacturers .. I 219 Willis St., Wellington, C. 1 .. .. | 3 GATE, FENCE, AND WIRE PRODUCTS MANUFACTURERS. Wellington .. I 1744 I Wellington District Gate, Fence, and Wire | 219 Willis St., Wellington, C. 1 .. .. I 4 j Products Manufacturers | | GLASS, OIL, COLOUR, PAINT, AND WALLPAPER. Wellington .. | 1620 I Wellington Glass, Oil, Colour, Paint, and I 8-12 The Terrace, Wellington, C. 1 .. I 13 I I Wallpaper Merchants GOLD-MINE OWNERS. (Seo Mine-owners.) GROCERS. Northern (Auckland) 1566 Auckland Chain Grocery Stores .. .. National Insurance Buildings, 12 O'Connell 6 St., Auckland, C. 1 1713 Auckland Master Grocers .. .. .. Wallace Buildings, Anzac Avenue, Auckland, 289 C. 1 1690 Gisborne Master Grocers .. .. .. 583 Gladstone Rd., Gisborne .. .. 60 Taranaki .. .. 1229 Taranaki Provincial Retail Grocers .. .. Security Buildings, 74 Devon St., New 126 Plymouth Wellington .. 1421 Wellington Chain Grocery Stores .. .. 8-12 The Terrace, Wellington, C. 1 .. 7 1123 Wellington Grocers .. .. .. 324 Lambton Quay, Wellington .. .. 135 Nelson .. .. 1589 Nelson District Master Grocers .. 47 Nile St., Nelson .. .. .. 29 Canterbury .. 1422 Canterbury Chain Grocery Stores .. .. Chamber of Commerce Building, Christchurch 3 (P.O. Box 359) 1368 Canterbury Master Grocers .. .. Care of Canterbury Employers' Association, 25 Christchurch (P.O. 359) Otago and Southland 1423 Otago and Southland Chain Grocery Stores .. Care of National Distributors, Ltd., Wood St., 4 Invercargill 302 Otago Grocers .. .. .. 20 Crawford St., Dunedin, C. 1 .. . . 190 664 Southland Grocers.. .. .. . . Federal Buildings, 88 Dee St., Invercargill .. 40




I r» I SfjL Industrial District. ; ' Name. Registered Office. •§'§§§ ! R O Orl | | g»« HAIRDRESSERS AND TOBACCONISTS. Northern (Auckland) 1876 Auckland Ladies' Hairdressing and Beauty Salon National Insurance Buildings, O'Connell St., 37 Proprietors Auckland Wellington .. 1581 Wellington Ladies' Hairdressing Salon Pro- 8-12 The Terrace, Wellington, C. 1 .. 32 prietors 1860 Wellington Tobacconists and Hairdressers .. 96 Wakefield St., Wellington .. .. 35 Canterbury .. 1069 Christchurch Hairdressers and Tobacconists .. 213 Manchester St., Christchurch .. .. 98 1724 North Canterbury Ladies' Hairdressers .. Care of Canterbury Employers' Association, 25 Christchurch (P.O. Box 359) 1881 South Canterbury Hairdressers and Tobacco- 135 Stafford St., Timaru .. .. 24 nists HARBOUR BOARDS. New Zealand .. I 1725 I New Zealand Harbour Boards .. .. | Care of Wanganui Harbour Board, Castlecliff, I 24 I Wanganui HARDWARE-MERCHANTS. Wellington .. | 1426 J Briscoe, E. W. Mills, and Co., Ltd. .. .: Jervois Quay, Wellington, C. 1 .. .. I 1 HARNESS-MAKERS. (See Saddlers.) HAT-MANUFACTURERS. Wellington .. 1 1497 I Wellington District Hat-manufacturers and I 219 Willis St., Wellington, C. 1 .. .. I 8 Milliners HOPGROWERS. (See ] Farmers.) HOSPITAL BOARDS. New Zealand .. I 1883 |*New Zealand Hospital Boards . . .. I Druids' Chambers, Woodward St., Wellington HOTELKEEPERS (LICENSED). Northern (Auckland) 736 Auckland Licensed Victuallers' Association .. 20a Strand Arcade, Queen St., Auckland .. 160 1599 Poverty Bay Licensed Victuallers .. .. South British Chambers, 52 Read's Quay, 30 Gisborne Taranaki .. .. 516 Taranaki Licensed Victuallers .. .. Winter Show Buildings, Hawera (P.O. Box 99) 11 1610 Egmont Licensed Victuallers .. .. Winter Show Buildings, Hawera (P.O. Box 99) 17 1611 Patea Licensed Victuallers .. .. .. Winter Show Buildings, Hawera (P.O. Box 99) 17 1612 Stratford Licensed Victuallers .. .. Winter Show Buildings, Hawera (P.O. Box 99) II Wellington .. 1607 Hawke's Bay Licensed Victuallers .. .. Scinde Buildings, Tennyson St., Napier .. 25 1597 Wellington Licensed Victuallers .. .. Prudential Building, Lambton Quay, Wei- 73 lington, C. 1 1601 Wairarapa Licensed Victuallers .. .. Care of Card and Lawson, Johnston St., 16 Featherston 1602 Palmerston North Licensed Victuallers .. National Bank Buildings, 25 Rangitikei St., 14 Palmerston North 1604 Manawatu Licensed Victuallers .. .. Kimbolton Rd., Feilding.. .. .. 5 1605 Rangitikei Licensed Victuallers .. . . Kimbolton Rd., Feilding .. .. 14 1606 Wanganui Licensed Victuallers .. .. Employers' Association Rooms, Wanganui .. 14 Marlborough .. 1553 Marlborough Licensed Hotelkeepers .. .. High Street, Blenheim .. .. .. 18 Nelson .. .. 1583 Nelson Licensed Victuallers .. .. 11 Wakefield Quay, Port Nelson .. .. 18 Westland .. 1600 Westport Licensed Victuallers .. .. 167 Peel St., Westport .. .. .. 15 1815 Greymouth Licensed Victuallers .. .. 17 Chapel St., Greymouth (P.O. Box 49) .. 16 1751 Hokitika Licensed Victuallers .. .. Hamilton St., Hokitika .. .. .. 18 Canterbury .. 459 Canterbury Licensed Victuallers .. . . 153 Hereford St., Christchurch .. .. 131 1598 Waitaki Licensed Victuallers .. .. Queen St., Waimato .. .. . . II 1614 Timaru Licensed Victuallers .. .. 191 Stafford St., Timaru .. .. .. 22 Otago and Southland 1608 Dunedin Licensed Victuallers .. .. 137 Stuart St., Dunedin .. .. .. 64 1749 Southland Licensed Victuallers .. 21 Tay Street, Invercargill .. .. 23 HOTELKEEPERS (PRIVATE). Northern (Auckland) 1619 Auckland Provincial Privato-hotel Proprietors 67 Shortland St., Auckland .. .. 27 Wellington .. 1496 Wellington Private-hotel Keepers .. .. 8-12 The Terrace, Wellington, C. 1. .. 26 1825 Hawke's Bay Private-hotel and Boardinghouse Church Lane, Napier .. .. .. 11 Keepers Canterbury .. 1742 Canterbury Private-hotel Proprietors .. Chamber of Commerce Building, corner of 35 Oxford Terrace and Worcester St., Christchurch (P.O. Box 359) Otago .. .. 1745 Otago Private-hotel Keepers .. .. Douglas Private Hotel, Dunedin .. .. , 5 ICE-CREAM. (See Frozen Products.) IRON FOUNDERS. (See Engineers, &c.) JAM-MANUFACTURERS. Northern (Auckland) 1505 Thompson and Hills, Ltd. .. .. 32 Nelson St., Auckland .. .. .. 1 Nelson .. .. 1504 S. Kirkpatrick and Co., Ltd. .. .. 219 Willis Street, Wellington, C. 1.. .. 1 Otago and Southland 1564 Dunedin Canning Co., Ltd. .. .. 219 Willis St., Wellington, C. 1 .. 1 JEWELLERS. Wellington .. 1569 Wellington District Manufacturing Jewellers, 219 Willis St., Wellington, C. 1 .. .. 10 Die-sinkers, Silversmiths, Engravers, and Watchmakers * Registered subsequent to 31st December, 1939.




I "8II _ Industrial District. Name. Registered Office. |g lis- 1 LANDSCAPE GARDENERS. (See Nurserymen, &c.) LAUNDRYMEN. Northern (Auckland) 1508 Auckland Laundrymen, Dyers, and Dry Cleaners National Insurance Buildings, 12 O'Connell St., 13 Auckland, 0. 1 Wellington .. 1473 Wellington District Laundrymen, Dyers, and 219 Willis St., Wellington, C. 1 .. 17 Dry Cleaners South Island . . 1735 South Island Laundrymen, Dry Cleaners, and Chamber of Commerce Building, corner of 16 Dyers Oxford Terrace and Worcester St., Christchurch (P.O. Box 359) LICENSED VICTUALLERS. (See Hotelkeepers.) LIME-MANUFACTURERS. Wellington .. I 1842 I Wellington District Lime-manufacturers .. I A.M.P. Buildings, 14 Broadway, Palmerston j 4 I | North (P.O. Box 405) MARKET GARDENERS. (See Farmers.) MERCERS. (See Drapers, &c.) METAL TRADES. (See Engineers.) MILLERS. (See also Threshing-mill Owners and Sawmillers.) New Zealand .. 1737 New Zealand Flour, Oatmeal, and Pearl-barley Chamber of Commeroe Building, corner of Millers Oxford Terrace and Worcester St., Christ- 38 church (P.O. Box 359) MILLINERS (MANUFACTURING). (See Hat-manufacturers.) MILLINERS (RETAILERS). (See Drapers, &c.) MINE-OWNERS (COAL AND GOLD). Northern (Auckland) 103 Taupiri Coal-minos, Ltd. .. .. Ferry Buildings, Quay St., Auckland, C. 1 .. I Otago and Southland 318 Otago and Southland Gold-mining .. .. 20 Crawford St., Dunedin, 0. 1 .. .. 14 88 Westport Coal Co., Ltd. .. .. 31 Water St., Dunedin, C. 1 .. .. 1 MOTOR-BODY BUILDERS. (See Coachbuilders.) MOTOR TRADE. New Zealand .. 1802 | New Zealand Motor Trade .. .. .. | D.I.C. Building, Lambton Quay, Wellington J 38 NAIL-MANUFACTURERS. Northern (Auckland) I 1711 I Auto Machine Manufacturing Co., Ltd. .. j 18 Nelson St., Auckland, C. 1 .. .. | I Otago and Southland I 1712 | Lino Products, Ltd. . . .. .. [ Ward St., Dunedin, 0. 1 .. .. .. | 1 NEWSAGENTS. (See Booksellers.) NEWSPAPER-PROPRIETORS. (See Printers, &c.) NURSERYMEN AND LANDSCAPE GARDENERS. Northern (Auckland) 1257 Auckland Nurserymen and Landscape Gardeners 30 Customs St. E., Auckland .. .. 20 Wellington .. 1255 Wellington Nurserymen and Landscape Gardeners 83 High St., Lower Hutt .. .. 55 Otago and Southland 1254 Otago and Southland Nurserymen and Land- 78 Main South Rd., Green Island, Dunedin, 10 scape Gardeners S.W. 2 OIL. (See Glass, Oil, Colour, Paint, and Wallpaper.) OPTICIANS. Wellington .. | 1537 | Wellington Industrial District Opticians .. | 8-12 The Terrace, Wellington, C. I .. | 14 PAINTERS AND DECORATORS. Northern (Auckland) 472 Auckland Guild of Master Painters, Decorators, 3 Grotto St., Onehunga, Auckland, S.E. 5 .. 40 and Signwriters Wellington .. 131 Wellington Master Painters.. .. .. 8-12 The Terrace, Wellington, C. 1 .. 80 1677 Waaganui Master Painters and Decorators .. Wanganui Jockey Club Rooms, St. Hill St., 19 Wanganui Canterbury .. 1321 Christchurch Master Painters, Signwriters, and 30 Glandovey Road, Christchurch, C. 1 .. 50 Deoorators Otago and Southland 343 Otago Painters .. .. .. .. 20 Crawford St., Dunedin, C. 1 .. 21 PAINT AND VARNISH MANUFACTURERS. Wellington .. j 1481 j Wellington District Paint, Varnish, and Allied I 219 Willis Street, Wellington .. .. | 10 Products Manufacturers PATENT FOOD AND MEDICINE MANUFACTURING. (See Foodstuffs.) PICTURE-THEATRE PROPRIETORS. (See Theatre-proprietors.)




g te Industrial District. Name. Registered Office. '"ill ||l 3 PLASTERERS. Northern (Auckland) 1778 Auckland Fibrous Plaster Manufacturers .. National Insurance Buildings, 12 O'Connell 6 St., Auckland, C. 1 Wellington .. 1733 Wellington Industrial District Plasterers and 8-12 The Terrace, Wellington .. .. 18 Fibrous Plasterers Canterbury . . 1383 Canterbury Master Plasterers .. .. 254 Gloucester St., Christchurch, C. 1 .. 17 Otago and Southland 1866 Otago and Sout land Fibrous Plasterers .. 20 Crawford St., Duncdin .. .. 4 PLUMBERS. Northern (Auckland) 571 Auckland Master Plumbers .. .. National Insurance Buildings, 12 O'Connell 74 St., Auckland, C. 1 Wellington .. 142 Thomas Ballinger and Co., Ltd. .. .. 58-60 Victoria St., Wellington .. .. 1 1274 Wanganui District Master Plumbers .. Wanganui Jockey Club Rooms, St. Hill St., 13 Wanganui 886 Wellington Master Plumbers .. .. Bank of New Zealand Chambers, 79 Manners 39 St., Wellington, C. 1 Canterbury .. 894 Christchurch Master Plumbers .. . . Care of Canterbury Employers' Association, 32 Chamber of Commerce Building, Christchurch (P.O. Box 359) 1557 Timaru Master Plumbers .. .. .. Dominion Buildings, Stafford Street, Timaru 7 Otago and Southland 867 Dunedin Plumbers .. . . 20 Crawford St., Dunedin, C. 1 .. 41 875 Invercargill Plumbers .. .. .. Care of R. G. Speirs Ltd., Dee St., Invercargill 13 PORK-BUTCHERS. (See Butchers.) PRINTERS AND NEWSPAPER-PROPRIETORS. Northern (Auckland) 539 Auckland Master Printers and Allied Trades .. 24 Winstone Buildings, Queen St Auckland 59 C. 1 1070 Auckland Provincial Newspaper-proprietors . . New Zealand Herald Office, 149 Queen St., 14 Auckland 1776 Auckland Stationery Manufacturers .. 9 Empire Buildings, Swanson Street, Auck- 4 land, C. 1 979 GiBborne Master Printers and Bookbinders . . 52 Customhouse St., Gisborne . . .. 5 Taranaki .. . . 861 Taranaki Master Printers, Lithographers, and 37-39 Brougham St., New Plymouth .. 8 Bookbinders Wellington .. 1361 Wairarapa Master Printers and Allied Trades. . Leecroft Chambers, Lincoln Rd., Masterton 6 (P.O. Box 190) 644 Wellington Master Printers, Lithographers, and Huddart Parker Building, Post Office Square, 27 Bookbinders Wellington 948 Wellington Newspaper-proprietors .. . . Dominion Building, Wellington (P.O. Box 9 1066) 1800 Wellington Stationery Manufacturers . . Seater's Building, 105 Customhouse Quay, 3 Wellington (P.O. Box 230) Canterbury .. 694 Canterbury Master Printers. . . . .. Art Gallery, Armagh St., Christchurch .. 22 914 Canterbury Newspaper-proprietors . . .. Press Office, Christchurch . . .. 6 1072 Timaru Master Printers and Bookbinders .. A.M.P. Buildings, Stafford St., Timaru .. 7 519 Whitcombe and Tombs, Ltd. .. .. Ill Cashel St., Christchurch .. .. 1 Otago and Southland 936 Otago and Southland Newspaper-proprietors . . Evening Star Co. Building, Dunedin, C. 1 .. 6 325 Otago Master Printers, Lithographers, and 2 Dowling St., Duncdin, C. 1 .. .. 31 Bookbinders PRODUCE-GROWERS. (See Farmers.) RABBIT BOARDS. New Zealand .. I 1833 I New Zealand Rabbit Boards .. .. I A.M.P. Chambers, 14 Broadway, Palmerston I 50 I North (P.O. Box 405) RADIO MANUFACTURERS AND TRADERS. Northern (Auckland) 1804 Auckland Provincial Radio Traders .. .. National Insurance Buildings, 12 O'Connell 61 St., Auckland, C. I Wellington .. 1643 Wellington Radio Traders .. .. .. 8-12 The Terrace, Wellington, C. 1 .. 30 1786 Wellington Radio Manufacturers . . .. 219 Willis St., Wellington, C. I .. 8 Canterbury, Marl- 1808 Canterbury, Marlborough, Nelson, and Westlancl Care of Canterbury Employers' Association, 60 borough, Nelson, Radio Traders Christchurch (P.O. Box 359) and Westland RESTAURANT-PROPRIETORS. Wellington .. I 1491 I Wellington Tea-rooms, Restaurant, and Refresh- I 8-12 The Terrace, Wellington, C. 1 .. I 43 ment-room Proprietors SADDLERY, HARNESS, AND LEATHER GOODS MANUFACTURERS. Northern (Auckland) 1780 Auckland Saddle, Bridle, Harness, Collar, and National Insurance Buildings, 12 O'Connell 5 Bag Manufacturers St., Auckland, C. 1 Wellington .. 1549 Wellington Industrial District Saddlers, Harness- 8-12 The Terrace, Wellington, C. 1 .. 12 makers, Bridle - makers, Collar - makers, Leather, and Fibre-bag Makers




IndiutrUI District. Name . Bettered Office. Jllg 1 i gS J | 1*1 SAIL, TENT, AND CANVAS GOODS. Wellington .. | 1498 I Wellington District Sail, Tent, and Canvas j 219 Willis St., Wellington, C. 1 .. I a I Goods Manufacturers' Society SAWMILLERS. New Zealand .. 1880 New Zealand Sawmillers and Boxmakers .. 8 The Terrace, Wellington .. 220 Northern (Auckland) 148 Auckland Sawmillers and Woodware Mann- National Insurance Buildings, 12 0'Connell 19 facturers St., Auckland, C. 1 Canterbury .. 305 Canterbury Sawmillers .. .. .. Care of Canterbury Employers' Association 20 ' Christchureh (P.O. Box 359) SHEEPOWNERS. (See Farmers.) SHIPOWNERS. Northern (Auckland) 342 Devonport Steam Perry Co., Ltd. .. .. Ferry Buildings, Auckland, C 1 1 „. 326 Northern Steamship Co., Ltd. . . .. Quay St., Auckland, C. 1. ' ' Wellington .. 137 Union Steam Ship Co. of New Zealand, Ltd. .. Water St., Dunedin SHOPKEEPERS. (Under separate trade headings ; see Butchers, Drapers, Grocers, Hairdressers and Tobacconists, &c.) SIGNWRITERS. (See Painters and Decorators.) SOAP-MANUFACTURERS. Northern (Auckland) 1625 Auckland Soap-manufacturers .. .. National Insurance Buildings, 12 O'Connell 3 St., Auckland, C. 1 Wellington .. 1816 Wellington Industrial District Soap-manufac- 8-12 The Terrace, Wellington, C. 1 .. 4 turers Canterbury .. 1843 Canterbury Soap-manufacturers .. .. Chamber of Commerce Building, corner of 9 Oxford Terrace and Worcester St., Christ- „ , _ , , , church (P.O. Box 359) Otago and Southland 1841 McLeod Bros., Ltd. .. .. .. 336 Cumberland St., Dunedin, C. 1 .. 1 SOFT-GOODS MANUFACTURERS. (See Clothing Trades.) STATIONERY MANUFACTURERS. (See Printers.) TAILORS. (See Clothing Trades.) TANNERS AND FELLMONGERS. Northern (Auckland) 1509 Auckland Tanners.. .. .. .. National Insurance Buildings, 12 O'Connell 4 „ , St., Auckland, C. 1 Canterbury .. 1714 Christchureh Tanners Care of Canterbury Employers' Association, 3 _ „ Christchureh (P.O. Box 359) Otago and Southland 1715 Otago and Southland Tanners .. 20 Crawford St., Dunedin 3 TEA-ROOM PROPRIETORS. (See Restaurant-proprietors.) THEATRE-PROPRIETORS. Northern (Auckland) 1852 Auckland Theatre and Motion Picture Theatre National Insurance Buildings, 12 O'Connell 8 Proprietors St., Auckland C. 1 Wellington .. 1858 Wellington Industrial District Theatre Pro- 8-12 The Terraco, Wellington .. 4 prietors 1331 ,T. C. Williamson (Now Zealand), Ltd. .. Grand Opera House, Wellington .. . . I 1411 J. C. Williamson Picture Corporation, Ltd. .. Dominion Building, Mercer St., Wellington " Canterbury . . 1854 Canterbury Motion Picture Theatre and Places Chamber of Commerce Building, corner of 12 of Amusement Owners Oxford Terrace and Worcester St., Christchurch THRESHING-MILL OWNERS. Canterbury .. 1396 North Canterbury American Type Threshing- 176 Hereford St., Christchureh .. .. 15 mill Owners 379 South Canterbury Threshing-mill Owners .. Royal Arcade Chambers, Timaru (P O Box 20 219) TIMBER-MERCHANTS. New Zealand .. I 1851 I New Zealand Timber-merchants .. .. | 8 The Terrace, Wellington .. . . [ 88 TOBACCONISTS. (See Hairdressers, &c.) TOMATO AND PRODUCE GROWERS. (Sec Farmers.)




Industrial District. ??„ g - Name. Begistered Office. 111§ JN0 - SiSS 1 " 1 |Sfi WATERSIDE EMPLOYERS. Northern (Auckland) 1241 Auckland Waterside Employers' Union .. Quay St. Landing Bast, Auckland (C.P.O. 15 Box 1602) Taranaki .. .. 1276 New Plymouth Waterside Employers' Union .. St. Aubyn St., New Plymouth .. .. 10 Wellington .. 1245 Wanganui Waterside Employers' Union .. Wanganui Jockey Club Rooms, St. Hill St., 9 Wanganui 1239 Wellington Waterside Employers' Union .. Shed 15, Queen's Wharf, Wellington .. IT) Marlborough .. 1279 Picton Waterside Employers' Union . . Union Steam Ship Co. of New Zealand, Ltd., 14 High Street, Picton Nelson .. .. 1283 Nelson Waterside Employers'Union.. .. Care of Anchor Shipping and Foundry Co., 6 Ltd., Wakefield Quay, Nelson Westland.. .. 1277 Greymouth Waterside Employers' Union .. Union Steam Ship Co. of New Zealand, Ltd., 5 Mackay Street, Greymouth Canterbury .. 1244 Lyttelton Waterside Employers' Union . . Coronation Hall, Lyttelton 1240 Timaru Waterside Employers' Union . . Hay's Buildings, Strathallan St., Timaru Otago and Southland 1242 Otago and Southland Waterside Employers' 47 Vogel St., Dunedin (P.O. Box 589) .. 12 Union WATCHMAKERS. (See Jewellers.) WICKERWORK. Wellington .. j 1707 j Wellington District Wickerwork (other than I 219 Willis St., Wellington, C. 1 .. .. I 4 Furniture) and Perambulator Manufacturers | WOOLSCOURERS. Wellington .. 1665 Wellington Woolscourers .. .. .. A.M.P. Chambers, 14 Broadway, PalmerstonN. 10 Canterbury .. 1740 Canterbury Woolscourers .. .. .. Chamber of Commerce Building, corner of 8 Oxford Terrace and Worcester Street, Christchurch (P.O. Box 359) Totals: Number of Unions as at 31st December, 1939, 264 .. .. .. .. 9,893



4—H. 11.


Industrial District. j Name. Registered Office. j Nu "j bcr Members. ABATTOIR EMPLOYEES. (Seo Freezing Workers.) ACCOUNTANTS' EMPLOYEES. (Sec Clerical Workers.) ACID WORKERS. (See Chemical Manure and Acid Workers.) AERATED-WATER EMPLOYEES. (See Brewers, &c.) AGRICULTURAL LABOURERS. (See Rural Workers.) ALLUVIAL GOLD WORKERS. (See Coal and Gold Mine Workers.) ARCHITECTS AND STRUCTURAL ENGINEERS. Wellington .. I 1523 j Wellington Architectural Assistants .. .. Scater's Buildings, 105 Customhouse Quay, 36 I Wellington Canterbury .. j 1635 j Christchurch Architects and Structural En- 96 Hereford St., Christchurch .. .. 16 | gineers' Assistants BACON WORKERS. (See Freezing Workers.) BAG-MAKERS. (See Saddlery-workers.) BAKERS AND PASTRYCOOKS. New Zealand .. 1882 fNew Zealand (except Taranaki) Baking Trades 17 Tabernacle Buildings, Karangahape Rd., Employees Auckland, C. 2 Northern (Auckland) 474 * Auckland Baking Trades Employees .. 17 Tabernacle Buildings, Karangahape Rd., 560 Auckland, C. 2 Taranaki.. .. 1644 Taranaki Bakers and Pastrycooks .. .. 37 Dorset Avenue, New Plymouth.. .. 73 Wellington .. 1 *Wellington Baking-trades Employees . . Room 4, Trades Hall, Wellington .. .. 426 Nelson .. .. 1669 *Nelson Baking-trades Employees .. 51 Nile St., Nelson .. .. .. 32 Westland .. 1691 *Westland District Baking-trades Employees .. Blake St., H lake town .. .. .. 28 Canterbury .. 787 *Canterbury Bakers and Pastrycooks Employees Room 12, Trades Hall, Christchurch .. 290 Otago and Southland 89 *Dunedin Bakers and Pastrycooks and their 168 Stuart St., Dunedin .. .. .. 252 Labourers BANK OFFICERS. (See Clerical Workers.) BEAMSMEN. (See Curriers, Tanners, &c.) BISCUIT AND CONFECTIONERY EMPLOYEES. Northern (Auckland) 1313 Auckland Biscuit and Confectionery and Related 307 Pacific Buildings, Wellesley St. East, 942 Products Employees Auckland, C. 1 Wellington .. 1452 Wellington Biscuit and Confectionery Manu- 157 Featherston St., Wellington, C. 1 .. 225 facturing and Related Trades Employees Nelson .. .. 1439 Nelson Biscuit and Confectionery Manufacturing Fleming's Buildings, Hardy St., Nelson .. 50 and Related Trades Employees Canterbury .. 1345 Christchurch Biscuit and Confectionery Manu- 33 Union St., Christchurch .. .. 307 facturing and Related Trades Employees Otago and Southland 1142 Otago and Southland Biscuit and Confectionery Paterson's Buildings, Rattray St., Dunedin 613 Manufacturing and Related Trades Employees BOARDING-HOUSE EMPLOYEES. (See Hotel, &c., Employees.) BOAT-BUILDERS. (See Shipwrights.) BOILERMAKERS. (See Engineers, &c.) BOOTMAKERS AND REPAIRERS. Northern (Auckland) 1 59 Auckland Operative Bootmakers .. 75 Wellpark Avenue, Grey Lynn, Auckland, 547 W. 2 Wellington .. 14 Wellington Operative Bootmakers' Society .. Trades Hall, Wellington .. .. .. 470 Canterbury .. I 35 Christchurch Operative Bootmakers' Society .. 151 Colombo St., Christchurch, C. 1 .. 550 Otago and Southland : 45 , Dunedin Operative Bootmakers .. .. Security Buildings, Stuart St., Dunedin, C. 1 253 * Cancelled subsequent to December, 1930. t Registered subsequent to December, 1939.




Industrial District. Name. Registered Office. Number Members. BOROUGH LABOURERS. (See Labourers.) BOTTLERS AND BOTTLE WASHERS. (See Brewers, &o.) BOX-WORKERS (CARDBOARD). (See Printing-trades Employees.) BOX-WORKERS (WOOD). (See Timber-yards and Sawmills.) BRASS MOULDERS. (See Engineers, &c.) BREWERS AND AERATED WATER EMPLOYEES. New Zealand .. 1874 New Zealand (except Nelson and Otago and Trades Hall, Wellington .. .. .. 764 Southland) Brewers, Bottlers, Bottle-washers, and Aerated-water Employees Nelson .. .. 1199 Nelson Brewers, Maltsters, Bottlers, Bottle- Munro's Rooms, Bridge St., Nelson .. 17 washers, and Aerated Water Otago and Southland 873 Otago and Southland Brewery, Bottling Houses, 168 Stuart St., Dunedin, C. 1 .. .. 210 and Aerated Waters BRICK, TILE, AND POTTERY WORKERS. Northern (Auckland) I 340 Auckland Brick, Tile, Pottery, Clay, and Con- I 307 Pacific Buildings, Wellesley St. East, 700 crete-ware Employees I Auckland, C. 1 Otago and Southland J 1186 Dunedin Brick-makers, Pottery-makers, Tile- | 168 Stuart St., Dunedin, C. 1 .. .. 124 i makers, and Sanitary-pipe Makers BRICKLAYERS. Northern (Auckland) 576 Auckland Bricklayers .. .. 18 H.B. Buildings, Newton, Auckland, C. 2 149 Wellington .. 528 Wellington Bricklayers .. .. .. Trades Hall, Wellington .. .. .. 133 Canterbury . . 566 Canterbury Bricklayers and Tile Layers .. Trades Hall, Christchurch, C. 1 .. 78 Otago and Southland 246 Otago Bricklayers .. .. 360 Moray Place, Dunedin, C. 1 .. .. 71 BRIDGE-BUILDERS. (See Engineering, &c.) BRIDLE CUTTERS AND MAKERS. (See Saddlery Workers.) BRUSH AND BROOM WORKERS. Northern (Auckland) 1693 Auckland Brush, Broom, and Mop Trade .. 302 Victoria Arcade, Shortland St., Auckland, 38 C. 1 Wellington .. 1879 Wellington Brush and Broom Workers .. Trades Hall, Wellington .. .. .. 15 Canterbury .. 1064 Christchurch Brush and Broom Trade .. Room 13, Trades Hall, Christchurch, C. 1 .. 101 Otago and Southland ] 1080 Dunedin Brush and Broom Trade .. .. 168 Stuart St., Dunedin, C. 1 .. .. 38 BUILDERS AND GENERAL LABOURERS. (See Labourers.) BUSH-WORKERS. (See Timber Yards and Sawmills.) BUTCHERS. (See Shop-assistants.) BUTTER-FACTORY EMPLOYEES. (See Creameries, &c., Employees.) CANDLE-WORKERS. (See Curriers, Tanners, &c.) CANISTER-WORKERS. (See Engineers and Allied Workers.) CANVAS-WORKERS. (See Saddlery and Harness Workers.) CARBONIZATION WORKERS. Northern (Auckland) [ 1626 ( Waikato Carbonization, Ltd., Employees .. j Kimihia Rd., Huntly .. .. I 30




j Number Industrial District. 8 ' | Name. Registered Office. Members CARETAKERS. (See Cleaners, Caretakers, &c.) CARPENTERS AND JOINERS. Northern (Auckland) 1046 Auckland Branch of the Amalgamated Society 312 Karangahape Rd„ Auckland, C. 2 .. 4,005 of Carpenters and Joiners and Joiners' Machinists 373 Gisborne Branch of the Amalgamated Society 126 Disraeli St., Gisborne .. . . 140 of Carpenters and J oiners 1017 Otahuhu Branch of the Amalgamated Society Luke Rd., Otahuhu .. .. .. 38 of Carpenters and J oiners 1049 Whangarei Branch of the Amalgamated Society 10 Deveron Rd.., Whangarei .. .. 124 of Carpenters and Joiners Taranaki .. .. 805 New Plymouth Branch of the Amalgamated Workers' Hall, 32 Courtenay St., New Plym'th 220 Society of Carpenters and Joiners Wellington .. 1107 Hawke's Bay Branch of the Amalgamated 75 Nelson Crescent, Napier .. .. 380 Society of Carpenters and Joiners 1267 Hutt Valley Branch of the Amalgamated Labour Hall, 13 Buick St., Petone .. 408 Society of Carpenters and Joiners and Joiners' Machinists 804 Masterton Branch of the Amalgamated Society 32 South Rd., Masterton .. .. 129 of Carpenters and Joiners 594 Palmerston North Branch of the Amalgamated 34 Knowles St., Palmerston North .. 346 Society of Carpenters and Joiners 672 Wanganui Branch of the Amalgamated Society Trinity Buildings, Victoria Avenue, Wanganui 220 of Carpenters and J oiners 1316 Wellington Branch of the Amalgamated Society Trades Hall, Wellington, C. 2 .. .. 1,880 of Carpenters and Joiners and Joiners' Machinists Marlborough .. 1432 Blenheim Branch of the Amalgamated Society of Room 5, Bank of New Zealand Building, 75 Carpenters and Joiners Blenheim Nelson .. .. 572 Nelson Branch of the Amalgamated Society of Lock Bros.' Rooms, Hardy St., Nelson .. 160 Carpenters and Joiners and J oiners' Machinists Westland.. .. 1307 Greymoutli Branch of the Amalgamated Society Room 8, Jubilee Buildings, Mackay St., Grey- 134 of Carpenters and Joiners and Joiners' mouth Machinists Canterbury .. 48 Canterbury Carpenters and Joiners .. .. Trades Hall, Christehurch, C. 1 .. .. 280 20 Christchurch Branch of the Amalgamated Trades Hall, Christehurch, C. 1 .. .. 944 Society of Carpenters and Joiners, Joiners' Machinists, and Shipwrights 1127 Lyttelton Branch of the Amalgamated Society 32 Dryden St., Sumner .. .. .. 63 of Carpenters and Joiners, Joiners' Machinists, and Shipwrights 1099 Rangiora Branch of the Amalgamated Society 45 Perceval St., Rangiora .. .. 24 of Carpenters and Joiners 737 Timaru Branch of the Amalgamated Society of 60 Victoria St., Timaru .. .. .. 78 Carpenters and Joiners, Joiners' Machinists, and Shipwrights 386 Timaru Carpenters .. .. .. Forrester's Hall, George St., Timaru .. 40 Otago and Southland 792 Invercargill Branch of the Amalgamated Society Allen's Hall, Kelvin St., Invercargill .. 400 of Carpenters and Joiners 1293 Oamaru Branch of the Amalgamated Society 22 Ouse St., Oamaru .. .. .. 75 of Carpenters and Joiners 78 Otago Branch of the Amalgamated Society of 360 Moray Place, Dunedin, C. 1 .. .. 738 Carpenters and Joiners and Joiners' Machinists CASHIERS. (See Clerical Workers.) CASING-WORKERS. (See Freezing Workers.) CEMENT-WORKERS. (See Lime and Cement Workers.) CHAFFCUTTER HANDS. (See Rural Workers.) CHEESE-FACTORY EMPLOYEES. (See Creameries, &c., Employees.) CHEMICAL, BIANURE AND ACID WORKERS (also included in Freezing Workers). Taranaki . . .. 1335 New Plymouth Acid and Fertilizer Workers .. 219 Gill St., New Plymouth .. .. 75 Wellington .. 1446 Wanganui Chemical Fertilizer and Acid Workers Care of Messrs. Kempthorne Prosser's Works, 80 ° Aramoho CHEMISTS' ASSISTANTS. (See Shop-assistants.) CHEMISTS' (MANUFACTURING) EMPLOYEES. (See Grocers' Sundries, &c., Employees.) CHIEF STEWARDS. (See Cooks and Stewards.) CLAY-WORKERS. (See Brick, Tile, &c., Workers.)




i , Res ' „ Number Industrial District. jf*' j Name. Kegistered Office. of Members. CLEANERS, CARETAKERS, AND LIFT-ATTENDANTS. Northern (Auckland) 1125 Auckland Cleaners, Caretakers, Lift-attendants, 307 Pacific Buildings, Wellesley St. East, 1 430 and Watchmen's Auckland, C. 1 Taranaki .. .. 1787 Taranaki Cleaners, Caretakers, and Lift-attend- 37 Dorset Avenue, Now Plymouth .. 1 33 ants Wellington .. 1488 Wellington Caretakers, Cleaners, and Lift- Trades Hall, Wellington, C. 2 .. .. 551 attendants Canterbury .. 1515 Christchurch Cleaners, Caretakers, and Lift- Trades Hall, Christchurch, C. 1 .. .. 200 attendants Otago and Southland 1781 Dunedin Liftmen, Cleaners, and Caretakers .. 266 Moray Place, Dunedin, C. 1 .. .. : 89 CLERICAL WORKERS (see also Tally Clerks, &c., and Sugar Workers.) New Zealand .. 1528 New Zealand General Insurance .. .. Sixth Floor, A.P.A. Building, corner of Grey 1,981 and Featherston Sts., Wellington, C. 1 1653 New Zealand Bank Officials .. .. Room 172, A.M.P. Chambers, Customhouse 1,507 Quay, Wellington 1526 Now Zealand Shipping Officers .. .. Southern Cross Buildings, Brandon St., VVel- 809 lington, C. 1 1636 New Zealand Freezing and Related Trades' Southern Cross Buildings, Brandon St., Wei- 698 Industries Clerical Officers lington, C. 1 Northern (Auckland) 1676 Auckland Legal Employees.. .. .. 38 Campbell Rd., Royal Oak, Auckland, S.E. 5 848 1489 Auckland Clerical and Office Staff Employees.. 15-17 Vulcan Buildings, Vulcan Lane Auck- 4 948 land, C. 1 1651 Auckland Public Accountants' Employees .. 702 N.Z. Insurance Building, Queen St., 224 Auckland, C. 1 1760 Auckland Stock and Station Agents' Clerical 24 Winstone Buildings, Queen St., Auckland, 432 Workers C. 1 1846 AucklandProvincialDairyCompanies'Secretaries Tuakau .. .. .. ,, 21 Taranaki, Wellington 1804 Wellington, Taranaki, and Marlborough Clerical 105 Customhouse Quay, Wellington. 4 892 and Marlborough Workers Taranaki .. .. 1586 Taranaki Public Accountants' Employees .. Commercial Bank Building, Devon St., New 61 Plymouth 1571 Taranaki Legal Employees .. .. .. 41 Brougham St., New Plymouth .. .. 101 1765 Taranaki Stock and Station Agents' Clerical Newton King's Building, Broadway, Stratford 197 Workers Wellington .. 1850 Hawke's Bay and Wairarapa Public Accountants' Care of Messrs. Rainbow and Hobbs, 126 181 Employees Queen St., Hastings 1507 Wellington Lcgal Employees .. .. Care of Messrs. Ross, Purdie, and Co., National 484 Bank Chambers, Featherston St., Wellington, C. 1 (P.O. Box 1003) 1637 Wellington Public Accountants' Employees .. Care of Burns and Bollard, Southern Cross 232 Buildings, Brandon St., Wellington (P.O. Box 1653) 1759 Wellington Stock and Station Agents' Clerical Routh's Buildings, Featherston St., Welling- 627 Workers ton (P.O. Box 1259) Marlborough 1574 Blenheim Legal Employees.. .. .. Care of Messrs. Smith, Ward, and Gascoigne, 20 Solicitors, Blenheim 1764 Marlborough Stock and Station Agents' Clerical Care of Levin and Co., Alfred St., Blenheim 40 Workers 1819 Marlborough Public Accountants'Employees .. Charles St., Blenheim (P.O. Box 72) .. 14 Nelson .. .. 1552 Nelson Law Practitioners'Employees .. Fell and Harley's Buildings, Hardy St., Nelson 30 1573 Nelson Clerical Employees .. .. .. Room I, F. and D. Edwards' Buildings, 152 Trafalgar St., Nelson 1766 Nelson Stock and Station Agents' Clerical 244 Hardy St., Nelson .. . 2(1 W orkcrs 1835 Nelson Public Accountants' Employees .. Care of Griffen and Hodgson, Trafalgar St., 8 Nelson Westland.. .. 1585 Greymouth Law Practitioners'Employees .. Werita St., Greymouth .. .. .. 21 1792 Greymouth Clerical and Office Staff Employees Lyceum Hall, Guinness St., Greymouth .. 203 Canterbury .. 1139 Canterbury Clerks, Cashiers, and Office Em- 196. Cashel St., Christchurch, C. 1 .. .. 2 689 ployees 1594 Canterbury Law Practitioners' Employees .. 89 Gloucester St., Christchurch, C. 1 .. 348 1650 Christchurch Accountants' and Sharebrokers 109 Hereford St., Christchurch, C. 1 .. 288 Employees 1763 Canterbury Stock and Station Agents' Clerical 116 Hereford St., Christchurch 310 Workers Otago and Southland 1512 Dunedin Law Practitioners'Employees .. 29 Crawford St., Dunedin .. ., 211 1541 Invercargill Clerks and Office Assistants .. Room 16, Majestic Chambers,' Dee St.', 383 Invercargill 1536 Invercargill Legal Employees .. .. 205 Herbert St., Invercargill .. .. 60 1527 Otago Clerical Workers . . .. .. 3rd Floor, Capitol Building, Princes St., 1,368 Dunedin, C. 1 1708 Otago and Southland Public Accountants' 33 Princes St., Dunedin, C. 1 .. .. 1)5 Employees 1758 Otago and Southland Stock and Station Agents' 21 Crawford St., Dunedin, C. 1 .. 342 Clerical Workers 1826 Otago and Southland Part-time and Full-time Care of Featherstone, Adamson, and Francis, 20 Dairy-factory Secretaries The Crescent, Invercargill (P.O. Box 219)




I liner I Number Industrial District. I Name. | Registered Office of i ' | | Members. CLOTHING-TRADE EMPLOYEES. Northern (Auckland) 720 Auckland Cutters, Trimmers, Pressers, and other 323 Pacific Buildings, Wellesley St., Auckland 232 Clothing Employees 73 Auckland Tailoresses and other Female Clothing- 15 Tabernacle Buildings, Newton, Auckland, 4,000 trade Employees C. 2 07 Auckland Tailors .. .. .. 45 Anglesea St., Ponsonby, Auckland, W. 1 70 Wellington .. 1427 Wellington Clothing-trades .. .. .. Trades Hall, Wellington, C. 2 .. .. 3,236 Nelson,Marlborough, 1801 Canterbury, Nelson, and Marlborough Clothing Trades Hall, Christchuroh .. .. 2,490 and Canterbury Trades Westland.. .. 754 Westland Tailoring Trade and other Branches of 13 Puketahi St., Greymouth .. .. 10 the Clothing Trade Otago and Southland 30 Dunedin Pressors, Cutters, and other Clothing 171 Main South Rd., Dunedin, S.W. 1 .. 132 Factory Operatives 58 Dunedin Tailoresses and other Female Clothing- 206 Princes St., Dunedin, C. 1 .. .. 1,108 trade Employees 1477 Dunedin Fur Trade Employees . . 54 Union St., Dunedin, N. 1 .. . . 93 503 Otago and Southland Operative Tailors and 109 Richardson St., St. Kilda, Dunedin S. 2 50 Shop Tailoresses CLUB EMPLOYEES. (See Hotel and Restaurant Employees.) COACHWORKERS. Northern (Auckland) 502 Auckland Coach and Car Builders . . . . 1a Tabernacle Buildings, Karangahape Rd., 193 Auckland, C. 2 Taranaki .. .. 1705 Taranaki Coach and Motor-body Workers .. 206 King's Building, Devon St., New Plymouth i 35 Wellington .. 173 Wellington Coach and Motor-body Workers . . Trades Hall, Wellington, C. 2 .. .. 250 Nelson .. . . 1683 Nelson Coach and Motor-body Workers .. Wakatu, Nelson . . . . .. 11 Westland .. 1752 Westland Coach and Motor-body Builders .. 85 North Avon Rd., Christchuroh . . .. 10 Canterbury .. 263 Canterbury Coach and Motor-body Builders .. 85 North Avon Rd., Christchuroh .. .. i 160 Otago and Southland 205 Otago Coacliworkers and Wheelwrights .. 168 Stuart St., Dunedin, C. 1 . . .. 82 COAL-MINE AND GOLD-MINE WORKERS. Northern (Auckland) 1282 Northern Coal-mine Workers .. .. Glasgow St., Huntly .. .. .. 1,000 863 Ohinemuri Mines and Batteries Employees (other Seddon St., Waihi .. .. .. 488 than Engineers, Engine-drivers, and Firemen) 16 Thames Miners .. .. . . 277 Queen St., Thames .. .. .. 188 1109 Northern Coal-mines Underground Officials .. Raynor's Rd., Huntly . . .. . . 00 1513 North Auckland Coal-miners .. .. Union St., Hikurangi .. .. .. 145 Taranaki .. .. 1447 Ohura District Coal-miners .. . . Tatu, Taranaki Nelson .. .. 1547 Nelson Gold Dredge and Alluvial Gold-mines Fleming's Buildings, Hardy St., Nelson .. 32 Employees 1703 Nelson Industrial District Coal-mine Workers .. Union Hall, Puponga, Nelson .. .. 28 Westland .. 1344 Buller Deputies . . . . .. .. Millerton .. .. .. .. 22 1348 Grey Valley Deputies and Underviewers . . Ross St., Dunollie .. . . .. 53 82 Inangahua Gold and Coal Miners .. .. Bridge St., Reefton .. .. . . 290 1042 Millerton and Granity Brakesmen, Bricklayers, Torea St., Granity .. .. .. 20 Blacksmiths, Carpenters, and Fitters .1753 Point Elizabeth and Liverpool State Collieries McGowan St., Runanga .. .. ., 400 Employees (other than Engineers, Enginedrivers, Firemen, and Winchmen) 147.1 Westland Gold Dredge and Alluvial Gold-mines 8 Jubilee Buildings, Mackay St., Greymouth.. 518 Employees 1668 Grey Valley Collieries, Ltd., Employees . . Main Rd., Brunner .. .. ,. 101 1679 Seddonville Coal-miners .. .. .. Mumm's Hall, Seddonville .. .. 10 1696 Burke's Creek Coal-miners . . . . . . Buller Rd., Reefton . . .. . . 34 1697 Alexander Gold-mines Employees .. .. Alexander River, via Ikamatua, Westland .. 23 1743 Runanga District Coal-mine Employees .. Mill St., Runanga, West Coast .. .. 72 Canterbury .. 1641 Canterbury Coal-mine Workers .. .. Glentunnel, Malvern County, Canterbury .. 46 Otago and Southland 996 Green Island Coal-miners . . .. . . Brighton Rd., Fairfield, Dunedin, S.W. 2 43 829 Otago Coal-miners.. . . .. .. Water St., Kaitangata .. .. . . 232 1290 Ohai District Underviewers, Deputies, and Shot- Ohai Hall, Ohai (P.O. Box 48) .. . . 15 firers 1546 Otago Gold Dredge and Alluvial Gold-mines Waitahuna Gully, Waitahuna . . . . 125 Employees 1657 Southland Gold-mine Employees .. .. Roundhill, Southland . . .. .. 20 1728 Mataura District Coal-mine Workers.. .. Rona St., Mataura, Southland .. .. 15 COAL-YARD EMPLOYEES. (See Labourers.) COLD-STORAGE WORKERS. (Included in Storemen, &e.) CONCRETE-GOODS EMPLOYEES. (Included in Labourers.) CONDIMENT-MAKERS' EMPLOYEES. (See Grocers' Sundries Manufacturing Employees.) CONFECTIONERY EMPLOYEES. (See Biscuit, &c., Employees.) CONSTRUCTION-WORKERS (RAILWAY, ROAD, HYDRO-ELECTRIC). (See Rural Workers.) COOKS AND STEWARDS (MARINE). Northern (Auckland) 393 Auckland Federated Cooks and Stewards . . Room 38, Palmerston Buildings, Queen St., 200 Auckland, C. I Wellington .. 1309 Wellington District (New Zealand) Marine Chief Trades Hall, Wellington, C. 2 .. .. 11 Stewards 212 Federated Cooks and Stewards of New Zealand Trades Hall, Wellington, C. 2 .. j 650




Number Industrial District. Name. Registered Office. | Members. COOPERS. (See Timber-yard and Sawmill Employees.) CREAMERIES, CHEESE, BUTTER, AND DAIRY EMPLOYEES. New Zealand .. 1723 New Zealand Dairy Factories and Related Trades 59 Argyle St., Hawera .. .. .. 2,739 Employees _ North Island .. 1738 North Island Dairy-factory Managers .. Maritime Buildings, Quay St., Auckland, C. 1 284 (P.O. Box 1716) Northern (Auckland) 753 Auckland Milk-roundsmen's .. .. 307 Pacific Buildings, Wellesley St. East, 250 Auckland, C. 1 Wellington . . 966 Wellington Dairy Employees .. .. Trades Hall, Wellington, C. 2 (Secretary: 114 52 Hawker St.) South Island .. 1830 South Island Dairy-factory Managers .. Maritime Buildings, Quay St., Auckland, C. 1 37 Canterbury .. 1662 Christchurch Dairy Employees .. 3 Trades Hall, Christchurch, C. 1 .. Otago and Southland 833 Otago and Southland Dairy-factory Managers .. Trades Hall, Esk St., Invercargill .. .. 80 1039 Southland Milk-condensing Eactories Employees Longbush P.O., Southland. .. .. 70 CURRIERS, TANNERS, AND FELLMONGERS. Northern (Auckland) 1389 Auckland Curriers and Beamsmen's .. .. Trades Hall, Auckland, C. I .. .. 36 508 : Auckland Eellmongers, Tanners, Soap-workers, 305 Victoria Arcade, Sliortland St., Auckland, 226 and General Tannery Employees C. 1 Wellington .. 1503 | Wellington Soap, Candle, and Related Trades Trades Hall, Wellington, 0. 2 .. .. 201 j Employees CUTTERS. (See Clothing-trade Employees.) CYCLE-WORKERS. (Included in Engineers.) DAIRY (DEPOT AND DISTRIBUTING) EMPLOYEES. (See Creameries, &o., Employees.) DAIRY-FACTORY EMPLOYEES. (See Creameries, &c„ Employees.) DAIRY-PRODUCERS FREEZING EMPLOYEES. (See Storemen and Packers.) DECORATORS. (See Painters and Decorators.) DENTAL ASSISTANTS AND TECHNICIANS. Northern (Auckland) I 1567 Auckland Dental Assistants and Technicians .. | 615 Cooke's Buildings, Queen St., Auckland 113 Wellington .. I 1543 Wellington Dental Assistants and Technicians | Trades Hall, Wellington, C. 2 .. .. 200 Canterbury .. ' 1746 Canterbury Dental Assistants and Technicians i 241a Manchester St., Christchurch _ .. 119 o'tao-o and Southland | 1807 Otago and Southland Dental Assistants and \ Care of R. S. M. Sinclair, A.M.P. Building, I 79 Technicians Dunedin, C. 1 DEPUTIES. (See Coal mine and Gold-mine Workers.) DIE-SINKERS AND ENGRAVERS. (Sec Jewellers and Watchmakers.) DOMESTIC SERVANTS. Wellington .. 1490 Wellington Domestic Servants .. .. Trades Hall, Wellington, C. 2 (Secretary : 20 (Mrs. E. Harris, 19 Strathmore Avenue, Miramar) Canterbury . . 1627 Canterbury Domestic Workers .. .. Mill lid., Merivale, Christchurch, 160 DRESSMAKERS. (See Clothing-trade Employees.) DRAINAGE-WORKERS (LAND AND FARM). (See Rural Workers.) DRAINLAYERS. (See Labourers.) DRIVERS. Northern (Auckland) 240 Auckland Road Transport and Motor and Horse Trades Hall, Hobson St., Auckland, C. 1 .. 3,218 Drivers and their Assistants 699 Gisborne Road Transport and Motor and Horse 21 Stanley ltd., Gisborno.. .. .. 241 Drivers and their Assistants Taranaki .. .. 1151 Taranaki Road Transport and Motor and Horse Workers' Social Hall, 61 St. Aubyn St., New 344 Drivers and their Assistants Plymouth Wellington . • 375 Hawke's Bay Road Transport and Motor and 23 Campbell St., Port Ahuriri .. . . 522 Horse Drivers and their Assistants 730 Wanganui Road Transport and Motor and Horse 373,Victoria Avenue, Wanganui . . .. 208 Drivers and their Assistants 219 Wellington Road Transport and Motor and Horse Trades Hall, Wellington, C. 2 .. .. 1,501 Drivers and their Assistants Marlborough .. 1223 Blenheim Road Transport and Motor and Horse Room 5, Bank of New Zealand Buildings, 110 Drivers and their Assistants Blenheim Nelson . . .. 1146 Nelson Road Transport and Motor and Horse 92 Collingwood St., Nelson .. .. 236 Drivers and their Assistants Westland .. 1654 Westland Road Transport and Motor and Horse 13 Stratford St., Greymouth .. .. 186 Drivers and their Assistants Canterbury .. 281 Canterbury Road Transport and Motor and Horse Trades Hall, Christchurch, C. 1 .. .. 1,350 I )rivers and their Assistants Otago and Southland 1468 Southland Road Transport and Motor and Horse Trades Hall, Esk St., Invercargill .. .. 300 Drivers and their Assistants 1119 Otago Road Transport and Motor and Horse 95 Rattray St., Dunedin, C. 1 .. .. 809 Drivers and their Assistants




Industrial District. Xif," Name. Registered Office. of I (Members. DROVERS. (See Rural Workers.) DRUG AND CHEMICAL FACTORY EMPLOYEES. (Included in Grocers' Sundries Manufacturing Employees.) DYERS AND DRY CLEANERS. (See Laundry Employees.) ELECTRICAL WORKERS (see also Engineers and Allied Workers). Northern (Auckland) 662 Auckland Electrical Workers .. .. 21 High St., Auckland, C. I. .. .. 1,185 Taranaki .. .. 1555 Taranaki Electrical Workers .. .. Hinau St., Inglewood .. .. .. '|47 Wellington .. 611 Wellington Electrical Workers . . .. Trades Hall, Wellington, C. 2 .. .. 870 Otago and Southland 892 Dunedin and Suburban General Electrical 168 Stuart St., Dunedin, C. 1 .. .. 203 Workers ENGINE-DRIVERS (see also Coal-mine and Gold-mine Workers; Flour-mill Employees; New Zealand Railways Employees). New Zealand .. 1813 New Zealand Engine-drivers, River Engineers, 15 Trades Hall, Wellington, C. 2 .. .. 837 Marine-engine Drivers, Greasers, Eiremen, and Assistants ENGINEER OFFICIALS. (See Local Bodies' Officers.) ENGINEERS AND ALLIED WORKERS. New Zealand .. 1827 New Zealand (except Northern Industrial Dis- Trades Hall, Christchureh, C. 1 .. .. 6,074 trict) Amalgamated Engineering and Related Trades Northern (Auckland) 1078 Northern Industrial District Engineering and 11 Trades Hall, Auckland, C. 1 .. .. 3 730 Related Trades 596 Auckland District Boilermakers, Iron - ship 18 H.B. Building, Newton, Auckland, C. 2 .. 214 Workers, and Bridge-builders 149 Auckland Iron and Brass Moulders .. .. 23 Harcourt St., Grey Lynn, Auckland, W. 2 174 779 Ohinemuri Branch of the Amalgamated Engi- Miners' Hall, Waihi .. .. .. 58 neering Union (including Electricians and Motor Mechanics) 1463 Auckland Metal-workers' Assistants .. .. 12a Tabernacle Buildings, Karangahape Rd., 505 Newton, Auckland, C. 2 Wellington .. 97 Wellington Iron and Brass Moulders.. .. Trades Hall, Wellington, C. 2 .. .. 53 930 Wellington Metal-workers' Assistants .. Trades Hall, Wellington, C. 2 .. .. 282 19 Wellington United Boilermakers, Iron and Steel Trades Hall, Wellington, C. 2 . . .. 104 Shij) and Bridge Builders Canterbury .. 107 Christchureh Iron and Brass Moulders .. Trades Hall, Christchureh, C. 1 .. .. 172 372 United Boilermakers, Iron and Steel Ship Trades Hall, Christchureh, C. 1 .. 70 Builders, of Canterbury Otago and Southland 703 Dunedin Canister Workers . . .. .. 168 Stuart St., Dunedin, C. 1 .. . . 40 80 Dunedin Iron and Brass Moulders . . . . Carroll St., Dunedin .. .. .. 212 1140 Green Island Iron-rolling Mills Employees .. 168 Stuart St., Dunedin, C. 1 .. .. 35 197 Otago Metal-workers' Assistants .. .. 168 Stuart St., Dunedin, C. 1 . . .. 266 102 United Boilermakers and Iron Ship-builders of 168 Stuart St., Dunedin, C. 1 .. .. 75 Otago ENGRAVERS. (See Jewellers and Watchmakers.) ENVELOPE-MAKERS. (See Printing-trade Employees.) FARM AND STATION EMPLOYEES. (See Rural Workers.) FELLMONGERS. (See Curriers, Tanners, &c.) FELT-HATTERS. Northern (Auckland) 1494 Auckland Hatters .. .. .. 45 Anglesea St., Ponsonby, Auckland, C. 2 .. 60 Wellington .. 1483 Wellington Eelt-hatters .. .. .. Trades Hall, Wellington, C. 2 .. .. 5 Otago and Southland 1012 Dunedin Eelt-hatters .. .. 37 Howe St., Dunedin, C. I .. .. 32 FENCERS. (See Rural Workers.) FERRY EMPLOYEES. Northern (Auckland) I 1130 I Devonport Ferry Co.'s Employees .. .. [ 317 Pacific Buildings, Wellesley St., Auckland, I 114 I I I C. 1 FERTILIZER-WORKERS. (See Chemical Manure, &c.) FIRE-BRIGADESMEN. Northern (Auckland) 921 Auckland Fire Brigades'Employees .. .. 18 H.B. Buildings, Newton, Auckland, C. 2.. 55 Taranaki Wellington, 1811 Wellington, Taranaki, and Nelson Fire Brigades' Trades Hall, Wellington, C. 2 .. .. 60 and Nelson Employees Canterbury .. 1342 Christchureh Fire Brigades' Employees .. Trades Hall, Christchurch, C. 1 .. 50 Otago and Southland 1131 Dunedin Fire Brigades'Employees .. .. 168 Stuart St., Dunedin, C. I .. .. 38 FIREMEN AND CLEANERS. (See Engine-drivers; see also New Zealand. Railways Employees.)




t>„„ I I Number Industrial District. Name. Registered Office. J of Members. FISH-TRADE EMPLOYEES. Northern (Auckland) I 381 | Auckland Fish-trade Employees (other than 23 Torrance St., Epsom, Auckland .. 94 j Fishermen) Wellington .. I 1539 ! Wellington Fishworkers .. .. .. j Trades Hall, Wellington, C. 2 .. .. 25 Otago and Southland j 1474 ""Southland Oyster Trades Employees.. .. Shannon St., Bluff .. .. ,, 81 FLAXMILL EMPLOYEES. Wellington .. I 540 I Manawatu Flaxmill and Flax Textile Employees I Avenue Rd., Foxton .. .. .. j 210 Otago and Southland I 1754 j Southland Flaxmill Employees .. .. I Trades Hall. Invercargill .. . . .. 40 FLOCK-WORKERS. (See Furniture-workers; also included in Rope and Twine Workers.) FLOUR-MILL EMPLOYEES. Northern (Auckland) 183 Auckland United Flour-mill Employees .. 45 Anglesea St., Ponsonby, Auckland, W. 1 ' 100 Wellington .. 1719 Wellington Industrial District Flour-mills Em- 12 Russell St., Feilding .. .. .. 14 ployees Canterbury .. 1180 Tiinaru United Millers and Flour-mill Employees Forresters Buildings, George St., Timaru .. 52 174 Canterbury United Flour-mill Employees . . 47 Albany St., Christchurch, N. 1 .. .. 117 Otago and Southland 1059 Oamaru Flour-mills Employees . . .. Mr. Wm. Couper's Room, Star and Garter 33 Buildings, Itchen St., Oamaru 1538 Dunedin Flour-mills. Employees .. .. 168 Stuart St., Dunedin, C. 1 .. .. 48 FOREMAN STEVEDORES AND TIME-KEEPERS. (See Waterside Employees.) FORESTRY WORKERS. (See Rural Workers.) FREEZING WORKERS. Northern (Auckland) 1479 Auckland Abattoir Assistants and United 305 Victoria Arcade, Shortland St., Auckland, 1,264 Freezing-works Employees C. 1 1408 Hellaby (R. and W.), Ltd., Westfield, Meat- The Works, Wcstficld .. .. .. 304 preserving Workers, Slaughterhouse Assistants, and Freezing-chamber Hands 1406 Gisborne District Freezing-works and Related Selwyn Hall, Derby St., Gisborne .. .. 374 Trades Employees 1404 Moerewa Freezing Workers.. .. .. Recreation Room, Mocrowa .. .. 198 Taranaki . . .. 1393 Taranaki Freezing-works and Related Trades Freezing Works, Waitara . . .. 318 Employees 1465 Taranaki Bacon-workers . . .. 58 Argyle St., Hawera .. .. .. 26 Wellington and Marl- 1887 •(•Wellington and Marlborough Freezing Works Trades Hall, Wellington borough and Related Trades Employees 1391 Waingawa Freezing-works Labourers .. 70 Church St., Mastcrton.. .. .. 191 1079 * Wellington Freezing-works and Related Trades 23 Trades Hall, Wellington, C. 2 .. .. 3,075 Employees 1459 Wellington Bacon-workers .. .. .. .Tohnsonville, Wellington . . .. 56 Marlborough .. 1410 *Picton Freezing Workers . . .. . . Literary Institute, High St., Picton .. 96 Nelson . . 1648 Nelson Freezing-works and Related Trades The Beacon, Queens' Drive, Nelson .. 40 Employees Canterbury .. 747 Canterbury Freezing-works and Related Trades Room 7, Trades Hall, Christchurch, C. 1 .. 2,170 Employees Otago and Southland 599 Otago and Southland Freezing - works and Short St., Green Island, Dunedin, S.W. 2 .. 1,730 Related Trades Employees FREEZING CLERICAL OFFICERS. (See Clerical Workers.) FRONT-OF-HOUSE EMPLOYEES. (See Theatres, &c., Employees.) FRUIT-PRESERVING. (See Grocers' Sundries Manufacturing Employees.) FUR-WORKERS. (See Clothing-trade Employees.) FURNITURE-TRADE EMPLOYEES. Northern (Auckland) 910 Auckland United Furniture and Related Trades 302 Victoria Arcade, Shortland St., Auckland, 1 021 C. 1 Taranaki .. .. 1330 Taranaki Federated Furniture Trades .. Devon St., New Plymouth .. .. 25 Wellington, Marl- 1823 Wellington, Nelson, and Marlborough Federated Trades Hall, Wellington, C. 2 .. .. 810 borough and Nelson Furniture and Related Trades Westland.. .. 1630 Greymouth Federated Furniture and Related Lyceum Hall, Greymouth .. .. 12 Trades Canterbury .. 1083 Christchurch Federated Furniture and Related Room 13, Trades Hall, Christchurch, C. 1 .. 421 Trades Otago and Southland 84 Dunedin Federated Furniture and Related Trades 33 Fortune St., Dalmore, Dunedin .. 279 411 Southland Federated Furniture Trades .. Allen's Hall, Kelvin St., Invercargill .. 100 GAR AGE-WORKERS. (Included in Engineers, &c.) GARDENERS. (Also included in Labourers.) Northern (Auckland) 1856 Auckland Gardeners, Gardeners' Labourers, and 12 Ruskin St., Parnell, Auckland, C. 4 .. 248 Green-keepers Canterbury .. 300 Christchurch Gardeners .. .. .. Trades Hall, Christchurch, C. 1 .. .. 120 * Cancelled subsequent to 81st December, 1930. t Registered subsequent to 31st December, 1939.



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Industrial District. | Name. lteglstered Office. i Numbei ! | ;Members. GASFITTERS. (See Plumbers, &o.) GASWORKS EMPLOYEES. New Zealand .. J 1761 I New Zealand Gasworks and Related Trades' j 1 Tabernacle Buildings, Karangahape Rd., | 1,075 | [ Employees | Auckland, C. 2 GLASS WORKERS. Northern (Auckland) I 1755 | Auckland Glass-works Employees .. .. | 55 Howo St., Auckland, C. 2 .. .. j 159 GLUE-WORKERS. (Included in Freezing Workers, Canterbury District.) GOLD DREDGE AND GOLD-MINE WORKERS. (See Coal-mine and Gold-mine Workers.) GROCERS AND GROCERS' SHOP MANAGERS. (See Shop-assistants ) GROCERS' SUNDRIES MANUFACTURING EMPLOYEES. Northern (Auckland) 1548 Auckland Fruit and Vegetable Preserving and 307 Pacific Buildings, Wellesley St. East, 272 Canning, Condiments, and Related Products Auckland, C. 1 Manufacturing Employees 1588 Auckland Drug Factories Employees .. 110 Pacific Buildings, Wellesley St. East, 55 Auckland Wellington and Can- 1863 Wellington and Canterbury Grocers' Sundries, Trades Hall, Wellington .. .. .. 201 terbury Chemical, and Related Products Factory Employees Nelson .. .. 1369 Nelson Fruit and Vegetable Canning, Jam- 21 Shakespeare Walk, Nelson .. .. 98 • factory, and Related Workers Otago and Southland 1837 Otago and Southland Manufacturing Chemists, 168 Stuart St., Duncdin .. .. .. 149 Preserved Foods, Jam, and Starch Factories Employees GUM-DIGGERS. (See Rural Workers.) HAIRDRESSERS. (See Shop-assistants.) HARBOUR EOARD EMPLOYEES. New Zealand .. | 1660 [ New Zealand Harbour Boards Employees .. | 152-160 Wakefield St., Wellington .. | 1,689 HARNESS-MAKERS. (See Saddlery-workers.) HARVEST HANDS. (See Rural Workers.) HATTERS. (See Felt-hatters.) HERD-TESTERS. Northern (Auckland) I 1686 [ Auckland Herd-testers .. .. .. ! 19 Cook St., Hamilton East .. .. I 98 Wellington .. I 1803 ! Wellington Herd-testers .. .. .. Baring St., Bunnythorpe .. .. | 30 HOP-GARDEN EMPLOYEES. (See Rural Workers.) HOSIERY-FACTORY EMPLOYEES. (See Woollen-mills Employees.) HOTEL AND RESTAURANT EMPLOYEES. Northern (Auckland) 688 Auckland Hotel, Restaurant, and Related Trades 615 Cooke's Buildings, Queen St., Auckland 5,140 Employees Taranaki .. .. 1214 Taranaki Hotel, Restaurant, and Related Trades Egmont Chambers, Egmont St., New Plymouth 450 Employees Wellington .. 218 Wellington District Hotel, Restaurant, and 2 Edward Street, Wellington, C. 1.. .. 4,733 Related Trades Employees Marlborough .. 1271 Marlborough Hotel, Restaurant, and Related 5 Bank of New Zealand Building, Blenheim 145 Trades Employees (Secretary: R. A. Brooks, 241a Manchester St., Christchurch) Nelson .. .. 1265 Nelson Hotel, Restaurant, and Related Trades' Fleming's Buildings, Hardy St., Nelson (Secre- 200 Employees tary: R. A. Brooks, 241a Manchester St., Christchurch) Westland .. 1228 Westland Hotel, Restaurant, and Related Trades' Room 9, Jubilee Buildings, Mackay St., Grey- 480 Employees mouth (Secretary: R. A. Brooks, 241a Manchester St., Christchurch) Canterbury .. 652 Canterbury Hotel, Restaurant, and Related 241a Manchester St., Christchurch.. .. 2,114 Trades' Employees Otago and Southland 675 Otago Hotel, Restaurant, and Related Trades' 374 Princes St., Dunedin .. .. 1,256 Employees 1295 Southland Hotel, Restaurant, and Related Holloway's Buildings, 54 Esk St., Invercargill 455 Trades Employees (Secretary : R. A. Brooks, 241a Manchester St., Christchurch) HOUSE-OF-ENTERTAINMENT EMPLOYEES. (See Theatres, &c., Employees.) ICE-CREAM WORKERS. Wellington .. | 1565 | Wellington Ice-cream and Related Trades .. | Trades Hall, Wellington, C. 2 .. .. | 20




Ufiff Number Industrial District. w =' Name. Registered Office. of j | Members INSPECTORIAL (MUNICIPAL), (OTHER THAN TRAMWAY) EMPLOYEES. (See Local Bodies' Officers.) INSPECTORS (TRAMWAY). (See Tramway Employees.) INSURANCE COMPANIES' EMPLOYEES. (See Clerical Workers.) IRON AND BRASS MOULDERS. (See Engineers, He.) IRON AND STEEL SHIP BUILDERS. (See Engineers, &c.) IRON-ROLLING MILLS EMPLOYEES. (See Engineers, &c.) JAM-FACTORY WORKERS. (See Grocers' Sundries Manufacturing Employees.) JEWELLERS AND WATCHMAKERS. Northern (Auckland) 1609 Auckland Manufacturing Jewellers, Watch- 75 Wellpark Avenue, Grey Lynn, Auckland, 48 makers, and Opticians' Employees W. 2 Wellington .. 1529 Wellington Jewellers, Watchmakers, and Related Trades Hall, Wellington, C. 2 .. .. 59 Trades Canterbury .. 1694 Christchurch Jewellers, Watchmakers, and Trades Hall, Christchurch, C. 1 .. 17 Engravers Otago and Southland 1563 Dunedin Watchmakers, Jewellers, and Related 168 Stuart St., Dunedin, C. 1 .. .. 23 Trades JOINERS AND JOINERS' MACHINISTS. (See Carpenters, &c.) JOURNALISTS. Northern (Auckland) 853 Auckland Journalists .. .. .. 505 Cooke's Building, Queen St., Auckland, C. 1 146 (P.O. Box 1020) Taranaki .. 1485 Taranaki Journalists .. .. .. Broadway Buildings, Stratford .. .. 27 Wellington .. .. 1023 Wellington Journalists .. .. .. 105 Customhouse Quay, Wellington .. 147 Nelson .. .. 1658 Nelson Journalists .. .. .. 127 Tasman St., Nelson .. .. .. 9 Westland .. 1663 Greymouth Journalists . . .. .. Coates' Buildings, Maekay St., Greymouth .. 12 Canterbury .. 857 Christchurch Journalists .. .. .. 153 Hereford St., Christchurch, C. 1 .. 93 Otago and Southland 854 Dunedin Journalists .. .. .. 150 Rattray St., Dunedin, C. 1 .. 71 LABOURERS (AGRICULTURAL AND PASTORAL). (See Rural Workers.) LABOURERS (MISCELLANEOUS). Northern (Auckland) 825 Auckland and Suburban Local Bodies'Labourers 19 Tabernacle Buildings, Newton, Auckland, 1,820 and Related Trades C. 2 871 Auckland District Labourers and Related Trades Union Bank Building, corner of East St. and 1,500 Karangahape Rd., Auckland, C. 2 777 Poverty Bay General Labourers and Related 69 Peel Street, Gisborne .. .. .. 563 Trades Taranaki .. .. 811 Taranaki Labourers and Related Trades .. Workers' Social Hall, 61 St. Aubyn St., New 550 Plymouth Wellington, Nelson, 1173 Wanganui Municipal Labourers .. .. 34 Patapu St., Wanganui East .. .. 130 and Westland 1872 Wellington, Nelson, and Westland Local Bodies' Trades Hall, Wellington, C. 2 .. .. 4,000 other Labourers, and Related Trades Marlborough .. 1667 Blenheim Labourers and Related Trades .. Room 5, Bank of New Zealand Buildings, 203 Blenheim Canterbury .. 176 Canterbury Builders'and Genera] Labourers and Trades Hall, Christchurch, C. 1 .. .. 2,858 Related Workers Otago and Southland 903 Dunedin and Suburban Operative Licensed 369 Macandrew Rd., Dunedin, S.W. 1 .. 25 Drainers 507 Otago Labourers and Related Trades .. 292 Moray Place, Dunedin, C. 1 .. .. 1,484 1492 Southland Labourers and Related Trades .. Trades Hall, Invercargill .. .. 500 LACQUER WORKERS. (See Paint and Varnish Manufacturers' Employees.) LAUNDRY EMPLOYEES. Northern (Auckland) 1520 Auckland Laundry Workers, Dyers, and Dry 21 Academy Building, Upper Queen St., Auck- 450 Cleaners land, C. 1 Wellington .. 1469 Wellington Laundry Workers, Dyers, and Dry Trades Hall, Wellington, C. 2 (Secretary: 15 400 Cleaners Thane Rd., Wellington Nelson .. .. 1700 Nelson Laundry Workers, Dry Cleaners, and Fleming's Buildings, Hardy St., Nelson .. 7 Pressers Canterbury .. 1710 Christchurch Laundry Workers, Dyers, and Dry Trades Hall, Christehuroh .. 140 Cleaners Otago and Southland 1560 Dunedin Laundry Employees .. .. 168 Stuart St., Dunedin, C. 1 .. .. 90 LAW PRACTITIONERS' EMPLOYEES. (See Clerical Workers.) LEADLIGHT WORKERS. (See Painters.) LIME AND CEMENT WORKERS (also included in Labourers). Northern (Auckland) 1535 Wilsons (N.Z.) Portland Cement, Ltd., Employees Portland, Whangarei .. .. .. 259 Nelson .. .. 1145 Golden Bay Cement Co.'s Employees .. Pohara, Tarakohe .. .. .. 73 Otago and Southland 1176 Otago and Southland Lime and Cement Em- 168 Stuart St., Dunedin, C. 1 .. .. 351 ployeea LINESMEN AND LINESMEN'S ASSISTANTS. (Included in .Electricians; also in Engineers.) LINOTYPE MECHANICS. (Included in Printing-trade Employees.)




Industrial District. | Name. I Registered Office. Number | | Members. LITHOGRAPHERS. (See Printing-trade Employees.) LOCAL BODIES' EMPLOYEES. (See Labourers; see also Tramway Employees.) LOCAL BODIES' OFFICERS. Northern (Auckland) 1680 Auckland Provincial District Local Authorities' j National Bank Building, corner of Queen and 1,011 Officers j Rutland Sts., Auckland Taranaki .. .. 1726 Taranaki Local Authorities' Officers .. .. j Commercial Bank Building, Devon St., New 108 Plymouth Wellington .. 1661 Wellington Local Bodies' Officers .. .. Southern Cross Building, Brandon St., Wei- 935 lington Marlborough .. 1814 ! Marlborough Local Bodies' Officers .. Public Trust Building, Queen St., Blenheim 12 Nelson .. . . 1721 Nelson Local Bodies' Officers .. 63 Wellington St., Nelson .. .. 30 Canterbury .. 1820 Canterbury Local Bodies' Officers (other than 196 Cashel St., Christchurch, C. 1 .. .. 165 Clerical) Otago and Southland 1506 Dunedin City Corporation and Dunedin Drain- 7 Angle Avenue, Anderson's Bay, Dunedin, 29 age and Sewerage Board Engineer Officials E. 1 1501 Dunedin Municipal Clerical and other Employees 45 Fitzroy St., Cavershain, Dunedin, S.W. 1 225 (other than Inspectors) 1889 *Dunedin City Council and Dunedin Drainage and 168 Stuart St., Dunedin Sewerage Board Inspectors (other than Tramway Inspectors) MALTSTERS. (See Brewers, &c.) MANURE-WORKERS. (See Chemical Manure, &c., Workers ; also included in Freezing Workers.) MASONS. (See Stonemasons.) MATCH-FACTORY EMPLOYEES. Wellington .. 1591 Wellington Match-manufacturing Employees .. I Trades Hall, Wellington, C. 2 .. .. | 60 Otago and Southland ) 1165 | Dunedin Wax-vesta Employees .. ..I 206 Princes St., Dunedin, C. 1 .. .. | 41 MEAT-PRESERVING WORKERS. (See Freezing Workers.) MERCHANT-SERVICE EMPLOYEES. New Zealand .. | 1720 | New Zealand Merchant Service Guild .. | 109 Customhouse Quay, Wellington .. ) 490 METAL WORKERS' ASSISTANTS. (See Engineers.) MILK-CONDENSING EMPLOYEES. (Sec Creameries, &c.) MILK ROUNDSMEN. (Included in Dairy Employees; refer to Creameries, &c.) MILLERS. (See Flour-mill Employees.) MILLINERS. (Included in Clothing-trade Employees.) MINERS. (See Coal-mine and Gold-mine Workers.) MONUMENTAL WORKERS. (See Stonemasons.) MOTION-PICTURE PROJECTIONISTS. (See Theatre, &c., Employees.) MOTOR MECHANICS. (See Engineers, &e.) MOULDERS. (See Engineers, &c.) MUNICIPAL LABOURERS. (See Labourers.) MUSICIANS. (See Theatres, &c., Employees.) MUSTERERS, PACKERS, AND DROVERS. (See Rural Workers.) NEW ZEALAND RAILWAYS EMPLOYEES. New Zealand .. 710 Amalgamated Society of Railway Servants .. I 23 Aitken St., Wellington .. .. 13,000 1217 j Engine-drivers, Firemen, and Cleaners' Asso- j 44 Sydney St. East, Wellington, N. 1 .. 2'250 ciation 1325 I New Zealand Railway Tradesmen's Association 1 A.M.P. Buildings, Wellington .. .. 1,975 OFFICE EMPLOYEES. (See Clerical Workers.) OIL-STORES EMPLOYEES. (Included in Storemen, &c.) OMNIBUS-DRIVERS (MUNICIPAL). (See Tramway Employees.) OPTICAL EMPLOYEES. (See also Jewellers, &c.) Wellington .. 1551 Wellington Optical Employees .. .. I 48 Willis St., Wellington .. .. .. 40 Canterbury . . 1592 Christchurch Optical Employees .. . . 561 Colombo St., Christchurch .. .. 23 Otago and Southland 1709 Otago and Southland Optical Employees .. I Care of Hugh and G. K. Neill, 93 George St 14 I Dunedin, C. 1 •llegistered subsequent to 31st December, 1939.




Industrial District. Name. Registered Office. of Members ORCHARD-WORKERS. (See Rural Workers.) OYSTER-OPENERS. (See Fish-trade Employees.) PACKHORSE-MEN. (See Rural Workers.) PAINT AND VARNISH MANUFACTURERS' EMPLOYEES. Northern (Auckland) 1572 Auckland Paint and Varnish Manufacturers' 406 Pacific Buildings, Wellesley St., Auckland. 42 Employees C. 1 Wellington .. 1517 Wellington Paint, Varnish, Lacquer, and Related Trades Hall, Wellington, C. 2 .. .. 140 Products Manufacturers' Employee^ Otago and Southland 1595 Duncdin Paint and Varnish Manufacturing 23 Douglas Tee., N.E. Valley, Dunedin .. 22 Employees PAINTERS AND DECORATORS. Northern (Auckland) 108 Auckland Painters and Decorators .. .. 317 Pacific Buildings, Wellesley St Auck- 934 land, C. 1 Taranaki.. .. 1312 Taranaki Amalgamated Society of Painters, 119 Powderham St., New Plymouth .. 102 Decorators, and Leadlight Workers Wellington .. 1433 Hawke's Bay Amalgamated Society of Painters 75 Nelson Crescent, Napier .. 98 and Decorators 258 Wanganui Society of Painters and Decorators.. 51 Campbell St., Wanganui .. .. 70 129 Wellington Amalgamated Society of Painters, Trades Hall, Wellington, C. 2 . . . ] 797 Decorators, Display and Poster Artists Marlborough .. 1484 Marlborough Painters and Decorators .. Room 5, Bank of New Zealand Building 31 Blenheim (P.O. Box 166) Nelson .. .. 445 Nelson Painters .. .. .. .. 259 Hardy St., Nelson .. .. . 38 Canterbury .. 81 Christchurch Painters .. .. .. Trades Hall, Christchurch, C. I '. 386 481 Timaru Society of Painters and Decorators .. George St., Timaru .. .. 42 Otago and Southland 93 Dunedin Painters .. .. .. .. 23 Douglas Tee., N.E. Valley, Dunedin !' 182 1037 Oamaru Painters .. .. .. .. 14a Clyde St., Oamaru .. . . . . 12 784 Southland Painters .. .. .. Allen's Hall, Kelvin St., Invercargill, (P.O. 40 Box 141) PAPER-BAG MAKERS. (See Printing-trade Employees.) PAPER-MILLS EMPLOYEES. Northern (Auckland) I 1877 I Whakatane District Paper-mill Employees .. I 14 Hinemoa St., Whakatane [ 107 Otago and Southland I 1158 | Dunedin Paper-mills Employees ... | Trades Hall, Esk St., Invercargill .M 160 PASTORAL LABOURERS. (See Rural Workers.) PERFORMING MUSICIANS. (See Theatres, &c., Employees.) PHOTO-ENGRAVERS. New Zealand .. 1888 fNew Zealand Photo-engravers .. .. Trades Hall, Wellington Northern (Auckland) 1782 * Auckland Photo-engravers .. .. .. ISFormby Rd., Point Chevalier, Auckland W3 "43 Wellington .. 1783 ""Wellington Photo-engravers .. .. 15 Trades Hall, Wellington, C. 2 ' 51 Canterbury .. 1784 *Christchuroh Photo-engravers .. .. 231 Colombo Street, Christchurch " 15 Otago and Southland 1785 *Dunedin Plioto-engravers .. .. .. 12 Hislop St., Liberton, Dunedin . . !! 11 PICTURE-THEATRE EMPLOYEES. (See Theatres, &c., Employees.) PIPE-MAKERS. (See Brick, Tile, &e,, Workers; also included in Labourers.) PIPE-MAKERS (CONCRETE). (Included in Labourers.) PLASTERERS. Northern (Auckland) 635 Auckland Plasterers and Related Trades .. 307 Pacific Buldings, Wellesley St. East 350 Auckland, C. 1 * ' Taranaki.. 1699 Taranaki Plasterers .. .. .. Workers' Hall, Courtenay St., New Plymouth 15 Wellington, Marl- 1829 Wellington, Marlborough, and Nelson Plasterers Trades Hall, Wellington C. 2 •«() borough and Nelson and Related Trades Canterbury 123 Christchurch Plasterers .. .. ... 3 Trades Hall, Christchuroh, C. 1 .. 164 Otago and Southland 216 Otago Operative Plasterers.. .. .. 168 Stuart St., Dunedin, C. 1 . . .. 120 PLUMBERS AND GASFITTERS. New Zealand .. 1817 New Zealand (except Westland) Plumbers, Gas- Trades Hall, Wellington C 2 1 -tno fitters, and Related Trades Westland.. .. 1533 Westland Plumbers and Gasfitters .. .. Thompson St., Grey mouth .. 21 PORK-BUTCHERS. (Included in Butchers ; refer to Shop-assistants.) POTTERY WORKERS. (See Brick, Tile, &c., Workers; also included in Labourers.) POWER-HOUSE EMPLOYEES (MUNICIPAL). (See Tramway Employees.) PRESSERS. (See Clothing-trade Employees.) * Cancelled subsequent to 31st December, 1939. + Registered subsequent to 31sfc December, 1939.




Industrial District. Name t> i * j I Number No. name. Registered Office. of — 'Members. PRINTING-TRADE EMPLOYEES. New Zealand .. 1862 j New Zealand (except Westland and Otago and Trades Hall, Wellington, C 2 12 449 Southland Industrial Districts) Printing and " " ! Related Trades Northern (Auckland) 1108 Auckland City Female Printing and Related 110 Pacific Building, Wellesley St. East : 370 J-racles Auckland Wellington .. 1174 *Wellington Female Printers' Assistants .. 31 Duncan Terrace Wellington on Westland.. .. 1250 Westland Printing Trades fo2 High St Grevmouth g " " i d Otago and Southland 267 Otago Box-workers 206 Princes St., Dunedin, C 1 " " 81 315 Southland Printing and Related Trades .. Trades Hall, Esk St., Invercargill " 1717 Otago Printing and Related Trades .. .. 23 Douglas Tee., N.E. Valley, Dunedin I.' 380 PRIVATE-HOTEL EMPLOYEES. (See Hotel Employees.) QUARRY-WORKERS. (See Labourers.) RACING-STABLE HANDS. Canterbury .. i 1812 | Canterbury Racing and Trotting Stable Hands | 3 Trades Hall, Christohurch, C. 1 .. | 75 RAILWAY EMPLOYEES. (See New Zealand Railways Employees.) RANGE-WORKERS. (Included in Engineers, &c.) RIVER ENGINEERS. (See Engine-drivers.) ROAD-MAINTENANCE WORKERS. (Sec Rural Workers.) ROOF-TILERS. (See Tilers and Slaters.) ROPE AND TWINE WORKERS. Northern (Auckland) 1246 Auckland Rope and Twine Workers .. .. I Union Bank Buildings, Karangahape Rd„ 66 n i. u ™ • 1 * -rt Auckland, 0. 2 Canterbury 1201 Christchurch Rope IVine, and Flock Makers .. Trades Hall. Christchurch, C. 1. SI Otago and Southland 1038 I Dunedin Rope and Twine Spinners .. .. I 168 Stuart St., Dunedin, C. 1 .. " 44 RUBBER-WORKERS. Northern (Auckland) 1556 Auckland Rubber Workers I La Tabernacle Building, Karangahape Rd„ 138 n i i. , ™ „ Auckland, C. 2 Canterbury .. 1873 Christohurch Rubber Workers .. .. | 7 Trades Hall, Christchurch .. .. 30 RULERS (PAPER). (See Printing-trade Employees.) RURAL WORKERS. New Zealand .. | 1616 | New Zealand Workers .. .. .. I 101-103 Vivian St., Wellington .. ..128,36 SADDLERY AND HARNESS WORKERS. Northern (Auckland) 150 Auckland Saddlers, CoUar-makers, Bag-makers", 90 Peary Rd., Mount Eden, Auckland S2 170 - • Sailmakers, and Related Trades f. . Taranaki Wellington, 1871 Wellington, Taranaki, and Nelson Saddlers, Bag- 420 Broadway, Miramar, Wellington, E 4 80 ( an( i Nelson makers, Canvas-workers, and Related Trades ' '' j Canterbury 223 Christchurch Saddlery, Bag and Canvas Workers Trades Hall, Christchurch, C, 1 91 Otago and Southland 182 Otago and Southland Saddle-makers, Harness- 40 Orbell St., Dalmore Dunedin " [''"45 makers, Collar-makers, Bag-makers, Cover- ' makers, and Bridle-cutters SAIL, TENT, AND CANVAS-GOODS WORKERS. (See Saddlery.) SANITARY-PIPE MAKERS. (See Brick, Tile, &c., Workers; also included in Labourers.) SAUCE AND CONDIMENT MAKERS. (See Grocers' Sundries Manufacturing Employees.) SAWMILLERS. (See Timber-yard and Sawmill Employees.) SEAMEN AND FIREMEN. Northern (Auckland) I 1297 Auckland Federated Seamen's .. .. Gladstone Buildinm ftimv Wellington ..1305 Wellington Federated Seamen's .. " 157 FeZerston St w£ton " Otago and Southland I 1298 Dunedin Federated Seamen's .. .. Crawford St., Dunedin & | '534 SHEARERS AND SHED-HANDS. (See Rural Workers.) SHEET-METAL WORKERS. (Included in Engineers, &c.) SHEPHERDS. (See Rural Workers.) SHIP-BUILDERS (IRON AND STEEL). (See Engineers.) SHIPPING OFFICERS (CLERKS, OFFICE WORKERS, ETC.). (See Clerical Workers.) SHIPWRIGHTS. (See also Carpenters and Joiners.) Northern (Auckland) 494 Auckland Ship, Yacht, and Boat Builders . . 317 Pacific Building, Wellesley St., Auckland, 132 ' m W Sfcd H ?£ta n i&," d mh °" Sh "" 8l'r<rtata Bd., Micamar, Wellington, E. 4 .. „ Otago and Southland 1028 Dunedin and Port Chalmers United Shipwrights Carey's Bay, Port Chalmers .. , l0 * Cancelled subsequent to 31st December, 1939.




I Number Industrial District. v?*' Name. Registered Office. of ; Members. SHIRT, WHITE, AND SILK WORKERS. (Included in Clothing-trade Employees.) SHOP-ASSISTANTS. Northern (Auckland) 152 Auckland Butchers .. .. .. 305 Victoria Arcade, Shortland St., Auckland, 721 C. 1 314 Auckland Grocers'Assistants .. .. 22 Swanson St., Auckland, C. I .. .. 1,431 501 Auckland Hairdressers'Assistants .. .. 18 H.B. Buildings, Newton, Auckland, C. 2.. 302 1082 Auckland Retail Chemists' Employees .. 22 Swanson St., Auckland, C. 1 .. 85 1100 Auckland Amalgamated Society of Shop-assist- 22 Swanson St., Auckland, C. 1 .. .. 4,319 ants (other than Butchers', Grocers', Hairdressers', and Chemists' Assistants) 1275 Gisborne Grocers' and other Shop-assistants .. 128 Ballance St., Gisborne .. .. 312 Taranaki .. • ■ 11.22 Taranaki Amalgamated Society of Shop-assist- Devon St., New Plymouth .. .. 600 ants (other than Butchers' Assistants) 1834 Taranaki Hairdressers', Hairworkers', and Wig- Room 3, 212 Lambton Quay, Wellington, C. 1 32 makers' Assistants Wellington .. 1502 Wellington Amalgamated Society of Shop-assist- Trades Hall, Wellington, C. 2 .. .. 4,833 ants (other than Hairdressers' Assistants) 915 Wellington Hairdressers', Hairworkers', and Wig- Room 3, 212 Lambton Quay, Wellington, C. 1 521 makers' Assistants Marlborough .. 1624 Blenheim Amalgamated Society of Shop- Room 5, Bank of New Zealand Buildings, 165 assistants Blenheim Nelson .. .. 1178 Nelson Grocers'Assistants .. .. .. 99 Bridge St., Nelson .. .. .. 91 1499 Nelson Shop-assistants .. .. .. Edwards' Buildings, Trafalgar St., Nelson .. 220 1639 Nelson Operative Butchers .. .. . . Flemings'® Buildings, Hardy St., Nelson .. 54 Westland . . . • 1164 Westland Retail Shop-assistants .. .. Lyceum Hall, Guinness St., Greymouth .. 372 Canterbury .. 274 Canterbury Grocers' Assistants .. .. Trades Hall, Christchurch, C. 1. .. .. 445 236 Christchurch Hairdressers and Tobacconists' 15 Trades Hall, Christchurch, C. 1 .. 215 Assistants 193 Christchurch Operative Butchers .. .. Trades Hall, Christchurch, 0. 1. .. .. 328 916 Canterbury Retail Shop-assistants (other than 8 Trades Hall, Christchurch, C. 1 .. .. 2,322 Grocers', Tobacconists', and Hairdressers' Assistants) Otago and Southland 221 Dunedin and Suburban Operative Butchers .. Returned Soldiers' Club-room, Moray Place, 207 Dunedin, C. 1 1098 Dunedin Retail Chemists' Assistants.. .. 168 Stuart St., Dunedin, C. 1 . . .. 40 1167 Invereargill Retail Grocers' Assistants .. Majestic Buildings, Dee St., Invercargill .. 133 1160 Oamaru Grocers' Assistants .. .. 367 Thames Highway, Oamaru .. .. 38 1359 Otago and Southland Amalgamated Society of 266 Moray Place, Dunedin, C. 1. .. .. 1,900 Shop-assistants (other than Grocers', Butchers', Chemists', Tobacconists', and Hairdressers' Assistants) 217 Otago Grocers' Assistants . . .. 22 Forth St., Dunedin .. .. . . 160 578 Otago and Southland Hairdressers' and Tobac- 266 Moray Place, Dunedin, C. 1 .. .. 138 conists' Assistants 225 Southland Operative Butchers .. .. Allen's Hall, Kelvin St., Invercargill .. 104 SLATERS. (See Tilers and Slaters.) SLAUGHTERMEN AND SLAUGHTERMEN'S ASSISTANTS. (See Freezing Workers.) SOAP-WORKERS. (See Curriers, Tanners, &c.; also included in Freezing Workers, Canterbury and Otago and Southland.) SPORTS-GOODS EMPLOYEES. Northern (Auckland) | 1670 I Auckland Sports-goods Employees .. .. 1 19 Shipherd's Avenue, Epsom, Auckland, S.E. II 31 Wellington .. i 1836 I Wellington Sports-goods Makers and Repairers.. | Trades Hall, Wellington, C. 2 .. .. I 12 STABLE-HANDS. (See Racing-stable Hands.) STAGE HANDS. (See Theatres, &c., Employees.) STATION EMPLOYEES. (See Rural Workers.) STEVEDORES. (See Waterside Employees.) STEWARDS. (See Cooks and Stewards.) STONEMASONS. New Zealand .. J 1788 | New Zealand Stonemasons .. .. .. i 161 Sandringham Rd., Auckland, S. 2 .. ) 250 STOREMEN AND PACKERS. Northern (Auckland) 1101 Auckland United Storemen and Packers (other 305 Pacific Buildings, Wellesley St., Auckland, 1,530 than in Retail Shops) and Warehouse Em- C. 1 ployees (other than Drivers and Clerks) Taranaki .. .. 1200 New Plymouth United Storemen and Packers Devon St'., New Plymouth .. .. 55 (other than in Retail Shops) and Warehouse Employees (other than Drivers and Clerks) Taranaki and Wei- 1797 Wellington and Taranaki Cool-stores Employees 26 Epuni St., Wellington.. .. .. 75 lington Wellington .. 1323 Hawke's Bay Wholesale Storemen and Packers 177 Waghorne St., Napier .. .. 254 and Warehouse Employees (other than Drivers and Clerks) 773 Wellington United Warehouse and Bulk Store Trades Hall, Wellington .. .. .. 1,800 Employees (other than Drivers and Clerks) Marlborough .. 1163 Blenheim United Storemen's (other than Em- 10 Carvell St., Blenheim .. .. .. 40 ployees in Retail Grocery and Soft-goods Establishments) Nelson .. .. 1613 Nelson Storemen and Packers .. .. Room 4, H.B. Buildings, Trafalgar St., Nelson 40




■ra„ Number Industrial District. Name. Registered Office. of Members. STOREMEN AND PACKERS—continued. Canterbury .. j 1095 Christchurch Storemen and Packers (other than Room 15, Trades Hall, Christchurch, C. 1 .. 765 in Retail Shops) and Warehouse Employees (other than Drivers and Clerks) Otago and Southland 1403 Invercargill Wholesale Storemen and Packers Trades Hall, Esk St., Invercargill .. .. 200 and Warehouse Employees (other than Drivers and Clerks) 1179 Otago and Southland Wholesale Storemen and Third floor, Capitol Building, Princes St., 668 Packers Dunedin, C. 1 1822 Otago and Southland Cool-store Employees .. Henderson St., Bluff .. . . .. 14 SUGAR-WORKS EMPLOYEES. Northern (Auckland) 1168 Auckland Sugar-works Employees .. .. Balmain Rd., Birkenhead, Auckland, N. 5 .. 219 1799 Auckland Sugar - manufacturing Industry 2 Quay St., Auckland .. .. .. 28 Technical and Engineering Staff and Office Employees TAILORS AND TAILORESSES. (See Clothing-trade Employees.) TALLOW WORKERS. (Included in Freezing Workers.) TALLY CLERKS. (See also Waterside Employees.) Northern (Auckland) 830 Auckland Tallymen's .. .. .. Port Buildings, Quay St., Auckland .. | 152 Wellington .. 1818 Napier Ships' Tally Clerks .. .. .. Herschall St., Napier .. .. .. i 15 1134 Wellington City Ships' Tally Clerks .. . . 283 The Parade, Island Bay, Wellington, S. 2 72 Canterbury .. 1152 Lyttelton Ships'Tally Clerks .. .. Base of No. 3 Wharf, Lyttelton .. .. 59 1534 Timaru Waterside Tally Clerks .. .. Strathallan Hall, Timaru.. .. .. 12 Otago and Southland 1510 Dunedin and Port Chalmers Ships' Tally Clerks 72 Skibo St., Dunedin, S.W. 1 . . .. 50 TANNERS. (See Curriers, Tanners, &c.) TEA-ROOM EMPLOYEES. (Includod in Hotel Employees.) THEATRES AND PLACES OF AMUSEMENT EMPLOYEES. New Zealand .. 1794 New Zealand Musicians .. .. .. Trades Hall, Wellington, C. 2 .. .. 1,408 1805 New Zealand (except Northern, Nelson, and Room 3, Majestic Buildings, Willis Sts»et, 935 Westland) Theatrical and Places of Amuse- Wellington, C. 1 ment Employees Northern (Auckland) 1129 Auckland Houses of Entertainment and Places 406 Pacific Buildings, Wellesley St., Auckland, 1,120 of Amusement Employees C. 1 923 Auckland Motion-picture Projectionists .. 8 Parnell Road, Parnell, Auckland, C. 4 .. 132 715 Auckland Stage Employees.. .. .. 26 Westminster Rd., Mount Eden, Auckland, 40 S. 2 1729 Auckland Picture-theatre Managers, Assistant 204-205 Southern Cross Buildings, Chancery 16 Managers, and Publicity Men's St., Auckland, C. 1 Taranaki .. .. 1449 Taranaki Motion-picture Projectionists .. 19 Norman St., Vogeltown, New Plymouth.. 18 Wellington . . 1377 Wellington District Motion-picture Operators.. Trades Hall, Wellington .. .. .. 94 Nelson .. .. 1457 Nelson Motion-picture Projectionists.. .. 8 Brougham St., Nelson .. .. .. 6 1750 Nelson and Westland Picture-theatre Employees Fleming's Buildings, Hardy St., Nelson .. 58 Westland .. 1458 Westland Motion-picture Projectionists .. 36 Wakefield St., Westport .. .. 14 Canterbury .. 1440 Christchurcli Motion-picture Projectionists . . 479 Cashel St., Linwood, Christehurch, E. 1 40 5 Christchurch Stage Employees .. 9 Hulbert St., Linwood, Christchurch, E. 1 .. 30 Otago and Southland 1450 Dunedin Motion-pieturo Projectionists .. 81 Maclaggan St., Dunedin, C. 1 .. .. 30 711 Dunedin Stage Employees .. .. 10 Clyde St., Dunedin .. . . .. 18 942 Dunedin Theatrical and Shows Employees (other 168 Stuart St., Dunedin, C. 1 .. .. 201 than Stage Hands) THRESHING-MILL EMPLOYEES. (See Rural Workers.) TILES AND POTTERY WORKERS. (See Brick, Tile, &c., Workers; also included in Labourers.) TILERS AND SLATERS. Northern (Auckland) 1542 Auckland Roof Tilers and Slaters .. .. 195a Eden Terrace, Auckland, C. 3 .. 75 Wellington .. 1587 Wellington Tile-layers .. .. . . Trades Hall, Wellington, C. 2 (Secretary : 19 M. C. Russell, 55 Kauri St., Miramar) TIMBER-YARDS AND SAWMILL EMPLOYEES. New Zealand .. 1771 New Zealand Timber-workers .. .. Flemings Buildings, Hardy St., Nelson .. 8,117 Northern (Auckland) 444 Auckland Coopers.. .. .. .. 305 Pacific Buildings, Wellesley St., Auckland, 31 C. 1 TIMEKEEPERS AND FOREMEN (IN CONNECTION WITH WATERSIDE WORK). (See Waterside Employees.) TINSMITHS. (Included in Engineers.) TOBACCONISTS' ASSISTANTS. (See Shop-assistants.) TOBACCO-MANUFACTURERS' EMPLOYEES. Wellington ,. | 1530 | Wellington Tobacco Factory Employees .. | Trades Hall, Wellington, C. 2 .. .. | 516



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Industrial District. j Name. Kegiatorerl Office. , N ™ ber ' I Members. TOBACCO-PLANTATION WORKERS. (See Rural Workers.) TRAMWAY EMPLOYEES. New Zealand .. 1865 New Zealand Tramways Authorities Employees Trades Hall, Wellington .. .. .. 2,659 Northern (Auckland) 1652 Auckland Transport Board Inspectorial Staff .. Gaunt St. Depot, Auckland Transport Board ' 39 Auckland, C. 1. 1638 Auckland Transport Board's Maintenance Officers 15 Kipling Avenue, Epsom, Auckland, S.E. 3 34 Wellington .. 1500 Wellington Tramway Inspectors, Despatchers, 8 Rodrigo Rd., Wellington, E. 3 .. .. 30 and Depot Officers Otago and Southland 1094 Dunedin City Corporation Tramway Officials.. Electric-tram Sheds, Market St., Dunedin, C. 1 27 1181 Kaikorai Cable Tramway Employees .. Kaikorai Cable Tramway Co.'s Conductors' 28 Room, Dunedin TYPOGRAPHERS. (See Printing-trade Employees.) UNDER VIEWERS AND UNDERGROUND OFFICIALS. (See Coal-mine, &c., Employees.) UPHOLSTERERS AND UPHOLSTERESSES. (Included in Furniture Trade.) VARNISH-WORKERS. (See Paint and Varnish Manufacturers' Employees.) VEGETABLE-CANNING AND FRUIT-PRESERVING EMPLOYEES. (See Grocers' Sundries, &c„ Employees.) WAREHOUSE EMPLOYEES (OTHER THAN CLERKS AND DRIVERS.) (See Storemen, &c.) WATCHMAKERS. (See Jewellers and Watchmakers.) WATERSIDE EMPLOYEES, STEVEDORES, AND TIMEKEEPERS. New Zealand .. 1718 New Zealand Waterside Workers .. .. 152-160 Wakefield St., Wellington .. 6,133 Northern (Auckland) 1532 Auckland Assistant Stevedores, Foremen, and 15 Shaw St., Morningside, Auckland, S.W. 1 59 Timekeepers (in connection with Waterside Work) 1730 Auckland Receiving and Forwarding Wharf 5 Ferry Buildings, Quay St., Auckland .. 34 Foremen's and Assistant Foremen's Wellington .. 1519 Wellington Foreman Stevedores, Timekeepers, 93 Todman St., Brooklyn, Wellington .. 78 and Permanent Hands Canterbury . . 1524 Lyttelton Foreman Stevedores and Permanent 26 Brittan Tee., Lyttelton .. . . 45 Hands Otago and Southland 1692 Otago and Southland Shipping Foremen's and 43 Hawthorne Ave., Mornington, Dunedin, W. 1 26 Assistant Foremen's WAX-VESTA EMPLOYEES. (See Match-factory Workers.) WHEELWRIGHTS. (See Coachworkers.) WICKERWORKERS. (Included in Furniture-trade Employees.) WINE AND SPIRIT MERCHANTS' EMPLOYEES (BOTTLERS, ETC.). (See Brewers, &c.) WIRELESS OPERATORS (MARINE). Wellington .. 1640 ! Wellington Marine Wireless Operators .. | 50 Nottingham St., Karori, Wellington, W. 3 | 29 WOOD-CUTTERS. (See Rural Workers.) WOOL AND GRAIN STORES EMPLOYEES. (See Storemen; Labourers.) WOOLLEN-MILLS EMPLOYEES. Northern (Auckland) 1155 Auckland District Woollen-mills, Knitting-mills, 110 Pacific Buildings, Wellesley St., Auckland 201 and Hosiery-factories Employees Wellington .. 769 Wellington District Woollen-mills, Knitting- 70 Hawker St., Wellington, E. 1 .. .. 915 mills, and Hosiery-factories Employees Canterbury .. 266 Canterbury Woollen-mills, Knitting-mills, and Forester's Hall, Charles St. (Secretary : E. C. 685 Hosiery-factories Employees Harper, Willock St.), Kaiapoi Otago and Southland 776 Otago and Southland Woollen-mills and Hosiery- Ritchie's Buildings, 266 Moray Place, Dunedin, 1,252 factories Employees C. 1 WOOL-SCOURING. (See Freezing Workers.) Totals : Number of unions registered as at 31st December, 1939, 442 .. .. .. 254,664

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DEPARTMENT OF LABOUR (REPORT OF THE)., Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1940 Session I, H-11

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DEPARTMENT OF LABOUR (REPORT OF THE). Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1940 Session I, H-11

DEPARTMENT OF LABOUR (REPORT OF THE). Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1940 Session I, H-11

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